r e 11 i utered at the Post Office at Elizabeth City as second class matter. -ELIZABETH CITY, April 9, 1897. stairs, is the office of The Pith of the News Especially In tije Heart of tbcGUy 4 at the corner oi A ater i and Matthew Sts, up We Do High Grade COMMERCIAL PRINTING. 1lf- KTSIITfRMAN kliv - - Farmkr Printing Com pany. Persons having business to transact are invited to call. Tlnr Karly liisor. In every house there is one member who awakens earlier than the rest, and whose duty it is to get all the others out on time. It is usually the mother, and she has to see that her hus band is up on time for his work, that her sons and daughters who work down town get started in season, and get the little ones off for school. It by chance she lets any one oversleep, she is asked in a winning tone why she didn't call him earlier. She probably called a half dozen times, and he turned over and went to sleep again. Though she often has extra work of her own to do, she has to rely upon her own efforts to get up earlier. No one ever has to call the moth er of the house out of bed, but she has to serve as train dispat cher for the balance of the family, on scant pay and on thanks. Grand Millinery Opening. Mrs. M. Hill & Co., will on next Monday and Tuesday, April fifth and sixth, have on exhibi tion the largest and finest diss play of trimmed hats and bon nets ever brought to this town. All our friends, patrons nd the public are cordially invited to attend. PALAIS ROYAL, Main Street near Water. Magnificent Minstrels. The date for Barlow Bros. Magnificent iUinstreis at uie v;p- tcM1jglt era House is definently fixed for ir1if- This organization is the kind now traveling. It is especially efficient in the comedy i element, but its superiority musically has gained for the or ganization the title of "magnify Tf rontains nearlv a cent score it contains iieuiiy a , ., r 11 . beans and tomatoes, of excellent vocalists, many of the voices being phe- undoubtedlv the best ever seen with a minstrel company. The feature this season is the next President of minstrelsy, "Harry Ward." News Adrift PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." BRIEFLY RELATED. Prepared for the Busy Rad r. The blue birds have made their appearance. The Fisherman- & Farmer appears to-day six pages. Mr. Hooper is erecting a nice residence on Riverside Ave. Mr. Frank Tisdale, of Norfolk, Va., is in the city this week. Some repairs are being made at the mill of Raper & White. Rev. G. D. Langston, of Man- teo, was in the City Wednesday. Mr. J. H. Parker, of Hertford visited Elizabeth City this week. Mr. Charlie Scott is very ill at his room in the Albemarle House. The church choirs of the city are arranging special music for Easter. This beautiful weather is bringing the ladies out in large numbers. When two women get after one man he might just as well throw up his hands. What does Easter mean?' will be Dr. BlackwelPs subject at Baptist church Sunday night. Miss Maria Selden, of Vir- ginia, is tne guest 01 iuis. w. x. Baxter, near Albemarle Park. Mrs. M. F. Armstrong of this citv is visiting her daughter Mrs. J. B. Walker in Tyrrell county. Rev. C. A. G ettville has quit his pulpit lor the time being to rest his throat. M ss Mary Meads, of Weeks- ville, is in the city delighting Miss Maggie Davis with a visit. A number of young ladies and gentlemen went down the river verterday to enjoy a fish fry. Get vour razors out. There's going to be a Possum-a-la-danee at the Barlow Bros. Minstrels Mr. and Mrs. J Reden Banks have been handsomely enter tained this week by Miss Hall Waters at her home at the Park and by Dr. and Mrs. Blackwell at the Baptist parsonage. The citv council will hold special meeting: at Town Hail on Monday next, the purpose of . - 11 r which will be to issue a call lor The Albemarle Fire Depart ment recently issued a circular ie letter to about fifty of Elizabeth City's business men asking them to become honorary, or contribs uting, members of the company. This was done to raise a fund with which to purchase un iforms. We are told that only two have responded to the This we are sorry to near ..it the Municipal election ana to Th . afe ever read for aPPolnt legiatiais au r"" r UpnnVp anrl verv nrOUlDt 111 ers. Vnnntr Warren Sexton, son of Geo. Sexton, was badly hi t Tuesday being struck in the back by a brick thrown by a bov named Mack Heath. Sexton had to be carried home by Of ficer Brooks. Sunday seems to be a great day for buggy-riding by the vounc oeople of Elizabeth City, J J A A. and a good day for liverymen. Last Sunday being a pretty one, 0 nearly every vehicle in the town was pressed in service. There will be Preaching at exhibition Hall at the Park every sunday morning at 10:30 o clock, and 7 in the evening. Sunday school at 9: 30 o clock, By Rev. B. E. Krupp ot the Evangelical Assocation; all are welcome to attend these meeting Miss Lula Butt, the principal of Ryland, Institute, Berkley, Va., is advertising Her scliool for lease or sale. It is under stood that the fair mistress of this flourishing school contemn plates contracting other rela tions. Not mentioning the n inner ous spectacular features of the great Barlow Bros. Minstrels, the company presents this sea son the great southern comedi ans, Mack and O'Day, who sim ply transfer the southern darkey rom the c.ottor,.-nelds to the tage. The Steamer New Berne has 1 . 11 it. f been cnartereci Dy uie vjrice Bros. to run from this place to Nag's Head during the coming riiomas of Fays s?ason- ew ne is an legant oteamei , inanueu uy uu xcellent, courteous crew, and . 1 t 1 always gives uie traveling puo- ic satisfaction. The farmers are rapidly plant- without exceptiou, the 'finest of ing corn. The weather having -r . 1 j 1 1 4 1 m proved they have gone to work n earnest. Tosh Davis, at the market, is an up to-date fellow He has this week on sale tresli suap Mr. Louis Selig was at Nor- noinenal, while its orchestra is folk, Va., Tuesday having been CASTORIA called there on account ef the llness of his mother. Achoree Lodge, I. O O. F. elected at last Friday's meeting Mr. E. F. Sawyer the represen- I tative to the Grand Lodge. Miss Lucv Bell who has been off teaching for six months glad dened the hearts of many iriends by a two days visit this week. Cards are out for the marriage of Mr. L. W. Norman and Miss Tosie Elliott next Wednesday in I J . ... 1 1 t i r 1 Place your advertisement in the Baptist cnurcn rieruoru. the Fisherman & Farmkr, a A protracted meeting will be iviiier 1 1-d f ic rpnr 1V mnrp DPO- J 4- .-f ct k. "J r COmUieilCeU WUll ai mv- pie than any other paper pub- ciurc1 which, we hear, will te lished in Eastern Carolina. Don't rnn(i,lcted bv Evangelist Hines. Rev. B C. Krupp gave a very nterestiug Stereoption lecture on "Scene and natural life m India." to a few friends at the residence of Mr. R. O. Preyor at "Seven Pines" Tuesday evening. Rev. B. C. Krupp was a mission ary in India for a number of years. A new line ot Rambler and Crescent Bicycles just received at Seligs. .Call and exmine them before purchasing elsewhere. You not only save money by buying one of his wheels, but, in addition, you get the best that money Craius can produce no exception whatever. Rev Zion Berry went before the town council the other night and secured the enactment of an audiance prohibiting boys play ino- baseball on any vacant lot in The Most Desirable Tor Infants and. Children. Tkt fas liaih Hgsaturs is OS ewry vuppiz. he deceived. We have the largest circulation, then why not give us vour ad ? Our rates are low. Brick! Brick! BRIGK WORKS. The leading brick mauu 1 fac hirers of this section are ivrr tvTtq T M Whedbee. of Hertford, are spending several days with their daughter, Mrs. O. McMulleu, on Pennsylvania I Ave. A runaway horse created fx-oifpm put Tuesday on in nv-ii J Matthews street, and came near killing a negro boy in charge of same Mr. Charles Morgan of the ill i iacturers oi mis .ecuuu mc z u Mo Photo. Co , w now ready to supply orders er , " now reauy lu auuuiy wn.iv.ic :i on short notice. This plant visit Ballard s ; has been in active operation gnowan County, r t1lPvPamru'l '. ' guarantee satisfaction as to : .quality and price, (These (Brick have tood the $est And reflex action will be church, on to-morrow, city limits. The boys don't love brother rerry any better for it, but they admire his ability to o-et what he asked for of the city fathers. The County Commissioners were in session Monday. Among the business transacted was the appointment of Tax Listers for the varions townships: Salem. F. M. Godfrey; Nixontou, W. N. Price; Mt. Hermon J. C. Munden; Elizabeth city, L A. Banks; Fro- vidence, S. S. Sawyer; Newland, W. T. Williams. answering alarms, and deserve encouragement. The fee for such membership is quite small and we trust more of our buss iness men and property owners will show their appreciation by lesponding to their call and thereby assist them in securing uniforms. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T. M. Bell has an advertise ment in this issue, of his livery stable at Snowdeu. Candy Cathartic Cascarets are advertised in this issue by the Sterling Remedy Co. Read the ad. In this paper will be found a very attractive advertisement of Moses Weisel, one of the largest and leading merchants in Eliz abeth City. He carries a select stock and believes in selling at a reasonable profit. If vou need anything in his line you will save money by giving him a call. The full page advei tisement ot McCabe & Grice. in this pa per, is not only very attractive but contains some very profit able information. These gen tlemen are hustlers and wide awake business men, and their mammoth store is stocked from bottom to top with bargains. Go see them, and take our word lor it, your visit will pay you. Blood Is essential to health. Every nook and corner of the system is reached by the blood, and on its quality the condition of every organ de pends. Good blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other diseases. The'surest way to have good blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cures that tired feeling. Remember, nn IrLlOQ Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. oat TT u j iri cnre r,iver Ills; easy to llOOll S FlllS take, easy to operate. 25c. TTTZ julm Cottage on Mr C. F. Hussey has been ptunloved as chief engineer at the Eliz. City Cotton Mills, Mr. C R. Tones having resigned and left for Baltimore. XTonr cnV;rrihers to the FlSH ERMAN & Farmer are constant- 1 C r.T purchase. You coma aony COming in. A numoer ui new worse, and we venture to names were added to our list this say, you can do no better jweek, Thanks! elsewhere. , .r.,i... ,,0o t- - . ' ' ' r t the manager ot the successim Taicre company, is the manager of the great Barlow Bros. Minstrels. Tf von have a shallow well do : , Lnt neo-lect to clean it out at the toeics when Grove's Tiisste first opportunity wlncli presents itss CUiil Tonic is as pleas- :Kpir Tt is a large factor in the SUf T Syrup. Your druggist is "f ' f t haye pure '"iuji i.v;u iu reiuua me money i ii-ui-" - " ' I Wit LCI . Mr. and Mrs. Tas. R. Elliott ioff Wednesday for Edenton, iAV J ... -. where Mr .Elliott will conduct jo u jji 111 Liij ; A reckless base runner makes j We bespeak for him a liberal Call Telephone No. 2, or address G. Thompson, (Mgr., Elizabeth City, N. C aut 5o cents. If wishes were home runs,! oeggers would root. VMM UI fat scorecard. First lightning of the season that struck occurred on Monday night. Terrific shocks over the ciS', caused the electric lights to be turned oil and burned out several telephones. The Cobb telegraph line to Noriolk Had a number of polls torn to pieces out about Berea and cut the wire. Sensations are beginning early. A telegram reached this city Monday announcing the eleatn of Miss Nellie Duckworth, a young lady residing at Brown ville, Tenn., and who is a sister of Mrs. W. C. Glover, ot this city. Having made a number of visits to Elizabeth City Miss Duckworth was well known here and quite a favorite with our people, and the sad announce ment of her death was Keenly felt bv her many friends and acquaintances at this place. To-night Barlow Bros. Great Minstrel Organization will be ;ppii at Overman's Opera House, and it will undoubtedly, be giv en to an audience that will nil m-pnr available space in the " X theatre, presenting up-to-date, inrxlern minstrelsy. The great quartette and various artists will ci'ticr their sweetest sones, ana old-time minstrelsy will be pre sented in the happy manner that make? plantation songs and dances, pickaninny and old-time melodies, such as the reader has heard so much about, and seen ;n little of. There is but one rccnin.A-la and that will be seen to-night. The recent frosts have some what injuied peas and other truck. The Jones cottage situated 50 yds south ot hotel, 2 stories, rooms, tongue and grooved floors and piazza all around building, double kitcnen with rooms for servants; also mattress es, chairs, tables, lounges and oood cook stove. Drive pump rinrl onod water nearby. Title & o-nn ran teed Can be very cheap. Apply to J. M. JONES, Edenton, N. C bought TO 0M MB OKT Goes the resistless tide of trade. Each day more Spring-like. Popularity, liko the wave of a great ocean, lifts our boat and carries it on its crest, on and on, swiftly and surely to success. In every department than at any other season iu the history of this house- This is proof that we please the people. This is the indis putable of our superiority over all others. AU the World Will wear them, And, as sure as you live, you'll want them. Dim ities, Organdies, Mulls, Picqucs and Percales, Lace Stripes and Silk Stripes, Cords and plain, Yankee made, or imported, they are all here, the cream of the cream. Persian laces and dotted Swisses, and the dainty new lace effects with trimmings to match everything. If you want the cream of these creamy goods, come now. Prices from (lets, the yard up. liZM That is well made, fits you nicely and don't change its color, is the kind of clothing you are looking for, and the only kind we keep in our establishment. Let us show you Oiii" TVoav JuitK at $5, $7.50 and $10. Proper Footwear A woman wouldn't w ear a Gainsborough hat or a man wouldn't wear a silk hat on a bicycle. You should be just as correct about shoes as you are about hats. We sell the proper SHOES for you to wear, w lien on foot or on the bicvclc. from $1 00 xx 15. OurtfH'k of triiimii'il and trimmed HATS is so varied that it can nut help pKasmur evitv taste There arc no prettier hats in the world than vmt can find t iulit here Costlier hats it will be easy to find, lull tinup uri'llipr nr mutt Ovlivli Don't take our word for it, come ami lintl out tor vourscll. M 5E5 WEISEL, WATER STREET, TO RAMBLERS 1896 (While they Last) ONLY $ ED. Reduced from $100 1 RAMBLERS 'fl The Best Wheel Made. Now Only SQD. Ladies Crescent '96 Model, was $75. Now $ 50. Boys and Girls V Crescents From $27-50 to $40.00- Bote! Presenilis. Do not overlook the fact, that, while we keep Bicy cles have also a full and complete line of Jewelry, Silver and Plated War, suitable for ents. Bridal Pres- 'JTlio Tositlinji' T.jvo1m TX7"atex Street. Cants t crescent Sr- '97 Model j AND A FULL LINE OF " els a, nd Lamps Kept Constantly on Hand. W hv thro w Your old and broken Furniture away t When von can have it made if w . 7 - - . as g-ood and handsome as f rtsi ttt ion 11PW nr vprv n p ec- pense. Hrius: or send it to w 1 mv shoo over T. B. Flora'sl ? j a . . t blUlt, aim 11 win ut .iii. m 1 nice order for you. .-Ai T 1 ti I'ornie 1 rptiiir aud npnoister furniture, re - 5?; i oair Umdrellas. Sharpen 1 Knives;- Scissors and Saws, I and put them 111 good order. 1 I also repair Harness, &c. 2 Hoping to have your pat- ronage, I am most respectfully T.H.KEIrLAM, Elizabeth City, N.C. 9 W WWSW Spp.rmd hand Waverly and Cleveland 1896 Models in fine condition G-iven all our customers by an experienced rider, Catalogues sent on 1 application "Not Exactly Iiiglit." Tlirn;aTifli of neoDle aee ir. this con dition Thev are not sick, and yet they a re by no means well. A single bottle nftinnd'c Sm-sanarilla would do them a worla of good. It would tone the stomnch, create an appetite, purify and enrich the blood knd give wonder ri trri- nnrl vitalilv. Now is the time to bake it. Pono hnv Hood's Sarsaparilla year after year because it does them good. It will do you good to take it now. OOOD OOT SOIL OOOI CULTIVATION and then you may reasonably expect go od croPs; Some times, by extra cultivation, you may get along pretty well, on really poor soils, and sometimes, on extra soils passable crops are made without proper cultivation, but there .is one thing to be remembered no matter what tne soil or the cultivation, you will never succeed unless the seeds are all right. "Figs do not grow from thistles," nor good crops from poor seeds. We sell no seeds which are not good waftAr Will you let us help you to grow good crops ? No matter how small operations may be.we want to furnish the seeds and you will be surprised to find how easy it is to by our seeds by mail. Write for a catalogue-it is the best ever written for the Southern garduer. Geo. Tait Ac Son. Seed Growers, 78 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va. If you feel bad in the morning and want a bracer, use CORES Ml And gives new life to the nerves. 2 SarSe Soses for IO cts. See that every Bottle is Stamped with 3 Sprigs of Celery. PREPARED BY YAEKEL DRUG CO, BALTIMORE, Mo. ( C ( patronage.