WALTER I. LEARY, Druggist and Pharmacist S?A full line of Drugs always on hand Prescriptions Or e fully COMPOUNDED. Entered at the Post Office at Ed ton as Second-Class atter. mT2ST cig&ss m tow. BOND & J ONES, HARDWARE AND STOVES, S Cultivators, Harrows, Plows and Castings, Hoes, f i Spades, Shovels. Forks, and Rakes, ft $o$s Carriage Material. Paints Oil, Varnishes, Putty, White Leads and Tinting Colors Oakum, Manilla, Hemp and Cotton Rops. Window Screens, Wire Gause, Fly l?ans and Traps. Canopies and Hammocks. Fish'ng Rods and Tackle. Cabinet Makei, IJndertakef This paper ia sent to subscribers until an explicit order is received by the publisher for its discontinuance, and all payment of arrearages is made, as re quired by taw. SCALES AND PLANTS. rTEMS PURELY LOCAL CONDENSED FOB. TUE BUSY READER It continues cool. Base ball is coming to the front. Now for a rush to the mountains and seashore. Use lime freely, it is cheap and will ( keep off disease. Mrs. N. Baker is visiting relatives in Baltimore, Md. Miss Bettie Moore has returned home from school. Mr. E. S. Norman spent several da;;, at Hertiord this week. Emfoalmer. Mr. W. H. Jones, of town this week. Columbia, is in Miss Mae Hawkins is visiting friends at Camden this week. AND DEALER IN FURNITURE. Telegraph Orders Atteaded to Promptly Day or Night. MWDJKAM1EE, FASHION ARLE- Elegant Appointments. New Shop. Polite and efficient service The only white shop in Edenton. mi mm B First-class in every respect. Choices cakes, cenlectiotieries, bread, &c. always on hand. Everything fresh. We bake Every Day. Nothing but the very best goods sold. Clark's Cream Patent Familv Flour a specialty The best on the market. Wedding Cakes furnished at short notice. Cor. Main &. Queen sts. Dr. L. ). fox,- DENTIST. OVER W. O. ELLIOTT'S STORE. TT . EDENTON, N. C. Having permanently located here I offer my profess nal services to the people of the town and county. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office Hours: 8 to 12:30 and 2 to 6. Watch this spa ce next week' A. B. McCoy & Co., PEATiERS X3XT will have something that will interest every housekeeper in Edenton. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! yvrs.A. L. Sogae, yVLlLLINEFY, . ANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, S$ DRY GOODS AND LABILS FUiN- ISMIN (SS: ALWAYS !f3 STYLE AND SEASON. BROAD 8TREET, Miss Kate Wood, is visiting friends fat Scotland Neck, N. C. Mr. Levi I. Fagan has been appointed postmaster at Plymouth. Mr. E. W. Burton has returned heme from Washington, D. C Miss Mamie Watson is visiting Mis May Hawkins, in this city. Many a man who aim to (ell th. truth generally fires too low. Messrs Harry Cason. and Jimmit Warren are home from school. Mr. Wm. Badham' is home again, after a successful spring trip. Mr. Frank Tuttle left Tuesday fo his home at Plymouth. The activity on our streets indicates that local trade is fairly piosperous. FOR RENT. A house on Main street. Apply to Mrs. M. E. Garrett. Miss Maggie Ferebee, of South Mills, is vioitin Mr. and ra T. U. Badham Miss Madge Bond is delighting Mis Kate Coke, at Hertford, with a, visit. Mrs. W. M. Bond, who has been vis iting friends at Norfolk, Va., returneu home this week. 1 he Misses King, of Norfolk, Va , are paying Miss Bessie Wood a most pleasant visit. The man who thinks the worlde ov him a living is always in a hurry to levy on the debt. ML-s Eva Johnson, of Pautego, who has been visiting friends in Edentoi. ieft Wednesday. Miss Maggie Wilkerson left yesterda;, on a vi&it to her sister at rfootiaua Neck, N. 0. Mrs. J. A. Woodard, Jr., who hat been spending several weeks at War renton, has returned home- Rev. J. E. White, of Wilson, N. ("., has accepted the jail extended to him by the Baptiet church of this place. The days are swiftly slipping by, And soou with dep elation The ant wiii join the picnic pie In summer celebratiou Suffering Children can be cured by using Baiiy'e vv orm Killer or money refunded, at Leary's, only 25c. Miss Pattie Whidbee, after spending several days with friends in this citv. left Friday last for her home at Hert ford. People leaving home for the summer must notify us if they wish to receive the Fisherman & farmer while absent. Flears Bed Bugs Flies. Positive death to all, by using Calvert's Insect Powder at Leary's, only 10c. Tke no other. This is pure. Call at Dr. Fox s office and gt a box of Dr. Knight's tooth powder, which cleanes the teeth, heals sore gums &c. Contains nothing injurious. Only 25 cents a box! The subject of road i mprovement should be kept before the people. The improve. nent of the public roads in - creKses the value of farm lauds, and facilitates the marketing of farm pro, duce Uiaa Helen Evans who has been vis iting her cousin. Miss Irma Brinkley, for some time, left Wednesday, for her bom at Manteo, N. C. They strolled together 'neath Luna's light, At 9 at her father's door were seen, At 10 he whispered to her good night : Ana he sadly left her at 1:15. The use of Hall's Hair Renewer pro motes the growth of the hair, and rear tores its natural clor and beauty, frees the scalp of dandruff, tetter, a&d all impurities. Mr. Charlie G. Evans returning from Rondel ph-Macon College, Ashland, Va , spent a few days with his aunt, M'B. E' S. Brinkley, before going home. No Cholcba Here Why? Because -veryone v ho has Diarrhoea . Dysentery and all I-owel complaints use Baily's Cholera Cure, a positive cure at Learys. Messrs. L. D. Bend and T. M Small have opened a first class grocery store in the building next to A. Hackabee's birher shop. We bespeak for them a most liberal patronage. Impure blood is the cause of innum erable maladies. Hence, cno of the benefaction to humanity was discovery Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which, more than any other medicine, has saved America from becoming a nation of invalids. Said the Bushman to the Hottentot, "I've got a whit 4 man in my pot, I want a black man," and he 6hot The fat and oily Hottentot. And so he cooked his meal that night And put it down in black and whi e. Pallor, languidness, and the appear ance of ill-r ealth being no longer fash ionable among ladies, Ayer's Sarsapa nlla is more largely resorted to as a tonic-alterative, nervine, stomachic, und builder-up of the system generally Ihie is as it should be. Ayer's is t ie best. We see the Tiskilwa correspondent of the Bureau County Republican, Prince ton, Illinois, has the following to say of our fellow townsman, Dr. C. P. Bogert's visit to his old home: "Who should surprise his old friends the other day, but Dr. C. P. Bogert of Elenton, N. C. The Doctor left s about 15 years ago, and for a number of years was quite a conspicuous figure here. The old friends were more than glad to "shake1' and give him a hearty welcome. LIr. B. practises dentistry in Edenton. He had been to the Fair and er joyed a complete family reunion in Chicago." NOTHING SMALL ABOUT THESE. We were shown this week two Irish potatoes raised by Mi. Moses Hobbs, vvhich are certa'nly hard to beat. They were weighed by Mr. J. H. Perry, and oy actual weight are as follows: One weighed 2 lbs, the other H lbs. and was 7f inches long, 'Si inches wide, and 3 inches thick. Who can beat theiu. THE UNIVERSITY. Top rapid and wholesome growth of the University is matter for State pride and rejoicing. Iu two years the stu dent roll has grown trom 198 to 316. 520 000 worth of repairs is being made on t e buildings this summer', water wj;ks, baths, etc, are being supplied. The s holarship of the institution is be ing reorganized everywhere as equal to that of the leading Universities, and soon we shall have in North Carolina the great Southern University. See advertisement. Itch on huruwn and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool lord's Sanitary Lotion This never f-tils. Sold by W. I. Leary, Druggist, Edenton. FARMERS ATTENTION. Tcunip sekd, Cabbage seed lor su'omer planting cheaper than ever offered. Most reliable seed in U. S.; 2iovn by house established nearly 50 years Send for descriptive cir cular. It will only cost you a postal c.trd an save you many dollars. Albkm a.kle Seed Co., Elizabeth City, N.C. The question that reuiaius unan swered is who killed the Bordens, The jurv having IbuLd tht thepo;ict were in the wrong trail as t Lizzie Borden it remains for the hlue ooaied gentry to hunt tip the real murderer. I AkfiCAAA' ft AM IXXaA A dnd General Bcpairer Of Work done at Low Prices, with neatness and dispatch. Shop on Water tret. o G5&DEALEB IS HORSES and MULeS. ( Wait until the Fall before ou m:ke nur j urchas?. ) I will have lare !ot of &:ood sok and wi 1 I sell Sower than arfy dealer. Be on the watc'i. As soon as they arrive I will nnke if, known through thte coitio ns SSDon't Read TliisSi w without considering your own iuteret.t. is selling Groceries. Country Prmhicv and the t uf LIQUORS AN I CIGARS as cheap ns il,oc!i.-ari. i Come to see him. A call will Highest pi ices tmid ftn t convince you of the truthful- CORN nd all .lit r ( ness of this statement. (UN'i UY 1'IWUL C S Remember the Stand, cor. Broad and Water Ms . i. xt door to the -'GrtMt Bareain Huse " rVepfnrj, X. c I have sold my stock Cor- Church & Oknm sts. to J. A Nrrth ott licit ler in Vjjr - I -K.r jf - mZ. J And Fine "I Tobacco and Cigars. Fresh Beer On Eraugh every day. Your visits uil be ppreciatel. SICMBB K, HALL, TIN AND SHEET IRON W ARE Only First.-ClaPF S'r.rpin T denton Best work done a' Lowest Prices, SATISFACTION GUARANTnil). W. L L1PS1TZ, PEAIER LV Dry Goods. Notions. Hats. Cars, Boots and Shoes. &c. and A leader of Low PRICES. It is a well known fnct h;t I atn spiliiit fasliifiisil m S 'ods. and hf.t gfnfs. him -Mir ! Come To See 'e. Cor Bn-nd ar 0 Kilifr Stiet. P3 C z d 2 file L-

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