;s,iet3fna? and Farmer. Fntcr-d at the Post Office at Elizabeth Citv as sccoud class matter. IJLIJcIbISTH CITY, Aug. 14th, 1896. Inline Heart- oftiicGy 4 at the corner oi .Vater . mid Matthew up $ A T 6 stairs, is the oTfic-e of the Fisherman & Farmer Printing Com pany. Persons living business to transact are invited to call. 0 V;. no High Grade CONr.lICttCIAI. PRINTING. A CARD 1 j fhc public will find greatly ) reduced prices at 1 5 ricCabe AND ice's c-' m a We lake this method every summer to reduce crar stock in order to make rcJbm for Fall goods. Saturday, Tin to f Stlt, we put on sale 500 Umbrellas, Ladies and Gents, at prices that cannot be duplicated. J Fine quality, fast blacl 1 paragon frame, i'higlis' ( xloria, 26 inch, worth c 1 .c black, lish J N. P. U and -rents Gloria, ladies silver trimmed a Congo handles 79 cents. x Jbot 75. A 26 inch gen nine B. I4 sill worp serge frame crook LL 111 ! ; J V. X lcL, X with solid arairon acacia handles 98 cents; this um brella has never been re tailed for less than $1.75. Lovely silk and wool French and German Novel ties in dress goods, former price 75 cents, reduced to 55. In fact our entire line t ofdress goods we have re a duced t o unheard of prices. Lovely Lawns, DhmUies, Organdies and Mulls re duced THIS WEEK. T'i - if, crr.l iciivl now I . cents. 1 : ' ! o We have used the 111:- 111;' r Lrinu 111 OUi xiil i liici . 1- ir:ii:... cutting the price so low, that everybody will be able to tret stylish head gear at hard time prices. sold in April -.aid -May, 5 33.V per cent, better than last year, notwithstanding the hard times, we are push ing ahead steadily, we pro pose to make June keep company with the past two months if price, quality, style gofor anything. n sure and visit us when in need of anything iu our line and save at least from 10 to 20 per cent, on the dollar. i t McOabo & Grice, Leading Merchants and Hustlers, Water Street, !ji:aleth City.N.C. Sole Agents for I'.ntterieks Met r -nolitan jatterus. URBUN ivEWS. 3 U D C, AT1IKRKD UP BY OUR SPECIAL REPORTER. Mrs. Win. A. Ilalstead, of Ikrkley, is visiting relatives in IVisquotank. Mr Miles Saunders, o: irs giuia, Provi.l is visiting relative, nee. this county. at Miss Annie lioushal is teach i 11 ir lUibl school at Hampton School House, Camden county. Dr. Chas. Sa'vyer.oi Camden, had a very Hue buggy demoiish e.l a few nays ago by a run away horse. The bear recently caught near Jerea church and exhibited in the yard of Mr. Dennis Overman is dead. Miss Annie Wood and mother of Berkley spent last week at the home of Rev. T. G. Wood, iu Camden county. The horse of Mr. Tim Tern. ,!,vii umc stolen last week was found a few days ago on the kinks of the Dismal Swamp Ca nil in li.nrl roil ditiou. The thief niii in 1,11 rr;,-rri til o animal a hard 1 1 l.Vl X v v. i drive and stiff joints was the re suit. A very enjoyable aitair was the ice cream party given to the vouns neonle by Mr. and Mrs Dennis Overman last Thursday night at their elegant home near Berea. All passed oil liappny and pleasant. C. M. Great sales prove liic great mrit of Hood's Sarsapanlla, aim great men enables it to accomplish wouderiu News Adrift. PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." BRIEFLY RELATED. The Pith of the News Especially- Prepared for the Busy Reader. The dust is something fearful these days. Miss Gertie liland has return ed from Norfolk Mr. R. J. Mitchell is up from Nags Head for a few days. Miss Ella Pritchard left yess terday to visit friends in Camden. Mr. K. F. Aydlett and family left vesterday for Nas Head. Wanted Several vomit: en tlemen boarders. Appl oiYice. at this Fresh fish and salt were brought here this mullets '.-eek in abundance. A large number of small boats from the iowei counties in har bor this week. Mr. D. G. Dozier has removeo his family irom this place to Brambleton. Va. The steamer Newberne Will carry an excursion to Nag's Head next Sunday. The Fire Department will hold a very important meeting tosuight at the city hail. Mr. Frank Grice return d this week from Nags Head greatly improved in health. Mrs. P. S. Shipp left Monday for Plymouth, where she will spend several weeks. Mr. B. E. Byrd, the Optician of Edenton, w-asiii the city Wed nesday curoute to Nags Head. K. Davis vS: Co., bakers of this city, will soon open a branch bakery at Newport News, Va. mm- -mm I 1 - . T i i s .Mabel iv. ewe ill is occu- l'urress street, in which she moved Tues day. Messrs. Oliver Gilbert and Willis Gregory are spending the week in and around New York. The next meeting of the Epis copal Convocation of Edenton will be held at Aurora on Friday, August 28. The Populists met a few days ao at the Court House and ap- nnint'fl delegates to their State i - and District Conventions. Mrs. Yost and daughter, or Pk-wdnnd . O'mo. are visitincr at the charming home of Mr. & Mrs R. O. Pryor, 0:1 River Side. The Editors ot tuis paper are iu receipt of an invitation to at tend the lawn party to be given next Thursday near Belcross. Dr. C. S. Blackwell and wife are spending the week iu Vir ginia, attending the Camp Meet ing being held by Rev. Mr. Crane. Mt; Tms. A. Wilson, ot .Brain-, ;ct ton, Va., is spending j several 11c-ice 1 davs ni the city wit.i lie Mrs. M. II. Suowdet on Burgess street. T. Crawford Biggs led his class at the University, graduating 111 lie class of '96. He was pre pared at the Horner School, Ox ford, N. C. Mrs. C. L. Sandcrlin and chiU dreu, alter spending several days in the city, the guest ot Mrs. h,. Y. Nash, "nave returned to their home at Berkley, Va. Mr. Isaac Meekins, a young and promising attorney ot l yr- rell county, has located in iv.iza- th City. Ide and his wile ar- rived here Tuesday. Mrs. Owens, the lady who was so badlv iniured m theexplooion aboard the gas-boat "l-iicua, Mrtndav uuriit alter days 01 suilering. The Odd Fellows of this city j- 1 r 1 j who atteiKleu tlie txranu C!uue Encampment iu session last week at Newberne gives a most ex cellent report of their trip. Mr. C. D. Gallop, the clever and polite salesman in the store of Sawyer & Jones, nas Deen confined to his home for several days, but is able to be out again. The family of Mr. J. B. Flora, WHO nave utt ui.u.".b Pnnacca Springs at Littleton, N C. during the past few weeks, have cone to Nags Head to en joy the sea breeze awhile. Mr N. B. Cartwright, a former resident oi this city, now located at Oceola, Ark., is in town. This hene his first visit to ins oiu home during the past thirty years he will no doubt note many changes. The Elizabeth City Band left Wednesday for Windsor, Bertie county, to iurnish music ior the ,lin(r of the Confederate rnn11meut. unveiled at that in re on vesterday. The boys will probably return today. Members of the Naval Reserve who have not been measured for their uniform are requested to call at the store of R. J. Mitch ell, that this matter may be attended to. An afiray occurred yesterday afternoon on Water street be tween two white men, Quinton Forbs and Tosliua Stokely, both of whom were arrested by officer Sedgwick before they did each other much harm. Josh Davis, one of the wide awake hucksters in the city mar ket, was the first to offer Scup- peruong grapes for sale iu Eliz- abeth City this season. Josh is a hustler and a man vvho is ever on the watch for fresh goods. F. P. Hobgood, Jr., has been appointed to a Professorship in the Columbian College, Wash ington, D. C. At Wake Foiest College he led his class and graduated Valedictorian, He was prepared at Homers School, Oxford, N. C. The butcher stalls in the city market were rented Monday; only four of them were taken, No. 1 by V. T. Davis at S395, No. 2 by W. E. Pappeudick at $425, No. 3 by Caleb Walker at 302, No. 4 by Bland & Sawyer 3365. The other eight remains unoccupied. The fire alarm at 1 1 o'clock last F'rid av morning was caused by a slight fire iu the kitchen of Mr. George Bell, on West Main street. 1 he building was not much damaged, the flames being put out with buckets of water. The fire department responded, but was not in service. Zoei.ucr having bought out the "Great Western Art Studio," on Poindexter street, he is pre pared to astonish you on prices for copying and enlarging pic tures as long as that stock of frames last. Give him a call at once. He also has some crayon work on hand that the company didn't deliver. The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement on fourth page of this issue of "Farm for Rent." This is a very beautiful place and a splen did location for a Physician. For trucking purposes no better place could well be secured. If interested, any further informa tion wished, will be furnished by the owner. Tlie Methodist Sunday School will give another of their popular excursions to Nags Head next Tuesday, Aug. loth, on the steamer Newberne. As this will probably be the last excursion of the season it should receive tlie patronage of all those wish ing to spend a day of pleasure and recreation. Mr. Charles Morgan, a well known photographer of this county, has gone to Dare to pho tograph a number of historical points on Roanoke Island and around Nags Head. The views made by him will be used in Au;:si-y's Magazine, published at New York. Mr. Morgan will also have some of the views for sale when he returns. The young men's Literary So- ! cietv will give a public debate at the Atlantic Collegiate Iusti tutc next Friday night. The subject will be "Resolved that woman be allowed the right of fr-r. cnffNrnori " Tlit disrnssion XL will be entered into bv several I able speakers and all who attend may expect to hear some very interesting and instructive talks. No admission will be charged as the society take this opportunity to bring before the public the work done by this excellent or ganization. This year at the University, Oak Ridge Institute swept the honors. She furnished one of the two leaders of the class of 37 men; she had the first man in Greek; one of the five speakers at commencement; the President of the Y. M.C. A.; tlie Chief Marshal at Commencement, and one sub-marshal; the President of the Athletic Association; and the manager of the base ball club. A boy can sit still on a sleigh six inches square, tied to a sled going eight miles an hour, who couldn't sit on a sofa for five minutes ior a dollar. A man will sit on an inch edge of a board fence and talk politics for three hours. Put him in a church pew forty minutes and he gets nervous, twists, turns ana goes to sleep. A man will fill his - 1 mouth with tobacco until the juice of it runs down his chin, but a liair him. in his butter kilb Gongrcsional Convention. The Congressional Convention of the Democratic party of the First District is hereby called to meet in Washington on Tuesday, August 25th at 12 111. for the purpose of selecting a candidate for Congress, an elector and such other business as may come be fore it. By order of the Com mittee. W. B. Rodman, Chairman. District papers please copy. A Citizen Highly Honored. At the 49th annual session of the Grand Encampment of the I. O. O. F., held at Newberne last week, Mr. Westley Williams, a worthy citizen of Elizabeth City, was unanimously elected to the high office of Grand Pa triarchthe highest honor that can be reached in the order in Xorth Carolina. Mr. Williams-became an Odd Fellow in the year 1888 and has been an enthusiastic worker from the time of his initiation to the present. Pie has labored untire ingly for the promotion of Odd Fellowship and the high, office to which he has just been elected shows the esteem at which he is held by the members of the or der throughout the State. Mr. Williams was born in Norfolk county, Va., in the year 1850, and in 1879 he became a citizen of North Carolina, hav ing located in ElizabetTN City where he has been very success ful in business and won the es teem of everyone with whom he came-in contact, all of whom will no doubt congratulate him on reading this article. The Fisherman & Farmer offers its congratulation and bids him God speed in the work. May he continue to go forward until he reaches the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the World the high est tribunal of I. O. O. F. YEOPIM UFION. The Yeopim Union will con vene with the church at Ariel, Gates county, N. C, on the 5th Sunday and Friday and Saturday before in present month. Introductory sermon by Rev. W. P. Jordan; alternate r. B. Waff. Missionary sermon by Rev. Josiah Klliott; alternate W. F Watson. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: I. Is it right, or expedient, for our churches and Sunday schools to raise money ior religious pur poses by means of feasts, fairs, concerts. &c? assigned to Rev. M. D. Carpenter and Rev. Josiah Fdliott. II. Our Orph mage, its needs and our duty to it. To A. A. Parrish and W. B. Waff. III. The worth of good relig ious literature, and what is the best method to increase its cir culation and get our people to read more good books and pa pers? To W. B. Feltou and A. W. Burfoot. W. P. F EiroN, Secty. Yeopim Union. Dandruff is due to an enfeebled state of the skin. Hall's Hair Rencwcr quickens the nutritive functions of the sVln, heatin- and preventing the for mation ef dandruff. Lawn Partv Near Belcross Under the auspices of Mis- Ella Dee Gilbert at the residence of her father's Walter R. Gilbeit, near Belcross, will be given a Dawn Party beneath large shady oaks on Thursday evening, Aug. 20th, beginning at 5 o'clock. It will consist of merry games such as throwing grace hoops and KUOCK'n& ctuijucl, wmeu win played with the utmost dexteri ty. The beautiful grove and house will be illuminated with Chinese lanterns, and in their mellow light refreshments will , , 1- served. i nose wno ue pie ent will be cueereci witn ueiignt ful music, which will be render ed oy the South Mills Band, who are cordially invited to be pres ent. In fact every arrangement will be made to give each visitor a feast of fun and pleasure. The means derived from this occasion are for the benefit of the Infant Class rooms at Sawyer's Creek Baptist Church. The public re spectfully invited to attend. Zack. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. feet Health. Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bow-els and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT'S Liver PILLS Send to the Fisherman & Farmer office for nrmtinr 01 any kind. Our stock of enve lopes, linen and white note heads, bills, cards, posters, etc., is the best and most varied of any in this section. Call, see us on the street, or order by mail. nil. Dixie lau' is hot, I'm 'fraid, si Ninety-six in de pine tree shade, sir, i an away, Fan away Fan away down south in Dixie Sterling Silver! I Blouse ! Sets, 2 s cents. D T s Gold Plated A M Studs ! 15 and 25 cts.,ionly a set. 8 day Mantle Clocks, guaranteed, only $2.25. Sterling Silver Lorgnett Chains only 1.20. 6T Notice to County Chairman. All chairmen of county Dem ocratic Executive Committees will please send their names and postoffice address to the State chairman at once. They will also, as soon as practicable, scud to the State chairman the names and address of the township ex ecutive committees. Democratic newspapers iu the State will please give this notice prominence in their papers. By order of the Chairman. Jno. V. Thompson, Sec'y. lRf 1BT HEAHD OF IT. Even Thse Warm Days, Don't Stop the Crowd. There is always a way to reach the people. There is no time but what you need something even during these warm sum- mer days we have drawn the crowd We are now giving to every person that spends two dollars at our store a very hand some piece of glassware free of charge. Large berry bowls, cake ; stands, butter dishcs,pickle dish-; es, water pitencis, uuu swuus, &c. You may select any article you wish, free of charge. We have to do more for the people than any other store because, we get the cash. You would not want to give a present to anyone ; who got your goods on credit j would you ? We are determined j to sell out our entire stock of: summer goods prices dont stop us now-all clerks have been in- 1 4. 4 structca to cut prices ana uvi to , let anybody leave without buy- j iug. If you need anything, mat- j ters not how small, even little j small notions, you will find this wiir host chance to buy. Come ; and see the pretty presents which we are giving away besides. You can form some idea of what is being done at this store, from these prices : 2000 yards best French Ging hams, woith 12 ana 10 cents, now at half price, 5 cents yard Ladies black seamless Hose- was 1 5 cents, now to rents xv v..uw. Satin and gros grain Ribbon in all shades, the 1 5 cent width l ot o nsiyie ladies Mt. and Shirt Waist Sets. Ladies Sun Umbrellas-fast mi. ni;. rintli nt 7C cents:! some stores think they are sell- iug them cheap at 98 cents. The best Silk Umbrellas 111 the town at 98 cents, was $1.25 and a baream at uiui. 1 . i il. X 100 pair fc ISlen s hne blioes. rice everywhere $2.00 We are over stocked and they must go your chance now; special price . 1 1 1. . ,,,f ; t -7 c nrur. flnv O ClOSC lUCllx uui. tJ'-J 1 r J j -11 1.r 1itf tnp5 size ana m un v- tr describe our unlaundried Shirts at 49 cents. X 13 IX -'--.-' - Double back and tront and oest inen bosom. You use to pa 51.00 for this same shirt. Negligee shirts wun concur ttached all pretty colors-were co cents, now 35 cents. -a 1- 1 A r 1 nf li Our stock 01 reauy-uxauc xwx- ingwillgoat iNew otk cobt price good all wool men's suits at $5.00. 300 pairs wool ranis ui and $1.50, were 2.oo ,v nre after tlie wording ole who have only a few dollars 11 ,1 ... rrai- 111 and want all rney wu x:, theip Tf COStS VOU Lllllto xxi. " - - nothing to come and see. Mitchell The New Man Water Street. D 5 PERHAPS YOU IE 13VERYTHIIVG- OIV .rxd. IuBIDEB of HIO'W" PEICES. Solid Gold Baby Rin gs, only 20 cents. Ladies Solid Gold Watches, with El movement. stein o:il"- fiS..x). JSterliug Silver Thimbles Clocks, guaranteed, 25 cents only 75 cents. . J.clsUol.4l.1"i,:V.i: iauies eoiu m.eu. aiciies, wiui iv-i Watches with Klgin gin cr Waltharnj or Waltham move-movement, stem ments, stem wind, wind, only f: 2.00. only 512.50. : A;:ent for the Waveri y. Crescent, Kaie, Krie, Duke. A full line ofSpect.! , and Eye glasses.;" j lives fitted fiee of j elRirge; call and; i be fitted. FOB SALE 3,000 yards Sturgeon Nets als ready rigged, 2,000 yards of which have been ueu a montn, the other 1,000 yards used about a week; anchors, rubbers, sifts and everything complete and new for sturgeon fishing. Have also two fine boats lor sale, one 22 feet, the other 24 feet. Built of juniper, with cop per fastenings, and of fine model. The above will be sold at halt cost. Apply to BOND & JONES, Edenton, N. C. j or sale. Several Houses and Lots in Edenton. One residence on Church St. Six on Queen street. One on Court street. Two stores on Broad street. Will sell cither or all on easy terms. Apply to J. W. SPRUILL, Edenton, N. C. Anyonecontcmplating running 9 this season will do well to call on or write to ; 'A B- FUl USOIL, W Norfolk, Va. In Elizabeth City ,Pettits wharf, every Saturday, S a. 111., Monda 3 p. m. Uc : 'soul iriti- tli" I'etlit Line, A. & 1. K. li. Co., N. vS: r. Steamboat Co. i TTV OR SALS A good paying II Akl) A ALE 1 uushh-m, i'"vis w. .w.-...",- , . 'oi large nuns ana steam uoaus, 111 1 a town ot about 4000 lnnaui- Itants. Stock consists ot a com- plctc ine of stomboal an. .mil jsupp hes and general hardware. Can be purchased very lo v ror inruier iniui.uuui. n j at j j j Tins Oi-kick. CD P c3 P. w -- in W O P I li 8 THE SCXJXTE p j. full liacof knives, Gents solid o!t - iforks and spoons Watches, with El Kin or aItha;n;aKvays on hand in j;t:i or Wa'thAm tcrl;nir Silver ana movements, stem silver plated. iwind, only f 20.00. Nickle Alann'N. Y. Standard N. Y. Standard Cyclometers j Cyclometers tooo miles, ; 10,000 miles, only 80 cents, only $1.05. Sterling Silver' Childrcns t 1 r C Elllk Cult Sterling Silver Bracelets only 75 cents. Button ? only 35 cents. 95 model! One '96 model Wavcrly Wavcrly Bicycles, $42.5ocach Bicycle, only $50.00. Oil v. r ? - - r'TT JOHN I.. SAWYH51. lawyer & a x A FULL Dry Goods,Shoes, ClOthin O AVlllxlI'. ' x !! r V Bottom Priros to AH. Wntor !--?-. WE OFFER DELIVERED AT YOUR .HOAIE-- Pomeranian White Globe Turnip 1 Large White Norfolk 1 urnip True Red Top Flat Strap Leaf Amber Globe Finest Purple Top Yellow Rtita Haga And all other desirable varieties, Carefully grown from selected stock, Will jit pay you to buy doubtful turnip seeds from gen eralmerchaudise stores when you can get OURS at this price, delivered at your Post or Express Office ? No doub you can buy them a little cheaper, but isn't it worth ten or fifteen cents per pound to know what you are going to get ? Remember we pay the freight and guarantee safe delivery of the smallest package. Goo. IT si it ?"-oii. Seed Growers, a word wrm men. The people of jvlunlicth City, as well as visitors from tlie SiirioumlinK country, will find on Tearing street, one door from Water street, the retail Liquor, Cigar and Tobacco store, under the efficient aud popular management of Messrs Richard lierry and Edgar Shannon who have recently purchased the business of J. B. Hrocketl. This establishment, which has 1e come a favorite with peole who appr ciatc pure wines and liquors, line chewing tobacco and fragrant cigars, is largely patronized aud regarded as thoroughly reliable. The best of order is maintained, the .service is prompt aud courteous, the goods sold r.re of the best aud prices reasonable. Messrs. Kerry & Shannon are affable gentlemen, who study to please aud never fail in this particular. They have a large country and river trade aud fill promptly all orders, whether delivered in person or by mail, guaranteeing sat isfaction with tlie quality ana price 01 their goods. Call to see them, or ad dress all orders to Bkkry & Shannon, KlizabelhCity, N.C., and get the best. is selling SlillincTy lower than any $ 9 house in town, and not only are i A we selling cheap, but we are the ) Leaders of the styles in this i others are followers k rrnnds and evervthi of the styles in this town, all Jtlio A others are followers. Ve keep nice goods and everything is strictly f f up-to-date styles and are constant- j S ly adding the Novelties as they 1 appear. Do not fa il to go to the p f right place M, ffl & Co., Main Street, rear Water, i jIx Elizabeth City, N. C. WE must have help. We pay men and women 510 toJiS per week for easy home wort. No books or peddling Steady employment guaranteed. Send stamp for work and particulars at once. HERMANNS. SEYMOUR, 213 South Sixth Street, Philadelph"-,ra. S5n Hioading J oweler, I-.irfm; Watch. Clock and Jew elry repairing, we can't lo !U. w A T H E 5 New York Stand- ird Midget. Cvc'.o ncters, 10.000 ni'.es. only f I tstc;a wind audi tem set .aterlur watches, only f 2.50 J One ' model Wavcilv llolle Uicyclc only 150. oa' J 4 .... . i -1 Tilos t JoM-X Jones !! LINE OF HAT3 and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. :iii1 l1Stjt.21.il. 8 1A 1 Elizabeth City, N. C. H , f . 4,M Turnip j ) (' 4 gQctspcrlh 34 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va. fetched Could Not I"t or Sleep. LH.TrRR&0. "Stockton, N. Y., June 28, 1894. Dr. M. M. Fbnnur, Fredonia, N. Y. v Dear Sir: About 2 years ago I be came bilious, sallow, dyspeptic and mj system was generally run down. Lost appetite and flesh. Could not eat or sleep well, and had palpitation of tht fce&rt in fact I was so wretched and un nerved that on several occasions my friends thought I would not live till morning. Two bottles of vour Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic produced complete cure." itlfwwi and Liver Dr-Fenner's'HeverFails. Nervo Tonic is a Bar saparillc Mandrake-rnrutri Pine Alterative, Nerve Tonic end Restorative Compound. CERTAIN AS THE LAW OF GRAVITATION. Physics from blood, liver and tissues all worn-out particles ana impurities, without weakening but strengthening instead, and Restores the Nerve!. Cur HeaHchr, Dyspepsia, Constipa tion. Bad HreAtb, Bkln liw?a!i. Old Horeft IIzkId, Scrofula, uoucral LK-billty. etc. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sample free. Mnther? Kpn vnnr ehlld'i liomach and bow r bealtby with Dr. Feurcr'B Sennatoria. The bet laxative and cnt irrecuv ive known. Dr. Fonner"8 Soothing Syrup. i!djaTjatlonecdglve refrehn8 aleep. Tbr. Fenner'B Worrn Syrup. "Brought id worms from our enwa. Mrs.nnencic.e.iioa.v- Pr.Fenaer'st'AMiLV(SaltKb:utn)Olntment. best, for ekln cruptlana Files, boren, Cuto,eto $500 Reward! WE will pay the abve reward for any eate oi Liver Complaint. Dyipcpsla. Sick Headache. Ia diKestion Constipation or Coativeneu we cannot cure with Weafa VgeUble Liver rills, when the directiooa are strictly complied with. They r ourelv Vegetable, and never fail to Rive sat- idfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, cenU, nware of counterfeits and imitations. uine manufactured only by TIIK JOUN C WiiSX COMPANY, CH1CACO. ILL. XD Be(fer m d AT cures.

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