Entered &t the Post Office at Ed cuUits Second-Class matter. Thif paper U sent to subscribers until an xpHeit order is recairtd by the publisher for its discontinuance, and all payment of arrearages is made, as re quired y law. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS offered to buyers of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Those who make it their object to buy "where they can secure the great est value for the least outlay, will find themselves amply repaid by tak ing a look at our stock consisting of Dry Goods, Cly thing, Boots and Shoes, Dress Goods, &c. I have just taken . ioventory and find my stock entirely to large there fore I want to sell the same at any price to mke room for our new SPRING GOODS. Call early and secure barga ns: O. NEWMAN. BeeJHive's OldStand. g-Spetial bargains in Ladies felt hats and fancy feathers. SCALES AND PLANTS. ITIMS PURELY LOCAL CONDENSED FOR TUB BUSY READER THE WEEK S RECORD OF CURRENT GVENTS IN THI CITY A NO VlCI -l Insurance agents are thick. Beautiful weather this week. A stumble may prevent a fall Fresh fish hava made their appear anew. Mr. Louis Badham ie home on a visit to relatives. Natico the change in the iad of O. Newman. One man's story is n story, hear both sides T lis is the time 6f year to plant ingen sets. Religious loafers are dead weight o the g03pel train. Those who bay seed potatoes to buy had better secure them now. The x recent cold weather gaye our farmers quite a "set back." The church member in love with himself U a general nuisance. The rain last Saturday greatly inter- ferred with business in this city. The aa&n who has gardes seed for sale is now vending his stuff. Mils Lizzie Bembry, of Korfolk. Va., is visiting friends in Edenton. 9 A protracted meeting is ia progress at the M. E. Church in this city. vv bat is tne difierance between a goose and canary bird? A great deal Mr. E, S. Norman and family are at Plymouth visiting relatives and friends We learn the marriage Hells will soon rin for one of our pretty Kin etieet girls. The boys are all afraid to meet our champion wrestler. He says they are cowards. The fishermen are greatly behind with fheir work this season, caused by i fee freeze. Mrs. Wm. Spruill, "of Columbia, is visiting her daughter Mrs. Theo. Ralph in this city. Miss Tuttle, of Plymouth, is in Eden ton delighting Miss Annie Wozelka with a visit. Good manners and a sreaiat bearing areetop stones to success oftanar than talents and wealth. I i Service in all the churchta last Sun day. The bad weather c4 th might atten4ano to be small. Whin the health officer cones alosg there will be work and plenty of it te keep hba busy fer s time. Hippy and content is a home with The Ro chester," a lamp with the light of theaxffsing. CfttalogacBjwriteEorhrtf rrT jmpCocwYork, Mrs. John 8. Lea of Rochester, N. Y. i in Edsaton tfrstting her husband's znothtr Mrs. R. B. Hayes. Read the advertisement in this paper of Mr. N. .Baker. Alse the "ad" of the Manhattan Life Insurance Co. Mrs. A. H. Mitchell and two children returned heme Tuesday from their visit torelatives in Berkley, Va. There is a number of dangereus and unsightly sheds on Cheap Side that should he condemned and pulled down. Why is e"ths most unfortunate of letters? Because it is never in cash, is always in debt, and never out of danger Do not fail to take advantage of a breezy, dry day to hang out to air cur tainj, rugs, clothing, etc, to he fresh ened and sweetened. Those who want te be up with the times and keep in style should commenee now to paint their houses and brush up their yards. Just received a new supply of new type and other printing material. Send all orders for job printing to Jas. R. Elliott. First class work guaranteed. Mr. T. J. Harrell is unable to get any one to accept hU challenge for a side wrestle. He says he waited two hours yesterday at the Fair ground' for two parties who had promise I to mcet him there but failed to shw up. Ton bad. The market house question will soon be submitted to tle people. Tie Legislature is now working on a bill authorizing our CitT.CouLicilmenjto call an election for th people to Bay wheth" er Edenton shall have a new market or not. When it comes, vote for it, Mr. R. B. Hayes h?.d on exhibition last Saturday night, at the store of Mr. R. J. Mitchell, two Electric Torches, which is just the thing for our fisher men. In fact, every fishing beach should have them. They are brilliant. economical, and creates no smoke. President elect Cleveland has com mitted himself on one subject of con siderable interest to applicants for po?toffice8. He says that it is not hi intention to appoint men who served during his previous udrniniatrattGB. He proposed to pass around the rewards of democratic loyalty and give all of the boys a chance as far as the number of offices at his command will permit. Mr. R. J. Mitchell left yesterday morning for New York and othr Northern cities to purchase a ?8tock of goods for his new store at Elizabeth City, at which place ho will locate about the 1st of March. Mr. Mitchell began business in Edenton in the year of 1879 and, from his very beginning, has been doing a successful business. He is a man who pays cash for all the goods he buys,ad requires the same of his cus tomers. He is a live business man, an extensive advertiser and believes in selling good goods for a very small profit, quick for cash. We regret to see him leave. May success follow him. To stand by your town means more than to simply build up your individ ual business and beautify and im prove your place of residence. It means b-ing at home first, but to be uncompromisingly wrapped up within yourself regardless of your fellow-man and all surrounding circumstances. It means to go to work and stimulate every legitimate enterprise by giving all the friendly encouragement you can, or by uniting your industry, in fluence and capital in the common cause cultivate a public spirit una help your neighbor if he is in danger f breaking down, prop him up in some way, either by kind words, good counsel or a helping hand in some way even if it i to the extent of geing down into your own pocket. New Bern Journal. BOTAHiC niftn naive THE OKrAf'SWEOY - FOR AU BL09r o 4ivi iiASE8 - for veftrr. :tt ?Q to cua trcki- te. ' '"r rvseotiy scacfuut w .' isszewl, RHEUMATICS, PltfPtK, CKGfTlOieS. mnA aU nunr of rtTP PfWtAECTO mad RCITSINli R HKK loured, rriw y .8EHT FREE wofnitTSim BLCOO &ALII CC.. Atlanta, 6a. LET TrIE BIG GUN FIRE ! And Spread the Joyful News. Never Before in the Histpry of Edenton Were Gooda Sold so Low. The New York Clothing Store has for old and youngV Clothing for men, clothing for boys, clothing for small boys, clothing by the cord rcadymade from first hands. No greater variety, and no mora choice selections was ever exhibited lor sale on this niarxet Any custo - mer can be suited. Ve de c'iiipe - tition and invite coinparUon ot both goods and prices. New advance ideas crowd out old ones, and so wi 1 our prices teach vou the difference be tween dealing with live men or dead ones. No customers shall leave eur store without buying, we shall sell with or without prefit. Everything is fresh and new freiu the Northern Markets selected by myself to meet the requirements of ny. new frienus and customers. . A word.to the Ladies : We will not hesitate to gay that our stock is complet to smt your requirements. All the latest fabrics of woolen and cotton goods, arriving daily direct from the mills, trimmings to match in everv particular. Notions in great variety. SHOES FOR ALL: A great hobbv of ours: We eau pell cheaper iliun cur conpet if ors can buy. we uyjettata point 247 feet from Broad direct from lactones leaving out job bers prices v:li!ch we pr'p'; .-e to give to o-ur-cubtoiner- ,. GENTLEMEN'S HATS: All ihe latest and ino'.t popular snaj-et M. always be faund at-the New Yoi:k Cloth i so morh. Knox. Dual , Miller and al! popular block inc'ud ing the pfreat and Ti"uth siugL? hi Alsdne and F ed'as in "all shad. sam. above siinpes NOW A WORD TO F1SHEK MEN: Jut bear in uvnd ar. Factory Ants for Rubber -is Oiied Clothing in several d flerenr bruads and at a lower prxe than ian be bought eisevi'heie. our jniei.v and Your duty id "to trade where yii et uins for your monf'V' Come am' wait your turn and go lnme rejoicii.L and send jour neijnbors 'o ti e r-r ; NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE openc-d in the stoie n-xt to ihe Bt Hive. N. BAXER, Proprietor. Sneoia' Ovving to delar i tivus portation we have 75 Ladies c eak? latest stales good value at $6 bU 87. 00 aud mus g in a l'e days at gi.50, $2.00 and 3 70. NOTICE. Superior Court, Chowan County j Befre the CJert John vv. Branning against Danifel B. Lillie, Willard, John. Jtnnif, Rose, Philip H., Frank, Fi' ie;cr. Mrrtle, and Herbert Lillie: UhM!- r ning and wife Lucinda Glein-inipp and the heirs of isabaha Thotnp.-va deo'd. Thvi defendants above named rriti take notice that a proceed injc before the Clerk of Chowan county as abov en titled haa been comme:;cd for thnale of leal estate in Edenton, N. C , for par tition of whish the plaintilf and deten dants ara tenants in common ihe defendants wit! further take notice that thay are required to appear b fore the dark at the court house in Edenton K. C. . 11 the 9:h aay of March, ltfS, and answer or demur to the cen;plaint or the relief therein sought will be granted. II. C. PRIVOaI, c. b.C Feb. 13th, 1393. Prudxn & Vi.sx, Attys. for PlaintifT. WEATHERLY & TiiQDY, G AND Y -manufacturers: -.- AND Jobbers of Cakes, CRACKERS AND Fancy Groceries, ELIZABETH CITY, f?.C. ( Orders .filll promptly aTJow8t 'rV "rice 1 The Fishermax & Fakmsr wants a good, trustworthy and reliable aeat in all the surrounding oca ities. Lib eral commision will be given right parties. Apply at once, by letter er at the office. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE. The Davis Wholesale Dry Goods Co, vg J. J. Farmer. By Tirtue of an execution directed to th'J undersigned from Ihe Superior covrt of Pernniraans county in the above entitled actios, I will ot. Monday tho 3rd day of April, 1893, at 12 o'cltn k in., at the court house door in Ed;ntu::, sell to the highest bidder for i-ash t satisfy said execution, all int riat, title nnd interest which the scid J. J. Former, defendant, has iu the follow ia? described real estate iu Chowan 1 . : i . . T1 T r 1 j on the north by lLe 1 Noreuin I:ind, east by the Yeopim riv er and 1 rank. Wood f land, south by Drummond Point road, and west by nihin road, containing 1000 acres moi or lerfl. 2nd. The Collins land, name bouKbt et Josiah Collins' hsirs and C. H. and H. H. Iltetter, cotaiubig 106 acres more or lead. 3rd. f he John and Ed. White laud adjoining the lands f John W Johnston and others, contain ing 37 bCrt?s more or less. L. W. PARKER, Sheriff Chowan Co. NOTICE. W. J. Leary & wife Emma W. vs. Rev S. 8. Bookrum & wife Pennie. Et. Als. By virtue of a Decree, rendered in the above entitled action, on the 15th day of September i92, in the Superior Court of Chowan, we W D Pruden and Wm J Leary, Sr, as Special Commiss ioners will sell, on the 6th day of Feb reary 1893, before the Court House door in Edenton, K C the following described real estate, to-wit: The house and lot on Carterette, known as ; the Ferribalt lot, beginning on Carter- street, thence Southwardly a line par allel with Broad street 165 feet, thence wegtwardly a line parallel iwith Car terette street, thence Northwardly 105 feet toHCarterette street, thence East ward ly along aid street to the first station. Tern's of sale i cash balance iu one and two years, with interest from day of sale Title retained until purchase niimey shall be paid The pur chas r may at liiis option pay over the full amount of the purchase money and lake hit- deed as soon as the sale, sl.al! be cou tinned W D Pruden & Vm. J Leary Sr Special Coil. t. issior.e- . NOTICE. T. M. Ward W- H. Ward & wife Margar t J. Et. Als. By virtue of a Decree rerdered i the above entitled actios, en the I9 -dar o! December 1S62. in tle Su perior Court d Chowon county. I. Wm. J. Leary, Sr. as spec: Cmu missioier, shall sell on the th day -f February 1893 before ti e Curt Hon-eei"oor in Edenton, N, C. thv following described real estate, to ' wit. : The one-half oi the Tomi Forehand tract of lard in tfce upper part, of Chowan conntr, ?iljoinin the lands of Willis Jordan. Mrv. EiizH Welch the Quinton H. Ward tr -c'. of land and ethers consio;n crPs more or iess Terms c sa!e cash, balance in one ai;d tw years with interest fro ? date of f i'o Title to b retailed until purh :non:y ."hail paid in full. 're purchaser roay at his option pay tic lull araonnt of the purchase mooej and have cited oyecuted at once . ft 1 the sale is confirmed. Wm, J. Leary, Sr.. Speci.i Commissioner. December 23rd 16M2. BLACK PASTE CURE YOURSELF with out public ity of a physician. (Gonorrhea in a!! its stages cured in one weeks time Relief immediately. Guaranteed iot to caupe stricture. This remedy is endorsed by all leading phjsician$ of the country and is purly vegetable- it is a regula prescription, the ingrodieice of whiclt are cubebs, by Isam of copaiba with he necessary astringent. This ip also a remedy for Gleet and all running dis eases of the bladder and urethral canal weiiavo met with such pionounced local success that we have decided to put this excellent remedy en the market, because where once used ther is always a demand created Box sent prepaid to any addrees in plain wrap per upon receipt of postal note or registered, letter for $100 Address. Dr. John Halset Medical Co., Lock Box 29, Camden, If. J. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA. SA.LVB The Beet Salva i tla world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Kalt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tef', Chappe Handr, 0'iilblaic3 Corns, ti ajl Skin Erup tions, and positively cores Piles, or no day required. It is guaranteed to gir perfect satisfaction, or monty refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For saleby W. I. Leary, Druggist. Biing job printing to this office. . . - - j h'v1KlrULK IN J.rVKT AVttl S7 SSh let 2. Mail Train U':tt- Edvnton l:t i .m. ainve at Expro?is Tr lin lravt s Etlentur. Tit.- day, Thursday and Saturday at 7;;55 a m arrive at N-rfn'V 11 n.m. Cnr.-etio? made at Norfolk witt rail and ie:;njer Lines, and t ,, beth i ity with Ste iuier Neuse Ts. s i Thursday nnd Saturday for I';n ' Inland. .New ler:ie and Atlasdi Ntrth Curolii.u li.Ii. Stations. The Co:jip;in' "s Steamers le:iv lM.-r. tou 1C.45 p.m. hj. follows; Trann-r 55leanior to Mackey's Ferry daily (ex cept Sunday) with passengers for Kop'i , I'anteeo, Bellehavn. connecting with Steamer Haven Belle for Auroin, bouth Creek &c. ' Steamer Plymouth, daily, (except Sunday,) for Plymouth JamtvilUt Williamstcn, Windsor, Vvashiugtnu &c. Stonmer M. K. Roberts, Tnes!av Thursday ami Saturday for Chowan River WVdntvday ir Avoca aud Shi mon Creek, .Monday and Fii.lay for Souppf rno: Itirer. Norfolk pas-.-r.;;-r and frwibt station at Norlolk stei j Railtoud 1 pot. Through tickeu on bale and baa checked to all prit -ipal poinr. ( KASTEPvX ri:(H TXA IHM'AT-CII. FAST A i A a V I and passl:(;i:r iu nr. Regular line f tca:..'us Lc-tnvu Atlantic& u-th Ca:i-!;i.-j H. ;.. : vv Berne, and Kl izal -th nty. Daily all rail servict- hri vv. n i:.imi,ii. New York, Philadelphia, iuilturioi' jmi Norfolk. Througli oars, ms low ratt Haiid pi:c..r time than byrny ttiuir route. Direet a!l ;:;oik t lc .-hipju'.J . ern Carolina Disruffh, as follow-: 1'io.n Norfolk by N. & 8. II. Ii: ln!tii!,n:e y r. w. & B. h. n. : President St. St.: t n, Philadelphia by ji'iji:svii4nia Y: l. Dork St Sitior: v, u- York hv 1't i.ji--ylyania R. R , pi-r 27 North River. l or further ii,fo; rmition ai i.I' OOD, Agent. Edenton, N. r. . f the General Olht e of the N. & S. II. Co., Norfolk, Va. or H. M. K. KIN(i, Central Maisugei. rt. C. HUDGINS, G. F. & P. AKt. Oh, My! Have you been the new nnd bcauiiiul stock of Dress G-ocds, White G-oods, Laces and Em- broitieries, AT SRIKKLEY'S EMPORIUM. r lead Centre for FINE DRYCOM S, NOIIONS. FANCY CuODS AND .SHOES. Order. by lun'il e;u tfuliy arjorvbd o and samples gent to any :.ddn..- 1 n application. E. L. BRTNFLTIY. EH :nt.. y. . r WHEN YGU Vis IT Don't target to call at the TOST? ViW H.E. WILLIAMS, ' ON KING STK KF.T, The P'4;ii; Pact- ol J ho Tou 11 The choicest ai d lot Whits. Liquorn &c a!trav:sc:ri iranci. t he finest stock f o. .0 and l.r c?s ( ie:ar ;n the cit Que visit will f uaraitec the secend. Thanking my fi iciulK and the rvihi;e for th very lilera! patronage already received, I am still H. E. Williams. In Tel -I loutl vxnierm ia each Um!', tioc. OiUy tum mho r : to xm M mw co mmiim mr t IbrnthMmr. AO you hm hi man hi M br mmr t. 11 MW hart Cm rt mt Hi UtOl. ft V Mb. Subscribe for the Fisher man Jbarmerl H0M. TW fSrilowfDc eat M

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