' ' FISHERMjU & FMRME'R The Official Paper of Chowan, County. .o-o-PubushE'D Every Friday.--x- A. H. Mitchell, - - Editor. Delivered at doors of city subscribers by carriers, as soon as from press, without extra charge. The Editor disclaims all responsibil ity for the views or statements of cor respondents, and reserves the right at all times to revise or reject any article he mav think proper. Always sign your name to a news paper communication simply as a pledge of good faith. It will not be published unless you desire it Best advertising medium in the Dis trict. Rates very moderate. Special rates on long contracts. EDENTON, N.C., June yth, 189.5. Idleness is the curse of many. To see the youth of our land raised to do nothing, or so near nothing, as may be is one of the deplorable signs of the degener acy of our age. There was a day when our fore-fathers, sense of honor was keen but they have passed away and to our view the present generation is very far re moved from the same keen sense of honor that prevailed among the men of a generation or two ago. Idleness has much to do with this lack of honor on the part of our race. Keep busy and thus keep the devil' away from our plans and purpose. The rights of the many are often denied them by the few. Why is this day and time a "mi nority" should control the "ma jority" has often been a puzzle to us. We cannot understand why so many arc- willing to sit with folded hands and allow them selves to be led around by the whims and caprices of the few. We may be the creatures of cir cumstances but we often create the circumstances and allow our selves tobecast inwhatever mould a capricious fortune may suggest. Can we not infuse more muscle, bone and sinew into our lives and add a little steam energy to our movements and thus move up to the front ranks? The industrial establishments of Pennsylvania appear to be re ceiving their full share of the improvement now going on in business circles. The thirty-odd thousand employees of the Car negie establishments have al ready had their wages voluntarily advanced, and now the four thou sand employees of the Pennsylva nia Steel Works have been noti fied that their wages will be at oiue increased to the prices that prevailed two years ago, before the country was visited by financial panic. A number of establishments in the Keystone vState, which have been idle for a long time will also shortly re sume operations, giving employ ment to a considerable number of operatives. Gradually the country is getting back to the condition that it occupied before the business depression set in a couple of years ago. Ex. It has been said that civiliza tion is the architect of great cities. If civilization is the ar chitect, it may with equal truth be said that the railroads and shipping interests are the build ers. If civilization designs, rail roads and ships execute. For without railroads, or ocean com merce, even the hope of a city is impossible. In this country rail roads have more to do with the growth and development of cities than any other cause than per haps all other causes combined. Edenton is amply supplied in that respect, and her railroad and steamboat lines are of the best. In fact, no town of itssiz.j along the entire Atlantic coast is blessed with better transporta tion facilities, either for reaching the country immediately sur rounding, or the markets of the world, than Edenton. There is a law in Nebraska imposing a fine of 500 for each offence on every railroad whose trains go over a crossing without whistling, $50 of the fine to go to the informer. As wheat was selling low and business on the farm somewhat dull, farmer Miller concluded he might make wages by playing detective on the engineers, and he set himself to watch for the whistles that didn't come at his crossing. He made a note of 1,578 trains that scooted over that crossing be tween May 4th and August 9th, 1894, has reported accordingly, and now wants his share of the loot, 78,500, which he may get if he can beat the railroad in some law suits. j It means something when a cheerful giver puts his hand in his pocket. MARRIED AT CQLERAINE. KX-SIIRRIKF PERKY TAKES TO HIMSELF A BRIDE. A very beautiful marriage took place on the 5th inst. at the M. E. Church at Coleraine. The contracting parties were on of Bertie's prettv and most popular young ladies, Miss Kate Sessoms, and Mr. J. H. Perry, a prominent farmer and ex-Sheriff of Chowan county. The church was beau tifull v decorated, the ceremony impressively performed, and the assemblage the largest that ever assembled in Coleraine on a like occasion. After the ceremony, the happy couple, accompanied by waiters and friends, boarded the elegant steamer Haven Belle (chartered for the occasion) for this city, ar riving here at about 10 p. m., where they were met by a large crowd of people. At Strawberry Hill, the charm ing home of the groom near this city, a reception was held, where the bride and groom received the congratulations of many friends and invited guests all of whom were lavishly and royally entertained at a beautifully array ed table covered with delicacies. The Fisherman & Farmer wishes for them long life and prosperity and all the happiness that beautiful girls bring to the households that they bless with their presence. May there be no thorns in their pathway and their lives be such as God would have them live. WHAT ADVERVISING DOES. fortunes which have been made by using printers' ink. or Moses P. Handy, says the Boston Herald, tells of a busi ness concern with a nominal cap ital of $160,000, only $30,000 of it paid in, that has divided in a single year,among three partners, profits to the amount of $750,000 and that exclusive of salaries of 850,000 and 25,000 drawn by two members of the firm. Ten years ao one of these partners was a drug clerk on a small sal ary in a Western town and is now one of the millionaires of New York. "Without newspaper advertising I might have made a living," he said, "but it was ad vertising that made me rich, and advertising a very simple com modity at that." Another con cern, which began by investing $10,000 a year in newspaper ad vertising, increased the amount every year according to their in crease of business, and this year, expects to spend $ 1 ,000,000. These are only specimen bricks of the enormous profits realized from shrewd newspaper adver tising. John Wesley And The Farmtr. A farmer went to hear John Wesley preach. He was a man who cared little about religion; on the other hand, he was not what we call a bad man. His at tention was soon excited and riveted, Wesley said he would take up three topics of thought; he was talking chiefly of money His first was, "Get all you can." The farmer nudged a neighbor and said: "This is strange preahicng; I never heard the like before; this is very good. That man has got things in him; it is admirable preaching." John Wesley discoursed on "industry," "activity," "living to purpose," and reached his second division, "Save all 3-011 can." The farmer became more excited. "Was there ever anything like this?" he said. Westley announced thriftlessuess and waste, and he satirsized the willful wickedness which lavish ed in luxury; and the farmer rub bed his hands as he thought. "All this I have been taught from my youth up." And what with getting, and what with hoarding, it seemed to him that "salvation" had come to his house. But Wesley advanced to his third head, which was. "Give all you can." Ah, dear! ah, dear," said the farmer, "he has gone and spoiled it all." Onward. CANNERY. We are in the midst of a rich trucking region and large quan tities of peas, beans, tomatoes and corn are grown and shipped, while much goes to waste be cause ot no consumers. A few hundreds or thousands, at best, invested in a cannery would not only consume this surplus the buyer being able to obtain them at his own door and price. Large quantities of these canned goods are annually consumed by our people aud our merchants must of necessity carry full stocks of them. Again we uresent to the manufcaturer a home market lor many of his goods and with our excellent transportation facilities a large and lucrative trade could very quickly be established. Under the State laws, none but citizens of the State are al lowed to fish in our waters but which are amply large enough for many more not to the man or born. EDENTON BAY. BY i. M FLETCHER. Land .vard, with fringes ot si lvery spray. Roll the sweet billows of Edenton bay. Yonder the Roanoke rolls in from the west, Nearer the Chowan ungirdles herlreast. Beautiful rivers that flub in the sun, BraileninK and mingling and Bowing as one. Watching their union, but brighter than they Roil the sweef tillcwsof Kdcnte 1 Bay. "Fis but the caOd of a broader expanse, Left by itself in the sunshine to dance, Tis but an arm of a far-reaching sea. Less in its width than a league it may be, Yet were it larger, its beauty and grace. Dimmed by the distance, were harder to trace; Just as it is I would have it for aye. This gem of the .Southland, sweet Eden too bay. Sloping as if for a clasping of hands, Close to its margin fair Edenton stands. Verdure wreathed Ed en ton, fairer by night. And fairer ny day for this beautiful sight. White sails are seen on its zepher swept tide. Lovers at evening stroll oft by its side. Seen in its beauty, for many a day, The heart will re'mtmber sweet Edenton lay. What Salt Can do. vSalt in whitewash makes it stick. Sr1' uts out a fire in a cliim nt . Salt in solution inhaled cures cold in the head. vSalt used in sweeping carpets keeps out mollis. Salt as a gargle will cure sore ness of the throat. Salt thrown on a coal fire which is low will revive it. vSalt and soda are excellent ior bee stings and spider bites. vSalt and vinegar will remove stains from discolored teacups. Salt in water is the best thing to clean willow ware and mat ting. Salt thrown on soot which has fallen on the carpet will prevent stain. Salt on the fingers when clean ing fowls, meat or fish will pre vent slipping. vSalt put on ink when freshly spilled on a carpet will help in removing the spot. Salt in the oven under baking tins will prevent their scorching on the bottom. Salt thrown on a coal fire when broiling steak will prevent blazing from the dripping fat. To get the local news you have rot to read the Fishkrmam & F. km ICR. $1.00 cash will get it for one year. Edenton Fair Oct. 22, 23, 24 and 25th. COUGHS O o W I LAXATIVE BROMO c QUININE j Moves the Bowels gently, relieves the cough, cures the ievensh condition and headache and prevents pneu monia. Cures in one day. Put up in tablets convenient for taking. PRICE, 25 Cts. fOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS (0 a o o SOld by W. J. Leary, Between White and Banner's, J. S. SUTTON ic CO., Best stall fed Beef at Lowest Prices. Stuffed Sausage daily. Full Cream Cheese. Chickens kept daily at lowest market prices. Twenty per cent, will be saved hu n9trnni7inor ionizing J I Sutton & Co. WANTED We want the name of every man in Edenton and Chowan county who has land for sale; state kind of soil, size of lot or farm, where situated &c. If a building lot in town, or some wharf property, we want to know what it can be bought foi ; if a farm, give price of the whole or price per acre. Let us know about this QUICK. Attend to This. Newspaper advertising pays be$t of all. Try an ad in this paper. CO S m o mm S3 . t ADVERTISERS oF Tin: FISHERMAN i. FARMER TRADE EDITION. The following live business firms of Edenton have secured space in the FISHERMAN & Farmer Trade Issue: Walter Moss, R. L. Haste. W. B. Shepard, O. H. Darden. B. S. Sturm an. Bank of Edenton, Pruden, Vann ec Prudeu, W. M. Bond, Harris & Watkins, W. J. Leary.Sr... Edenton Academy, R. Dillard, G. B. Anderson, Jno. T. Quinton, J. A. Northcott Co., I F. Ziegler, Bond & Jones, Mrs. M. A. McCurdy, J. C. Bond, Baker 6c Skinner, W. E. Burke, Norfolk & Southern R. R. Co, Branning Mfg. Co, A. S. Nav. Co, W. I. Learv, M. H. Dixon, Dr. C. P. Bogert. A. C. Mitchell. (). Newman, N. Baker, Summerell Bros. Mrs. M. I,. Bogue, T. P. Jones & Co., G. B. Harris, W. D. Rea, J. K. Rea, Brown's Mills, B. F. Frances, M. F. Bond, J. II. Bell, W. H. Hollowell & Co., J. I). Bateman & Co,, Brinkley's Emporium, J. E. Bonner, S. P. Wixon, A. J. Bateman, A. II uck a bee, E. S. Norman, Tarker & Howell, S. Abrahams, E. J. Bond, Rosinsteiu Bros. Bay View Hotel, Albemarle Cash Store. B. E. Byrd. Others wishing to advertise in the Trade Edition should se cure space at once. We want every business in Edenton represented. OOf a ML is so much mor imagine- : ions i .a i fata! diseases result trifiinpf ailments nepfle a Don't plavwith Nat pfreatest put health. g:: nt v r sorts V l-J ron SrT.edK n c,-. BlOWII . ;i trs. A n Bitters ties cui;- CII1!CS !. very first 1 won't ttai t(fth, a: your it's taks. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubies, Constipation , Bad Biood Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Oet only the K'iuinc it has crossed rcJ li:ies on iho wrapp r. All others ate r.ul- stituU's. On rocciut ot two 2c. stamp wo will srri'l sot ot Ten Beautiful World';; I air Vi-xv.s anq book free. BRCWN CHEMICAL CO, Look at Tliis ! SJIOIfT WINB Waterbury Watches, Fully Gurauteed Only $2.50- AT The Leading Jeweler. Elizabeth City, N. C. Mail Orders given prompt atten tion. Repairing- of fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a specialty. oUn mi i me, you Advertise! Advertise! Advertise! : 3600 Q r. 5-5 o I 1 a a? - - -1 1 o - - CO a C C - 3 o 32 .CUP rj2 -A ga 5 o 2. :; 0 X4 u 9.Q o " B t 1 r. H O - y- to " 3 -: 2 f t ) j to S, org. ft 5 gb-3 Be r g sr Pl g; QOOOOOOOOOOQBt FOR A PROFITABLE GARDEN sow 0 0 BUIST'5 Prize iVIoclal SEEDS. 0 Our Garden Guide, 160 pages, also f t which gives our 1 Wholesale Prices lo Gardners, ! mailed free. 0 ROBERT HI 1ST, 4 Seed Grower. Philadelphia, pa. r i r;t, ..V'.- Training for Business. in the Commercial School, Washington, N. C. Thorough and practical course of Business Education. Seven YEARS of successful operation teaching the Best System Ex tant. No vacation. Students can enter ai any time. $30.00 pays the Tuition for a full course, time unlimitee. Graduates oc cupying good posttions. For Circulars address A.H. WILKINSON, Prin., Washington, N. C. The Tinner. Manufacturer and Repairer of ! T W T Ware. Roofing and Guttering A SPECIALTY Repairer J Ht --, All work attended to promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed, Only first class shop in Edenton o 'AS 1 .-- w OT p 5 o p ?r o m m t 1 ft OT -a O 5 I S! x a ii 3 CD e 14 0 2 80 op 5 S C 5' 9 G. c 5 PQOBQOOQQQ 4 g 3 H O. ? B P a w rS For Sale: The seats in the uld Academy fur sale. Apply to K. R. PENDLETON. R. E. L. Wat kius. HARRIS & WATKINS, HTTORNBYS m L?IW, KtltHton. X. C. Office in frout of Bay View Hotel. Practice in all the Courts of the State. Collections promptly made. Dr. W. r Mizell DENTIST. EDENTON, N. C. Office in BAY VIKW Hotel. (uick N oiiee! ODayslJ SELLING ! Since the freeze is about f o er I oropose to sell at ,,-, fnet ill flolliincr in 1 !,.,.; . UU v lut unit l ' ' stock for 20 days only. 0 Desirous of making room f 1 for my Spring stock which 0 A will soon be in, lam now 0 T onering special induce- 4 line of 0 uicuia in. tvciv goods in stock. 0 4 0 This is no Fake "ad." 0 4 v i . . ... A t enton nau a more Deauuiui inic- a 0 of Lad ics fine Shoes. Latest W x Spring styles, razor toe, button 0 f aud lace, in cloth top. These i 0 shoes retail in Norfolk from V x $4.00 to 5.00; my prices are J2 0 f to 3.50. direct from factory sav- 0 ing jobbers profit. Also have a f A nice line 01 Doysnne snoes.aim m 0 Y. factory, tlie prettiest line in i town, ah niuv warranted. T r. r ......n u vrlvnil Triilnr flntliiiicoKtali. 0 meuts in this country, perfect 0 fits guaranteed or no sale. Young 1 f man, call in and see these beau- 0 tiful lines aud have your suit 0 ready for early Spring. Middle a V vll'Q and old men do likewise 4 4 i Bicycles and Sewing Machines J soui on easy terms. The Waverly Bicycle 0 r.- . o.a - 1 . 1 .. 0 The Standard .Sewing Machine? m is almost noiseless, easy run- 4 uing and a real household joy 0 and comfort. f 0 Respectfully, 0 E.S. Norman,J LAND FOR SALE That valuable tract of land at the head of Main street, known as "Holmes," containing about 1 8 acres. Also the ''Quarter tract" recently owned by Mr. T. I). Warren, containing about 233 acres, which I will sell in sections of 25 and 50 acres. Terms easy. RICHARD DIU.ARP. UYKKY, SALE AND EX CHANGE STABLES. Having opened ;i Livery, I wish to announce to the public that I am pic pared to furnish them with nice hotses and buggies on short notice. If you appreciate a livery, all you j nave to io is snow it oy your patronage. ! K I C ES REASONABLE I will hoard horses by tle tiiosith I a reasonable price. it Very Uespectfully, C. B. ELWOTT. East Church St. Stablt 1 Wave Something When Vott Marry RJutua Beneficial Association, S2.cii333.oaa.cl. J. I! SLEDD, ilvn Aeeiit, Eastern North Carolina. Money to Loan Members. Agent p Wanted. A SIMPLE INQUIRY MAY 8AVE DOLLARS. YOU Write for prices before p lac ipg orders for gravestones cr ecraetery work. Designs sent tree. C0UPERS MARBLE WORKS 113 & 115 Bank St.. Norfolk Vi. Philip McDonald, ('leaning and hying t;ioilien. Work done in lirst olass style ami Baiwfaciion guaranteed or no pay. f'ali and see him. Prices lo-.v. Any work sent by mail will re prompt attenticn. e Yor. can get yonr niealw at ali hours by stoping; at "the Restaurant near the rlepot. Fi st class acconiodatiouH Mrs. Martha Simpson Dlaunt St. You can I Write to us for anything in the Printing line and get it as promptly and cheap as by calling at the office! Why? Because we make a Spe cialty of Mail Orders. Address 1 xiic .r lauerman ctrarmer. F. R. Harris. UU I I II1U ULnuiiniu r, . -a. ifc -5k ,8 i j I ii III I 111 Better result from use of fertilizers rich in potash. Most fertilize! do not contain Sufficient Potash to insure the best results. The results of the latest inve of the use and abuse of potash are told in our books. Tlifv are sent free. It will cost you nothing to re.il them, and they IqUus. GERMAN KALI WORKS, fl Nassau St ret i, , Writi Cosiimif-is-iioii Moitliaii(s 194 or am: street, NEW YORK. Southern Truck a Specialty. Correspondence S I All Sales Reported Daily. Promptness Guaranteed. References: Irving ..:; Bradstreets and Dunn's Commercicl Agencies. Shipping Number. NEW "V':llv. The same old stand at I02 I'm k l;u'. Still occupied lv JOHN B. PAGE'S Sons, for tiie sale of Peas aud all kinds of Southern grown Vegetables. This firm has handled business of this kind for jo successive years from oldKdenton and other Eastern Carolina Points. Don't forget to give them a share of your patronage. 41 The First Wealth Is Health. Yon may not have thought of Seeds in this connection all seeds have some sort of health, just as people ltav less they are dead- and this condition is what d t their usefulness. There are weakly, diseased seeds v. 1 vitality enough to respond to cultivation, seeds who-, purities are only the more developed by opportunity proper growth, and still another class-vigorous, well ' healthy- -the kind of seeds we have been growing foi tin twenty-five years; when you buy them, you know you ;u ing to get, and every dollar spent upon them in cu'lth I 111 id v wr -1 1 i 11 -f.cf ! f,f .4 :. 1 1 ! - r.j .. .u.vvu.iu, vnugci ii iiu'K man 11 old 111 GARDEN Seed 1 it's the same with all; you can't afford to use any excep seeds which are not the'best are not good enough foi Ll iauac cms .write us tor a copy of "Tait's Catalogue" ind see how easy we make it for you to gt t tl and get it at fair prices from tlu growers. in, If . . . I . il.y. on. Seed Growers, First-class in mmim . hoices cakes, conlectioaerie h.a.d. Everviliing fresh Nothing but the Vs 're.nn i'atf-Dt Family Flonr a specialtv besl on the market. Wedding Cakes furnished j.i unori notce ( The Two Johns, The only strictly Hardware Dealer.; in Where you will al ways finda well selected sto reduced prices, con.si. ,: ig of GENERAL HARDWARE, BUILDERS SUPPILES. SGOVES AND SGOVEVJU ARE. (AUli I ACE and W Ados MATERIAL, j AIJrTS,OlLS, VARNTHH GLASS and I'l VIA. Chinese Bristle Brushea. Camel's Hair Brushes and Art; SPORTINC (inns , Rifles and Pistols; Kmptv and Loading Tools; Pistol aud Rifle Cartridges; , Wad Cutters; Shell Extractors, Cleaning Rods an Implements; Hunting Coats aud Leggins. Ship Chandlery, Farm Implements of all Kinas. Urnamental Fence Wire. Barb Wire and Staples, &c. Tbanking the public for the generous patronage tin given us in the past. We will endeavor to show our upprcc of the same by meeting the hard times with low prices. Our terms are CASH. Crops ''A Hi .1 .1 1 j Shipping No. ay -Established ING Win. EL Haysi Commission I k . es Truck, Fruit, Sec, &c., New York Citv Stencils and Card 1 .... 1 i i ine nouse or K. S. MITCHKLi An i 1 I'.AK.M Seed s. P. O. Box Norfolk, V:i, BAKERY. every respect bred. &c. ulwuya W'e !i:il,t Kverv I av. very best goods sold. or. Main & Que een wt-. U( ! and T.r,n,l,,i i,,.n. v,, BOW D&JONI -