FlSH&RMAJf & FJ(RME(R The Official Ps jr of Chowan County. A. II. Mitciiislt., - - Editor. Delivered at do.rs of city subscribers by carriers, as soon as 'from press. n'itlinr.t cvt rn r1mr7C. The- r.ditor declaims all responsibil ity for the views or statements of cor resnondcnls. and reserves the right at all times to revise or reje-'t any article be rriav think proper. Alv:iy:; t,i,;:i yoi.r r -no ; a : ' ' J r co: jl.:.:i:l':u u:lC;: lk-st a-K-crtisv! trlci. Untci ver ;u the Dis eckil .rr.te. rale; on 10:: contracts. IIDENTON, N.C. Y.z. J&Ui)viti'iji iu liUljh t i TICKET. of Representatives MAKKLY. ,! lU Ll. V M. 'or Clerk Superior Court, II. C. PRIVOTT. For Treasurer; C.S. VANN. For Sheriff, L. W. PARKER. For Register of Deeds, T. D. kiYRUM. or Coroner 5 i i 1. HOSKINS Fr Countable ist Township JAMES H. ROBERTSON. The Rr cky IMount Argonaut, one (f our best exchanges, has ciit-d upon its seventh volume. A vote for Makely is a vote i'r-r 'in intelligent business man, who will not be a mere figure- in the Legislature. The President has issued Iris Thanksgiving Day proclamation s.ltiug apart Thursday, Nov. 29, cs a day of thanksgiving and prayer. The liconouiist-Iuilcon says : "Mr. V. J. Lcary who accepts a nomination against Pond, under the circumstances, is untrue to his manhood, to his party, to the obligations of friendship and gratitude. There are Puffalocs in politics as well as in war." The Democratic party deserve the sympathy and support of all true men instead or reproach and denunciation. Shakespeare, tire reservoir of wisdom, uttered a sentiment that we niav well heed in this hour: It is better to bear the ills we '.:" e, than to fly to those we k;io .v not of." Xo intelligent, rigbt thinking man in Chowan county should fail to vote for M. aiakely. He is a man eminently qualified for the position, and would not be in the Legislature merely as a fi quire head, but would make Chowan county a splendid representative with credit to himself and honor to the county that sent him there. McMullan and Ward, Demo cratic nominees for the State Senate, ought to be elected, and we believe they will be. They are men of sense, character, abil ity and usefulness, and if elected would represent their consti tuents with credit and honor. Men who love principle and wdio have their own interests at heart should not vote for mere figure heads merely because certain po litical scheming bosses order them to do so.but should do their duty, by voting the RaJ-Popi gang of conspiritors into ob seurity. Democrats, look to the Legis lature. Do not allow the eon spiritors and enemies of the Suite to capture it. Remember, that County Government is at stake, and that means the pros perity and peace of twenty-seven counties. Remember thai by the present system there has been a vast saving to the people. If you abolish County Govern ment you open wide the flood gates of iniquity an ! robbery. You will increase expenditures and hand over the County Com missioners, Board of Education and Superintendent of Public Instruction in all the counties to the keeping of a set of incapables ?ho are 30 corrupt as to openly barter a-way their principles to beat the Democrats." To defeat these incapable fu sionists and save the State from their dreadful rule is a sacred duty that every honest North Carolinian owes to his children, his State, and his race. Good, worthy, intelligent men who will do right, and help on North Caroli na in the way of improvement are thejones to elect and no other. OUR COUNTY OFFICERS. The "Democratic Candidates for the various Comity effices are all well qualified for the po sition for which they have been :iaincd, and should not only re ceive the full Democratic vote of the County but should be voted for and sustained by every man ;:i the County who want efficient j.r. ti atK't "CC.'i 'A'Cl Sheriff Parker liars been sheriff! ,)f litis couutv about three vears i and a better officer cannot b. lie i:s a i::rn ;Hi a,.,-of speech, ouiet and uuas- Lsumimr. He docs his duty, and ! r-, Iocs it with aiou 1 nossible He nakes a Irieiid of every man with whom dealings. He is honest, he is fit, he is capable, and a large major ity want no change in the office of Sheriff. Vote for Parker and vou'll vote for a good man, an ex cellent officer and one who is con siderate, kind, and faithful in the discharge of his duty. UKGJSTKK OI- DEKDS. There lias not been a public official who has in a short time grown more in public estimation than Chowan's efficient Register of Deeds, Thos. I). Byruui. He came from his farm to the office, and he lias performed every duty with threat fidelity and efficiency. He has made friends with all. Kverybody knows he is as straight as a shingle and that he will do riqdit under auv and all circumstances, and there is no reason why he should not be re-elected. Defeat Pyrum and you will defeat an honest, worthy man, Elect him and you will elect an excellent Register, one wIk' ' Oines up to the Jeifersonian requirement for office. CLKRK OF COURT. Por four y.ars II. C. Privott lias held the office of clerk of court, and lias made an honest upright officer discharging the duties of his oifice faithfully and aeeentablv. Ask the widows and orphans in the county; ask the executors and administrators; ask the witnesses and jurors; ask anybody who has had business with the office and you will learn that the office has been adminis tered most efficiently and satis factorily. Privott is clever, at tentive and a very deserving voting man, and we take pleasure in asking for him the support of all those who want the court records in honest hands. TRKASU V, R . In C. S. Vann we have an ex cellent Treasurer, one who is accommodating, clever and not hard to fiixl, and there is no rea son for believing that the people of Chowan county will refuse to re-elect him. Vote strongly for Vann. COROXKR. Dr. T. J. Hoskins is our pres ent coroner, and wall continue to execute the duties of that oifice. WHAT DEMOCRACY HAS DONF. Says the Statesville Mascot: What has Democracy done for North Carolina? It has rescued her from the hands of the carpet baggers in 1S76. It has restored her to a proud position in the Union, and r placed her beyond the reach of the colored ballot. It has given her a government economically administrate! in hands of honest men. It has con tinued in power of the white people for a quarter of a century. It has given her solvent bonds. It has given large revenue from the railroad taxes. It his built school houses from the moun tains to the sea. It has given a large school fund to sustain them without burden to the people. It has given our magnificently equipped State educational col leges and other State institutions. It has given the rail road com mission. It has given a self-sustaining peneteutiary. It has given the cheapest State govern-1 meat m America save the Stat of Texas with its thousands of acres of State lands. It has given us freedom of the ballot and fair ness fin the count, Republican authority notwithstanding. It has given the system of county government which is best for local government. It has given ns honest men in all departments of the government and placed us beyond the reach of the dishon est hands of '6S and '70. It kas: given us an impartial judiciary: in fact a non-partisan onej throughout the State. The quickest way to dig your financial graveus to let up on ad vertising. It will dig itself, then you'll simply sink out of sight of everybody but your creditors and a few old fossils wdio love the dead smells of the past. IMPOSSIBLE TO DO. W ihi i i n gto; . Mess c n pre r How can a Pornilist in princi ple vote lor a Radical? How can a Republican in principle vote for a Populist? How can a Populist with, prin ciples support a Radical without principles? How can a Republican with L genuine principles vote lor a t'opiilist who holds the very op i.V.nai-fV ... - . - - - How can a Prohibitionist sup port either a Pop or a Rad? How can white men support combina- i no: oi lncanames auu mincer-. i i i i How can respectable, intelli :;eut colored men c: st their vol. ote or suea a ,oi tance, su discru tit eh jilt . L n . 1 disgraceful jell-out for office, for igntb, for power? Do not lower ur standard, abuse your gpnn- oi pies, abuse vour r.iaunoof Ii you ar; honestly a l opunst yot cannot maintain your character as such by voting with and for the spoils gang. If you are a genuine Republican you can not with self-respect support the "ex travagant, impracticable, unwise principle s of the Popul.sts We can respect an honest, smeere Republican, however mistaken .7 we may hold In m to be aim how ever dangerous some of the prin ciples he seeks to put into 'prac tical operation. We can have respect for the Populist who mis led, misinformed, holds his views honestly and in charity. Put how can adyoue with a fair amount of decency and intelli geuce respect in the leas', a setol political cutthroats wdio sink their principles in the mudhole of corruption and say openly, "We unite simply to defeat the Democrats and get control of North Carolina, throwing away all we jhave professed to hold heretofore. After the election we will pick out the Pfoul hole the principles we have abandoned, and we will each go his own way, (which is Jim Young's talk and others,) and in a little 'twhile we will be fighting like cats and dogs, which is Dockery's fine way of describing the "dog re turning to his vomit.' " No hon est, reputable, fairly sensible man can possibly respect or toler ate such a base surrender of prin ciple such a deliberate cut throat game. In '92 Harry Skinner said: "I would like to see the Republican party sunk so deep in its ce:s pool of corruption that not one bubble would rise to mark the spot where it lay." Now, this same Harry is pleading to Re publicans for their votes. A NEGRO THEM UP. r IZES (i.'llri'oro Voice'. 1 I will give one penny a head for all the so-called wdiite Repub licans in North Carolina wdio never had an office, never applied for one and never wanted one; and I will give five mills for every third party man in the State wdio is honestly trying to bring additional blessings to the colored race. DR. SHADES DISCOVERY i ' OK Just. Given To The Public. Write ra once- for particulars 'of the newspaper investigation goiti on at this time ia Washiajrtoii. Doctors and other Citt2f.xs Cvkkd. What phy sicians ar.'.1. medico.! journals sav about 'The Greatest Discovery of the Cen tury. Symptom l-hir.k etc. Send 2-ccut stamp. Address Da. Shade, 1232 14th Street, Washington, I). C. E5 .r o t O o G rt r S3 rt n1 ' rrl v-1 co O -ra O o b 3 O W ST rf Pi rr o (T 1. o '3 r-r a! n " rr rr: c o o ft) ft 7$ p. in I g v a. f5 o o B s a a zr. n o N o s 0 C5 cn 03 FOR RENT. Capehart's Scotcli Hall Fish ery for rent. Apply to Y. R. Capkhart, Avoca, N. C. Itch oh hutuau and horsfs and al animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion This never fails. Sold by W. I. Leary, Druggist Edenton. S IROrJ BITTERN jyepepsia, In ruion& Debility. So Completely and Quickly. A CQlPLiOATED CASE CUBED. f VL-J-y rredoniu, N. Y. writes Pr. Fencer: "I had a hoary pain otct rr,y kl-'lneys and cramps in ray limbs for a loiisrthi.e. Also backache with scanty K-nd turMii ui'ae, Moatiugrcf Itaites and a general DnOPSiOAL CONDITION ot the- systt;ri, caused by Leart disease, from hlch I had suffered for years. 1 have bea taking your Kidacy and Backache Cure and cuLvi to be entirely relieved. I never had a. medicine hei iue soeompl-tely and quickly." DR. FSNNER'S mm aao mm uore DID IT. raoi Rem! Depurant Cures a!! diseases of the kiclxjebladder, urinary passes, Feniile Weaknesses, Dt:d Wetting In childrt:-. Dropsy, Heart Disease, Rheuraaus.r, Skin and Biood Diseases, Swelled Limbs, Eright's Dis ease, Iinpotency, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sample free. am a a , Dr. Tenner's Peilets euro Sick Headaches, Constii?a.tion. etc. Tlio best Family l'hysic. Dr. Feanor's Germau Eye-Galva cures Bore Eyes. Craekrri Lips.Pitcs.Skiu Eruptions. Dr. Fenner's Cough Honey. Relieves any eongn. a3ttmi:s etc.. in 'in hour. Dr. Fenner's Golden ReliGf. A specifle In acy inllammation. Ilclievcs Durns, tooth ache, neuralgia, rheumatism, or any pain in 1 to30 minutes. Cures colic, dyspepsia, dysen tary and flnx; also bronchitis and consump' Uon. Ono dc-oe euros LaGrlpno. What 11 Has Done. About twenty vears Mr. James l.aiiev originated and put on the market the popular remedy, Bailev's Cholera Cure, for Dysen- terv, uuirriitea rlitea, Cholera Morbus, and 1! acute Stomach Troubles. The reputation it lias made, the endorsement given it by every one wdio has had occasion to use it. has proven a source of great satisfaction to its proprie tors. What ii Will Do. If you will only be liberal, spend twenty-five cents, you will be vvithiu the pale of an absolute security from the dread ravishes of these Bowel complaints which carry off more victims during the tin ee hot months than any other disease known. Baily's Cholera Cure will cure. Will you accept this? You can't afford to run the' risk. For sale by Wal ter I. Learv, Edeuton, N. C. FOR RKNT. A number one Truck Harm near Kdenton, of about one hun dred acres, with good buildings, good water, 3 acres in asparagus 3 years old. Will sell team and feed with farming uteucils. For particulars call on or address C. Tarkextox, Kdenton, N. C UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Includes the College, the Uni versity, the Law School, the Med ical School and the Summer School for Teachers. College tuition 60.00 a year; board 7.00 to Si 3.00 a mouth. Session be gins Sept. 6. Address President Y i nston , Chanel Kill, N. C. IUiWIRY HAY SAVE BOliI.AiLa; you r 1 1 0 r:cos tt-vrepae; 11 r 'r'-e; -'-a" trru vest 0 or eetr.etery uorlc. iCoigi;s -eat free OUiJKic's MARBLK U'OKK -123 115 Bank St.. 3:1 UNDKRTAKER. KM CALMER KURX I TURK DEALER. .XI) On tht' West side of Hroad strctt, fust Sodth of Briukley's door, Sr.uis thelarjje, eo:;;i.!odious btiii-.iiii Known as Zieler's Funtiturv Store, lie carries a very choice stock, Of everything:, iu the furniture line, And also ueals in tTndertaker's .. arc. In finish aud style very fi.ie. And beinr a Cabinel-inaker himself, Haviag long served at the trade, He's always prepared to do ric-,v tvork, Oi repair the old ready-ciade. He feels assiwed, your n i-hes to please, And yoar every tote gratify. That you'll no ioii:?er hesitate. Bat make your selections and buv. At his prices you'll a ever complain, Or toe terms h t;r"fers to sell, Eiiher at a disossnt for caelt, Or iustalhnBiits, if it ?wita as well. A kind ir.viJatiou he extends to all, Especially everr uew married pair, To call and examine his beautiful goods' Before makiu purchases eisev-here. '17 IT f a TTl MEBfkL AfD DIPLOMA ET THE WORLD'S COLUaElAN EXPOSITtGS, For Sn(m nf Book.krpis and Gene -oi RusCqou KdiMtion. t-t-. (fofit to complete Business Coarse about fJO. tncludiog tuition books ncd board, i-honography. Type Wmiae and Telegraphy tanjrht. WcircularCaddre g RELIABLE FiSIT DEALERS. W US H. ROGERS Whoiflle Cornn'fSioTi Jjlsh liealer, IOC Fi ltoii Fisn Mauket. Nc.U . fHroSjnn SV:L H-ck. t'W., r'-icli an-! I. A I' lie feivnf raid f'hus. Hobinsr ritv. N. C. other Financials v.-ho:i (kirci rrj?"Ari not and Lave -vf! ."Ie!Iou,7rti,U or l ' i:a U.:?!nf:-s Stationery and Sten.-i furnished j 1 mo!i.ients rotici1. ) WHOLESALE COMMISSION7 NO. 7 FULTON MARKET, IN ev .r S OTiiC. . 1 1 1 Mil Srjecial Attention iilVCi! tO L i.'AUO- j atoscils and Stationciy Furnished en Apldh-iU'.e: WE EMPLOY AO KKT. all k i r.iis of S4 FULTON i'iiSH MARKET. V O.I5K, Ebtahlishtd 1SG1. SAML M, LAWOEO & SON, Wuolcsjiie Commission I Valors 01 Soft Crabs, Terrapin, Vac. 125 Light St. Baltimore, Md. Quick S.ih's ' Proaipt I4e turns REFERENCES Tradfi-t. N'at'l. Hank, Duns Meroam 1 If Agency W:n..I. HnoiieriV Co. .1. Diikcli.trt V Co. E, W. Albaugh & Son Wholesale Coramission Merchants T7 sli, TKIiKA'IN. OVSJTKKS, GA.MK A POULTln ;Xo. 221 Light Stroot Wharf, BALTIMORE Consignments Solicitol . Prompt Returns. Our Motto. REFERENCE. Citizens National Bank. VV. J linger & Co. cs BUY THE 1mm Rpmmio sir if ggilta IP 1 vjssm 1 iiiaa.-; THE BEST IS THS'WeAPKT. Send TE?J cents to 2?i Unicr: scf., ;.. i . for our pr v;!n a Sow KcrvtO Sewing; eri:.-.o, ThoNewHcmaSewinj? Maci'Sno I -.1 '" ILL. 0"VS'V5SC-: ' ir : E BY E. L. BRINKLEY. WANTED. A cop- of the Eden to a Gazette containing Col. Garrett's address on July 4th, 187O. Good price oaid. Richard Dillard. Between hile and Eo:i::er'. X ,S. & CO., Bvrst stall fed Beef at Lowest Prices. Stuffed Sausage daily. Fuir Cream Cheese. Chickens kept daily at lowest market prices. Twenty per cent, will be saved by patronizing Sutton & Co. IX-r.'i fortret the dates of the Kden ton l-air. Tell everybody you meet with that it will be held this year Oct. 16, 17, iS and 19. Reader of A grain the Fall season opens with its acknowledged LtAi-KR of bargains and low prices for j the people. The New York Racket is almost daily receiving large quantities of new FALL GOODS ill of which are going lo ver ;hau ever before. You can get fitted in CLOTIlINxi! row 1)oth in p.rice, quality size at this ylore; where ye: get big values at an honest v and will oat. The only Gentile Clothing Stcre in Kdenton. Shoes too is a line given special attention. Having just received a full 'ine of Mev Fall Shoes - and boots, can safely promise the public to save them about 10 per cent, on this line for their Fall bills. The cheapest in town from 25 cents up, and can show an elegant line and save you about 1 5 per cent, on this line, due to buying some special jobs. The proprietor expects to leave next week for New York and on his return will show you a nice attractive and tasty stock of Fancy Notions, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Full line M a 1 1 i n g s , C a r p e t s , R u g s Matts, and in fact, everything that man can wish or women desire. All of which I guarantee to sell cheap and at special prices and discounts given on all large bills. Am pleased to state that I have engaged the services of Mr. R. E. Skinner, wdio is polite and clever and will never frown at nice looking young ladies, so we hope to see them all come in. Thanking you for past favors and promising to do even better in the future, Respectiully, New York Racket. n 01 I -i W c t o 1 ' p tc i r- 3 - s XT -( 0 Pr n "I 2 P B T r pr a n O r-r en- 0 V . 0 - 4 n -1 i- CD CD CD W t3 o o CD 1 O J. r- w o 2 C T ft v' rr, 3 c"2 3 ii. ci- t a on o 2 o '-yli S3- tfQ GO S3 S3 o - P P o ID 1 CD 2 CD Uj P S5 r u I ' P c-f O p I -5 o o Hard Times 'armers, we4 Fertilizers. . caah, Good Frrtilizern ill to larmeni direct, lor Q 4, TrnckiM Cxnajnd Potatoes 1 4.t;0 Oat. Tubaooo and Frotte - ldKj Abo Muriate of Potash, Kamit, Sniphats Fotatii, Bom Black, Nitrate 8da, in large and snail (foantitaee. bend nro 2o etampe for circ'a. VV. S, POWELL 5e CO. . f ertauy Etumfacturarg. n BalUmort) Md. . for Com. Oettnn and PnmiM. a t largest and Most Attractive of Improved W- r-.-i m i:v iii:i.i l EDEN For the purpose of effecting a partition of the propi-rtv nu ntion d herein, we shall at the request of the parties interested proceed to sell by Public Auction on the pnmises, in the town of Ivlcuton, NorthCarolina.cn Saturday, November 11 th, 1S04, beginning at : o'clock, 1 M., the following valu.ibic propc rty situated t!ie:vin: : Vacant lots Nos. 1 , r . . . . 5 ! S Thatvsluabk- Homestead i.u fi. 7. w - 10 and 11 on the :t Main Sticet known ?.9 tlse Judge : !e ef Okuni street beUveen Al- j M re Ki s-'.dcnec unjoining the beuiaiie and Carter f Streets. si , , odard House, witli a fn.utaTe .v'xi 14 feeteaclj. ; n Main Street of ? !u t, ruu- 2 Vacant lots Nos. 12. n, and ! nin- ?ack 2 fcVl im- i4fronting respectively on Al rvements consists of residence )emarie and Carteret Streets,!"1; - a ui v.-tt:i ten ,ii :e ,ux lo-, 1 3 s 1" cet each.. House nd lot adioiuine: No. 12, size of lot jox 1 65 feet. Six h.or.ses and h-t- immediate ly adjoining the above fronting respectively on be 111 aide and Lane ret Mreeis, earn nou-e nas two vooi a:ui atta . -eaeh u.e "! lots t 4. Three live riouis( nearly n Irani touses on Court J" '. e t .V ' si K t.ts rangi ng m Jrontagt feet si inches. lUClK : to JO if Two vacant lot . adjoining th.e above w ith lrout:;ge ol 3S !eet six iuclics eacn, all lots on thi street having a depth of 1 50 feet. 5 Vacant lots Nos. '"., n, 11, and 12 on Granville Street be tween Frc-mason and Carteret Streets, size 30x150 feet each. 6 Vacant lots Nos. 14 and 1:, We shall also sell at same tinn house and lot No. 16, vacant lots!11'111 place The Gum l'oud and tin- Nos 1 7 and 1 S all of which 30x120 feet, also lot No. which is of triangular shane. are Vacant iots from No. 20 to 26, j V(1 1() ,H' o:u' r ntlu st farm -inclusive lacing Railroad of var-lin tlK' county, and will be sold 1 as a whole or in parcels. 1011s sizes. i ,IM . 1 .', . I he auctioneers will 111 the 7 A large number of vacant lots ; meantime be pleased to furnish to the west of the Railroad, plat j anv additional information that of winch will be exhibited. inav j)C desired TERMS: One fourth cash, balance in one, two and three vears. notes to bear the usual rate of 8 per cent interest secured by reconveyance of trust. 1 m The only strictly Hardware Dealers in Largest Stock and best quality of ( Jootls at Lower Prices tl:an ever lefore offered for casli. Our Stock consists of: General Hardware, Builders Supplies, STBAMllOAT AXJ) MILL SIPPL1LH. Stoves and Stove Ware, Tinware, Carriage and Wagon Material, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass and Putty. Chinese Pristle P.rushes, Artists Tools. OARS, ROV LOCKS. m? Boat Scrapers, ANCHORS. A Housekeepers Ooods. Ice Cream Freezers, Ice Picks and Shaves. Hammocks, Hammock Hooks. Canopies. Screen Doors and Wii.c . .. Sporting Gcods and Fishing Farming Implements f ailk Agents for Biikrcs Plowc-. Walter A. Wood's Mowers and Rakes'. Cutaway Co s Disk Harrows, Barbed wire. etc. All of which we will offer low for c;-t5i. Wc shall do no credit from this date May lst,'94. rv 1 ,v .x 10. LOOK 8K, r.riI'J5 On King Street- We are dealers in Dress Goods, in all Us DRY GOODS, SHOES, tyOTIOtyS &l. First Class Goods sold at low prices and nohumbuging, but' fair and honest dealings with all. We fcave a first class AjCT SOCXf tjOC:0MjR in charge of the Millinery business and all work done with neatness and and taste. Give iu, a call and sec our stock before purchasing. and Uninroroved TO P- "W" tiietow. oi iuu,ii auu ivuenen. law oli.ee ot j three rooms, 26000 gallon capa I city of cistern, barn, stable and double tenement Manic buildi 1 1 n' fronting on u ecu Street. : In view of the la 1 mentioned j uv rtv tKUUg immedi.Ue! v in j the husiiK.s ;;ii "f If.e town. 1 1 e sat) id d and M i- lots. A like eh.uu . to -u;e a- - i and le.--.ira! !e iuv.":.t:uents will never l.-eolieit !, ami we e .. v:al:y ; eeon.;uc::d a eaielnl con mia'T; ti.; of the iroj)erl mentioned- The necessary plats w ill be e hibited 011 the day of sale, and Mr. I Matthew will stake oil' all lots sold, at no expense to tin purchaser. i':cic .-)iuaii i'arms situated ie- )) soeeti vely 3 1 .. and miles ironi ICdenton. Gum Bond is estimat Pannill Bros. NORFOLK. VA. S'-b.-wsk ! A J I ) 1 .' i GHAHDLERY. ' oAKUM. -nit. -stk. , Trimmings, Millinery (,oods branches.