FISHERMAN & FARMED -BY- A. H. MITCHELL- -oo-Pubushed Every Friday.-00 SUBSCRIPTION PRICK fi.oo When Paid In Advance: $1.50 If Not Paid Im Admc Delivered at doors of city subset i bet s br carriers, as soon as from oress. without extra charge. The Editor disclaims all respond ml lty for the views or statements of cor respondents, and. reserves the light at nil times to revise or reiect any aiticle he nxav think proper. Always sign your name to a news paper communication snnpi a o pledge of good faith. It will not l published unless you desire it. r Best advertising medium in the Die trict. Rates very moderate. Special rates on long contracts. All announcements and recommen dations of candidates for office, whether in the shape of communications or otherwise, will be cliargea a? auvei lisemeuts. ELIZABETH CITY, April 30. 1897. Young Bailey, of Texas, hav ing been charged with being"un der Reed's wing" lost no time in denouncing it as a lie. Thos. R. Purnell has been appointed judge of the Eastern District of North Carolina succeed the late Judge Seymore The Baltimore Manufacturers Record says Southern railroads have ordered 200,000 tons steel rails for extensions and im provements. Interesting Notes From Various Points Around and About us. Of a Personal and Newsy Character. Pencilings Reproduced From The Notebooks of Fish erman & Farmer Reporters. to Advices from China say that hundreds of people are dying of starvation in the vicinity of Ichaug. The grain crop was almost a total iailuie last year in that section and the supplies are now completely exhausted. The home life must be the sweetest. Keep out all bickering and strife. The world is full of back-biting and misunderstand ing and envy; the man is to be pitied who, after a hard day's sail amid the storms of business cares and fears, cannot drop anchor at eventide in the quiet harbor of a peaceful home. We want to get rid of our grumbling, fault finding spirit in the home, and learn to speak words of praise and approval. It is as easy to tell the wife when she does well as when she misses a button or has weak coffee; it is wiser to praise the children for their good deeds than to be unceasingly nagging them about their mis takes. Make home happy, and richest results will follow. Too many people pay more attention to the affairs of others than to their own. Man's head is not double-barrelled like a shot gun. God gave to every man a head of his own, and he who attends to his own business has enough to keep him reasonably busy forever. People are like wapss. Society is a sugar barrel with the sweetness taken out. Meddlers go buzzing and bump ing against the soured sides. There are thousands who know nothing of theii own business, but know all about the concerns of their neighbors. Tearing another's character to pieces will not help ours, uo matter how dirty the other man may be. Pointing out the weeds in vour yard will not make the weeds in our yard more beautful. The white cottage and the brown mansion each hide trouble from 'the world. People talk and know not whereof they speak. They retail slander to show how loul is the dish most palatable to them. Let us walk straight along. Let us each mind our own business, and we will never be out of employment. Williams, For Treasurer: A. L. White, For Constable: J. V. Spruill. The. meeting was large ly attended, and one of the most harmonious ever held here. The nominees are all good men and should receive the 'support of every lover of good government. This is no time for expressing petty grievances. Every voter who has the interest of the town at heart should come forward and support the Democratic nominees. See if you are regis tered correctly, and on Monday place a vote for men who will represent your ward with credit, a Treasurer in whose hands the finances of the town will be cor rectly handled, and a constable who will uphold the majesty of the law 111 everv particular Democrats do your duty ! EDENTON, N. 0. Mrs. Wilkersou is visiting in Courtland, Va. Miss Lida Wilkersou left Fri day for Baltimore. Mr. S. N. Brickhouse was in the city this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. t. Jiond arc in Norfolk this week. Mr. W. S. Pendleton, of Gates was in town this week Mr. Oc'avius Coke is spending a few days with friends here. The soda water fountain of A C. Mitchell is now in operation Mrs. Mattie Leary, of E. City is the guest of -Mrs. C. Skinner. Mr. B. F.Johnson has accept ed a position with Raper & Co. Col. Stark and daughter, of - j - Norfolk are visitins- ifriends in u t Eden ton. Mr. Pettegrew Coifield, of E, City, spent several days in Ed en ton this week Miss Mary Ziegler, of E. City, is in the city, the guest of Mr, and Mrs. L. F. Ziegler. Rev. J. L. Rumley has begun a protracted meeting at Broad Street Methodist church. Miss Jennie Scott, of Berkley, who has been visiting Miss Mat tie Tillery, has returned home. Mr. E. L. Woodard, of Nor folk, and Mr. Pullen, of South Carolina, were in the city a few days this week. Dr. Theodore Northrop, of A. ' Baltimore, spent several days in the city this week, the guest of W. J. Leary, Jr. Woodard's wharf being over loaded Wednesday gave way, dumping about fifty barrells of salt fish in the bay. Mrs. Win. H. Hancock, of Norfolk, is visiting the family of Mr. T. D. Byrum, on Magno lia street. Mr. Hancock spent Sunday in the city. A surgical operation was petv formed a few days ago on Mr A. Huckabee, by our three physi cians. l ne operation was a sue cessful one and .the patient is getting along finely. Our friend P. H. Bell is mark eting strawberries, the finest and largest we have seen for some time. Mr. Bell is always in the front among market gardeners and his product always the best. The rush of peas to Northern markets is now on; immense quantities are being shipped from this place. Our truckers are up to date, and if there is anything to be made at the bus iness they will have their full hare A very beautiful marriage ceremony took place at Evan's M. E. Church on Wednesday last when Miss Sallie Jones be came Mrs. W. R. Brothers. Rev. Mr. Rumley performed the cere mo uy ulatious. 15ELCKOSS, Camden Co. Farmers are busy planting cotton Miss Beulah Trafton is visit ing friends in the county Mr. W. R. Gilbert lost a val uable horse last Sunday night Miss Agnes Harris is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ruth Davis, of Norfolk, Va. Dr. S. W. Gregory returned to his home in Goldsboro, N. C. last Monday, Misses Hattie Spence and Sarah Isom spent last Sunday with Miss Ida MizelJ. Mrs. Blanche Ferebee is visit ing Mrs. A. T. Bush and friends in Eden ton this week Rev. J. B. Fereb.e, of E. City, gave us a call last Tuesday that was highly appreciated Mr. Oscar V. Davis, of Nor folk, Va., was visiting D. W Harris, Esq., this week. Jack Frost was on deck again Tuesday morning, but the dam age done was very slight. We regret to hear of the ill ness of Rev. T. G. Wood, and hope he will soon recover. We are sorry to know th Mr. W. W. Garrett is sick, and we hope that he will soon be himself again Mrs. Bettie W. Sanderlin, who has been visiting her son, C. L. Sanderson of Berkley, returned home last week. The rain which came last Monday was the first that has fallen here for two weeks, and was very much needed. N. S. Berry, Esq., inspector of weights and measures, of Camden county, was in Belcross Monday on official business. Belcross has been compli mented on having the prettiest yo'ing lady of any station on the line of the N. & S. R. R. The truckers say the late frost will cause potatoes and other truck to be at least twenty days later than usual in ship ping. The lecture of Rev. N. H. Guyton, last Sunday at Milldam, was a gem of thought of the highest; and listened to by a large and appreciative congres gatioti. Messrs. C. W. Stevens, of E, City, R. L. Forbes, of Camden, and T. S. Robertson, of Hast ings Corner, met last Mondav at Belcross and had a very exciting race. Mr. Robertson won the race. Miss Lizzie Pritchard, of E. MOYOCK. Mrs. Julia Hutchings is quite ill. , - - . . . V , Rain is greatly needed through out this section. Mr. T. L. Jarvis went to Nor folk Tuesday on business. Mr. J. F. Cox and Jasper Jard spent Sunday in Norfolk visit ing. Mrs. Jennie Gregory, of Nor folk, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lizzie Poyuer. Mr. Lin wood Fulford and wife of Indian Creek, were in Moy- ock visiting last Sunday. Ir. Willie Merce-r, of Bram bleton, is visiting the family of Mr. H. J. Wilson this week. Mr. R. W. Flauor and family, spent last Sunday with the fam ily of.Mr. W. H. Lee at Tulls. Mr. Joseph Lindsay died Sun' day evening at the residence of Mr. Pat. Morgan, at Shawboro. Miss Willie Kate Sanderlin, of Brambleton, is visiting her grandmother Mrs. Francis San derlin. this week. Mr. John Macklin and daugh ter, of Princess Anne county were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cherry, Friday. Mrs. B. F. Ames of Western Branch, Va., is visiting her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Bagley, this week. Mr. Gardner, of Vir ginia, was in the village Monday soliciting orders for memorial pictures. He received quite a number cf orders. Mr. Taylor, son of Mr. Benjamin Taylor, near Curri tuck C. H., died last Saturday. The funeral services were con ducted by Rev. H. M. Giles, Sun day evening. Mcfm B'.'.y and Sawyer have opened up a new and novel bus iness enterprise here; catching frogs for market. They have shipped quite a large quantity this week, and are doing a good business. What next? Misses Mattie Poyner and Irene Holt, accompanied by Messrs. Win. Holt and Joshua Charlton, left for Camden Satur day to visit the family of Mr. David Pritchard. They returned Monday much pleased with their visit. Some one for the want of something better to do, set fire to the woods on the edge of the town limits Saturday, and it burned through the eutiie block of woods containing several acres from Surrey road to the main road. The heat and smoke was suffocating Sunday evening. C. Miiutco, Dare county. Rev. Woodley, a Deeiple min ister, has been holding a series of meetings here this week. We are glad to learn that Mr. J. R. Melson is much improved this week. Mrs. W. J. Griffin is in Baltis more, purchasing summer goods. We are glad to see improve ments on the house of Mr. L. Harrell, now the residence of Mr. Gallop. The new building of Mr. Forbes is rapidly progressing, and will be a decided improve- A. ment to that part of town. Quarterly meeting was held here Sunday. The sermon We extend our consrrat- School Closed. Mr. R. T. Bell closed his school at Oak Grove Perquimans county, on the 23d inst. much to the regret of his many pat rons. At the close a conpetitive examination for honors was held and they stood as follows Master Claude Perry and James Fenton Towe 994, Messes Grace White 97, Sue Jackson 95, Claude Symous 90, Dora Han is 90, Alice Harris 90. First Prize on department was won by Master W alter Fletcher; second Prize by Miss Ira May Lavden Henderson, N. C. April 2d, '97. I was broken out with sores, and was advised to begin taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which I did. I soon found it was doing me a great deal of good, and I cons tinued taking it until I had used three bottles, when I was com pletely cured. I recommend Hoods Sarsaparilla to anyone who needs a blood purifier. O. S. Fai,kner. Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy and yet efficient. j Dr. Win. J. Leary, Jr., and Miss Mattie Tillery were mar rier at the home of the bride. Bay View Hotel, on Thursday morning at 7:15 o'clock, Rev. R. B. Drane officiating. The happy couple took the north bound train for a tour North. Mr. Geo. S. Cutrell, of .Wash ington, N. C, and Miss Mamie Spruill, of this place, were mar ried by Rev. J. L. Rumley, at the residence of Mrs. Alice Het trick, 011 Queen street, at 12:30 o'clock Monday last. After the ceremony a bountiful reception was given. They are 'now en joying a tour through the North We have just received a coniv plete assortment "of stationery, bought at a low figure, will be sold at the lowest prices for first class material. We make a spec ialty of high grade commercial printing, and guarantee com plete satisfaction. If in need of printing of any kind send your orders to Elliott Printing Com- pany, Edenton. Special atten tion given orders by mail. The meeting of the Demos cratic voters, of Edenton, held at the Court House on Friday night last, to nominate candid ates for officers of the town re sulted as follows : . For Council man, 1st Ward, W. B Shepard, for Councilman, 2d Ward, H. E. City, who has been visiting the j preached by Rev. A. P. Tyre, Misses liilbert, returned home seemeu 10 tase uie town by last Wednesday, accompanied by Miss Lina A. Gilbert, of Churchill. We hope she will have a pleasant visit. Miss Sophia W. Wood re turned home last week from Harrelsville, N. C, where she has been teaching. She was compelled to come home on ac count of her health, but we hope after a rest, she will re gain her Ileal th. Belcross can boast of having two of the ugliest men in this or adjoining counties. One of them not long ago went into a dry goods store in a certain town not far from here, to make a purchase. When the merchant told him if he could bring in an other man as ugly as he, he (the merchant) would give him a present; which he did and got the present. The closing exercises of the school at Belcross, of which Mis Ella Lee Gilbeit was teacher, took place last Friday night, as before noted. The programme 4. which consisted of songs, recital tions, dialogues, etc, was well rendered; each one taking their parts splendidly. We would like to make special mention of the recitations of Misses Annie Gilbert, Bertha Harris and Beulah Trafton, which were well rendered in deed. Miss Ella deserves the highest' praise for her energy and efficiency as a teacher. She is a graduate of the C. B. F. In stitute, of Murfreesboro, N. C, and an honor to the profession, and her success as a teacher is assured. 'No-To-ilae for titty Ceuts. Guaranteed tobacco hafcit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c, $1. AU erugsts. storm. Just before services Sunday morning, Rev. G. D. Langstou christened Bessie Lillian, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Hassel, also their little son, Clyde Leonard; at the same time Alma Raper, infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Evans. The Tranquil House has on its register for this week, B. Campen, Bayboro, N. C; W. H. Roberts, Powell's Point, N. C; B. F. Metzger, Norfolk, Va.; J. H. LeRoy, Eliz. City; Brooke French, Wilmington, N. C; J. H. Midgette and wife, Rodan the, N. C; Rev. A. P. Tyre, E. City. During three days last week, there were twentyioue men to diue at this hotel,- be sides the above mentioned and were amply supplied. The Missionary exercises he'd Sunday evening at three o'clock, were pronounced excelleut. The Children did their part splendid ly. 'Teace, It is I," a recitation lby Roy- Leary, was very much complimented. As. he knelt, with a broken arm- resting in a sling, the other raised upward, and his soft, childish voice was raised in prayer, tears standing in the eyes of 'many spoke of deep emotion. At the cons elusion of the exercises, Rev. A. P. Tyre made a short address on missionary work. L. - CAMDEN C. II. Mr. B. F. Gilbert and Master Willie Morrisett spent Monday in E. City. Quite a number of young peo ple were entertained at Churchill Sunday night. Messrs. W. G. and Celus G. Ferebee spent last "Sunday in Elizabeth City. Messrs. E. M. Stevens and N. F. McKtmmey of E. City spent Sunday in.Camden. Mr. Walter Gilbert tiad the misfortune of losing a valuable horse last Sundav night. Mrs. E. Y. Nash has been spending this week -with her sister Mrs. Jno. L. F. Sawyer. Dr. C. J. Sawyer and Miss Ella Lee Gilbert were in Eliza beth City Wednesday shopping. Dr. R. R. Ovcrby and Mr. W. R. Gilbert were in Elizabeth City Wednesday on legal busi ness. Mrs. M. B. Hughes with Mrs. E. J. Mercer had the pleasure of calling on Milliners, last Wed nesday. Miss Ella M. Prichard re turned Friday to her home in E. City, after an extended visit to friends in Camden. Dr. S. W. Gregory returned Monday to his home in Goldss boro, N. C, after a pleasant va cation of one week. Miss Minnie Lou Bell of E. City, returned home Monday, accompanied by Miss Emma Mae Forbes, of Lynnhaven, Va. Miss Lizzie Prichard, after spending a few days with friends ruturned home Wednesday, ac companied by her friend, Miss Lina A. Gilbert. Rev. N. H. Guyton preached an instructive sermon to the Odd Fellows last Sunday eve ning. Quite a number from E. City were present. Miss Sophia N. Wood, who has been teaching at Hanels ville, N. C, returned to her home Friday, leaving her sister. Miss Mary in charge of her school. Misses Lina P. Gilbert, Nettie C-iriw right and Kate Pexidleton, of E. City, attended" the com mencement exercises of the Bel cross Academy, Friday night, which was very much enjoyed by all present. After a week of suffering Mr. Wm. L. Dozier departed this life last Thursday. He was indeed, an honest, upright christian man. He will be greatly missed throughout the community. His remains were removed Fri day to the burving-grouud for interment, followed by a host of heart-broken friends and rela tives, all thinking their total loss is his eternal gain. Zack. lor every variety and phase of the many diseases which attack the ah. passages of the throat andilungs, Avers Cherry pectoral will be found a specific Its anodynsand expectorant qualities are promptly realized, and it is always ready for use. -7s7"o axe Inee ZDeep In t Hear the Talking Machine. The talking machine has been the wonder of the scientist and the layman for the last decade. To reproduce the human voice in song and conversation was an accomplishment so marvelous, that it filled the hearer with somethingjakin to superstition; now the reproduction has ex tended to every conceivable sound. On one record you hear the voices of many animals, on another, a cornet solo or duet, on still another, the sweet mel ody of the piano or the wonder ful ensemble playing of the band or orchestra. The very latest and best of the machines is now owned by Mr. J. D. Sykes. You can hear songs by the most eminent artists, instrumen tal music by the first pianists, cornetists, and baugo perforin ers. Speeches aud sermons by the greatest orators, jokes and the passion parts by the first ac tors. In fact eve"ry sound pros duced by man or beast is repro diiced by the marvelous Gramos phone. It will be heard for the first time at the Academy Hall, Mon day, May 3d, at 8:15, p. m. Admission 15 cents, Children 10 cents. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Sis fae timilt cf it to $iiioiusness is caused by torpid liver, which i.revents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, insomiHa, nervousness, and, II not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Ilood's Pills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all dru;"?ists. The only Pills to take with Ilood's Sarsaparilla. Pills Place your advertisement in the Fisherman & Farmkr, a paper that is read by more peo ple than anv other paper pub lished in Eastern Carolina. Don't be deceived. We have the larsrest circulation, then why not srive us your ad ? Our rates are low. O true soldier ever won victory in battle without a fight. No true merchant ever won cess without a struggle. - No man who knows will contradict our statement that w- M f.-the first to introduce and make known to hdentou Shrewd and Intelligent buyers the n. TOY 1 1 1 ";: 1 We have made it our particular study to link together every conceivable thought of adv;i:; in perpetuating the greater success of KdknTon's HIG DEPARTMENT CENTRIC. We cki thank our customers and the public generally for their liberal patronage bestowed upon us .11 big Hargain Sale. We now enter the Spring and Summer Season of 1807 With greater confidence than ever before in our ability to draw trade and keep it. We li.u--. facilities of doing it aud will use it in making sjiopping in our establishment pleasant and ; : able to our customers. Now we desire to call special attention to our different Departments : 1. Our Dry Goods department, which is always up-to-date, containing nothing but tin- 1 n s; styles of all classes of dress goods. 2. Our Gents Furnishings, Hats and Shoe Department. Last but not least our Staple and Fancy Grocery and Provision Department, which is tin largest and most complete line in the city. Purchased at strictly cash prices and which cnabK r to give our customers and the public the benefit of our close prices for strictly first-class goods. We pay special attention 7n3IlVnJ?V PDA HI I 717 and Pav hiK1,cst to all kinds of UUUI( 1 1 1 markct price for samo. Reader, you and your friends arc most cordially invited to call and inspect our various d ;ui: inents and our low prices and thereby prove what we say is true in every instance. Aranmug1 Mamifacturing Oo. Store Department, JNO. R. STEPHENSON, Mgr. m ' Gontrac May be the Root of Ali Evil, but without It the People Would Be In a Bad Fix. o Of the Currency Is Dangerous to the People's Interests, and Deadly to their Prosperity. TO CONTRACT THE CURRENCY and put the People entirely at the Mercy of the Money Power and the Shylocks are now on foot, and A Great Battle Is to Be Fought This Year for Free Coinage and the People's Money. . . . THE GREAT ISSUE NOW is the double standard ag:;nst Uis sinle standard the use of both gold anil silver as standard money meials against keeping the enrrency of the country on the gold basis. , j Schemes THE TV ilTA WEEKLY CONSTITUTIONS published at ATLANTA, tlA., and having A CIRCULATION OF MO!i K THAN 1 ;, ;, -.hi. fi; a n., ,- t!,e farmer of the country, and going to more th:in any we. kly r.ov.; :ip r jicti h.'d on il.. fa. e of Uie earth, is The Leading Champion of the People in all lira co lU'ns in ivh'eh they are enifj-vl a-a;ut the exactions of monopoly. THE CONSTITUTION IS TIIK IiKiGEST, HKHill I ES AND I EST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER published 5n America, covering rim news ol ihn world, h ivn ;,' .nvspondents in every city In America, and in (he capitals of Europe, aud re;rti:i in full the detain of -l -i "s i 1 Congreai on all questions of public Interest. Price $1 per year. It h THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY NEW. ".PAPER, ni. l .11 an exponent, of Southern opinion and purveyor of Southern news it his no cqi il on the co:itin;nX An Enlargement of Twelve Columns. IrrXZTi'SS size to 12 paffes of 7 coltt nns. massiic 81 c-V:uni:i3 each week THE CONSTITUTION'S SPECIAL FEATURES fr& The Farm and Farmus' 08a -fusil, f!i3 Wongs' Bsparteant, The Children's DepaatiiMt, are all underable direction and ;re sjiecia'lv a'tr.vMire to tti to whom these departmet t ax addressed. Undr the editorial management of CXAIK HOWKLlj, in .( pc al con'nbutorn aio writos of nueh wor d wide reputation as Mark Twain, !ir-t !!arte, I'Vmii IS. StofUtt, 1. .!.! Chandler Harris. UetiT Hamilton. anu hniKlreda or others, while it u;'ser . s.-rviro- Mo n such - r ut :ii Hill .r, Surge IMunket, Wallace 1. Ueed, Frank L. Stanton and olht rs 1 ho g vc its i it iry .'e.iiirvn :i peculiar .Southern llavor that commend it to ft every nresiue iron Virginia 10 lexns. iro.n .Ma.ue to (J.t.iiorn a. During the whole delay and hiiiure 10 hrin; the ronm-ed ro.l ef in financial matters THE CONRTITIJTIO has heralded, in season and out, tl.o full news. K h.i, gnen pla-n c i iorial utterances upon the effect cf the trim- M n iiiinK and misguided 1.0. icy f wreeUae and-m. re Ix.i.d-i. which even s have shown to be p'rophetlo in their unerrln" directness. STRAIGHT, CLEAN, UNTRAMMELED, m TEE CONSTITUTION 7 Salutes the free, people who insist tnat the servants of the people shall not become their masters. By Special Arrangement tha pap ,r publishing this announcement will be clubbed with The Constitution at iTJ wi us.x aautjf 4vw ian: .a.iil'M j -ri fMWIieTO III ttU3 1SSUO We do Good Printing And if in need of- Oommercial Printing Society Printing, Church Printing, Lodge Printing, Two Color Printing, Or Printing of Any Kind, Call or Send Your Order to Fisherman & Farmer, Corner Water and Matthew Streets, J 4 n

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