THE FREEZE NEAR HATTER AS. OUR COLORED PEOPLE. This column i edited br W.ELBogset Mr J. D, Wilkins has ranch im- A Jettcr from a gentleman at Avon, N. C, says the damage in the lower ounds by the freeze was inunens i It is supposed the loss to the people proved. of ATOn will amennt tnahnnt; ftflfl The fishermen's nets and stakes wer. reSQ 13 -seen dllJT 011 cmr all carried away. Two vessels were slr,ets' damaged and one of them sunk. The) We are now haying seme fine x - . . I . oysier Deas were almost ruined, weatner T V n .C JJ - T 1 . . I JWW uuc aa cnicrens were an t. ixr.i.. tw. frozen. groceries. The oeODle of Ocrsrn to firo to H&ttm u t,o levers who quarrel should never W - w v vuv VLtOll I - get prorisions to keep them from marry starving. rom the amount of lum. Take the Fisherman & Farmer. ner coming in New Inlet it is thought Terms easy. .uciwt oMernss tnrown Her Ta n.,. c ,i i cargo over board. IT SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOUSE day. Be -on time. Girls, did you get a Valentine Tuesday last? Come ana settle for joirr paper at once and start new. J. ki. WUsob, 17I Clav St Sharpsburg, Pa., says he will not be wuuoui ur. Hing'3 New Discovery f r onsupttion, Coughs and Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened itu jrncumonia alter au attack of . orippe, v.oeu vaiious other order for our joang people. remeaies ana several pbrsicins l ad dote ber no good. Robert K.rhpr of Ccoksport, Pa-, claims Dp Kinj New Discoverv h;j dnnn" good than anything he ever used for share a part of the trde- T rt. 11 I ung irouoie. Nothing like it. Edentbn is summnded with iry it. Pree Trial Bottle. at W. I. i-earjr a Drug More, Large buttles, 5wu, ana $i,uu. The farmers have been busy plant ing truck this week. Evening strolls will soon be in Do you need a gold natch? If so leave 3 our order with me. Send in your advertisement ami rich BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AURA HOC? FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COLORED VISITORS TO OUR CITY. We Mil oiilr the finest and fitshest Uroceuea and Fruits. Fnces to suit the peopl. Give us a call an A be con Tinced. J. E. Ca ekeart & son. Gale Sc. You can set vour meaU at nil hmir by stopiug at the Restaurant net.r the depot. First class accomo'latioi s Mrs. Martha Simpson, ijlAUDtSt. M, J. Ryan, Deals? La Groceries. Pi country produce. Cor. Albenaarie aud uranTiue ot. Do You Love Your Wife? Do You Lore Your Children ? Is Yonr Old Father or Mother DependV,rit Upon You ? 5 , '"- i I Is There a Mortgage on Yonr Homer:? : :? Call an. W. E. Burk. at Rea's Opera House for first class shoe worsr. moe to nit tha tima. j Is Your Money Tied-up in Business ? Do You Want Phili McDonald. . . 7 UleamnfiT and Dvinor Hint Km . w.i- doe in first class atyla and satisfaction Kuaranwea or bo pay. Call and see him. Prices low. Anr work tent bv mail will - m WW V prompt attention. To Provide for Yourself in Old Age ? IF SO, sou and exceiieufc country. Rev N E. Collins preached a very fine .sermon Sunday, niht iai. . Our ifeople will never succeed un less they learn to pu.l toktsther Tliere Ls no better point for profit able inveetment than in Edemou A visit to this ton u will coiivim;f you that it is the p act to locate Mr.s Martha A. Odeu, of VVash int m iAwit, is yisinniii oureiry Miss Nellie Chesson of MaoUey Fc-rry sj.-eut a few ilays in. otir town .his wt- k. " hir Jobn Miller had his baud bad ly raaMJtd at the i. & s. denot while coupling cars. Don't borrow your friend's paper, subscribe ror it. It will cost" jou' only foreix ruowths. Mr Jack IBtmberv has Spiing8i.Bd also tned different do.-- tion nine fine quails at his i lace on t.o, uut ii.uuu do cure unti I ; i ,-i Broad strict. botanic Blood B lm. It, U)ade nje sound and well. I am well known in this viciaity." A BIG LOSS. At Raleigh last Thursday morn ing Mr. C. A. Tuck, a tobacco trov er of Granville county, went infos, bank and cashed $500 heck for -wv. ,.au ui- on tij j t market, He was given three ;fii0u hills nd the remainder in smaller bilis. Vu left the bank and walked on block to the revenue office At the biter place he fouud that the 500 hud elippeo through a hole in bis pock t and was lost. Tuough sc-irch wa at once made, no trace of the money could be found. tx jt -air T-r mis. m. naunton'R Is the place to call and .uu lougine . 1 South '"road Stl You car &et first class meals at all t t ijou-b aua oysters daily at the restur- aut of MiAReddick & Boston Main street. YOTJ WANT INSURANCE IK- THE M1UTTE1 LIFE liUBICE CliniT I mii now prpard to do all kind of ejc : Jng on Pojta and Shoes also re- r- rs ob ?mr,8. Call and see me w. f. skinner & Co. Sboe shop on Queen St. APPLY TO OR. TO Of New Yoik, H. C. .PRIVOTT, Asjent. Ileitoa. N. C A. J. FINCH, Special Aent- ' " Wa L. DOUGLAS 3 SHOE C N TL'Iri EN. Wm- Pi ice, Luttsville. writes: "I was Sliced wish seiar' and had lost the use of one aroi id leg for nine years. I went to Ihu Printers need money and must have it. We are speaking to those who owe us. i i ne iteport oi the Board of Trns. We are stiM ahead. JKon. first tees of the North Carolina Schoo. class shoe work ci at Rea' Opcm for the Deaf and Dumb at Morgan- Houe to see Doggett & Burk. t n. shos that satistactory proeress e haS heen made in the er.JJ .. bme uspaper seem to think .-vu vi UJC I lt in hmH tx.t i they were 3 yars ao. Nutso, they are pro'iessing rapidly. Aniang the business places in our building. The twenty thousand dn lars appropriated has all been expend ed and the work is delayed for the want of funds; S7S.000 w ' - - ic- w quired to finish the work. The entire t0wu tijtre are 20 stores, 6 re&tau- front Is 256 feet long, the central rauts' 3 barber Scors and 5 shoe building being I65 feet deeo Th teUPs nm bJ colored people. situation is said to be very fine. It Have you visited the new store of , auwcu mat tne .caool will not J. E. Capehart & Sou on Granville be ready before September i894. st? If not call on theoi ; they can ELECTRIC BITTERS. grC6rieS' The colored people of Tarboro This remedy is becoming so well have asked for the removal of the known and so popular as to need no Normal School from Plymouth to peuiai ..mention All who have tnat PlaCe- Ve nave not learned used Electric Bitters sing the same for wat cause, song of praise.-A purer medicine Why is it the people of Edenton doss not ex,st and it is guaranteed to let so manv things pa.s unnoticed f do all diseases of the Liver and k"; w a "u- b "unoutedr Salt. Rhnm a ,a Wi weat m iae last Z..Vc,Tk sections fir such an institution. vj iupuro oiooa. will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts and $1.00 per bottle at W. I. Learv's Drag Store. " J Ti 1 & 1 And other spee.'r"." : for. Gentlemen, I : idles, . iand Deat in the World. I See descriptive advertise ment which will appear ia this paper. Take n Substitute, but insist on having W. L. DOUGLAS' SIIOES.with name and price stamped on bottom. Sold by E. S. NORMAN. J3 mnr thp ' iiT rr 1 . , -L j With the addition of New ATERIAL I am better than ever prepared to print . M V 1 . Tt4 -J .better neaas, Bill Heads, OST DURABLE, -5TO LMAHAS, THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. fianri TIN nta t llnlnn fin.. It. V.. for our prlza gamt Blind Luokt" ami win a Mew Home S3wlng Machine The New Home Sewing Machine Co. ORANCB. MASS. -ggDlTO SQUASH xy.ri... oc FOR SALE BY uj.tO- E. L. BKIMKLk't . .WANTED A good house-keeper witn experience about .work. Must bring good recommendation Room neatly furnished. For' terra's apply to Mrs N. V. Ryan, Gor Albemarle.and pranviile Sts Brins job printing to tafc office. Subscribe for the Fisher man iarmer! '; Akt. Her. fa r tlr. iMni. 'Was M a.h . - nr K. C All., a 1 .'. .11. 777 W. X.OAMJU60? "TV tim, to Mil Mkt rrar M . iMdnity I took urdm Mnit M "f -, WilM.: -I t1"' Wri" Warn .n abk fcrT wl oW -rw" ' ahl. to pfc mp ffja tet r-RZ2Z E?rfrCr M Brr Warn suk tZh " Envelopes, usmess Statenieiit Card Post ers, Draft In, Wedding: and Pie-nie Invitations, Receipts, Ball Tickets, Tags,'. Circulars, and everything in the IP ME JETTING line executed at short notice. 3- Send for Prices and Samples. Address All Corresondence To JAS. R. ELLIOTT, EDENTON, N. C.