FISHERMAN & FARMER f he Official Paper of Chowan County. A. H. Mitchell, - - Editor. Delivered at doors of city subscribers by carriers, as soon as from press, without extra charge. The Editor disclaims all respousibil ity for the views or statements of cor respondents, and reserves the right at all times to revise or reject any article he may think proper. Always sign your name to a news paper communication simply as a pledge of good faith. It will not be published unless you desire it. ttict. Rates very moderate, bpecial rates on long commas. EDENTON, N.C. Sept. 7th, 1894. COL. J. S. CARR'S ADDRESS TO THE DEMOCRATIC CLUIiS. Ralkigh, N. C.Scpt.1,1894. To f'le Democratic Clubs ami the Young Democracy 0 North Car- alina: The "war" is not closed ; nidi viduals, corporations, trusts and combinations must "submit to the free legislative will 01 the people's representatives;" they must not "dictate the laws which the people must obey." The un holy alliance, consummated on Thnrsdav last in this city, be tween the old-time enemy of the Democracy and the Gideon itish- Populistic leaders, must be de feated;its efforts to undo the work of the Democratic party must be confounded. Great expectations are based on your efforts in this campaign, and wc are sure that the party can realize on those expectations for with untiring devotion to party principals and unflinching loyalty to its leaders, the vouny Democracy in this j r campaign, wherein its very faith is at stake, eacerly awaits the signal of battle. Wherefore, as the President of your Clubs, I have brought you again in the field to resume those political labors lor winch your organization was called into ex istance some six years ago. In our call for a Convention ot Democratic Clubs to meet in Raleigh, on the 20th of Septem ber inst., issued on the 28th of August ultimo, we called upon you to recognize all clubs on the rolls of the Association of Clubs to form new clubs in every town village and township, where none now exist, and to elect del egates to the convention, as the means of promoting the growth of those fundamental Democratic principles which are the very bed-rocks of our political free dom. As we said m a former ad dress to you, "nowhere can those cardinal principals of Democracy be more effectively disseminated than in and through those home organizations of the people where neighbor is banded with neighbor, shoulder to shoulder, in zealous support of those liberties which are the birthright of the American peo pie, but held only at the price of eternal vigilance" Thorough or ganization is necessary in this campaign, if we would thwart the machinations of a few design ing, ambitious men; men who are working with all the energy of unholy ambition to lead their honest, unsuspecting, misguided followers into the camp of the great enemy of the people; men who have nothing to loose but all to gain by the overthrow of the Democratic party the only party that truly represents the people. We fight for measures not men. We enter this fight with a living faith in the right eousness of our cause. We have an abiding trust in the virtue, honesty and good sense of the people; that they will be swift to see the good that has been ac complished by that party, and quick to recognize and appre ciate the Herculean efforts of the true Democracy in behalf of fi nancial legislation and tariff re form; and we know that if they be met face to face with a frank and manly statement of the faith which inspires and the princi pals that controls the leaders of the Democracy, they will, as in the past, give them their hearty, loyal support. But those whose machinations prevent our reach ing the full measure of suc cess we deserve, should not be forgotten. In conclusion, we can not rest until a full measure of relief is secured to the burdened tax pay ers of this country. We must not relax our efforts until the gigantic monopolies and trusts that are still oppressing the poor have not only had their wings clipped, but have ceased to ex ist. There is work to be done. And wher ever there is work to be done in behalf of those great cardinal principals of the party; wherever patriotism is encuraged as a virtue, and treachery is damned as a vice, and the traitor . i- ii r is not iorgotten or ioreiven, we pledge the young Democracy We pledge it for the "war," until the question may no longer be made, "Is this a government of the people, for the good of the people, or a government of trusts lor the benefit of trusts? We have the honor to be Your obedient servants, J. S. Carr, Pres. State Asso. Dem. Clubs B, C. BECKWiTH,Secretary. COL. WILLIAM WILKIN SON'S GRAVE. I write to call attention to the neglected grave of Col. William Wilkinson at Sandy Point. The slab, which is of slate, is badly fractured, only two pieces ot it can be found, but fortunately they contain the most of the in scription, which I decipher as follows : "Here Lyes Interred ye Body ofColonel H7iam Wilkinson- Departed mt of this World ye 14th Febuary 170 Being ears of Age." (Italics mine) You will notice the peculiar manner of writing the year. Col. Wilkinson was a promi nent man here in early days, when Edenton was a mere set- tlenient,aud called "Chuwan Pre cinct." Under an act of Assembly he was a member of the first vestry of St. Paul's Church in 1701, and was made a church warden with Gov. Henderson Walker and Capt. Thomas Lewton. They were instructed to "agree with a workman for building a church twenty-five feet long, posts in the ground, and held to the col lar beams." This was the first church ever built upon the soil of North Carolina.ancl was finish ed in 1702. Col. Wilkinson was therefore a father of the church here, and deserves to rest under the very shadow of its tall spire. Richard Dillard. PROF. T. D. WARREN. Mr. Thomas D. Warren, of Ed enton left August 3 1 st to accept a position as teacher in the cele brated Horner school at Oxford, N. C. Prof. Warren taught last year, with marked success in the western part of the state, giving his patrons unbounded satisfac tion, and it was with deep regret that they gave him up. But the inducements held out to him by the Horner School were so strong and favorable, that he was constrained to return to this old and renowned seat of learning where he had spent three years as a pupil so pleasantly and profitably, and accept a position in its Faculty. Mr. Warren's preparation for College was had at this grand old institution, and credit is due to it for the exceptionally high record in scholarship made by him at the University of North Carolina, where he won the Greek Prize and took first dis tinction on all his studies, thus placing him in the front rank ot students, an eminence rarely if ever excelled in this line. We bespeak for him and the Horner School abundant success, and sincerely wish for him a brilliant career. NOTICE. The County Convention of the Democratic Party of Chowan county is called to be held in Edenton on Tuesday, Sept. 25th, 1894. The respective townships will convene at their respective places of meeting on Saturday, Sept. 22nd, 1894 for the purpose of electing delegates to said Con vention. Each Township will elect at said meetings a township Executive Committee consisting of five (5.) C. S. Vann, Chin. Sept. 694. Dem. Ex. Comm. Chowan County It is said that liernard, o Greenville.wauts to be the fusion candidate for Solicitor. Bernarc must have been bred on the po litical race course. He has been entered in every race for severa years, and has been very success ful in retiring as second, third ana even fourth best, his position depending entirely upon the number of his opponents. The Peoples' party Congres sioual and Senatorial Conven Hons were held in Edenton yesterday at Rea's Opera House, which resulted in the nomination of Col. Harry Skinner for Con gress, and Theophelous White o Perquimans and a Mr. Snipes o Hertford, for the State Senate. A fuller account of the Con vention will De given in out next issue. It is estimated that the Demo cratic State ticket in Arkansas is elected by at least 25,000 ma jority. SEE THE WORLDS' FAIR FOR FIF TEEN CENTS. Upon receipt of your address and fif teen cents in postage stamps, we will mail you prepaid our Souvenir Port folio of the World's Columbian Exposition, the regular price is Fifty cents, but as we want j-ou to have one, we make the prjee nominal. You will find it a work of art and a thing to be prized. It contains full page vie-s of the great buildings, with descriptions of same, and is executed in highest style ot art. 11 not satisfied with it. after you get it, we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Ad dress, H. E. UCKLEN & Co., 4 Chicago, 111. - - Advertise in the Fisherman & FAp.-' mer and secure a portion of the trade. ! COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. PROCEEDINGS OK THEIR LAST MEETING. The Commissioners met in regular session Monday Sept. 3rd. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following bills were oider ed paid: J. H. Robinson, 40.00 for bd. of prisoners, T. K. fees, etc. Martin Felton, $2.50 for coffin for a child that was in his charge. S. K. Brown, $5.04 for lumber to repair bridge on the Hertford road. D. K. By rum, $9.25 for board and care of Bettie Bunch. L. W. Parker, $26.10 for en tering Taxes on stub books, care Court House, amount paid Mar tin Felton for care of child. L. W. Parker, $1.34 for rebate on taxes for 1893. K. F. Waff, $15.70 for 3 days and mileage as Commissioner, 2 days revising tax list and 1 day and mileage at poor house. A. Q. Elliott 54.05 for serving notice on road overseers. Fisherman & Farmer,$i2.5o for pub. proceedings 3rd quar ter. L. F. Ziegler, $5.00 for coffin for Gear Leary. T. D. Byrum $10.90 for 1 day clerk to Board, minutes for pub lication, 16 merchants returns, 1 day and mileage to P. H., and fees for August. Ordered that Soloman Haugh ton be relieved of taxes to amount of $1,34, the same being listed other parties. T. D. Byrum, Clk. TURNED BLACK. We sometimes hear of darkeys bleaching and becoming wdiite, but we do not olten near 01 a white man turning black. In Timble county, Teun., two white men took refuge during a thunder-storm under a poplar tree. The tree was struck by lightning, and the men were so badly stunned that it was some time before they recovered con sciousness. Neither were ser iously hurt but one of them had turned as black as the ace of spades, all over, and at last ac counts continued so. ALL FREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery knows its value, and those who have not, have now the opportuni ty to try it Free. Call 011 the advertised Druggist aud get a Trial Dottle Free. Send your name and address to II. E. Buckleu Sc Co,, Chicago, and get a sain pie box of Dr. King's New Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, Free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothihg, W. I. Leary Druggist. 4 We are informed by an eastern con temporary that there are over fifteen thousand brass bands in this country. There is scarcely a town which does not possess such an organization, for weal or for woe usually for woe. Usually the merchants and wealthy men contribute toward furnishing' the instruments. Frequently they wish they had not done so. The brass band furnishes the musio of the people. It has always been and always will be so. The orchestra appeals more to those of higher musical culture. This brass bandism, if such an expression can be allowed, was engendered by the mili tary bands during1 the war, and the late Pat Gilmore, the father of brass band music In Araerlea, brought It al most to perfection FOR RENT. A number one Truck Farm near Edenton, of about one hun dred acres, with good buildings, good water, 3 acres in asparagus 3 years old. Will sell team and feed with farming utencils. For particulars call on or address C. Tarkentox, Edenton, N. C English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints. Sweeny, King-bone, Stifles, Sprains, all swollen Throats, Caughs. etc. Save 50 by use of one bottle. Warreuted the most wonderful Blemish cure known. Sold by W. I Leary, Druggist, Kdentou. Don't fof-gft the dates of the Kden toa Fair. Tell everybody you meet with that it will be held this year Oct. 16, 17, 18 and 19. A SIMPLE INQUIRY MAT DOLLARS. SAVE YOU Write for prices before p!acj lUS orders for gravestones or cemetery work. Designs sent free. COUPER'S MARBLE WORKS.- .il, 113 & 115 Bank St., Norfolk V a. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. I have a farm in Princess Ann coun ty, a., containing 175 acres, 80 of which covered with good timber, loca ted 7 miles from Norfolk, on good shell road and 3 miles from a creek, which I will sell on easy terms or exchange for property in or near Edenton. The land is in good cultivation, soil adapt ed to truck or most anv kind of crop. On the farm are two dwellings, sheds, store houses, etc. It is divided with a fence and 6P arranged that two Sr'i acre farms can be maJe of it. Will sell or exchange half or J.h whole of it Apply at This Office. If a business that is worth havinor ic worth advertising, upon the same prin cipal a business that is not worth ad vertising is not worth having. . Attention In time to any irregularity of the Stomach, Liver, or Bowels may prevent serious consequences. Indigestion, costiveness, headache, nau sea, bilious ness, and ver tigo indicate certain func tional derange ments, the best remedy for which is Ayer' Pills. Purely vege table, sugar-coated, easy to take and quick to assimilate, this is the ideal family medicine the most popular, safe, and useful aperient in phar macy. Mrs. M. A. B hock well, Harris, Tenn., says: "Ayer's Cathartic rills cured roe of sick headache and my husband of neuralgia. We think there is No Better Medicine, and have induced many to use it. " Thirty-five years ago this Spring, I was run down by hard work and a succession of colds, which made me so feeble that it was an effort for to walk. I consulted the doctors, but kept sinking lower until I had given up all hope of ever being better. Happening to be in a store, one day, where medicines were sold, the proprietor noticed my weak and sickly appearance, and, after a few questions as to my health, recom mended me to try Ayer's Pills. I had little faith in these or any other medicine, but concluded, at last, to take his advice and try a box. Before I had used them all, I was very much better, and two boxes cured me. I am now 80 years old; but I believe that If It had not been for Ayer's Pills, I should have been In my grave long ago. I buy 6 boxes every year, which make 210 boxes up to this time, and I would no more be with out them than without bread." II. IL Ingraham, Rockland, Me. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mmi. Every Dose Effective . .!i . I ." III ! ' 1, k? T t 3 1 ;c-v$ JUST RECEIVED. A large lot of the above hand some chairs by L F. ZIEGLER. FURNITURE DEALER, Which will be sold lor only BUCKLEN'S ARNI A SALVE The Best Salve in the world for Uuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tef;.' Chappe Handa. OailblainJ Corns, all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfectsatisfaction, or money ref under'. Price 25 cents per box. Korsaleby W. I Leary . Druggist. W. L. Douclas 3 SHOE no THE BEST. SQUEAKING. And other specialties for Gentlemen, Ladies, Boys pnd Misses are the Best in the World. See descriptive advertise ment which appears in this paper. Take no Substitute. Insist on having W. L. DOIOLAS' WHOES, with name and price stamped on bottom. Sold bf ttriiiklcyta Emporium. u o 0) 03 w in o -3 w bJ) p0 03 m g W SI & M o w bpp d Ph O o5 H O - r-i Q M O O - ----- th CUT PRiCESJIi FACT! While this is our dull season and having lots of nice summer goods still on hand, I am deter mined to close them out at a great sacrifice regardless of price. See my prices and compare them and you will find it will richly pay you to call at once and supply yourself before it is too late. My entire line of Oxford ties at actual cost. Ladies shoes worth $1.00 for 75 cents. Fine shoes all reduced to make room for Fall stock. 4 Big Cut Dress Goods. All wool Chaliics worth 20 cts now 10 cents. Beautiful line of Jacord Veil ing cost 15 cts., now 10 cts., yrd. in solid colors. Cotton challies worth 5 cents, now $). Pineapple tissue worth 10 cts., 110 6 cts Laanea cloth 12 cts., now 8cts. Crepou reduced from 18 cts.,to i2l. Many other big values in dress aud white goods at almost half price. I promise any one will be well paid to call aud see prices which was never heard of in Edenton before. I also have a first class Colum bia Bicycle in stock which I offer as cheaply as any retail dealer is allowed to sell. I have a good sound all right horse I will sell very cheap as I have 110 use for her now. Respectfully, New York Racket. L. L Ziegler, UNDERTAKER, EMBALMER AND FURNITURE DEALER. On the West side of Broad street, Just South of Briukley's door, Stands the large, commodious building Known as Ziegler's Furniture Store. He carries a very choice stock, Of everything, in the furniture line, And also "deals in Undertaker's ware, 111 finish and styje very fine. And being a Cabinet-maker himself, Having long served at the trade, He's always prepared to do new work, Or repair the old ready-made. He feels assured, your wishes to please, And your every taste gratify. That you'll no longer hesitate, But make your selections and buy. At his prices you'll never complain, Or the terms he offers to sell, Either at a discount for cash, Or installments, if it suits as well. A kind invitation he extends to all, Especially everv new married pair, To call and examine his beautiful goods Before making purchases elsewhere. Ibemarle Steam Navigation Co. SCHEDULE STEflftE 0LI1E, GEO. II. WITHEY, Master. Reaves Edenton every Tues day, Thursday and Saturday- at 4 a. m., connecting atTunis'with trains ior iorioik and Kaleio-h. Connecting at Franklin with trains for Norfolk, Raleigh and Atlanta. These are sure connections and we hope the public will show their appreciation by patron izing the "Old keliable.i' R. A. PRETLOW, Sup't. NORFOLk & SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY. Mail Train leasee Edenton 1. "23 p.m. daily, except Sunday, arrives at Nor folk 425 p. m. Express Train leaves Edenton Daily (except Sunday) at 3 a. m arrive at Norfolk 11 a.m. Connection made at Norfolk with all rail and Steamer Lines, and at Eliza beth City with Steamer Neuse Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday for Roanokt Island, New Berne and Atlantic & North Carolina Ii.R. Stations and the Wilmington, New Berne and Norfolk E. R. The Company's Steamers leave Eden ton 12.45 p.m. as follows; Transfe Steamer to ilackey's Ferry daily (ex cept Sunday) with passengers for Roper. Pantego, Belhaven, connecting with Steamer Haven Belle for Makley ville, Aurora, South Creek, Vashingtou and intermediate landings. Steamer Plymouth, daily, (except .Sunday,) for Plymouth Jamesville, Williamston and Windsor. Steamer M. E. Roberts, Tuesdaj Thursday and Saturday for Chowan River; Wednesday for Avoca and Sal mon Creek, and Monday and Friday for Scuppernong River." Norfolk passenger and freight station at Norfolk and Western Railroad Depot. Through tickets on sale and baggagf checked to all principal points. o EASTKKN CAROLINA DISPATCH. FAST FREIGHT LINE AND PASSENGER ROUTE Regular line of steamers betweec New Berne, and Elizabeth city, A. & N. C. R R., and W. N. & N. R. R. Daily all rail service between Edenton. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk. Through cars, as low ratesand quickei time than by any other route. Direct all goods to be shipped by East ern Carolina Dispatch, as follows: From Norfolk by N. & S. R. R; Baltimore by P w. & b. r. k. ; President St. Station. Philadelphia by Pennsylyania R. R. Dock St. Station. New York by Penn sylvania R. R., Pier 27 North River. For further information apply E. WOOD, Agent, Edenton, N. C, 01 to the General Office of the N. & S. R. R. Co., Norfolk, Va. M. K. KING, General Manager, n. C. HUDGINS, G. F. & P. Agt. The Tinner. Manufacturer and Repairer of Tin ni Sheet voi Ware. Roofing and Guttering a Specialty. Xliisiiioi- ol'StoveK. All work attended to promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Only first class shop in Edenton. WALTTR HUGHES HO USE AND SIGN wmwm 3Jb All work done promptly, cheaply, an-1 at short notice. Satisfac ion guranteed. We sell only the finest and freshest Groceries and Fruits. Prices to suit the people. Give us a call and be con vinced. J. E. Capeheart & son. Gale St. You can get your meals at all hours by stoping at the Restaurant near the depot. First ola8S accomodations Mrs. Martha Simpson Blount St. Philip McDonald, Cleaning and Dying Clothes. Work done in first class style and satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Call and 6oe him. Prices low. Any work sent Ly mail will rMe prompt attention. Call on W . E. Burk, at Rea's Opera House for first elas'Sfiiioe work. Prices to suit the times. NEW GROGENY. I wish to notify my friends that I have opened a Grocery 011 Main street, next to Capt. Hollo well's, and would be pleased to have you call and sec me. I sell only the best goods. A call will be appreciated. Respectfully, A. Stain Dos. i3 BUY THEttK FINEST WaJDWORK. fTTA?!UI!S,J THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Send TEM cents to ?& Union Sq.t M. V.; for our prize game. Blind Luck," and win a Wow Home Sewing Machine. The New Home Sewing Machine Co. ORANCE, MASS. -G2B UVm SGUARE,T.r I"- S" w- ft iwrfr ton 'SALS BY " E. L. BRINK LEY. Hard. Times a-sHHsgS Fnvt!l!iMM ofa. Geo4 Fertilizer remiizers. i OaU. Tobacco and FnuU Atao Mariata of Potash. Kainit. Sotahmte Potacb. Bm faro 2 Mamp-for oroa. W, s. POWELL CoZ Kertiiixer Manufacturers, . BmiamoriiaM. .t... . - j, ... , Darkest Africa 13 row the land to which emigrants turn longing eyes. NEW STORE 1 NEW BDDDSI I.OW PRICES, I have opened a Clothing and Dry Goods store on Main street in the place formerly occupied by J. C. door to J. 1. Coffield, with a stock of goods to please all. Call in and see the new goods. The bright, fresh, stylish ar ray of nice qualities and sound values that are going to be sold at prices which will sweep them off pur counters. It will be to your interest to call and inspect our display of new novelties and reliable standard grades in Men's Youths and Hoys Suits that I am selling at prices never heard of !efore. I also have a nice and well selected line of Men's, Youths and Hoys single Coats, Vests ana rants in all grades, make and prices. Also extra size knee pants at reasonable prices. Our Ladies', Men's, Hoys and Childrcns Shoes are of good qual ity and make, which I sell at very low prices. I have all grades, style and sizes to choose from. are also to be had in Dress Worsteds and Ginghams, Hleaeh ed and Yellow Cotton Cloth, Homespun ami Calico, Ribbons and Laces, Ladies' and Misses Vests, Ladies' and Childrcns Hose, Sus penders, Cravats, Ties, Valises, etc. Shirts for Men and Hoys. My stoci: never so complete and never filled with such well made, nice fitting shirts of all sizes and quality. I have in stock any kind you may want, light or heavy, dress or work shirts, All of the latest cuts and material, made in first class style and just such garments as you like. In prices we offer the greatest induce ments of all. Come tons and let us save you money. I do it lot all comers these days. I have also a complete line of overalls and jumpers I have a nice line of Hats and Caps to choose from at low figures. With the best of everything, and prices down to the lowest point ever made for honest goods, I expect a share of your patron age because you cannot afford to pass us by. Com.-to us if you want the purchasing power of your dollar developed to its fullest extent. I shall use every effort to please my customers and give satisfaction to all. I am yours respectfullv, S. ABRAHAMS, MamSlrcenexoorlo EDENTON. N.C. The only strictly Hardware Dealers in Largest Stock and best quality of Goods at Lower Prices than ever before offered for cash. Our Stock consists of: General Hardware, Builders Supplies, STB A MHO AT AN J) JIILL SUPPLIES. Stoves and Stove Ware, Tinware, Carriage and Wagon Material, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass and Putty. Chinese Hristle lirushes, Artists Tools. OARS, ROW LOCKS. Hoat Scrapers, ANCHORS. SHIP -4 Housekeepers Goods. 1 Ice Cream Freezers, Ice Picks and Shaves. Hammocks, Hammock Hooks, Canopies, Screen Doors and Windows. ! Sporting Goods and Fishing Tackle. Farming Implements of all kinds. I Agents for Billups Plows, Walter A. Wood's Mowers and Rakes, Cutaway Co's Disk Harrows, Barbed wire, etc. All of which we will offer low for cwh. We shall do no credit from this date May lst,'94. Free Trade, 4 TC5? at 11 Having just returned from the North we are now preparedto show our Spring and Summer Stock, to full advantage. Our Dry Goods department is complete in every way. Ten thousand yards of fine Crepon in every shade, full value rfcts. but will go next week at 5cts.. A fine line of Calico at 3 cts. A complete line of fine Percals in all the leading shades, at 6)4. Our new Gingham, in all the leading shades,will be sold at 6.?. We also have a full line of Lawns and Satteens on hand in all the newest styles. We are prepared tp sell you Worsteds, in every shade, at jM. neamont cottons are now going at 4 y cents. Fruit of the Loom cottons at 8cts. yard. Eureka Plaids at4cts. Ladies shirt waists at 49 cens. Ladies covered sailor hats at 23 cents. Ladies untrimmed sailor hats at 15 cents. A complete line of Ladies Ox ford tics, full value for 75 cents, Come early and secure tjiese reil bargain Respectfully, 1ST- Bakej:. $Topk7 Tackle Hlocks, a Caulking Cotton, J OAKUM. CHANDLERY. BOIV I V .1 I J No Tariff, !but are now going at 49 cents. A fine line of new style slippe s 111 every toe and tip, full value ..1 $2.50, now at S1.75. A full line of negligee shirty 110111 50CIS. toi2 5. line nuk wear to match. CLOTIIITVG. "Cheaper than ever before Men's all Wpol jght flamie) suits worth $12.50, reduced tu $8. co. Fine black clay worsted suits in all cuts, worth $18.00, now going at $11.75. Youths suits, from 12 to 19, rom $2.50 up. Children's suits at any price. Fine blue Columbia"suib; worth $6.50, will go fp,r $2.yy Mens pants from 5ocLs. to 6.50, Men's fine black alapacacoat and vest, size from 34 to 48, worth $8.00, will go for $3.75. Also in extra long for Ministers, at ll:e same price. i

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