and Faprnep. .".vTat tlic Tost Office at Elizabeth 1 ' u'y M second class matter. rjZAHlVril CTY, At.g2ist, 1S96. T i at tlie corner oi .-. atcr ' and Matthew Sts: up stairs, is the oifu-e. of '4 the Fisherman & rKMKR,Priutin: vom ', pauy. Persons having business to transact are i invited to call. . ')v Hi"!- Cade . r':.M. lriNTING. aays :he public will find greatly reduced prices at f 7 .01 AINU unce's We take this method every .summer to reduce rir stock in order to make r&nn for Fall goods. Saturday 3 we put on saie .13 1.1a, 500 Umbrellas, Ladies and Gents, at prices that cannot he duplicated. Fine quality, fast black, ;-jar;igoii frame, ivnglish ( ' ijuria, 26 inch, worth 1.00 ;it 69 cents. X. I. U. Gloria, ladies and gents silver trimmed Congo handles 79 cents. )t 75. A 26 inch geu- k nine B. F. silk worp serge A umbrella, Paragon frame with solid acacia crook bundles 98 cents; this um brella has never been re tiiied for less than $1.75. Lovely silk and wool French and German Novel ties in dress goods, former .. . i-- 1 j.,. a once 7 cents, reoueeti lu a 55. in fact our entire line a of dress goods we have re a daced to unheard of prices a Lovely Lawns, Uimaties, V M ..A T,,11f. rr Y 9 News Adrift. PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." BRIEFLY RELATED. The Pith of the News Especially Prepared for the Busy Reader. Mr.George Waters spent Tues day at Norfolk. Mr. K. M. Stevens spent Sun, day in Currituck. Services will be held at all the churches next Sunday. Mr. John L. Sawyer went to Nags Head yesterday. Miss Dora Alexander is quite sick at her home in the first ward. Mr. J. F. T. Sieger spent a few davs at the sea-shore this wcck. Wanted Several young gen tlemen boarders. Apply at this office. About one hundred went to Nags Head last Sunday on the excursion. Miss Pattie Perry, oi' this city, is favoring relatives in DeTkley with a visit. Miss Lucy Gregory and broth er Vernon are spending the week in Virginia. Mrs. J. II. LeRoy and child ren are visiting this week in Tyrrell county. The family of Mr. William Pearce are moving this week to Washington, N. C. i? the Dennis Harris will oeeu- pulpit a cuced THIS WEEK. a 15 cent kind now 2'2 4 cents. 1 ) 11 S 6 We have used the prun ing kuiie in our Millinery, cuttim- b e nce so low, that everybody will be able to get stylish head gear at hard time prices. . ,r 3 sold in April wild May, cent, better than per i 1..- A the bar T , i , 1 i .... mg aiieaa steauuy, v.cpiu- year, notwithstanding times, we are push- py Church next Sunday. Subscribers not receiving tiieir paper regularly will phase give no lice at this offic-j. Joshua Wood, a typo of this office, is spending a two weeks vacation in Virginia Mr. M. j. Sawxcr, proprietor of the Albemarle House, is on the sick list this week. Miss Tallew Pri ukley , of Chowan -county, is visiting Mrs. Mamie Smith, :n first ward. The new and handsome hall erected on Road street by the Odd Fellows has been completed Mr. Benj. Armstrong and fam ily left yesterday to spend a few days with friends at Columbia, N. C. Mrs. j. S. Rogr and daughter, Miss Lenuie, are at Nags Head to enjoy the pleasures of the sea shove. Mr. Will Smith and family, of Pittsburg, Pa., have been spend, iug the week with relatives in this city. Several moiniuent Republi cans of this place attended the Populist convention at iy.lentou Wednesday. Fred Iy. Carr led his class on entrance at the University, grad uated summa cum laude in class of95. He was from the Hor ner School, Oxford, N. C. The B. Y. P. U. meets every Tuesday at 8:15 p. in. Subject for next Tuesday night, ''China," (Conquest Meeting). The meet ing will be in charge of Mr. J. D. Sykes. The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of Louis Selig, wlio is offering some rare bargains in jewelry. He is the recognized leader in this line. Work at the Elizabeth City Cotton Mills is being pushed forward with great rapidity. Is thought that the machinery will be put in motion about the twid dle of October. The store recently occupied by Sartorious, the jeweler, on Water street, is being moved to the first ward, to give place to a large brick budding to be erect-, cd by T. P. Nash. The steam stump-puller, Roa noke, arrived here yesterday en route for the Dismal Swamp Car nal, to begin work on this end of same. Work on the canal is progressing rapidly. Rev. J. H. Hall returned yes--: terday from Hatteras and Ocras ; coke, where he has been conduc ting Ouarteily Meetings for Pre siding Klucr John, who is o(l nr-nf inn from Norfolk this office yesterday stating that Dr. C. S. Blackwc-11 of this place was quite- sick in that city, but the attending phy sician give hopes ol complete reeovery'whhin a week or ten days. Last Friday death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs.D.R. Mum den, in first ward, and removed from the loud parents' care their daughter Lola, a bright child of 23 months, who was buried Sat urday afternoon in Overman's cemetery. We tender our thanks to Mr. Fred II. Ziegler for a box of de licious grapes sent us on yester day, the finest we have seen this season. They were of Mr. Zieg ler'sown cultivation, who, by tliewav. has one of the finest spending nis v his telegram reached Father and Daughter Dead. Miss Minnie Beals, a young lady from Currituck, who has been in the city for the purpose of having her eyes treated, and who has been stopping at the residence of Mr. Dozier, on Doyer street, was taken, ill and died Tuesday night. -Her parents had been sent for and arrived Tuesday. At 11:30 p.m. the father retired apparently in the best ot health, was also taken ill and died the same' night, of heait failure, supposed to have been brought on by his grief at the death of his daughter. The double iuneral was held Tuesday afternoon. Revival Meetings. The revival which has been in progress during the past two weeks at the court house hall, conductecLby Rev. Mr. Davis, of Wilson, N. C, continues with much interest. Mr. Davis is a soul-stirring preacher and a fine speaker, and his meetings have resulted in the conversion of eight person:-. Rev. Geo. P. Ruttcdge, of Norfolk, arrived here Wednesday and is assisting in -.lie meeting are large. jOtSr t - TX if-M '4 T2j Jeweler, terlin Silver: Solid Gold A ,n ii:w of knives tii ! tj.-. ! patches, v-ith Sets. 25 cents. only 20 cents.!' forks and spoons Watches, with 111 ilthain ahvavi; ou hand iu giu or Wa!tha::i :'-ovc::;, stvintcrl:ir Silver and movements, stem viuU, o:uv :s.(H). jsilvcr plated. dents solid tfoldl i?orfne Watch, w ind, only .v..oo. r Gold Plated 'Sterling Silverickle Alarm'X. Y. Standard N. V. Standard Studs j Thimbles : Clocks, Cyclometers j Cyclometers 15 and 25 cts.,:ouly guaranteed, ji)oo miles, iiiooo miles. 4. a set. i S da;- Mantle Clocks, 25 cents, only 75 cents. I only 80 cents, only 51.05. Ladies Cold fdled ,V at 1. lies with y-?f (Jo1:1 i-Sterling Silver! Childrcns Iin or or w-m:am move- movement. juaiunivui, ine 01ll3T $2.25. ;Olll iUt WaUliam! stem! stem wind,; wind, oalv $12.00. ' I Link Cuff Sterling Silvei buttons, Bracelets ollb 35 cents, only 75 cents. Sterling Silver! Lorgnett Chains only Crescent, Ka-le, Krie, Diike. I.20. 'VSS eye "Sr! - 95 model! One 96 model Kyes fitted fiee of avcrly Wavcrlv Sa nHSr" a': ' . Bicycles, i 42-5oeach. Clock and Jew elry rcpiiiin;, we can't be heat. New York Stand ird Midget, C cU note is. lo.oon niles, o::!y i i . ;.v 8 Stem wind atulj tern set aterhisr wate'aes. osilv i .v5 I Hicyclc, only 1 I One ' model Waverlv lVlle llieycle. only fso.)t w A T H E 5 Coi-'jjrecraticns a Li DROVNED AT HAGS HEAD Monday afternoon Marion Ktheridge, of Roanoke Island, was drowned within a hundred yards ot the Nags Plead pier. Mr. Ktheridge had been to Nags Head and was just leaving in his canoe for home. Soon after leaving the pier he went to fix something about the sail, when he slipped and fell overboard. The canoe was sailing rapidly ahead, leaving the struggling man in the water, who drowned before assistance could be ren dered. The body was recovered Tues day morning and taken to Ron. rrbors to be found in this sec-1 noke Island for interment. tiou. In judging a man's conduct we usually attribute tc him the mo tives which consciously or un consciously control our own conduct under like circling stances. We can often find out POLICE COURT. The following cases were dis posed of this week by the Mayor: Isaac Respass, col , drunk, our real motives by observing; the motives which we attribute j to others. j The emolovces of the Norfolk! lined 2.50. ).se to ma June keep c mipany with thepast two months if priec, quality, style go or anything. i'. sure and visit us when in iK'ed of anything in our line and save at least from 10 to 20 per cent, mi the dollar. McCabe & Grice, '. 11.; Merchants and Hustlers, Water Street, Elizabeth City.N.C. ents lor Hutrcneks .uet-ratterns. Ebjah McMnllan, col. .assault, fined ,$2.50. Henry Spencer, col., disorder- vc Southern Railroad are enjoy-i ly conduct, fined 2.50. iug their annual trip to Norfolk,! vvVni Qvermailf Vhite, drunk, Ocean View, Virginia Beach and j n,ed &2 ,Q Otliei 1)U1UlS llub Wv-L-K.. Ov-vtuu: r.'ii tir-! Oumton Porbes, v eALlit Vece:ivo nnvu .111 u.x..- 1 h ippy people passed here yester- j lllic1 IO- day and Wednesday with tn regular morning train. Notice to County Chairman. 1?4 All chairmen of county Dem ocratic Executive Committees will please send their names and postofnee address to the State chairman at once. They will 3,000 yards Sturgeon Nets alsj ready rigged, 2 ,000 yards of j A Stock of which have been ued a month, -sre-e. 'Will iFUm-cL tt iiev. j.iivyviii , , , 1 , . . - ' - tlir ntli'r i nnn v.iriK used n no rr also, as soon as practicable, send , ' , - , .:rf. nirtinti t lointncc ' to the vStatc chairman the names and address of the township ex ecutive committees. and everything complete Have also two fine boats lor n n Rayff. mmyR Vfc i aUsi aim !..; nm k2ja u!u -Mr' "--ra fgj$ Vzs' u Kaa , Democraticnewspapersinthe fc thc Qthcr State will please give this notice prominence m their papers. Py order of the Chairman. j"o. V. Thompson, Sec'y. P Ji in EPi! iPa II HNE HOT HEAHO OF il Even Thse Warm Days, Don't Stop the Crowd. feet. Built of juniper, with cop per fastenings, and of fine model. The above will be sold at halt cost. Apply to BOND oc JONES, Edeutou, N C. 2 or oaie. There is always a way to reach the people. There is no time but what you need something even during these warm sum- j the j to ; Several Houses paid Lots in Edenton. One residence on Church St. vSix on Queen street. One on Court street. Two stores on Broad street. Will sell either or all on easy E. f Hats and Consisting of Shoes, Clothing, Summer Dress Goods which will be closed out m irii f Call at once and buy before all are sold. SAWYER & JONES. Water Street. trr In fT V I v 1 fisrht- Don't suspect every man Miss Maftne Davis I e i t dav lor Norfolk where she 1 ue.-5- Z 0 K l . K i h a v 1 n ' bougnt out; the "Great Western Art Studio." UP at ! sec with his coat collar turned lit. wili i on Poiudcxter street, he is pre-j favor friends with A .1 t . her presence till Sent. ?rT rs Bettie daughter, oi Norioik imr Mrs. P. r .p'jiitaa YEOPIM UNION. The Yeopim Union will con vene with the church at Ariel, (kites county, N. C, on the. 5th Sunday and Friday and Saturday before in present month. Introductory sermon by Rev. W. P. Jordan; alternate W. B. Waff. Missionary sermon by Rev. siah Elliott; alternate W. F. Watson. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION: I. Is it rieht, or expedient, for our churches and Sunday schools j to raise 111. ney for religious pin poses by means of feasts, fairs occ.? assigned to Kev concerts M. D. Can enter and Rev. Josudi ot summer good: LeachUeld and ire visit- Mrs. P. II. Gregory, on Chut eh street. Mr.J. B. Weisiger left yester-j day for Fayetteviile to spend a few days wit h his wife, who is J there for the summer- Miss M. Patrick, of Tyrrell county, spent Sunday last at the home oi Mr. ana Mrs. W. J. Broughtou, on River Side. Mrs. Edward Wood, accom panied by son and daughter, of Edeutou, spent a few days in the city with relatives this week. Miss Nellie Re:d lias returned to her home at HagersLowu, Md., after a very pleasant visit to her friend Miss Maggie Hill in this city. Mr. D. R- Muuden, sailmaker, was at Hertford Monday nu-ass urintr Tacksou 6c I'deetwood's new tim, tor winch he nas an 1 order for avuings. Read wliat Sawyer ec Jones I have to sa" m tiieir aawuis ! nient tiiis week, and take ads re mar l-i-.i t)le sa;e ds now going on. pared to astonish you on prices for copying and enlarging pic- j fares as long as that stock of frames last. Give him a call at once. He also has some crayon work on hand that the company didn't deliver. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. i 1 Secre Apply to J. W. SPRUIDD, Edeutou, N. C. running about 19'years ot age.of Whimll, health. The secret of health is Perquimans county, who has ! the power to digest and assim- becn in the employ of P. H-! ilate a proper quanity of food. Brouellet at Berkley, Va about , . can neve; be done when twelve mouths, died Sunday of . typhoid fever. His remains ; the liver does not act it s part. passed through this city on the Q0yQU KfiOW thlS ? N. ec S. express Monday, J euroute for Wiufall for inter-1 Tutt s Liver ihils are an abso men t. lute cure for sick headache, dys- At a late hour Saturday night; pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, an old man, -whose name ve I ronstipctt-ion, torpid liver, piles, failed to learn, was run oyer by a j bUious fever biUous. wagon on Green street ; nd came . near being killed. The- night! ness and kindred diseases. was very dark and the old gen-1 Ttt'S LiVCf PillS tleman oemg iwiu ji nier davs we have drawn crowd. We are now giving everv person that spends two dollars at our store a very hand-; terms some piece of glassware free of; charge. Large berry bowls, cake stands, butter dishes.pickle dish-; es, water pitchers, fruit stands, x-e You mav select any article vou wish, free of charge. We ; Aiiyoiiecoiiteiuplatiiig have to do more for the people than any other store because, we o-et the cash. You would not want to give a present to anyone who got your goods on credit would you ? We are determined to sell out our entire stock of summer goods prices dont stop us uow--ali clerks have been in structed to cut prices and not to let anybody leave without buy ing. If yon need anythiug.mat ters not how small, even little small notions, you will, find this your best chance to buy. Come d see the pretty pieseiu.-. are saving away auc this :5easoii will do well to call on or write to A B. Furguson, Norfolk, Va. In Elizabeth City,Pcttit's wliarf, every Saturday, 8 a. m., Monday 3 p. m. WE OFFER DEI;IVEHED AT YOUR HOML Ponierauian White Globe Turnip j Large White Norfolk Turnip j True Red Top Flat Strap Leaf Turnip j Amber Globe )-(if Finest Purple Top Yellow Ruta Paga j And all other desirable varieties, Carefully grow n from selected stock, J 15 cts per Hi M.'-ir-i no annroacn i. t was not aware ot the in"- wagon until too late to clear 1, aiitage oi their t r r T . -. . . . 1 . 1 . . . . ... ll'.US: 11. rie w ;is u:ckl-u u in an unconscious condition and taken to his home. College athletics has become a great feature in college Mi fe in the eyes of boys. j. C. 1 5irc-s Elliott. II. Oar Orph mage, its needs and our duty to it. To A. A. P.irrish and W. B. Waff. III. The worth of good relig ious literature, and what is the best method to increase its cir culation and get our people to r- ad more good books and pa pers? To V. B. Eel ton and A. W. Burfoot. W. Ik Fulton, Secty. Yeopim Union. This year at the University, Oak Ridge Institute swept the honors. She furnished one of the two leaders of the class of 37 men; she had the first man in Greek; one of the five speakers at commencement; the President of the Y. M.C. A.; the Chief Marshal at Commencement, and one sub-marshal; the President of the Athletic Association; and the manager of the base ball club. - AWQRDilTK MEN. The r eopic Kiizabelli City, as ..y. ':! ,'.:-, visitors from the surrounding cou-.Hiy. wiii laid on Fearing street, o:.e ! ;-from Water street, the retail Li'-.;-'.', Cigar raid Tobacco store, "luder the eiiieient aud popular management i'eUU Line, A. X 1). K. it. :o., N. n: 1'. Steamboat Co. fi fc) 1: O JrL k A good paying II ARDW ARK business, having the patronage of large mills and steamboats, in a tovvn of about 4000 inhabi- which w besides. You can form some idea ot what is being done at this store, from these prices : 2000 yards best French Ging hams, woith 12 yl and 10 cents, now at half price, 5 cents yard. Ladies black seamless Hose was 15 cents, now 10 cents. Satin and gros grain Ribbon in all shades, the 1 5 cent width tor 10 cents yarn u u J plete line of steamboat and mill int nfupw s .v e lauies Bcltb , iL- , , , , lyVt j and Shirt Waist Sets Will jit pay you to buy doubtful turnip seeds from geu eralnierchandise stores when you can get OURS at this price, delivered at your Post or Express Office ? No doub you can buy them a little cheaper, but isn't it worth ten or fifteen cents per pound to know what you are going to get? Remember we pay the freight and guarnntee safe delivery of the smallest package. T5 -co. rdr"iit &z 011. Seed Growers, 34 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Yu. MEVOURFEETraGHTAmEFT? ! C Si C3, Wmmmrm Could Not Kat or Sleep. id blurt vaiSi o,u ,-lCan be purchased very low. Ladies Sun inb elUs-iast I infoxmation ap ack Gloria Llotn at , , ccU, me stores think they are sell- aL Mrs. L. Moil and daugnter, Irene, of New York, and Miss Salomousky, of Norfolk, Ya., are in the city visiting Mrs. J Salomousky, cor. Fearing and Poindexter streets. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. William Keatoudied Wednesday in Perquimans county, while on a visit. The remains were brought here yesterday and bunea in Hollywood Cemetery. Mr. J. H. LeRoy has associat ed himself in business with Mr. J. R. Pinner, the wholesale gro cer, which business will here after be conducted under .the name of J. R. Pinner ec Co. This office was favored with a delightful call on yesterday from Mr. L. F. Ziegler, of Edenton, who was in the city on his way home from Nags Head, accomv. pauied by his daughters, Susie and Ada 1 was a member of both the base ball and the foot-ball team at the ! of Messrsichard berry and Edgar University, yet die graduated the head of Ins ciass. fc,. L. Wregs ory of the Varsity base-ball team graduated magna cum laude. B F. Stanley graduated in thc. same class and was a great ball player on the same team. Stuart Hill also was a member of the same team. All these were from Horner School, Oxford, N. C. The young men's Literary So ciety will give a public debate at the Atlantic Collegiate Iusti tute to-night, Friday. The subject will be "Resolved that woman be allowed the right of free sufferage." The discussion will be entered into by several able speakers and all who attend may expect to hear some very interesting and instructive talks. No admission will be charged as the society take this opportunity to bring before the public the work done by this excellent organization. Shannon who have receutl purchased the business of J. K. Crockett. This e-tablis'i-ueiit, which has be come a favorite with people who appre ciate pi. re i-.e.s and lienors, fine ehevviiig tobacco and fragrant cigars, is largely patronized and regarded as thoroughly reliable. The best of order is maintained, the service is prompt and courteous, the goods sold" are of the best and prices reasonable. Messrs. berry & Shannon- are affable gentlemen, who sU.dy to please and never fail in this particular. They have a lare;e country and river trade and fill promptly all orders, whether delivered in rerson orbv mail, guaranteeing sat isfaction with the quality and price of their jjoods. Call to see them, or ad dress all orders to Berry bnAxsos, Kl izabeth City, N.C., and get the best. blac so ino- them cheap at 98 cents. The best Silk Umbrellas in the town at 98 cents, was $1.25 and a bargain at that. 300 pair Men's fine Shoes. Price everywhere $2.00. We are over stocked and they must go your chance now; special price to close them out $1.25 pair, any size and in all the late toes. 'Tis useless to- describe our unlaundried Shirts at 49 cents. Double back and front and best linen bosom. You use to pay $1.00 for this same shirt. Negligee shirts with collars attached all pretty colors-were 50 cents, now 35 cents. Our stock of ready-made cloth- will go at New oik cost tants. Stock consists of a com supplies and general hardware ply Knit right and left to conform to the shapo of the foot, thus preventing many discom forts and insuring great durability. THE UP-TO-DAH STOCKING. -rood all wool men's suits .00. Those who receive a copy of the Fisherman & Farmer this week, who are not already sub cribers, are invited to subscribe. ing price M 300 pairs wool Pants at i.23 and $1.50, were $2.00. We are after the working peos pie who have only a few dollars and want all they can get in times like these. It costs you nothing to come and see. Mitchell The New Man. Water Street. I CD P P in HI w o fi (Registered Tnulo Mark.) ftlaauX&eturt'il under failed SlaVu uud Teresa TatcDts. v rriuz WW "'w w w w i dliinr Millincrvlowerthnnanv . ... - rt - f bouse ia town, and not only ftrc i 9 . A of the styles in this town, all 'tho i i others are foUowers. We keep nice f . (Tnc.As. nnU nvr rvthiiic is strictlv A A t J . . j -r-. j m W up-to-date stvlcs and are constant- i ly adding the NoTcltie9as Uiey appear. Do not fail V r ri'Ait place. W w i w i to go to the 1 M. ffl&h & 0., t f Main Street, near Water, t., Elizabeth City, N. C. . T " K WE must i:aviv iiei.1. We pay men and women $10 to$i$ per week forcasy home work. No books or peddling. Steady employment guaranteed, bend gtamp lor wcrk anapanicuiarsatonce lR.Tt:RRbO. "Stockton, N. Y.June 28, 1894. Dr. M. M. Fenner, Frcdonia, N. Y. Dear Sir: About 2 years ago I be came bilious, sallow, dyspeptic end my system was generally run down. Lost appetite and flesh. Could not eat or sleep well, and had palpitation of th heart in fact I was so wretched and un nerved that on several occasions mj friends thought I would not live til! morning. Tum hnttles of vour Dlood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic produced a complete cure." moof! and Liver Dr.Fenner'sHeverFails. Nerve Tonic if a Karsaparilla-Mandrake-Prince? 1 Fine l Iterative, nerve ionic ana. Restorative Compound. CERTAIN AS THE LAW OF 6BAVITATI0H. Physics from blood, liver and tissues all worn-out particles and impurities, without weakening but strengthening instead, and Restores tho Nerves. Curp Heafaoncfl. uspepsia, xnmipa t!cn. bad BreAth, Skin Liea.s. Old Korea IUz7in-ss. Scrofula. Oecerai Deputy, etc. Satisfaction Quaranteed. Sample free. Mother! Keep yonr child's Btomach and bow ls bealtby with Dr. Fenner's Sennatorla. Xho best laxative and corrective known. Dr. Fenner's Soothing Syrup. Allays lrrltatloacd give refreshing leep. tr. Fenner's Worm Syrup. ''UrmiKht isj worms from our child. MnShrcc.Ellda0. r.Fenner'fcFAMiLY(SaUKheumJOIntmont. Xor 6 tin eruptions, rues, eorwih vum,mj TiF $500 Reward! XVE will pay the above reward for any cae ol Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In digestion Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with Wef Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly compueu wun. ucj are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give aat- cents. e iren- HERMANN & SEYMOUR. 213 South T? c: ii, c.Mt VliilftoInK Pa. I n.3r nf rnuntrrfrit and imitations. Tb ou M r- J VnuTicViicSfbTTUE JOUIIC.WB8 COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL.