IS Fisherman and Farmer. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 When Paid In Advance: 51.50 If Not Paid In Advance. Entered at the I'osi Office at Ed enton as Second C as matter. ISeoi:nton, n c. 1 &th, 194. All announcements and recommen dations of candidates f or office, whether in the shape of communications or otherwise, will be charged as advertisements. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Local Notices J. K- Honner. A. W. Haff, fish dealer, New York. SaunerRros., fish dealers Baltimore. Schedul - A. S. N. Company. Davenport & Morris, fish dealers, Richmond, Va. Luton's Huck. Horn Liniment FOR THE PARLOR. To any person who will bring us j new subscribers ice will give a large and handsome Oil Painting in heavy dilt Frame and the Fish ernan and Farmer FREIi. The money to accompany the names of ihe subscribers. A GOOD PICTURE. Photographer Harnes has pre sented this office with a nice cab inet photograph of St. Paul's church, for which we return our thanks. Harnes takes a good picture. SOME FUN AHEAD. "Two Old Cronies," is the title of a play that will soon be presented by the young men of tlif Mnud assisted bv several oi Edenton's young ladies, under the instruction of Mr. Lawrence Wilson, of New York. SCALES AND PLANTS ITEMS PURELY LOCAL CONDENSED FOR THE BUSY READER Best Family Flour 2.c at Bonner's. Washington's birthday on the 22nd. Mr. Win. K. Jones spent T 1 csday in Franklin, Va. Good Family Flour 3.75 a Bbl. at Bonner's. Our local itemizer find news a little scarce this week. All kind of fruits and vegetables at Uoniif r's. Work 011 the new brick building is progressing finely. Rev. J. K. Jolliff left Monday for Virginia for a few days. Miss Cora Mitchell is visiting her brother in Klizabeth City. Miss Gardner is in the city the guest of Miss Gertrude Shepard. Don't beat your newspaper and then spend the money for bad whiskey. COUNTY NEWS. INTJ3RKSTING ITEMS REPORTED BY OUR COUNTRY ITEMIZEKS. The weather no sooner begins to suit people than a change comes. Attend to your own business and have less to do with that of your neigh bor. Subscribe for the FisiikkmAn and Fakmuu and don't trouble your neigh bor. Groceries bought for cash and sold CISCO : Mr. John Lamb, of Southamp ton, Va., was the guest of Dr. R. H. Winborne on Monday. Miss Emma Lassiter, of Wil low Branch, Gates county, spent a part of last week with Mrs Z. V. Evans. Mr. W.J. Dail, one of the well known young; men ot this place has fallen a victim to that dread ful disease rheumatism, with which he is suffering at present. Mr. Sam Riddick, of Gates Co., was down this way Sunday. Mr. J. II. Churchill and Miss Mollie Harrell, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Somersett. A WIFE WANTED. IIYIIUU'S X ROADS: Mrs. Sallie Baker and children of Hertford, are visiting Mrs. J. W. White. Mr. W. E. Twine has sold out his stock of merchandise to his son, J. E. Twine. If you have aches and pains of for cash makes groceries low dov. 11 at any description go to AV. J. B - Bonner's. ru in s and oet a bottle 01 Quick Relief; try it and be convinced. Miss Caroline V. Griffin is vis iting relatives near Windfall, Perquimans county. Griffin's Salve is still in the lead, it is called for daily and is worth its cost. Try it. - BIG CATCH OF FISH. AN ENJOYABLE CONCERT. The entertainment given at the Opera House last Monday night by the Torbett Concert company, was highly enjoyable. The renditions by the pretty Miss Ollie Torbett on the violin were superb. The audience was large. FOUND DEAD. Mr. Thomas Bass, a farmer and lumbermauin Yeopim town, hip, was found dead Monday morning :at his home in bed. He retired ;Sunday night in apparently good .health. It is thought heart fail .ure caused his death. FOUND HIS HORSES DEAD. WYilliam Sprewill, a fanner Hiving near town, on going tohis ;s table t feed his team on Tues day morning last, found two of liis horses dead. SENT TO JAIL. Jack Hoskins, the negro ex policeman, was sent to jail Mon day by Mayor Rogerson for be ing drunk and disorderly and for smashing the glass door at the store of Mr. E. J. Bond. THE I. O.O. P. ORPHANAGE. There are twenty-seven or phans at the Odd Fellows' Or phanage at Goldsboro. The Su perintendent, Dr. Whitfield, has resigned, and his successor will be elected March 1. KITTEN BY A DOG. Mrs. Ida T. Burton received quite a severe and painful bite by a dog on Friday last. It seems that she was out paying calls, and while at the home of Mrs. Tillery on Queen street she was :admiring the large dog that was lying on the door-mat, and on reaching out her hand to pet him 'sthe dog knabbed her. The wound -,is painful but not serious. SOME FUNNY ADVERTISEMENTS. Mr. John Uaningarduer, accompanied by his wife, is in tli city visiting his brothers. Mr. G. C. Haste is representing the Southern Oil and Supply Co., . alti- more, Md. Mr. M. K. Kin General Manager of the N. Railroad, was 111 the city Tuesday. Full line Confectioneries, Mason's Standard Crackers and Tea Cakes at Bonner's. The Steamer Roberts will soon be on til line a '.lin between this eitv and Mackey's Ferry. Ki in ; us five new subscribers and get a fine oil painting in heavy gilt frame and the paper free. Garden peas are being planted, and t'.iere will be a goo.l many planted, as is usually the case. Goto I'oiinei 's for low-price-groceries. You will get bottom prices a:;d be kindly treated. Patronize your local paper, and get the news that will interest your family and induce your children to read. The attendance at the churches last Sunday morning was very good; but at night the rain kept many at home. Fnors in newspapers, like "little un pleasantnesses" in the "best regulated families," will occur occasionally. There will be a musical entertain ment at the Academy to-night by the papiis of Miss Deopkin's music class. Snow visited our town Sunday night, and the early risers on Monday morn ing were surprised when they saw the h r.iselops. The new ear is slipping off rapidly. January is gone, February is here, and i;i less than a w eek' St. Valentine's day vill be at hand. .Mr j. i. liooten, of Roper, has rent al th-j Wrighton residence on broad street lor the pi.: po-e 01 opening a boarding house. Why do girls kiss each, other and men do not?asked a young miss, Why, because girls have nothing better to ki.-s and men have. There were several social .events at Raleigh Tuesday, among them was a tea by the Misses McYea to Mrs. Hal G Wood of this city. Some of those who ow e us for the paper, and who have promised to pay, have very bad memories. In fact, some The following, written for the bene fit of a certain young man in the neigh borhood of the Creecy farm, was hand ed us for publication. I want a wife, a first-rate wife, A girl that is all in- own, To cook my meals and cheer my life With smiling words and tone. I want a well accomplished girl, Industrious, kind and true; Smart enough to foot my socks And mend my clothes like new. A girl that never pledged a vow With no other chap but me. That's been brought up to milk a cow And have warm cakes for tea. I want a kind, benevolent girl. With rosy cheeks and sound And make such butter as will sell For thirty cents a pound. Like sparkling drops her eyes must be As melting and as bright. Will do to work by, you see, And save another light. RELIABLE FISH DEALERS. 1 1 E LLIO TT J) EA I). WILLIS H. ROGERS Wholesale Commission Fish Dealer, 106 Fcltox Fish Market, Now Yorls. Special Attention given to the sale of INorth Carolina Shad, Rock. Chub, Perch and TERRAPIN. Tieference: Guirkin & Co.. Bankers. and Chas. Robinson, President 1st Nat ional Bank. Elizabeth City. N. C. and other Financials when desired. &TAm not and have never been in the Mellon, Truck or Fruit business. Stationery and Stencils furnished at a moments notice. HE IIES EliOM INJURIES SUSTAINED AT THE SOLAR REKINEttY The greatest catch of fish ever made at Morehead City is report ed. There were fiftv tons at one haul of the seine. K On the :st of March we w ill revise our subscription lists, and those who have failed to pay for the paper will be dropped. Now, if you want the Fish erman and Farmer you have certain ly got to pay for it. Note this, and act ac ordiugly. We mean business, and you'll see if v. e don't. With pure, vigorous blood coursing through the veins and animating even- fibre of the body, cold weather is not only endurable but pleasant and agree able. No other blood medicine is so certain in its results as Ayer's Sarsapa rilla. What it does for others it will do for vcu. The man who would have done so and so if he had been there, never sjets there. Fnglish Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints. Sweeny, Ring-bone, Stifles, Sprains, all swollen Throats, Caughs. etc. Save 550 by use of one bottle. Warrented the most wonderful j blemish cure known. Sold by W. I. I Leary, Druggist, Kdenton. j COME TO TIME. Now hat the New Year has law ned, we think our delinquent subscribers could make no better resolution, so far as we are con cerned, than to resolve to pay at once all tlieir arrears, and not on ly resolve, but act. Start the New Year with all bills paid and your subscription for 1894 renewed. We will appreciate it very much. Below will be found some of the oddities of advertising : "Two voting women want washing." "Teeth extracted with great pains." "Babies taken and furnished in ten minutes by a country photo grapher." "Wood and coal split." AI,L, FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New 'Discovery knows its value, and those who have net, have now the opportuni ty to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist and get a Trial bottle Free, rfeud your name and address to II. F. BuckJen & Co,, Chicago, and get a sam ple box of Dr. King's New Life Fills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, Free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you uothihg. W. I. Leary Druggist. 4 -- You need not be hoodwinked by any one telling you that they can beat the Fisherman & Farmer office in price of Job Printing or good work. We de fy any house in quality of ' work and price. There are three more births than death? a minute, and this slight per centage increases the world s popula tion 1,200,000 annually. The members of the I. O. O. F. ! gree team roq:u sted U meet at the hall to-night at S:.;o. lU:si:icss of im portance demands attention. Don't borrow your neighbor's paper and force him to say "its all right" for it i-;n't often he would rather pay for a copy for you than to have his an noyance. Mr. W. J. Morris, of this county, who has been in fee' ! - health for some time, returned home Saturday from buffalo Lithia Springs. N. C , much improved. Nearly all women have good hair, though many are gray, and few are oald. Hall's Hair Keuewer restores the natural color, and thickens the growth of the hair. The person who w ill send us five new subscribers ( 100 each) gets a large and handsome Oil Fainting in G;lt Frame (worth 52.50) and the Fisher man it Farmer free. Don't slight the man w ho wears plain clothes for the nobly dressed idiot who parts his hair 111 the middle, :or you may betaking in washing some dav to support your nice young man. The farmer should sow his l"s, keep his F's warm, hive his B's, kill off the J's, remember what he C's, take care of the V's, pay all he O's, teach his wife not to T's, and take his K's. Mr. Clarence Branniug has rented the residence of W. O. Elliott on Broad street which is being repaired. As soon as the house can be made readv Mr. Branniug and his wife will go to housekeeping. It is said that a certain farmer living in this county is in the habit of moving so rapidly that the chicheus, on hearing him say "move," immediately lie down and crossing tlieir feet awaits to be tied, while the hogs all fall in line to be driven to their new quarters. Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the scalp free irom dandruff, prevents the hair from becoming dry and harsh, and makes it flexible and glossy. All the elements that nature requires, to make the hair abundant and beautiful, are supplied by this admirable preparation. 0" Eft The Lima (Ohio) Daily Gazette of the 3rd inst., contains the fol lowing notice of the death of Mr. J. W. Elliott, brother of Mr. W. V. Elliott a former resident of this citv, and an uncle of Mrs. A. H. Mitchell : "About two years ago J. V. Elliott, at that time employed at the Solar refinery, was injured while attempting to move a heavy casting. The piece of iron struck him in the abdomen, caus ing internal injury. While able to be about he was unable to work and at times suffered in tense pain. He had a few months ago considered an operation, but his chances ot recovery from the ordeal were not encouraging and he abandoned the idea. Deceased was taken seriously ill a week or so ago and died at nine o'clock yesterday morning at his late home, No. 167 east Eureka street. He was a highly respected citi zen, well liked by all and during the late war was a member of the 99th regiment, O. V. I. Deceased was aged 47 years and leaves a family of eight children. The re mains will be taken to YVapako- netalGr burial Sunday morning, leaving the house at eight o'clock NEWS. S.B.MILLER & CO WHOLESALE COMMISSION Fish Dealers, NO. 7 FULTON MARKET, New York. Samuel B. Miller, ) Clarence G. Miller J Special Attention Gives to THE SALE OF NORTH CAROl LINA SHAD. SteDcils and Stationery Furnished on Application. WE EMPLOY NO AGENT. S- Lr. Sforcr & Go., Wholesale Dealers and Shippers of all Kinds of IO FULTON FISH MARKET. MOW YOIMv, othing is warranted the Best in the World! Is more Waterproof, Is Stronger, and will Wear Longer? than any other goods manufactured. Ask for the " FISH BRAND;" take no other. GEO, A. J 'BTKEL fit CO., Sole Agents, Baltimore The are 200 convicts in this State' under twenty years of age. Mitchell says he will not fight an ,- more, it lie does lie had bet ter pick out some small boy. The Fuller case at Fayetteville has ended, and the Defendant is sentenced to be hanged March 16th. John Bock, kills his wife near Wilmington in the presence of their little children and buries the body in a swamp. John Maze was killed near Dur ham Tuesday bv the Sheriff. Maze attacked him with a knife while being arrested for bur glary. Durham Globe: Senator Ran som has tli2 ear of Grover the Great, Senator Vance retains a firm hold on the handle of Senat orial courtesy. The orders requiring the gun boats Machias and Castine to be repaired at Norfolk have been revoked and they will be repaired at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. There are now 130 children in the Baptist Orphanage at Thomasville. The superintend ent urges that accommodations be provided for fifty more. Governor Tillman's liquor ex periment is breeding much bad feeling and stirring up much bad blood in his state. Shooting and killing seems to be the game now. The next annual t.iir of the State Horticultural Association will be held at Wilmington. The businessmen of that city having 1 - subscribed money tor expenses and premiums. -Successor to Lamphear & Haff.- Wholesale Commission Fish Dealer, Lobsters, Etc. No. 12 Fulton Fish Market, New York City. Established 1861. SAML. M LAVVDER & SDN. VVnolesale Commission Dealers in Soft Crabs, Terrapin, Etc. 123 Light St. Baltimore, Md. Quick Sales ! Prompt Return 3 IP. Ziotf lor, V X D K RT A K K R , KM 15 A I.M K R FURNITURE DEALER. AND On the West side of Broad street, Just South of Brinkleyvs door, Stands the large, commodious building Known as iegler's Furniture Store. He carries a very choice stock, Of everything, in the furniture line, And also deals in Undertaker's ware, In finish and style very fine. And being a Cabinet-maker himself, Having long served at the trade, He's always prepared to do new work, Or repair the old read--made. He feels assured, your wishes to please, And your every taste gratify, That vou'll no longer hesitate, But make your selections and buy. At his prices you'll never complain, Or the terms he oners to sel;, Kither at a discount for cash. Or installments, if it suits as well. A kind invitation he extends to all, Kspeciallv everv new married pair, To call and examine his beautiful goods Before making purchases elsewhere. A SIMPLE INQUIRY MAY SAVE YOU DOLLARS. Write for prices before plac ing orders for gravestones or cemetery work. Designs sent free. COUPER'S MARBLE WORKS, il, 113 & 115 Bank St., Norfolk Va. Itch on human and horses and al animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool- ford's Sanitarv Lotion. Ibis rever fails. Sold by W. I. Leary, Druggist Edenton. Ibemarle Steam Navigation Co, GEO. H. WITHEY, MASTER. Leaves Edenton every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 4 a. 111., connecting at Tunis with trains for Norfolk and Raleigh. Connecting at Franklin with trains for Norfolk, Raleigh and Atlanta. These are sure connections and we hope the public will show their appreciation by patron izing the "Old Reliable." R. A. PRETLOWj Sup't. REFERENCES Tracers X.-it'l. Bank. Ihins Mercantile Agency Win. J. Hooper & Co. 1. Diikehart & Co, E, W. Albaugh & Son Wholesale Commission Merchants. Fresh Fish, TKKKAriN. OYSTERS, GAME ,t POUI.TRf No. 224 Light stivet Wharf, BALTIMORE Consignments Solicited I'rompt Returns. Our Motto. REFERENCE. Citizens National Rank. . J .!.) ( i- & Co. Sanner Bros., WholesalejCommissiou Dealers in FRESH FISH, Terrapin, Game, Etc., 116 Holliugsworth Street. Baltimore, Md. Quick sales-good prices prompt returns Walter i. leary, Druggist and Pharmacist A full line of Drugs always on hand Prescriptions Carefully COMPOUNDED. flKSST CIGftSS IK TOWN. wmm O" 3X. WOZIjKA rro'x-. First-Class in every respect Choices cakes confectioneries, brend. fee, alwsrs on hand. Everything fresh. We bske Every Day. Nothing but the very be3t goods sold. Clark's Cream Patent Family Flour a specialty The best on the market. Wedding Cakes furnished at short notice. Ccr. Main & Queen st?. -0r. L. : pox,- DENTIST. OVER VV. O. ELLIOTT'S STORE. EDENTON, N. C. Having permanently located here I ofler my profess nal services to the people of the tcwii and county. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office Hours: 8 to 12:30 and 2 to 6. yVArs. VA. L. Sogae, yVLlLL!NErY, Fancy NOTIONS, S3 jaOODS, DRY GOODS AND LABIbS i-UfN- ALWAYS IN STYLE AND SEASON. BROAD STREET. WHEEL-WRIGHT V'tj diid General Repairer Of W? VEHICLES, -VI V Yjv. Work done at Low 11,ices. with neatness anc Dispatch. Shop on Water street. & JONES, HARDWARE AND STOVES, C-MiLL SUPPLIES.Q I Cultivators, Harrows, Plows and Castings, Hoes, f I Spades, Shovels. Forks, and Rakes. 4 Carriage Material. Painti Oil, Varnishes, Putty, White Leads and Tinting Colors Oakum, .Manilla, Hemp and Cotton ltops. Window Screens, Wire G a use, Fly ans and Traps. Canopies and Hammocks. Fish"nj Rods and Tackle. without considering your own interest. is selling G oceries. Country Produce and the bet of LIQUORS AND CIGARS as cheap as the cheapest. i Come to see hini. A call will Highest prices paid fori convince vou of the truthful- CORN and all other ! ( necis of this statement. COUNTRY PRODUCE- ) Remember the Stand, cor. Broud and Water Sis., next door to the "Great Bargain House, " Edenton, N. C. I have sold my stock Cor- Church & Okum sts. to J. A- Nortli ott m mb m rwr nvi Jm ft Dealer in- 7 iiiu winy Tobacco and Cigars. Fresh Beer On Draught every day. Your visits will be appreciated. "Oysters slewed and 011 half-shell at all" hours, up stairs, over Bar. - m 3G 1 AND Mill r lam offering Horses and Mules from TO Orders Taken and Promptly Filled. 1. EASY. Subscribe low.j f TO YOUR HOME PAPER j f THE FISHERMAN & FARM E R I J We are offering Job Printing cheaper than any office in this section. And not until "After the Ball" will we allow any one to compete with us. Send us an order. (Davenport & Morris, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants And Dealers in FISH, Richmond, Va. Cnnsicnments of North Carolina Her ring solicited, and proceeds remitted in cash. On account of our intimate acquain tance, and frequent transaction witn thp firnpiTv trade of West and South we are able to handle N. C. Fish to the very teBt possible advantage, and we are known everywnere &a me wrgwv distributors in this market- will be the price this season of Tait's Extra Early Eclipse Peas. You are probably familiar with the reputation of this Great trucking Pea, for so many years the favorite among Southern Mar ket gardeners; if you are not, let us suggest that you send to the North Carolina Experiment Station for its Report on Extra Early Peas. The Director states that ours are superior to all the fifty standard varieties planted by him in comparative tests. We would be glad to mail you also a copy of our catalogue for reference on this subject. Geo. 'JTait $oii. iVoi-fol 1, Aji, Scod IVI ?i'clisi 11 1 .; COTTON TIBS, PEANUT BAGS and- Bagging 1 3-4 Pounds. 2 Pounds. 2 1-4 Pounds. JJV A 'A TQUAA Til Y DESIRED. Lowest "DriceS at which it was ever offered. CORRESPOND with us for Special prices in large lots, payable cash, on time, or in shipments of Cctton. Send us your Cotton and Peanuts if you ship them here for sale. J. W. PERRY COMPANY, Cotton Factors and Com m iasion Merchant s. NORFOLK, VA. Call and See Me At Once. J. H. Perry Xv

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