OUR COLORED PEOPLE. J This column is edited by W.ELDoggetj Miss Mattie Mabin is home from E. City. Mr Thadius Ryan is visiting bis . son at Norfolk. Miss Mary Pittman of Tarboro is in the city. Miss Georgia A. Paxton left for Boston last week. Mrs Maggie Duggins and little daughter have retained home. Miss Martha A. Lee, of Plymouth, is visiting her sister Mrs Reeves. The two marriages in to.vu lasi week caused many to fall in line. The Q S. Base Ball nine opened the season last Monday. Go it boys . Mr. James Willa and Mr C C. Manning left this week for the North Miss Hattie Mc Harris, of Avoea, was in our city last week on her n ay home. Miss Hattie Owens and MissCoia Williams are visiting friends in E. City. Mr W. fl. Skinner and a number of young people from Plymouth left this week for Boston. Rev C. M. Cartwright returned from Columbia on Uie 30th and re ports things prosperous. Great many men are out of em ployment at Roper. The mills, we are told will be moved from there The marriage of Mr. Harklcs Pail in and Miss Mary Creeey May 24, was grand. May their union be a happy one. The marriage of W. IE Jigizetts to Miss Cora Ciark was one of the liu est ever witnessed in Kede.h cburch. May their pathway be ever bright. V II Doggett was married on the 30th to Mrs. Adaline Mixon After the union the.hnppy couple boarded the tr.iiu for a tour through the North. COLORED NEWS FROM E. CITY, WRITTEN BY G. A. RICHARDSON. There were services Friday at all the churches, Mr. W. J. Pierce left Monday lor h's home Hope he had a pleasant trip. Miss Mary Perkins has retuiiied home from an extended trip. We cordially welcome her home. Prof. A. A. Smith, theological teacher of Shaw University, preacited a very spicy sermon at the 1st Bap tist church- We were pleased to meet some of our dUI friends from Roanoke Island last week. They were here attending the Association, We have with us Miss Williams, the missionary who is doinj; so much good in New Berne. We assure you Miss, 3 our ccmpany is very desire -able. All the members of the 1st Baptist Sunday School will be glad to learn that Rev. J. W. Wi'son has joined with them. In him you have a zeaN ous worker. In his speech Friday night, Prof Smith said music was as much need ed in the elevation of one, as any thing he could mention. We agree with him Mr W. II. Smith has again proven himself to be an artist office repute. Every one that beheld the work sketched by him for the close of the Normal School was favorably iras pressed The State Normal school closed on Friday night with 120 students, rep resenting 14 counties. A total of 30 teachers has been sent out during the session. This school bids fair to be one ot the leading State schools in process of time Can it be possible? E. City with over six thousand inhabitants hasn't a single musical club. Oh y lovers of music join with me and let us combine ourselves in one great and grand musical club. Now give your name. We have received the names of Messrs Perkins, Perry and J&mes. Who 11 be the nest. IIow Squire Bond TVa I'ooieu. Squire Bond, whose descendants are fareiaost in Springfield affairs, kept a general store in the early part of the cen tury out on the borders of Worcester county, and like all storekeepers of tL? period he sold rum. One old tippler whose credit "was very weak got badly in arrears, and Mr. Bond got wary about trusting him. Tho tippler came in one day with bis jny half full and wanted it filled clear up, as he was going away. Tho liquor was poured in until it came ap to tho cork, but when the squire asked for tho money it wa3 not forthcoming. No pleas could induce him to trust any longer, so ho poured oat as much as he had put in and the tippler went away. The liquid which had half filled the jug beforehand was not rum, but water. Springfield Homestead. Phillips I J rooks as a Schoolteacher. It is related that the first attempt of Phillips Brooks to begin a career was a discouraging failure. After h left col lege he became a tutor in the Boston Latin school, but the principal was so little imrretsed with bis capacity thai he r.r.1 ied for his resignation. When jroung Brooks then decided to enter the ministry, the pedagogue- predicted his failure on the ground that he had never known any one to succeed in anything else who had failed in school teaching. Chicago Herald. Consoling the Widow. Parson Whangdoodle Baxter Sistah Snow Sake, yer shouldn't go on dat way about de defx ob yore lato husband. Re member how much better off he is now he is dead. "Dat's meant as a disreproach for me. 3 .dat de way yon consoles de widaors and orphants? Git out, niggah, 'fore I scalds you!" retorted the dusky widovr. Texas liftings. A Puzzled Youngster. Harry is the youngest of the family, the only boy among several girls, and sometimes the superior advantages of girls seem to weigh heavily on Ms youth ful mind. The other day we heard him say thoughtfully to himself: "Women always first. I wonder why God didn't make 'em first, but he didn't. He made Adam first." New York Tribune. The Woman to lie Pitied. The woman who must earn money and at the same time keep house, nurse babies, sew up seams, manage servants and attend to the complex affairs of an establishment is to be pitied. She has far too much for one pair of hands to do. Harper's Bazar. England contends with smallpox at a disadvantage. Many persons of infinencc 3o not believe in vaccination, write against it and oppose it in every way they can. The opposition has crown greatly during the long absence of tho Epidemic. t ' 9 i. - ' - ..... (. lt? -.1 fJil 5 .If. V- k.-ved. rrV-- i frir tit, i w"V.:.cM:or$5. For c''aj-r "cris: nr.s of . .. .. . .. , v NOTICE. On Monday, the 5th day of June, 1893, I will sell at publie sale before the court house door in Edenton. N.C., theJno. W. Branning residence (in Main street, Edenton. This sale i. made under order of the Sup-i ior court of Chowan county for partition. C. S. VANN, May 1st. 1303. CoiujrTr. Oh, My! Have you seen the new and beautiful stock of Dress Goods,. White Goods, Laces and Em broideries, AT BRINKLEY'S EMPORIUM. Head Centre for FINE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. FANCY GOODS AND 'SHOES. Orders by mail carefully attended to and samples sent to any address on application. E. L. BRINKLEY, Edenton, N. C. y -FOR- AN"D VK 'J HOOPED CO 110 S. Pratt near Lis!it. i , E"TiVRE n,D w - S huewsci .1 WmmW 0 COTTON AND FLAX Ca I LL i TS, p Corks, Se'ne Leads, (kc. S-i?t" Tivirj of all kinl). ilp CU uflln. Cotton fc ie-nif itoj- 21 i T,i!i,n,a -- THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Send TEM cents to JB Union Sq., M. Y., for our pr!za crno, " BJincJ LiKik," and win a EIoy Home Sewing Wachlne. The New HomeSswing MachinsCo. ORAMCS, ?AG3. 5!ioua' FOR SALE BY uw.-r-E. L. BKINKLKY. BUSINESS niHEiTO Y. ARRANGF.P FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COLORED V S1TORS TO OUR CIT. We seil onlv the finest and freshest Giocories and Fruits. Prices to suit t'ie people. (."Jive us a call and be con vinced. J. El. Capelieart & Son. Gah-; Sc. Yov van jet y : liiealt; at all hours by sloping at tVie Ii:.'-taui ant near the depot. B'i t class act-Oiiiodat ions Mrs. Martha Simpson, Deale in GroeeiitH. i'i cv.s'oiis and country prod.iee. or. Aibemarle and Granville St. Philip M Donald, leaning and Dyin Clotiies. Work dor.e iii tirst eiass style an 1 satisfaction guaranteed or no nay. Call and see him. Prices low. Any work pent by mail will receive prompt attention. Call on W. E. Bnrk. at Rea's Opera Ho -ire for ihi class shoe work. Prices to sait the times. I am now prepared to do all kind of repairing on Boot and Shoes also re pairs on 'arup-s. Call and s.jC' me W. f. skinner & Co. Shoe shop on Queen St. Wo L. S3 SH0S C I M T Lk r.1 EHm And ether speciaies for Gentleme n, Ladles, E073 aad Jtt.es; s arc th& Best in tha World. VA fe i laent wliiii will apt'ear in thisparer. S4 Taks no Substitute, 4Lff DOUGLAS' SHOES. with E. S. NORMA N. Subscribe for the Fisher-rnat- JbarmerJ 'teas' yia ad y afas-v F.ffwX rp .jwt". 'nF' j p-trouaKH in the past and hope to merit V , "u ; 1 -V'II:,,K ' 't ;. ' 1 S t f'S I a continuation ol the same ! rai and Sunur Lui.-s. and ut kj AVd ! Ournhippers are requested to ice ty Uh M'-v-nei Nel .;d,r, thplr fiv.1, nd nor nut. tnn mr.v hursdav niui iinrday tor Roanoke JIl" Wm-r DURABLE, ... ? cs. r J r v .t?ef C; ;j to I S. L. STOEEB & CO. Tvholesale Commission Dealera and shippers of all kinds of FRESH FISH Lobster. Turtle, etc. 16 Fulton Fish Mkt., NEV ORK- WflDrAn-i-ro rnnrrprv o-.Tirrtna fish in h box. j Stencils and stationery furnished on application. y i WTinWPn DDH riahftcn rnHftrtiihu, f Wholesale Cowiuissiou Dealers . , , . ,. I nd .H pers ot Fresh Fish J -r j rn c H8 South St. : (Fuitn Mk't) Successor to Lanphear & HalT "Wholesale Connnission De:Jcr in LOBSTERS, &c. No. 12 Fulton Fish 'arket, NEW YORK 01 TV. North Carolina SHAD a fp-ciiiity t Fishermen, stick to the o'J luckv Number VI sIb. MILLER & CO WHOLESALE COMMISIO fcTSn iJeaiers, 1 Hi NO. 7 FULTON MARKET, New York. Samuel B. Miller Clarence G. Miller, j Special Attention UlVeti tO THBSALE OF NORTH CARO-i LIN A SHAD. Stencils and Stationery Furnished o? Application. WE EMPLOY NO AGENT. Established j saml m. imm a sen, VV'MoIefcaK Coiiim'.ssum Dealers in rr!f . '-V -. j -ri',' i n w- S ?-fC ?-V.m ;',-.-v iv ...... v.-t : v;--: .--a Soft Crabs, Terrapin, Etc. 12 Light t. Baltimore, Md. Quick Sales ! Prompt Returi: REFERENCES Traders Nat.. Par; It, Dxms Mi-rcuntile Aeijiv. Win. J. Jiocjer A Co. J. Duket.;o t a Co, " DAVENPORT & HORSs Wholesale Grocer?, Comciission merchants. And Dealers in pish. RICHLIONa YA. Consignments of North Carolina her rings solicited, ar-d proceeds remitted in cash. On account of our intimate acquaint ance and frequent transactions with the Grocery trade of the west and south we are able to handle North ("aroliuh ish to the verv best possible advantage and we are known every iiei e as the largest distributors in this market. OUFOLk A JOl'TH FUN r ILKOAl (XiMI'ANY. StTEDULE IN FFFICT MAIiv li Ih lSSi". Mail Train ieae? Edentuu n.n. daily, except Sunday, arrives at Nor- ; 'r tV.u, 1:.... a Daily (except Sunday) at 7:i: a. v.v i arrive ftt Norfo'k 11 a.m. lianu, .pw ivrne ami .iuuuir y .North Carolina K K. t;iti-u. ---- -r--. I .0 ----- 1011 r; i) pan. is ituiowe; j runs?- . St.-v:n-rtoM;icl.-v irry daily (ex- ; csuudi wiu, paiii,fori:op,r. ,-"1 ,r r r V . T : Steamer Ilnvei, I.e.!.' tor Maklev;iie, , S,nith a, t-k. ahiu-ton uud 1 interiiM-dTiiff l.-milint.. Steai -er Piyaiftith, dailv, 'xr :t Sumiay.) fur l'lvnHM.t!i Jainesviiiv, V. llhamston aim imisor. Steamer M. K. Uobt-ris. Ti:e.ii:. f j Tii'irsu'ay Jind Saturday tor Chowau IJiver; Wednesday ior A)C.i ami S;tl moii free;. aiMi Monday and Friday for Si-i;j.tvrnonxc iiivf r. Norfolk I!aseiJl and freight Ma!im iit N"lT.!k i.'id .'i-t"i n ; oad 1 e" t. eJu-cKeu t" jain-.nja1 points. o CAs'i'KiiN AI;'LtNA ls'A'; :i A asaO X i aIaaLI aI rri v v r r i AND PASSLNCFK Kol 'ji:. lirnlar line of anu i bet. 'a Atlantic ec Noi t'n s 'l.ro'.iint l. l...w Mi l r,.-. atjii Kiirabet.'j r-.iy. D;.iiy rail sji vice Wi wv-n Ko.- iiU.n, New Vol k, Phil.".le!pJiia. i'altunoi i Nor foF-. 1 broach ears, as lo'.v rates and j ) iekrr tine.- t!. Hi by aiiy t i m i i o.itt I Jil'eet :. I I to be h i pp M i em ';;i( Ii r..i K It. ah tiiiuu. t tn Neriolk b N. v S. li. b' : i iaitiiaoj b ; v-: B. li. it. : 11 filt'iil St. ."Nial'M ... PfU',:iei!:iu by i'enn.-v i aiin i. ?l. L".. cK Si stalion. N-v Vol k by Per. u sy. a,- ia j; Jv., l i-.-r 'JTNoitb Kiver. Pel I ii it I u r mlot oiotJoIi i:j l P.. v' CMD, Auer.t. Edent, ii. N. (' . or to the General Or'tice of the N. A S. !i. li. Co., Nortolk, Ya. M. K. KING. Genera! ?!.; a . er. u. c. uubGiNs. i;. y. a- p. .t. A SIMPLE IKQUIPY 21 AH Shk Yc U DOLLAKS. Write for jr ee i e'" H p r.o it! oie'trsfor graves rr eel . ' . i I v. mtk i '(':;!: It- -e!i! rn r v--. I .J, IK A 115 Hunk St.. " loj'K. Y i Iii. ' KL.KN 'S fiNI A SALVK TSlfP-St Sm!vv H. file AOlid t 1 u!s, Pi Ule, Soi: C'el -. h;.lt Ki.eniu, Fevt . ?ro - ; hap) Hiiihis, ' ill. lair.. ': v- . S);if. ' (-),- r...n, mid vsit:ve!;, f - i i : - 01 . ; ";t.v leouireij r. i.- ri u 1 mp e to.-iM ., ".i-v l Ot f e- I :: V. lMJC-t ! ' fi 7 j n n y r t c n n U. H. Z ! H Ij K L L t L U ITS. C iuirk' S' ;c "t Saltirncre, 11 u . 1 ,'M) C :t e n 1 y f O T JVj 5 -.v ( i 'i f V 71 7.V Av:. ME'I JinPO I A'l A N i.EEHK t "( S Iiur!ier Cl!lr. m- nlii M.'iku 1sIt,4. nw EYCO.lNG KUIJPEK C(S The ycominu ov-S,.r, E- vy boot, tb lPst in the wm!! Wri'.f fr Discount-. PASmONAPEK -BOOT AND SHOE 5AKKK A I I fits 'U;i; ;t n , .. J Pii t c !.vr :f j.an ieg t.A. it ..111. I' I . . ' " -' V III I I- d liand. Your order $dicited. P. a Attention, Call and M?e ine. Maiu St Edenton. N. C. a. 5Nov is the time to Bub:cribfJ N 4 V f6 iSrtWisW!

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