NEVER FQBGAVE UNFORTUNATE OUTCOME 6$ H VALENTINE JO&E. NEVER NOTICED HER. And Willed the Cartoon Back to Her at His Death. James Martin, a weli-todo farmer residing near Lebanon, iuy viicu, ivmg a win by which he disinherit d his only daughter, the result of a disagreement about a valentine fifty years ago. It was a few days before St. Valentine's day fifty years ago when the daught J er asKea ner iatner ior a new 1- J 1 r . i r dress. He refused to buy it for her. The girl took her father's refusal much to heart. On St. Valentine's day Mr. Martin re ceived a valentine addressed in his daughter's handwriting. It was a rough caricature, re presenting a miser counting and gloating: over his money. He at once took his daughter to task for what he considered an insnH mere uvea in tne neigh- T1 , . - I Dornooci another larmer who had treated. a niece living with him brutally. Martin's daughter said that she and this girl had each purchased a valentine, and that she (Miss Martin) had bought one entitled "The Honest Far mer," while the other girl had purchased the caricature to send to her harsh uncle. In addressing the envelopes the valentines, she .said, became mixed. But, in spite of explanations, Mr. Martin would not believe his daughter and irom that aay ;he never spoke to her. one soon ji i i: i r i mcu L 1CU , tlliu. nvcu uu u. iaim au- joining, and although the old man was on the most intimate terms with the husband and chil- j i- j i tt rirnn TiH'fi inn n-t-ii i r i 1 r- died the other day, leaving an estate valued at $45,000. By his will he left the widow $30,000 and to his son-in-law the remain der, provided he survived his wife, the farmer's own daughter. If the son-in-'aw died first, then the money was to be divided a mong his three children. To his daughter Mr. Martin "be queathed a package to be found in his trunk, tied with a green Tibbon and sealed with green wax." When this was opened it was found to be the unfortun ate valentine that had caused the estrangement of the farmer from his daughter half a century ago. Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. C C. fail, druggists refund money. Belong to the Graveyard. A printer walked into a rtiin cfnrp in his rounds and 1. m. tJVVv noticed a drummer standing by the counter with his sample case ready to open. "Anything you want to say in Hie iu v v.w. printer to the business man be- Jiina tne counter. "No." said the business man, "I don't believe in advertising." The drummer waited until the printer was half way to the door and slowly taking up his sample case he remarked: "Well, that lets me out. I don't care to sell on time to any man who, at this age, does not believe in ad vertising. I prefer to deal with live men. When I want to strike up a trade with a dead man I'll go to the grave yard. Good day." Exchange. Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry St., Alton, 111., suffer ed with sciatic rheumatism for nvpr eitrht months. She doctored for it nearly the whole of this timp usinp- various remedies rerommcaded by friends, and was treated by the physicians, w received no relief. She then caH rsr p And a half bottles of Thamberlain's Pain Balm, which effected a complete cure. This mmki teii oil at her reauest, as cTii- wants others similarly afflict ed to know what cured her. The or rl co cent sizes for sale by W. W. Griggs & Son. A Few Baseball Proverbs. (Detroit Tree Press.) .He who hesitates is out. A closed glove catches no fiies Strike while the pitcher is hot Where there's a hit there's way. A tool and his base is soon parted. The earlv bird catches the pennant. Liood pitching in time saves the nine. It's a short eame that has no kicking ball in the mouth Of the making of errors there is no end. Two strikes is company , three is a roast. A swift rolling grounder athers uomoss- It's a pcor batli that won't work both ways. The race is not always to the base runner. If at first von don't succeed try the out field. Even the umpire will turn when trodden upon. it wishes were home runs, beggers would root. A reckless base runner makes a lat scorecard. inere are no 2ooa umpires except aeaa umpires Wolf o 1 C VUi Ull LllN. IVViiU 1 J better than no loaf at alI To Cure Coii :;; '.:t:i i ti.Tvi'r, Take Cascarets Or.n.'.-.'l'.umic. loc or 253. If C C C. fail to euro. ilrn;;;rists refund niuiiey. Manufacturing Farmers. Accordiug to Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, the formers of the country need to give more attention to becoming what he terms manufacturing fanners. To illustrate what he means by manufacturing faamers he says he never thinks ot selling any corn, but converts this pro duct of his great farm into pork and beef, and thus, according to his figures, receives 40 cents per bushel for the corn he produces instead of 13 cents, as he would do if he shipped the corn to market. I The Secretary is also of the . opinion that the agricultural colleges of the country are doing a great deal of good, and that that the most successful farmers are those who mix brains with their labor, and thus become practical, scientific cultivators of the soil. Mr. Wilson has been a very successful farmer himself, and the indications are that his acK ministration of the Agricultural Department will be equally as successful, if not more so, than that of any of his predecessors. Richmond State. No-To-liue for Fllty Cents. Gua;ntieed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1. All druggists. Two Barrels of Flour. A Barton (Vt.) wife made the following from a barrel of flour : One hundred and fifty pies, 5 chicken pies, 89 apple dumpling, 1 1 jelly rolls, 1 S cakes, 24 dozen ginger snaps, 6 dozen dough, nuts, 20 dozen cookies; and this from another barrel of flour : Eighty-six loaves of bread, 633 rolls and biscuits, 24 finger rolls, 20 pies, 7 dozen cookies, 6l2 doz popovers,2 5 dozen griddle cakes and 6 dozen flour gems. Educate To or Itnwels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Easy if you Know How. In some of the farming dis tricts of China pigs are harness ed to small wagons and made to draw them. The well -known tendency of of a pig to go in a direction different from that in which it is desired to have him go is overcome by his driver's wishing him to go in a direction in which the driver doesn't really want him to go. At least that is the way the matter is explain ed by a recent traveller, who is certainly or ought to be an irish man, if he isn't. Two years ago R. J. Warren, 1 - . rl j. i- 1 a aruggist ai rieasant rjrooK, N. Y., bought a small supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Ke sums up the result as follows: "At that time the goods were unknown in this section; to-day Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a household wTord." It is the same in hundreds of communi ties. Where ever the good quali ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy become known the peo ple will have nothing else. For sale byW. W. Griggs& Son. Each successive advertisement gains an impetus and influence from the previous one. Prints ers Ink. TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY. TO BE HELD THIS YEAR AT MOREHEAD CITY, JUNE, FIFTEENTH. Will Surpass any Occasion of the Kind ever held in North Carolina. The next session ol the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly, which meets at Morehead City, June 15th, bids fair to surpass any occasion of the kind ever held in North Carolina. The work of the session has been planned on a different system, and will be conducted differently from that Lof any session yet held. The most important iuovation is in the introduction of depart mental work. Half of each dav will be devoted to the study ol the subjects taught in our pub lic schools and academies,special emphasis being given to meth ods of teaching these subjects most successfully. Each subject will be handled bv a teacher of distinguished ability and experi ence. There will be informal discxrssions,and the opinions and experiences of all can be heard and discussed. There will also be classes in Elocution, Vocal Music and Drawingjand lectures on School L,aw and Civil Gov ernment. All of these depart ments will be presided over by teachers from this and other Southern States who are in thorough sympathy with our Southern people, and who fully understand the condition and needs of our schools and teach ers. Special departments are being organized for the County Ex aminers and other school officers, college presidents and professors, city school superintendents and eachers, academy and high school principals and teachers primary teachers. Each depart ment will be in charge of a com mittee appointed especially to prepaie a program that will interest and instruct those ens gaged in that particular work. The convention feature will be managed differently, and it is expected to be more interesting and profitable than it has been possible to make it heretofore. Questions will be discussed that will interest all classes of teach ers and intelligent citizens. The speakers will include educators and others among them, some . 1 1 ot tne leading business ana pros fessional men and editors of the State. So that the question of education and its influence and effect upon the professions and business interests will be dis cussed from every standpoint. The evening, or "Culture," 1 lectures will be ct such a nature as to instruct aud entertain everybody. The pleasure feature will be looked after with great est care, and the musical part of the program will be complete. Hotel rates same as heretofore, aud railroad rates will be less than ever offered before. Official Bulletin, containing complete program and full in formation, will be issued about the 15th of April. All the friends of education are invited to attend. 7V!;:i--i-o Spit and Smoke Your Life Away, tobacco easily and forever lie ma j j till or life, ner-i-e ami vigor, take No-To-, flu wonder-worker that makes weak men All druggists, 50c or Si. Cure guaran Hooklet and sample free. Address ling Kcnjcdy Co., Chicago or New York. An Effusive Card. A very grateful widow who has a thrifty as well as a vivid imagination, unburdens her heart in the following nnsur- passible"caad," which she res centlv had printed in the Grif fin, Ga., Call : "Mr. Editor I desire to thank the friends and neighbors most heartily in this manner tor their co-operation during the illness and death of my late husband, who escaped from me by the hand of death on last Friday while eating breakfast. To my friends aud all who contributed so willingly toward making the last moments and the funeral ot my husband a success, I desire to remember most kindly, hop ing these lines will . find them enjoying the same blessings. have also a good milch cow and roan gelding horse, 8 years old, which I will sell cheap. "God money in a mysterious way His wonders to perform He plants His footsteps on the sea. and rides upon the storm: "Also a black and white shoat verylow." Can You Read This ? An Exercise in Accentuation for Teachers and Coriect Readers. 1. Goeftrey, surnamed Wiuthrop, sat in the depot at Chicago waiting for his train, and reading the Tribune, when a squadron of street arabs (incomparable for squalor) thronged from a neighboring alley, uttering hideous cries, accompanied by in imitable gestures of heinous exultation, as they tortured a humble black and-tan dog. 2. "You little blackguards ?" cried Winthrop, stepping outside and confronting them, adding the iuquirv, "Whose dog is that?" "That audacious Caucasian has the bravado to in terfere with our clique," tauntingly shrieked the indisputable little ruffian, exhibiting combativeness. 3. "What will you take for him ?" asked the lenient Goeffrev, ignoring the venial tirade. "Twenty-seven cents," piquantly answered the ribald urchin, grabbing the crouching dog by the nape. The grimace upon his features showed his sufferings were poignant. An attempt to resist the rescue would have been maniacal. 4. "You can buy licorice aud share with the indecorous coadjutors of your condemnable cruelty," said Winthrop, pay ing the price and taking the dog from the child. Then catch ing up his valise aud umbrella he hastened to his train. Winthrop satisfied himself that his sleek protege was not wounded, and then cleaned the cement from the prettv collar aud read these words: "Leicester, Licensed, No. 1880." 5. Hearing the pronunciation of his name, the docile canine expressedg'ratitude and pleasure,aud then sank exhaus ted at his new patron's feet and slept. Among the other passengers was a magazine contributor, writing vagaries of Indian literature; also, two physicians, a somber, thist, and a genial homeopathist, bronchitis. 6 Two peremptory attorneys from the legislature of Iowa were discussing the politicts of the epoch and the details of national finance, while a wan, dolorous person wearing concave glasses alternately ate troches and almonds for a sedative, and sought condolence in a high, lamentable treble from a lethargic and somewhat deaf and enervate comrade not yet acclimated. 7. Near three exemplary brethren (probably sinecurists) sat a group of humorous youths; and a jocose sailor, lately from Asia, in a blouse waist and tarpaulin hat was amusing patri otic juvenile listeners by relating a series of the most extra ordinary legends extant, suggested by the contents of his knap sack, which he was calmly and leisurely arranging in a py ramidal form on a three-legged stool. Above swung figured placards with museum aud lyceum advertisements, too verbose to be misconstrued. 8. A mature matron of medium height and her comely daughter soon entered the car and took seats in front of Wiu thiop (who recalled having seen them on Tuesday in February, in the-Parquet of a theatre). The young lady had recently made her bebut into society at a musical soiree at her aunt's. She had an exquisite bouquet of flowers that exhaled sweet perfume. She'said to her parent, "Mama, shall we ever find my lost Leicester?" 9. Geoffrey immediately addressed her, saying, as he pre sented his card : "Pardon my apparent intrusiveness, but prithee have you lost a pet dog? ' It is apparent that the de nouement of our orthoepical romance is near. 10. The explanation that he had been stolen was scarcely necessary, for Leicester on awakening vehemently expressed his inexplicable joy by buoyantly vibrating between the two like the sounding lever used in telegraphy (for to neither of them would he show partiality) till, succumbing to ennui, he purported to take a recess, and sat on his haunches, complai santly contemplating his friends. It was truly an interesting picture. 10. They reached their destination ere the sun was beneath the horizon. Often during the summer Winthrop gallantly rowed from the quay with the naive and blithe Beatrice in her jaunty yachting suit; but no coquetry shone from the depth of her azure eyes. Little Less, their jocund confidante and courier (and who was as sagacious as a spaniel) always attend ed them on these occasions.and whenever they rambled through the woodland paths. While the band played strains from Bethoven, Mendelssohn, Bach and others, they promenaded the long corridors of the hotel. 1 1 . And one evening, as Beatrice lighted the gas by the etagere in her charming boudoir in their suite of rooms, there glistened brilliantly a valuable solitaire diamond on her finger. Hoth man and woman in this case, being above the mediocre, their martial fondness would not likely turn to satiety. 12. Let us look into the future for the sequel to perfect this romance, aud round a cheerful hearth we again see Geoff rey and Beatrice, who are paying due homage to their tiny friend Leicester. He was their solace in danger, for he always kept a diligent surveillance over both master and mistress. BOLT HITS A CHAIN GANG. ON15 CONVICT KILLED AND TWO OTHERS INJURED IN GEORGIA. A freaky flash ot lightning passing through ten men at At lanta, Ga., last Friday evening killed Frank Dent, who was the last in a row of eleveti men. Dent was a convict, and was strung on a chain with ten com panions, when death came suds denly without auy warning. So quickly was his life snapped out that his associates, through whom the death current ranr knew nothing of their danger until they observed Dent's life-- less form uoou the ground be-.. L - side them. The batch of eleven convicts tl were working in a field when a severe storm came up. The guard quickly strung the gang upon a long chain and hustled, them toward a tree. Dent was at one end of the chain, while the other end was made fast to the tree, thus securing them. A bright flash came aud in an instant the tree was in splinters. Snapping and sizzling, the current leaped from the tree along the links of the chain, making a crackling noise as it went up. The flash, blinded the gang, and long before the suK phuric smell passed away the convicts awoke from the shock to find Dent, on whom the cur rent stopped, dead, and two others badly burned. Ever? body Says So. Cascarets Candv Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant a;id refreshing to the tast, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, oluismc th p.ntirn nvstem. dispel colas- cure headache, fever, habitual constipation: and biliousness. Please buy and try a dox: I of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents, tooiaana 1 (juarf nteed to cure by all druggists. I irrevocable, irrefragable allopa wlio made a specialty of T ON HAND Fredonla. N. Y.t the able and accomplished Military Commander (father-in-law of the late Commander Wm. B. Cushlng, U. S. N, who gained world-wide renown for his crowning feat of blowing up the iron clad Albemarj In 1863) writes Dr. Fenner: "For many years I have kept on band faox Biood and Liver Remedy and erve Tonic for immediate use whe4 ever I have A bilious attack or nervous prostraf tion or feel run down. It always gives sDeedv relief so much so that I nave come to relv on it with the .same certain ty that I do on the law of gravitation, mood and ILiver Dr.Fenner'sEeiseddyHev8rFails. Nerve Tonic It is a Sarsaparilla-Mandrake-Prinee' l Yine Atterative, JVerve ionic ana. Restorative Compound. CERTAIN AS THE LAW OF GRAY1TATI0H, Physics from blood, liver and tissues all worn-out particles ana impurities, without weakening but strengthening instead, and Restores tne .Nerves. tion. Bad Breath. Skin Diseases, Old Sorea. Dizziness. Scrofula. General DebUity. etc. uam Hpfuiarhpa. UTCneiisia. uonsriDa- Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sample free. MnthPT f "KWr vnnr child's Stomach and DOW fcls healthy with Dr. Fennels Sennatorla. Th best laxative and corrective Known. Dr. Fanner's Soothing Syrup Allays Irritation and gives refreshing sleep. 85 Fen ner' s Worm SvruD. "Brought 15 'onus from our child. Mrs.sherlck.Elida.0.- Fenner'sFAjiL.v( SaltRheum )Olnt mont. it for skin eruptions, rues, bores, cuu,eic PATENTS Send for 54-Pee Guid, with 75 Mechanical Movements and list Ot 1 200 Inventions Wanted. Sent FREE. K. DIET ERICH A CO- 602 F Street, X. W., Washington, D. C KEEPS ! WW Norfolk & Southern RR Schedule in effect Feb. 22, 1897. Norfolk & Southern It. R. Mail and Express trains, Southbound, daily (ex cept Sundays,) leave Elizabeth Citv at 11:40 a. m., aud at 6:00 p. 111.; North bound, daily, (except Sundays) leave Elizabeth Citv at 2:45 P- nu,aud 9:40 a. m. The trains arrive at and depart from Norfol k & Western depot, Nor folk ; connect at Norfolk with all Rail and Steamer lines, and at Edenton with Steamer for Roanoke, Cashie, Chowan and Scupperuoag rivers; transfer steamers to Mackcy's Ferry, thence by Norfolk & Southern R. R. to Pantego and Belhaven, connecting with steamer Virginia Dare for Makeleyvillc. Auro ra, Washington and all "intermediate landings. Eastern Carolina Dispatch AND .. Old. Dominion XilrtOi The steamer Neuse leaves Elizabeth City Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6;20 p. m., for Newbern. connecting with the A. & N.C. R.R. for Goldsboro, Kinston, and Morehead Citv, and with the V. N. & N. R. R. for . Jacksonville, Wilmington, N. C , etc. Returning, leave Newbern Monday, Wednesday and Friday, touching at Ocracoke go ing and returning. The steamer Newbern leaves Eliza beth City at 3 p. 1:1 , daily, except Thursday and Sunday for Roanoke Island direct. Tickets on sale at Elizabeth Citv Station to Roanoke Island, Newberue, Kinston, Goldsboro, Morehead Citv and Wilmington, N. C. Daily all rail service between Eliza beth City and New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk. Through cars and as w rates and quicker time than by an other route. Direct all goods to b.i shipped via Eastern Carolina DispaP.I. as follows: From Norfolk by Norl :.: & Southern Railroad; Baltimore by IW. & B. R. R., President Street Stat:on; Philadel phia, Philadelphia R. R., Dock Street Station; New York, by Pennsylvania R. R., Pier 27 North River, and Old Dominion Line For further information apply to M. II. Snowden, Agent, Elizabeth City, or to the General Office of the Norfolk & Southern R. R. Company, Norfolk, Ya. M. K. KING, General Manager. II. C. HUDGINS, G. V. & P. Agt. DR. C. P. BOGERT, Surgeon and Mechanical SSITIST Edenton, N. O. Patients visited when requested. Monuments arid Tombstones In writing give some limit as and state age of de- LARGEST STOCK (Couper (Marble ffiorks, (Established 1848.) 159 to 163 Bauk St., Norfolk, Ya. Miles Jennings, onnonnnoooOQCO BLACKSMITH Sanders Building, Poindexter St. Mill and MarineForgings A Specialty. 5f Full line of Wheels and Wagons kept in stock. All work done promptly and in the most workmanlike manner. GiVe Me a Trial 500 Men WANTED -TO- Unload Schooners A Good Job One that willilast all Sum mer. To secure the job a nickle is required as a deposit of good faith. Apply at once to J. R. BERGERON, At the PAI.A.IS, on Main Street. Several Houses and Lots in Edenton. One residence on Church St. Six on Queen street. One on Court street. Two stoies on Broad street. Will sell either or all on easy terms. Apply to J. W. SPRUILL, Edenton, N C. Send one dollar to the Fish Erman & Farmer and become a subscriber. FOR SUL mb Kare doingthe largest share of the Job Printing used in this section; we are doing more of it this year than last, and we did more fore. Occasionally one of our another firm, but they always come back to us. And we are constantly getting new friends and customers, too. People patronize us now who heretofore had their work done in the North, because we have demonstrated the fact that our work is equal to that to be had anywhere. GOOD In proof of which wo submit the following argument : There are eggs and eggs ; the eggs of yesterday looks, feels, J measures and weighs like the egg of last month, but there's a slight P difference in another respect, and that difference is worth money. It's just so with printing ; the difference between good work and $ poor may be slight to the unpnicticed discernment, but is a differ- cuce that counts every time. It costs money, but it makes moie jt' its a clttterence that changes the to an investment. We do Good Printing And if in Commercial Printing, Society Printing, Church Printing, Lodge Printing, Two-Color Printing, Or Printing of Any Kind, Call or Send Your Order to CO., Corner Broad and King Fisherman Corner Water and N. G. Grandy & Co., Broilers Commission Bier chants, 100 barrels Holton Early Rose Potatoes, which are being sold cheap for cash. Also agents for High Class Fertilizers for truck and corn and cotton. Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls for stock best and cheapest feed. Also a fine stock of Apples and Cabbage. Highest cash prices paid for Eggs. a omg last year than the year customers is induced to De fy printing bills from an expense need of- ELLIOTT PRINTING Streets, - C- & Farmer, Matthew Streets, 1ST

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