ST.TiiSCRirTION PRICE , When Paid In AnvANCK: Post Office at Ed ,,', ;H Second C'uns n i at tor lomiccments and rccommen- i '.U's forolnce, whether tj ot communications or H be charged as adver .1 -i.'. i ) ! i NEW OFFICERS. the recent election of , A !y I'Mcnton Lodge : I i ). (). V., the following At rs were elected lor a term ()f nix months: j . liaumgardner, N. i. V. R. lirothers, V. Ct. R IViidlcton, R. Sec. V. Cheshire, F. Sec. L Urinklcy, Treas. and Jan. s l Wixon, Chaplain, j fifointun 'fits by Noble Grand; ' . S. Suimncrell, War. Then. Ralph, R. S. j. . Holmes, L. S. Frank Whitmore, I. G. T. I'. Jones, O. G. V II. Iledrick, R. S. S. A. H. Mitchell. I.. S. S. j. C. lion.d, Conductor. Vice Gand tippoinlmntts; a, I. I'. Bond, R. S. I) V. Raper, L. S. Ctinuuittccs: i'inancc J. C. Bond, A. II. MiU l'.' H and K. R. Fcrrebee. Sick or relief committee L. 1. Hrinkk-y, V. II. Iledrick and K lv. IVndleton. Died on the Street. Mr. Richard O. Carter, a farm er wli' lived near ICdenton on lViubvoke tarm, and who usual lv ca-.ue to town nearly every iiiurni:ig to sell vegetables, etc., eune over yesterday morning alxnit" o'clock, accompanied by his little boy On reaching the corner of Water and Broad streets he complained to some gentle- men standing thereby feeling (piitc bad. that he He sat his basket of vegetables down and took a seat in a chair. In a (;w minutes thereafter he was to fall helplessly to the Luo.iud Messrs. T. I. Jones and H. F. Francis immediately went to his assistance and dis patched a messenger for a doctor, hat he expired before the physi cian could reach him. lie was then taken to the undertaking establishment of L. F. Ziegler, where he was shrouded and ihuvd into a neat coffm. At 1 116011, his remains were taken to Winton, his old home, by Mr. J. K Jones, where they will be in tonvd. DIED IN CHINA. Mrs. Fannie Knight, who eiidit vears ago went from this county as a Baptist missionary, has died at her station in Middle China. Two years ago she be came an independent missionary. Excursion. Messrs. Bateman and Sharp have chartered the steamer Lake- wood to give an excursion from Winton and points on Chowan river, touching Edentou, on the -oth to Nag's Head. This will he a delightful trip, as the excur sionists will be given two days at the beach. Fare is cheap and special hotel rat-S have been made for those who go. See handbills. Married. Mr. T. I). Summerell, of this citv. and Miss Pearle M. O'Neal, of Virginia, were married last week at the bride's home. The happy couple arrived in the city Monday evening. We offer them our latious. congratu- Auetioneer. Having been appointed County Auctioneer and given bond therefor, all persons are forbid den to exercise the virtues of that office under penalty of law. A. J. Bateman, Broad Street, Edenton, N. C. ARE YOU ' BANKRUPTinhealth, constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, 11 so NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. Good Ill Steady u Customers Those are the results you want from your advertis ing. It is people of this sort who read the Fisher man & Farmer read it reg ularly and read it thor oughly. You can keep in touch with them only by advertising in these col umns. Tell them what you have to sell they know a good thin 2 when ill id the- see it. I'ersoiix iii'jivhig- Kdeiiton During the iiiminer can have the FISHER MAN & FARMER tuail-i to Iheni by ordering it at this office. SCALES AND PLANTS ITEMS PURELY LOCAL CONDENSED FOKTHF BUSY HEADER Don't worry about the weath er. Use lime freely in your back lots. Cut down the weeds and grass j this month. Edeuton's base ball players are winners. Job LoLs, tubaeco and eitjars for .-ale at Parker & Howell's. The only way to have a friend is to be one. Cotton has greatly improved the past few weeks. Mrs. M. E. White and son, are at Nag's Head. See ad. of Atlantic Collegiate Institute in this issue. Miss Madge Bond is spending the week at Nag's Head. Coca co'.a tiekets will be redeemed at A. C. V.itehelTs for every ci rink. desired. Miss 'Helen Bond is visiting relatives at Nag's Head. Mr. W. S. Summerell is spend ing the week at Nag's Head. The Fisherman oc Farmkr subscription list is growing rap idly Misses Annie .ond and Lizzie Bateman have returned from Nag's Head. Mrs. E. L. Brinkley and chil dren are at Nag's Head for a few weeks. Miss Kate Wood has returned home, after spending some time at Shawboro, Don't drink anything to ex cess, lee water is about as bad as anything else. Subscribers not receiving their paper regularly will please give notice at this office. For good .groceries .uo to Parker & IIowc'l's. Mrs. Mollie Ilinton, of Sufs folk, is in the city on a visit to her brother Capt. J. S.Jones. Mrs. J. H. McMullan and chil dren are enjoying the ocean breeze at Nag"s Head this week. Messrs. J. M. Jones and H. K. Williams came up from Nag's Head this week and spent several days. Hot! hot! Isn't the v.-ciithr hot? He cents will cool vou :U Mitchell's Kins street store. Miss Maud Vincent, of Mur freesboro, is in the city delight ing Mrs. L. L. Hrinklej with a visit. Excursions from Edenton to Nag's Head 011 the new steamer Lakewood on the 10th and 20th. Secure a ticket. The Woodard yacht, Annetta Capt. Len Wool, arrived Monday morning from Nag's Head with several on board. There's happiness in the heart when it's struck by Cupid's dart; perfume of flowers in the air.aud j a brightness everywhere. i The simplest and most effect-1 ive way of writing an advertise-; merit is to write what a good salesman would say. hx. Notice the cut prices on Shirts at' Newman s lor tins wcck. i.eiici ui m 1 supply while they arc so ciicap. Advertising has always paid. Years ago when Sampson took two columns in tne rmustme Temple, he actually brought down the house. Ex. The editor returned home Saturday last from Nag's Head, where he spent nearly two weeKs. iic lulu"-1 "'-" proved. If vou are a merchant and do not advertise, how do you ex pect the people to find out what 1 you have tor saie iou musi - - 1 . -. A ' ...4- I advertise it you want. 10 uu .uc business you are prepared to do. For the best ice-cream use only Shried Biand Condensed Milk, for sale by Paiker & Howell. The young men who are "too old to go to school" and too lazy to work, and the dudes who part their hair in the middle and lay around the street corner Sundays and Mondays and every other Hav in the week smoking cigar ettes while their mothers dig in ti trarden. are the calamity howlers of the future in this country. Buffalo Journal. t Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Woodard and Mrs. Bettie W. Bunch and j daughter are enjoying the sea- oreeze at iag s Jrieacl. : At the Odd Fellows lodge next Monday night the newly appoint- j ed officers will be installed. A I j good attendance is desired. The attention of our readers is I : 1 1 .1 . .1 t r- utMl" y r 11 . . , . i . '. j nner, wneei-wngnt ana general j ! repairer of vehicles. Odd Fellows, you are requested j to attend next Monday night's' meeting of the lodge. Business ! of importance demand attention, i j Those blessed with tmail feet will l find bit- bargains in slippers at New- j man's. 300 pairs 2s to 5s at 40c -.editc- i tion. i Miss Bessie Wood has returned home after a visit to Hillsboro, accompanied by Misses Helen Martin and Eva Tallin of .E. City. Sp.rud Sunday at Nag's Head and return refreshed and invig orated for the duties of the week. The Lakewood will go down Sat urday night. Misses Lena and Sallie WriD kinson returned to their home at Leechville on yesterday, accom panied by Misses Mary Bond and Rosalie Mitchell. Mr. C. M. Murden, after an absence of several months re turned to Edenton Monday even ing, much improved in health. We welcome him back. j-j.ies, n,J-:i:s bed bccs, kill them all. Yon can do it. Use Calverts Inseet powder the only genuine teal stuff on the market, patent sift top box, furnish es its own destruction. Onl- 10 cts., at Leary's. Mrs. A. H. Mitchell, accomv. panied by her two children, re turned Saturday from Berkley, Va., where she spent two de lightful weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. M.Jewell. We hear that the Quickstep colored base ball team of this city will play the Red Stockings, of Norfolk next Monday at the Edentou Fair grounds. Don't miss the excursion Sats urday night 0:1 the steamer Lakewood from this city to Nag's Head. It will be strictly a first class trip, and no one will fail to enjoy it. Get ready and go. The fare is cheap. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brauning left Saturday afternoon on their tug, Arm and Hammer, for Nag's Head, taking with them a number of young people. The party returned Monday morns ing. A man sitting in the middle of a pasture, waiting for a cow to come to be milked, is no more foolish than the merchant who stocks his store and waits for trade to come to him without advertising. Chenoa Gazette. j Having made special arrange rs i.h'e sakk Not without iiai'y's rtttouts with a first-class Gold and Cholera Cure. Never known to fail in lver plating Establishment, I the cure of Dysentery, Uioien. Morbus. - ui;, oc Get a bottle and keep for use. We J offer myself to the public as iruarantce everv bottle. James Baily J agent for same, an quote the foK fca?y-srPriet0rS' IiaU5''10rC Md" at lowing prices for plating Xll., " r ... GOLD. At a meeting 01 rue 1 ru.iceis of the Edenton Academy, held August 5, Prof. C. D. Graves well recommended : now let us all come to his assistance. The handsome new steamer Lakewood, Capt. Warren, will make her first trip from Edenton to Nag's Head to-morrow night. This will be a most delightful j trip, and as many as possible should go down. Fare for round- trip i 1 .00. Colored Odd Fellows. The Grand Lodge of the G. U. ; 0. 0. F. of North Carolina is in ;. session this week in this city, f It is an intelligent looking body ;i of colored men and we trust their meeting will prove both pleasant and profitable to them.' Mr. F. A Ward made a trip to Suffolk last Tuesday. Mr. A. J. Ward is having some repariug clone on his kitchen. There was a grand excursion OVCr Llie OllilOlK. C. caiunua j R. Thursday. Miss Liua V. James, of Eliza beth City, will take charge of Warwick High School, Monday, Aug. 1 2th 1895. Mr. R. D. Boyce, of Canton Ferry, lost one of his sons last week. The members of Warwick Swamp Church are preparing for a protracted meeting. It will begin Monday after the third Sunday in September. Messrs. Ward and Spivey's saw mill is steady at work. Success to them. Crops are pretty good through this section. W. Herring's Compound Syrup Black berry Root, The great germ destroyer of cholera infantum in children. A positive cure for cholera morbus and dysentery in adults. The mothers friend for all summer complaints. The worlds great victor in diarrhoea. 25 cents at Lcary's For Sale- A fine lot South east corner of King nnrl Oakum streets well adapted to any good business enterprise having a large water front. Said lot is about 140 feet wide and 175 feet deep; can be on tood terms. Apply to Mrs. B. M. Parish or in her absence to her agent, Mr. L. F. Ziegler, Edenton, N. C. Atlantic ' Collegiate Institute. A Finishing and Preparatory I School for both sexes. Full i courses of study in seven depart-! mt 11 IS Excellent advantages in jujc Typewriting and Shorthand courses. Full Faculty of Excellent Ins structors. Students admitted to Univer sitv of North Carolina on certifi cate. Students prepared for Annap- ! olis or West i'oint. Eighteenth Annual session opens September i6ih, "(JS- Terms very low. Write for Catalogue. Address, ,V. L. SIIi:i:i J res it tent. Elizabeth City. X. C. Mid - Summer A. C. Mitchell's Department I Store is selling all summer goods at cost for the next thirty days. Now is your chance to buy any thing you need at half the regu lar price. We mention a few ar ticles which comes in very nicely during the heated term. Ice cream freezers. Ice chisels, Hammock hooks, Stretchers, etc., etc. Also men's and boys straw hats at ioc, regular price 25 cents. Lawns at 4c per yard. Crcpon at ioc. Ducks at roc, and a lot of ladies vest at 8 cts. Gentlemen's shoes at 1.25. Take advantage of this offer. Goods must go to make room tor fall stock. Give them a call. Store 011 Iiroad St. A. C. Mitchell's Ocpartiueit Store. VAX Ivor "Watch Cases Ji.oocach. "Vest chains .50 cents each !!t)uecn - .50 " ulr"Huttons f. Ear-rinss .30 ssiTvicie. Watch Cases from fi.ooup. Table Spoons, per doz.. $5.00 Uesscrt " " 2.50 Tea " " J2.00 1?. I! Wat h n:ih j; . -Tcwc'er and C)Uician, EllE.NTOX. N. C- !V rXIVERSITV OF NORTH CAROLINA. Comprises the University, the College, the Law and Medical Schools, and the Summer School for Teachers. Tuition $60. 34 teachers, 47 1 students. Address Chapel Hill N. C, for catalogue and handbook on "University I Kducation ." ju2o-33n jj L . NOTICE The iirm of Bond S: Makcly, e listing heretofore between D. C. liond :uul M. Makely. is hereby dissolved, 'y the withdrawal of the undersigned. Parties interested will please lake I notice. M. JIAK1-I.V, June 27th, 1N95. Jersey Milk and Fresh Vegetables On ICE Daily, A.t lowest market prices by Mrs. T. T. Hoskins, at residence 011 King 9treet. Executors' Nticc- Having qualified as executor of the late Harvey liurk, Sr., I hereby Rive notice to all persons indebted to his estate to come forwnrd and make im mediate settlement. Those holding claims against the same to present them for payment within twelve months from date of this notice or it will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Philip McDonald, July 24th, 1895. Executor. bOfiSOn 189o. oti.AU. 3 1 i . v i : increase- Demand! .;tsew i itits nK';t"!Ui" Increased Coiisignnicnts J. H. HARRIS with CALEB llALiLY & CO., 11 Fulton Fish Market. Wholesale Commission I'e all FRESH VI i-rom the w:r. isiencil N"nh Carolina, ml Mai.ioiii.rv sent on 1 , a:?pi' ati-jn 'i A. W. HAFI h-!esa'e Commission Dealer in N I ' l-Vwt-m Fish Market. !TiV North Carolina Shad a WILLIS H. ROGERS V h cd e s a 1 e C o ui ro i p s i o t i Fish Dealer, 106 Fclton Fish Market, Sp-eial Attention given to the sale of North Carolina Shad, Rock, Chub, Perch and TERRAPIN !lrfrenc: (Juirltin & Co., Hankers, and Chas. Robinson, President let Nat- ional Bank. Elizabeth City, N. C. and other Financials when (ieirtd. tJAm not and have never been in the Mellon, Truck or Fruit business. Stationery And Stenciis furnished at a moments notice. . millers o.s 1 WHOLKS ALE COMMISSIO M Fish Dealers, no. 7 Fulton market, New York, Samuel P.. Miller, Clarence O, Mille Special Attention GiveQ to THE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA SHAD. Stonells ami Stationery Furnished on Application. WE EMPLOY NO AGENT. S- Ix. Storcp Go. Wholesale Dealers and Shippers of all kinds of 15 FULTON FISH MARKET. IV X2 W Y O.-l 5 - 'Ii - We work harder for the inter est of the Southern fishermen than anv house in the business. Successor to cvrrRY & tricst.u. Wholesale Commission Merchant in and ()ystc s. i'i-!- li N. DclawarcIA venue. Above Vine Street. PHILADELPHIA. Returns Promptly Made. Stencils furnishedlon application. C. K. Warner. 1 f. Jann C. E. UiflER & GO. Wholesale Commission Merchants in North Carolina SHAD A Specialty. Nos. 9, 10, 22, 23, 32 33. 2S & 39 Dock Strkkt WiiArf. Philadelphia. Sanner Bros. Wholesale Commission Dealers in- fish, GAAVE. Barrelled Oysters &c. 116 Hollingswortli Street., BALTIMORE MD. nins Oiftori i.ti! II. WoolUtiJ. Jno. W. iKwU.ind. Clifton & Woodand, iier.eral Commission Merchants A Specialty in Season. I Terrapin, Soft Crabs,Oysters, &c. 2j S. Charles Street. Baltimore, Md. RKrKRENCi: :--National change ! Bank ami Dun's Commercial Agency. j ci,s crin h., had of J. C. Manila or from Ljie nouse. Erttahiished lGl. SAML. te. LAWDEB & SON. Fresli Fisli, Soft Crabs, Tei-nipin, Etc. VJ5 Ught St. Baltimore, Md. Quick Salt's 1'rompt iJeturne UEFr;iu-;Nor:8 Tiint.'is "'il l. I'anlv. iMtns M'-r.-nntilc Ak.mic j t iu'vens v, n,.d . lifx.pcr a i. .1. liuki'linrl A Co. .it i. Hank. The .1. S. Johnson Co E . Albaugii & Son Wholesale Commission Merchants Fresh Fish, 1". ICIiA'IN. OVr-l K i; s . i J A M I: Je I 'i t ' I.T 1 . Xo. IJfht stit ot Wharf. BALTIMORE j ; Consignments Solicited, Prompt Returns, Our Motto. j RFFRFNCF ! 0iU.u,ns Nat'ioal Bank." : y. j Hoover it Co. . Davenport & Morris, iWholmi,e ,;omi, j And Dealers in FISH, i t?0u inrl vv vvy tfcfcv wv. Consignments of North Carolina Her ring solicited, and proceeds remitted in cash. Onaccountof our intimate acquain tance, and frequent transaction with ' tho Grncorv trade of West and South j wenreable to handla N. C. Fish to the very best possible advantage, and we aro known overvwhere as the larcetit distributors in this market Shipping No. -Established 1S61. iii. &. J&aynes. Com mission Dealer in $ruck, gruit, &c, &c. New York City. Stencils and Cards furnished by the house or by " R. S. MITCHELL, Agent. Shipping Number. The same old stand at 1' Park 1'Iace. Still occupied bv JOHNB. PAGE'S Sons, for the sale of Peas and all kinds of Southern grown Vegetables. This firm has handled business ot this kind for 20 successive years from oklEdeuton and other Eastern Carolina Points. Don't forget to give them a I share of your patronage. DO NOT FOllOET THE Albemarle ask Ladies, Gen tlemen and 3S7 Children when in need of lirst - ciass Drv Ci ods at second-class p; ices 0 to the Olil liable Cash Store. lle- j We do what we roir.ise, nothing moie. ; Xjv fioods, ! j fSatter Goods, j Cheaper Goods ; : than any other honse in town, j dgPDry Goods of any kind. Dress Goods ofany style and qual ity from bets to 51.25 per yard. Trimmings of all styles and prices. Boots and Shoes at any price or size. Notions of all kinds for Ladies, men, and children. Mens Shirts, a stock that ca:;t be beat. Now the finest of all is our complete line of fine Millinery Goods all of the latest styles and importations. We have a first-class Milliner at hand. Do not for-gct to call at the Albe marle Cash Store for anything you mav need, and at prices which will surprise and please you. No fooling but fair dealings to all who will favor us with a call. very truly, L. L, MOORE, Manager. la-41 for Infants and Children., THlKTV yar otxtrratlon of Castoria with tl pRtron ag S mlllioH. cf pno ), permit n to .peak of it without gm.lnjr. It Im nnqoostloiiftbly tha beat rmdy for Infaait. and C&ilIra tha world ha vcr kaowa. 1 1 i harml . Ch lid ro llVt it. It give. tbm hcvJOi. It will ittv 'd'! llvw. In it Kot herl nr. .omothing wLir h 1. abolotlr ai and practically pHMit a cMld iBdiclnt. Catrtorta troy Wormt. Cantoria allay Fvf riKnx. CantoHa prevent vtTmiUcg Snr Card. Ca.toria f utc Dirrhaa aa Wind CoUa. Catoria rcliovc T thln.: rronMw CaptoriaetroCon)rlpatloa ixnl Flatalenoy. Ca.toria nntralle the effectn cf carbonloacld rm or pnltonnni air. Ca.toria nota not contain morphine, opium. or othr narcotic proportj . Castoria awimilato. the food, rjfulJU h the wtomarh and bowel., giving healthy and natural alcrp. Ca.toria i. pnt op in onedae bottlo only. It 1. not .old In bolt. Don't allow any one to .oil y o n a u ytLin CT jo o ajth o pi o a o i"p ro at i . that it la "jast a. good and " will answer every pnrpo.o." See that yon yet OA-S-T-Q-R-I-A. The fao-.iiuilo aignotnro of Children Cry for HZ mm m AND HCsiIn. At 2, 3 and 5 cents per head. Cut fresh from the Garden. Call and be convinced. Respectfully, IMIl JIl 3I(?lOi AIJ,I). . Bee that JfAMB 1 Sold at Uriukley's I tap 1 I i Ta:,l Sim w wv i k im. ama m.m. mm ' . m r-w I t " III Mi 9 1 I II III I I 111 I m -Jf V 1 liS y"Qc55''f''' I i. onavery pper. Pitcher's Castoria. . i.twjB.uiiiRWiMJMun..i.i 11 mm ,niijjyiiiijy '5 ..-.' Street. 1.000.000 Pcoole Wear W. L. DOUGLAS Si 0 $3 SHOE T ml $5.00. $.00, $3.50, $20. 2m25l $3-00, $2.50. $2.00. $. 75 -F Any Style, AUSizts, Every Width. CAN FIT ANY FOOT. Wear W. Im TVoasIxa tfrmra nA bv Irnra 1 .00 Co a.4M m pair. Ilia kilTaaee la leatiwr hma now run Biocitoi, Xjisa. Emporium