yt OUR COLORED PEOPLE. Thia column i edited by W. E. Bark. News scarce this week Mr John Skinner is at Nag's Head to spend the season. , Subscribe for the Fisherman aad Farmer and keep posted. When men practice what they preach, then will come the end. Mr Jackson BJouut paid his E. City friends a viait iast week. Mr Norfleet Bembridge left last week for E. City to visit his mother. The social giVen Ta$?week by Miss Hattie McHarris was a jovial affair. Mrs Martlia Skinner is in Wash ington City visiting relatives and friendb. Revs N. E. Collins and C. W. W infield visited Roper and E. City last week. Mr Harry Lewton has opened a green grocery on West Gale street Give him a call. There is a reward for those who attend strictly to their own business. Why not work .for the prize? Mr Samuel Hq well, formerly of this city now of Columbia, N. C, is in our midst visiting friends Miss Georgia Whitley Died on the 7th inst at tbe home of Mr. D. Pax ton on Queen St., of Typhoid fever Mr Harrison' Miller, who has been living in Edenton for a number of years, removed his family te Phila last week. Married on the 6th, Mrs Maggie Williams to Mr John Sprout, both of this place. May their union by a 'happy one. Let everybody turn out to the Opera Hous on J uly 19th to witness the public Instalation of the G. U O. of O. F. GUARANTEED CURE We authorise our advertised drug gist to sell Dr King's New Discov ery for CdBSuraptioo, Coughs and Colds, upou this condition. Ifycm are afilcted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and bave your money refunded. We coaid not make this offer did we not know that Dr King's New Discovery coulTjba relied on It never disap point. Trial bottles free at Leary's Drug store. Large size 50c. and $1. S. J. Chandler, Richmond, Va., writes : "No one can afford to be without B.B 15. who wishes au appe tite. I could scarcely eat a single bis cuit for "breakfast, but since taking B, B. B.'I clean the table 'so to speak," Russia's Best Friends. It is a curious fact that Russia's only friends among the great powers of the world are republics the two republics of France and the United States. Tho czar is not much of ah admirer of the German and Austrian kaisers, or the Italian king or the Turkish sultan, or the British sovereign, but he is on the best of terms with Mr. Cleveland and M. Car not and is a practical friend of their re spective countries, each of which sails nnder a tricolored flag. New York Sun. Chicago a City of Deadheads. Among other big things the, Chicago exhibition may certainly boast "the largeet;free list in the world. On Sun day there were 80,000 paying visitors, but the free admissions increased tbe to tal to 125,000. Chicago calls ifcU? a "live" city. It might fairly, be called , the city of the 'deaead." Lofitdon Globe. " ' English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and j Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins Curbs, Splints, Sweeay, Ring-bone ! Stifles, Sprains, all swollen Throats, ' Caugha, etc. Save $60 by use of one bottle. Warranted tbe most wonderful Blemish Cure known, by Sold w. i. leaky Druggist, denton. j Paying actors ills . o) m BOTANIC g)gPn BLOOD BALM THE GREAT REMEDY fC ALL ItTOD NO f K;S 0'SESES - Has bdGi XirrmvilT tottt-d 'j? tor 45 r r-J to-tr i Is to MEUHATISIS. PlSPtES, ETItfPTIOKS. and all at f:A"T"G, :rT:ifcirKCi auil BUNKING ikEH. IbtmI It i'.re Uxe raot bkxt dt f if 'i.riouo are foi lowad Trio fj p" t. bolt-:- 'or JA. For ate fry aru&fi- 8EKT FREE rWYSWEwiEa. - 4 VJ. L. DOUGLAS 03 SHOE hot thp. Do joa wear them 7 When next In need try a pair. Gest In the world. $5.03 34.00 08.50 If yea want afino DRESS SHOE, mads In tho latest styles, don't pay 96 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.uoor $5 Shoe, They fit equal to custom made and look and wear at well. If you wish to economize In your footwear, do so by purchasing W. L Douglas Shoe. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy "W. I. DOUGLAS, Broektoa, If see. Sold by E. S. NORMAN. BUGKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tere'I Chappe Hands 3bilblair.j Corns, jtd all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no day required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. I. Leary, Druggist. Z1RGKEL HI 17 S. Charles Street. Baltimore, Md. Sol agents for. flFT . 7 1 T Hats &c. METROPOLITAN RUBBER CO'S Rubber Clothing and Mackin toshes, and LYCOMING RUBBER CO'S Extra Sue quality rubber Boots and Shoes and T KKIS SK03S. The Lycoming Nom-Sxag Heavy bfct, the best im the world Write for Discounts. AUTOMATIC SEWING MACHINE Has no equal is delivered free every vhere. Please send full Post Office ad dress, including County, and also your shipping address, including railroau sta tion most convenient to you. One cent postal expense will bring to you some thing new and important for every fam ily. For full particulars please send to No. 457 West 2Stla Street, New York City. 02.50 ( NJ.00 42.23 V. tK 1.73 mm fuiiiliw am I Mj '""" - fi fH J III -1 iJU i WO. J. HOOPER & CO., 110 . Pratt, near Light, BALTIMORE, h3D., tonuJctatcrs c 4 7. a e c COTTON AND FLAX GILL NETS, ft 3 CORKS, SEINE LEADS, AC. W Seine Twine of all kinj?s, 33f- C Cotton fc Hemp Hoe s BUY THE N MOST DURABLE, AS I-T THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. nd TBH ent to 28 Union 8q., W. Y., tor our prli gamt, " Blind Luck," and win Bw Horn ewlng Machine. The New HomaSewing Machine Co. CQAOOOt OA88. a cue by .ukt- E. L BRINKLEY, BUSINESS DR CTO Y. ARRANGED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COLORED V SITORS TO OUR CIT. Wo sell only the finest and fieshent Groceries and Fruits Prices to suit the' people. Give ua a call and be con vinced. J. E.tcapeheart & son. Gale St. You can get yoar meals at ail hours by stopinsr at the Restaurant near t!:. depot. First class accomodations Mrs. Martha Simpson Blount St. M. J. Ryan, Dealer in Groceries. Provisions ;,nd country produce. Granville St. .r. Aibeniarle Philip MDonald, d leaning and Dyin: Clwthc. Wr.i k one in tirst class rvie ;ind 8;itis:.-v. "i guaranteed or no p:iy. Call nr.d see him. Prices lovr. Any work sent by mail will receive prompt attention. Call on W . E. Burk, at Ren's Opera House fr ii st clsss $hr work. Prices t suit the ames. I am now prepared t do m!1 ki.i.i if repairing on Hoots and Shoes uUo re pairs on lamps. Call a: i me W. F. Skinner & Co. Shoe shop on Queen Sr. Oh, My! Have vou seen the new and beantifiil To.'k of Dress Goods. White Goods, Laces and Em broideries, - AT BRIHKLEY'S EiPORiUi, Head -Centre for FINE DRY' GOODS, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS AND SHOES. Orders bj mail carefully attended to aud samples sent to any address on application. E. L. BRINK LEY, Edenton, N. C FOIJMBS S. L. STOR.ER&T30; aippefafcf aWkina of-4 ; , : -, - 'i.,Jrt H. j Lobster. Turtle, etc. .1.16 Fulton Fish Mkt., : NEW YORK L We RoknowJed ce vour -erv unferout i patronage in thv past jand hope iv. merit a continuation i the fame. - Our -hii.jM-rs ate iquested to- "ice thiir.fisli-1.1 uud not put to.)maiij fish in a box. ! ; .stenosis and sviionerv fumisud on application. ( Who'.fSJtle Commission Dealer. ; 1 a ci,;, , .lr., .,f ri n t P TPS H rlSn Vk3ii" A AklAj Lobsters, Terrapin, 18 South St. : 0'aitn Mk't) A. J O V.-ARN'EK, i SHAD a Specialt C. M PKANK.VRD. ) Successor te Lahphear & Ilnff W holesale Oon'. minion Der.Jer in LOBSTERS, &c. No. 12 Fulton Fish Market, NfcYV YORK CITV. - North Carolina SHA apecilty FiRliernien, PticW the old Incky Number V S B. MILIiEtifeO ) WHOLESALE COMMISSION NO. 7 FULTON MARKET, New York. Samuel B. Miller '( , '.'arenc-e G. Miller. ) Special Attention eu to i'HK SALE t)F NOR Til CARO LLA SHAD. Sterici:s anrl Stat-ionerv Fiiniished ir R EMPLOY- NO AGKNT. EatabiUht-d 101 . iAML M, LAWD & SON, Vih)1hk:i' ComnnrKicii iealeis i;i Soft Crabs. Terr:) in . ptc. 13." Liirht -Sr. .Baltimore, Md. Quick Sle ' ''?oriitt R-'turni- Tr'-.Jors Nat'j.'Ba'i'r. Puns Wrra:iti!e Ageno Vvn.- ' . liwr & . J. Imk-Juo-'. .-. Co,' DAVENPORT & MORRIS Who esa?e Grocer?, Commission iwcrj'hants. And Dealers in FISH, P.'CKHOND, YA. Cv)n?!i:iirjenT of North Carolina hr riris jscl. cited, and prtctds rfniittt-' id en On acvo4iitt of our intimate acquaiMt ar.c atid r iuut traJiiiet.oris wiri: tl:e GrncM'ry irnde f tit- u t-si anl :ire ao'e to hnnile N'.rth Cl:'i, fNh to th verr it poihle a.lrnt. Miid n-r are -v..-rv wh.r FlSiPealers, .a jr. frVTOftFOXJt A Mail .Train ;.-nve- Kdvuum 1:!5 n.m. , drily, t xiej.tviiid .v, triis at Nor- fo;; , )miI (t-xceM S,i 1 Ment on t 7 '4i h . m ' arrive at orio'K .1 :.:. j. r'cum ciuv. naU' tt Norfolk with all j rail and Stcttincr Lim-s. a-.d Jt K!i7a- both ity with Ste-m:er Nusf Tietd;i . Thursday iui SuturJy for Koanoke Island, New Bri.f and Atlantic North rarclina P U. utions. me i uiupi.; t- uiits t HVr r.rtfli" ton 12 45 p.ia. MS1 loilown: Trnnoii" cepr. Sun5a j witii p:ieiiKers for Koper, Hanto-c iVlhuv. . c,ni.?otiiiK with Steamer havnt fu) Mnkle vii,-. ; init'rraeo'iatt laii.iin. Strer Plymouth, daitv. oxpt Sunday.,- for l!v n;outh ' Jai:uviU . ! Wjlliai:i?ton ui-'l Viudsor. Meuiiit-i M. J.. Ktbrt. iti";-day . Tl:iiruliiv and Saturday ti r Cowrtu ;Riti Vt'diifm:My for Avcra and i moi: 'i rck. pn-l .Monday and f'rida v for Si uppt inori Kivor. Nortdk pacr::t i and i rt-i-ht Kttiou Thu iht.ckv .ae icl-kru t.- ah ).rinvi,I puiutK j EAV:i'i:V f .' JlMl.INA DISl'ATCI!. AND I'AVSf-iMiEi; IiOUTK. Rfjiiliir lint of fcte.-.n.eib U'tuovn j Atlantic iw North Uaroiiii;. Ii. K...w 1U ine. and Elizabeth city. D;il ui i lail serv ice Lt-l v '-n E li- nti;. New York, Philadelphia. jJultimcif nd Norfolk. Through care, a6 low rattrai;d quit k r tiim thaji by aiiy o'.iier lotite. Direc t all oiis to be feln pjri by Iv t eru aroliua Din patclua loilv r .-m Nvrlolk by N. & S. li. II: I'altnnore by P w. & B. n. it'.: President St. Mat -.i., Philadelphia by Penu-yi ania K l. Dck tt biation : N w York by P"i.o ylvania R. K;, Pit'i 27 North liivt r. For further inUo inntiou n pity E. OOD, Aent, Eduttn. N. r t the Gwneral Oftice of thr N. & k. K. C., Nrrfdk, Va. II. K. KING, (ienerul liHiiavr. H. C HUDGINS, G. F. & P. AKt. A lIBriB IUQCIEY BAT 8AVX YOU LOLLAXB. VVrite for nce )eforep!a isg rder?fr graTtstotes r teneter? work. LMig8 ciit free. , C OUTER'S MARHLh WOKKs,- -, 113 & 116 Bank .St.; Norfolk, Va MJtlfUFACTlX'REIlS OF ELECTRO BRONZE GOODS, Bronze tnd Osccratsd Lamps, Ets. RALPH W. BOOTH, Manager, MEW BHUHSWISr, N. J. FASHION. MiLE BOOT AD fcliCL Z.KKil. di i.e ;t .-hurt jt;j.- VV Ai-j kL-t-f. a f i 1 , c o k Ov fci.Of- li : ! You -.? ier-i . rlicit-d . r 1 f t- tT.ti: -',! nj.d t-e r -. 4M, v!uni(.n. N. - - now js lime tO SubacHb X i i 1 (4 T"l" t t I 4 " V A ,-.5r I' TV