( i Fisherman and Farmer9. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE fi.oo When Paid In Advance: J1.50 If Not Paid Iu Advance Entered at the I'osl Office at Ed iMiton :i Second Class matter. EDEN TON, N.C., June 15th. S'J4- All announcements and recommen tlalions of candidates lor office, whether in the shape of communication:, ...I ...-m ho charged as adver- Ullll. "I " i.-rw, " " . tiseinents. COUNTY NEWS. isn-LUvsrisr. itkms ki:i'okti:i) by our COI NTRY ITKMIZKRS. CISCO : Mr. Z.W. 15 vans, who has been seriously ill ior several days is improving at this writing- Rev. Mr. Stall ings, of Coin jock, filled the pulpit of Rev. Woodson at U. H., last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Addie Shaw, of Murfrees boro, is delighting the Misses Kvans with a visit. Miss Mary Coffield, of this place has been seriously ill ior the past few days, and is but little better at present, Ho cholera seems to be raging in this section. Mrs. John Kvans, of Manteo, who has been visiting relatives and friends at this place for sev eral davs, returned to Mrs. Pi land's, near Kdenton, on Satur day last. Mr. J. II. Churchill and the young Misses Kvans, spent Sun day last with the latters Grand mother, at Willow Branch. Mr. Z. W. 15 vans is having the roof of his mill shelter recovered making quite a showy improve ment. John Parker, colored, the ever on time fox hunter departed this life on Monday. Mr. Z. W. 'Kvans after having a very fine shoat lost for two weeks found the same locked up in potato house, fat as ever. SUIT FOR DIVORCE. After several unsuccessful ef forts to induce his wife to join l.im, Mr. Win. K. Jones has sued for divorce on the grounds of desertion. The papers were served on Monday, June 4th,and the case will be called for trial in Westchester county, N. Y. to day. M( )( XUGIIT EXCURSION. ( )n Wednesday night of next week, there will' be a moonlight excursion to Laurel Point light house and return, leaving the A. S. X. Co's wharf on the elegant and well equipped steamer "Olive," at 8:30 o'clock. Tim Hvrnrsion is under the ausmces of the Kdenton Cornet 1 Hand, ami music will be furnish eu dv uie ouii'i uin-m i"- tripRefreshments will be served l 1 .1 . ,1 il..ivhMif ttw.lt Oil OOaiCl at u-asuiuiuit wilo. Tickets 50 cents, Children 25 , 1 . . - 1 . 1 1 f . cents. T i 1 K M A N Tv ) S U P PORT. The home merchant is the man who seeks your trade. He is the man that builds up your town. He builds your schools, your society, and makes your prosperity. He is the man who deserves vour trade.and when you go to another town to buy what you can get at home, you do yourself, your town and your neighbor an injustice. Kx. ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery knows its value, and those who have not, have now the opportuni ty to trv it Free. Call 011 the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Bottle Free. Send vour name and address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sain - pie box ot in. King s ,e i.ilc. Health aud Household Instructor, Free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good aud cost you nothing. W. I. Leary Druggist. . 4 'iff. an v 1 1 43 . -w m y THE "CRESCENT." "Havine accepted the agfencv W tl,P Western Wheel Works. - makers of Crescent Bicycles, the .. .. highest grade, lightest weight, medium priced mcycles made, we have samples now on exhibi tion at Brinkley's Emporium and would be glad to take your order or show you the wheel. Respectfully, E. L. Brinkley, Edenton, N. C. Correspondence soiicitea auu catalogue sent on application. If you feel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS English Spavin Liniment removes all cngiisuaym .u.mTw. .v..., Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints. Sweeny, Ring-bone, Stines, oprains, an uiicu . rmnrhs. etc. Savelsobv use of one Krtti Warrented the most wonderful Blemish cure known. Sold by W. i.eary, uruggisi, For Rent. Mv house on Church MJ Street, conveniently arranged and dej jsirablv located A. J. Bateman. M. H. DIM5JME LIST. To Consumers; Purchase Goods in quantities at low prices and Save Money. Granulated Sugar, (Standard,) 4J2C White New Orleans bugar, Arbuckles Roasted Coffee, Best Laguagra Coffee, Finest Creamery putter, Best Patent Flour, 3II Table Teaches, per dozen, 3th Tomatoes, per dozen, Dime Brand Milk, per dozen. Laundry Soap, per dozen, Laundry Starch, per pouud, Guupowder Greeu Tea, per TU Nelsons Cocoa, per box, 26 c. 23 c 23 c. 2'2C. Si -5 $ I. CO 1. 00 45 c. 4C. 50 c IOC. Canned Corned Beef, per dozen, 1.50 SCALES AND PLANTS ITEMS PUKRLY LOCAL CONDENSED FOR THE BUSY READEli List your taxes. Another good lain Tuesday niht. Butter on Ice at Suinmerell Bros. I i! very month is best for marrying. Fresh utter and meats kept 0:1 ice at Frank White's. Irish otatoes are leaving here in large quantities. Try our 5c Cigars, Suinmerell Bros. Mr. George Makely has returned home from school. Mr. J. N. I'ruden is spending the week in New York. Good chewing tobacco 25c lb at Suin merell Llros. Mr. A. C. Mitchell left Tuesday on an extended trip to New York. Miss Hlla King, of Norfolk, is visit ing Mrs. Ivd Wood in this city. Try Cottoleue sold by Suminerell Bros. Messrs. Thomas and Wright Warren have returned home from school. Fruit of al! kinds, and fresh vegeta bles at Frank White's. Don t forget us when you want neat job printing done. Prices low. Mr. II. IC. Williams and family are visiting relatives 111 Camden county. Get our prices on Flour before you buy elsewhere. Suinmerell Bros. Some of the sidewalks in the city is in a bad condition and need repairs. The steamc Plymouth has been put on the rouU Heliport. b e t w e e u W a s h i n g t o n and Are you going to Nag's Head this summer? The hotel will be opened July 1st. Sweet Table Butter 011 Ice 25c !:., Full Cream Cheese. Suminerell Bros. Mr. V. Bond has removed his law office from West King street to a lot on Fast King street. Mr. Frank Tatem, of Pasquotank, spent several days last wcrk with his friends in this city. Misses Bertie and (.oldie Kramer, of Ivlizabcth City, arc in Kdenton 011 a visit to their father. Messrs. C. B. Klliott and W. S. Pen dleton left Saturday to attend the Wake Forest commencement. The ladies of the Methodist church gave a lawn party Tuesday night iu the vard of Mr. W. II. Coffield Miss Madge Bond returned y sterday from Petersburg, Ya., at which place sae ias keen attending school. For nice fruit, fresh vegetables, beef, " Open at all hours. dfp poll of iHrnil- Vv lutf-c nnrL-f't Mrs Wilcox and daughter, Annie May, and Mrs. Faves, of Klizabeth City, are visiting Mrs. A Huckabee. As a result of the meeting recently held at the Baptist church eight persons were baptised Monday evening last. Mrs. K. R. Pendleton, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Mary, left Sat urday on a visit to frieuds at Littleton Bicyle riding is becoming tne popu lar mode of locomotion in Eden ton There are about thirty cycles in town. At the regular annual com print Pudding, iceiug. Jelly, Pre- muuication of Unanimity Lodge serves. Salad Dressing 25c and 50c, No. 7, A. F. and A. M., Kdenton, Bot. Mustard, Sauce, &c. at SuuiuicilII fj., held on Tuesday evening, Bros- June 5 th, the following officers A -Garden Tea" was given Wedues- were elected for the ensuing year: day evening on the Academy green by the Junior Auxiliary of St. Paul's church. lucre are too many worthless dogs running about the streets of Kdenton now that the hydrophobia season is at hand. Let it ne remembered that there is a fine of $50 or imprisonment for 30 days for robbing the nests of partridges. This ought to protect the birds. The recent rains have started cotton and corn olTaud they are growing won derfully. Our prospects are not oad if the seasons from now 011 prove good. The circulation of the Fisherman & I I'AKJltK 13 Llldll till V UilULI C Ul t . t , " , nu ) isneii litre, mm i worm nnrp to a(ivcrtiscrs 0;, that account. Is your ad. in. it? Dandruff is due to au enfeebled state of the skin. Hall's Hair Reuewer quickeus the nutritive functions of the skin, healiufc and preventing the for mation of dundruff. Edenton needs and must have water works and electric hVhts. The sooner our pe0pie cet e(jucated up to that fact the better for themselves aud the pros- perity of the town Messrs. J. A. Woodard, L. D. Bond, Bruce White aud Willie Leary are spending the week at Nag's Head. A postal from one of the party reports fishing unusually fine. The Str.Luzie burrus will make semi . . . r... .,AKr i,rtea Head this summer, leaving L. City every Tuesday aud Saturday, returuiug Mondays and Wednesdays lluu J A crentlemen. under forty years of 1. 1 agef whose hair was rapidly becoming thin and p.. beran the use of Aver's Hair Vigor, and in six months his hair I was restored to its natural color, and -- - even more than its former growth and incnncss. Bicyclists should be very careful how they ride at night. Advertise in the Fisherman & Far mer and secure a portion of the trade. Desirable dwelling to rent. Please call on Mrs. Parish, corner of Oakum and King streets. Nag's Head Hotel will be opened on the 1st of July by Mr. J. B. Brockett. Read advertisement in this paper. Misses Irene and Agnes Davenport have returned home Rafter spending a delightful visit with friends aiJSorfolk. The payment of a part or the whole of the subscriptions of those who have let the lime expire, will be appreciated. We have waited very patiently on many. Miss Helen Foote, who has been spending several mouths in this city with Mrs. J. A. YVoodard Jr., left yes terday morning for her home at War renton. The time for listing taxes for the year 1S94 is during the mouth of June and our people will bear in mind that a failure to list during that month lays them liable to double tax. Commission dealers are warning No:th Carolina truckers not to send in their potatoes tco young. They say wait until they r- re mature and good prices arc iu store, while potatoes too young can only be sold at prices great ly below quotations. Mr. J. V. Brauning, who was mar ried last week in Pennsylvania, return ed home Wednesday with his bride, af ter a delightful tour through the North. To Mr. Brauning we extend our con gratulations, and to Mrs. Brauning a hearty welcome to our city. Happy days and restful nights result fiom using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It so regulates all the bodily functions and strengthens the nervous system that worry and fatigue are comparatively unknown and life s truly enjoyed. It is certainly a most wonderful medicine. KXCURSION. A large excursion from Frank lin, Va.,will arrive in Kdenton to-day at about 1 2 o'clock on the Steamer Olive. A PLEASANT AFFAIR, A pie sant occasion was the entertainment given Monday evening last by Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baumgardner at their resi dence on Queen street, in honor of Miss Helen Kvans, of Manteo. Refreshments were served and there was splendid music to while away the hours. THE "KIT KAT" CLUB. The Kit Kat Club will meet at the residence of Mrs. Louisa M. Badham, corner Main and Church streets to-night at 8:30 o'clock sharp. All the members are requested to be present. Wm. C. Coffield, L. M. Badham, Secty.ft Treas. President. A WOMAN ASSAULTED. Mrs. Thomas Holland, living near Suffolk, Va., was awakened early last Saturday morning by a negro iu her room, supposed to have entered for the purpose of committing a criminal assault. She screamed and the negro es caped through a window. Soon after, she heard a noise iu the yard and going out was terribly assaulted by the negro with a club and left for dead. There is no clue to the perpetrator, she being unable up to this time to identify either of the three men who have been arrested. NEW OFFICERS. Thos. Thompson, W. M. A. M. Hawkins, S. W. Wm. J. Leary, Sr., J. W. D. Newman, Treas.' CP. Bogert, Secty. E. S. Norman, S. D. C. D. Norman, J. D. J. E. Bonner, Sturds J. D. Bateman, J &tuaras L. F. Ziegler, Tyler. FOR RENT. Cottage near Nag's Head Hotel, well located, roomy and .surrounded by piazza: cooking 1 - I i i- .4- 1 ri 1 f HfO piu',cciu,viiu aunic uuuault and crockery, for house keeping ourDoses. For terms apply to j. j. Mrs. Wm. J. Leary, Sr., Edenton, N. C. FOR SAL-E- A nice, well furnished dwelling at Nag's Head, situated about 200 Yards trOlIl llOtel. I lie hOUSe IS conveniently arranged, aud has piazza all around it. Will be sold cheap. Apply to J. M. Jones, FOR SALE OR RENT. A nice new cottage at Na2"'s - wPnr1 . , ' . . , . UUVCIUCIILIV lucatcu KJll Sound-Side, well Ilirnislied, SIX rooms.convemently arranged and lioc nti77i oil orAitnH htii Hmnr "" p1"4-4-" WLl11 uu"ui"&' Terms easy, apply to J. K. REA. wore man 50 army omcers are now stationed at various States lfri ii0oc. :ctrM; "fe"""" '"""ti siuucinsm uumary lacutb. 8SWMBKET Between White and Bonner's, j. & m Will sell during the next few weeks meats at the following cash prices: " Beefsteak at 8c per lb. Roast Beef at 8c per lb. Stewing beef at 5c rer D Soup beef at 3c pe;J.b Pork at 16c and I22c per lb Lamb at 10c lb by the quarter. Lamb at 8c lb for fore quarter. Sausage meat 10c per I'D. Smoked sausage 10c lb. Chickens kept daily at lowest market prices. Twenty per cent, will be saved by patronizing Sutton & Co. for sale. At my gardeii on West Car trett street, 2,000 fine Cabbages that must be sold at once to make room for other crops. Prices 1, 2, and 3 cents per head. Cut fres'i from the gar den. Respectrully, Philip McDonald. o -a en Hi t4 c. -t S " 2. W c p Q ' P Ul w o ?2 5 "1 ' C XT rr c-r . o 3 5 0 p S. a tr 3 n n - cr ' o 3 2. p a' n w 3 rt as a 2. 0 f 0 A" 3- O 3 k- r CD ! 0 1 o cr m- n 9 a. - 2- " p p CO O CD W CD O S3 o . 1 X HH -3 SJ O O 5 a - 0 a o s o H -3 O a U p p On o x o p o H H O 5 o p a 1-3 a s s o " a s 5 o HH Ul n CO I Established 1S44. JOHN B. PAGE'S SON, Receivers of Southern VEGETABLES Hi PRODUCE, 102 ParkPlace, NEW YORK. Bartlett B. Page. Shipping No. 41. Strict attention to all consign ments. Prompt returns as soon as sold. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of A. S. Ward deceased, late of Chowan County, N. C. .This is to notify al persons having claims against the I estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the I isc aay 01 June ioj or iuis uonee wn I . . x . on: :i be plead in bar of tbeir recovery. Al persons indebted to said estate win I t. . . . . i This 17th day or May lsa4. Wm. J. Leaby, Sr., Administrator. I Itch on human and horses and al animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool- roras aanitary lotion, ima nevei ford s Sanitary Lotion. Ibis never Jfaii8. Sold by W. I. Leary, Druggist I Edenton. A. Bill 1 u O 3 " in 8 s- 5? B ? c P CD Ip B CO CO .-j a, s p S isi JUST RECEIVED. A large lot of the above hand some chairs by L F. ZIEGLER. FURNITURE DEALER, Which will be sold ior only 4 3.00 Ji piotio. ; A SIMPLE INQUIRY SI AY DOLLARS. SAVE YOU Write for prices before plac ing ore'ersfor gravestones or cemetery work. Designs sent free. COUPER'S MARBLK WORKS, lil, 1 13 & 115 Bank St.. orfolk W it.M -AX!) si WM. J. HOOFER & CO.. 110 E a. near BALTIMORE, MD. V.-auu'acturcrs c? a COTTON AND FLAX GILL NETS, r g Corks, Seine Leads, &c. r J2 Hein Twiiso of all lsin?, Jla-- nilla. Cotton fc JIe:sj NOTICE OF INCORPORAION North Carolina, in office Clerk Chowan County, j" Superior Court Notice i.s jiveu of the incorporation of the RoAxoki-: Colony Memorial Association; that the names of the in- corporatorsare Edward Graham Daves. Bartlett h. Jolmsou, ihos J. Boykni, S. Eassett, C. T. Watson, Graham Daves, V. D. Prudeu and such others as thev may associate with them; that the principal place of business shall be n I'.dentou, 2s. C, and its general pur pose and business is to reclaim, pre serve and adorn Old Fort Raleigh,built in 15S5 by the first English settlers on Roanoke Island, the birth place of Virginia Dare, the first white child born iu America; and also to erect monuments and suitable memorials to commemorate these aud other historic vents in North Carolina; that the dur ation 01 the Corporation shall be o vears; the capital stock shall not ex ceed Ten Thousand Dollars, divided 11 shares of Ten Dollars. Witness mv hand, ' II. C. Priyott, C. S. C. April 2Sth, 1S94. HOUSE. 1.00 i cr tlfhy. J. 15. H00TEN, Proprietor, 5road St.. Edenton, N. C. Having, opened a first-class hoarding House at the Wrighton residence I invite the patronage of the public, promising to give irst-class accommodations 111 every way. Special rates given to monthly hoarders. Respectfully, J. 15. Hooten, Prop. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Chowan County Superior Court Sophia Bunch, ") VS lO!., f T.. ..H Jerry Jones & Wife, oa,u etals. J llwl" By virtue of a Decree rendered in the above entitled action I shall on the 15th day of May 1894 at 1 o'clock p. m. sell the following described real estate situated in Chowan Co , and State of North Carolina to-wit: That tract of land bounded on the North by Cham pion Galbeiry to the line formerly Jones Bass line, then along said Bass line to his cornor on Jacob Bas, then along the line of the land conveyed to the children of Henry Mc- Clenny, then down this line to the hrst station. Containing 55 acres. Terms Cash.- Wm. J. Lkaky, Sr. Commissioner. April 11th, ?94. NOTICE. VALUABLE TIMBER LAND FOIt SALE Chowan County Superior Court. WmJ Leary, Sr. ) vs I Mattie P.& Minuie Leary and Trustees of the Uni- versity of North Carolina I Devisees of Dr Thos Leary, decl. J By virtue of a Decree eudered in the above entitled ection I shall sell on the loth dav of May, 1894 at 1 o'clock p m, Allthe pine and other standing timber, trees not under 14 inches on the stump, now growing on the Leary Page land, ad joining the Mt Auborn farm, lands of Mrs Mary S Moore J.W. Mason lands and others; containing altogether about 300 acres Located be loir Gdonton, in said county of Chowan N C Terms Cash, with eight (8) yeara iu which to cut aud remove said timber trees Wm J Leary, Sb Commissioner April 11th 34 BUCKLEN 'S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Terte'', Chappe Hands Chilblain3 Corns, Jd all bkin ibrup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfectsatisfaction.or money ref under1. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. I. Leary, Druggist. 1 Hi BOS RELIABLE FISH DEALER3. WIL1IS H. ROGERS Wholesale Commission Fisli Dealer, 103 Fclton Fish Makket, IMow Yorli. Special Attention given to the sale o'" North Carolina Shad, Rock. Chub, Perch and TERKAPIX. Reference: Guirkin & Co., Hankerp, and Chas. Robinson, President 1st Nat ional Bank. Elizabeth City, N. C. and other Financials when desired. PAm not and have never been in the Mellon, Truck or Fruit business. Stationery and Stencils furnished at a moments notice. S. B. MILLER&CO WHOLESALE COMMISSION Fish. Dealers, NO. 7 FUIvTOX MARKET, New York. Samuel 15. Miller. ( Clarence G, Miller 5 Special Attention Given to HIE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA SHAD. Stencils and Stationery Furnished on Application. W E E M PLO Y NO AG E N T. S. Ix. Storer & g. Who It sale Dealers aud Shippers of a kinds of 15 FULTON FI3I1 MARKET. 3' 10W YOliK. M I Successor to Laruphear & Had. Wholesale Commission Fish Dealer, Lobsters, Etc. JVo.12 Fulton FishMarkcl. New York City. Established 1SG1. SAML M. 1LAWDER & SDN. Wnolesale Commission Dealers in Soft Crabs, Terrapin, Etc. 125 Light St. Baltimore, Md. Quick Sales ! "rompt Retuiiie REFERENCES Trailers Vat'l. Hank, Puns Mercantile Agency Win. J. Hooper Jt Co. J. JHiUeliarl io, E, W. Albaugh & Son Wholesale Commission Merchants & Fresh. Fish, TEIlltAriN. OYSTERS, GAME & rOULTKx ;No. 224 Light Street Wharf,; BALTIMORE Consignments Solicited. Prompt Returns. Uur Motto. REFERENCE. Citizens National Bank. W. J Ilooner & Co. Sanner Bros., Wholesale Commission Dealers in FRESH FISH, Terrapin, Game. Etc., 11G llolliugsworth Street. Baltimore, Md. Ouick sales-good prices-prompt returns Davenport & Morris, Wholesale Grocers and Merchants Commission And Dealers in FISH, Richmond, Ya. Consignments of North Carolina Fler rirg solicited, and proceeds remitted iv cash. Onaccountof our intimate acquain tance, and frequont transaction with the Grocery trale of West and South we are able to handle N. C. Fish to the verv best possible advantage, and we are known everywhere as the largest 01 0 4 Q - Seecls sent by ns will reach yon safely and on time. Tiic-y vill germinate m.)perly when yon have sown them. And they will grow true to name. If you are one of those who do not know from experience that these are more than advertising claims, ask the Ex periment Station of your State how our seeds rank as to purity ,aud then send us au order a small one if you like. If the mail or express doesn't deliver the package prompt ly we duplicate the order duplicate it a dozen times if uecccssary. We want to supply you with every seed that goes into your garden or is needed on your farm. Our customers through out the Southern States think we can supply them a little better than anybody else. We would like you to make the acquaintance of our catalogue, the one I'rof. Price of Texas calls "the ideal seed book." It isn't writ ten for the North or the West. Free to any address. Geo. 'X'siit Ac on. TN'orloIh', "Vn.. M ( Fresh Seer On Draught every day. Vour visits will be appreciated. J5gTO.VKtei8 stewed and on half-shell at all hours, up stairs, over Bar. The Best Shoes for the .Least Money, Cm wt his i i m mxt.&aamBxjs. yym DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easj fittiag, and give bet satisfaction'at the prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be cc vinced. The stamping of W. L. Doujjlas name and price on the bottom, whL'j guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually, to those 'who wear thet. . Dealers who push the 6ale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps 1 increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can afford to 11 mt lew prof . and wo beliY you ran save money by buying all your footwear of tho dealer advc Used below. Catalogue freo upou appUcatlou. W. jU DOVQULS, Brocktoa, Mm. For Sale at BrirnJsZler's IErrn.poriTJLzr2.- I VTJ im linn inimiii f Fir bp yi'.wn ! 1 1 p."y- aiHUll I I M''''?iffii'i in l' rim IL 1 13 (D o1 (D (a r f "V' 1 ) A 1 r.irx 1 Dealer in VY3WES, LSfiUORS, And Fine Tobacco and Cigars. W. L. DOUGLA $3 SIX! FOR 6EMTLEUEH. S5, 84 and S3.0O Dross Shoo. S3. 50 Police Shoe, 3 80I00. $2.50, $2 for Worklngmon. 82 and 81.70 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, 83, 82.60 82, $t.7G CAUTION If ny dlf r Offer jroa VT. I.. Ioueli . hoe. mt m rmluoM prli i , r y n butbem wit:. oat th Dm atainix- ' a9 DQiwin. put 11 1 4 distributors in this market

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