Published Every Friday. Located in the Finest Fish, Truck and Farming A. M. Mitchell, Editor and Business Manager. Established 1886. SUGAR FROM COTTON SEED. The oottn plant which has for so many centuries, furnished a large part of the population of the globe with clothing, seems to be almost without limit in its usefulness, le- marks a scientific authority. From the seed a valuable oil is ex pressed, while the husks form an ar ticle of lood for cattle in the shape of cakes. From the lint whioh clings to the seed after it has passed through the "gin" felt is made, while the oil extracted from the seed is applied to quite a large number of purposes. But, according to the British Consul, Mr. Portal, of Zanzibar, Africa, cot ton seed is also capable of yielding sugar. A process has been discover ed fer extracting sugar from cotton seed mealk and, though the details of this process have not been disclosed, it is said that the product obtained is of very superior grade, being fifteen times sweeter than cane sugar and twenty times more so. than sugar made from beet. This indicates that sweetoess is not due to cane sugar, but some other cheaiical. Scientific Ameiican. A BIG FAILURE. The Norfolk Virginian, of the 10th, says : iMr . J. TV. Old, a well-known shoe merchant of this citv, doing a wholesale business as J. W Old -& Co., has made an assignment to F!"i l 0. Hu?hes as trustee, convev iii iic htock of jods in the store at N" 47 Commerce street, also all boo'xs, accounts, notes, bonds, bills, et" together with certain stock fn lau.i companies, etc., to secure credi ts as far as the proceeds under the dt O of assignment will permit. Mr. indebted &ess is estimated at 6.8Q. The assets are not given . THROUGH SERVICE. Norfolk & Southern railroad : t-t-e tBiPr J-hn W. Garrett uute becweri Elizabeth City vber'je, thus giving a daily ;i service btiveeu Norfolk and 't place. Derkley Graphic. ULD BE IN EVERY HOUSE. h VI a tl tl I. ' Wilson, 371 Ciay St. Sharps la., eayp ! e will not be without fuafs New Discovery for Con--iou, coughs and colds, that it ?. wife who was threatened -'oumonia after an attack of v?6,'J M'Len rious other rem-,-.ui several pbvdicians had done x i,'td. Robert Barber, f Cooks I 'a., claims Dr, King's Nw Dis- b. D. 81 C w eo h p c rr hi U has done him more god than ttan r..y be.evei iied for Lung Trou i Mooing lib it. Iry it. Frea ntJes at Leary's Drugstore. v;tle 50c and $1. The THE LATEST NEWS FBOM ALL SECTIONS! OP THE STATE AND COUNTRY. Edwin Booth continues to improve. Cholera is epidemic at Quimper, France. Louisville, Ky., has had a $400, 000 fire. The First and Second regiments will encamp at Carolina City this year. A man in Maryland, while drunk, kills his wife and children and then commits suicide. The State farms sear Weldon have been damaged $15,000 by the recent freshet in the Roanoke river. Smokeless powder is now success fully made at the Government works at Newport and is found all right. Carlyle W. Harris, who poisoned his girl wife, was electrocuted last Monday in Sine Sing prison, New York. Mayor Ellyson, of Richmond, Va., writes Gov. Carr that the Davis fu neral train will stop about three hours in R&leigh. The third annual convention of the Metkodist Educational Society of North Carolina will be held in Ral eigh about the middle of May. John Allen Johnson, who shot Deputy United States Marsha) Up church in Faleieh last month, was captured in Richmond Friday last. A citizen of Wheeling, W. Va., was murdered last week by his mother-in law, who then hangs herself in her pr.'son celi with her apron strinks. Governor Tillman is to run the liquor retail business in South Caroli na. The Legislature allows him $50, 000 to estab1 ish forty official barrooms over the State. Rev. Sam Tones will lecture at the Norfolk Academy of Ma pic on the 15th and 16th inst., on "Norfolk a? She is and Norfolk as She Should be; or, Manhood vs Money." The Raleigh oil mills made a run of 118 days this season and paid on an average of $2,000 a day for seed They are now selling seed to formers at 30 cents per bushel. Argonaut. The Davis hotel at Kittrells. so widely known as a. famous winter re sort, has been entirely consumed by fire. Mr. Davis' loss is fully $50, 000, with an insurance of only $16. 000. Report from thirty counties m this State in which forest fires recently prevailed show the aggregate loss of proprty to have been $1,000,000 or over. Moore county perhaps suffered the greatest loss, it " being estimated that $200,000 will hardly cover the! damage. Ex. j A cyclene struck Oxford on the 3rd, wrecking fifteen large buildings to th damage of 54 090 u;; four men. killed one and ft!lV in jured 'another. The cyclone also struck Grey stone, near Henderson, and wrecked three house and injured three persons. Smallest If air Throws a Shadow. EDENTON, N. C, FRIDAY, May 12, 1893. A SAD ACCIDENT. The only thine that cast a 6hadow over the First Regiment, of the .North Carolina' State Guard, assembled at New Berne last week to enforce the law in the case of the negro squatters on the Hryan lands at James City, who refused to give up the property or pay rents for same after the courts had de cided against them, was the accidental killing of Lieut-Colonel David N. Bo gart, of Washington. The troops hav ing been ordered to move on the early train Friday morning, were out for dress parade and drill Thursday after noon, about 6 o'clock. Colonel Bogart was in command of the Regiment, Co). Wood, t E. City, having returned horn . Just as the soldiers started from camp at the fair grounds, the horse of 'ol. Bogart became unmanageable and ran with him a short distance. The nder was thiown violently to the ground striking the back of his head on the stones of the macadamized street and received injuries from which he died at 2 o'clock next morning He was picked up in un unconscious condition, blood issueing from his mouth and ears, and removed to the residence of Mr. E. B. Roberts, nearby, from which he was taken later to his room at the Hotel Albert, the proprietor of r which Mr. Fulford, wan his brother-in-law- Col. Bogart leaves a wife and eight children The remains were taken to Washington for burial. His sad and untimely death cast a shadow of gloom over the whole town and tbe officers and men f the First Regiment, by whom he was hriil in high regard and warm esteem Gold Leaf. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming ko well known and eo popular ua to lived iu special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song o! praise. A purer medicine does t.ot ex ist and it is guaranteed to do all that i claimed. Electric Bitters will cure ail diseases of the Liver an' Kitlrifcj e, will remove Pimples, Hoila. Salt Rheum am other affections caused bv impur blood. Will drive ;Ma!aria from th- system and prevert as w-ll as cure a.) Malarial fever. For cure of Headache constipation and iudigestioh try Elec tric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guar anteed, or money refunded. Price 50 and 81 per bottle at Leary's Diugstciie. A Missouri sportsman wants the game laws amended so that book agent can be legally killed from Sept. 1st to Oct. 1st. Grow a crop cf carrots for your horses and cows. Carrots Will give a golden color to the butter, and a c highly relished by cowp, while horse are very partial to them, considering them a delicacy. Ex. . Good ronds rre a necesttr. Mos of them are moderately god now but they ought te be j ist as firm a in the winter. Steps can and ought tc be taken to mak?. all our road, firm if tbey are travelled .very much. It wu!d put money in circu'nt o and prwve of uatoid be --fit. y Section in North Carolina. Circulation Large. HELP HOME. Franklinton Weekly. Every man, no matter what bis station in life may be, whether he fills an humble or exalted station, can and should be a factor for the accomplishment of good in some di rection. In building up the place in which ho lives, every one caa do something. There is always plenty of work for willing hands to do- As has been truthfully said : "If you want a field of labor you can find it anywhere." There has been some talk of erecting a cotton seed oil mill here and some work ia the direcjtion of accomplish ing this has been done, and we trust the good citizens of -the town will carry the scheme on to perfection. One town needs this mill. And there is room for many other good paying industries here. But these cannot be secured without some earnest effort. Manufacturing enterprises do not spring up by chance, but through the medium of well directed labor. The same amount of enery that builds up and makes a cotton mill a paring institution, and giving em ployment to hundreds of men who are thus enabled to supply their fam ilies with home, food and clothing, will start other industries that will produce like results. Some say if I only hnd the monjv I would make a genuine boom in town. I would do much toward im proving it by erecting the necessary buildings and putting in machinery to start a number of industries. Let, us remember one thing, where there is a sufficiency of the right kind of energy and enterprise tiiere is always a way to utilize it. If one man can not raise enough money to build a cotton factory, perhaps ten or a dozen can. Then form a company, combine your capital, put energetic hands and brains together and " a lonjz pull aed a strong pull" in this direc tion and yon can hardly fail to real ize satisfactory results. Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in SO minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion This never fails. Sold by V. I. Leary, Druggist, Edenton. LOUIS TILLERY, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND . 8EOE MAKER.- All fits guaranteed S First class repairing j done at snort notice full stock o Shoe fid i b j: on band. Your orders' solicited . Prom Attention Call and seo me. Main St Edenton, N. C. - n TO Also keep a Kitijtlft Copy Fve enTn. NO. 402 A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distressing rash, by Ayer'o Sarsaparilla. Mr. Riciiai:i Biuks, the well-known Druggist, 207 McGill st., Montreal, P. Q., says: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicine.- for 40 years, and have heard nothing but good said of thum. I know of many Wonderfua Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, one in particular being that of a little daughter of a Chnr h of England minis ter. The child was literally covered from head to foot with a red and ex ceedingly trouhh'-ome rash, from which she had suffered fr two or three years, in npite of the best medical treatment, available. ITer father was in great distress about the rase, and, at my recommendation, at last began to ad minister Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bot tles of which effected a complete cure, much to her relief and her father's delight. I am sure, wor- he here to-dsn, lie would testify in the strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsapar i!5a Prepared by Dr. J. C. A yer & Co., LoweM, M:. Cures others, willcuro you WHEN YOU VISIT EDKJSTOv Don't t ret to call at the Will M81.QR OF- H.E. WILLIAMS, ON KING STREET, The Popular Place ol the Town. The choicest and best Wines, Liquors ice always on hand. The finest stock of 5, 10 and In cts Cigars in the city One visit will guarantee the second. Thankin? my friends and the public for the very liberal patronage already received, I ana still H. E. Williams. The FisiiKftMAi- & -Faemek wants a good, trustworthy, and reliable agent in all tne surrounding ecritio. 140 eral commision will be gWen right parties. Applt at once, by letter or o tbe office.

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