Fi rernan and Farmer. Watered at tli? Post Office at Elizabeth City as second class natter. ELI ', 115X11 CITY, Jan. 29th, 1897. of tl)c Gity I at the corner oi .Vater 4 and Matthew. St.-?, up 4 stairs, is the office of I the Fisherman & J Fam . iiitf -..'oin - $ pany. Persons having j business to transact are invited to call. 'A,'k !)) High Grade COMMERCIAL PUINTINO. You will News Adrift. PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." BRIEFLY RELATED. The Pith of the News Especially Prepared for the Busy Rpader. VVhy lEsX'&lb Are doing more busi- SMiess than any two in Elizabeth City. They are selling goo Is at least I; 0 15 per cent 1 Cheaper (S than any other store. f They are carrying more stock than any two stores in town. They do not resort to small things to mak a sale. They make the price to their customers; do not re sort to the plan of some of their neighbors : "What will you give ?" For Hie noxJ 30 days they propose to sell the largest part of their stock It is common talk that Mc Cabe & Grice can't hold out selling goods at the prices they are now putting on goods. (hir im jargain? T T T for the next Thirty Days will surpass anything that has ever been put before the public. 300 pairs Ladies Shoes made to sell at $2.00, we bought the whole lot, while they last $-1 pg our price Shoes for everybody from the coarsest Alaska to the finest French Kid. Rubber Shoes and Boots, from the little boys and girls size to the largest footed man or woman All shoes bought of McCabe & Grice are solid; we buy direct from the Factory s; no middle profit to our cus tomers. When in need of any thing in the Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Cloaks and Capes, Silks, Satins, Dress Goods, !jj ecc, be sure and try them. McCABE & GRICE, Leading Merchants and Hustlers, Water Street. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Agents for Butterick Met ropolitan Patterns. Mrs. Zack Goodwin'is very ill at her home on Cotta street. The city is now enveloped in a soft mantle of purest white. Currituck and Camden Union meets at Shawboro today, Friday. There will be an eclinse of the sun on February 1st, visible here. The tug Derrickson being dis abled had to be towed to the city Tuesday. Mr. R. W. Berry is the guest of his brother Mr. R. H. Berrv on Main street. A sugar pulling was enjoyed lasi night at the home of Miss Fannie Dawson. Mis. Sarah Nash and Mrs. C. G. Fearing are among those who are sick this week. Mr. Harry Whedbee, a young lawyer of Greenville, was in the city this week visiting relatives. Mr. Chailie Forest, saw filer at the mill of the E. City Lum ber Co., is at Norfolk this week. Our correspondents at Manteo and Glideu sent their news items in last week too late for publica tion. Dr. Ulackwell's sermon next Sunday night will be: "What soever a man soweth that shall 1 ne reap. A well is being sunk on West end of Main street to protect property in that neighborhood from fire. Miss Mae McCommick, of Norwood, Pa., will arrive here todav to visit the family of Mr. P. W. Melick. Members of the Circulating Library are requested to return the books they have to Miss Dawson's store. The Stmr. Plymouth was pull- A very charming social eventl occurred last night at the home of Miss Ruth Strong on Burgess I street, the occasion being an en tertainment eiven by several young gentlemen. Those pres ent report a delightful evening. ITS A GOOD SIGN. l ne article in last week s is sue of the Fisherman & Far mer was an eyesopener to many, as so quietly is the work going A stranger, who claimed to be Ion that few 01 our citizens real- a Red Man and a member of h2ed the extent of the building other fraternal orders, was in the hQQm nQw on hamL Aud thefe cuy mis weeK winning tnecon-i. fidence of a number of our citi- 15 no use to talk about lt' excC:Pt zens, from whom he secured a to let outsiders know about it, fat purse and skipped to the next J but Elizabeth City is taking town. I wnndprful stride fnrwarH in;f at On Friday last Mr. G. W. J present, and it will be even more Lassiter,of Norfolk, Va., and so when Soring- ooens. She is MissHattieE. Blankeuship, of Lfnrt- urv rlv -n u : 1 a - 1 1 - " '-'J J ivn-iimuuu, v a.., wcic maiucui. . . in this citv bv the Rev. Dr. C. KCCP " UP VCI ldlc- J j - 1 S. Blackwell. The couple re- vet triere is mucri to De done, turned to Norfolk immediately I There is plenty of work to be afterwards. raeeomnlished. The world must At the last meeting of the I know more about the town, and Naval Reserves a resolution was every citizen must keep disseni passed requiring a prompt at- inati knowledge j viiAii v vu uiiii nit: iiij. aiiu an v 1 u u u . vi . wnenever you rememDer a member beinp- absent wiMinnf a J reasonable excuse will be heavi J friend's adaess, write him aline y fined. Those interested are about what we are doing. Tell requested to remember this ors him of our town, its location, its der. I 1 lV 1 L 1JVJ, ItJ UUVUIliaVJ) lis Mr. W H. Zoeller returned Wednesday from Tarboro, where le was called to attend the fu neral of his father, Edward Zo eller, who died at that place on the2istinst. Mr. Zoeller was a very prominent citizen of Edge combe county and for 12 years was a Revenue Collector. At the time of his death he was 63 years of age. One of the sweetest entertain ments for little folks ever given in Elizabeth Citv new residences. Tell him of our cotton factory, our iron foundry, our mills, railways, steamboat occurred at Mnies our facilities for reaching the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. the markets of this country, the K. Kramer on last Saturday immense fishine and farming afternoon, the occasion being a section in the snrroundig "doll party" given by their . T c t - ?. charming little daughter, Edna, f""; In fact, give a full A large number of little maids, "escnpuon or xr city ana vicm- friends of little Edna, were pres- ity, and all these things will eut and, the merry ripple of cause him to think about it and childish lauediter and elee v,P i i W AAA t V VVlllV, U.11U 1 vvcl . 11 Jit. coupled with the brightness and beauty of their sweet little faces, was a sight once beheld left an impression never to be erased from one's memory. After games, consistent with their ages, had been indulged in, Mrs. Kramer treated the party to a spread of sweets. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Take advantage of the bad ed out Wednesday at Scotts raiK j wi"ter weather by reading al in ii On the night of December 31st .some person or persons laid cross ties on the track of the Norfolk & Southern Railroad, near the 4St!i mile post aod also placed some t'.es upright in cul vert 131. For evidence which will se cure the arrest and conviction of those who committed the above acts this company will pay One Hundred Dollars. The same sum will be paid also for like evidence against any other persons who may com mit similar acts elsewhere along -he Railroad. M. K. King, Gen. Mgr. Norfolk, Va.,Jan. 1st, '97. ways to be thoroughly overhaul ed and repaired. Mr. Aloza Kight of New York, has purchased the new residence recently erected on Maple street by Mr. W. J. Woodley. The card party given last night at the Arlington Hotel by Lieutenant and Mrs. Cantwell was a very enjoyable affair. Mr. T. P. Nash, who has been at the hospital at Norfolk for some days, has returned and is able to beat his business again. FHizabeth city is advancing. A drive about the city or walk down any street shows that new houses are looming in all direct tions. Rev. B. Krupp and Mr. F. Ruch, both of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Geo. Kockler, of Kansas, are the guest this week of Mr. R. O. Pryor at "Seven Pines." Mr. and Mrs. Archie Turner, who were joined in wedlock on Wednesday morning at William -ston, N. C, are the guest of Mr. Turner's mother in this city. The subscription list of the Fiserman & Farmer is steadily growing. Every week since the arrival of the New Year we have added a number of new names. Rev. B. C. Krupp returned to Pennsylvania yesterday, after being here several days superin tending the work on his dwelling going up near the Park. Mr. W J. Woodley has pur chased the Haywood Sawyer lot in front of the Baptist church on Main street, on which he will soon erect a very handsome res- idence. An alarm of fire was given last Friday night, which proved to be a small house on Speed street. The fire department responded promptly and renders ed good service. Miss Jennie Bailey and her brother are off to Norfolk, Va., and Washington, D. C, for a visit and to see the sights. Miss Jennie will not return until after es out and William comes in. Mr. Henry W. Scott, of Hamp ton, Va., an ex-resident of this and Camden counties, is spends ing the week here with his son, " - . . Mr. J. Scott. He tavred tins office on Tuesday with an agree able call. One of Elizabeth City's mot bewitching young ladies inform ed our reporter on yesterday that she would be married in time to witness the inauguration of Mc Kinley while on her bridal tour. Wait for the inauguration. The Fisherman & Farmer iob printing department has been doing some fine work this week. The people are fast finding out where to place their oraeis wnen they want upstcdate printing. you can, and be sure that a good newspaper, such as the FiSHERs man & Farmer, is among your collection of reading matter. HONOR ROLL is coming he must hurry up or his home will cost, him much more later on. I A4673 Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry Solid Silver, Silver plated ware, Clocks, Bric-a-brac and Sterling silver Novelties Why not get one of the latest things out We have iust received another suodIv. You will always have good luck if you have one Graveyard Rabbits Foot. 25c, 35c and 50c each. If you have not got one, get it at once, an M don't be behind time. -We have got what you waut:- Vinegrette bottles, from I1.25 to $3.00 each. Sterling silver Thimbles only 25 cts each. Kmery balls, 45 and 65 cents each. Ladies Sterling Silver Blouse Sets, 25 cts set. Sterling Silver Cuff Pins for Babies, 50 cts pair Nickle Alarm Clocks, 75 cents each. Sterling silver tea spoons, doz, $4.00 Rogers plated tea spoons, " .$i.25&$2.oo d Solid Gold Watches from $18.00 up Gentlemen or Ladies solid gold filled Watches with Elgin or Waltham movements from $13.00 to $20.00 The Celebrated Waterbury Watch, at $2.50 Prompt attention paid to mail orders. If your Watch or Clock ueads repairing bring it to me and I will guarantee satisfaction. The Leading g J e weler, fEIizabeth City, N- C izac 2X 1ULLL Whenever you Visit Why will you buy bitter nauseating toeics when C2-r- rX'ust-le-4 Cliill Tonic? is as pleas ant as Lemon Syrup. Your druggist is authorized to refund the money in every case where it fails to cure. Price, 50 cents. OF E. CITY PUBLIC SCHOOL FOR 1 MONTH ENDING JAN. 20, '97. Frank Hopkins, Willie Hyatt, Jule Sawyer, Robt. Lamb, Ems ma Markham, Philip Sawyer, Maud Pritchard, Dora Salomon sky, Katie Sanders; Louise Hall, Occa Forbes Mattie Sanders, Carrie Lane, Mary Andrews, Louise Swain, Mary Wynn, Juo. Brockett, Leta Andrews. A SILVER WEDDING. You will Never be Sorry For living a pure life. For doing your level best. For being kind to the poor. For hearing before judging. For standing by your princi ples. FAor stopping your ears to gos sip. For bridling a slanderous tongue. For being square in business dealings. For giving an unfortunate fels low a life. For promptness in keping you promises. For putting best constructions on acts of others. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bailey were complimented on the occa sion of their twenty-fifth mar riage anniversary by some twenty-five, or more, of their friends last Monday, Jan. 25th, and the twentysfive guests were treated to more than twenty-five kinds of good things to eat and drink. The dinner served by Mrs. Bais ley was indeed a sumptous affair. Among the guests were Capt. Samuel Waters and wife; Capt. Nathan Walker and wife; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Madrin; Rev. and Mrs. C. S. Blackwell; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ives; Mr. and Mrs. Lycurgus Modlin; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis; Capt. and Mrs, Speuce, together with quite a number of unmarried friends, among whom were Miss Katie Stallings, Messrs. West and others. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have four devoted children in their happy home, two of whom are now charming young ladies, Misses Jennie and Ora. May this happy couple live to enjoy their golden anniversary. WE DO NOT WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS, to write, but men ot ut ility. $200 to $500 per month salarv or commission. State and general mana. gers. KACISE FIRE ENGINE Co., Raciue, Wis- The men who advertise in the Fisherman & Farmer are the men who have faith in what they have to sell. Having a good thing to offer they want to sell it because the more used the better satisfaction it gives. Be sure to take your meals at the RESTURANT OF No. 425, (New Number) East Main Street. mif ..c; mm The proprietors are courteous and clever gentlemen and invite their North Carolina friends to call aud see them. 53 "7vra,tclx32Q.a,3:er jam-d Jewel er Repairing of all kind neatly and quickly done. Has opened a SALE, EXCHANGK, BOARD and LIVERY STABLE On Water Street, rXiQrjRT, jar, ipm Aud solicits the patronage of Ins Friends and the public generally. cared for at the most reasonable terms- Stylish Turnouts for hire at all times.- Give Him a Call.- Stables on Water St. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. ENGRAVING A SPEGIAIxTY Water Street, opposite Hotel Arlington A Day's Difference in picking Peas He fso limila signature Of ' iS OB trnj vrappe& Having just added a new lot of type, borders, ornaments, &x, for the proper and effective dis play of advertisements, this of fice is better equipped than evei to do your work. Give us a trial. A dose that is always seasonable is a dose of Simmons Liver regulator, the "King of Liver Meuidiues.'' Its keeps the liver active; the bowels regular; pre vents lHliousnesb; and promotes digest ion. In fact helps keep you well. "I have watched its effects in familcs v h 1 e I have practiced, aud find admiraole; both alterative and tonic in its action. "... Dr. T. W. Mansou, Macon, Ua. This paper for $1.00 a year. Mrs. D. II. IIorsxyder, 152 Pacific 'Ave., Santa Cruz, Cal., writes: " When a girl at school, in Reading, Ohio, I had a severe attack of brain fever. On my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, for a long time, I feared I should be permanently so. Friend3 urged me to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, and I now have as fine a head of hair as one could wish for, being changed, how ever, from blonde to dark brown." " After a fit of sickness, my hair came out in combfulls. I used two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard long and very full and heavy. I have recom mended this preparation to others with like good effect." Mrs. Sidney Carr, 14G0 Kegina St., Harrisburg, Pa. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years and always obtained satis factory results. I know it is the best preparation for the hair that is made." C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ay er & Co., Lowell, K often means the difference between profit and loss. All truckers, whether experienced o. not, know this 'to be true. If it is true, and if we ca.i prove that our Nonpareil is not only a pure, handsome, prolific extra early pea, but that it is also the earliest by several days, shouldn't you consider whether you do right in planting any other kind. Here is some we have more : Of fifty brands of extra early peas selected by the North Carolina Experiment Station for competitive tests, ours were the earliest and the only ones given special praise. In similar tests at the Virginia Experiment Station, ours were the earliest and the only ones given special praise. All our peas are perfectly pure but the Nonpareil is the earliesi evesy time. It will be so.d this season at S3. 50 per bushel for cash.) Don't take the risk of being too late for the sake of saving fifty cents or so per bushel It isn't senaible. We will ship your order the day it is received. THE CITY MARKET, J. S. Sutton, Proprietor. Edenton, N.C. The Choicest Meats on hand at all times. ( It will be to your interest ) I LOWESTCAS PRICES t to give us your orders. J 2 IN THE CITY. Fresh Vegetables a specialty.- POLITE ATTENTION ! PROMPT DELIVERY t Goo. Tait Ac Son. Seed Growers. 34 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va. Hr YOU FEEL BAD IN THE MORNING f AND VyfT A BRACER, USE. 0S ALL HtGHES, AND GIVES NEWUfE T0)TflE 2 LARGE DOSES rOR lOi PREBRED BY tAEKEL DRUG COiBAITIMQREXDrf) Ell MB Empty sacks furnished and Cash paid on delivery at EDENTON or on N. & S. steamer at points on Cho- and Scuppernong wan 1 ivers. Terms, &c Address, EDENTON, N. O.