DR. C: P. BOGERT, Surgeon and Mechanical DENTIST Ecleiiton, N C. Patieuts visited when requested. Monuments aijd Tombstones In writing give some limit a? and state a'e of dt- J L.argrest Stock Couper (Marble $$orks, (Established 1848.) 159 to 163 Hank St., Norfolk, Va. WP.Ives &C Blenders of Old Whiskies. 11 ComiiMTinl lln;, Norfolk, Va- Write for Samples and Prices Totter, SaU-Kheinii ami Kezeraa. The intense itching iindHinarting,inci ' lent to these diseases, is instantly allayed ),v jJtinlvinT ( !ViJi.Tnhrliii 'w Kvp :inr' J 1 J r - - " ' . - Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It hi equally efficient for itching pii"s and i ravoriie remedy ror sore uipiJies, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bitef " 1 J T . ana enronic sore eyes. z. cis. per oox. Ill- fnilv'a f'imlitmii Poivrlf-rs arf' just what a horse needs when in bao . n, 1 1 . -1 r J3 coiiuiiion. joinc, nioou punnei aim vermifuge. I hey are not loou iml medicine and the best in use to put v norse in prime condition. Price 3- cents per package. 500 Men WANTED TO Unload Schoo tiers A Good Job One that will last all Sum mer. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS ITEMS' GA'I HE(RE(b HERE ' JJ7D THERE BY CHARLES MORGAN. SO ilE THINGS HE SSES AND HEARS AT IOINTS WIjF.RE WE HAVE NO REGULAR REPORTER. Dr. Wm. Reddick of Hertford, was in Klizabeth City this we.-!.. Mr. William Temple, o! Mum- ford, die at his home Tuesday nignt. Mr. G. G. Barber, of Winfall was in Elizabeth City shopping Monday. Mr. Huerh P. W'nslow. of Nicanor, visited Elizab th City this week. ames Keed. co ored. has a curiosity in the wav of a five legged pig. Mr. Tonv Griffin was inElizs abeth City Monday, speculating on horses. Services in the Hall at Win- fall every Wednesday night; conducted by Rev. Merrett. Miss Lizzie Speight is the guest of Misses Maggie and Lena Barber of Winfall. Mr. J. C, Perry, living near Hertford, spent Sunday with friends at Woodville. Miss Mamie Trafton of Bell cross, is the guest of Miss Ella Jennings ot this county. Mr. and Mrs. Juo. O. White, living near Hertford, are visiting relatives in Gates county. Mrs. Abram Elliott, livine near Hertford, is able to be out again after a severe illness. Mr. J. T. Fleetwood of Hert ford was over to Avoea this week attending to business. Mrs. Mary R. White, of Hert ford, is visiting relatives near Nicanor, Perquimans county Mrs. John S. Davis, of Great Bridge, Va., is in Perquimans county this week on business bervices were conducted at Cedar Grove church Sundav af ternoon by Elder Tire; a good congregation present. A branch road from the Suf folk & Carolina Rail Road is being built from Bosley Station to Lhapanoke. Messrs. Northcott ot Eden - ton, were the guests of Misses Barber and Speight on Wednes day afternoon. Miss. Pattie E. Simpson, of Perquimans, is teaching school at the home of Mr. J. A. Chalk; in Lhowau county. Mr. -George Miller residing near Winfall is on the sick list this week. Mr. Seth Harris, living near Elizabeth City, who has been quite sick, is improving. Mr. H. M. Kirby. of Winfall, the constable, is very attentive to his duties as an officer Miss E. Mae Morgan of Win A Lawyer's Right to C y. The interesting question has just been brought before the Superme Court of Tennessee whether a lawyer has a right to cry. In a case growing out of a suit of breach for promise of marriage, the counsel for the o I 4 . rr - . . fall was sick with the Rosyola piaintm, one 01 the most prom- last week, hit us not again J inent lawyers in the State, shed tears in his closing appeal to the Norfolk & Southern RR Schedule in effect Feb. 22, 1S97. Norfolk & Southern R.R. Mail and Express trains. Southbound, daily (ex cept Sundays,) leave Elizabeth Citv at 1 1:40 a. m., and at 6;oo p. m.; North bound, daily, (except Sundays) leave Elizabeth C'.tv at 2:45 p. m .and 9:40 a. m. The trains arrive at and depart from Norfolk & Western depot.Norfolk; connect at Norfolk with all Rail and Steamer lines, and at Edenton with Steamer for Koauoke, Cashie, Chowan and Scuppeiuoug rivers; transfer steamers to Mackey's Ferry, thence by Norfolk & Southern R. R. to Pantego and Iielhaveu, connecting with steamer Virginia Dare forMakelewille. Auro ra, Washington and all "intermediate .AND. near linzabeth City, nas been u"iy -uuua mcucicnu confined with paeumonia, but is ant, as soon as the case was improving. aeciaea against nis siae, setup Mrs. bertha White, a very the claim that these tears undulv respectable lady, will soon open excited the sympathies of the a miliinerv store in lieruom. :., r ru i..:r, ra a;iU We hope she will be successful , . . r 6 in her business. greatly prejudiced them .Eastern Carolina Dispatch , TTT .against the delendant. Fortius Mrs. Emma T. Wescott of nii 4. c ic iooc leasontne appellate court was Berkley spent a few days pleas- . . . antly in Winfall, last week, and asiceatoset aside tne verdict and is now the guest of Mr. Blanch-praer a new trial. ard, of Hertford. Great interest was naturally Services will be conducted felt by the legal profession in by Rev. Drane of Edenton at the decision of the Superme' the Eoisconal church at Win- fall Sunday afternoon. The lt7rtru r ft, i;.,, i 1 . . j i. 1 work ot the claim that a lawyer people.are invited to attend. . . . . mJ that the conduct of counsel in presenting caees to juries .was a subject that must be left largely The members of the Episco- oal Sundav School will have their Easter holiday at the farm of Ned Leigh; arranged by Miss Penny Mann. We hope it will be a success. Old Dominion Line. The steamer Neuse leaves Elizabeth City Tuesday, Thursday aud SaUrdav at 6;20 p. m., for Newbern connecliu with the A. &. N.C. R.R. for Goldsboro, Kinston, and Morehead City, and with the W. N. & N. R. R. for Jacksonville Wilmington, N. C , etc. Returning! leave Newbern Monday, Wednesday and Friday, touching at Ocracoke go ing and returning. The steamer Newbern leaves Eliza beth City at 3 p. m , daily, except Ihursday aad Sundav for Roanoke Island direct. Tickets on sale at Elizabeth Citv Station to Roanoke Island, Newberne, Kinston, Goldsboro, Morehead Citv and Wilmington, N. C. uauy all rail service between Eliza- .1 .u- C tl . . ! ran service octween Eliza- tO the ethics of the profession beth City and New York, Philadelohia and discretion rates nd I N 1. 1 Mr, u. . omitnson, 01 tins nuue. Dome lawyers aeait Wholly , quieter ume man by an ether route city has planted twenty barrels in logic; oihers used rhetoric; 1 EwtSn&Spaf1 EiloS" Of Irish potatoes. Mr. Smith- Qthers emnloved o:ilv noi nnrl I Fro" Norfolk by Norl & Southern SOU IS not only a good merchant , , I Railroad; Baltimore by ,W. & B. R X I rk wvi j m l u v LV -w.-it V 1 1 V. V L k I I jl I 1 I rill I'.IIIMI i siii'i'Pvsr II i rnrmpr :k i ' i a i but is well. The Chowan Methodist Cir cuit has purchased the Henders l1M!"ia' 1 """ueipjjia k.. ic, uock otreet llv-ltl : Stntinti- KV ttr C"i 1 ' t.. T. ...1 " ! R. R., I'ier 27 North River, and Old ! nrmiinirtii T -. sidered leeitimate argument ' For further info w .v-wm.wlXT LJ XVA II. bnowden. Aircut. Kliynhfth cu the sympathies. The court that tears had "always been con- fKgmnjiTngj) AVregetablcPrcparatronforAs-, slmilatiug Hie Tood and Rcu ti ling thp Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcstion.ChcerfuI ticss and Hcst.Contains neither Opium.Morptiine nor Iincxal. Not Narcotic. PumpJci Set J' j4lx.Sainm nistStil JlppemuU -JtiCarianaAtSti Jfirme4i J SEE Anerfecf Remedv forrrn;Urv- rion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. 1 Em EXACT COPY OF TATRAP4-ER, THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE i-OF IS ON" THE WRAPPER OF EVEBY BOTTLE OF Caatorla is pnt tp in ono-sizs bottlea mlr. It In act Bold la bulk. Don't allow anyone to tell you anything elso on the plea or promise that it is "jest as good" and "will answer every pnr pose." AS- Sco- that y m get 0-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. limlto SGJ yXTf . 7 iaea ef s: ESS wrsppsr. Hog Cholera. H. C. HUDUINS, G. F. & P. Agt. . iir-"" tt 1 a t- . . n ; n .Tin) w 1 1 ( m iii .11111 i im 111 1-1 iiii 1 I a i ill 1 r 1 iy v x vy a t Li l j . u:iii i 1 1 11 1 iir i.i , . 1 ..... , , , . , i"-vruuiai iiujc 01 tne xorlolk & run, ana locatea a parsonap-e ot tliem aoneared to be "one nr . Southern R. r. Comoanv. Norfnit. Vn there, winch tiiey have tiirnisli- fi1P linHir,il rhf c0i M. K. KING, General Manaeer. ed very nicely. .u- 1 1 . , i t . lar cusv "dtid'.r consideration the nas piantea 25 Darreis or lrisn . ntafnAc lor thu coQo,-, f r occasion was pron ounced "em In- j j h.vsv-o-'.tv. vaaa3k.,M(3xaA ifii , t Humphreys is a successful farm- ently proper for their use," and. : if. , r 1. cr 01 mat section. uie courc reiusea to reverse the Quarterly meeting was held iudgement for this reason. at Bethany church near Belvis dere on but: day, conducted by E-der Tire and Rev. Merrett, owiner to the inclemency of the Every paper- in the United weather tne audience was small. States ought occasionally to keep Air. Henrv Arn and Miss El- the fact before its readers that leu Smith of Pitt county were burnt corn is a sure and speedy 111 arried at the home of Rev. To- cure for lioo- rlmlpra TliP iCf siaii Elliott who penormed the i " 0 incite ti uiic ui uurn on ceremony on Thursdav. the nth .1 . . " me cod, ettectualiv scorr 1 it :ticr 1 j To secure the ioba nickle is required as a deposit of good taith. Apply at cuce to J. R. BERGERON, At. the PAi.MS, on Main Street. WHICH IS THE BLACKER LINE ? By venders of Spectacles and J-.ye-GIasses. They are not Opticians, But if they were, they could not do justice to their patrons in that wav There is located at Edeiis ton, N. C, a Scientific Optician who has a reputation to sustain .who will treat you riht and is reliable.care- lul and practical; so say two ol the leading physi cians Dillard and Mc Mullan. Respectfully B. E. BYRD, The Optician. LUMBEE AND T&uitdiner Track Boxes .AND. Now is the time to place your order lor the latter for the Spring Shipping. Address gramer (Bros., & Go , Elizabeth City N. C. Miss Nora Davidson, of Win- f,,ii 1 1 . 1 ion, wuu nas oeen ie;cning a public school at Bos well's Fork closed on Friday last. Mrs. John Turner, of Centre Hiil accompanied by her son. Mr. Perry, were the euests of Mrs. btauton last week. Mr. J. D. Winslow and familv I of Nicanor, are the guests of the family of Mr. Samuel Cooper. at Providence township. Mrs. Mary White, livinp- near Edenton, who was recently visit ed with an attack of naralvsis we are glad to state is improv ing aud will recover.) Mr. Tillman, of Norfolk is putting up a lanre saw mill and logging . railroad at Tills man's siding, Chowan county. Miss Eunice White and brother, Joshua, living- near Hertford are improving- raoidlv from their recent attack of Pneu monia. Mr. Thomas Pearce, of South ampton county, has accepted a position as lot-r-ino; contractor with Tillman's mill in Choivan county. The farmers of Perquimans county are preparing to olant large crops of cotton this season. Peanuts will also b planted ev tensively. The citizens of Hertford are overjoyed at the bill passing the recent Legislature not allowing spiritous liquors to be sold at that place. Owing to illness Miss Annie Parker, of Hertford; who has been teaching at Wind Fork, was compelled to close her school temporarely. The Rev. John Jones and fam ily, of Harrellsville circuit, at tended the marriage reception or ins orotner at Centre Hill on the 1 ith in st. and then give the hogs free ac- cress to it. This remedy was dis covered by E. E. Locke, E q.,at the time his distillery was burnt in this county, together with a large quantity of store corn, which was so much injured as to be unfit for use, and was haul ed out arid greeily eaten by the hogs, several of which were dy ing daily. After the second day Rev. W. F. Tones, pastor of not a single hog was lost, and the Chowau circuit, and Miss the disease entirely disappeared. vSallie Dixon were married at ti,q,j..i i , , . .viuuy 11 UCCU LI ICU 1 U H 117 I number of cases since, and never Missionery service held last Sunday at Berea church was in deed very interesting. Speeches were made by Messrs. Ed Davis, Zephania Bray aud Miss. Bulah bawyer, all ot which were ap propriate and much enjoyed. These were followed by reading by Miss. Bessie Morran who.had she uot have been 111 church. would have been rewarded with a ringing applause. the home of the bride near New Berne, N. C, on Wednesday, March 10th, the Rev. A. P. Tyre performed the ceremony. The happy couple returned to their home in Centre Hill, where a splend;d reception was given them by their friends. The Tvre failed. Levviston Gazette. flow to Make Mouev. The following is by an un known hero huf- nf fisherman & Parmer extends Lnnfi wa fo,Tin, ,IA . iu W wui,M gd wa to-m.ak money. Pake a dollar bill and fold it several 1 . Learn to laugh. A good laugh is better that medicine. Learn how to tell a good story. A good story is as welcome as a sunbeam 111 a sick room Learn to keep your own troubles to yourself. The world is loo busy to care for your ills and sorrows. Learn to stop croaking. If you cannot see any good in the world keep! the bad to yourself. Learn to hide your aches and pains under a pleasant smile. No one cares to hear whether you have the when the Creator said to woman earache,headache or rheumatism. sorrow shalt thou bring forth rw,'t r,r moo 11 1 -mmren that a curse was pro- Don t cry. 1 ears do well enough nounced against the hma in novels, but they are out of but the iov felt bv everv Mother 1 ...1 1 - ' ' place in real life. Learn to meet u ,sne nrst Presses to her heart your frieuds with a s,nile. The TZft good humored manor woman the pathway of the Expectant is always welcomed, but the otner and should be avoided, dvsrv-ntic or hvnnn.v : at,she may reach the hour when 'L r , Jr "line nope ot her heart is to be real nnr urn ti f -3 r.1l times, each way. Then unfold it and you will find it increase but send the original bill to the printer who put you on to the scheme. Then "take a silver dol lai and drop it on the counter," and notice the ring it makes Send tho ring to your best gir ana tne ji to the printer and every oody will be happy. A Butter Print, A alico Print 'A Tramp Print, lT,l FISHERMAN r j 1 lie & farmer rrint. A "Butter Print" is used to mold butter. and print D R. Mnnden, Sail Maker. A vvuingsTents and Flags Old Sails Bought and Sold. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Cor. Water and Matthew Sts. (Over W. J. Woodley's Store.) P.O. BOX 133. ELIZABETH CITY N. C. j A "Calico Frint"is used to make ladies wear- ing appearel. j A fctTramp Print" is used to lumping around the United States, giving "advice" to country editors- , The 'Fisherman. & Farmer Print" is an ; entirely - different kind of an "print ! Those business-like, attractive posters j or handbills, or pamplets, or circulars, ! or catalogs, which vou see a.t.tvn nt.i much attention: sav down in tho i left-hand corner. "Fisherman & Farmer Print-" We printed them. Let us quote you prices. Fisherman & Farmer Go. GET THE BE$ When yoa are botit to buy a Kc wink' do not be deceived by allur.n nl vt rt '-i ' " ml b led to think you can t;et tbc lf- finest finished and ' . Most Popular for a mere song:. See to 't that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have pained a reputation by honest aud square dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that IS easiest to manage and is Light Running There Is none in th ..; . , can equal in mech.i: struction, durabiht v i f parts, fincaess of ti'n:!-. .i m appearance, or h.is improvements as tho ' '--v New Homi: It has Automatic Tension. Double ree l on both sides of neetlle ( pa!tnted, r.. , it ; New Stand .fainted), driving whf. ; i on adiustablocenters,thusrcUutii: u . ) the mlnimcm WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE IBW HOHE SEWIIG MACHIKE CO. OlAFOi. Mam. Bootow, Mim. B Tkion So i . Cuoak, fix. St. Lorn. Mo. Di 1 u .- BAJI M KAJnUHJi LAI. ATUIS,Ui. . FOR SALC BY KEEPS IT ON HAND w r - ih:o:s7rRK Frodonla. N. V., the able and accomplished Mll:ir Commander (father-in-law of tho ;t Commander Wm. II. Cusulnjr, U.S. N., w ho trained world-wido renown for his cmw:.'B feat of blowing up tho Iron clad AlUun irl In 1803) writes Dr. Fenner: "For many years I have kept on h i:, I our Blood and Liver Remedy . Yerve Tonic for immediate use ulunj ever I have A bilimis attnrlc or riprvous nm. tr- tion or feel run down. It nlwavs vw. - j j BDeedv relief so much so that I li.n come to rely on it with the same ct -rt.i.n- , w t i r lyinaiiuo onine law 01 graviuti.-n. ' . llloocl ami liivcr Dr.Fenner'sUci"T,,l3;Nev3rFails. Ncrvo Tonic It is a Sarsaparilla'Mandrake-n iir nne siiieraztve, jserve ionic and Restorative Compound. CERTAIN AS THE LAW OF GBAYITATIOk. Phvsics from Mood, liver anil tissues all worn-out particles and impurities, without weakening but strprmthi-ii e.u instead, and Itestorcs tho Ncrv'M. Cures HeaaclHv, Dyfint'psla, Const tlon. Baa retth. SUln I)lsoa.iot. (H-: s.i Kizziness, Scrofula. Uer.cral Debility, el.- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sample free. Mother! Keep your child's stomach and l .v i i ..i.i. i . i . i i . The best luxutivo and correctivo known Dr. Fenner's Soothlnsr SvruD. Allays irritation ar.d gives refreshing slei . Dr. Fenner's Worm Svruo. "Hroiiuht 'i worms from our child. Mra.Shorlck.K.lid:i.' '. tr.Feuuer'hFAMii.V(Sall Kheum (Ointment Best for 6klu eruptions. Tiles, bores, t'utxet.- TI 'I GIG ''3 AA SEIZES AMI Dr. Du -1 I Pl:S.?, mm THINK! The family of Mr. Anderson hlliott, livinor near Hertford who nave been very ill with the "La Grippe are able to ho around again. Mrs. Frank Rountree of Gates county died on the 7U1 inst Her funeral service was held on Tuesday theoth inst. conductor! by Revs, liurfoot and Elliott. Mr. Robert Bell, of Elizabeth City, has been teaching srhool at Oak Grove. His school quietly closed on Wednesrlav aud many scholars regret his departure. t.- . ized, in full vigor and strength. MOWS FRIEND so relaxes the system and as sists Nature, that the nec essary change takes place without Nau sea. Headache Nervous or Gloomv Fore boding of dan- . raiten inieraa y.ana made in Toledo, tryine hour IS robbed of it ',n unio, uy ii. j. (jheney & Co. Testi- anrl c ,ffr;n 7 1 monials free. and suffering, as so many happy Sold by Druggists, price 75 cents per Vi u "ers nave experienced, bottle. r Nothing but "Mother's Friend" does -.. umiij i u.a aic iuc uesi. I Lina. uudi De ueceived or persuaded to use anything else. "Mothpr'a PrJonrl" la K 1 . n?Sa5eUanda11 our customers praiseit nighly." W. H. Kisq St Co.. mitm,i. 11 The Columns of the FlSHKR- Of drnggists at $1.00, or sent by mail on int man & Farmer are open to any Ie i surreesiion tnat miht he mnrt uBta, u. 3ENRl OF OINTMENTS FOl CA TARRH THAT CONTAIN MURCURY, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell aud completely derange the whole system when entering &it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except ou prescription from reputable physi cians, as the damage they will do is tcu fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by by FT. Chetrev oc Co . Toledo.O , contains no murcury and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh cure De sure you get the genuine. It r I 1 ifjfiW.- u dm ana BUi!Ct3Si-.i'. t.-jji.. si-.;-. '1 veriest form f-.;- cvSov.r. . lil TH?! FRINGE riLF.Vn . . fu t:ie i:est 1'IH"3I;ai. v.j v. 1. ,ov::i to r.ihn a ronn-dy vl: ."J '.; I; 13 f:iili:d. For loss 01 . i x;u;von.s ikbility, -ill vn rownw. nkkvoi .- : Jl TION in xa-MK or fviualt. l 'ov ! I :u ti;..' r. suit of indiscretions hii.i ! d J f.,r i'linilvsis. actual or throntt i-fd ill n;il Wiiaiini'ss of all kinds: f v V'. i ICi:ii''T Trojjbk's; for o.ir! . ( "li r-T-si-hl failure. All i rrr j u i j. HJ Tour lrii'je:.st i1ms not koon litem k, i Vl1 I n!f R.i Alf ATI Pft 4iPJ it-s, i 1 i ! Hp.s opened a SALE, EXCHANGE, BOARD and LIVERY STABLE On Water Street, And solicits the patronage of his rrienas ana the public generally. cared for at the most reasonable terms. 'OHM: WM. J. HOOPER 6. CO 2 110 E. Pratt, rear Lij'rt w BALTIMORE, fA D. f Manufacturers ol a. COTTON AND FLAX GlLt T CORKS, SEINE LEADS, Heinf Twine of all klin. VxlUn c Il'iiit t-y ir . ii ,1; 1 to Lii PJ -Stylish Turnouts for hire at all times. YOU Have Give Him a Gall. o Stables on Water St. Aire on 1 i 1 TIT" t m- I n - ior tne Dunaing up ot Elizabeth bend one dollar to the "Pttt City or the gooi of our people, erman & Farmer and become a subscriber. Of Building Scroll Work Mouldings of IF SO, correspond with LUXJUUiUJlQl. Large Capacity ! Splendid Nothing but I'D C J j Material, or awy kind 9 Z3T 1 1 mm mi Ip' r Tried Othrs And if you do 't.iet periect satisfaction you do't pay a cent. Can we do more V A. C. MITCHELL, Ed ton ,.Y- ''. F. T. HORTON, EUznhcUi Cih.. '' I Are our agents ; go o d left with them will receive prompt attention. 1 1 r Ik ?0 T' Shipping the best 7'!) ? facilities. work sent out. ILaraiaicflay, Tt will be to yo.ur interest to let us quote you price's- CScsA M. FLilJits i; UKNISHED ON BEQUEST. yx fn mm mW iNo uraers too i-,arge-None Too Small. True nwi Y SHOE POLISH lrWAININq

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