F1SIIE(RMjUJ & FARME(k BY A. H. MITCHELL- -oo-PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY.-- SUBSCRIPTION PRICK f i.oo When Paid In ADVANCE: $ 1.50 If Not Paid In Advance Delivered at doors of city suWHUms by carriers, as soon as from 'ness, without extra charge. The Editor disclaims all responsibil ity for the views or statements of cor respondents, and reserves the iii;ht at all times to revise or rej: t any u1ide Uc may think proper. Always sign your name to a news paper communication simply as a pledge of good faith. It will not le published unless you desire it. r Best advertising medium in the Pis trict. Rates very moderate. Special rates on long contracts. All announcements and recommen dations of candidates for office, whether hi the shape of communications or otherwise, will be charged as adver I tisemeuts. ELIZABETH CITY, Slay 28, 1897- The Woman's Exposition of the Carolinas, which has been troinjr on at Charlotte the last two weeks, has been a success. great Gov. Russell will appoint thirty delegates to represent this State at the International Golcl Mining Convention at Denver July 7th and 9th. Providence, R. I., has decided to try the "potato patch" plan for relieving the unemployed, and $450 of the necessary 5 1,000 has already been raised by sub scription. State Treasurer Worth is no tifying dealers in pianos and or gans that, under the new reve nue act, they must pay $10 li cense tax for each style of in strument sold or offered for sale in the State. It is a misde meanor, punishable by fine and imprisonment, to sell or offer to sell these instruments without paying the license tax. Interesting Notes From Various Points Around and About us. Of a Personal and Newsy Character. Pencilings Reproduced From The Notebooks of Fish erman & Farmer Reporters. The trucking interest of the State has been more successful this season than for two or three years past. The spring was rather late, but the prices 011 truck have held up better than for several years, and truckers are encouraged. This is es pecially the case with straw berries and cabbage. The po tato crop was much injured by the frost and it is too early to tell much about what the crop will be worth. The onVy Republican daily paper in the State the "Daily Tribune" of Raleigh, died last Monday morning, and the chief mourners were the creditors. It started on the promise of Repub lican prosperity. The prosper-, ity failing to arrive in time to ty bills, there was nothing left for the Tribune but to die. There is not enough Republi can intelligence in North Caro lina to support anything but a patent outside weekly. Mr. John Wauamaker, the Philadelphia merchant, former Postmaster-General and recent candidate for the United States Senate, takes a gloomy view of the outlook for business. In an address at the annual meeting of the Business Men's League, of Philadelphia, last Friday he said: "The country is not pros perous. The tide will soon set in strongly against the Republican party unless the de pression of business is altered. Idleness and want breed a bitter discontent which will never be overcome until there is ample employment." The Westfielci (Iud. Nctvs prints the following in regard to an old resident of that place: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the L., N. A & C. Ry. here, says: 'I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for ten vears or longer-and never with out it in my family. I consider it the best remedy of the kind manufactured. I take pleasure in recommending it." It is a specific for all bowel disorders For sale by W. W. Son. Griggs & CASTORIA Tar Infants and Children. Vhs fac simile ..cleaatnrs Of 4Z- ' isn ererjr Everybody Saya So. ..Vvftrvts Candy Cathartic, the most wsb !"" i'ul medical discovery of the age, pleas and refreshing to the taste, act gently .and positivelyon kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, curt! headache, fever, habitual constipation -nnd biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. fcoldand guaranteed to cure by all druggists. EDKNTOX, X. C. Miss D. Winston has returned from Salem. Mr. Tovner. the insurance agent, is in the city. Miss Rosalie Mitcnell has re turned from K. City. Rev. Kurfoot spent a few days in the city this week. Mr. O. C. Byrum spent Sunday in vVashington county. Remember A. C. Mitchell has the finest cool soft drinks. Mr. T. B. Boushall.of Belcross, was in the city Wednesday. Mrs. W. R. Capehart is visits ing her bother D. G. Bond. Miss Mary Prudeu has re turned home from Salem Col lege. Mr. Sessoms, of Baltimore, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Joseph Perry. Some one should look after the cows. They are on the street every night. Mr. D. A. Morgan, of K. City, was registered at the Woodard House on Saturday. K. R. Pendleton has been ap pointed Collector of Customs for the Albemarle District. Mr. Richard Elliott, of Wash ington county, is here spending c few days with his son. Miss Goldie Kramer, of K. City, is spendiug a few days with her parents in this city. Mr. John H. Stevenson, has gone to Rich Square, to spend a few days 'with relatives and friends. Two colored boys Tom San ders aud Bill Moore had a fiht which resulted in the latter hav ing his skull crushed with a bed slat. Rev. R. B. Drane and Mr. L, F. Ziegler returned home Wed, iiesday from Goldsboro, at which place they attended the Hpisco pal council. Capt. T. G. Skinner and Ivieut. McMullan, of Hertford, attended the Hdenton Light Infantry's Minstrel Show in this city Wed nesday night. Messrs. A. C. Hathaway, Brad Sanders, C. C. Bailey, M. C. Bernstein and M. E. Lavaii stein of E. City, were registered at the Bay View Sunday. Services will be held at St. Anne's Catholic church next Sunday by Father Edwards, as follows: High Mass at 10:30 a. m., preaching at 3 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend. A fish boat loaded with salt belonging to J. K. Rea, was cap sized during the storm on Mon day evening. The colored man in charge clung to the boat un til rescued by Mr. Julien Wood's boat. On Sunday morning ab'out 25 persons connected themselves with the Methodist chinch, and at the Baptist church nine were received subject to baptism, which will take place next Sun day evening at 5 o'clock. The Minstrel performance given by the Edenton Light In fantry on Wednesday night was a success in every way. A large audience was present and at tested their pleasure by frequent applause. Hie company netted about fifty dollars from the pers formance. The medal offered for the best drilled man in the company, the contest taking place at the close of the show, was won by Mr. James Moran. MOYOCK. Mrs. M. C. Poyner continues quite ill. Mr. J. F. Cox went to Norfolk trading Monday. Mrs. Samuel Sanderlin is vis-, iting relatives in Norfolk. Mr. W. L. Wilson returned home from Fairfield Friday. Miss Ida Ashby, of Tulls, is the guest of Mrs. x. J. Davis. Mrs. Lizzie Poyner returned home from Norfolk Saturday. Mr. M. C. Poyner went to Norfolk Tuesday on business. Mrs. N. P. Stallings went to E. City shopping Wednesday. Mr. Robert Smith, of Norfolk, was here on business Wednesday. Mr. W. P. Creekmore went to Norfolk on business Wednesday. Mr. A. J. Davis returned home from Philadelphia, Pa., Tuesday. A party of real estate dealers val Saturday evening at the parsj souage. Miss Mollie Shaw gave a party at her home laesday night which was enjoyed by all present. The commencement exercises of Shawboro High School will take place Friday night, June 4th at seven o'clock. All of our friends and patrons of the school are respectfully invited. Mr. John Seymour is critically ill at his home at Sligo. Dr. Lumsden of E. City was tele graphed for by Dr. Stanton Lindsav, to hold a consultation over aim. SroRTS. To t-u.-o Cc;n.tt:prtion I'oriver, T?:.- C-r.-:trets Candy Cathartic. lOccr-.c It C. C. C. fa. I to cure, tirufKjiMs r. Uir.Z mt.-nev 3IaiiUo. Dare county. Mr. E. J. Shipmau left Mon day for New York. Mrs. Gersrair.ous and dausrh- were through here again this ter, Miss Etta, were in town last week. week. .ur. w. 1.. Wilson, and littJe Mrs. L. Twiford, nee Miss daughter Addie, went to E. Sophie Burrus, of Hyde county, ny lucsud). was ni town Saturday last. Miss Rcna Nichols, of North- Miss Marv Allen, assistant west, was the guest of the Misses teacher at Manteo Academy, left uarnara aunciay. . Monday night for her home in Mr. Henry S. Van de Carr, of Virginia Stock Port, N. Y., was in the village Monday. Miss Emelda Gregoiy left Friday to visit relatives in Nor folk and Berkley. Miss Lillie Sanderson was the guest of Miss Mamie Wilson Sunday aud Monday. Mrs. G. W. Van Nostraud. of Miss . Georgia Harrison left last week for the banks, where 1- - 1 1 A. 1 J 1 it. sue win Ltracxi uunnjjr uie sum mer months. Messrs. W. II. B. Langston and Yv. J. Melson left Monday to attend the commencement at Littleton Female College. Miss Allie B. Wescott returned Berkley, spent several days last Saturday morning from Greens, week with her sister, Mrs. J. B. h jhere, h attendea the Cox. Miss Addie Barnard has re turned home after a pleasant visit to Shawboro for the past week. The frog catching firm has closed business, but it is hoped that Moyock will have less croak ing in the future. State Normal College. It is de- lisjhtful to have her back. The Spring session at Man teo Academy closed Friday, May 2 1 st. T.:e commencement ex ercises were held Friday and Saturday nights. The address was given Friday night by Hon. I. Meekins of Elizabeth Citv. Master Johnnie Langston Miss Maggie Fletcher returns ceived the scholarship. ed to her home in Brambleton Thursday, after a two weeks visit here with friends. Mrs. F. W. Ritter snent Fri, Manteo was deeply grieved Wednesday morning at the death of Mrs. Bettie Gates, wife of Dr. F. P. Gates. The remains were P Main and Water Streets. Elizabeth City N. C Newness and Brishtness characterize every department of our stock. No mat ter how attractive stocks may be at other times of the year, it is the Spring season that brings out the real beauty of goods and garments, where color harmonies hold full sway, and there is delightful profusion of tints and tones. Our efforts to gather stock that would please the public, have been crowned will success. As 21 3rxtoi ol Course Prices Prevail ! Our Dress Goods apartment D ing as well as the dead L. Made and Merit Maintains the confidence of the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. If a medicine cures you when sick; if it makes wonderful curw everywhere, then beyoiid all question that medicine possesses merit. aay ana Saturday in b,. City, taken to Bayboro Wednesday visiting her parents, Mr. and night for interrment, accom Mrs. w. W. Alornssette. nanirrl hv Hie hpi-Mveri Imnrl During the storm last Friday, and mother with two orphaned lightning struck the chimney to cniiciren. vve weep lor the liv the house of Caleb Archer. No serious damage was done. Miss Willie Kate Sanderlin, of Brambleton, who lias been visit ing relatives here for the past month, returned home Tuesday. The sermon of Rev. H. M. Giles, at Moyock Sunday, was very instructive and of more than usual interest on the sub ject of talent. Two heavy thunder storms passed over this place last Fri day evening at 6 and 9 o'clock, accompanied with hard wind, rain and hail. A 1 11 v uoy 11 years 01a, son ot. Abel Barnard, colored, was ar rested and brought to trial Sat urday, charged with going in a i hoiise with intent to steal. The case was laid over until Su perior Court. Mrs. Wm. Nichols, of North west, Va., gave the young peo ple a very pleasant sociable last 13 thebesta fact the one True BiooapariflBF. Wednesday night That is just the truth about Hood's Sar saparilla. We know it possesses merit because ft pures, not once or twice or a hundred times, but in thousands and thousands of cases. We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, when all others fail to do any good whatever. We repeat e' is complete in every way. Lawns, Lappets, Organdies, Dimities, Figured, Liuneus, Tissus Brode, Etammie cloth. Plain Linnens,, Percales in all the latest styles, White Goods of every description. Latest style Woolen goods, Shepard Plaids, French Plaids all colors. Brilliantine figured aud plain, Cicelliau, Grenadines mixed wool goods, Dress Patterns. All colors of Cashmeres and Serges. rl nil . II I pi III II , tl , j-c--:. n Bali JJVtge table Reparation for As slmilating thcTood andRegula- lirjg incotomacns anatxweis ci Promotes Digesfon.ChccrfuI- ticss and itest.contains neimcr Opnim.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. JmjfJLnt Scti jllx.Scnnm jtmjt Sent JVpjmrmiat . i GoriortaitSidA I term Seed -Clnnfted Sapor I'Ji&yrtcn flartr ) A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and Loss OF SLEEI. Tac Simile Signature cf NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPCS, "- - SEE THAT THE V FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OF IS ON THE WRAPPER , OF EVERY BOTTILE OP Ml Jr. It Castor! Is put up la oso-sbe bottles oil Is not sold la balk. Don't allow anyone to f.-j 70a anything elss on tne plea or promise that j; is Inst as rood "and will answor pverv t--. pose." AS-Bee Hut yoa get C-A-S-T-O-R-U, t!mU ' tt:--. 22J Has opened a SALE, EXCIIAXr, BOARD and LIVERY STABIJv On Water Street, And soicits the patronage of Friends and the public generally. cared for at the .1iv-3 rh ncsf- von arm - Kl c IkS most reasonable terms. Stylish Turnouts for hire at all times.- - Give Him a call. o Stables on Water St. Our SHOE Department Cannot be appreciated until seen. ne e 31 M lave tne lamest CiV T . A TITPQ fTCCl?Q nA run nDWM'C t o . ii-o-j, aj f j.iv.4 iiiuijivivin o jluw ohoks mat were ever brought to Elizabeth City; consisting of Oxfords, button & lace and strap, in Ox blood, Chocolate, Tan, Patent leather and Don gola. Coin, Razor, London, Common sense Toes. Patent, Imita x? 5 T1' . ATM . - non anu nam j. ips. 1 nese goqcis are manufactured by Zieo-ler Bros., of Philadelphia, the largest manufacturer of Ladies' Fine Shoes in the United States. This line alone number 1500 pairs. VVe also haye a complete line ot Men s. Boys and Youths Shoes, all colors and styles, congress and lace, Coin, Razor, London, St. Louis and Plain Toes, Tips. Imitation Tips and uu Tip. arsaparilla 1 ne music was furnishedd by Moyock and Northwest talent. Moyock was well represented. Hondl P! I f c ?-V"e naiIsea- indigestion, llUUa S flllS biliousness. 23cer.ts. Belcross, N. C, May 25, 1897. To the Fisherman & Fanner: Allow me a little space in your valuable paper to commend to all who may haye need of ser vices in his line Dentistry my young friend S. W. Gregory, who has located in your city. He is thoroughly competent to do any work m his line, I speak from experience. I am now wearing the fourth set of teeth, having never been able to get a set that I could use with comfort, until Dr. Gregory made those I am now using with per fect satisfaction. R. R. Overby. Burglars broke into the store of Ives & Northan, at Hickory, one mgiu last week. They were two white iuen and have been caught and lodged in jail. Burglars also broke into the Store of Mr G C 9nir1hM- of f-cturers that have gained a &LUIC Ui iur, L. C oaHQbOrn at rc!;utaticabyhonestandsquaro bnowden last week. We did not learn the particulars. C. BEST When ycu ,ir? nboutto buy a Sewing' Machine do not be deceived bv allurinf? advertisements "id l e led 1 o think you can get the best mndf, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to it that you Duy trora reuacle manu- iline. vou will then cet a vowing Machine that is noted ho v-orld over for its dura iility. You want the one that s easiest to manage and is Ueaitli aud vigor are essential for suecessiefore make yourself strong and healthy by taking Hood's Sarsabar ilia. Light Running There is none in the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness cf finish, beauty in appearance, or has as rnanr improvements as the SHAWBORO, Currituck Co. NKW HOME: Miss Sadie Cowell spent a few it Our Stock of Men's, Boys, Yoiitliw and OIiildfoiis THE CITY MARKET, puma v Mrt a I m Proprietor. W If EDENGON, N. C. The Choicest Meats on hand at all times. It will be to your interest j LOWKSTCAS PRICKS to give us your onl'-rs. f IN THE CITV. e rvesh. Ve stables a specialty.- . POLITE ATTENTION ! o PROMPT DELIVER V ! FIR JZji Is the way you ike your MEATS, fresh is way we have it. OUR Beef, Veal, Mutton and All from our own si; lautrnter h nil co every clay. Buy your meats of and 9 fresh Is well assorted, and judging from the quan . tities we are selling suit the trade. 5000 HATS days iu Norfolk last week. We are glad to say that Mrs. C. D. Morgan is irapioving. Mr. J. E. C. Bell, and Caleb, went to Norfolk last Friday. Mr. j. L,. UeLormis went to Moyock Saturday on business. Messrs. W. J. Grandy and W. P. LeRoy spent Sunday in Cam den. Mrs. M. E. Burfoot is very ill ! at the residence ot Mrs. W. D. Barnard. has Automatic Tension. Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (Jatented),no other has it ; New Stand patented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWING MOT CO, Orasok, Ham. Boston, IUss. 53TTwio:;Sjr - R, V Chicago, Io- St. Loria, SIo. U..L'i:-.'fr:ss. 6AM FBASCISOO, C'AL. ATllSIa t'i FOR SALE B The largest and most complete line of STRAW HATS ever brought to this market. The latest style Derbys, Cuban and Alpines. A fine line of Ladies, Men and Boys Liimeii. d'tisili sulci !iiok; Osxx tTWIf there should be Sunstroke in rown this Summer iu will not be because we have not UMBRELLAS to shade the people. Our stock of them is simply enormous. Caleb "Walker, sta.11 nsro. 1. CITY MARKET. AND GET THE BEST. t Finest Poultry at The Lowest Prices. ; "S y-Ur OX5erS th Sha11 havc our rast care ful and prompt attention. Remember Stall Nn. t r;t.M,i.,, KLIVKRK1) FUEE. V , (;ooi)s SOS Educate your Bowels With Cascaretg. Candv Cathartic. 10c, S!5c. If a C. C. fail, druggists refund moneyl Mrs. Eii?a Hayes, of Norfolk, jH was visiting Irs. W. H. Cowell Ul i iabt weeK. Miss Addie Barnard, of Mo yock, has been visiting her aunt Mrs. J. J. Ferebee. Dr. H. M. Shaw ancj little daughter Susie, are visiting Mrs. W. J. Terry, of Norfolk, Va. The children hve begun counting the days of school. They'll all be glad to see vas cation, j Dr. D: V ST.. i i an i?" 1 rescltof2ireT3 pi practice aadresearca lr, 09 an eai'aciit rhvRi- n eiaa ai?.d euccessfiU specialist, in con- in 40 in ea-. il Boi J! veaieut form for suSarirg !nnn.tuity THE PRINCE CF NERVE TOPICS 1 chu "he1 ladies of the Methodist rci had a strawberry festis PJ THE BEST PHYSICAL, VITALIZER If) in Lr.o-.vu te nt'.i a remedy when evervihiag nj fJ ls3 h:is f;uled. Fpr JofrS pi KERVE force. Ul Li ViRYQUS DEBILITY, weakness fA tfce fli JU vii'al rutKI, PROSTKA- IP J TioN in male or female. For IMPOTENC E, fli PJ the result of indiscretions and bad habits : LP Jj f or I'aralysis, actual or threatened ; for Sex- rt " tiuney iroucies; lor erly decuv and U physical failure. , All Inquiries will bi u cheerfully answered if starap is enclosed. If fV your druggist does not keep them send SI to I rl m.RMU upnoiwc rnusiuv I 1FV VHKII RIUHWIIII, UUniHIli Jtill IN OUR. Gents' iimismiig- Good Department s We will siniDlv sav.we can sunnlv n Afnn - tj... . . A . ' 1 - - " justsucu goods as will suit his occupation or taste. We have a JOli COUNTER of about 300 pairs of taJic8, Men's. Boys and Children's Shoes, vhich we will g:ve to the early cal lers for just one-half their actual value. lioiit Forget lJce. orWater streets. t You can enter either on Main "W"13r do you Wait till VOU Pet flown ; before taking medicine. wiien you feel dull aching and stretching' just remember that the next thing will be Ala lana chills and Fever 1 o avoid this us Iff V 'awyer & J" ones, the X-asrative if take. i ti..:e ""' savc 'ou a loag spell of sickness, and much Kidneys, Liver and Stomach, JZ ?eiS?dy for Young and Old- 4 Regular Size 25 and 50 Cents iSe lO-Oenaflas. MADE BY YEAKEL DRUG CO., BALTIMORE MARYLAND.

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