r HEIGHORHOOD NEWS. ITEMS GA'IHEREb HERE AWD THERE BY CHARLES MORGAN. SOME THINGS HE SEES AND HEARS AT TOINTS WHERE YTE HAVE NO REGULAR REPORTER. Mr. J. T. Speight, of Cisco, is quite ill. A revival is in progress at the M. E. Church in Hertford. Master John Wilson, of YVood- ville, is now a student of Hert ford Academy. Miss Lucy Gaskins, of Wind sor. is visiting: Mrs. A. Bunch near Cisco, N. C. Miss Lizzie Jones, of Centre Hill, spent last week with Miss Mary Lvans at Cisco. Mr. Aug. Harrell, of Rocky Hock, seriously cut his foot with an axe a few days ago. Rev. J. A. Speight, of Berk ley, Va., visited his brother last week in Bertie county. W. J. Dale has erected blacksmith and repair shop at Cisco, Chowan county. Miss Annie Parish, of Hert ford, is visiting the family of Mr. T. C. White; at Cisco. Mrs. A. D. White, of Winfall, spent last week in Hertford with her brother, Mr. Uriah Speight. Miss Lizzie Thompson, of Okisko, has gone to Baltimore :o work in a Millinery establish ment. Mr. J. J. Fleetwood, of Hert ford, is in Hyde and Tyrrell counties this week purchasing timber. Miss Lizzie Speight, of Per quimans county, is visiting the family of W. 11. Fowler, near Winfall. Miss Leora Coflield closed the school last week she has been teaching at Champion Branch,' Chowan county. The District M. E. Conference will be held on the 15th and 17th of July at Evans' church in Chowan county. Mrs. Elizabeth Hollowell, of Byrum's X Roads, spent last week with her son, R. B. Hollo well, near Rocky Hock. Miss Sallie H. Jones, who has been conducting a very success" lul school at Rocky Hock, N. C. closed same last week. Mrs. A. A. Parish, living near Edenton, spent a part of last week with the family of Mr. J. W. White, near Rocky hock. Mrs. W. S. Stafford, living near E. City, lost a pocket book last week containing about $50, but fortunately it was found and returned. Messrs. J. H. Evans and W. R. Taylor, of Harrellsville, spent several days last week with the family of Mr. R. B. Hollowell, near Rocky Hock. Rev. J. H. Speight, of Berk ley, Va., preached last Saturday and Sunday at Rocky Hock church. Large -congregations were out to hear him. Mr. W. R. Taylor, formerly of Harrellsville, N. C, who, is now electrician in the Artilery school at Old Point, Va., is visit ing relatives at his old home. Mr. L. V. Owens, who is teaching in Bertie county, closed his school on the 6th with a grand enteitainmeut. The ad dress was delivered by Rev. Jack Riddick, of Windsor. Rev. D. W. Griffin, of the Baltimore Conference, is visit ing relatives in Perquimans comity. Mr. Griffin is a Chowan county boy but now resides at Frostburg, Md., and is doing well. Miss Maggie L. Evans closed the public school on the 2d inst., which she has been teaching in the lower part of Pasquotank county, and has returned to her home in Chowan county. The little infant son of Mr. K. II. Bunch, living near Rocky Hock, drank concentrated lye a few days ago, from the effects of which he is suffering very much. Parents should be more careful with the lye can. Mr. Z. W. Kvans, who is con ducting a very large merchan dise and lumber business at Cisco, N. C, has recently en larged and improved his mill, and will soon make extensive improvements 011 his dwelling. Notwithstanding the fact that the catch of fish in the lower sounds has been larger this sea son than ever before known, the Chowan river fishermen have had a very poor season and the catches by them have been un usually small. Your reporter's visit to Rocky Hock, Chowan county, a few days ago was exceedingly pleas ant. We met a fine lot of peo ple, kind, courteous, obliging and industrious, and we believe them to be the most prosperous lot of farmers it has ever been our good fortune to visit. Their fields are all flourishing, their farms are neat and clean and nearly every body seems to be cut of debt and own their homes. SLEEP WALKER TOOK. WIFE'S GOLD. MYSTERIOUS THEFTS THAT WERE CHARGED TO SERVANTS. A little over a year ago Mis. John Harkiss at Allegheny, ?a., missed from time to time several articles of jewelry and some trinkets. She suspected her servant girl, who bed al .vays been trusted implicitly. A watch was set on her, but nothing wrong was detected, though the thefts continued. Finally last Fall the servant was dismissed. About two months ago an other servant was employed. As soon as the weather began to have a touch of Spring about it the thieving again commenc ed. Mis. Harkiss, in telling her troubles to a neighbor not long ago, got an idea that, put into execution, solved the myss tery. She set about to watch her husband, and one night last week the mystery was unravel ed. Mr. Harkiss, while fast asleep, got up from his bed, dressed himself, and taking a small arti cle, made his way downstairs, unbolted the door and started off towards Bigham's woods,. Mrs. JIarkiss's brother, who lives with her, was sent after the sleep walker and followed him down a steep embankment and over a fence, which the somnambulist scaled in an easy manner, to an old pile of logs and underbrush in the woods, where Harkiss hid the article he had taken. The brother-in-law marked the jlace and followed the man back. The next day all the missing articles for over a year back were found under the logs. A Fatal Result of a Feud. A feud which has existed be tween the families of Bud Har-. vill and Jack McCombs, promi nent farmers of Cullman, Ala., over the location of the division al line between their properties, resulted Saturday in a battle bev tweeu Harvill and one of his farm tenants named John At well, on one part, and McCombs and his eighteen-year-old son on the other. When it was over Atwell lay dead on the ground with a bullet in his brain. The younger McComb was fatally wounded. The elder McComb was shot in the leg and body. Harvill fled and is being pur- sued by enraged friends of Mc Comb. That is a good story which the distinguished Afro-American, Booker T. Washington, tells on one of his race, who thought that as long as he be longed to his master it was no theft to eat his master's chick ens, his reply to his owner's remonstrance being: "Well, massa, you'se got less chicken, but you'se got more niggah. The latest results of pharmaceutical science and the best modern appliances are availed of in compounding Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Hence, though half-a century in existence as a medicine, it is fully abreast of the age in all that goes to make it the standard blood purifier. The Washington Gazette's Bath correspondent writes that Capt. Tarkeuton caught Monday per haps the largest sturgeon ever caught in Pamlico river. It measured nine and a half feet in length and weighed about 300 pounds. t remature baldness may be prevent ed and hair made to grow on heads al ready bald, by the use of Hall's Veg etable Sicilian Hair Renewer. Brown "Do you think the telephone has increased busi ness?" Jones 'Certainly; three quarters of the people you call up are sure to be busy." Puck. The North Carolina Building and Loan Association, which has its principal office at Chars lotte, was placed in the hands of a receiver Saturday. Humors, pimples, boils, are very annoying. They quickly disappear when the blood is puriEel by Hood's Sarsaparilla. He "Don't you think you could learn to love me?" She "I would not have to learn, if I ielt inclined to love vou." In dianapolis Journal. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 35 cents per package. The Tramp Printer didn't do a Thing to the Woodville Blower (Atlanta Constitution) When the editor of the Wood ville Blower got sick and had to leave town for a week, he got Randolph Hortou Tucker to get out the paper. Now, Mr. Tuck er was not an expert editor, but he could write nice little verses and sweet sm Jling society items and said he could manage the office first rate. He wanted to show a little extra enterprise, so he made a big spread on local news and wrote up the notices for the advertisers in fine style. When his copy was all in he went home light hearted and happy. But alas and alack ! The tramp printer who was the fore man, printer and pressman and who had not been fully sober for a month, got the news and business notices all mixed in making up, and when the Blow er appeared items like the fol lowing greeted the astonished citizens : "Go to Smith's for fresh Jer sey butter. Guaranteed to te strictly all wool." "Stubbs & Tubbs dealers in green hides, rags, iron. etc. Meals at all hours." "Reward of $10 will be pa;d for the arrest and detention of one of the most desirable resi deuce lots in town. When last heard from, was working on a steamboat in Alabama." "Get your meils at the Snide House. Fresh steak and hash every 30 days, made of the finest corrugated steel and warranted to last a lifetime." "Some verv artistic fresco work has just been don on the interior of Judge Hamp Rollins, who was again elected justice of the peace last week." The effect of this breezy issue of the Blower was such as to cause Mr. Roi'delph Tucker to abandon journalism and seek the more congenial calling of book aeent in another State. Money in Wasps. Along the banks of the Cape Fear River, in North Carolina, are lowlands, behind which lies a higher level, or bench. The lowlands are subject to more or less frequent overflow by fresh ets, which are destructive to crops planted thereon. A minis ber of years ago a farmer, resis dent in the vicinity7, made a very comfortable sum of money by insuring his neighbor's crops against these freshets. His un varying success as an insurer was for many years a profound mystery to the people of the region. The years when he de clined to insure were invariably years of destructive overflow. The years when he was willing to insure were equally certain to be seasons of exemption for dis aster. In the earlier days in -New Kusdand this man's readirsr of the future would have brought him some unpleasant experience as a dabbler, if not an adapt, in black art. In the Middle Ages ot Europe he would probably have beeu revered as a prophet or saint. Yet his information came from 110 occult source. Ob servation had shown him that a certain species of wasp, which built its home in the ground build some years on the low lands, and other years upon the higher level. Experience taught him that when the wasps built on lowlands there was no fresh ets, and when they built on higher ground, the lower would, some time during the season, be submerged. The man had sim ply noted an instance of that little understood prescience man ifested bv certain insects and animals, a better knowledge of which might even be of service to our national Weather Bureau It was only at his death that he revealed his secret. Evening Post. How's This? Wi offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarih Cure. F. J- CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. J We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. "West & Trvax, Wholesale Grocers, Toledo, Ohio. Waiting, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nal', acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 5C per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The Bashful Young Man. - A bashful young man was in vited to a dinner party and was paired with the most handsomely dressed lady in the. room. His seat at the table happened to be in front of a roast fowl, which he was expected to carve, and a fried sole. The poor man had never done such a thing before in his life, but wishing to make the best of the situation he commenced by' asking the lady very politely if she preferred anything in partic ular. She replied that she would take a little of the sole. He had no idea where the sole lay, so he began to cut off a slice of the breast. "The sole," she said. Then he tried the wing. "The sole," she repeated. This time he tried the leg. "The sole," the lady said, in a still higher key. He, moist with presperation, lost all patience, stuck the fork into the body of the fowl, saying: "Take it, body, soul and all," putting it on the lady's plate, from which it rolled into her lap, much to the consternation of the whole company. The young man was never in vited to a dinner party again. Spare Moments. April "Wisdom. 15e sure that your blood is pure, your appetite good, your digestion perfect. To purify your blood and build up your lir th, t 'food's Sarsaparilla. This mediniue has accomplished re markable cures n1' ''-'d diseases It is the One True Blood Purifier Hood's -jr-Vimrilla has power to make vou well by purifying and en riching your blood, giving you an appe tite, and nerve, mental and digestive strength. A Chinese Love Letter. Here is a good sample of a love making missive from the Flow ery Kingdom. It is from a man who desired the daughter of a neighbor as a wife for his son: "On my knees I beg you not to despise this cold and common request, but listen to the words of the matrimonial agent and give your daughter io my slave of a son, so that the pair, bound by silken threads, may have the greatest joy. In the beautiful Spring time I shall offer my weeding presents ana give a couple of geese. And let us hope for long and continuous fortune, and look forward through endless generations to the fulfillment of genuine love. May they sing of the plenty and have every joy. On my knees I beg you to consider my pro posal favorably, and throw the mirror-like glance of your eyes on these lines." To this letter the father ot the bride replied that he would attend to the portion of h;s "poor and poverty st;ickeu daugh'er, that she miht not be without bedclothes, cotton cloth ing, hairpins and earrings. Therefore it was to be hoped that the couple would have cons stant fortune." Tit Bits. A baldness makes one look prema- I turely old, so a full head of hair gives to mature life the appearance ot youth. To secure this and prevent the former Ayer's Hair Vigor is confidently re commended. Both ladies and gentle men prefer it to any other dressing. Last year there were 175 ocean wrecks involving a loss of pro perty amounting to $7,000,000, and drowning 1 5,000 people. get ready Every expectant mother lias a trying ordeal to face. If she does net there is no telling what may happen. Child-birth is full of uncertainties il Nature is not given proper assistance. Mother's Friend 13 the best help you can use at this time. It is a liniment, and -when rejnilarlv ap plied several months before baby comes, it makes the advent easy and nearly pain less. It relieves and prevents " moraine sickness," relaxes the overstrained mus cles, relieves the distended feeling, short ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer tain without any dangerous after-effects. Mother's Friend is good for only one purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of danger and pain. : 41 dollar TM1 lOt,tlfl tit. nil tinier af-rvr4 ry Artf. by mail on receipt of price. ITrIT.R "RTWiK AntainirifT rilnoMa Ir.ma tlon for women, will be Bent to any address uuu application 10 THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, Qm. 25 so ssgmM&& 1 1BQAT TTTPT V PTTIP lUTETn to anyrw pto and booklet fre. Id. STFItJ.I"fi RESFMT tfi.. S, EL MR a EL The Old Reliable ail lVlaKer. "3 "sx sr -a ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, can be found at his old stand at the Short bridge, over James Spires store, Zimmerman Hall. Canvas Furnished f at Factory Prices. Awnings, Tents and Flags a Specialty. All orders by mail promptly attend ed to. Old Canvass bought and sold. P. O. Box jj, Elizabeth City, N. C. . P. Ives Co Blenders of Old Whiskies. 11 Conimer'i:il I'Ijko, Norfolk, Va- Write for Samples and Prices, Is the way you like we have it, All from our own slaughter house and fresh everyday. Buy your meats of Caleb Walker, Steal 2nTc 1, CITY MARKET, AND GET THE BEST. Finest Poultry at The Lowest Prices. & Let us have your orders, they shall have our most careful and prompt attention. Remember Stall No. 1, City Market. GOODS DEL1VEHKD IKEE, v i-ia - - j : z xfrcrz5.t v-'. I WELCOME ' te u (.. i" fcfcl Uu Resturant M.ELLIOTT ,PR0PRIT0 f( Best the Market afford- Neat lioouis. '. a ' 'J'. Special rates for board and lb or Month- r ,a mm ail mmm mb Kk-- rfiOc SPECIALTY A. y,' -2-zj. WHICH 13 THE ELACKtE LINE BE NOT Deceived I By venders of Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. They are not Opticians, But if they were, they could not do justice to their patrons in that way. There is located at Eden ton, N. C, a Scientific Optician who has a reputation to sustaiu,who will treat you right and is reliable.care ful and practical: so say two of the leading physi cians Dillard and Mc- Mullan. Respectfully B. E. BYRD, The Optician. Having just added a new lot of type, borders, ornaments, &c, for the proper and effective dis play of advertisements, this oN fice is better equipped than evci to do your wmk. Give us a rial. CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS t of constipation. CascanU are the UmI Laxa4 Chiraco. floatrval. fan.. wXra Twi. X. ir. MUN1EN Sail Maker AwningsTentsa d Flags Old Sails Bought and Sold. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Cor. Water and Matthew Sts. (Over W. J. Woodlcy's Store.) P. O. B OX 1 32. ! ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. r- T" r , I CorrespondenceSou.'. I your MEATS, fresh is way OXJXit Beef, Veal, Mutton and : T. A IV E3 Lodging by the Week i. . .am-3t ski r--'' v . ' '4 Pork " Of Building Material, Scroll Work, or Mouldings of any kind V IF SO, correspond with wllHJffllulitB LAKGrL CAPACITY. BEST WORK. Splendid Shipping Facilities. Nothing but the best work sent out. It will be to your interest to let ns quote you prices- tSAMPLES FURNISHED ON REQUEST. No Orders Too Large-None Too Sm all . jetableTVcparationfor As similating iheToodandReguti tiqg the Stomachs andBowels of PromotesTifcsUon.ChccTfuI ness and Best.Contalns neither Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral. KotNAecotic. ImkdUSJit JXmftnaint . ItirmSetd- A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, A Vorms .Convulsions .Fevcrish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of TEW YORK. I- EXACT COPV OF WRAPPER, . ! w-- :.-' Tp- do VOll XY. , U 0 '3 0 11 before talang me'jiciue! When yon feel dull, aching and stretching just remember that the next thing will be Ma laria Chills and Fever. To avoid this, use ol Si-. iL "SEJ the great SF'rm.It Ii3,2TatlTT if taken in tii:: will save you a long spell of sickness, and much money. It is for the Kidneys, Liver and Stomach and will cure OorXStlpatlOrL. A Safe Remedy for Young and Oid- Regular Size 25 ad 50 Cents. MADE BY YEAKEL DRUG CO., BALTIMORE MARYLAND. THE CITY The Choicest Meats It will be to your interest ) j LOWESTCAS l'RIC I.S to give us your orders, f- IN THE CITY. ) e Fresh Vegetables a specialty.- . POLITE ATTENTION ! o PROMPT DELIVER Y ! Wo) VVfa c mi AX V. A:Al-A"A Stylish Turnouts for hire nt. nil timpc; ' Give Him a Call. o 10 EDI SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE of IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEBY BOTTLE OF1 Castor! a is vnt vt In one-siz lottlos oulv. ! Is not gold la bulk. Don't allow anyone to : Ton anything else on the plea or promise '.b..'. . if . . . al 111 It jnat as good" ana WUl answer every ;-:r pose." A Sea that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I A. Tksko- MARKET, mm Proprietor. 9 N. C. S EDENGON on hand at all times. I VI) mm Has opened a SALE, EXCHANCK, BOARD and LIVERY STABLE On Water Street, And solicits the patronage of hi. Friends and the tmblic frenerallv. cared for at the most reasonable terms. Stables on Water St. i m t ( r i ' t Y Laf No! D Me A wi i ni cantf 4 i I.VJ Ovil SPI NO sd In 1 pne Per Gin i Sp II r i5iia Plai thoi pres C iip. F Suit 95 DR Goo f O we 1 aid ( Don thro! Wat the , at i (Col