J i 1 4 Si 4 if M i x 'J H 1-1 f- 1 I f and Fapms ho Tost Office at IM '..I'll i i MIC matter KDKNTON, N.C., Jan. ioth, 18(J5- GALES AND PLANTS t r : ' i - ; 1U. f, Y f )C A I. CON DEN SED FO R T i I K f:t fiY UKADEH M.nifiav last was Old Christ- : 1 1 t:scrse::'s annii'-g ; 1 1 1 i :o!k. Mr. W'a Mr. ill last wee 1 1 ': !:ii;glo:i, X. C. T. S. Armtead. of V mouth is in the city. The huutsuun report game little scarre this week. 'i r T mi is 'on!!;in . of Hertford . i was m the citv Wednesday. Rev. A. W. liurfoot, of Ilert - ford, was in the citv Monday. I Mi rwvr, -, arien is nun . : sick at ner :iome ou Jro:ui street. ; Mr S W. Svkes snent a few' days in lClizabeth J 1 City this Week. The County Commissioners are having the County Home ceiled. An It-dian string band was in town tin's week making some good music. Our office was visited Monda v two very charming young ladies Do not daily rid of ;t -X o:k'-: with Hood's S: e-t JIj(jd's. h'.'imatism. Oel i fvi :ig the bitjod aiilla. !'.e si, re t; Mr. Joseph Haumgardacr has gone North, where he will spend he vera 'eeks. wanted, Apply to Xo'l'iCi:: ljarder: terms P r week. v. i,. .wtui). . Dr. H. V. Ilaisey and Mr. W. C. Thompson, of Roper were in A T I T. . Kdcutou this week. The fence around th.e fair grounds, recently blown down, is Ik iug rebuilt. The colored public school on Freemason street in this city has 104 scholars. Mr. Y. ( ). Hazard, manager of Faber's L'hoto Studio in tins city, is here this week. Miss Julia Jones spent a few davs last week with Miss Kate ! Kngle, at K. City. Mrs. Chapman, of Norfolk is here visiting .Mrs. Klbert White, on Magnolia street. Mr. A.O. Fdiiott has oureiiased of Dr. DilTard the Holmes place, In lieai I 01 1 -ro ; 1 1 st tve A small store is 1 at the corner of ! k creete d m an 1 i streets for . D. Jones. Mrs. R. G. Mitchell lias gon to New York cm a visit to her daimhter, Mrs. losepli B-.:oth.. Mrs W. R. vSiian louse iv 01 ere O. Ilertfori speUL Wltll ier diaim'litcr at.. Klliott. I'rof. (draves, of the Academy, : ' i.-.c- .,r.. ...... 1 ., ;,,i,t .-,.1 1 r.,.. 41,,-,! instruction oi oookkeepnm and i stenography. Mr. W. I. Leary, who was con fine.! to his home last week with an attack of ha ( irippe, is able to be at his store again. Richard Houghton, fishing for Mr. Moses Ilobbs, caught the first shad in 1S96, which was landed on Saturdav last. A young lady attending a party should have a female chaperon until she is able to call some other chap her own. Mrs. Norman, of Columbia, K-lentou spent this saveral davs in eek, visiting ner sister, Mrs. ). C. livrum. Mr. W. R. Brothers, salesman at th.e store of M II. Dixon, is recreating in I'enpiimans and PastUotauk counties this week. .Mr. and Mrs, Howard Ilogau, of Hock Haven, I'a., are in the citv delighting iheir d.iuhter, Mrs j.W.i'ranahig. w th a Visit. - 1'hom t'ae number of new e ter prises tan here thi ; vo; 11 oi 10 ne , 1 14 t artcd lS:.6 ut ill. :t looks l;k win 1 troorl v." - v !or K -1 jc-hu, line Elder of this District, was in th city last Suuday and preached in the M. H Church two excellent sermons. Rev. N. .M. Watson has been appointed Superintendent of Public Instruction for this county to sueoca resigned. y Rev. I no. IC. White 1 ins is a political year ami none 1 1 . 1 f. i should be without a newspaper. , "I Send us one dollar and we send i ? von the Pisiirrmatc t'v Farmkp j - - till Jan. 1897. Mrs. M. H. Peace, of Norfolk, nee Miss Mary Dabuey of this place, was married this week at Franklin, Va., to a Dr. Williams, of Afton Va. The new home of Mr. M. H. Dixon, one' of the finest in the city, is finished, which will i be occupied by the family of its owner in a few days. Farmers are nearly through : i killing hogs. Low prices have caused early killing, no doubt. Mr. and Mrs. A. Huckabce have returned home, accom panied by Miss Heck, of Baltimore, who will spend several weeks with them. The constant dropping water Wears away the hardest stone; The constant ;uaw of towser Wears away the toughest bone; The constant wooing lover Carries off the blushirrg maid; Y.vA the consant AnvjitTiSF.R I? the :nan rho sets the trade. A good ad vertiseiuei.t in the !' : u M A x e'e FarmKR first c itep.e.-. attention, the.i aw .kens t!iouhf, ar.d tli 'li ha1.!' tlie baN l'.. : - : . Try it. In . . i'ae has two male Moo his home on King street ,-t ill- il ill. II Ul.lUt.1 LU KJil j pay;: cut of' keeping and 2;c for ! cc-st of this notice. Solitilor Leary is at Washings ton this week attending the ; special icnn oi court appointed !l)vthr- frOvfrtHV for tin trial of .,'K. j j, o.incr immjCrers. A dance was tnven at the (,.,-, it,,,,,,. t,,,1.Jv ,,,rt wli:ch Vv-as larrcly attended by the vouuir people. Music was - JA i ; furnished by an Italian string : banc!. "Old, yet ever new, and simple and i,-a:uilnl eve; ' sings the poet, in words v hi' h might well apply to Ayer's vSar sap;u ilia the most efficient and scien-tiii'- bio 'a1 purifier ever offered to suff- ;: i :ig lininan Nothing but.-uperior merits !:e it so long at the front. On Monday last the Kat side of Kfleuton bay was sheeted with ic- tliiek enough to make skat ing safe. Ouite a number skaters enjoyed the sport as long as the ice would allow them. We learn that a shooting af fray occurred Christmas week in the upper part of this county that came near resulting verv 'seriously. We failed to lean) t;u nanus of the parties engaged in it. 'piic advertisements contained I in this paper are of interest to j our readers, and should not be j oveviookea. frequently by the reading of one advertisement more than the subscription to th iaper is j i ! :ived or mad; i iie paring Nets , 1 L it r TC'C; , and :u a rapidly pre r::i!'s work for th we b stakes .lrpeiu." i 1 ' ana: .: s.ciuneo. loais are being red : painted overhauled , rep; and tilings sjfeiv u Iv 1. 1 ' ; n f r pnt m :aaiuess. .-.s eni:-:L" we.it!1. will bedn. jo a as clears li tine: awav fishi: Ikv. i"' itlv dropjjed a er of dead-beat ur list, and e .hat look as if th same way. ! v tu romem i l r considerable niin SU !)SCi'l iiCi'S : i'olU 1 . 1 . .- 511 , . it 1; i' nev to publish 1 who e ior .-;tL-. ui Catarrh hi f i"- 4"i 5 : 1 and ema I lUv.ai.s. ii .. l "s -a iuaixiieds oi n;se it j-rarii:e.s the way reaioves the it also Irii i Ids ui .li xaa.vv; : lias ascs u'i c;;;arrh i i. luwd raul in t'e.s ;iuse t-f the die;'.se lie s ste:a a:i;i : -'' V . rAsi attack of tlaihthcr.a and tvphoid ; the f.e. orix- i lever Ho'xfs catharti'--Ihciu. with everv one w'n ' lr: XOTICK. All persons are forbidden to ; hunt on my land. Those doing ; so will 1 e punished according to a p W inTi ! ' For Rent. Residence, corner of Bread and Albemarle streets, conveni- eutlv arranged, and with large!,. L. r , A ri,,. I dictions for each day of the year, vara. .terms leasouauie: appiy 1 to Oliver V. Gilbert, at K. City, N. C. Insult to injury. The lady (?) who yesterday called the attention of another to o.ir patched breeches, whereat tlkv both laughed so heartily, is informed that a new pair will be purchased when her husband's bill is settled. It has been due nearly a year. Don't criticise a printer's dress too closely while you are wearing silk with money due us. Tell your husband to send us 40.7 S and save t'ne cost of a law suit. We need another pair of pants. Lebanon, 111., yournal. Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS Girls, a good deal depends up on your cn exertion, even this is leap year. An Ice Pnt Will be Put in Motion in This City. To Begin At Once. A Gentleman is here who says he will Manufacture Ice Here about March ist. A gentleman from Michigan is in the city to secure a site for the erection of an Ice Factory, lie is the owner of a plant in Michigan, which he says he will remove to Jvdenton in time to begin the manufacture of ice on or about the 1st of March. We hope a suitable site will be secured at once. The con, sumption of this article is enor mous, and at no point is there a greater demand for it than here in Kdenton. In glancing over the entire field of paying enterprises we can neither see or learn of any that will pay a larger dividend on the investment than would an ice plant in Kdcutou. The fish ermen here alone annually con sume something like 2500 tons, yet, we believe, if a factory was established here at least 4500 tons could be easily disposed of. We say to this gentleman, give us the plant, as we can as sure him it will pay from the start. Died. : Tlu death of 1 A. Clavtou on Irs. Fiizabeth last Saturday evening ai eignt o ciock was a 0 ,T surprise to many who did not i- r 1.... :ii t? .S.I.UW Ol SCilUUS lllliCSS. J. U1 ak-out two weeks she had been i - 1 ii-genng aaugiauuany giou mg ; v. orse, till finally the end came as quietly and peacef llyas sleep the we try body. She lived a cnristian hie, and cieath to lier lad no terror. As sinks the sun 10 rest, so wen st her spirit to the Father. In early life she joined the;t... Methodist Church, and to its 1 worship, its faith , and its institu Lions she was never less than ; tru 1 She was buried Mo: id y alter- -.ram iron; t'ne Methodist Church; the funeral services was conduct-' '..I- . ....t. , 1 .. . 4.1. ! e.i in tile pastor, assisecu uv une U.erdding Klder of the District. Her bodv was laid to rest at the old Svcamore church-yard. To Qui Readers. A really good Almanac is not only a household pleasure, but a necessity, because the informa tion it nves can be largely relied upo a to o-ovcrn nearly all our vocations The Brown's Iron Bitters Almanac for 1896 is a first.class familv book( and be sides the Almanac features, con- tains a memorandum sheet for each month m the year; compre hensive susrtrestious as to the first aid for persons who are m inred bv accidents: weather pre- a forecast of important events; up to date Base Ball rules; the inter pretation of dreams and numer ous other interesting articles, a few of these Almanacs have been sent to Walter I. Leary, of Edenton; N. C, for distribution, and every adult - reader of the Fish human & Farmer can get a copy free by 'applying at once. Should Mr. Leary be out of the Almanacs, you can get one by sending a two cent postage stamp to Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore, Maryland. If our boys would remain at home and display the same ener gizing influence they do else where, what a change we would see in our social and commercial position. The building up our city must be done by the young men, and unless we keep them at home, we cannot expect growth in any direction. If the care of the hair were made a part of a lady's education, we should not see so many gray heads, and the use of Hall's Hair Renewer would be unnec essary. House for rent. Seven rooms. Apply to A. Bonner. H KNITTING MILL Is Among The New Enterprises on Foot For Edenton. OUTLOOK IS BRIGHT xhic moxi!;d-:.h:n of Tim city are ix- TliRESTnr), AND AUK INVESTI GATING ITS COST, ETC. The Fish -;r. man 6c Farmer is informed by a reliable gentleman that several of our mouied-men nff 1 !1 VP? t " crn f ill r llin nrt -.r knitting mill, which they hope! to put in operation in Edenton. j This is indeed encouraging news, as a knitting mill is an en terprise that is needed and one that will surely pay the investor. Wherever in the South these mills have been established thty have proven a success. The proximity of the material, the cheapness of labor and the un surpassed facilities for transpor tation make success almost a cer tainty. In 110 section of North Carolina are these advantages more apparent than here in our town. Now, if knitting mills pay at other places, then why not i Kdenton? We trust the gentlemen who are investigating the matter will sec their way clear and give us the mill. CIGARETTES AND INSANITY MOST VOUXG PATIKXTS IX A U'XATIC ASYLUM FOUND TO HAVK USKD thi:m. Cigarettes hace earned the title of 'coffin tacks," by virtue of their health destroying poweis. It now seems, according to the stateineut ofa well known nhvsi- cian of the West. Dr. Benjamin Blackford, that thev ?nav do even worse thi:'.g.-. t!v;:i ems? death. After a careiul examination of a f.nber of patients in a lu 1. kim, and a thorough iu- uaue vesr ; r.i ltion into the ' familv his- ' f eaea ease, it was found the nut jo: hy oi the v .'.pig. r uts uaj been :::!; ;et;.--.i to o: -egaretteS. :i-i ia i L e 1 i .vas - . . o .--'y .'--tive of tn eff of .!: tr . , ... ti. Uiokint- on the svsie . - oi clos. connection tiie did ii en- bat Dr. HI ickford not stop tnere tie performed a number of experiments, calcu lated to show just what influence cigarette smoke inhalation exer cises on the throat and the deli cate tissues, blood vessels, and nerves of the lungs and bronchial tubes. The result of his inves tigation was rather alarming. "To a greater or .ess extent," lie says " this increase of insanity may be attributed to the perni cious cigarette-smoking habit, now so long prevalent among and undermining the moral, physical, and mental health of the outh of our cou itry during the period of youth development, when the brain is tender and plastic and easily affected by the 11 o x i o u s inhalations issuing through and around the nerve centres." Cigarette smoking and cigar smoking, it is further pointed out, are two entirely different things. One may smoke cigars to excess, and though he would, of course, suffer ill consequences, there would be very little chance of his becoming insane from this cause. But cigarettes seem to have a peculiar power of af fecting the nerves. Perhaps that is due to the inhalation of the smoke, lor surely the smoke ofa cigarette is not stronger in itself than that of a cigar. Drinkers are well aware of the soothing, carcotic, and at the same time stimulating influence ofa cigar ette. It is very often the case that when a man is "tapering oft" from a spree and craves a soothing draught of spirits he will be satisfied with a few puffs of a cigarette. St. Louis Post Dispatch. For RentFor1896. The house at Hays occupied by Mrs. Wm. Hettrick. Apply to J. G. Wood. Great many people moving to different points. TTlie Loveliest Thinarsf t Y ou Ever Saw. That is the Verdict of the regarding our large and handsome stock of fine Jewelry and novelties. Fine Mirrors in gold ar.d silver plate. Solid plated Sconces adorn our walls. The latest style Vases .set f nauusoiue gold cnvx-top table. Ime leather, Aia - gator ,Lizzarda:id real seal pocket-books. Solid Pens, 1 i - ture frames. Bronzes. On, v hat a handsome Smoking Set to give a eentlemau, and those stiver Shaving Mugs, wouldn't thev be grand ! It j is worth romethiug to come here to look at all these lovclv things for CHRISTMAS GIFTS. ' r V 'Iien in town come in and Call while the Stock is at its Best and get your pick; if you don't buy it will give us pleasure to show you. The prices we guarantee to be the lowest when the quality of goods is considered. A. W. HAFF, Wholesale Commission Dealer in! 2 X 12 Fulton Fish Market. e-w "3TctI:. Z&7 North Carolina Shad a Specialty. No Agents. Davenport $ Morris, Wholesale Grocers and Coramiss'on Merchants And Dealerc!in FX 3 ?I, Richmond, Va. ; ' f.-iijaieritsof North Caroliin Ilor i: soiicirod, arid proceeds remitted in t 'a. s ! i . ' e. aeeouiitof our intimate a :.jtjain tatu. and frequent transacti ) with the '.i.oi!i?ry trade of West ar.d South V- x' ,i)A- to handle N. C F'ih ; the -.-:- best oss:bSo advantage, and we ne kiiovvn everywhere as the l-ir-jest distributors in this market' I have FOR SALE a lot of HORSES, from the finest driver to-- the common plow horse at the Holmes place, head of Broad St., which I am offering at low prices. I sell for cash or on time. Call and make a selection and I'll suit you in price and terms. A. Q. ELLIOTT. For Rent. One nice dwelling situated on Hertford road, 4 mile of Edenton, with four rooms and several out-houses. Applv for terms to J. H. PERRY. For Sale . . . Fine Seed Potatoes I have for sale about fifty barrels of fine seed potatoes (Irish) fall crop, at reason able prices; will sell in any quantity desired. Apply to J. H. PERRY. Posted. I have this day posted Straw berry Hill and the Lewton lands. All persons are for bidden to trespass in any way upon either of these tracts. J. II. PERRY. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE- Bank of E dent on At the Clcse of Business Dec. 13th, '95 RESOURCES. Loans on real estate, S 52-2 Allot'uer loans and discounts, 2,645.06 Overdrafts, 1-73 Due from Hanks, 42,687. 12 Hanking llcuse, 3,628.44 Current expenses, 1, Si 2.53 Cash items 137-37 Gold coin 560. 00; Silver coin 52.467-43 3.-7.43 National Hank notes, 1 - 66' 00 United States notes J' ZS1.S53.S7 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in, Undivided profits, Deposits subject to check. $ 25,000 2.907 53,946.84 $ 81,853.87 I, George t Folk, Cashier of the Bank of Edenton, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. GEO. P. Folk, Cashier. Correct Attest; Julien Wood, W, O. Elliott Frank Wood; Directors. '.,e w sSP-e-.j-iessS- - .-a X J If T S look at these lovely things. J Corner MAIN and For Sale- 1 A fine lot South east corner of Kin:.; and Oakum streets well adapted to i any good business enterprise' having ! a large watei front. Said lot is about j 140 feet wide and 175 feet deep; can be i sold - 11 good ;erms. Annie to Mrs. M. Parish or in her absence to her agent, Mr. J.,. F. Ziegler, Ialeuto:'.. N. C. Notice. Having qualified as ICxecutor of the last w ill and testament of Mrs. t "attic riue Saunders, deceased. 'all persons iu debted to her estate are requested to make immediate payment. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present same duly proven to me ou or before Nov. 22nd. 1S96 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of same. J. 1). Hathmax, I:ec. V. M. Bond, Attorney. Kdenton, November 1S95. ARE YOUR FEET RIGHT AND LEFT? (lUgiitmd Tnde Mark.) tfftiraftotuita u&6r United SUtta and Foreign Patents. Knit right and Mt to conform to the shape of the foot, thus preventing many discom forts and insuring graat durability. t THE UP-TO-DATE STOCKING. Sold at Brinkley's Emporium. es Dt oH. W.' MtKm Fredonla, N. V., The Veteran Editor of the Fredonl Censor, writes Dr. Fanner: "I have been using: your Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic, and desire to say that I like it. I find it an admirable remedy for the biliousness, languor and nervous depres sion incident to the changing seasons, sufficiently physicinj; and yet not debiiir tating but strengthening instead." Blood and Liver Dr.Fenner'sReeddyN6Y8rFails, Nerve Tonic li is a Sarsaparilla-Mandrake-Prince' 1 Pine Alterative, Nerve Tonic and Restorative Compound. CERTAIN AS THE LAW OF GRAVITATION Physics from blood, liver and tissues all worn-out particles and impurities, instead, and Restores the Nerves, cares Mean acnes. uysepsia, constipa tion. Bad Breath. Skin Diseases. Old Sores, Dizziness. Scrofula. General Debility, etc. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sample free. Mother! Keep your child's stomach and bow. els healthy with Dr. Fenner'a Sennatorla The best laxative and corrective known. Dr, Former's Soothing Syrup. Allays Irritation and gives refreshing sleep. Dr. Fenner's Worm Syrup. "Brought U4 rorms from our child. Mraberlck.Elida.O.'' Dr.Fenner'sFAMiLv SaltRheum Ointment. est for skin eruptions. Piles, tiores. Cuu,etc f ' i u Lik THIS is why the PEOPLE come and stay with us: Courteous Treatment, One Price to All, Goods, the best, jK 1 O 1 CI n n ,a lglllCK OaleS,hma I i 1 VOTf t S j vajll-o . -j, . H iMV 1 51 1 "1 "ff6 tfV 4r f o I 1 uiii Don't You W nnt some of this same kind of treat ment ? We extend the invitation to you : COME and thou shalt receive. Remember all of our goods are warranted as represented and we explain to you the quality of every article and we give you a guarantee in writing for what we say ami stick up to our guarantee is whv we are called the RELIABLE WATE Ity, North Carolina. ! ... V . T Empty sacks furnished and Cash paid on delivery at Ed enton or 011 N. fe S. steamer at points on Chowan and Scuppei nong rivers. For Terms. &c . address. Is LOOK SDorting Goods in Abundance at Prices to Suit all. Double lireeelidoadiii (inns S-S 00 and up. Single nrecelidoading (inns $7 00 and up. Muzzle-loading (inns $2 50 and up. RIFLES AND AIR GUNS, mz- "IC C" Gun Powder in 1 lb canisters at 75 cents. Hazard Ducking Powder at 50 cents. Hazard Powder, V. G.,V. F. G., V. F. F. G. Empty Shells, 16, 12 and loguage; Shells loaded with E.C.powd-. r Shells loaded with black powder; Rifle and Pistol Cartridges. '.v '. - 'v Lcggins 75 cents; Hunting Coats .S5 cents; Bird Bags, Gun Covers, Loading Tools, Cleaning rod and tools, Shell Extrac tors, Breech closers or "crimpers," Wads and Wad Cutters, Powder Flasks and Shot Pouches, Gun Caps and Primers. -CS SLEIGH BELL MID SKATES, m- and all other goods usually kept in a first-class Ilardwarr Store, Very Cheap FOR GASH. Also 2 Bicycles, good as new, for $25, each. 1 .10 IN l .TO I JS i:ii;.ri'o', is. j. Reduction in PlllCES. Equisile It) infer fashions Full Stock Brand New Goods of Bvery Description. Just back from North where I spent 10 days in buying the greatest bargains ever offered in Kdenton. I want trade, and prices will make it- Just note how I slaughter them. The merchants will say how can he do it ? Come to my store and I will show you. 11 doz. Mens laundried Shirts i 10 aoz. Dress blurts at 5o cents, worth 75 cents. Big line underwear away under anything sold in Edenton. An immense line of Ladies fine capes from Si.5o up, worth double the amount. Entire line of Millinery to be closed jout at price. Big lot comforts from 50 cents up- Blankets from 75 cents to live dollars, worth double the amount. Ladies vests, good quality, at 2 5 cts. Mens at same price. Christmas toys at a great reduction. In Shoes and Clothing I have no competitor- A. good pair of Shoes for 90 cents, and a Suit from$3.oo up. Come and be convinced. 2vaorL t,v tiJL. JEWELERS. r E3D I TUT HERE.Jj 25 cents, worth 50 cents. Street. Mm WMSL - i 4 II