Published Erery Friday. Located in the Finest Fish-, Truck and Farming A. H. Mitchell, Editor and Business Manager. Established 1886. SECRETS. July roses wet with rain Tap against the window fane: There is something they would seek, Had they voices and could apeak. Silence seals their crimson lips, Amd the dull rain drops and drips. The other side the streaming glass Stands a little sad-eyed lass: There is something she would seek. But a maiden may not speak-' Silence seals her longing lips, And the dull rain drops and drips. And salt tears in showers stain Her side of the window-pane: And the crimson roses grow Pale as dreams dreamt long ago. (Hearts may break behind sealed lips). And the dull rain drops and drips. Marie Hedderwick Browne. LYNCHING. Suffolk, (Va.) Observer. Saturday afternoon about 9 o'clock while officer J. S. Branch was on his way towards Chuckatuck, with Isaac Jenkins in cliarge, in kis buggy, a crowd of persons walked out in the road and ordered the officer to stop, at the same time catching hold olthe fcridle of the horse. The officer drew his weapons and ordered them to stand back, but the crowd being over powering in numbers commanded him to drop his hands without fireincr, they having weapons leaveled at his head, seeing the peril he was in there was nothing to do but obey, or be killed. The mob then knocked out the darkey and carrying him off strung him up to a tree with his hands fast, and they also put a shot or two in theiieck. alter which they left. The darkey fell to the ground, the rope parting and he came too and slipped the ropes from his hand after wkich he secreted himself. The Sheriff and said officer went to the darkey's resi dence, where his wife informed them that she knew where he was, but did not tell. It aeem.3 that said - Isaao Jenkins some time ago lived on the land of Mr. Cartwright, at Sleepy Hole, and th; lieu key being insulting and bossy M' nrtwright ordered him to move from fvs laud. He did so, and since then Mr. C. had had some 8 ho-ses poisoued and his house burned down atF -Hole. The darkey, it is said, told some one of the poisoning of some horses, and this led to the lynching. W e l:arn that Jenkins managed to get !o Norfolk by some manner and w;s ha?: . aiu. the he tba (td and loeked up with Jhe rf on his wrists, which was a filed off. . He is waiting for. mond authorises, and sarsf rather stay in jail always ! uug again - 5 - he time to Subscribe J i i The THE GOVERNORS MET. SENATOR VANCE DKSCRIBES THE IN TERVIEW OF THE EXECUTIVES OF NOBTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. New York Herald. In the olden times of our statehood before the steam engine bullied the earth with thunderous stroke and re duced space to a mere matter of time. when whiskey with sugar was five cents a glass and all backs were turn ed as that glass was filled, and when a white man was considered as good as the negro if He behaved himself the Governor of North Carolina took it into his head' one day to pay a long nromised visit to his neighbor, the Governor of South Carolina. So he put a clean shirt and a pair of socks in his saddle bag, mounted his horse and rode away through the pine for cats toward the south. Diligently following his nose in this direction he came in due time to . the home of his brother Governor, where he was re ceived with all the honors of genuine Southern hospitality. When asked how he felt his characteristic reply was, "Thank you, Governor, I am tired, sleepy, hungry and sober.' ' The host cordially assured him that h could remedy all these. INexC dav dinner was served at twelve o'cock as the horn blew for the hands to come in. After it was over the two Governors retired to the shade of the long back porch, where corncob pipes, wth long twists o home grown tobaceo awaited them. There, in the long, soft afternoon, reolin: ng on easy bottom rockers, they lolled and smoked and talked the hours away. Betwixt the twain, on the floor, sat a brimming pitcher ot apple toddy, with the mellow, roasted fruit impudently floating on the sur face of the divine tipple. From time to time this aided and enlivened the conversation. 1 hey talked of tfet j comparative excellences and advan tages of thcr respective States, of the price ol cotton of horse raising and run away negroes, as they talked they smoked and as they smoked thev drank. They speculated on the com ing glories of the country, they pled ged eternal friendship to each other personally, and vowed to preserve all neighborly courtesies between the two Carolina States forever and lor ever,,amen! Now and then the would doze in their easy chairs under the mellow Influeuce ot their happr surroundings, and on waking uo wouI ind-gaantly deny having been asieep anu iae anotner lnnk to prove th?ir wakefulness. A?d thus things went on. Now it happendthat the Govern-, or of Soulh Carolina h-d a wife as Smallest Hair Tkrtws a Shadow. EDENTONyN. C. FRIDAY, July 21, 1893. all good Governors should have, on the principal of the o'd maxim that he who aspires to govern should first learn to obey and her name rras Betsy Jane. She well knw the fail ing of her Governor and she easily guessed that the'visiting Governor was tarred with the same stick. Quietly watching proceedings she at length concluded that these two old cocks were ahut as fall as they could well hold without slopping over, and it was time to step. Watch ing her eppcrtanitv during a rather protracted doze, she slipped away the pitcher, still half fall, and inserted in its place apiggin of cool spring water with a clear, yellow gourd hang ing on the handle. But the instincts of nature are infallibls Though sound asleep the Governor of North Carolina felt tht something was wrong a lack of spirit as It were every nerve in him cried oat against the presence of a hostile clement, and he awoke. His disturbed spirithad not deceived him. The pitcher f toddy was gone. He immediately awakened his host, who courteously : ! 3 i.UTl... 4.1. - i..9 "Don't you see what is ti e matter?" s id the iuest, looking indignantly at the pigin rnd t';e gourd. Indeed, I see nothing wronr," said the now distressed host, "Please tell me what "The devil you say I Nothing wrong, indeed ! I go to sleep with a pitcher of toddy before me, I wake up and find a p'ggin of spring water, and the Governor of South Carolina tells me in his own house that he sees nothing wrong in that ! VWU. welM All I hive to eav, sir," said the Governor of North Carolina, rising with great but rather unsteady dignity, "is that it is a damnea long time between drinks," "Oh," said the Governor of South Carolina, as the situation flashed on him, ! see; that's Betsy Jane. She means stop, and were done for today, I'm sorry I can't bring hat pitcher back. I humbly beg your pardon. Governor, but maybe there's a Betsy Tane at your house and maybe you know how it is your self.' The offended dignity of the Governor of North Carolina dissolved slowly into a seni il smile of intelli gpnt comprehension, and solemnly working one eye, he fell either up on '.he neck of his hot or upon the )orrb floor, tradition does not say say which exelaiminz, "You bet old boy; you bet.". And that's how it earne about I Throughout all that Southern land tradition has wickedly repeated and kept alive the saying of the Governor of North Carolina as a convenient mode of joigini the memory or stim ulating the flagging hospitality of a Section in North Carolina. chcuU host, bat ha tailed to embalm in hu man memory the righteous pru 'ence and wifely virtues f Betsy Jane, the spouse of the Governor ol South Car olina. For near on to a I undred years the saying has been a faithful one, and worthy of all acceptance in our country has 1 een faithfully repeated all that time and anything offered in response thereto has be n universally 'accepted either struight or with suar. Zebulon B. Vance. SPECIMEN CASE?. S. H Clifford. New Cassel. Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, his Meroaeta was dis ordered, his Liver was affected ts an alarming degree, appetite fell a ay, and he was terribly reduced in flesh nd strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburgjll., had a running sore on hi leg ot eight years' standing.' Used three bottle ol Electrie Bitters and seven boxe of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his le is sound and well. John Speaker. Catawba, O., had five large Fete sres on his leg, doctors said h was incurable. One bottle Electric B -tprs and one box Bucklen's Arnicn Salve cured him entirely. Sold by W. I. Lear.v, Druggist. The Puzzling Case of Ah Wing. "Well, this stumps me." said Lawyer G. W. Stapleton the other day as he con cluded the reading of ft letter from Ah Wing, a Chinaman who is serving a lif. sentence in the Deer Lode penitentiary. Ah Wing wrote Mr. Stapleton that he was in for life, and wanted to knov what effect the Geary law would have upon him. The law provides that all Chinamen should register at a certain time May 6. If they are not registered at that time they shall be dfjorted. Ah Wing says the prison authorities woulu not let him out to register, and h'e wili be perfectly satisfied to go back to China. This is a condition which the fwmm of the law hardly looked for. and it i likely the supreme court will be called upon to settle the point. Ah Wing killed three of his countrymen in Bea verhead count' three years ago. Buif Inter Mountain. Same Old Crowd I-'very Year. "Onward and Upward!" met "Xi.trbt Brings Out the Stars." Pret-ently thev were joined by "Nil Deeprandum," "Life's Mission" and Outwanl Bound." Each brushed the dust olf his time worn garments, loosened his creaking icint by a little active exercise anh greeted the other members of the party as old. familiar friends. Then they all inarched off together to the nearest female semi nary, where they played star engage ments in the commencement exercises and sat down to the banquet of thegrad- ua ting' class. NewYork Herald. English Spavin Liniment r-rnoves all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishe- from horse. Blood Spavica Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring-bone Stifles, Sprains, all 'swollen Throau, Caughs, etc. Save ?50 by us of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure known, by Sold w. i. LE ART Druggist, centon. it ion Lame. I'ricf i't r"W-m $1.00 NO. 415 X AVER'S Sarsaparilla S. P. Smitii, of Towanda, Pa., whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. lie writes: For eight yoar, I wa, most of tl: time, a great suiTerer from const f t tlon, kidney trouble, and indiges tion, so that my constitution -;iin-'l to be completely broken down. I w;s Induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven liottlcs, with ni h excellent results that my Htomaeli, bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con dition, and, in all their functions, as regular as clock-work. At the ti n.) I began taking Ayers Sarsaparilla, icy weight was only 12t pounds; I now .11 brag of 159 pounds, and was never in s good health. If you rwiH scc nie be fore and after usinj, you would wat.t me for a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of Sarsaparii' t to be the best in the market to-d iv." Ayer's Sarsapari!!a Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aytr&'-'o., Lowell, M-.4. Curesothers,will cure you WHEN YOU VI!T KDl ; r Don't lorcjet t call at the WIRE'PAJRLOR OF H.E. WILLIAMS, ON KING STKKET, The Popu'ar Place ol the Town - - The eho'ces- and best Wines. Liqurrs kc a'wa.xs on hand. 1 he finest stock of n. 10 and lf Cigars in the city One visit ill guarantee the secci'd. Thanking rnv friends and the pulic for th'? very lib:rAl patronage already received. I am still H. E. Williams The & Fa.huku war :s a good, trustworthy and reliable ager.r. in all the ?urroanding oca itie. Lib ! era- commiion will be. given rijht parties. Appiy at once, by letter cr .o the office. WILL fSfV i BlOol slttH fx CLEAR Cl LONG SKIN -3Ss LIFE MEPfTAll y S STRONG I ENERGY UggjgL NERVES

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