i AT school. fl git Johnny broke the rule to-day by fighting wttft bis brother. laen bis teacher, Btrango to 87. stra'.Rhtwaj broke another. Harper' Youna Peopla. in Knoxville Jail. Chas. Rich, late of Charlotte, N. C.,isin Knoxville, Tenn., jail for the murder of T. Breen at that place. The State University. President Winston, of the State university, reports that 512 students are on the rolls. He says eighty of these are females He declares that it will not be long before women are regularly admitted to the university, and he warmly favors the opening of its doors to them. Hatched by a Bird. Newbcrne Journal. R. B. Heath, of Cove, four weeks ago, walking in newly cleared laud near his homt,came across a newly hatched chicken without knowing at first how to account for it. Investigating, partridge nest was discovered close by, with the shells of nest mil 01 partridge eges anc one hen egg. The hen had evi dently laid in the partridges nest and the bird had hatched the egg along with her own. ANSWERED. A funny man who asked the question: "Where is the State o Matrimony?" received the fol lowing answer: "It is one o the United States; it is bound on one side by hugging and kissing and cradles and babies on the other; its chief products are pop illation .broom sticks and staying out late at night; it was discov ered by Adam and Eve while trying to find a passing out of the (iarden of Tiden; the climate is rather warm until you pass the topics of housekeeping, when squally weather sets in with suf ficient power to keep all hands as cool as cucumbers. For the principal road to that State con sult the first pair of feminine blue eves." Effects of Drought. Millions of bushels of fruit are going to waste along the Ohio river because of the close of nav igation. Between Cincinuatti and Evansville 150,000 barrels of apples, in addition to potatoes and other produce, will be lost by decay. At the little port of Amsterdam, Iud., 2,000 barrels ol apples have been lying on the wharf for two weeks awaiting shipment. The river is lower now than it has been since i860, with one exception. The con tinued drought in central Ken tucky is interfering seriously with the distilleries. Glen's creek, which is the only source of water supply for several dis tilleries, has gone dry and lurge number of men are out of e m ploy men t Avcr's Hair Vigor, which has out lived and superseded huudreds of sim ilar preparations, is undoubtedly the most fashionable as well as economical liair-dressiny iu the market. Bv its use, the poorest head of hair soou be comes luxuriant and beautiful. As some people may have a wrong conception of what the kdenton Pair is, we wish it to be known that it is an institu tion belonging to the people not simply the people of Chowan county, but of the entire Albe inarle section. Whatever good there is in it, or whatever good comes from it, will be for them, and not for its officers or man agers, who are merely the peo pie s agents in transacting the business. Everybody is invited to furnish every available article that can serve to make the fair attractive and interesting, and to attend and see how near our ideal of perfection has been reached. To stay away from the fair &r not to aid in making it big and grand, hurts only the people and their cause, for the greater the success of the exhibition; the greater the benefit to the people. DOINGS BP M WEEK. News Gathered Here There, and Everywhere. OF INTEREST TO ALL PICKED UP AND PUT IN 'SHAPE FOR THE BUSY READER. The State Baptist Convention will be held in Greensboro this year, beginning on December 5. A farmer in Surry county has pig with five distinct eais four on the right side of the head and one on the left. The North Carolina Baptist is waging war against the use of fermented wine in the com munion service. The Seaboard Air Line ware house D, located on the water front in Portsmouth, was totally destroyed by fire last week, to gether with all its contents. A school is to be established in New York City where police men will be taught how to shoot, so that when they shoot a dog they may not hit a man. A funeral in Indiana was in definitely postponed the other day because the occupant ol the coffin, a woman, got thirsty and sat up aud asked for a drink. The Japanese Minister at Washington says Japan doesn't want Hawaii, nor any other out lying territory. If this be true somebody must have been lying about Japan. The State Bank of Kansas City has closed its doors. J R. Coleman, the cashier, is a des faulter for about $30,000. The Mississippi river is at its lowest point at St. Louis in the memory of the oldest inhabitant, and navigation is practically sus pended. One man in Chester, Eng., has been before the police justices 130 times for drunkenness or as saults; his father was up 35 times, one sister 67 and another 29. The cost of prosecuting the family and keeping it in prison has been over $10,000. The managers of the Atlanta Exposition have decided to give a Cuban day and Gov. Mathews, of Indiana, has been invited to deliver an address. A peasant woman has been arrested in Sicily charged with poisoning twenty-three children. She has confessed her crime aud says she did it to avenge the death of her two sous. There is a row among the Georgia milit'a as to what com mand shall act as escort to Pres ident Cleveland on his visit to the Exposition. The Cuban revolution is spreading westward; three bauds of insurgents have appeared in districts heretofore quiet, and near Havana. Rev. I. W. Aveut, of Wake, a member of North Carolina Con ference, M. E. Church, South, is 75 years old and preparing to marry. W. B. Mills, postmaster at Pea j J Ridire, Polk county, was shot and severely wounded by a drunken youth, Lad Ed wards. It is said that Mr. & Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt will remarry soon after the marriage of their daughter Consuela to the Duke of Marlborough, a reconciliation having been brought about. The Governor of Arkansas says the prize fight shall not take place in his State; if he can not command force enough to resist the prize fight crowd he will resign as Governor. The Atlantic hose reel team, of New lierne, wins third place in the contest at the Atlanta Ex position in competition with ten other teams; it is declared the champion of the Southern States. An exchange says that the ac tion ot the Louisiana Republi cans in repudiating the negroes and in calling for a white Re publican party has caused indig nation among the old time Re publicans and negroes and they threaten to go over in a body to the Democrats. William Norris, an Alabaman, is said to be the oldest counter feiter in America. Norris is 100 years old, and has been engaged in counterfeiting for years, his age causing the United States officers to be merciful. It is said he has great mechanical ability, and makes anything from a needle to a whiskey still. The latter he can improvise out of a wash tub. Humau life is held too cheaply when the individual who needs a tonic for his system, seeks to cover his wants by purchasing every new mixture that is recommended to him. Remember that Ayer's Sarsaparilla has a well-earned reputation of fifty year's standing. Resolution Against Thurman. The Thurman Democratic Club, Columbus, O., of which Allen W. Thurman is a member, adopted a resolution Tuesday night severely condemning the movement of free silver in the Democratic party now being led by Thurman. Thurman was not present. The vote was unani mous. Horrible Death of a Little GirljJ A little 4-year-old girl in Michigan mysteriously disap peared last June, and on Tuesday last her remains were found in the unused attic of the building over the store where the tamily lived. She had climbed to the room and slowly starved to death, her cries being unheard by her distracted parents. When she disappeared several hundred citizens searched the city and suburbs for her. How His Ribs Were Bro ken. St. Louis Minor. J A funny young fellow named William Riggs thought it would be fun to scare lour young wo men who were in the habit of riding by moonlight on their wheels over the smooth roads iu the vicinity of Delhi, N. Y. He had made a I0112 white costume aud a hideous mask. Mounted on stilts he appeared twelve feet high, and he waved his gastly arm and in a sepulchral tone moaned. "Beware!" One of the young women fell ofiMier wheel iu a faint, two of them broke all world's records for the distance, but Miss Grace Holden, 17 year old beauty from Jersey City, who is spending the summer at Delhi, gracefully dismounted from her "bike," picked up a large stone and as she threw it; said: "If you are a ghost this will go through vou. and if you are a foolish masaueradino; bov it will hur A vou." And that is how it hap pens that Willie Riggs has three ribs broken. Mrs. Anna Gage, wife of Ex- Deputy U. S. Marshal, Columns, Kan., says: "I was deli vei-ed of TWINS in less than 20 min utes and witl scarcely any pain aftei using1 only two bottles of "MOTHERS' FRIEND" CID NOT SUFFER AFTERWARD. Sl.OO per bottle. Bool; "TO SlOTHKUS" typcutby Exnroso ormnil. on receint of price, mailed lrce. BRADFIELD KEGCLATOE CO., ATLANTA, OA. SOU) BY A I.I, DliUGGISTS. The Kdenton Fair is not ; sehool room hemmed in by fon t n . narrow wans, out m open, air beneath a sky of Italian softness smiling down upon a country as beautiful aud serene as the sun ever shone upon. Men's Opera House OXE KLGIIT, griday, Qctober 18th. IN Tuned up to Date, Everything New, Novel, aud Original, C "The Trilby Burlesque." C "The Tennis Quintette." C "The Bowery Pets." C"The Bicycle Swells." C "Our latest: The Turkish Bell Gavotte. Seafs on sale at Brinkley's. Reserved seats, 75 cents; Gen'l admission, 50 cents; Gallarj 2 cents. For Sale- A Sue lot South cust coruer of King aua uafcum streets well adapted to any good business euterprise having a large water front. Said lot is about 140 feet wide and 175 feet deep; can be sola u good terms Apply to Mrs. B. M. Parish or iu her absence to her agent, Mr. L. F. Zigler. Kdenton, N. C. Lumber ffante Cat A'-rurateiy and Rap-' ill ly 0:1 tiie FARQUHAR a?4 Variable; Fraction gaiw i - - mm Feed Saw Mill 5.IT f.it I. : . 5lIorsc rower. Sana jsoiiers from 1-1 to s For full descriptive catalogue adiiicfc.s. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., YORK, 8 1 1 u RELIABLE XISill IEALER. Season 1895. SHAD! SHAD! SHAD! IncrcasedDmand! Increased Facilities HEoriRE Increased Consignments J.H. HARRIS with CALEB HALEY & CO., 14 Fulton Fish Market. Wholesale Commission Dealers in all kinds of FRESH FISH From the waters of North Carolina. "Stencils and Stationery sent on application. A. W. HAFF, Wholesale Commission Dealer iu Xo 1 2 Fulton Fish Market. 5f" North Carolina Shad a Specialty. No Agents. WILLIS H. ROGERS Wholesale Commission Fish Dealer, 10G Fulton Fish Market, j2"o-cs7- TTorlt Special Attention given to the 6ale ,of North (Janiliua Shad, Koek, dlub. Perch ana TKRUAPIN. LLeferenco: Guirkin & Co., Bankers, and Chas. Robinson, President 1st Nat ional Hank, Elizabeth City, N. C. and other Financials when desired. Am not and have never been in the Mellon, Truck or Fruit business. Stationery and Stencils furnished at a moments notice. S.B.Hiller50o., WHOLESALE COMMISSION FISli Dealers, NO. 7 FULTON MARKET, New Tork. Samuel II. Miller, ) Clarence G, Miller 5 Special Attention Givea to THE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA SHAD. Stencils and Stationery Furnished on Application WE EMPLOY NO AGENT. S- Ir. Storei- & Go. Wholesale Dealers aud Shippers of all kinds of US FULTON FISH MARKET. i: w y or re. We work harder for the inter est of the Southern fishermen than any house iu the business. 2O 9' Successor to itkuKY &. 1riJST;u Wholesale Commission Merchant in hi A- 1j3 jHl ff J Sfli A . w tiijd Qyste s. IMer lit N. Delaware 'Avenue, Above Vine Street. PHILADELPHIA. Returns Promptly Made. Stencils furnishedlon application. C. I-;. YVakner. 1. K. JaKN G. E. CO.. Wholesale Commission Merchants in Lobsters, "ferrapiif, North Carolina SHAD A Specialty. KOa. 9, IO, 22, 23, 32 33, 2S & 39 Dock Street Wharf. Philadelphia. NORTH CAROLINA ollege of Agriculture Arid Mechanic jjrls. The next session of this Col ege will begin September sth. Examinations at county seats first Saturday in August. Young men desiring a technical educa tion at an unusually low cost will do well to apply for catalogue to A. Q. HO EL AD AY, Pres., Raleigh, N. C. O-iss Clifton, Sam'l. H. Woodland, Jno. W, Woodland. (Clifton foodand, General Commission Merchants m. mm A Specialty in Season. Terrapin, Soft Crabs,Oysters, &c. 27 S. Charles Street. Baltimore, Md. REFERENCE: National Exchange Bank and Dun's Commercial Agency. Returns made daily. Cards and sten cils can be had of J. C. Mathias or from the house. Established 1861. SAML. hi LAWDER & SON. Wnolesale Commission Dealers in Fresh Fish, Soft Crabs, Terrapin, Etc. " 125 Light St. Baltimore, Md. Qu:V.k Sales '. Prompt Keturus REFERENCES Traders Nat 1. Bank, Duns Mercantile Apenc Wm.J . Hooper & Co. .1. Dukehart & Co. Citizens Nat l. Bank. The J. Johnson Co E W. Albaugh & Son Wholesale Commission Merchants Fresh Fish, KlIWAi.N. OYKTKKS, OASth A I'OTJr.TUY No. 221 UsM Mr.'tl Wharf. HALT I. MORI C'!isignmei:tK Solicited l'rompt Returns. Our Motto. REFERENCE. Citizens National Bank. W. J Hooner -o. (Davenport & (Morris, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants And Dealers in FISH, Richmond, Va. Consignments of North Carolina llei rinp; solicited, and proceeds remitted in cash. On account of our intimate acquain tance, and frcquout transaction with the Grocery trade of West aud South we are able to handle N. C. Fish to the very best possible advantage, and we are known everywhere as the largest distributors in this market' Shipping Numbor. ."NEW YOKK. The same old stand at Park Place. Still occupied by JOHN B.PAGE'dSous for the sale of Peas and all kind , of Southern grown Vegetables This firm has handled business ol this kind for 20 sueeessiv. years from oldKdentou a:: othe: Eastern Carolina Points. Don't forget to give them v share of your patronage. SOMETHING NEW EDENTON. FOit J. W. Spruell has just opened a first class Feed Store on the corner of Broad and Water Sts.. where the public can besuppried with Hay, Corn, Meal, Oats, Ship stuff, Bran,Cottou seed meal,&c, at the very lowest market prices. Also keeps on hand Lime, Pricks, Shingles, Posts, Sealing, Floor ing, &c. Wood will be furnish ed at low prices. I have also built a good lot 01 stables for the convenience of the public, where their horses can taken care of at a small cost, and be Sife and protected from the bad weather. l,timDe:i:eu will hnd it to their interest to call and get ray prices, roods delivered tree to any steamer, train or anywhere m town. I have also a chicken depart rnent where a nice lot of fat chickens are daily kept at market prices. Give me a call when in need of my goods and accommodations. Respectfully, J. W. SPRUELL. FOR SALK. Three building lots on West Church street. One house and lot coruer Church and Mosely streets, and two on Mosely street. All will be sold on easy terms. Apply to J. W. Spruell. Philip McDonald, Cleaning aud Dying Clothes. Work done in first class style and satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Call and see him. Prices low. Any work sent by mail will receive prompt attention. 4 0 SFJf oKisn WHEEL-WRIGHT Jnd General Repairer O VEHICLES. Work done at Low Prices, : :1 with neatness anc Dispatch. Shop on Water street. 1, oes I" ice. Your handsome faces of type, the beauti ful line of stationery, the mammoth Jrotcer 3 worionansnip, We h s r . ii l n !. r. m -1 m 'J CI JL ! prompt attention WALTER HUGHES, HOUSE and SIGN PAINTER, Ornamented work of all kinds, Grain ing, Kal so mining, Plas tocoing, Paper Hanging, &c. Prices as low as auv. Bpst nrb guaranteed. Address me at . ' ell ZZsS VSK'-. m S A.' Edento, IV c. - koldat mm Oi5 WAKTED: I Empty sacks furnished and Cash paid 011 delivery at Ecl e aton or 011 M. & S steamer at points on Chowan and Scuppemong' rivers. wiwiiff Jl S ave your work done at the Flsih Farmer With our press, and the "B we are sure to 1 liflu a M from a visiting- card to k 9 a e & newspaper. No orders too large "H 1 A ITi m small, lii See thnt WlHn and 1'KltE are S-fJ uuiinea on soles . iir- r- " , A.IIM III! , ILL in Bin ma.. i - ' aim jw&K w KM m rr---S'rSsACWS,X-rssJ . Mill --U. TGI BAKERY sr. ivx. wozeijiia rx-o'i- First-Class in every respect Choices dkes. confectioneries, bred, ilo., ajw hand. Everything; fresh. e b:ike Kv'tr, i ''," Nothing but the very best goods sul'l.' Card's Cream Potent Family Flour a .peci.M. 1 best on the market. Wedding Cakts fumi!,'. at short notice. Cor. Main t'v: (u, - , s. Job Printing manvnmv nu most cai ii Hi j. Few Can Do it as Ncne . Well, TJ U will refteivt 1.000,000 People Wear L DOUGLAS $3 STOE TS $5.00, $.00, $3.50, $2-50, $22SS $3.00, $2-50, $2-00, $J.7S Any Style, All Sizes, Every 1 1 W CAN FIT ANY FOOT. Wear W. I- Ionla ' ' ir . no ti 111. - ,.i t'r lncreed tbe iti.o " j mates, bot in 1C'"' price, of W. ! ' Brinkley's Emporium