( fi. 'Vcl. KSL,'' rr FOR PUBLICITY Advertise in the fisherman & Farmer It Has The largest Circulation. For. Tle NEWS ! Subscribe to the Fistjstman & Farmer O Contains latest and best news feature p to date of issue. ESTABLISHED 1886 ONE DOLLiAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY, N C, FRIDAY, APRIL 16 .897 Tlxe Hjea-ca.izn.g' ZESTe-wspaper of tlie First District. F . n 1 YOU TAKE NO RISKS when buying shoes of us. SPRING STYLESf- NOW IN. Ladies Oxford Ties, laced and button in the New Colors now used NoMiy styles for Men and Boys in Red, Chocolate and Tan DOYLE cfcSmALL, yi Main St. NORFOLK, VA. M'-ution Fisherman & Farmer. A. S. FOREMAN, Successor to J. R. Wyun & Co. Wholesale Fisli Commission Merchants, . X, Roanoke Dock. Norfolk, Virginia. ASK the recorfe4 dyspeptics, bilious" luf- Lferers, victims of fever 'and ague, the mercurial diseased patient, how they recovered health. 1 cheerful spirits and good (appetite; they will teU you by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. The Cheapest, Parent and Best Family For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION', Jaundice, ion 01 spirits, NJLK hlUMAtH, Heartburn, etc. 1 his unrivaled remedy is -warranted not to contain sinic particie 01 mekcurv, or any mineral substano. PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and Herbs which a all-wise J'rovidence has placed in countries whera Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver and Itowels. jThe SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Back, Sides or Jjints, often mistaken for Rheumatism; Sour momacn; lxs of Appetite; liowels alternate! rtcliu - n .1 I- . T J I I . - a . . . ' ,ar ' "cauacne; i-oss 01 memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something taL, ; s-k . . 1 1 1 , .... n AN AWFUL WRECK. Two Southern Railroad Trains Collide NEAR CHARLOTTE, N- THE GARDEN OF EDEN. Children's Novel Play of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. KILLED HIS SWEETHFAHT EXPOSITION OF THE CARO-LINAS. Three Persons Killed and a Number of others Badly Injured. The north-bound Florida special on the Southern railway, and a local south-bound passen ger train were in collison at 11:15 o'clock Monday morning which aught to have been done; Debility; Low at HamSDUrg, a SUiall tOWll "i",u micK, ycnow appearance ol the Skin and , tyes; a ary cough, often mistaken for Consumption. aDOUt I 3 IUlleS north OI Char j . . . . ... " ; . i. uil seasc, at others verv lew : but the l iven tho lr,ro-.. organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease. injured. The iuc loiiowing nigniy-esteemed persons attest to the L-illJ , virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator: Gen.W S I k-lUcQ are: iiolt, Pres. Ga. S. W. R. R. Co. ; Rev. J. R. Felder son G Si i . hs'i.. Sheriff I!ibb Co.. '.a - T A liniK HoinKriJ I a.; Rev. I. V. Burke. Macon ViVo-il iwJL' 1 upt. I,a. a. W. K. K. : Hon. Alexamlrr H Sr.. T. Clingman Benton, of Char. Otte. aired vears. nostal rlerk . . 0 j j j , i We have tested its virtue? personally, and knoW Oil tllO Inm' triin- TitllC "Plir1 that for Dyspepsia, liiliousness and '1 hrobbine Head. iOCa. irain, 1 1 IUS j,UCl , or Forest Hill; William Donald son, fireman of the Florida train. The injured are: W. H. Tunstall, of Danville, Tncrinppr of" trip T-Tlnrirln trnin S.L.STORER&CO scalded on trip h Wholesale Doale and Shippera of all face; q Kinney, of Thomas- ville. enpineer of the local train. 1FS1QJ;?5!1 IIS5IEI scalded on the breast, back, arms atne, it is tne best medicine the world ever saw. W, nave tried lorty other remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, and none of them gave us more than tem porary relict; tne Regulator not only felievcd, but cured u. I. II. i fcl.fcOKAl'H AM) .MESS1;N(.CK,.MaC(J!(,G. MANUFACTl'KEU ONLY BY J. II. ZKILIN At CO., l'hi!i uelphia. Pa. Hi FULTON FISH MARKET YOK.K. We work liarder for the inter est of the 5r.ntli than any house in the business. ! If your Stencil is not iu a;ood order Roference Hank of Commerce; R. G. Dunn Mer cantile Agency; Adams and Southern Express Company, or any large busi ucss firm iu Norfolk. let us know, I-s?We Employ no Agents and Pay no Commissions. Monuments arjd Tombstones "--wDKSiaNS SENT FREE, a In writing give some limit as to price and state age of de ceased. -LARGEST STOCK- in the South to select from. iCouper (Marble orks, (Established 1S4S.) 159 to 163 Hank St., Norfolk, Va. S. R MILLER & CO., WHOLESALE COMMISSION NO. 7 FULTON MARKKT, New York. Samuel B. Miller, ) Clarence G, Miller ) Snecial Attention Given to THE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA SHAD. Stencils and Stationery Furnished on Application. WE EMPLOY SO AGENT. Economical r I WW WW WW WW WW Srasonaklk Suggestions. SPRING XOVK a-iEs- Dress Goods EesSS.ablc Silk and Wool Dress Goods in Latest Effects. Hovelty Silks : Wool Faferics : In beautiful Patterns for Cos-; The variety of our Spring tumes, Waists, &c. i and Summer Offering was These at remarkably low j never before equaled in this prices ! : city. Perfect fits j GLfOTHING, HATS, I Foreign and Lriiaranteed. ) Domestic Fabrics. 1300 Men'OgBoy. Jn gtOCk. Spring and Summerprp -)iiUU2) 3 Of the very latest Styles and b In nil trie Intent Stv-le nnrl'blocks should go with O est In all the latest Stvles and blocks should go with our Shades. Our $10.00 line of'jsPrig Sllits Plaids are beauties; each suit:?ur hne of SHOES is complete a Aln Pnce' variety, quality and "w'uu5m mau PKt:u auu.vorkmans,lip piesbeu oy expenencea tailors. Clay Worsteds $4.50 per suit up. FL'LLLINK of Boys 2 piece Suits in plain and nobby effects, cents to $4.50 per suit. We have a line of 1 ;in Silks, Gloria's, and Satteen, from 45cts to 2.00 each, which is beyond competition. J?Ry ! Wholesale Department I "s ( WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW WW ) SHOES, HATS, NOTIONS Our Wholesale Department is on the second floor. In this we have had the benefit of a forced market and the powerful aid of CASH purchases. A mammoth Double Store Extending 4 trough from Water St., to the river a1 tfjLamQ r Elizabeth ity.g.& DEPARTMENT STORE. and neck, and will die from his injuries; James. Lovell, conduc tor of the local train, cut on the face; Fitzhugh Lee, colored, porter of the local train, legs hurt; William S. Clemens, of East Durham, N. C, slightly hurt; R. E. Gallagher, express messenger, hurt on the head and arms, also severely bruised. The Florida train was late in leaving Charlotte, but was given the right of way, the orders be ing for it to pass the local train at Harri?burg, where there is a siding. The local had slowed up pieparatory to taking this siding, and was but a hundred yards from the north end of the switch when the express, runv ning at 45 miles per hour, dashed into it. The two locomotives came tos gether with a crash which re- sembled a sharp crack of thun der. Just previous to the col lision Engineer Tunstall had ap plied the air brakes and jumped. Many of the passengers on the Florida train were thrown from their seats, but none of them was hurt. The two express cars on that train were shattered into hundreds of pieces. Soon after the accident the postal car of the local caught fire, but by the use oi chemicals the flames were ex tinguished. Postal Clerk Benton met with a horrible death. His legs were pinioned so close to the boiler of one of the locomotives that he was burned and scalded by the heat and steam. He begged pit eously to his rescuers to cut off his legs and extricate him. Al though every effort was made to release him it was an hour and a half before he was taken out. He lived but fifteen min utes longer. Fireman Donaldson and Mr. Eudy were found in the centre of the wreck. The wounded are being cared for in Charlotte. Ut..ited States Senato'r Money and Gen. Julio Sanguilly were passengers on the Florida train, but neither was hurt. I hope you won't think this story sacreligions or anything of that sort, though if you fail to look at it through the innocent ey s of the actors in it, it does seem a trine irreverent. One rainy day the children there were several of them of a cler gymar here in town made a raid on the palms which decorate their mother's drawing room, and carried every plant up to their play room in the garret. Later, the mother went up to see what they had done with the palms. She found them ar ranged about the floor, and the children playing among them. "What are you playing, chiU dren?" she asked. "We're playing Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden," replied one little midget. Just then from behind a screen in the corner advanced the tiny son ot the house. He was dressed in the simple garb of which Cupid and Truth have practi cally a monolopy. On his head was his father's silk hat, and in his hand was his father's cane. "Why, what in the world are ou doing?" cried the astonished mother. "Why, mother," said Eve, "don't you know what he is?" Then, with all the simplicity in the world, she explained: "Why he's God walking in the Gar den." Washington Post. By Carelessly Kand!inj c. ; Opting Day May Ath, C. ar Revolver. j lotte, N. C. Low Admis- PURcLY ACCIDENTAL.! sion and Railroad Kates. EMI 'S CLOSE CULL The Young Lady makes a! ,r, . . 4l , r Statementand then ! trh,s 1S thc da' of expositions. Closes her eyes They are to be found upon evs in Death. jei' hand, but it has been re- j served for the Caroliuas to in At Huntington, W. Va., ajaugurate the first exposition to few nights ago, Richard Wooes be managed entirely bv women. HOTEL PIAZZA GIVES WAY j UNDER THE CRUSH. PICKED UP UNCONSCIOUS was handling a revolver care less'y ct the home of Miss Flora Tcubert, his sweetheart, and in a jocular manner pointed the weapon at her The revolver was discharged and the bullet entered her left breast just be low the heart. The girl lingered until the next evening, when she died. A short time before death she rallied and made a statement that the shooting was accidental. She was prominent in society circles. The young man who is re sponsible for her death is a sou of Rev. Richard Woods, one of the best known ministers in Huntington. The occurrauce has caused a big sensation there. TENNESSEE CENTENNIAL. A Circular for the Information of Military Troops. Wants Compentent Men. 1 No. 44. Piano-polished Solid Oafc Office Desk vith rolling top which locks all drawers. 50 inches long and 33 inches deep ; Special Price, (Orders prompUy filled.) You will find over 1000 bartralns In our new catalogue. It contains all kinds of Furniture, Carpet, Rabv Car riages, Refrigerators, Bedding-, Stoves, Fancy Lamps, Lace Curtains, etc. You are paying local dealers double our prices. Drop a postal now for our I money-saving catalogue which we mail free of all charges. Deal with the man ufacturers ana your dollar doubles its buying power. JuliusKines&Son, BALTIMORE, SID. On the first Monday in June there is to be held, in every county m the State, an election of members of the county boards of education, and already steps aie being taken looking to the agitation of the matter anion"- the present county educational authorities. The superintendent of public instruction has just prepared a circular letter which he will within the next ten days send out to the county school trustees. It is self-explanatory and is as follows: 'I wish to call your attention to the important election to take place in your county on the first Monday in June of this year, in accordance with section 6 of the school law as enacted at the last General Assembly. "I trust that the greatest wis dom will be used in selecting the county board of education. Let men be selected far their quali fications to- discharge the im portant duties as members of the county board of education. I sincerely liope that politics will have nothing at all to do with the selection of these men. Let men be selected who have the educational interests of their county at heart. "Men who will not be actuated by any party preiudice, but men who will at all times and under all circumstances keep the school interests as an incentive to wise and prudent action on their part. Yours very tiuly, C. H. Mebane, State Superintendent of Public Schools. Raleigh Tribune. An Easter Cake. The following circular has been issued by the military com mittee of the Tennessee Cen tennial Exposition, for the in formation of troops desiring to attend the reunion, June 21, 22, 23, 24, 1897: "The military camp will be pitched inside the exposition grounds. Floored tents will be provided free for all troops at tending the re-union, also bed sacks; straw, fuel, lights and wa ter. There wi-1 be a mess house where rations will be served at very reasonable rates, probably not more than 50 cents a day per man. Bathing houses for troops free. The military to pay one entrance fee of 50 cents to the grounds and to have free en trance afterwards. Commands can be provided to do their own cooking and messing if preferred. A military detail will meet troops on arrival and escort them to camp." Cream one pound each of su gar and butter together, add one pound of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, half a cupful of sweet milk and the beaten whites of six eggs; bet well, flavor with extract of almond, turn into a cake pan, and bake in a slow oven for one hour; when cool, cover with white icing. Ornament the center with a candy rabbit and the edges with tiny pink and white sugar eg? Women's Home Companion. A steel and iron bridge will soon be built to take the place of the present "float bridge" over the river at Hertford. Went Off To Borrow Money. L. C. Lineberry, who was re ported as having absconded from Durham, N. C, with sev eral thousand dollars, has re turned to that city and given up every cent iu his possession to cover the shortage, and to keep any from loosing he will not re serve house, home or shelter. He did not run away, and he was not trying to evade the law but was endeavoring to borrow money to cover the shortage. As has been said, it is the old story ot a man who speculated and lost. i hro at Coughs Is there a tickline in the throat? Do you cough a great deal, especially when lying down? Are you hoarse at times? Does nearly every cold you take settle in your throat? These "throat coughs" are very deceptive. Don't neglect them. Troches, or cough syrups won't touch the spot. You must take remedies that will enrich the blood, tone up the nerves; and heal the in flamed membranes. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos phites contains such remedies. It has wonderful nourishing and healing power. The cause of the cough is removed; the whole system is given new life and vigor; and the danger from threatening lung trouble is swept away. Book about it free For sale by all druggists at 50c and $1.00. SCOTT It BOWNE, New York. This enterprise, which was in stigated by the Women's Auxil iary " of the -Charlotte Young Men's Christian Association, has its management vested in an ex ecutive committee of sixteen representative women of Mecks leuburg county and is advised by an Advisory Board and lions orary committee of prominent men from both States. The op ening day is announced for May 4th and it is expected that all will be in readiness by that time. The building, which is cenirany located, is going up rapidly and will be an ornament to Charlotte, both during and af ter the life of the exposition. Art, science and industry are the special features to be incor porated. Especial emphasis is laid upon the Fine Art Depart ment by the management, as the ladies are especially desirous of increasing an interest in this section, to be influenced, by the exposition. The most popular picture in America, "Breaking the Home Ties," has been se cured and will be exhibited in the department. This picture is valued at 50,000, and is ins sured for that amount while on exhibition. Some of America's most prominent artists wili ex hibit, and the collection will number about 300 pieces. The scientific department will contain usual exhibits with co pient emphasis upon the mu seum. The collections of Colon ial War and Historical Relics will be one of the finest ever gathered in Miat section, and will contain relics from all over A , ..." 1 r .C1.1HC11L.U aiiu many loreigu countries. A historical portrait ft. gallery will also be an important and attractive feature. The industrial department will be one of the most compact and complete ever gathered iu so small a space. It will include manufacturing goods and will also contain some machinery in operation. The lights will be furnished from the exposition's plant owned and operated by the Charlotte Machine Com nan v. x. j The electricity displays will probably be the handsomest ever seen in the South unless it be that at Atlanta. The railroads will grant greats ly reduced rates and the admis sion has been placed at 2 5cts. as it is the desire of the manage ment to have the educational influences that the exposition will exert extended among the people who cannot ordinarily incur much expense. Information of any character will be cheerfully furnished by Mrs. Minnie Hebb Kellogg, general manager, Charlotte, N. C. PHYSICIAN DOES NOT CON SIDER HIM BADLY INJURED. Hon. Wm. J. Bryan addressed a large crowd on the night of the 8th inst. from the piazza of thc San Marco hotel, at St. August ine, Fla. At the close of his speech hundreds of people flock-. ed about him and so great was the strain that one section of thc piazza, forty feet square, fell thr ough, percipitating four hundred people to the ground below, a distance of twenty feet. No one was serious hurt. Mr. Bryan was picked up unconscious and taken to Dr. Worley's office, where he received medical attention. He is not badly injured. A recept ion was to have been held in the Casino after the speaking, but it was abandoned. illy THE JERSEY EDITORS. Sightseeing in N. C Delighted With Their Trip Praise for the State. Predicted Death Long Ahead. "I shall live until McKinley comes into office," said aged Benjamin F. Burley, an ardent Republican of Altoona, Pa., sev eral months ago, "and then I ex pect to die on April 8, 1897." Mr. Burley was ill when he ut tered this prediction and he died last Thursday, April 8th, as he had said he would. "Uncle Ben' as he was familiarly known, forged the frames of the first engine which ran over the Pennsylvania lines to Pittsburg. He was employed as a black smith by the Pennsylvania Rail road for more than forty years. Lumberton had another very serious fire last week, supposed to be the work of incendiaries. The total loss amounted to some thing near S9o. The insur ance was $56,300. A party of New Jersey News paper men, some of them accom panied by their wives, were the guests of this State several days last week. The Progressive Fat- yier says : "They first went to Charlotte and enjoyed the hospitality of that progressive city. Then they came back to Southern Pines and spent a day and night there. They travelled over the Seaboard Air Line on a special train. On Kridav mornitifr a party of ladies and gentlemen left Raleigh at 10 a. 111. for Southern Pines to escort the vis ltors to Raleigh. Several Rals eigh editors were in the party The Raleighites took dinner a Pinehurst, the ideal winter res sort owned by Mr. Tuft, the millionaire soda fountain mauu facturer. In addition to the beauties of Pinehurst, they saw the 640 acre orchard, owned by the Van Lindley Orchard Coins pany, which is a sight never to be forgotten. At 3 p. 111. the party joined the Jersey editors and returned to Raleigh at 5:20 An hour was spent in the State Museum and this wonderful ex hibit of the resources of the State astonished the Northern editors. All said it was far be yond their expectations, even though they had heard many glowing reports of our museum. At 9 p. m. the editors and many citizens ot Raleigh went to the Governor's Mansion to at tend the reception given in hon or of the visitors. Governor and Mrs. Russell charmed all by their cordial welcome. The Mansion was brilliantly lighted and the decorations were taste ful. An elegant collation was served in the State diuing hall. Miss Petty, of Moore county, and Miss Smith, of Peace Institute, were present and consented to sing and added much to the en joyment of the evening. Mr. Frank W. Baldwin, cf the Or ange, N J. Chronicle, spoke in behalf of the editorial party, and was very lavish in praise of the people he and his friends have met. Mayor Russ was called upon for speech, but crawfished and compromised by singing his famous song, "Down on de Old Cape Fear," and was heartily applauded. Unfortunately, rain interfered with the drive around the city which had been planned for Sat urday morning. The visitors made a very favorable impres sion and we hope they will come again. They left for their homes via the Seaboard Air Line at 1 1:35 Saturday morning. Before Retiring:.... tke Ar' vu nr,i vou wjj sleep better ami wake in better condition for the day's work. Ayer's Cathartic Pills have mi equal as a pleasant and effect ual remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, ami all liver troubles. They are sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with out the annoyancescxperii -need in the use of so many of the pills on the market. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic Pills. When other pills won't help you, Ayer's is THE PILL THAT WILL. OaVENPORT, MORRIS & CO., Wholesale Gioeers and Com mission Merchants And Dealers in fil f nJ 1" f1 - ' ' j.J &Siy -i Richmond, Virginia. Consignments of North Caro lina Herring solicited, and pro ceeds remitted in cash. On account of our intimate acquaintance ,and frequent trans action with the Grocery trade of thc Wcstiind South we are able to handle N. C. Fish to thc best possible advantage, and we are known everywhere as the largest distributors in this marked Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing, the hair may be restored to its original color by the use of that potent remedy Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. E. W. ALBAUGH & SONS, Wholesale C'ommiHhiou MerrhuntH. TERRIPIN AND GAME. .No. T21 Mnrl Whurf, BALTJMOKi: Prompt Returns, Quick Salcs- KKFKUKNCK Citizens National Hiink, W. J Ilooi.er &. Co. Stencils Furnished Established iyI. Fl ee. SAML. M, LAWDER & SON. WnoIoBRli- ColllUllKHlO.'l u( I H In Fresh Fish Soft Crabs Terrapin, Etc. 12r Light St. Baltimore, Md. Quick Sales I i'roropt K;turns KEFKRKN'CES Trailfi-h N'ftt'l. IJunk, Dunn .Mcrmntllc Aiff-nc Win.J. Hooper ft o. .1. Iuk-liart A ix Ctizcm N'afl. bank. Thc J. M. Jnhuwjti Co ESTABLISHED 1880. The Most Reliable House in Norfolk. FEUERSTEIX&Go., . WnoLKSALES FISH COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOOT OF HOANOKE UOCK. TSTorfollr, "Va,- Quick Sales, Prompt Returns. References by I'ermission: City National Dank; R. (. Dunn Mercantile Agency; .Southern and Adams Kx press Co. We respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. Stencils urnished on application. ESTABLISHED 1887- Odell Bros., Commission Merchants. Consignments Solicited. -lolii'nc;o:- liradstreet's or Dunn's Agency, City National Bank, Citizens Hank, Norfolk, Va., or any shipper in the South. Norfolk, Va.