WALTER I. LEAHY, Druggist and Pharmacist A full line of Drugs always on hand Prescriptions Carefully COMPOUNDED. 4 J-'-,- j BOND & JONES, HARDWARE AND STOVES, S Cultivators, Harrows, Plows and Castings, Hoes, I Spades, ShoveU. forks, and Rakes. y Carriage Material. Paints Oil, Varnishes, Putty, White Leads and Tinting Colors Oakum, Manilla, Hemp and Cotton Kopes. Window Screens, Wire G a use, Fly a:is and Trap. Canopies and Hammocks. Fishing Rods and Tackle. . if mi t m i Cabinet Makei, Undertaker mbalmr. gg AND DEALER IN FURNITURE. Telegraph Orders Atteaded to Promptly Day or Night. JR. MtZ FASHIONABLE A TJlJ W7! W71 .JLEJLJ Elegant Appointments. New Shop. Polite and efficient service The only white shop in Edenton. Bakery. JT 3VE. X7'OSS'EH23-iSS:. 2?ro'r. First-Class in every respect. Choices cakes. confectioneries, bread, &c, always on hand- Everything fresh. We bake Every Day. Nothing but the very best goods sold. Clark's Cream Patent Family Flour a specialty The best on the market. Wedding Cakes furnished at short notice. Cor. Main & Queen sts. -r.-L. ). pox,- DENTIST. BAY VIEW HOTEL for the present. EDENTON, N. C. Watch this space nextwceJc A. B, McCoy & Co., will have something that will interest every housekeeper in Edenton, KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! MlLLINBiTf jpANCY Goods, DRY GOODS AND 'FKQ ALWAYS if STYLE km SEASON. BROAD STREET. She harotna $ Jam . Entered at the Po3t Office at Ed ton as Second-Class matter. This paper is sent to subscribers until an explicit order is received by the publisher for its discontinuance, and alt payment f arrearages is made, as re quired by law. SCALES AND PLANTS. ITEMS PURELY LOCAL CONDENSED FOR TI1E BUSY READER New houses continue to go up. Mr. E. L. Woodard is at Norfolk this week. Mr. John Whetstone gave us a call Tuesday. Miss Annie Wozelka has return-d from Plymouth. Pay your subscription or we will have to cut you off. Mrs. P. Matthew and Mi?s M. A.Mooi have returned hmne. Miss Narsiasa Sawyer has returned to her home U E. City. It is said watermelons will be later than us'ual this year. Miss Allen, of E. City, spent Sunday with friends in this place. Our truck raisers are now busily en gaged in shipping potatoes. Capt. Tillery, of the Str. Ranger, ha moved his family to Edenton. Mrs. VVm. Spruill will leave today for her home at Columbia, this state. Miss Carrie Hall, of Scotland Neck, is delighting Mrs. Pruden with a visit. Miss Agnest Heath, of E. ity, is vis iting the family of Mr. Joseph Spruill The planing mill of the Pease Lum ber Co. is ruxining both day and night. Mr. W. M. Bond is having ereited two nice dwellings on his lot on Church street. Mr J. C. Byrd has opened a grocery store on King 6treet in the Woodard store. Several Edentonians will visit the World's Fair during this and nex month. Miss Judd, who hns been visiting Mrs. J. K. Rea, left Monday tor Balti more. M'RF Jennie Bailey, of Williamston, is visiting Mrs. W. Y. Warien near Edenton. Mrs. Shannonhouse and son. of Hert ford, are visiting Mr. aud Mrs. E. J'. Norman. Give us more water. Sink wells. In time of peace prepare for war. Fi rer come unexpected. Miss Helen Bond and Mis Verne Boush have returned home from Greensboro College. Mrs. Walter M. Jewell, of Berkley, Va., is delighting her sister, Mrs. A. II. Mitchell, with a visit. Read the new advertisements in this issue, and patronize those who eoiicit your trade in this way. Mrs. O. F. Gilbert has returned from her visit to friends and relatives in Norfolk and E. City. A young lady in town wants a grown boy cousin. Can't some of our young men accommodate her. The Misses Stark, who have been vi? ltinj friends in this city, have returned to their homes at Norfolk. The county commissioners will meet Monday next. Our city fathers will be in session Tuesday evening. Mrs. Benj. Til ley, who has been visit ing her son in this city, left Tuesday for her home at Berkley, Va. Mr. J. S. Jones and his young UDd attractive bride, spent several days in Edenton this week with relatives. The showers. on Saturday and Sunday were a great help to the crops as they began te Buffer far the want of rain. Pr. L. S. Fox. Dentist, has decided to locate permanently m Edenton and is preparing his office over Mr. W. O. Elliott's store. There is no excuse for any man to appear in society with a grizzly beard since the introduction of Buckingham's Dye, which colors a natural browu or black. Mr. W. B. Felton. of Rocky Hock, gave us a pleasant call yesterday. He states that mad dogs are numerous in bis neighborhood. We acknc wlege a visit this week from Mr. K. R. Newbold, representing Tay lor Brothers, commission merchants, Washington, D. C. The Westleyan Female College at Murfreesboro was burned to the ground Wed .ttuay night. This is twice it has been dtstroyed by fire. Dr. Frx aDd Mr. R. F. Cheshire have purchased a croquet set for the use of the ladies, which they will cheerf ully put up on court house green any time foi their enjoyment. Whats became of all the fat sailing boats? Last reason sailing was all the talk, now we scarcely hear of such a thing. What's the matter? Trot 'em out aud let's have some fun. Tha uip of a poisonous snake is but a slight remove from being more darger ous than the poison of Scrofula in the biood. Ayer's Sarsaparilla purifies the vital fhi it:, expels all poisonous -substances, md supplies the elements of life, health and strength. Cards ie out for the marriage of Mis Marie L. Brinkley aud Mr. A. L. Baumgardner, which will take place at uovmi June the 8th, at the M. E. huroh. Director of the E. A. & F. Fair will meet at 11 o'clock Thursday, June 8th, t oilice ot Mi . Julien Wood. By or der ot Pittidtnt. Jno. C. Bond, Sect'y. If you dcsiie a beautiful complexior, absftdutelv frt e from pimples and blot ches, purify your blood by the ute of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Remove the cause of these ciefigurements and the skin will take care of itself. Be sure you g-t Ayei Vs Sarsaparilla. Dr. W. T. Wooodley left last week f ir Guitfoid College, N. C, where he will remain till about July 1st, at which time he will go to New York to finish a meoical course at the Sloan ?.Iaternitv Hospital. Dr. Wood ley con t 'niplates practicing his profession at (rrH--iif boro, at d we cheerfully com mend him to the people of that place. He is a good physician and a gentleman of high standing and much prominence, and his numerous friends doubtless re grot to se hini leave Chowan county, where he has so long resided. We wish him all the success he may desire. MARRIED. Jnd General Repairer of v . oi iv uone low rncv Dr. B. "W. Haihaway, of Avoca and a former resident of this city, and Miss Arnette Pieot were married at Wins f.'n, N, C Thu sday evening last, May 2oth. bv Fev. Dr. Rainey. The hepn couple came to Edenton Friday evening and received their friends fit the residence of Mr. J. R. B Hathaway, father of the groom, on Water street, where a sumptious re past was spread and where congratula tions were tendered in matchless pro f uion. Our hearty congratulations and best wishes ar1 freely tendered. On Saturday they took the steamer for Ayoca where they will reside. POLICE COURT. Mayor Rog.-rson disposed of the fol lowing cases this week: Frank Paxton and John Miller, fight ing at R. M. Lee's bar, fined S3 50 each. H'.nders'on Pessley and Joe Slade, hrowint- sticks on s reet at Joe Blount, 345 each, Lethia Martin, cursing Mary Carter, fined 83.75. Anthony Gregory, striking Andrew Rawls, fined 3.75. W. J. Hardereon, white, and R. M. Lee, fighting, 86. CO each. Ella Skinner, fighting Emily Lit tle, 3.75. v m t m i- FOR RENT. A desimhie residence and s'oreon Broad stieet. For term apply to Mrs. 0. F. Gilbert. FOR RENT. A rei drce We9t Queen street. Terms reasr nable. Applr to JULIEN WOOD. r OR SALE. The mft9t deniable hase and lot at Nag's Heat, 2CO yards from hotel. House is tro Mcry with .piazza all around lower fl or. Terms easy. Apply to J50. M. Jones. with, neatness and dispatch. Shp on Water street. do Mo ir M1M is r DEALER INr HORSES and MULes. Wait until the Fall before you tuke our purc?as?. ) I will have a large lot of aood ofk and will ' sell ower than auy dealer. Be on the watch. As soon as they arrive I will make it known through tb'e colmuus Don't Read This without cons. dering your own mtwest. t- At! . A.? I A 1 j , k ' ' I is nelling Groceries, Country Prouute ixud the t-. of LIQUORS AN f CIGARS as cheap as tl. cheap, st. J4 JJiirliHHt prices iaid f r i CORN" and ll .tln- J CniTTTIiY !Ol)r 1 L Come to see h'rn A call will convince you of the truthful -(neais of this btateiuetit. Remember the Stand, cor. Broad and Water Sis . tfxt door to the ''G t Bargain Hiuse " Kdentow, N. ( I have sold my ftock Cor- Church ii Okum sts. to J. A North o'.t Vea lor in- ' Tobacco and Cigars. Fresh Beer On Drangh every day. Your viMts m1 be .-ppreciatfcd. TIN AND SHEET XROIT WARE Only First-Class Shop in Edenton. Best work done at Pricest SATISFACTION GUARAMTkT). ftW" t W. L LIPSITZ, i:-:alki: ix Dry Goods, W o tions. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, fee and A leader of Low PRICES. $o$ It i- a well known f;ict th-t I am sMiiii faliion-!i os. and the le.t ffnods. itt;? omu a!. Come To See Me. Cor Bryd rd Kmut -reet. P3 21 O td w S t TO C o CO