Fishep.Tian and Fapmer8. Entered at the Post Office at Elizabeth City as second class matter. ELIZABETH CITY, Jan. lSth, 1897. i tl)c Hear oftlieGity at the corner oi v'v ater 4 and Matthew Sts, up stairs, is the offu-e. of i the Fisherman & T J Fam ?: 1: iug tom $ pany. Persons having 4 business to transact are f invited to call. We Do High Grade COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Yi IU t .O W You will See ' Are doing more busi- 5fSMiess than any two in Elizabeth City. They are selling goods at least hi 1:1 0 15 per cent er Cheap 4 than any other store. j They are carrying more stock than any two stores in town. i They do not resort to a small things to mak a sale. " rr1 1 II. n rr.f. - their customers; do not re sort to the plan of some of their neighbors : "What will you give ?" For tlie next 30 days they propose to sell the largest part of their stock It is common talk that Mc Cabe & Grice can't hold out selling goods at the prices they are now putting 4 on goods. 4 4 4 4 News Adrift. PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." BRIEFLY RELATED. The Pith of the News Especially Prepared for the Busy Reader. ! i ur ms Bargain? for the next Thirty Days will surpass anything that has ever been put before the public. 300 pairs Ladies Shoes made to sell at $2.00. we bought the whole lot, while they last 51 Og our price Shoes for everybody from the coarsest Alaska to the finest French Kid. J Rubber Shoes and Boots, ? from the little boys and J girls size to the largest 4 footed man or woman All ? shoes bought. of McCabe & i Grice are solid; we buy .( direct from the Factorys; ill no middle profit to our cus tomers. j'j When in need of any l:( thing in the Dry Goods, ) Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Cloaks and Capes, Silks, Satins, Dress Goods, &c, be sure and try them. McGABE & G-RICE, heading Merchants and Hustlers, Water Street. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. ropolitan Patterns. Mr. E. F. Aydlett has gone to New York on leeal business. Oyster boats have been scarce at Elizabeth City since ChrisU mas. Mr. Carrol G. Pool left yester- day to accept a position in New York. A full attendance is requested to-night at the Odd Fellows lodge. A large number of buildings are beiugerected in various parts of the ciiy. Mr.T, P.Nash has. gone to Norfolk to undergo 'a surgical operation. Mr. S. C. WhitehursLof Skys co, Dare county, was mi the city yesterday. Street Commissioner Berry is improving me SMewaiKS on Martin street. Full dress drill by the Naval Reserves next Tuesday night at he Armory. Mrs. W. H. Forbes of Curri tuck County is visting her par ents in this citv. Mrs. P. S. Shipp entertained her friends last night at her home in first ward. On the night of December 3 ist some person or persons laid cross -ties on the trae of the Norfolk & Southern Railroad, near the 48th mile post, aod.also placed some ties upright in cul vert 131. For evidence which will se cure the arrest and conviction of those who committed the above acts this company will pay One Hundred Dollars. The same sum will be paid also for like evidence against any other persons who may com mit similar acts elsewhere along the Railroad. M. K. King, Gen. Mgr. Norfolk, Va., Jan. ist, '97. Mrs. Bettie Holley, of Hert ford, is the guest of Mrs. C. L. Weeks in this city. A slight snow storm struck this city Wednesday, but was soon followed bv rain. An enjoyable party was given Wednesday night at the resi deuce of Mrs. T. S. White. The Miss Blanchards, of Hert ford, are spending the week with Mrs. T. S. White 111 this citv. Miss Ethel McMullan, of Hertford, is the guest of Mrs. O. McMullan on Pennsylvania Ave. Miss Eva Pailin entertained a number of her friends Monday- night at her home on Main street. We regret to announce that Mr. Edwaid Y. Nash continues quite ill at his home on Burgess street. The Steamer Neuse left here last night with the largest pass senger list she has carried out in quite awhile. Mrs. C. S. Blackwell will be at home to her friends Wednes day, Jan. 20th, from 3 to 6 o'clock p. 111. Miss Virginia Banks, of Greesboro, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Keaton, at Nixouton, this county. Wcduesday Mr. John Luton, a prominent farmer of this coun ty, died at his home near Nixon ton. Misses Fannie Kelley and Nannie Needham have returned home after a pleasant visit to friends at Shiloh. Nice line of gloves at very low prices at The Fair. An oyster roast was enjoyed by a number of young ladies and gentlemen at the iron foundry on Wednesday night. ' " Rev. J. Paul Spence, who has been visiting his old home for some time, returned to Kiuston, N. C , Saturday last. A party was given last Friday night by the young men of the city at the residence of Mr. Win. Broughton in first ward. Mr. Joseph Grimm, a tonsorial artist of Baltimore, has accepted a position at the shop of W. C. Parsons on Poindexter street. The firm of Dawson & Ben bury having dissolved by mutual consent, the business will be continued by the Misses Dawson. Mr. Isaac Meeki ns has gone to Columbia. N. C, to accompa-. ny his mother to Elizabeth City who will hereafter reside at this place. "A Popping Social'.' will be the feature at the Baptist church annex Tuesday night, Jan, 19th, under the 'management of the B. Y. P. U. " Miss Derrickson, of Petmsyk vania, who has been visiting the family of Mr. Geo. F. Derrickson on Main street, will leave to-day for her home. Having retired from the gro nptv business. Mr. G. D. B. Pritcharo has associated himself with C W. Stevens, the whole sale tobacconist. The Elizabeth City Naval Re serves have been invited by the Maryland Division to participate in the inaugural exercises on March 4th at Washington. WE DO NOT WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS, to sprite, but men of ability. $200 to $500 per mouth. Sarv or commission . State and general mana KACIft B FIRE ENGINE Co.. Racme. Wis. The store of Williams & Gor don, on Poindexter street, was broken into some time during Saturday night last, and robbed of about $ 200 worth of goods. The pulpit of the M. E.Church was occupied Sunday night by Rev. William Yost, of Cleveland, Ohio, who was here on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. R. O. Pryor. Quite a delightful and ainus- ing card party was given Tues day night at the home of Miss Helen Martin on Church street, which was largely attended and much enjoyed by the participants Examine the Ladies Wraps at TheFair before buying elsewhere Misses Bertha, Marion and Pearl Minson, who have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. L. A. Winder, on Church street, re turned home Monday, much to the regret of their many friends. The Fisherman & Farmel job printing department has been overrun this week with work. The people are fast finding out where to place their orders when they want upstosdate printing. Good work at living prices tell the tale. " - -. - 1 285 Overcoats ; that can be bought at only a little more than half their value at The Fair. ' Place your advertisement in the Fisherman & Farmer, a paper that is read by more peo ple than any other paper pub- ishedin Eastern Carolina. Don t be deceived. We have the largest circulation, then why not give us your ad ? Our rates are low. Some person fired at the south bound train yesterday shortly after leaving Elizabeth City, the j ball passing through the coach. No serious result followed, but lad anyone been sitting near the window through which the ball entered they would probably lave been killed. General Manager King offers a reward for the apprehension of the party who did it. Let an editor say some sharp cutting things about a man, no matter how just the criticsm may be, and thf fellow who is hit will go around mouthing for weeks telling what a poor editor the man who has censured him is. Let the editor put a compli-. mentary notice in his paper about said fellow and not a word of commendation does he hear, no matter how proud the one com plimented may be, nor how many extra copies he may beat the ed itor out of to send to his friends. TRAMPS. Last week two typical sueak thief tramps worked this town from door to door begging. Their very faces showed that they were sneak thieves. Sat urday night one of our stores were broken open. Suspicion pointed to tnese men. as our town grows, more and more of these tramps will strike us. These two men's presence here sent a thrill of fear and uneasi ness into scores of homes and hearts, and caused people last Friday and Saturday nights to sleep uneasily. Our police should meet these men as soon as they appear on the streets and order them to get out of the town in two hours. We can't afford to take risks on such cattle. Our police may claim that they have no author ity to arrest, or order on, a man who is doing nothing against the law. Well, other towns ar rest for "vagrancy," and we should be protected in the same way. The two men who were here were, no doubt, a part of a crowd that had been sent out of Portsmouth and Norfolk last week. We can t afford to wait until these tramps sneak in or break in some, house. They should be spotted and moved be fore they have time to "locate a job." AN ENJOYABLE SOCIAL. FIRE. Tuesday afternoon the dry kilns of the Elizabeth City Lum ber Company were consumed by fire, together with all the lumber therein. The Fire Department responded promptly, and, with four streams playing from the engine, saved the mill and furs ther destruction of the compa ny's property. We wish to thank the volun teer Fire Company for the prompt and efficient service rendered at our fire. We also wish to express our appreciation of the sympathy shown and for services rendered by our friends generally. Elizabeth City Lumber Co. Bill Forbidding Bloomers. A very enjoyable social was given on the night of the 6tb instant at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Mitchell in honor of Miss Marion Minson, of Balti more. Thvs occasion marks an event long to be remembered by all who were present. About half past nine the party had assem bled, and from then until half past twelve the whole evening seemed to be an enjoyable one. Miss Ada Melick started the evening's enjoyment by the ren dition of the prettiest piano music ever listened to. Miss Maggie Bell favored the party with several pretty songs, which, as usual, always pleases her hearers. Mr. Oliver Gilbert, in his own peculiar way, sang several comic songs, followed by Messrs Ben White and Lester Winder in a most charming duet. About 1 1. -30 the party was in vited in the dinning room and there was spread a most luscious lot of refreshments. The young ladies were all in full evening dress, while the young men were at their best. The party consisted of Miss Ma rian Minson with Mr. Ben White; Miss Sue Davis with Dr. Ike Fearing; Miss Ada Melick with Mr. Oliver Gilbert; Miss Maggie Hill with Mr. Will Trafton; Miss Ella Kramei with Mr. Lester Winder; Miss Maggie Bell with Mr. Logan Old. Marriages. The Populist Legislature of Kansas will reform the morals of the people if legislation can do it. Representative Lambert will in troduce a bill early in the ses sion prohibiting the wearing of bloomers by women, and make it a misdemeanor for a woman to appear in a public thoroughfare astride a bicycle. He says emi nent physicians agree Jtliat wo men aje ruining their health by riding the bicycle, and that the habit unfits them for the sacred duties of motherhood, and if con tinued will soon extinguish the race. Judge Clark is the oldest Jud ge on the State Supreme Court Bench, in length of service, hav ing served twenty years. Big cut in prices in Dress Goods Department, all winter (jonHi; markpfinnwii at The Pair. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Take advantage of the bad winter weather by reading al you can, and be sure that a good newspaper, such as the Fishers man & Farmer, is among your collection of reading matter. A Significant Departure. With the departure of another year when a review is made of the condition of affairs, it is only right that some thought be given to the physical body which enables everyone to battle with life's problem and figure for themselves the profit or loss on the trial balance shee . Thougn tne oanK a-couui may be large and each one's material gain be great, it v.-ould not be surprising if it .suddenly dawns upon many that ood health has been greatly impover ished by the low condition of the blood. It is in this state that the lactic acid in the vital fluid attacks the fibrous tissues, particularly the joints, making known the local manifestations of rheumatism. Thousands of people have found in Hood's Sarsaparilla the great blood purifier, a positive and permanent cure ior rnenmausm. Cupid has been industriously "making matches" since the ar- rival ot tne iNew Year, ana so far has perfected several cons tracts. On Sunday last at the bride's home near Kahuke, this county, Mr. Hodjrers Tames and Miss Kate Carter were married. After the ceremony a brilliant recep tion followed. Several of the bride's friends of Elizabeth City were present. Mr. Addison Stanton and Miss Bettie Fletcher were married on the 7th inst. near Weeksville, this county, J. W. Stokely 01-ficiatinsr Mr. Benj. Wed bee and Miss Louise Haskett were united in the hold bonds of matrimony at 10 o'clock a. m., on Wednesday at the residence of Mrs. J. H. Perry near Okisco. Mr. Wm. Stevenson, a mer chant of Elizabeth C ity, and Miss Webb, of New Hope, this coun ty, were married last Sunday. Having just added a new lot of type, border., ornaments, &c, for the proper and effective dis play of advertisements, this of fice is better equipped than evei to do your vork. Give us a trial. The Best Way to Cure Disease is to establish h - dth. Pure, rich blood means godd health. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood Purifier. It tones up the whole system, gives appetite and strength and causes weakness, oiervousness and pain to disappear. No other medicine has such a record of wonderful cu.res as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pill; assist digestion, prevent constipa tion. 25c. The men who advertise in the Fisherman & Farmer are the men who have faith in what they have to sell. Having a good thing to offer they want to sell it because the more used the better satisfaction it gives. w -Bt-a 1- Ju - 1 L 1 I 1 1 -f 1 1 I V- 1 FOR A 4673 P Mill m i w m m A Jewelry Solid Silver and Silver Plated Ware. Of fine Watches. Clocks and Jewelry .a Specialty. All work promptly done- Louis Selig, J-eading ewelfr. Elizabeth City, N- O- Whenever you Visit Be sure to take your meals at the RESTTJRANT No. 425, (New Number) East Main Street Open HDa,37- eirxd. ZLTIgfcLt- The proprietors are courteous and clever gentlemen and invite their North Carolina friends to call and see them MEMEY 5 "TTeutGlCLjccLaJlziex a,rxd. Jeweler Repairing of all kind neatly and quickly done. ENGRAVING A SPEGIALTY- Water Street, opposite Hotel Arlington Planting Time For Truck Peas 1 is some time off yet, but it isn't too soon to look into the question of the kind you should use the coming seasou. Don't take anybody's unsupported word as to their peas especially a traveling salesman's but get all the information you can on the subject ; talk with the best truckers in your section : ask them what they know about Tait's Extra H-iiiy Nonpareil Pea, and then send for the reports of your State Experiment Station on peas. Good Peas cost you no more in cultivation than bad stock and it will pay you to go to some trouble to get the best. We want you to do it, because you will then be prepared to accept our statement that we grow the best peas a Southern trucker can plant. Our Nonpareil the earliest, the purest and the handsomest early pea in existence is offered this year to cash buyers at S3. 50 per bushel. Goo. Tait Ac Son. Seed Growers. 34 Commercial Place Norfolk, Va. r YOU FEEL m IN THE MORNING FANn WANT A RRACPR I Sr HKD4CHE CURES ALL m ' r :KdGives new ufETrqjiiE nerves PREPARED BV tAEREL DRUG CO'BAuTMOREXDa iff. mwk Has opened a SALE, EXCHANGE, BOARD and LIVERY STABLE On Water Street, And solicits the patronage of his Friends and the public generally. cared for at the IXaj3A3 most reasonable terms- Stylish Turnouts for hire at all times. Give Him a Call. o Stable s on Water St. THE CITY MARKET, J. S. Sutton, Proprietor. Edenton, N.C. The Choicest Meats on hand "at all times. I It will be to your interest ) j LOWESTCAS PRICES ) to give us your orders, f j IN THE CITY. ) Fresh Vegetables a specialty. 9 POLITE ATTENTION ! o PROMPT DELIVERY I si MM iLVJ Empty sacks furnished and Cash paid on delivery at EDENTON or on N. & S. steamer at points on Cho wan and Scupper nong livers. Terms, &c. Address, EDENTON, N.C.