Fisherman ard Farm r. Ktitcred at the Post Office at Elizabeth City as second class matter. LIABI'TII CITY, May 14, 1S97. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. House for rent by J- W. Shar her. Mrs. V. L. Orandy advertises a cottage at Nag's Head for rent. Notice the change, in the "ad" The Fair. Also change in S.iwyer & Jones' "ad." Dr. S. W. Gregory, of Golds i.oro, will succeed Dr. Swindell at this place. See card. ! I I'.vrd & Co., of Kdenton. invites the attention of our iv. Hers to their ad versiseinent. The adver tismeiit of Nags Ile id Hotel, under the manages ;, ient of C. V. & F. M Grice, 0.-ill be found in this issue. Post 'ourself for the summer by read ing it. CASTOR I A News Adrift PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." BRIEFLY RELATED. The Pith of the News Especially Prepared for the Busy Readers. For Infants and Children. Tin fao- simils ST? - is on rappj. The Most Desirable Cottage 011 NACr'S HEI1S ! Thr -loin's col t ag"' situated ::;o yds south of hotel, 2 stories, ; lo .nis, tongue and grooved !.Mrs and piazza ah around building, double kitchen with 1. .uins for servants; also mattress es, chairs, tables, lounges and mi,:1 cook stove. Drive pump ood water nearby. Title guaranteed Can be bought vi-rv cheaj). Apply to J. M. JONKS, Kdkntox, N. C. TVKW 1 i :i itu 1 .is FOR EDKNTON. - - Tlie now famous Optician, Watchmaker and Jeweler has added to his workshop a GOLD and SILVER Piateing Department. Work guaranteed or money refunded. . . Respectfully, B. E. BYRD&CO. 6 SHAVES! AND NEAT EATi WB ALL ARM TO lUv HAD AT IIOURvS AT w C. Parsons' TONSORmL pIRLOR, On RoiDKXTKR Street. I The most popular place i'i tin- city. Fine Karbers and everything to please the customer. i Jail fill be. Appreciated. Brick! Brick! --T-iiiiips(n VAUV.K WORKS. The leading brick mauu i, faeturers of this section are ; now ready to supply orders ".ill 011 short notice. This plant " has been in active operation , ilii for twenty years, and they guarantee satisfaction as to , quality and price, These (Brick have Stood the est And reflex action will be a guide to your further purchase. You could do worse, and we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere. Call Telephone No. 2, or address . ,ff. Thompson, $ggr., Elizabeth City, N. C. Why will you buy bitter uauscatiug totics" when Oiovm Ifsisste CJliill H"oiii is as pleas ant as Lemon Syrup. Your druggist is authorized to refund the money in every case where it fails to cure. Price, r j cents. A furnished cottasre on the beach at Nag's Head, also a va cant lot on the beach for sale. Apply to " . Mrs. V. L. Grandy, Myi4 4t KHz. City, N. C. A revival :s in pro toss at the M. E. Church. Mrs. T. G. Skinner, of Hert ford, is in this city. Polk Miller will be at the Court House Hall to-night. Miss Lucy Twine, of Winfall, is visiting friends in the city. Mr. George W. Cobb was at Raleigh this week on business. Miss Sarah Gaither, of licit ford, is visiting friends in this city, Delightful rains on yesterday much to the delight of every body. The schooner Win. Hill has been undergoing repairs this week. The admission to the Fire Company's Minstrel will be 25 and 35 cents. Miss Ida Murdcn will sever her connection witi; the Racket Store on to-morrow. Mrs. John II. Ruiks went to Norfolk this week to spend a few' days with friends. Mrs. Harry West, of Cornland, Va., is visiting her mother Mrs. Brooks, on Road street. Mrs. W. W. Leary, of Roper, is in the city on a visit to her son, Mr. W. J. Woodley. Messes. Louis Hines and R. W. Temple, of Edenton, spent last Sunday in this city. Mr. E. F. Sawyer is attending .he Grand Lodge of Odd FeK lows this week at Charlotte. Miss Inez Angel, of New Berne, is the guest of Miss Katie Davis, on Pennsylvania Ave. Miss Rosalie Mitchell, of Ed enton, is the suest her brother, A. II. Mitchell, 011 Martin St. Picnics wili soon be in order. A few warm days and people will beirin to talk about them. Miss Kate Engle has accepted a position in the Dry Goods es tablishment of Sawyer & Jones. Miss Jacobs, of South Mills, is being entertained this week -by Miss Wilma Sawyer on Main st.eet. The Ceylon-India Tea Com pany has opened a tea store on Main street, opposite Albemarle Hotel. Mr. Charley Balfour, of Nor folk, has been spending several days with his sister, Mrs. J. H. LeRoy. The Naval Reserves of this city contemplates holding a "Military Bazaar" about the 10th of June. For Rent A new residence on Burgess Street. Roomy and convenient. Apply to J. W. Shaiber. Mr. and Mis. David White hurst have returned after a very pleasant tour through the North ern cities. Mrs. Herbert Newby of Hert ford, spent Tuesday in Elizas bcth City, the guest of Mrs. O. MeMullan. A party will be given by the young people to-night at . the residence of Mr. B. F. Spence, on Road street. Mrs. Joseph Booth, of New York, spent Sunday last in Eliz abeth city, the guest of Mrs. Frank Cook, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, of New York, are the guests of their cousin. Mr. C. T. Merrill, at the Hotel Arlington. E. D. Midgett and wife ol Mann Harbor Dare Co. N. C. are the guest of A. E. Mann this week in this city. Miss Bessie Morgan, of Mi aw- boro was m the city tins ween, the guest ot .Miss I ssie Craw ford, on Main Street. Mrs. Frank Cook, Sr., ieturmd home Wednesday lrom Norfolk, where she has been spending some time with friends. Messrs. A. E. Maun and Will Hettrick were at South Mills Saturday. They report work on the canal locks progressing. The Gramophone exhibition given by Mi. J. D. Sykes last Friday night at the A. C. Insti tute was enjoyed by many. Miss Sallic Pegram, daughter of Rev. J. D. Pegram, of Garys burg, N. C. is visiting her sis ter Mrs. R. A. Dudley, in this city. We ar in receipt of an un signed communication from Ponlar Branch: Writers must send us their names if they wish communications published. Kdacato Yoar owel With Cascarets. ' randv Cathartic, cure constipation forever. JOc, 25c. If C. C C. fail, druggists refund money. Misses Lennie Rogers, Cora A CARD. Gard and-Mittie Haymau re- Owing to the ill health of Dr. turned this week irom a pleas- R. B. Swindell, he has had to ant visit to -friends at Buffalo give up the practice of dentistrv. V lt iN and I wish to announce that I Miss Halhe Dickerson, of have desolved co-partnership Greensboro, who has been teach- with Dr. Parker,-of Goldsboro, ing at the home of Mr. Tohn T. and will move to Elizabeth City, Davis, in "this county, was in where I will be glad to serve Dr the city Wednesday on her way Swindell's patrons and the pub- home. Mr. D. K. Morgan will leave Monday next for Charlotte, N. C, to attend the Fircmens' State Convention as a representative of the Albemarle Company of this citv. lie generally, in the most skilled and improved practice of dentis try. Office at same place. S. W. Gr KOOKY. IN NORFOLK JAIL. The Naval Reserves in uni form will attend service next Mr. M. Traver, who recently located in Pascpiotank county oti1 lin'iiifr 1 .n roll n cr-fl nrrmprti- Sunday night at the Presbyterian , n:n ' ; ' 'r church at which time Dr. John L. rM . . - vnrfnli. iail , j He sold property over which there seems to be some conten tion as to title of same. ston will preach a special ser mon to them. The mammoth barge, Fred Walton, used by the N. & S. R. R. Company as a floating wharf The Best IJemedv for lilieu at Ucracoke, was pulled out and - mutism. .N-i4,u Ul,u cilia wee L'mmthp Tnirlinvi-n fV. Ur-iristi-r. at ocous onipyard. , , Louis Selig makes a special states that for twentvfive vears oner lor tne next ten aavs. liic uf;f,. ii i,.,, -j ci,ffi.rpr fm,,-. Ladies' Solid Gold watches, with Elgin or Waltbam move ments, at $15.00 each. It will jay you to give him a call. rheumatism. A few nights ago she was in such pain that she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he Next -Sunday a number of Miad read oi Chamberlain's Pain young men of Elizabeth City Balm ancl instead of going for will go" to Kdenton on bicycles tlie physician he went to the to hear Kvangelist Schoolneld. store and secured a bottle of it. The party will leave Hathaway wife did not approve ot Mr. Bros, corner promptly at G a. 111. Rowland's purchase at first, but n-M ti , r r nevertheless applied the Balm 1 he 14th annual Council of ni , , t. thoroughly and 111 an hours . " T1 , r IT, 'time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it always gives relief. He says that no medicine which she Elizabeth City, S4.Q0; Hertford, 1 , 1 . . r T, , y'f? J good. The 2 s and 50 cents sizes $5.00; ivdenton, &6.05. ? , a. Q e J ' tor sale by W. W . Griggs & Son. 20th, 1897. Tickets will be sold by the N. 6c S. R. R via New Berne May iSth to 20th, good to return until the 30th. From Hie "Praise Service" held last Sunday night at the Bap tist church was a erand affair. The Fisherman Farmer's agent made a very successful The church was packed to its triP this week through Curri utmost capacitv. The instrti- tuck, and Camden counties, mental and vocal music was bringing in many new subscri- beautiful and inspiring, and the bers and several orders for Job programme was made up of Pniulu some of the finest sacred seleo rr 'ca tions. The Minstrel, organized for the benefit of the Albemarle Fire Co., will give a perfor mauce next Wednesday night at Overman's Academy of Music. An amusing and unique program will be rendered by selected per- C "iM "Iti iormers. 111c music win De a striking feature. The songs are J of the latest and jokes up-tO- or fever, euro all liver date, ieuce. uch in Little Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no medi cine ever contained so great curative power in so small space. They arc a wliolo medicine chest, always ready, al ways efficient, always sat isfactory; prevent a cold ills. ' Give the boys a big aiub IP ills Sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 2.r.e. The only Tills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. NAGS HEAD HOTEL Rev. W. O. A. Graham, A. B., D. D., Superintendant of the At lantic Mission Conference, M. K. diurch, and President of Grahain () p j irt, preached on the doctrine of 1 l' aJ-!'1, i"tip, Sauctification to a large, quiet and respectlul audience at the The hotel Opera House Wednesday night. At the close of the sermon 21 persons came toward seeking the divine blessing. The interest in the meeting increases at each service. When your arc week, tirca and life less, you need to enrich and purify your blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla. The election of Town Coins missioners on Monday last was a quiet affair. All the Republi can nominees were elected ex cept in the Second Ward, where the Democratic nominee was el ected without opposition. The Commissioners are: For the First Ward, J. A. Kramer; Sec ond Ward, Dr. W. W. Griggs; Third Ward, V. Spence; Fourth Ward, T. A. Command er; Fifth Ward, Dr. Palemon John. Mr. Kramer is the only Commissioner not a member of the old board. The Mayor, Chief of Police and other town ofhceis will be elected by the Commissioners at their first meeting on the first Monday in June. The Wilmington Messenger, in speaking of the pleasant ses sion of the Southern Baptist Convention held in that city, contains the following ompli mentary notice: "Dr. C. S. Blackwell, of Elizabeth City, N. C, is without doubt one of the most unique and conspicuous figures in the convention. He is president 01 the Baptist Young People's Union forces of the State ancl pastor of the fir:t church in liis city. He is a preacher of great vigor of thought, an orator of thrilling and matchless force, and a leo. turer of national reputation and universal popularity. He is prominently mentioned for the position 01 corresponding secret tary to the Baptist Young Pec pie's Union of the South. - m m - There arc some people who never weir dark glasses and yet they never see anything bright: it's the people who are dyspeptic and soured. Kverything is out of joint with such people. '.'I suf fered mauy years with Dyspepsia and liver troubles but have been relieved since taking Simmons Liver Regulator. I know others who have been greatly benefited by its use." Jamei Rowland, Catrollron, Mo Educate Yoar Howels WitU Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c It C C C. fail, druggists refund money. has been ienovated and improved, aud will be con ducted under new management G W & F-M GRICE. I'HOl'llIETOIlS. The favorite Summer Resort on the North Carolina Coast. w sar For novelty of scenery and cik tirely new experience in sea shore life, this old-time re sort surpasses them all. SURFBA5HING is the delight of the strong and vigorous, while invalids and children can bathe in the salt water of the Sound with safety and pleasure. Driving, Sailing ancl Fishing. The Fishing is unsurpassed. Commencing July 1st, Steamer Newberne will make daily trips, leaving Klizabeth City at 1 p. 111. Res turning, leaves Nags Head at 6 a. m. Saturdays steamer will be held at Kliz. City until 3 p. 111. Steamer can be chartered for Excursions on Tuesdays. For further information address C. W. & F. M. GRICE. Get on to This P. DeLON, This paper for $1.00 a year. XopJiii" !Slil,!v Matthew Street, ELIZABETH CITY. N- C With proper tools and much experience 1 can guarantee work done 111 the best work manship manner and to be sat isfactory to all. I can also sup ply bicyclists with all equip ments belonging to wheels. Prices Iow. Mv shop is thoroughly equip ped which enables me to do work neatly ancl promptly. Give 1110 a Trial and a pretty foot in a pretty Shoe is a good deal more. But a pretty foot in an ill-looking, iH-iittiiig shoe is Worst of al . The Oxford Ties and Sandals 1 we sell will make a pretty foot prettier, or a less attractive "understanding" neat and j trim. We've the nicest line we I ever carried; neatest shapes; I all toes and all prices from 50C tO $2.50. e??s5itwiy Puree.' FIT ANY MAID 1 BUT A MERMAID, and we'd try right hard to fit her- They come in Blacks and Russets; bows or buckles, and are al- 5 together the cheapest foot-beautifiers you everjs saw anywhere near the price we ask. r iiTrnQicz rTcrT water H IVILJ ZD EZZ3 VV dZJEZLw, STREK' i , ELIZABETH CITY.1 f! iiUiiiiiitUiniUiiiiiUUiUiUiiiiiiittiiaiUiiliiiiiiiUUitiitiiUiiiiiiiiiUiiiiUiiiUUitiiiiiiitiiiiiiUiiiitiUiiVi MB ! IOOTC3E1IE1TT I I have purchased for CASH FIFTY brand-new ''RUG-BY" BICYCLES, the same to be delivered to me in quantities to meet my requirements, and in view of the low price at which I made this pur chase, I shall dispose of this stock at a price within the reach of everybody. These wheels were MANUFACTURED BY THE RAWFORD MANUFACTURING COMPANY, AND LISTED IN 1896 AT 575.00. Thev are now offered to you at the redicilously low prices of IIAOKRSTOWN, MI)., TH for Gentlemen. 44 Ladies. These Wheels are advertised daily by the largest dealers in New York City at $35.00 and $40.00 respectively for Gentlemen and Ladies models. Below you will find a List of Other Bargains: "Elmores' Gentlemen, 28 in Wheels, $ 37.50- "Elmores' Ladies 28 inch Wheels, 38-50. "Elmores," Youths 26 inch Wheels 35-00 "Elmores," Misses, 26 inch Wheels; 35-00. 1897 SEARCHLIGHT LAMPS, $3.50 EACH. una mi HH1 The Highest of high-grade Bicycles from $50 to $80. P NONE BETTER MADE THE LEADING JEWELER. oooi OOOI SOIL OOOX CUIjTIVATIOjV and then you may reasonably expect good crops. Some times, by extra cultivation, you may get along pretty well on really poor soils, and sometimes, on extra soils, passable crops are made without proper cultivation, but there is one thing to be remembered no matter what the soil or the cultivation, you will never succeed unless the seeds arc all right. "Figs do not grow from thistles," nor good crops from poor seeds. We sell no seeds which are not good. Will you let us help you to grow good crops ? No matter how small operations may be, we want to furnish the seeds, and you will be surprised to find how easy it is to buy our seeds by mail. Write for a catalogue it is the best ever written for the Southern gardner. oo. Tait Ac Son. Seed Growers, 78 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va. If you feel bad in the morning and want a bracer, use CURES A LL ' I I' T' . 1 . 1 And gives new life to the nerves. 2 Large (Doses for IO cts. See that every Bottle is Stamped witlf 3 Sprigs of Celery. PREPARED BY YAEKEL DRUG CO, BALTIMORE, Mo.

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