,7 7; - Y r hi mzJ& I 7:;v-r IML JlJl1' - . "- - . - Published Every Friday. Located in the Finest Fish, Truck and Farming Section in North Carolina. -uiuti u i A. H. Mitchell, Kdlfcor and Business Manager. Established 1886. A CONTENTED PHILOSOPHER. I jes' don't waDt no office, though they planked the money down, They couldn't get me twenty miles in sight any town, With its schemin' an' its steamin', I'm a-takin' o' my ease, An' a-dreamin' jest a dreamin' in the blossoms an' the breeze! I wouldn't nigh be Governor, though its kinder great to be, An' the Georgia Legislatur ain't a drawin' card for me: An' as for that ere Congress now, what's its biggest seat To a feller on a river bank with lillies at his feet? I tell ye, folks, its somethin' though you ain't got nary cent, To live free as religion, with a sweet wife an' content: To give up all the schemin' an' jest take a feller's ease, A-dreamin' an' a-dreamin' in the blos soms an' the breeze. THE EDITOR'S DUTIES. A newspaper roan ba- n business to seek office. It is his business to try and got an office for the other fellow: to sound the praise of the candidate and keep quiet his own feeling, to whoop her up for his man, and let his man forget ali about him when he is elected: co defend his candidate against the unjust attacks ot the opposition, and see Uvt whatever favors his can didate has to bestow go to the other fellow. It ie his business to boom the city for ail it is worth, month after month, and then see 8100 worth of printing 0 out of the city because ten cents can be ou -2u i.i aoiiif., :o. it is the buess of the newspapt-r to give every enter prise a frequent ''send oif" and then find 1hat he has raised sheol because he had failed to record the fact that some prominent citizen had his delivery wagon painted. T subscribe liberally to every public, charitable and church entertainment, advertise them for nothing, pay hia own way to every thing and then be called prejudiced and mean spirited because a column is rot devoted to that particular affair. Do 3 op wonder that there are not more crank iti tiie newspaper business? Ex A LEADER Since its first introduction, Electric Bitters has gained rapidly in popular favsu until bow it is clearly in the lead among pure medici&n tonics and alter atives containing nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant. It in recognized a the best and purest medicine for all ailments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It will cure Sick Headach, Indigestion, Congtipation and drive Malaria from the system. Satis faction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will ne refunded. Eric only 50c per bottle. Sold by W. I Leary Druggist. Three thousaad marriages are performed every day all oyer the world. The CHARGES AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. In reg&rdto the expense of living at Chicago during the World's Fair, in that city, a local newspaper says : "As to charges outside the grounds, let it be understood that the best hotels have plainly said that they would not charge more than their nsual rates, and the hotels of ksser magnitude wjil be compelled to do likewise. Chicago is full of enterpris ing people, and really enterprising people know that extortion ruins en terprise. There wilt be millions of visitors to Chicago during the ex position season, and for that reason there will be fierce competition tor their patronage There are now hundreds of resturants in that city at which a satisfying meal can be had for from i5 to 25 cents, and the num ber of such places will be greatly ncr eased during the year. The scramble for patronage of vis:t:rs of moderate meanb will furious. It is quite possible that the pr:cs ot te restaurants that cater for people of small income, will be reduced by reason of excessive competition, and it is certain that they will not be in creased. lIn short, it will he very easy for a rich visitor to spend f25 or 50 per dav, and it will be quite as easy for an economist to find a room at the rate of $2.50 per week, and to feed himself for 75 cents per day. The great exposition is for the delectation of the people of the worid, but espe cial for those of the United States; therefore attendance upon !t wiH be made to be within the reach of all. The rich can enjoy all the luxuries that money can buy ; the person slender means can live at slight cost. All are invited Everyone will be welcome. Nobody shall be imposed upon. This is Chicago's pledge t the nat'on and to the whole world." FIRE AT WILLI AMSTON. Last Fiiday. the 14th Williamston, N. C, was visitea by a conflagration which broke cut in a building occupied by G. Goddard. general merchant. It quickly spread, consuming the build ing occupied by B. B. Watts, general merchandise. The loss is about 12, 000, partly covered by insurance. A Tennessee family recently purchas ed a barrel of molasses the peculiar taste of which led to an investigation, whon a little darkey was found inside. The impression is that he was fooling with the bunghole and got sucked in. Ex. An Indiana woman who she 1 a man for hi each of promise, and got a verdict tor one cent damages, is now racking her braias to determine whether this was a refiectiou on her or on the man. SmaMest Hair Throws a Shadow' EDENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, April 21, 1893. ABOUT NORTH CAROLINA. Progressive Farmer. 1 People who know nothing about North Carolina except what they read in ancient ?eogr p'i es, which amounts to about this : "The chi t produces are cotton, nee. ar, ud eanuts," wi1! be interested in a few facts about the State. We have a good many ondesirab e things, but we have better heait i, more kinds of climate and soi!, ,-ieit r variety of minerals and 'd-m product than any State in America Addud to this is a rapidly increasing number of good schools, aitd it is becoming , leading manuiacturing Sare. It is just 000 miles from Cherokee to Roanoke Islani, and every portion from ihe fisheries of Aibemarle to the land of the sky has something peculiar .aid dusir.bie- to boas- of. Our farmers arv nt prosperous, but factories are do ng .. e:', and railroads are multiplying There are nineteen cot ion lactones in Alamance county, seventeen in Gasto . tsve e in Ran dolph. nine in MeoKlenburg, ei: in Guilford and i40 in the State, besides a number in construction. In these mills are nearly i)O0O ooms and over 500,000 spindles, and the con sumed last year 1 -5, 00 ba es f ot lou. Best' ies these ihere are thirteen woo en m'tils tiut are t iruin out the br:s', quality of j.ics kerseys, cas s mers and blankets, and Lh; r are e ght knitting tr;:!'.. Kome fhem he iag operated d an i ig-d ar d all (iel-.i-hg goo i dividends There are fifty-seven factories that make cirri iges an 3 buggies thirty-two that make wagons, thirty-five thar make lurnituie, that Bake huts i spoken ;.nd twenty -f j r t-iat mafie ih. doors aud jluids One ot these wo k 125 baiid ... Then here are s.uadieds of sawmills an . turpentine distilleries. There are twenty-eight cann'ng factories for vegetables m l f-iurteea for oyste s, there are fourteen cotton seed oil factories, fifty-fmf fertilizer factories and 1 nite a number that A. inaktf barrels a:,d crates and b ;ke s and brooms. But on ihe high top of thisp ramid are the tobacco fajtorits tiiat far ex ceed in number and capita those of any Sfateintiie Union. There are 110 that make plug to bacco, nine th t make smoking to bacco. Durham alone sold 1 10,000 000 puunds iast year and paid to he government for stamps $616,12?; Winston paid more than that an i Asbvilie so d over 0.00,000 pounds of leaf tobacco. These are onJy the pnncpsl tobacco markets, and tne aggregate of the production increae, witn every year. Then there are the rice fields sod cranberry mead aad the immense truck farms that extend all along the coast and Bed sB eary market in WashinstOH, Ha timore and Philadelphia. At New Beroe a one i there were shipped in one day i.OuO barrels of Irish potatoes and 1 8,000 boxes of bean9, and this is an every list bn;iries nrtd rlnes nfit. inciinio J ' the peas, tomatoes, npnarairus and J t i j lL. - J uuuuagc. inuceu, uic piouuciiun 01 Then there are fisheries that employ 6,000 persons and 3,000 boats and ship 30,000,000 pounds ot fish in a season. Next comes the medicinal herbs, of which one firm in Statesviile shipped ih one month 1 18,000 pounds. They emply 300 agents to collect j these herbs, and they do by far th- j largest business of any similiar fcrm n the world- Added to ail this we j have millionare Geo. W. VanderhiUj and his $6,000,000 residence aud Bill Nye, the peerless humorist. Sad ts the lot of tiie man waits on princes' frvors A has just died at the advance?; of seventy years, who has in an 1 ecu waiting thirty years for a po only succeeded in getur:g a s there. vt u a st AiN i ,rjU u it r . We authorize our advertised C' urgist to sell Dr Km: s New I'Jiscovery fr Consumption. Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you art; afflicte-d with a Cough. Cold or any Luiig. , Throat or Chest trouble, and wijii uce this remedy as directed, ;ri v apr it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you 1 may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make ! this offer dia we not know ti.at Dr iving's New Discovery could be; relifd ; on. Ic never disappoints. Trial bottles tree at vv. l. deary's drugstore. Lsrr size oCcts and Si 00. mm H. ROGERS, Wholesale Commission 106 Fulton Fish Mabkkt, J"e-vcr Yoris.. Special Attention ?iven to the sale of North Carolina Shad, Rock, (Jhub, Reference: Guirkin & Co., Bankers, and Chas. RobinsoD, President 1st Nat ional Bank. Elizabeth City, N. C. and other Financials when desired. OT Am not and have never been in the Mellon, Truck er Fruit business. Stationery and Stencils furnished at a moments notice. Sow is the time to Subscribes ' '' tt' I I'M1.. No. 399 D jVI T I F V I ( 1( Wh6lEsILe COMMSIO N m -, m,.m j XEil JL)fcJl!yS ' ZZ? ',.t-, . f V NO 7 FULTON MARK Rl -. York. Bftmnfl B. Miller ) Clarence i. Miller. ( Special Attention Gives to THE SALE OF NOR rH CAR Li n a Shad. teui's Mini Stationary Fiirnisbcci n A pplicari -li WE EMPLOY NO AGENT EstHblished 1861 SAML M. LAWDER & SON, Wnolesalc Conam s&ion IVrtler In Soft. Crabs, Terrapin, Rtc. J Quick Sales 1 frotupt Hlettirns REFCF ; Tr 1 d Vat'l Wxu. J . Hooper iv )uk hail i' ' E, W. Albangh & f n Wholesale Comrnifiaion Merchai - 1 c H f . 1 1 vim. TKRRAPIX, 'YS'I BBS, GAM15 A POlTL'l Light tr et Whart l'. LTI vtOR K Consignments Soiicitel. Prompt Retains, )ur Motto. Citizens Nationni Bank. W. J Hooer fe Co. G.JL ZIBCKEL 4 88 ITS. Charles S'rret Baltimore, - Md. Sole a!:tc ':r Tourers Oiled Clothing, ' BfETKOPOLIT AX RUBBER C( 'S 1 Rubber Ciothinvr and HackfB- lOtlieH. and LYCOMIXG RUBBER CO'S Extra line qOuloy rnhNr BootJ nd Sho and TENNIS SHOE?. 1 jSejTu Lycoma'4 Nov-Sag Reavy ! botf the best it the woi ld- Write for Discounts.