3 ir i V 1 ' t I 7 T I i A Hshepfnan and Farmer. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE fi.oo When l'aid In AnvANCE: $ 1.50 If Not Paid In Advance. Entered at the I'ost Office at Ed enton iu Second Class matter. RPENTON, N.C.. Sept 7th. I8U4- All anirouucenients aud recommen dations of candidates for office, whether ;.. n.,. edim. if roiiimunicaiioiis ur otherwise, will be charged as adver tiseiuents. . (J()UiTTYNEWS. IN'fKUKSTINC. ITKMS REIHJRTKn BV OUR COUNTRY ITKMIZKRS. CISCO : Cotton is being picked in this section. Some very fine yam potatoes were shipped from here on Wed nesday last. Miss Minnie Coffield, of Man teo is delighting relatives at Maple Lawn with a visit. Miss C. Helle, daughter of Mr. Z. W. Evans, was seriously ill a part of last week. Some of our young people are attending the "Hush Meeting" held at Anderson this week. There is a protracted meeting in session at Centre Hill liaptist Church this week. Elm drove school commenced its Fall session on Monday. Mr. H. C. Nixon is having his dwelling repainted,making quite an improvement. Captain Hooper, of Manteo, . M 1 was in our section on i uesiuiy and Wednesday. The families ot Messrs 15. 1. Evans and W.A. Coffield return ed from the lower Sound n Tuesday last. STORE ROBBED. The store of Mr. B. I). Law rence, in Gatesville, N. C, was recently entered by robbers, who forced the iron safe and extract ed about $joo in cash, several notes aud an insurance policy. The job was probably the work of experts, as they left no clue to their identity. NEW BARBER. Having employed Mr. J. F Waller, a first class tonsorial ar tist of Laurel, Del., I am now prepared to furnish a hair cut or a shave with dispatch. Hoping to continue to receive the pat ronage of the public, I am Yours respectfully, A. Huckabee. MADE THEIR OWN AP POINTMENTS. In obedience to Butler's com mands the Thirdites attempted to control the appointment of registrars bv the County Com missioners Monday last, The Commissioners refused to be dic tated to and made their own ap pointments, a list of which will be found in another column. AVhat It Huh Done. About twenty years Mr. James Bailey originated and put on the market the popular remedy, Bailey's Cholera Cure, for Dysen tery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, and all acute Stomach Troubles. The reputation it has made, the endorsement given it by every one who has had occasion to use it, has proven a source of great satisfaction to its proprie tors. What it Will Do. If von will only be liberal, spend twenty-five cents, you will be within the pale of an absolute security from the dread ravishes of these Bowel complaints which carry off more victims during the three hot months than any other disease known. Baily's Cholera Cure will cure. Will you accept this? You can't afford to run the risk. For sale by Wal ter I. Learv, Edenton, N. C. This paper for Si. 00 per year in advance. Subscribe at once. Itch oh human, and horses and al animals cured in 30 minutes by VVool ford'a Sanitarv Lotion This never fails. Sold by W. I. Leary, Druggist' Edenton. iiliGWN'S IRON BITTERS Uirea dyspepsia. In digestion & Debility. GUARANTEED CURE. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or any I.ung, Throat or Chest troubje ud will use this remedy fs , directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle aud have your money re funded. We conld not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at W. I. Eeary's Drugstore. Large size 50c and $1 .00. 2 WANTED A copy Qfthe Edenton Gazette containing Col. Garrett's address on July 4th, 1870. Liootl price paid. Richard Dillard. SCALES AND PLANTS ITEMS PURKLY LOCAL CONDENSED FOR TUB BUSY READER Talk up the Fair. Bring us your job printing. Help to make the Fair this year success. Mr. E. S. Norman has enlarged his store. ivdenton Fair, October 16th, 17th, isth and 19th. Pnv vnnr subscriDtion. we need the - j j money. N. Y. State Butter aud Cream Cheese at Summerell Bros Pretnire for the cominir Fair. It will be a good one. Light Coffee Sugar 5 cts at Summer ell Uros. Send us the news from vour town or neighborhood. Fresh Salad Dressing; and Olive Oil at Summerell l.ros. Djii t forget us wher yon want neat job printing dune 1 'rices low. Miss Bessie Wood reti.med ,from Nag's Head lnesday. Chewing Tobacco iS and 25 cts. at Summerell Bros. Miss Day, of Norfolk, is visiting ths family of Mr. Jas. Doudy. Miss Fannie Skinner, of Hertford, is visiting Miss Pencie McMullau. Fresh Cream Lunch crackers and cakes at Summerell Bros. Mr. W. II Weatherly. of E City, was in lvuenton tins week on ousiuess. French Soups, something fine 20 cts. at Summerell Bros. Dr. V John aud Mr. M. B. Culpep per, ot u. city, were in town yesieruay Miss leiinie Suaw. ot Henderson, is in the eitv visiting her aunt, Mrs Ed Wood. Smoke ()(! IJuty smoking tohaeco at sold only by Summerell Bros Communion isteied at the services were admin-, various churches last Sunday. The families of Messrs. T. B. Bland and W. I). Rea have returned frjin Nag's Head. A big stojk of cakes, inger snapps me nacs, crackers etc., sold low by the box at Summerell Bros. Court beirau in this District Monday last at Currituck. Next week it will be held at Camden. Mr. J. A. Woodard has returned from Bedford Surinirs. Va.. at which place he spent several days. Madam Ruppert Face Bleach, a neces sity if perfect beauty is desired, is on sale at Brkikley's Emporium. Mr. Win.M. Bond, our next Solicitor, went to Currituck Court Monday, at which place he fired his first bomb.' The Editor spent Wednesday in the citv of Norfolk, where he met many of his old friends and acquaintances. Flour, Sugar aud Coftiee Buckets, Towel Racks, Clothes lines, Wire Rat Traps etc., :.t Summerell Iros. , , , , c r, ir 1 daughter have returned from Bedford Mi- a r it.,, ..1-;,,-- ...;v. -..-a Springs, Va days there. after spending seve o1 1 111 I The families of Messrs J. K. and P. L. Rea have returned from Nag's Head, where they have been spending the summer. Dr. L S. Fox, the dentist, will return to-night, after an absence of several months, aud will be at his office business after to-dav. for Tne family of Mr. Jas. Doudy have returned home after a delightful visit lo friends in Petersburg, Norfolk and Portsmouth. Read your local paper and support it. The Editor may do much, but it is ior me people to sa ihu uic timihk r .1.,. - . i I man cc Farmer shall be. Have vor 1 s 1; 1 it? if not, do so at once Calvert's Insect Powder for flies, fleas, and bed-bugs, only 10c, air tight sift top box, at Leary 's. The la-lies of the ethodist church gave an ice cream festival last night, and will repeat same to-night. We hope they will be patronized liberally. The Edenton Silver Cornet Hand will g'.ve "their last Lawn Party oftheseason on the Academy Gie .11 next Tuesday night. Noifolk cream will be served. Mr. A. C. Mitchell aud sist, r, M'.-s Cora, have returned liouie after .-pending a delightful summer at Loi;g Branch, J., with their cousin Dr. Booth. Cards arc out announcing the mar miagc of Miss Lelia White to Mr. Benj. F. Francis, which will take place on the 12th inst., at the Baptist Church in th's city. The payment of a part or the whole of the subscriptions of those who have let the time expire, will be appreciated, j We have waited very patiently on many: Complaints are heard abo.it the boisterous conduct ol parties at a late hour of the uight. The police should be instructed, and recpuired to arrest all such offenders. Prof. Sledd will be glad to see as many of the patrons present at the Acatleniy ou Wednesday morning as can conveniently come out. School will open, at 9 a. m. Those who eat grapes should not throw the skins upon the pavements. Anyone who treads upon them is liable to be thrown down. The practice is a dangerous one and should be stopped Those who have been waiting and hoping for the water works, recently promised by the City Councilmen, we regret to saj, need rrot wait any longer. At the meeting of the Council on Tues day last, the matter was tabled, in fact, killed." VOn DTSPEPSIA, Indigestion, and Stomach dUordMT tftk HKUWHIi IRON BITTERS, II All dealers keep it, fl per bottle. Genuine bM II trade mark and erased, red linea on wrapper. AMUSEMENTS. The following Companies will appear at Rea's Opera House on the following dates: Rolla's Royal Entertainers, Thursday and Friday, Sept. 20 and 2 1 st. The Swell Burlesque Com pany, Saturday, Sept. 29th. Harrlette Weems, supported by a select company, "Lady of Lyo.:s," Thursday Oct. 9th. Meyer-Thorne, commencing Oct 1 5U1 to 20th, Fair Week. LIST OF JURORS. FOR FALL TERM OF COURT, 1 894. J. E. Waff.C. Tarkenton Jacob T. Spivey, Horton Simpson, Jas. i. Kyrum, W.J.Wilson, Jessie Parker, R. P. Morris, Jessie Nix on, J. E. Bonner, E. F. Culpep per, Paul Cooper, Kader McCle"- tiey, John R. Smith, Jr., Miles W. Elliott, E. L. Byrum, C. W. Rea, Z. V. Evans T. J. Byrum, H. G. Skinner, J. Duuston, B. L. Evans, J.L. Savage, W.C. Ward. E. C. Welch, Robt. Nixon, Jr., J. D. Boyce, R. F. Bass, W. D. Rea, Ben. Hassell, Richardson Bunch, Jacob Jordan, Jessie By rum, Jr., W. H. Byrum, F w. Curren, James Bunch, Jr. A GOOD MOVE. The people residing on Mag nolia street presented a petition to the Councilmen Tuesday ask ing that Magnolia street be straightened, and the Council have promised so to do. The movement is a good one. The street has been greatly en croached upon and should be widened. EDENTON ACADEMY. The Edenton Academy will open next week. Prot. blead, principal, a most intelligent christian srentlenian, hopes to organize and start the school in V 3 -A. such a wav as to commend lt- kolftn tlio sunnarl f nil tlinse ....v. - - who have Children to educate. It will be manage iby a strong faculty 1 THIRDITES COUNTY CON VENTION. A County Convention of the Peoples' party has been called to meet in Edenton on the 1 5th for the purpose of nominating County officers and a represen tative for the Legislature. KNIFED A GIRL. Haywood Jones, a colored lad. was arrested Tuesday aud tried by Mayor Vann for throwing a a knife at a colored girl, making , .& a very usrlv and painful wound in her leg. Haywood was re quired to give bond for his ap pearance. REGISTRARS. i st, Township, East Edenton, J. M. Jones. West Edenton, M. F. Bond. 2nd Township, W. P. Jones. 3rd, Township, A. J. Ward. 4th, Township, W. E. Hassell. COUNTY CONVENTION. aim t . " r j y Ile 1 JeillOCratlC COU111V lOU knH'r.,i ic nllf,1 tr ,P,t i Tn, 1 . entonoii the 25th lust NOTICE. Having been ordered by the Counc'linen to close the 1893 tax list, I shall proceed at once to carry out their instructions and collect all town taxes according; to law. Pay at once and save trouble. J. Y. Sprcill. Collector. JSdenton Fair 16, 17, 18, and 19. Are you getting your exh ibit ready? . Don t put it On too long THE FAIR. Let The People Rejoice, Fair Time is Near at Hand. Oct. 16, 17, 15 $ 19. AN EXH I B I T ION OF TH E PEOPLE, For the People and r.v the People. Now is the time to begin to make preparations for the Fall fair. Watch every opportunity to provide something that will help the exhibition and enable you to make a creditable display for yourself aud your neighbor hood. If you cannot prepare more than a single specimen, provide that, lor if everyone does likewise there will be ajmammoth show. The premium mav be but small, and the trouble serious but every person should be pub lic spirited, and value as the best part of the award, the welfare of the industry represented, and the honor of securing a prize over ambitious competitors. The Society, in its efforts to hold a successful fair, has the liberal support of the whole com munity in which it is located, who will work in harmony with the managers to secure an ex hibition well worthy or their united efforts. No dcubt but tint many people who have been repeatedly attending fairs in the past, have thought their was much ot sameness in them, but we aim to get up an exhibi tion that will not be a repetition of former shows, or a rehersal of played out features, but a live, progressive fair, abounding iii new sights and features, and in teresting because fresh aud strange to the eyes of all who behold them. We hope to be able to make this the most mark ed and memorable of any lair ever held in this section of the country. We shall delight to hear such words of praise from those who attend, as, that thej fair exceeded any previous con-j ccptiou.and in every particular! it was better than expected - The fair we hold is devoted to the interests of the community in which you live, and no one can reasonably afford to ignore its claims for patronage. No matter how many other fairs and expositions one may attend, the home fair has the best and strong est claim upon him, aud he should give it attendance also. He who is most slow in mak ing a promise is the most faith ful in its performance. For this reason the public have assurance that our Fair this year will be a full and fair representative oi whatever is put upon the bills. LOST OR MISLAID. Policy No. 5 1 3 14 issued by The Peuu Mutual Life Insurance Company, on the life of Kenneth R. Pendleton. The finder will please return it to the under signed. Application has been made for the issuing of a dupli cate. K. R. PkndlKTox, Edenton. N. C. Health means so much more than ryou imagine serious and r" fatal diseases result from1! trifling ailments neglected. Don t play with Nature si greatest gift health. If you are feeling 1 out of sorts, weak J and generally ex- 1 hansted, nervous, J have no appetite " and can't work, J DCgin ai unte lad ing the most relia ble strengthening medicine.which is Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few bot- a, -Cm. fc lies cure DCUCDI comes from the very first dose it won't stain your J imn, a 11 u 1 1 3 pleasant to take. J If. -M . . . It?6ures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, v Troubles Constipation, Bad Blood 9 malaria, Nervous aliments i Women's complaints. Get only the genuine it has crossed red f lines on the wrapper. All others are sub- i stitutes. On receipt of two ac. stamps we f will send set of Ten Beautiful World' Fair View and book free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MO. tv c V t rvr THE'.ONLY SHOE POLISH CONTJyNiClIli AT BRINKLEY'S EMPORIUM. 'lm 1 : Brown's iron 1 BSW muss Between White and Bonner's, Will sell during the next few weeks meats at the following cash prices: Beefsteak at Sc per lb. Roast Beef at Sc per lt. Stewing beef at 5c per H Soup beef at 3c per K Tork at 10c anl i2!''c per It Lamb at 10c Yh by the quarter. Lamb at Sc H for fore cpaarter. Sausage meat 10c per li. Smoked sausage 10c lb. Chickeus kept daily at lowest market pric s. Twenty per cent, will be saved by patronizing Sutton & Co. 3. B. BITSLID, Can repair anything frm a fine Chronometer to a Sewing Machine, and d-j it right. -Kye Glasses and Spectacles--made to order by a Graduate Optician, at the late David Lee, stand on Queen street. Edenton, X. G- o 3' 53 tir it o 52 n o- 7? S " l lj 01 B 2 o 5 so n ?r a o 5. S. B a W 5 r- n 2 M 3 n a a 2. qo rn ip a - -3 t3 If. t "a B3 o o a c rt, d - 0 E - 1 " H O f' u C f. O K 1 1 r 1 1 o H - oi CO O W El 05 , vJ o P s v o w cr a 2 S Si. h-i 3 5 C O o 1 a . P P o 3 s 5 P Jl UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Includes the College, the Uni versity, the Law School, the Med ical School and the Summer School for Teachers. College tuition $60.00 a year; board $7.00 to $13.00 a mcnth. Session be gins Set. 6. Address President Winston, Chapel Hill, N. C. Prvt C W. hmitli, Prin. Commercial College ot Ky. VJniveruity, Leiincton. Ky.. was awarded MEDAL AND DIPLOMA BT THE WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. For System ofBook-keeplBC and aerl Buiaeu EiiiiemtioD. etc. Cost to complete Bosiness Conrs about faO. Including taition.books Dd board. Phonoeraphy. Type Writing and Telerrapby taugbt. For circulars, address. 1 o 5 B 3 q 5 ' OP HH O 5 " w O s I S H! IB P . . i O Tt" I W rt- y I- m 0 n H ' S CD t tj K$ h W . . CD " O 3 4 - q3 i On GO X -' "'ffr. 205 a fee CD .::Si I 5 5 p s 3 S3 . tf c S 2 3 f yZ. O rf c hi W CSS 35 P I. S3 3 illfalSl RELIABLE FISU DEALER3. WILLIS H. ROGERS . VVhohisaWr Couirrr.ssion Fish Dealer, 10G Fclton Fish Mabket, Now Yoi'ls. Special Attention given to the sale of North Carolina Shad, Rock, C hub, Perch and TERRAPIN. Reference: Guirkin & Co., Bankers, and Chas. Robinson, President 1st Nat ional Rank, Elizabeth City, N. C. and other Financials when dtsired. "Ara not and have never been in the Mellon, Truck or Fruit business. Stationery and Stencils furnished at a monionts notice. iS. B. MILLER & CO wiioi.esvLi: commission FISli Dealers, NO. 7 FULTOX MARKET, New York. Samuel . Miller. i clarence o. Miller Soecial Attention Giveu to THE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA SHAD. Ktesciis and Stationery Furnished 011 Application. -.VE EMPLOY NO AGENT. S- Storcr & Go. WhoLisalelDealers antl Shippers of all kiudd of Hi FUL7'ONT FISH MARKET. rvjaS w . 1 is:. A. W- HAFF, '. Suc.-j?sor to Ltimphear & IlafT. Wholesale Commission Fish Dealer, Lobsters, Etc. Jfo.12 Fulton Fish? Market New YorklOity. Established 18G1. SAML.' M. LAWOER & SON. Wnok-SiUe i'oiumissinn IuIlis 111 Soft Crabs, Terrapin, Etc. 125 Light St. Baltimore, Md. Quick Sales ! Tronipt'Iteturua REFERENCES Traders Nat l. Hank, Duns Mercantile Anau-y ' Wm.J . llnoper A Co. .1. Imkoliart Jc Co. E, W. Albaugh & Son Wholesale Commission Merchants Fresh. Fish, TKHKA'IN, HYSTKUS, (iAMK .t POULTUf ;n';). -Jul Liglit str. et Wliarf.; BALTIMORE Consignments Solicited. Prompt Returns. Our Motto! REFERENCE. Citizens National Dank. W. J Hooker & Co. Saimer Bros., W'liolcsalc Commission Dealers in FRESH FISH, Terrapin, Game. Etc., 116 IIullin:;swi)i th Street. Baltimore, Md. OuicV: s;iles-fiool prices-prompt returns fiavenvort & Morris. Wholesale flrocers and Commission Merchants And Dealers in FISH, Richmond, Va. Consignments of North Carolina Her ring solicited, and proceeds remitted in cash. On account of our intimate acquain tance, and frequent transaction with the Grocery trade of West and South we are able to handle N. C. Fish to the very best possible advantage, and we are known everywhere as the largest distributors in this market !(MALE AND FEMALE.): Thorough, Economical, Christian. For full information address ,F. II. SLKIH, A. I.. Principal. Will l.eyin the l-'uil Ses.-ioa -n .evoa-l Wvihn -J.iv in SejU mSer. POSITIVE crnK. DYSKXTKKV, CIIOLKKA 3IOKISUS mid CIIOLKKA INFANTUM IN CHILI) It KX. A CUKE youMl liiul. THE ONLY ;Kt'im'(ly. CENTS. Hundreds of testimonials can be procured. Wc want ymus, We can jet it if you will take our advice (ict a bottle of Ileiin's Svrup of lilackl)errv Root. JAMES BAILY & SON, Prop s, Baltiraoro, Md. l'or Sale lv V. I. l.rarv, lvklUnn. N. C. L.-l. - XT' Seeds sent by us will reach you safely and on time. They will germinate properly when you have sown them. And they will grow true to name. If you are one of those who do not know from exjK riencc that these arc more than advertising claims, ask the Ex periment Station of your State how our seeds rank as to purity.and then send us an order a small one ifvoulikc. If the mail or express doesn't deliver the package pionipt ly we duplicate the order duplicate it a doen times i! neccessary. We want to supply you with every seed that goes into your garden or is needed on your firm. Our customers through out the Southern States think we can supply them a little better than anybody else. Wc would like you to make the acquaintance of our catalogue, the one I'rof. Price of Texas calls "the ideal seed book." It isn't writ ten for the North or the West. Free to any address. G-eo. Tsiii-A: Son. .NorfoIU, Vn. Smm1 31 m1isi us- : 1 RIB Fresh Seer On Draught every day. Your visits will be appreciated. JJT'Oystrs stewed and on half-shell at all hours, up stairs, over Bar. mmjwss mmMjm mrnvwiiL The Hotel will be opened on or about the 1st 100,37- of T-a-137. will make two trips per week. Leaving Klizabeth City every Tuesday and Saturday on arrival of North bound train, returning Wednesday and Monday morning ResjKctfully, J. 1 will get the fisherman For One ITear. ! i i Ciitifu iitc of i Ttii t iling Agtnt if tkc Singer M.iuuftXi luring Co. A. II. Ht HKR, Ks'J., Prwpiietor Hetini;'s Comp Svtup f Hl.uk h'jrry Root, Sir: l;or Diarluca, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, or for the Summer Complaints incident t children, I know of no remedy comparable to IIkrinc.'s Syrit. In my househoM and when traveling, I ncvci permit myself to be without it. 1 considei the remedy indispensable. T. Hoxn Hrown, Itlkton, Md. Traveling AKt f'i Singer MI'n Co May yth, jSyi. r fvr "vv v v Cl ( dfr "rrCl "1 An:r Dealer in- And Fine Tobacco and Cigars. B. BROCK ETT.' 5 In Advance, & farmer