Kid and his Cowboys. C W v5 Life in the far West s5:tf miliar xyd . A Scenes from the Wild West, to be at the Fair. - v-!- n ii t i ' . j-- EDENXQN ACADEMY, ali Term Toeglra-s Sept 13, 1895 splendid building thoroughly equipped and beautifully situated. I upils prepared for GHcoc or btiSlIJSS life. $g CORPS OF INSTRUC i IvJISI : Department of Music, Miss. S. C. Martin. Elocution and Delsarte, Miss. G. W. Wilkins. Primary Department and French, Higher English and Ancient Languages, C. D. Graves. TUITION: Primary grade, intermediate per mouth, $1.25. $2.00- $1 Higher English, languages extra, each Music, Elocution (Special lessons) locution (Class lessons) incidental : t3berPpil haviug more than one half studies in a higher grade is considered i 01 tnat !Tnrlf t.,u; ?c n.miiii!v TTnlp;; sneeial arrangements led,,', eforehand, pupils registering enter for the rest of that term. No than 2 weeks. Board can --"wiasuuumtraies. Auurcss i3.oo. 5. $3-25. $4-03 ,oo 20 :jshepfFan and Farmer. Entered at the Post Office at Ed nton aa Second Class matter. EDCNTON, N.C., Oct. nth, :Si5. SCALES AND PLANTS (-! 'KHl.Y LOO i- CONniCNSEU TOK TIIR Ci v your Fair exhibit ready. T.'t; s'.rect- have been sprinkled t l.i-t. v. iiite Sug:;r ;c nt Dijon's. The revival at the laptist Jhnreh has closed. Mrs A. Huckabee has returned from E. City. Cotton picking has begun and some shipments are being made. Send your children to school and get them off the streets. Mrs. Ida Burton has returned from a visit to her sister in Nor folk. Subscribers not receiving their paper regularly will please give notice at this office. Miss Maude Harrell has returned home after an absence of several weeks. Go to the Albemarle Cash Store for fine Hats and anj-thiug in the Millinery line. For Rent A good two story dwelling on Broad street. Apply to Mis. Agnes Warren. G. M. Serpell, Genl. Mgr. N. & C. R. R., accompanied by his wife, spent Monday in the city. Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty milkman And the grocer grand. Mr. M. H. Dixon, the grocer, spent several days last week in Baltimore purchasing new goods. The family of Mr. Clarence Branuing returned this week ..fter an absence of several nonths. Mr. V. O. Hazard, manager of the Faber Studio in this city, is :ere this week. Those wishing photographs should call at once. Patronize and stand square by vour home enterprises and insti tutions and then we will all prosper. The Alhemare Ca.ih Store has a good line of Domestic Dry Goods and Shoes, all :it low prices. The first bale of cotton ship ped from Chowan county this year left here last Friday and was raised by Mr. YV. S. White. New Bulk Meat 5c atiDixon's. Don't send your printing away from home when you can get it done as cheap and as good at this print shop. Give us a trial. Mr. J. M. Forehand purchased last week the large tract of land belonging to Mrs. Bettie R. Hol- ley, in this couixty, for the sum of $8,ooo. Do not forget that when in want of nice Dresses and Trimmings that the Albemarle Cash Store has them at as low prices as any other house. A large number of our people went to Norfolk last Saturday to see Buffalo Bill's Wild West ex hibition and returned with much to talk about. New York table Butter 25c at Dixon's. Mr. A. J. Bateman has return ed from North, where he went to purchase a stock of Auction goods. Keep a witch for his opening. Branson "s Agricultural Alma nac for 1896 is again before us. Dr. Branson calculates, edits and publishes his own Almanac, and guarantees its reliability. Sugar cuied Hams i2.!c at Dixon's. The tax collectors are after you. Read the notice in this is sue by Richardson Bunch, who has been appointed to collect the list of 1895 in the 2nd and 3rd townships. Lives of great men all remind us We should attend theEdenton fair, And leave at home behind us Every sort of worrying care. Miss L,arena B. Hathaway has rented the upper story of the Capehart building on King street in which she will soon open a dress-making establish ment. Peanut bags 7c at Dixon's. The officers of the Edenton Fair have secured special rates over the railroad and steamboat lines for those who would like to attend the exhibition. This means a large crowd in Edenton during Fair week. You can earn $5 each day "giving" our absolutely indispensable house hold article away. New plan of work, making experience unnecessary and success certain for either sex in any section. Sample dozen free. Credit given. Freight paid. Address, Mel rose M'f g. Co., 17 Melrose Park, 111. George Lewis, one of the col ored sports of the town, spent a while last week in jail. Norfolk prices (less freight)paid for Cotton and Peanuts by M. H. D ixon. Mr. E. L. Brinkley, proprie tor of the Emporium, is North this; week making his iall and winter purchases. New novelties in Dress GjiiIs at IJrinklcy's Emporium. Mr. A. C. Mitchell went North Monday to purchase a stock of patent medicines, stationer .- a id cju'eetioneries which he v. M open in the Capehart store on King stre.t. A be.u.tiful line new plaids fr s-.hirt waists Uriu k ley's Kmporiun:. Raleigh A'i -zus & Observer. The State Experiment Statio.i is packing for shipment its exhibit lor the Edenton Fair, which be gins Occ. 22nd. Mr. C. B. Wil liams, of the station, will have charge of the exhibit. Coal delivered 550 ton at Dixon's. Hertford Courier; The stock of goods kept by S. Ljpsitz, in this town, was sold at public auction, last Saturday, by the Sheriff. C. S. Vann, of Edenton, being the purchaser. If you do not feel like attend ing more than one fair this year, it should be your home fair. It will suffer no extortionate charg es and all may rely upon having a pleasant and profitable time. Baldness is often preceded or accom panied by grayuess of hair. To prevent both baldness and grayuess, rise Hall's Hair Renewer, an honest remedy. Our readers should watch for the big advertisement of Louis Selig, the jeweler of E. City, that will appear in this paper next week. He will also have a magnificent exhibit at the Eden ton Fair, which everybody is invited to see. Ladies, the Albemarle Cash Store has many inducements to offer you. They have the goods and a lady of taste to help you in making your selections. Gov. Carr has appointed a long list of delegates to the Road Par liament to be held at Atlanta Oct. 17th. Among the names we find Mr. Frank Wood, of this city, and Dr. W. R. Capehart, president of the Edenton Fair. Miss Poole is a lady of long experi enee and comes to the Albemarle C ash Store more highly recommended than any other lady they have ever had. Business men, we are reach ing the people of tins county and adjoining counties. Our sub scription books are open for in spection. Now is the time to put in your Fall advertisement, if you wish to let the people know what you are doing and ex pect to do, and you wish to have our readers trade with you. If the two "z's" in buzzard Are because it buzzes, then I think that in "mosquito" There should be eight or ten Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Simmons, late residents of this place, now living at Rocky Mount, N. C, spent several days last week in the city visiting relatives and friends. They speak well of their new home, but says they will never lose their love for old Edenton and their many friends here. A very clever little miss Wrote some verses on a kiss Describing well the sweet sensation. But questioned on the authorship, She let this little statement slip The kiss- was a collaboration. There is an especial reason why local breeders should pat ronize home fairs in preference to all others. In order that your colts should become performers on the turf it is necessary that they become educated, and the home fair is just the place to show their speed in public and make sales. Speedmen should help the local fair, where ex penses are less, and put forth an effort to keep as much as possi ble of the premium money at home. FLIES, FLEEs bed bugs, kill them all. You can do it. Use Cal verts Insect powder the only genuine real stuff on the market, patent sift top box, furnish es its own destruction. Only 10 cts., at Leary's. Now is'the time to think and prepare for the Fair, especially on the farms, let each farmer keep the Fair in mind as he gathers his crop and select ex hibits now, then the Fair will be sure to have the best, and having prepared an exhibit let each one come with his exhibit, bring his family also, that the exhibits of others may be seen also and mu tual benefit be derived. Come to the Fair both to be entertained and instructed. There will be abundant opportunity for you to receive both. The restaurant on the grounds will be open and meals served at all hours where you will be waited upon by charming lady attendants. An error appeared in this paper bst week. Westat.d that Dixon was selling "new Buck wheat at 5 cts." It should have appeared "new Bulk Meat at 5 cen ts." Before you start out shopping be sure and -msult the columns of this pa -v.'! . which will tell you the offer the best bar- I air.j in a;; ;:;;esot goo. Is. leu j the:, -rclv:: . '.hat v-n read their ! advc: ::-e.ue.-t; in ; ipt-r. i " ' - the CLv Council .a . n on Monday last in reg.trd to the brick cnLert recentlv built from Gale to Church st: i-ets. He claims that the work was a A'ar.ieci under cer tain specifications, requiring the very best material to be used, vet the contractor is allowed to use iuf rior material, and the work is received uninspected and set tled for at the full amount first charged. He says the town is entitled to a rebate, and it was for this reason he appeared be fore the Board. Revival Closed. The meeting which has been in progress in the Baptist Church for twelve days, closed Monday night.' The whole town has felt its influence. And for it the moral atmosphere of the com munity will be purer and better for a long time to come. Rev. W. P. Hines endeared himself to all whom he met. He preaches with great earnestness and his illustrations drawn large ly out of his own experience were touching and deeply ex pressive. He attempted to stir up no excitement but sought to lead men to Christ by holding Him up to them as a perfect Lord and perfect Saviour. In this he greatly succeeded. The total number of conver sions was sixty-six. Of this number the remarkable fact is noted that only ten were fe males and only eight o: ten un der the age of sixteen. The largest proportion being men of mature years. All of the Christian people of the town were interested in this meeting and irrespective of des nomination attended and took part in the services. Therefore all the evangelical churches ot the town are greatly benefitted and church members greatly re vived. On Monday night forty-four were received into the Baptist Church for baptism, Others join the Methodist and the Episcopal churches. Baptism will take place next Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, foot of Court Square. NOTICE. I will leave for Baltimore Oct. 1 8th, to finish my course at col lege, after which I will return to Edenton an 1 locate permanently. Those wishing my services be fore I leave will please call early. I wish to thank the people gen erally for their liberal patronage in the past and respectfully so licit the same on ray return. Dr. W. H. Cooper. "For several mouths, I was troubled with a persistent humor on my head which gave me considerable annoyance until it occurred to me to try Ayer's Hair Vigor. Before using one bottle, the humor was healed." T. T. Adams, General Met chant, Turbeville, Ya. Chowan's Crop Report. In the N. C. Bulletin, published at Raleigh by the Department of Agriculture, we find the follows ing report from Chowan county: "Sweet potato crop short in acreage, but fair as to condition. Cotton is late and fruiting badly. Corn crop very fine. Peanuts will be short owing to dry weath er in July and August. Field peas largely planted and good crop." The Albemarle Cash Store have with them this season Miss Bessie Poole, of Baltimore, who is the best trimmer ever before employed by them, and she will be pleased to show our stock of Mill inery Goods and trim up Hats in the latest Styles for you. FOR SALE. One bay mare 7 years old, and a nice top buggy. Can be seen at Bay View stables. Terms easy. SERVICES AT THE CHURCHES NEXT SUNDAY MKTHODIST CHCRCH Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. Preaching 8:00. p. m. N. M. Watsox. Pastor. n.v r:r,T - i:; ';i:. i i.ui. V. I'. LT. devotional : 1 a. 111. Services. .;. ;. in. S;::i lav Scho.I. p. ill. V e"CS. j no. . U 111T1;, Pastor. Will Speak at the Fair. ?Ir. W. F. Massey, professor of horticulture at the A. and M. College, Raleigh, will deliver an ADDRESS at the Edenton Fair on Wednes day, the 23rd, at 11 a. 111. Come and hear a practical farmer talk. Prof. Massey is an eloquent talk er as well as practical farmer. He will entertain and instruct you. Is like SAKE ? Not without Batly's Cholera Gure. Never known to fail in the cure of Dysentery, Cholera Morbus. Get a bottle and keep for use. We guarantee every bottle. James Baily & Sou proprietors, Baltimore, Md., at Leary's The Crop's Commencement. All in a row upon the stand Sit rye and wheat, the nation's ration, And corn and oats and flax as well, Ready for graduation. Exciting days are these afield, The harvester's on top A-preachiug to the cereals there The baccalaurate of the crop. xll in a crowd and at the fair Observant people stand and gaze And praise each lovely kind And choose the one next year, they'll raise. Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS NE W AD VER TISEMEN TS. A new upright walnut Piano, with 3 pedals and all the latest improvements, guaranteed for 5 years by one of the largest fac tories in this country. Factory price $475.00. Has to be sold at once for a debt, for a great deal less than cost. Apply at once to P. O. Box 584, Newberne, N. C. Farmers, DID YOU KNOW That you could get the same prices for your Cotton, Peanuts and other products HERE as you can in Norfolk? Then sell at home, where you can see it weighed before your own eyes and the money counted in your own hands. Sell to J. W. Howell, Highest prices paid. FOR RENT. I hereby offer for rent a Farm about 354 miles lrom Coleraine, Bertie county, N. C, containing about eighty acres cleared; good buildings. Any person desiring to rent will see S. H. Perry, Coleraine, 'N. C, for terms, &c. 31. V. Perry, Oct. 5, 1895. Littleton, N. C. TAXES, The Tax List of 2nd and 3rd Townships, Chowan county, N. C, for 1895 is now in my hands for collection. The taxes must be paid at once. All tax payers will save trouble and expense by an early settlement. Richardson Bunch, Tax Collector. Suffolk Military Academy. Prepares Boys and Young Men for Business, or CoLLEGE,or University. jsf M Equipped with Modern Educational Appliances. $f No Deaths in School in 20 YearH. Cadets from 8 States last year. Send for handsome illustrated Catalogue giving full particulars. Joseph Vjm, ?, pRiNcipab,

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