isher-nan and Farmer-. JJeWS Adrift. ntpred at the Post Office at Elizabeth City as second class natter. ELIZABETH CITY, March 19 1897. of tlje Qlty PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." 0 0 nr f lip rorner oi .iter v w ' and Matthew up stairs, is the offu-e t -- Farmkr Printing v om pany. Persons liaving Iminoss to transact are invited to call. BRIEFLY RELATED. of The Pith of the News Especially Prepared fpr the Busy Reader. We Do High Grade commek:ial printing. Hie Greatest FEBRUARY Sialics Thai has ever taken place in this city. Ve are determined nt tn r.irrv over anv Winter Stock if price go for anything. 4 h It takes some time for our Elizabeth City. ' 7" . r 1 1 $ competitors to una out C what we arc selling goods (J I at, but when they do they 0 advertise cur price as $ & their greatest efforts, and 1 1 ) ca rd - of- Pri ccs. Its all over town mnd. Those who are tired of mud should wait. The Elisabeth City Cotton Mill is working a large force of hands. Mr. E.G. Morrisett is critical ly ill at his roo;u 011 water street. A hail storm struck here last Saturday, but no damage was done by it. The rain a;id general bad weather has greatly interferred with farm work. Mi A. Huokabee, of Ivk-nton, favored this office with a call on Wednesday last. We hear of several new enter- 1 - , 1 nrrcs soon to be starieu in X We luiv in larger quantities, pay Spot-CUSlj, enabling house in the Park Dr. C. S. Blackwell is lectur ing this week in tue western part of the State. Mr. K. R. Cobb, of Norfolk, is in the citv visiting his uncle Mr. Geo. W. Cobb. Wm. Ruocli and family have 111 over into Mr Lohoon s new . , I. .-.-.7.-... nctnuiiiL'c 10 rmce iuwci 11.) c ' - - A than any one in the city. The balance of our BLANKET STOCK will be sold i fin9iUfi nf flnft. II ( Vinnupiiriiu' at ;o cents the w . ... r pair and up. Special value, all wool 10 4 BlaiiKets at 2.38. Dress Goods :v at your own price Notice the change 111 the advertisement of Sawyer & Jones in this issue. Miss Reua Dawson and sister, Fannie, are North this week purchasing Millinery. Miss Virgelia Hanks, of Greensboro, is visiting Miss Clariue Perry on Pearl street. The steamer lk-rtie was on the ways this week at S 11 ell's ship yard-undergoing repaiis. Miss Klla Mae James gave to her friends last night an oyster roast, which was much enjoyed. Mr. Hodgson and wife from Sioux Falls, Dak., are looking around with intention ot locat ing Here All goods iu this department reduced 20 to 25 per cent. Men, Youths and Boys At prices which make our com petitors exclaim, McCabe & '.rice can't hold their head up much longer, selling goods at uch prices. ( a A lew choice Cloaks, have ueen $10.00 and $12.00; our pricj 11 3 w $6.50 and $7.50. We carry a full line of Rub ber Hoots and Oil Clothing. Fishermen's supplies for the wholesale and retail trade. If you want to save from 10 to 27 cents on every dollars worth i A purchases, come 10 o! :Hc price Makers, Leading Merchants and Hustlers, Water Street. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. A-:rCnts for Butterick Met- ropolitan Patterns. The most reliable pattern on the m;i 1 ke' Brick! Brick! 7 V Tlir- Uvulincr brick manu facturers of this section are now ready to supply orders on short notice. This plant has been in active operation for twenty years, and they : guarantee satisfaction as to .quality and price, These (Brick have Miss Mattie Jilai.d has return ed home after a jleasant visit of several weeks with triends 111 Norfolk, Va. Rev. B. C. Krupp and family have moved into their new resi dence, "The Parsonage' on Riverside Ave. Mr. Chas F. Lumber and Miss Ida M. Reynolds were mar ried in this citv by Dr. Black well on the 1 5 th iiist. This paper was in error last week 1 n statins that Mr. Meek- 7 iuo- had rented the Mitchell resi deuce on Pennsylvania Ave The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will hold a feast at the Town Hall 011 Friday evening, the 19th. It should be largely patronized. A Fair will be hdd at the Al bemarle Park this fall. Farmers should note this while planting. Others should talk it from now 011. T. A. Commander & Son have leased the saw mill of W. W. Griffin, which they will run in connection witu their bracket factory. Mr. Benj. Biay, of Currituck county, has purchased the liquor business of J. D. Weymouth, corner of Main and Water streets. The shade trees ot the elm variety are beginning to put forth their leaves, and the bios soniing of fruit trees may be looked for shortly. ' Mr. John I). Parker, a promi nent farmer of Perquimans Co. was here this week attending court. Mr. James Paiker, ot Gates county, was also here. Zoeller having had such a large run 01: those $2.90 Crayons in "frame, he will run them a. while longer. Go and see speci men at Studio, Water street. Get a dozen of Zoeller's Carbon Cabinets; they are now all the go. - The bottling works of S. Waters & Sons received yester day a, supply of very fine Bock Beer. Our Camden correspondents we hear are on the sick list" this week." We hope tWy will have a speedy recovery. Court at Hertford next week. The Fisherman- & Farmer will be represented.' People who do not take the paper vill be asked to do so, and those who owe tor it will be asked to "whack up." Among the visiting attorneys who are attending court this week in Elizabeth Litv are Messrs. W. D. Prudeu and W. M. Bond, of Edenton and ex-Solicis tor, J. H. Blount, of Greenville. The factory of the Elizabeth Citv Crystal Ice Co., having been shut down for several weeks undergoing a thoroughjoverhaul- nig, is now turning out cold ana sparkling ice in large quantities. Polk Miller who, it lias been announced, would appear before an audience in this town on the b'th of April, has conceiled the engagement, but will come sometime during the month of May. The advertising columns of the Fisherman & Farmer show that a live and progressive newspaper is widely, appreciated. There are no flies on the Fish erman &. Farmer, but there are many advertisements in it. Just before President Mclvin ley came out of the Senate cham ber a white dove alighted on the front of the building, on the day of the iuaugutation. Several of our Elizabeth City boys saw .t and thought it a gxod omen. Rev. Jon. C. Kilgo, president of Trinity College, will preach here next Sunday in the Methodist Church. Mr. Kilgo is erne of the finest preachers in North Carolina and those who fail to hear him will miss a rare treat. Mr. W. H. Williams, Jr., of Newton, N. C, has located in Elizabeth City and established a mercantile brokerage business. He is a hustler and a clever gentleman, and we hope he may receive the encouragement which he deserves. Miss Clara Spruill, of Colum bia, N. C, who has been visiting her aunt in Currituck for some time, was in Elizabeth City yes terday on her way home, for which she left on the steamer Thos. Newton. She is exceeds ingly popular and her Columbia friends will no doubt rejoice on her return. A new industry has been es tablished in Elizabeth City a blueing factory. The manufac turers are two small boys, Eu gene Bell and Hersey Williams. The style of the firm is E. G. l!ell & Co., the senior member of which is on the road making sales while the latter is at home manufacturing and filling or ders. They have made several shipments and are doing well. Success to them. PASPTIK COURT IS GRINDING AWAY WEEK. THIS A BIG CRIMINAL DOCKET. Several recruits for the peniten tiary, others jailed, and some fined for their Evil Doings. If the system is fortified by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which makes rich, red blood, there is little danger of sickness. To Spoil a Child. 1 Begin young by giving what ever he cries for. 2. Tell him he is too 'much for Kou that you can do nothing with hi 111. 3. Have divided counsels as be tween father and mother. 4. Let him learn (from father's examples) to despise his mother. 5. Do not know or care who his companions may be. 6. Let him read whatever he likes. 7 the child, whether bov or in, rove me streets m -nc evenings a good school for )oth of them. 8. Strain at a niat and swallow a camel; chastise severely for a foible and lauoh at a vice. These rules are not untried. Many parents have proved them with substantial unitormity 01 results. If a faithful observance of them does not spoil your child, you will at least'have the comforting reflection that you have done what- vou could. Ex. Stood the Zest And reflex action will be a guide to your further purchase. You could do worse, and we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere. Call Telephone No. 2, or address .(?. Thompson, (Mgr., Elizabeth City, N. C. Why will you buy bitter nauseating tocucs when 1 rove s A asie miill Tonic? is as pleas ant as Lemon Syrup. Your druggist is authorized to refund the money in every case where it fails to cure. Price, o cents. Mr. Frank II. Lake, of Hamp ton, Va., and Miss Augie Schmeltz, of Newport News, Va., WPrP married in this city on Monday last by Rev. J. H. Hall. The students of the Atlantic Pnllep-iate Institute were allowed o. . . , i . i. cm, in n bodv. to tue touri House Monday' morning to hear the Judge's charge, to the grand Jury. - A veiv delightful party was eiven last Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and .urs. Aiuen riarH on Poiudexter street, in " - . - i honor of Miss Annie Mae Kiioaes of Newberne. The social gdveu Tuesday night by the B. Y. P. U. was, as usual, a s recess. The violin solo rendered by Mrs. Meekins was a very enjoyable lealure ot tne well prepared programme. WE DO NOT WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS,! to wrte but men ot ability. $200 to $500 per month Tlarv or commission. State and general mana ger7 RACLNB FIRE ENGINE Co., Racine, Wis Pasquotank County Superior Court is in Session here this week. His Honor, Judge H. R. Bryan, presiding. His charge to the trrand Turv was able and strong. He is a man of much deliberation, kind and indulgent to witnesses, courteous to all iu and out of court, yet, he is no friend to evil doers. The Grand Jury is a most ex cellent body of men. Mr. Jas. B. Blades is Foreman, assisted by T Wvnn Tnhnathau T. Brocket, J. P. Hughes, A. W. Swain, J. F. Sanders, J. P. Simp son, W. T. Williams, J. F. T. Steger, Manliff Godfrey, J. S. Wilcox, F. W. Bell, B. F. Guun, Louis Selig, E. S. Willey, John Mtillan, col., Henry Winslow, col., Aleck Small, col. Solicitor Learv. the State's prosecuting attorney, is present, and exerting -his utmost ability ni bringing criminals to justice. In addition to several cases of minor importance which were stricken from the docket, the following cases were disposed of; STATE CASKS. Hilliard Miller, colored, lar ceny, guilty, sentenced to 3 years in penitentiary. Charles Overton, colored, carrying concealed weapon; guilty, 30 days iu jail. Nathan Pailin, colored, as sault; submission, fined $5 and costs. William Pailin, colored, as sault; submission, discharged on payment of costs. Mack Fletcher, carrying con cealed weapon; submission, fined $$ and costs. . Pruschanskin, two cases of appeal from city ordinances; not guilty. Walter Corey, injuring stock; pleads guilty, discharged on pay ment of costs. Joshua Zackery, colored, slandering a woman; guilty, sentenced to 3 mouths in jail. Clinton Reddick, colored, larceny; guilty, sentenced to 12 months in penitentiary. Geo. Skinner and Wiley Robertson, both colored, affray; Robinson pleads guilty and Skinner convicted by Jury; judgements suspended on pay ment of costs. Mattie Hodges and Thos. Hutchison, for forcible trespass; not guilty. Dempsy Brozier, colored, as sault with deadly weapon; guilty, 6 months in jail. Albert Griffin, colored, assault with deadly weapon; 4 mouths fn jail. Isaac Murray, colored, larceny; guilty, 4 months in jail. Sarah Lamb and Martha Davis, both colored, affray; guilty, Sarah Lamb 6 months iu jail, Davis 4 months in jail. Justin Johnson, colore n, as sault with deadly weapon; guilty, judgement not prayed at the close of this report. Iu addition to the above, a number of cases were continued on account of sickness and ab sence of impotant witnesses. CIVIL, DOCKET. A divorce was granted in the case of John B. Brockett against Myrtle Brockett. Rose Riddick, Extrx., against Robert Reddick and others, action for $176, money deposited iu the hands of clerk, judgement was rendered in favor of plaintiff. F. W. Lowry against W. T. Love; uideement by compro mise. Adm r. of r. M. Cook against Guirkiu cc Co., action upon account. Jury has not returned with verdict up to the time we go to press. TT" XI 31 3C 21 A4673 Whv not vret one of the latest things out. We have just received another supply. Vou will always have good luck if you have one. Graveyard Rabbits Foot. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Solid Silver, Silver plated ware, Clocks, Bric-a-brac and Sterling silver Novelties Sterling Silver Cuff Pius for Babies, 50 cts pair Nickle Alarm Clocks, 75 cents each. Sterling silver tea spoons, J doz, $4.00 Rogers plated tea spoons, " 1.25 & $2.00 have 11 -A got one, get it at once, don't be behind time. -Wc have got what you want: ' . -Solid Gold Watches from $18.00 up If vou have 11 Dt got one,, get it at once, ana ociuiemeii or iaaies sonu gum uucu 'I with Elgin or Waltham movements from $1 voo to $20. 00 Vinegrette bottles, from 1.25 to $3.oo ezeh. Watcrbury Watch, at $2.50 Sterling silver Thimbles only 25 cts cacll ; Prompt aUenUon paid to nuiil orders. Emery balls, ' 45 and 65 cents each J If your Watch or Clock ncads repairing bring o , evi 01 cc - fo cof lit to me and I will guarantee satisfaction. Ladies Sterling Silver Blouse bets, 25 cts set.j The Leading p Jeweler, Elizabeth City, N- C in o M o j i f h srf llitlf TT 18 Rambler and Crescent Just .. , 1ine of Q7 RAMBLER and ORESCENT Whcols, wind- we -He you to ca.l a,l inspect $75.00. 1 ii 111. m - - - - '97 RAMBLER $8000- 96TRAMBLER while they last 60.00 '97 CRESCENT Boys and Girls 40.00 '97 CRESCENT '96 CRESCENT 50-00 '96 CRESCENT Boys and;Girls 30 00 irCall or Write for '97 Catalogues containing valuable information. lisabeth City, N. C. N . G. Grand y & Co., Commission merchants, -1 ii.TTnitnn "Rarlv Kose Potatoes, which are being sold cheap for cash. Also agents for High Class Fertilizers tor truck and corn and cotton. ennlr Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls for stock best and cheapest leea. Also a fine stock of Apples ana wuuiB- Highest cash, prices paid for Eggs j nip --"tv -'" r 4X J f m - ,.!J OTELCOME jJ RESTURANT MIMiton, TV. C. a.Q.ELLI0TT,PR0PIET0R Best the Market afford. Neat Rooms- - ,; Special rates for board and Lodging by the Week or Month- A Day's Ditference in picking Peas Talk " Cures talk 'J in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla, o f-.T Tir ot hpr medi- XO Vi " " cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, convincing language of grateful men and women, constitute its most effective ad vertising. Many of these cures are mar velous. They have won the confidence of the people; have given Hood's Sarsapa rilla the largest sales in the world, and have mad accessary for its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's Sarsaparilla is known by the cures it has made cures of scrofula, salt rheum and eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh cures which prove 5 Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. cure liver ills; easy wlnntppd HOOd S PlllS toke, easy to operate. 25c. auwcc7 H,Eo Hodgson, Repairer AND Tuner OF IANOS AND J3RGANS NORFOLK, VA. Parties wishing his services can leave orders with Louis Selig , the lead ing jeweler, Eliza beth City, N. C. He will visit you and do your I BgPFerfect satisfaction guar. often means the difference between profit and loss All truckers, whether experienced ov "."n true. If it is true, and if we ca., prove that 0r "P is not only a pure, handsome, prolific extra early pea, but that'it is also' the earliest by several days, shorJdn t y consider whether ou do right in planting any other kind. Here is some we have more : h Of fifty brands of extra early peas selected by the No tJ. Carolina Experiment Station for P111,011" were the earliest and the only ones given special Pise. Iu similar tests at the Virginia Experiment Station ours were the earliest and the only ones given specia. pra se 111 our peas are perfectly pure but the Nonpareil the earliesi evesy 'time. . It will be so.d this season at S3oO per bus! 1 for h. Don't take the risk of being too late for the sake of sasin0 fifty cents or so per bushel-It isn t senaiuic. -,i i fit rlav it is received. e will snip yuui uiuci I Jv " Goo. Tait 4Sc Son. Seed Growers. -ia Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va. If you feel bad in the morning audant a bracer, use CURES And gives new life to the nerves. Large oses for lO cts. See that every Bottle is Stamped with 3 Sprigs of Celery.; PREPARED BY YAEKEL DRUG CO, BALTIMORE, Md. . ffih II. !Uj y IB I IMv Empty sacks furnished and Cash paid on delivery at EDENTON or on N. & S. steamer at points on Cho wan and Scuppernong rivers. Terms, &c. Address, 1 m EDENTON, N. C.

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