,?n-irn; Pn innrii (STP- Largest Circulation OF ANY Weeklu 1 apcr Published In Eastern Carolina. reoplo Who Advertise In the Fisherman & Farmer ride in the Band Wagon. The music is uot only heard, but The Jlfusiciana are Seen. rm ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY, N C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 1896 ESTABLISHED 1886. -b$- g?3nLe Newspaper o UTirst District It is the little no tails that count Many anian whose linen is or trio Invest quality finds Vic careless laiin'dor- in'r. i make thern look right. '. MITCHELL, JC(lcitton,A (, r-r-r !. r y. iiohtox, EfizfthetJi ('tf,.V. C, Are our agents: goods i-Tc with tiiem will r oeive prompt atten tion. EST A BL I SHED 1 880. Tlie Most Reliable House in Norfolk. Ft-iJERSTElN & CO., ., Win lksaliv-- FISH COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i-uoT OF KOANOKE DOUK. Norfolk, Va. O.iick Sales, Prompt Returns. Ri-fuiene.j.s by IVrmi.-ision : i-ity ;itii--iil Lianl:; K. (I. Ih.nn Me; ear. t.ik' Agency; Southern and A.huns lvx press Co. We respectfully solicit a share your patronage. Stencils furnished on application. Los For Ladies, the Coin Toe, For Gents, the Bull Dog Toe, And other lute styles. DOYLE & S vi ALL. 1 .. Main St. NORFOLK, VA. ion Fisherman & Fanner. ESTABLISHED 1S87 1 OMMI.-WON MKR'"'HAN I S, 'aiisijiiiit'iit m Solicited, S ie 11 c i 1 s F u t n i hh e d . 15 NivisonSt; Norfolk,Ya. Wholesale Fish Commission Merchants, N'o. J-s, Roanoke Dock. Norfolk, Virginia. Reference- Bank of Commerce; R. G. Dunn Mer cantile Agency; Adams and Southern Express Company, or any large busi ness firm in Norfolk. r-Tk Sty HORRIBLE MURDER. A. Xvlan and His Vife Held up by Robbers. Chas. Kaiser, Jr., and his wife Emina, while driving alon i lonely road near Norristown, Pa. Wednesday night, were held up by two highwaymen. Mrs Kaiser wy shot through the head and instantly - killed and her husband wounded The robbers secured a quantity of money and jewelry and escaped. The police authorities of Bridgeport and Norristown were notified and the whole surround tng country is aflame with in dignatiou and horror. The Philadelphia authorities have joined in the chase for the men and detectives have been placed at every railroad station where they are like to be caught. A squad of mounted policemen is scouring Montgomery county. Kaiser and his wife were both about 28 years of are. They went to Norristown about six nonths ago Irom Manheim, Lancaster county, and did a thriving business at their store. WOMAN BLOCKED THEIR ESCAPE. Wli-K OF THE JAILER AT WOOD STOCK FOILS A PLOT OF THK PRISONERS. Tlie prisoners confined in the county jail at Woodstock, Va., mde a desperate attempt last Saturday niht to gain their iberty. Jailer Weiiger has been confined to his bed several weeks, and in the meantime Chief of Police Gearing has ass sisted in the care of the prisons ers. baturday mgnt aoout b o'clock Gearing went to prepare the prisoners for the night. While attempting to lock them in their respective cells he was struck on his head by one of them and was stunned. The men then made a rush for the stairway, .but Mrs. Weuger, hearing the noise, and knowing something was amiss, hurriedly locked the door leading from the stairway to the kitchen. When they saw they were baf fled by a woman they rushed for the open court, which is inclosed by a high wall. Mrs. Wenger went to the street and called for assistance, and the men were hustled back to their cells. They had made the attack on Police-, man Gearing with a piece of a chair which they had demolish ed tor the purpose. Editor J. E. Montgomery, of Marshall (111. 1 Democrat, states that for many years, he suffered untold agony from lvspep.sia. At last lie begau to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and by the time lie used six bottles, he was as well as ever. Cures others, will cure you. Biyan's Horoscope. As an infant he kicked vigor ously, and the doctor bet 16 to 1 lie would be President. When his school teacher heard him maice a speecn at six years he predicted then and there he would be Pr sklent. When lie went hunting at ten yjar. and killed sixteen ducksit one shot the neighbors declared with one voice he would be Pres iicut. When he ran awav from school and spent the whole day fishing his mother did not whip him, for she saw therein a certain sign that he would yet be Presis dent. Atlanta Constitution. 1 1 What Fools these Mortals be." If McKinley is elected Presi dent the Rev. John Oiler, a Bap tist minister, of Loalton, UI110, will preach a sermon with his coat, vest and trousers turned wrong s de out. If Bryan is elected Davis Armstrong, Jr., a coal operator, will attend church with his apparel reversed to hear the Rev. Mr. Oiler's sermon. Such was the agreement made there. People never appreciate a good thing until thay have lost it Hold fast to the Park Fair. A Bad Freight Wreck. ounaay mgnt a treight train on the Norfolk & Western Road O 1 ... . . . was wrecked near Zuni Station Va. The accident is said to have been caused by the break ing of the axle of one of the for ward cars. Twelve of the cars were thrown down an embank inent and very badly knocked to pieces. Several ot them had their trucks torn completely off. Some of the cars were leaded witn cattie, but none were in jured. Ellis Wilson, of Peters burg, a colored brakeman on the train, was caught under the wreck and killed. His body wa horribly mangled. The track was torn up for some distance, and all trains were more or less delayed. A track was built around the wreck so that trains could be run until the main line was opened. Taken to Louisburg. James Moore, a white man, sou ot ex-bherilt Aloore. ot Franklin county, N. C, was taken Tuesday to Louisburg to be tried for murdering a negro named Jackson at a barbecue in hat county some two months ago. Both men were drunk ana the killing was the result of a Russell-Dockery discussion. It will be remembered that after the murder the colored people ecame very much enraged and troops had to be called out to protect the prisoner from lynchs ng. No trouble is now antici pated. While thoroueh in action, Ayer's Pills strengthen rather than stimulate the excretory organs. Leading phys icians recommend them because they are free from caiomel or other injurious drugs, being composed entirely of the best vegetable aperients. Hanna's Hirelings. Republican leaders admitted to-day that detectives would be here to work for their cause on November 3rd. The men who will work in this part ot the State will arrive here some time next week. They will be sent to various parts of the district the next day after their arrival. Their mission is to force as many men as possible to vote for McKinley and Hobart. They have been empowered to use any scheme possible. They are re quested to scare as many Demo crats as possible away from the polls. Richmond State, 22a1. One Will be Baldheaded. Two well known Richmond men made a very peculiar agree ment last night regarding the re sult of the approaching election. One of them proposed to the other that he would bet his hair and whiskers that Bryan would be victorious, and an agreement to this effect was at once entered 1 . 1 into. No matter how me elec tion goes one of the gentlemen must have his head shaved and his beard cut off. Richmond Dispatch Gun Goes Off instantly when you poll the trigger. So sickness may come on suddenly. But it takes time to load the gun, and it takes time to get ready for those ex plosions called diseases. Coughs, colds, any "attack," whatever the subject be, often means pre ceding weakness and poor blood. Are you getting thin? Is your appetite poor Are you losing that snap, energy and vigor that make "clear-headedness Do one thing: build up your whole system with SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil. It is the essence of nourishment. It does not nauseate, does not trouble the stomach. " And it replaces all that disease robs you of. A book telling more about it sent free. Ask for it. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. S Ml z y 1 Maj. Guthrie's Address. The Populist Candidate for Governor Ui ges the Populists to be True to Principal and to Vote for no Goldbug. A Protest Against Destroying the Principle of a Non-Partisan Judiciary. To the People s Party Voters of Wiil you now, on the eve nag and the principles you profess to love? Will you lured into the camp ot Mark ed? I refuse to believe it and will not be convinced to the contrary until your votes shall be counted and returned. Will you take the earnest advice, and listen to this last appeal of him whom you honored with your confidence at our last State convention by nominating me as your choice for the office of Governor? Will you fail to vote for EACH AND EVERY elector on the Bryan Presidential ticket? Will you vote for a gold-bug to represent you in the next Congress of the United States? Will you throw away your votes for a Congressman upon Populist "decoys" in the Filth and Ninth Congressional districts and thereby help to elect gold-bugs instead of free silver Congressmen in those districts? Will you vote for mem bers of the General Assembly pledged to support Senator Pritchard or any other gold bug Republican for a seat in the Senate of the United States? TlKse are questions of vital importance to us as a political party which you can only answer with your ballots and your personal influence. I beg, I beseech, I implore you, as you love your party and the principles you profess, and which We have taught the people are based upon the sound principles of patriotic constitutional government, stand in this crisis by the principles and teachings of the People's Party , or else prepare yourself to see your party go to pieces and become a by-word and a reproach among men. Have you forgotten so soon the principle laid down at our State Convention only two years ago, relating to a non partisan judiciary? Are you mindful of the fact that if you vote for Col. Douglass for Supreme Court Judge you will do so in direct violation of that principle, and give to the Republican Party three members out of five of the Supreme court justices? Will you do it? If by your votes you elect Col. Douglass, a Repub lican, instead of Hon. A. C. Avery, the sitting member of the Supreme court, and thereby give the Republicans a majority of the Supreme court, then, let every People's Party man in North Carolina hang his head in shame and never again advocate a non-partisan judiciary. There is only one Superior court judge to be voted for at this election, and he is to fill a vacancy in the Fifth Judicial district, where I myself, reside. No People's Party lawyer has been nominated for that office. My neighbor, friend and fellow-townsman, Mr. James S. Manning, of Durham, is the Democratic candidate for that office. I know Mr. Manning to be a learned lawyei of many years' practice, and a gentleman of integrity and high personal character. His opponent is the Republican clerk of Caswell county. Unless you are to renounce the wholesome principle of a non parti san judiciary, I ask you to vote for Mr. Manning and see to it that his name is on your ticket, or if not, scratch Mr. Spencer Adams and put itth.re. Let me caution you to be careful to read the names on your tickets before they are put into the ballot boxes. My People's Party friends, think on these things, and before U is too late ask yourselves the question, What is the right thing for me to do? Then, knowing what is right, have the manhood to go to the polls next Tuesday and do the right thing, honestly and fearlessly. I beg to assure you as to my personal candidacy for Governor, it gives me little concern what the result as to my own election or defeat may be; but the future status of the People's Party in North Carolina, and the right decision of the vital questions of governmental policy, State and National, involved in this political contest, cause me thedeep est anxiety. As you love your country, your neighbors, your families, and your dearest interests, and would restoie prosper ity and happiness to the whole people, show yourselves as pa triotic at the polls next Tuesday as all true Populists have heretofore professed to be. Let us show to the world that we are not a gang of professional office-seekers, but a band of polit ical patriots, moved to action by love of country .and a propee conception of the duties and responsibilities, as well as thr privileges of American citizenship. Holy writ and human experience both alike teach us that "a tree is known bv its fruits," and "a man's acts speaks louder than words." Let us prove onr political faith by our political acts. WM. A. GUTHRIE. Durham N. C, Oct 27th, 1896. Storm in New Orleans. A special from New Orleans says a severe rain, wind and thunder storm, which passed over New Orleans Wednesday caused one death and did other damage. The lightning, which was very heavy, struck five houses. A large number of trees were blown down, and houses were unroofed. A Duel in Georgia. Wednesday last at Maysville, about twelve miles from Augusta Ga., Henry Norvell shot and killed Dr. Rose in an impromptu duel with shot guns. The shoot ing was the result of a quarrel which occurred some time ago. Norvell was also badly wounded in the shoulder. It is hoped no Populist will scratch the Democratic electors in this State. Every one.' who does it, will cast half a vote for McKinley. Merchants and traders, bear in mind that all exhibitors will be allowed the privilege ef selling and delivering goods during the Fair. Now is your opportunity to secure space. Don't neglect it. , North Carolina: of the election, desert our party be aK Hanna and politically siaugliter- What Ails Him? , The Baltimore Herald has got i hold of a new Western fable. A man in lutuana swallowed a T-.-l? 11 1 potato bug and fearing the in sect would harm him, took a dose of Paris green to kill the bug ine net aid does not seem to know what to make of it, and is away off on its interpretation with regard to the business of the foolkiller. The true expla nation is this: The man in In diana was a gold delegate to Chicago. The potato bug was the Democratic platform and nominees, ihe dose of Paris green was Palmer and Buckwer. New Orleans Times Democrat The Longest Bridge. Ihe longest bridge in the world is the Lion bridge, near baugong, China. It extends c V miles over an area of the Yellow sea, and it is supported by 300 huge stone arches. The roadway is 70 feet above the water and is enclosed in an iron net-work. Blood is Life. It is the medium which carries to every nerve, muscle, organ and fibre its nourishment and strength. If the blood is pure, rich and healthy you will be well; if impure, disease will soon overtake you. Hood's Sarsapa rilla has power to keep you in health by making your blood rich and pure. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness. 25 cents. A MISER'S LOSS- The Savings of Years in An Old flair Truak Stolen. Mr. William lies, a prominent and miserly Ctrmer, who lives near Auriiiou Springs, Halifax county, Xortli Carolina, was robbed of J305 in cash Sunday morninir. .Mr. lies kept his hard-earned cash in an old-fash ioned hair-top trunk in the hous . Su -day morning, while Mr. lies was at breakfasl, the royue. evidently one familiar with the premises, entered the room in which the treasure was kept, secured the trunk, and then made off to an old field, where the trunk was broken open and rifled of its contents. Mr. lies has been saving up this money for years, aud a good portion of it was in 5, 10 and $2o gold pieces. Mr. lies had denied himself many ot the comforts ot life in order to lay by something for old age, which is fast creeping upon him. The rogue was barefooted, and his tracks were found in the cotton field near the town. A negro was arrested on suspicion, and his tracks, without shoes, closely resembled those left by the thief. The evidence was not sufficient, however, to justify the trial jus tice in sending him on, conse quently he was released. DEATH OF EX-SPEAKER C. F. CRISP. In the death of Charles Fred crick Crisp, ex-Speaker of the National House of Representa tives, the State of Georgia loses one of its most foremost citizens aud the country at large an able egislator. Mr. Crisp was a na tive of England, but nearly all of his life was speut in Georgia, which State he loved and never seemed to tire of working for its interest. Aithough not a native- born American no one ever thought of doubting his Aniers canism, and in patriotism he yielded to no man. As Judge or egislator he was held in high esteem, and there is not a single member who served with him in Congress who will fail to sympa thize deeply with those he loved, .i 1 1 1 or tnemseives mourn nis iuss. Had he lived he would have been sent to the United States Senate from Georgia, a position for which he was eminently fitted and one with which the State of Georgia would have been glad to have honored him. PI is death is, therefore, all the more touching because it came at a time when he was on tne eve of realizing a hope which he hid cherished for years. In all the relations of life Mr. Crisp was a manly man, and his couns try aud State, as well as the Democratic Party, has sustained severe loss in his untimely death. Norfolk Virginian. Guthrie Vs. Ayer. All honest Populists should heed the solid advice of Maj Guthrie. He says to them "Don't stultify yourselves by voting for a free silver President, and then tie his hands by voting for a gold-bug Congressman." What does Aver say? "Do not discuss principles," and game of politics is being played. Vote to elect Settle, Linney, Pearson and White, four gold bugs, to Congress vote to make the Supreme court partisan by giving the Republicans the con trol; vote for me." Which advice will the Popu lists take? Destroyed by Fire. The planing mill of the Garys burg Manufacturing Company atGarysburg, N. C, was burned to the ground Monday morning, The fire originated from sparks from the fire box of the boiler which had been left opened The loss is estimated at between $6,000 and $8,000. EES THROWERS ARRESTED But, at the Request of Bryan Were Released. Chauncey Foster and L. J. Hauchett, two of the four stu dents of the Metropolitan Busi ness College accused of having thrown eggs at r. J. Bryan jand Mrs. Bryan, during the parade at Chicago Tuesday, were arrested. The boys are the sous of wealthy iamihes, and each is seventeen years of age. Later iu the day Foster and Hauchett confessed to the Chief of Police that they had thrown the eircs. They made the excuse that the act was a school boy freak. W'hen Mr. Bryan heard of the arrest he addressed the following letter to Thos. Gahen, chairman of the Democratic County Com mittee, regarding the matter: "I wish you would ask for the release of the boys arrested for throwing the eggs. I am sure it was an act of thoughtlessness and their arrest has doubtless been a sufficient lesson to them and to others." Late iu the afternoon the Chief of Police was compelled to release the two young prisons ers as after Mr. Bryan had writ ten his letter asking for their release it was evident that there would be no prosecution if the prisoners were arraigned. Before the prisoners had been released word was received from both families saying that the law could take its course, as no part in the defense would be taken by any of their relatives. Aiterwards both young men were expelled from college. McKinley Still For The Force Bill. When lie was a member of Congress, McKinley voted for the Force bill. During the pres ent campaign, some ex-Demo crats are supporting him for J A. G President, aud they have been proclaiming that if elected, he would veto a Porce bill. In or der to test this, Mr. Harby, of New York, tried to persuade Mr. McKinley to say he would oppose a Force bill for the South. He ailed, and writes the story of lis failure to the New Orleans Democrat. Of course h-i failed. McKinley never yet gave the South anything but cheap words, aud only then whtu he was beg ging Southern votes. If Mcs Kinley is elected, he will make every Democrat who voted for him or those decoy candidates, Palmer and Buckuer, regret it to the last day of his life. lix. When you take Simmons Liver Reg ulator this spring for your blood, aud for Malaria !e sure to note how well it works, and how quickly you find your selves improved in health and spirit. "I was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator, and its action was quick and thorough. It imparted a brisk and vigorous feeling. It is an excellent remedy." J. R. Hiland, Monroe. Iowa. Slaveholders and Goldbugs. Wendell Phillips, the great anti-slavery orator, once said that slaveholders always avoided the use of the word slavery They were ashamed of the in iquity and so gave it a softer name. With them it was the "peculiar institution. co it is with the goldbugs. They are ashamed to say they stand for gold money. They always speak of their iniquity as "sound money or "nonest money. a Evansville Courier. Worthy Your Confidence. The success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in conquering scrofula in whatever way it may manifest itself is vouched for by thousands who were severely afflicted by this prevalent disease, but who now rejoice over a permanent cure by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Scrofula may appear as a humor, or it may attack the glands of the neck, or break out in dreadful run ning sores on the body or limbs. At tacking the mucous mcmbrance, it may develop into catarrh or lodging in the lnngs lead to consumption. Corneas it may, a faithful course of treatment with Hood's Sarsaparilla will overcome it, for working upon the foundation of all diseases, impure blood, the system is clarified and vitalized, and vigor strength and health restored to the body. This paper for $1.00 a year. SILVER OB GOLD. Better than either is a healthy liver. If tho liver is O. K. tho man is 0. K. Ilia blood is kept pure, hi3 digestion perfect, and ha can enjoy lifo and act intelligently and patiently upon tho questions of the day. You all know what to take, "i ou havq known it for years. It is Simmons Liver Regulator SIMMONSN NREGUIATOR7 For years vou and vour f:ithra have found it of sterling worth. It is and always hu been i.ut tin only by J. II. Zeilin & Co. Ttko nonobut tho genuine. It haa tho Red Z on tho front of tho vraitor. and nothing elso ia tho eaxao, aud nothing bo good. E.M. WALKER & CO., Currituck C. H., N. C. Shippers and (Packers of all kind of ISH. BASS unci PERGH A Specialty. All Kind of GAME. All orders pioinptly attended to when accompanied with a part cash and balance C. O. 1). These goods are all fresh and ship ped daily to all parts of the country. H Give us Your Orders. y?r SIMPLE INQUIRY MAT DOLLARS. SAVE YOU Write for prices before plac ing ordersfor gravcstoncH o eeuietery work. Designs sontfreei -COUPER'S MAKBL.K WOKKS. lil, 113 & 115 Bank St., Noriolk V. DR. C. P. BOGERT, Surgeon and Mechanical DENTIST Edcntoii. N C Patients visited when requested. A WORD WITH WEN. The people of Kluabeth City, as well as visitors froui the surrounding country, will find on 1-caring .sticet, one door from Water street, the retail Liquor, Cigar aud Tobacco store, under the efficient aud popular muiugement of Messrs Kichard Herry ami Kdgar Shannon who have recently purchased the business of J. U. Brockett. This establishment, which has be come a favorite with people who appre ciate pure wines aud liquors, fine chewing tobacco and fragrant cigars, is argcly patronized and retarded as thoroughly reliable. The best of order is maintained, the service is prompt and courteous, the goods sold are of tlie best and prices reasonable. Messrs. Kerry & Hhaunou are affable gentlemen, who study to please and never fail in this particular. They have a large country and river trade and fill promptly all orders, whether delivered in person or by mail, guaranteeing sat isfaction with the quality and price of their goods. Call to see them, or ad dress all orders to Ukkrv & Shannon, lihzabeUi City, N.C., and get the best. S. H. Mnrrell, The Old Reliable Sail Maker. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, can be found at his old stand at the Short bridge, over James Spires store, Zimmerman Hall. i Canvas Furnished at Factory Prices. Awnings, Tents and Flags a bpecialty. All orders by mail promptly attend ed to. Old Canvass bought and sold. . O. Box 132, Elizabeth City, N. C. For Sale. Several Houses and Lots in Edenton. One residence on Church St. Six on Queen street. One on Court street. Two stores on Broad street. Will sell either or all on easy terms. Apply to J. W. SPRUILL, Edenton, N C.