C - ' The Official P&per of Chowan County. A. H. Mitch, Editor &nd Manager Price $1.50 Per Year. Delivered at doors of city utoscribers, as soon as from press, by carriers, without extra ebaree. Xhe Editor dlaelalxasa 11 responsibility for the views or statements of correspondents and re serves the right at all times to revise or reject any article he may think proper Best Advertising Medium In the District. Rates very moderate 8 pec Lai Rates on Long uonirats EDENTON, June 30th, 1893. There are ia the present Congress twenty seven citizens of foreign birth. Ireland leads with eight. That Nebraska farmer who has 100 acres sown in mast aid can make it hot for the people who fool with him. Gov. Altgeld has pardoned the Chi cago Haynarke; tragedy anarchists Fielden, Schwab and Nebe. No pre vious intimation was given of his intended action A fanner who has a quaiter section of land should set five or ten acres of orchard trees. They will get him oat of debt if he is in and help him to keep oat, if he is oat, The negro residents of James City, near Newbern, issued an ad dress to the people of the State asking for aid in bnying lands on which to locate a new town, as they propose to remove in a body trom James City, the land in which Mr. Bryan, the owner, refuses to sell. m m The first news of the appearance o the cotton louse came to the Depart ment of Agricultural Irom North ampton county The Commissioner s&ya that dry hot weather will kil out these pests, which are a new in flietion in North Carolina Gov. Stone, of Missouri, who was on a train which was recent ly robbed by one lone man, with a toy pistol, must have been badly rattled when he saw seven nigrobber3 in that one man. The Missouri editors (who were not on the train) are having a rattling time poking fun at him. -- In the Midway plaisanoe at the fair It is not uncommon to see a Dahomey mm sitting in front of a hut ensured iu needlework, while his wife or other female member of the family sits by smoking a cigar It is question whether there is much further need for missionary effort in Dthomey. It is believed that the worst of the money stringency is over and with the exception of here and there n stray failure resulting from over speculation, booming or kindred sport, the commercial community is in a fair way of holding its perpendi cular. Still there is vital need of sound legislation. Go away from home Be off for the woods, the mountains, the shore, or seek some seclude 1 spot where no fiends torment, nor misers thirst for gold, where no collector of bills can find you, where entirely freed from all work and care, you have nothing to do bat : sleep, fish, play, read, enjoy your friends, and do as you please, so you please to do right. It is said, that savings basks in New York City are carrying at least $10,000 of idle mney, which they have witharawn from the national banks in order to protect themselves against sudden and senseless panic among their depositors. The with drawal of this money from active use is one of the causee of the present strigency. The Editor of the Fisherman & Farmer hat been very tick this week. Here is something new under the son. Congress appropriated $$50$ ooo to defray the expenses of the rteeat Naval Review. Yet while there were no cheese paring, the total expenditure footed np $76,800. Bnt this may be accounted for by the fact that a Democratic adminis tration had the management and tke handling of the cash. Es. Thousands of young men are drawn into society whose salaries and in- comes are very far und?r $10,000, and if they keep up with the proces sion somebody must foot the bill. It is to bo feared that in many instances the wrong parties foot the bill Eei ployers find to their surprise tWat they have unconsciously furnished the funds needed by the society younc men in their establishments, Banks are victimiied in the same way. People who hnve trusted their money to others suffer in order that some voung man may spend 13,500 a year for clothes. Ex. THE MUSICALE. The Musicale given Tuesday night by M: ss Moore's Music Sohool, at Rea's Opera House, we are told, was very good. The singing and instru mental music were all of a high grade. furnishing a treat to the audience while it advertised to the public the fact ( the teachers ability and the scholars attainments. The audience was large and appreciative. We re gret very much not being present. DIED. Mrs. Mary Byrum daughter of W. L. Nixon, and wife of R. II. Byrum died at her home in this county. She was a consistent member of Evans M. E. Church, a zealous worker ani devoted christian. Therefore we feel that earth has lost one of its bright est ewels. G W W. CERTIFICATE OF A TRAVELING AGENT OF THE SINGER MFG., CO. A. H. Huber; Esq., Proprietor of Herinsis Comp. Syrup of Blackberr root. Sir : For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, or for the Suiam n Compliints incident to children, I know of no remedy comparable t. Herixg's Syrup. In my housebote and when traveling, I never permit myself to be without it I consider the remedy- indispensihle. T. Bond Brown, Eikton. Md. Traveling Agent Singer Mfg. Co For sale at Leary's. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CxR OLINA. Equipment Faculty of 25 teachers, 1! buildings, 7 scientific laboratories, library of 30 0G0 volumes, S16 student'). Instruction 5 general cdurses. 6 bi ie! courses', professional courses ir law. medicine. GQiaeering and chemistry . optional courses. Expkxsks Tuition, 00 per year. Scholarships and loans for the needy. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, Chapel Hill, N C. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishe from horses, Blood Spavin? urbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring-bone Stifles, Sprains, all FwolleD Throats, Caughs, etc. Save $50 by use of on bottle. Warranted tbe most wonderful Blemish Cure known, by Sold w. 1 leary Druggist, centon. FOR SALE. The most desirable house and lot at Najr's Heat, 200 yards lrom hotel House is two story with piazza all around lower floor. Terms eRy. Apply to Jno. M. Jones. AUTOMATIC SEWING MACHINE Has no equal is delivered free every where. Please send full Post Office ad dress, including County, and also your shipping address, including railroad sta tion most convenient to you. One cent postal expense will -bring to you some thing new and important for every fam ily. For full particulars please send to No. 457 West 26th Street, New York City. Advertise I AdTaitine I SNAG'S HEAD HUibL. i mi rv -r-i - x KIU rrn ina n 1 ne vu&si u i won w n mst delightful place t spend the heated ter-n5. Dirge, Airy Booms, New Build inga, Sailing. Bathing, Fishing, Driving, Shooting, &c. T'ox'xxxmz 4w $1 50 to $250 per day, according to roosa 310.00 to 815 00 per week, according to room. First Floor, one person 35.00 First Floor, two persons 65.00 2nd and 3rd Floors, one person 40 00 2nd and 3rd Floors, two perwons 75 00 Children under 12 years of age and servants, half price. Corner rooms 5 00 extra. Special rates to famines of four or more. For other information, Addiees J. B. Brockett, & Co. 4k N A It's HEAP. N- C. 500 BOOKS, ETC., FREE, YOUR 500 LABELS 10 CENTS. 500 Firms Want Agents. STBNDIOCTS and we PRINT your full address on 1,000 (2 colors) Gummed Labels, 500 postpaid fur you to stick on your letters, papers, &c, and 500 post paid to 000 agency firms, publishers and manufacturers, who will mail you 500 sample books, noveltiea, pictures, mag azines, papers, &c. Free with your printed address on each. G. P. Cuktiss, of So ilmington,Ct. writes as follows: The FREE tample books, papers, &c , I received from the 500 firms mentioned if bought would cost S2S to 40 Am delighted ." THE FAST MAIL CO., Raleigh. N. C. ABREST WITH THE TIMES. Full course of instruction and modem methods of hand I ing same, able ana ex perienced teacher, careful moral train ing. and pupils (bovs and vcung men)of correct principals and habits, character iwtic of THE -HSH39 Mi S5HQ0L WAYNESBORO, VIRGINIA. Electric light and other modern advan tages. Write tor Catalogue. E, W. Albaugh & Son Wholesale Commission Merchants. a Tin 1 1 KKKAPiN, OYs?r:KS, GAME & POULTKl .No. 22i Lifht Mn-ei Wharf, BALTIMORE Jonsignmeuts Solicited. riompt Returns, Our Motto. REFERENCE Citterns Mi:vi..iJ Cntk, W. J H- "-! s: ' o. Wholesale Couimiss.o:i 103 Fulton Fish Makket, ToTvr T"orlx.. Social Attention given to the sale of North Carolina Shad. Rock. Chub, Perch and TERRAPIN. Reference: Guirkin &. Co., Banker?, md Chas. Robinson, President 1st Nat ional Bank. Elizabeth City, N. Ci ar-d ther Fin ac s when desired. 3TAm not and have never been in the Mellon, Truck or Fruit business. Stationery and Stencils furnished at a moments notice. WALTER HUGHES. HOUSE ID ffl PITER. All work done promptly. jg cheaply, ami at suon nonce. Satisfaction go ran teed. lT Paper hanging a specialty. JF) "JV AM.l Low prices I am here to satisfy those who are longing t?r $3.00 torS?l.oo. I can rave this if you call to see me today. To-day my slaughtering knife has reached its way into Clothing, Shoes LISTEN AND BE CONVINCED THAT BAKER'S IS THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY. I have the goods not to keep, but to sell- My motto is: Quick sales and small profits. LISTEN TO TilESE PRICES: Blk. Clay worsted, silk bound, three styles, worth i 5.00 now 9.50. Fine Serges in biack and blue, old pyuee $15.00 now $ 10,00. Light suits at prices to suit your tuste. Chi drns suits, from 4 to i4, 1.00. Pants of all styles and prices. Our stock of Shoes and slippers are complete and prices to epeak for themselves. Onr Dry Goods are as cheap as ever. Come one, Came all, To day is the dy. N. Y. CLOTHING STORE. Extra choice German Millet. $1.50 per bushel. George Tait & Sons, Norfolk. Va. HJ For the great bargains to be had of tne old fife who has served the people of Edenton and surrounding counties for the last 13 years, who only succeeded in business by giving the peolef ull value for their money. I have bought the largest stock of goods ever brought to Edenton and do not care for any competition. To show the public that I am worthy of the reputation gained. I will sell goods cheap- er than they can be had elsewhere. Lndie? fine L'-ce and Bu'.ton Shoes worth !.-" for 9cfs Boys Shoes No's 2 5 Fine Mens Shoes Hand Made pure calf congress Mens Suits i Childrens suits 4 :4 Dress goods from sets upward. White crooks at all prices, also embr ;d , ery and laces for dresses and trimmings and all other goods u proportion Special attention given to the Milinery department, the finest eject ions ever seen in this place and at prices to suit all Come 10 sec us aud we will show you how to save money. Thanking you all kindly for past favors 8nd soliciting your further patronage I am, very respectfully, O. NEWMAN. Old Stand at Bee Hive Store. tell the tale. and Dry Goods Seed Mercha Ji' jf r.n $1.25 for 8."c'k $1.75 fo- i 20 86 00 for $4 00 $18 00 for 1 2.00. 12.00 for ( 0. $8 00 for $500. $2.00 for 95cts.