l9)irnnaS amm. a stout backbone, but surely he will " - 1 , consider the effect his present plior Tiie Official Par, Jr of Chowan I iaVe upon the rank and file of County. . the party, and listen to the leader?, I in behalf of i J v. lUUllt'UftiS H- nELL' Editor and Manage j which compose the democratic party. Price $1.50 Per Year, i We 9haU Uok aD;J btv for the best. Deliver at doora of c ty gabscribers. e3 THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. wj" .rom press, by. -s, without extrn Ihe JWitor disclaim1 ? ponsibilltrfor ti- Trw t: r statements of cc pondents-aud re l&'?ri?btt&n Vr tn "Visa or reject Advertising 3!. .. in the District. vr-v moderate.S rfci'.l Rate on I,. EOSNTON, February 17, 1893. CLEVELAND AND HIS CABINET. Wo hare fallen uj n rane event?, as well as id virpes f wonderful pro g Who, two v ago would liHve t bought, or prophesied that G'tsver C'evcand. without aur bsck fag -from the great t?tae of New York, won'd have succeeded in sc-cur'Bg the nomination, at the National Demo cratic Convention of io2, for the presideccv of the United Sr-i'es. aud Tbe Couoty Commissiones met in regular session Feb. 6th, 93. Full Board present. Minutes of last meet ing read and approved. Ordered that J. C. Warren bo re lieved of double and single tar on 1500 which amount was entered against him on property he did not OT7B. Tbat L. J. Dail be relieved of poll tax in 2Dd township, the game bein listed in 3rd township. Oraered that the following bills be paid : 1. W. Spruil $2 ibr care of Court tloos during January. Lewis Mercer $2 for carrying Al ex ot i'helobs acro the souod. J. H llo'mn'iMi r -to f r board of . ! -oner,, T. K. fees and wood for ffllil fPflAfttiinrr tliAl I... i,, 1 .J I - . , iuui. ijc nuuui ai-O SUCCeea 1U SeCUf ing his election to that great, rt.-e, uu ucor wc sen e uow-i 10 toe B. H Miller 12 for care of Bet i I tUir."e are siaruea tDe aews Konch, 1 yr. slices &a lor iae. that President Harrison, a bitter par L. W. Parker $1.85 for witness tisan repub.ican, has appointed a t-oket. states rights democrat to the va- t n n.,.r. i 4 n cancy, cr-iea on tt-.e bupreme Court iRrm rv wn . , A , , . - . . t5 . - tt j t? . , lanu.ry n.l 1 day sclerktobd. Bench ofihe Uaited States, bv the n ruromi; r ,11 K.r.i,. , , r ' . , O.NewmioS2.5o for pair blank later si ill by the news that Pi eaident meet uicveiana nad named for Ut most important portfolio in his Cab inet Judge Walter Q. GresVaia, a life long republican, and a former is (arranted the Best in the Wor -i f Is more Waterproof, Mm Is Stronger, and wiii Whar Longer liaanro&er goaJi rmcufactured. Ask tor tt " PIU SIAN;" tmke no oCbc. LC. ZJRCKa & BR0,Mt, BtttJnw,. 1 19m m Sanner Bros, Wholesale Commission Merchant? for the eaie of lesh THE tms B?& 3 1 p a I, n ?j m J G5j er.s lor jail. Z. V. Evan9 48.64 far 2 rnontha H0pt!ie8 tc poor house Tames Sprmll $2.10 for witness ticket. Ordered that E. J. Bond he grant - . . . j. . ij'iiiu rc "ram - Cabinet office:' 'indor a rerjublican j 1: n . ..... . . rtPuu,"n ed license to sell liquor in nu-.nti- i- r-. c hoil I . . t, , ;t. f J7 !sies.- th.vu ftve gallons on Chea.. only the lact that voted for Mr. ,1 r t t p, t , . U1 ' l- Md from Jit 1st to Juno 3lt. "93. Cleveland m the lust eieciioa to corns nHpMH ti.ot p m.i. j- ... . , Uiaert?d that P. Matliewcj be aud in mend h'm. as of the democratic . j 1 . 7, r , hereby appointed special purveyor to household. Trulv the narab'e of t ie 11 . . w- , . , . " .7- j 1 urvey land eutero! by Mis. Jno. A vineyard has been venfied.-and he ol Vooro in 4th township, the eleventh hour Las received a re- r he Sherff waa iven u; , ward equal if not greater than those me in M to wte Co who have borne the heat aud hardships Mrf:ar.j t1 , r . .,. . r , , 1 Crueroci th:fc the care of Curt ol the toning hours of the day, and u . . u . .. 1 . . . &r , - , House bw put in the h inds ol Sh.-rfff -rfainly verifies .v.1 gives tall cred- nttf1 til,f l lia A, It to the statement that we have lal.- and no Gxtra charge be allowed for en in curious times, and anion; stran- coart sessions. ge events. No reflection is intended Oq motion the order was recindel upon Judge Gresbam, for we have no tbat was passed in January rueetir doubt that he is a very worthy relieving W. B. Saepnrd of taxes on man, and will doubtless fiil the effice $20,000 worth of property in cotton with cxedit to himself and the , in- mill stock listed in another county, coming admiuistration,.!is we believe and thut he ho exempted Jrom taxes h;m to be a man of strong intellect- on $10,000 on same. ual force, d cultivation, who while Thero being no further business Postmaster General gave great sat- the Board adjourned. ufact?on. and made a most favorable T. D. Bykum Clerk impies-iou upon the American )b- ' he. Yet we aDprehend tbat to tho r pif- ? nhintn.. czi r-?f cf svv t:;u ij s Terrapin, Game, Etc 116 Hoilingswu-rh strcot, BALTIMORE. MO. Return ?s onrmito The oldest landmarks of the day. claim this not only the coldest, but the longest spell of severe weather during their day, but as the sun nov7 begins to Tshow its appearance we all feel hopeful again that better weather will soon thaw out this freeze and navigation will again resume operation Business has suffer ered greatly as well as many poor peoDle dur ing this frigged visitation. "While mocey is soscarre now I am ofTeriog special induce ments in all my various lines, winch are complete a. id charming sell at l(0)gU X Promo DAVENPORT & (TORIS Wholesale rocerr, Commission merchants, And Dealers in FISH, KICHMONDYA. in CoMsSffnrnonts of Nortk rirftHna V,or. rinoH solicited, and liroRAnda ra.atoA in cash. On acc-oust of our intimnta fnnint auo- anl frequent transactions with me grocery trade of th west and south we are able to handle Nrrrh ( tih to tin? Terr beat Dosifel Hisd we ai known evervwlire as the arMsf Uihtributors in thia markvt. S. L. STORER& CO. wholesale Commission Dealers and ehippera of kinds of FRESH FISH No humbug business about it : x2 patterns of lad Storm Serge, Camels Hair &c. 15 Overcoats to be closed out nr. Cn r 25 suits clothing, very nice and pretty at cost. 12 Ltdics halmorals ; t COST. About 300 pairs shoes at COST to make room for other stock f Blankets, reduced. IgXT'Lots of presents (here waiting all customers who trade one dolla? in cash with me. These spec li.aduceaisnts are mide in order to give th poi people- an easy showing and to make room for the big soi-k of goods son to ai f iv tfrom my New York Head Qua hing sold. i Will guarantee bargains in ever ijLA!Jcir ex Hxor e. Lobster, Turtle, etc. 16 Fulton Fish Mkt., NEW YORK j VV hok'sale Commission Dealers 1 DQ 'Mpp'irs ot Lobsters, TerraDin, &c 18 South St. : (Fulton Mk't) NEW YORK. average democrat it must be, a rath er curious circumstance, that fdr Cleveland should have appointed him to be his Premier or Chief Officer of his Cabinet. How dots Mr. Vance, Mr. Hill and those of their school relish tbe departure, from tbe Jacksonian policy, "to tbe victors belong the spoils" under their idea of the proper bestowal of party pat ronage and partv favors We believe that Mr. Vance and Mr. Hill are right, and that tho policy so well ex pressed bv Mr. Vance "that the hnrf. who draws the plow ought to get the pa akkard. i SHAD a Spacialtr. A 1 I J t il 1 ... I " ioaaer snoma control party leaders, and that not only in this, but in every possinie way tne party should be strengthened The patronage and party favors ought to go to the etal warts and hard workers oi the party. and in a measure, receiye in this way some compensation for the bard work done mTnany hard fought campaigns It is rather disheartening for the old friends and workers of the party, to receive only their pains for the bur dens aud labors they have performed in the many political battles of the last twenty -five years. It does not teem to be just that they should be so requited, and the converse of this stt3 ot things must be true and just Mr. Cleveland is a strong man with I We ac know led your rfn. oe,1Hro,;s patronage in the past and hopto im -1 U a continuation 01 the same Our shippers ai e rjut'te l to i t :u--r nsh ut-n aui not put too mi:i. nsh in h box, Stencils and staiionsry fnrnishe.j on application. BECAUSE YOU EAT all the vegetables u raise, that's no reason why they should not he good enough to sell -as good as the market arTmi)., Four family garden ought to be a luxury and a source of pride, na it lll be if its products are really line. But fine vegetables have tost-irt from fbi seeds and you are not likely to get those when you serin u the nearer store and trust to luck to get what yn sent alter. There's a better way th'in that. Let us help you with nur book asd onrsoHs; tlK- book ip fre write for it nd it will tel you how to zzX iUh right kind of seeds and what todowirh them. Don't wait until! you r.re prepue t to make uu a I irge sreneral order; send us a dozen stamps or a p-.stal note for whoever httle h-eds voj may want, and look ior the package by return niui! or express. No matter how small the order, it is worth your rrhile to have the b'vt and we would like t snpplv it G-eorge Tait & Sons, Soed Merchants Norfolk. Va. 5 F. S. G113SOK - V ho i tsa 1 e, . Commission Merchant COPjSUCViPTlOIM in its early stages can be cured by the prompt use of flyers Cherry Pectoral it soothes the inflamed tissues, aids expectoration, and hastens recovery. Dr. J. o. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Lia so. Solicit Consignments of -FRESH FISH T ft rrmpt returns. 108 Spruce Philadeloliia, Pa. Sr The Original Wins. 1 f .Snncxvs. St. Lot-i, Tror ;TT? l" v. a. court ds-eats J. . b -1 M. has lor 47 yar C"rfiI,rix,eST10Jfl IJTIPKtilA r-xr li. t ! A '. LiSf nrch, Ads.E, T8., w.-ii; nca r.ay xcrn Jfcl; 5tffie h4 to fubstitnte n"li H dor.: su?r lie TVr 1 r? 1-. - eicmc sue imi it. rrtljr Llw Ite-ruljitor. anri ttr wiuj .9 more o Zi:r.' mixture 1 V3 t Advantages of a policy TBE lillsi UK ' HiilSE GOMPAHY l-,L;ikes the safest of a invent men t.s. Affords immediate relief to the f.imilj. JN"ot taxable arid requires no care. Helps to support and educate the children. Assures cash when most needed. Takes caro of the widow and orphant Throughly protects at al" limes A more profitably investment than a saving bank No conditions except prompt payment of premiums ' The Policy is Incontestable, Non-Forfeit-able, Payable at Sight. Contains no sui cide nor intemnerance clause. Grants ab solute freedom of travel and residence, aud I is freo from all technicalities. APPLY TO OR TO H. C. PRIVOTT, Agent. Edcnton. N. C. A. J. FINCH, Special Agent.

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