Fisherman and Fawi r Kutered at the Post Office at Elizabeth City as secona class niaiter. LIZA BETH CITY, May 28, 1897. In tljc Heart of tlicGHy at the corner ol Vater and Matthew 'Sts, up stairs, is the offic e of the Fisherman & Farmkr Printing Com pany. Persons having business to transact are invited to call. VVe Do High Grade COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Tutt's Pills Cure All Liver Ills. A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an absolute-cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, .malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. "The FIyWheel of Life" Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice. I feel as if I had a new lease of life. . Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col. tutt's Liver Pills The Most Desirable Cottage NAG'S HEAD ! The Jones cottage situated 250 yds south or hotel, 2 stories, iNews Adrift! PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." ) BRIEFLY RELATED. Rev. J. H. Hall the sad has receive! intelligence thaLf"a brother. Rev. 13. R. HalfT ' ' n of Washington DisjHV V , . 1 Wednes- ELOPEMENT. Abram Haskett leaves. tiCity with anothe&fgn wif e. The Pith of the News Especially Prepared for the Busy Readers. Miss Ella Kramer is on the sick list this week. Mrs. A. T. Davis spent, the week at Win fall. Miss Ida Murdeu is at Norfolk on a visit to friends. Mrs, W. J. Smith has gone to Baltimore to have her eves treat ed. wiorg rep fthc pho- dfT of the leit the ars The new instruments ior Fire Company's baid have rived. Mr. Harvey Bliven, of Berk Miss Goldie Kramer is spend-hev. Va nnH Miss Kpnn T-TMth ; , 1 , - . - j ' ' ing me wee witn ikt lather atof the same town but a native of Jbdenton. togra . r and I' ISIIKRM A Jf Rr PiEK. Wednesday for an e.-fAded trip through Virginia, jp wiil also visit Washinrron Ct before re o- 1 turning. The minstrc performance given last Fridyf ight, benefit of Fire CornpcySvas not patro nized as :t .yTod have been. We fear ouritjpens do not give the fire JadJies the encourage ment they deserve. f Amongth many things to be voted forat the Naval Reserver Bazaar fwiU be: A handsome Crescent bicycle, given by the Crescent Mfg. Co., to the most popular lady in town: a hand- somgold-headed cane to the most popular minister in the city, and a handsome watch chain to the most popular law-er. 4 rooms, tongue and grooved iloors and piazza ah around building, double kitchen with rooms for servants; also mattress es, chairs, tables, lounges and good cook stove. Drive pump and good water nearby. Title guaranteed Can be bought very cheap. Apply to - J. M. JONES, Edkntox, N. C. DIOI'ARTUIIE FOR E DENTON. The now famous Optician, Watchmaker and Jeweler has added o his workshop a GOLD and SILVER Piateing Department. Work guaranteed or money refunded. . . Respectfully, B.E. BYRD&OO, SPRING SHAVES! AND NEAT ARE TO BE HAD AT ALL HOURS AT w c. Parsons' TONSORIBIi PARLOR, On Poindexter Street. '"The most popular place in the city. Fine Barbers and everything to please the customer. I (jail fill to Appreciated. Brick! Brick! - -- -- -- , . BRIGI-v WORKS, The leading brick manu facturers of this section are now ready to supply orders on short notice. This plant has been in active operation for twenty years, and they guarantee satisfaction as to quality and price, hese (Brick have Stood the &est And reflex action will be a guide to your further purchase. You could do worse, and we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere. Call Telephone No. 2, or address g, Thompson, Mgr Elizabeth City, N. C. Why will you buy bitter nauseating toeics when Grove's Tastfe lew Cliill Tonic is as pleas ant as Lemon Syrup. Your druggist is authorized to refund the money in every case where it fails to cure. Price, Jk cents. Dr. A. L. Pendleton will be at Nags Head Hotel during the bummer. Dr. K. W. Lowry, of this coun ty, lett this week on a trip ti Baltimore. Mrs. J. S. Cartwright left yej terday for an extended trip Danville, Va. Miss Mamie Merriam v11 eave next wee-c tor a trio fto Connecticut. The Misses Hay man, of 'tr rell county, are visiting l-iss Lennie Rogers. Miss Mattie Cartwright and .Ir. Jerry Wilcox are viiting riends in Hertford. Mrs Win. To we, of ijbper, is the guest of Miss Belle Craw. ford on Martin street. Mrs. W. M. Jewell andchilds ren left Monday on a visit to rel atives in Berkley, Va. Rev. L. L. Williams attended the Council of the P. Church atGoldsboro last week. Mrs. A. J. lrown, of Buffalo City, is stopping at the Arling ton Hotel for a few dr Mr. Geo. Fearing, who has been attending college at Savan nah, Ga., returned yesterday. A matinee will b morrow afternoon hi given to the Emma I Elizabeth City, were married Wednesday at 1 o'clock at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. P. S. ShippbyDr. Blackwell. After the ceremony the happy couple returned to Berkley on the 2:45 train, accompanied by groom's sister, Miss liliven, who came to witness the marriage. Readers, prepare for the larg est Fair this Fall that lias ever been held at the Albemarle Park Grounds. Already we hear of several persons getting up some thing exquisite and pleasing to the eye, in the way of artistic work. Tell your neighbors to prepare exhibits. Let the event eclipse any previous Fair in all of the various departments. The managers will bend every energy to make the occasion beneficial to all classes of patrons. Mr. S S. Hardison, of Golds boro, N. C, has purchased stock in the Elizabetn City Mfg. Co. and has been elected general manager. He has been connec ted with some ot the largest lumber companies in the State ior the last seven years and is well equipped for the positiou he now occupies. Mr. Hardison and wife have arrived in the city and for the present are boarding in the First Ward. They come highly recommended. Abram Haskett. who was ar rested and jailed a few Sundays ago for brutally beating his child and released on the payment of a small fine, eloped Wednesday to Virginia with another man's wife, a Mrs. Hewitt, leaving his family at this place. Yesterday Hewitt and his mother-in-law had a row, which resulted in the deserted husband being arrested and jailed. Place your advertisement in the Fisherman & Farmer, a paper that is read hy more peo ple than any other paper pub lished in Eastern Carolina. Don't be deceived. We have the largest circulation, then why not give us your ad ? Our rates are low. Constipation Causes fully half the sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indi gestion, bad taste, coated tongue, sick headache, in somnia, etc. Hood's Tills cure constipation and all its residts, easily and thoroughly. 25c. All druggists. Prepared by C I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass. The only Tills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. REUBEQ DlllS, Gerjeral Electricial Contractor. Electric Bells, Annunciators, Time Clocks and Burglar Al arms Installed on Short Notice in the best work manlike Manner. PRICES REASONABLE. Office: Telephone Exchange Elizabeth City, N. C. JSPEsti mates for Telephones aud Supplies cheerfully furs A. A. nished. Warren Co. at Open House. Mr. A. B. Combs a merchant at Mann's Harbor. was in the city this week purchasing goods. Philip McDonald, a highly esteemed colored citizen of Ed enton, called at this office Tues day. Mrs. R. R. Moss and little daughter, Eveline, of Virginia, are the guests of Mrs. Holmes in this city. Miss Dora Alexander and Miss Kissie Roughton have returned home after a pleasant visit down the county. Next week Mr. J. R. Pinner will begin the erection of a large and handsome dwelling on his lot on Road street. "A holy curiosity what the Greeks wanted to see," will be Dr. Blackwell's sertaon Sunday night at the Baptist church. Mrs. A. C. Evans and children, of Mauteo, passed through the city Wednesday on their way to Chowan county, where they will visit friends Elizabeth City Public School will have its closing exercises at the Court House on the 3rd and 4th of June. The public is cordially invited. Miss Ordie Woodley, of Cres well, after a lengthly visit to friends in Wilmington, is spend ing a few days with Mrs. A. L. Coh 0011 in this city. Mr. D. L. Morgan returned this week from Charlotte, where he went to attend the Firemen's Tournament, which he describes as being a grand affair. LOST On Sunday morning on Martin street, between Main and Church. Bicycle Pedal, Finder will please return and receive reward. Z. Fearing, Jr. Miss Rosalie B. Mitchell re turned to her home at Edenton Wednesday, after spending sev eral weeks with her brother A. H. Mitchell. Mr. John Cartwright, while at work 011 the new residence of Mr. Chas. Guirkin, fell from the roof of the building Tuesday and was seriously injmed breaking a rib. There is now no question but that the Bazaar to 1 held by the Naval Reserves will be a mammoth affair and a week of fun and pleasure. Go and help the boys. The death of Emauual Davis, who died Sunday, removes a useful colored citizen and one of the "landmarks" of Elizabeth City. He was a bricklayer by trade and about 60 years of age. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F. M. Gnce offers his cottage at Nag's Head for rent. Z. Fearing Jr., offers a reward for a lost bicycle pedal. A piano is also advertised in this paper for sale. See notice. EMMA WARREN COMPANY. It has been a quite a while since there has been an attraction in this city that has given such genuine satisfaction as the Em ma Warren Theatre Company which is filling a week's engage ment at Overman's Opera House. The company is an exceptional ly strong one and has a splendid repertoire of plays, with new and catchy specialties which they in troduce at each performance, all of which have not failed to please the most exacting critic. Eittle Bijou Evans, the child actress, i indeed a paragon in her pro fession, and has won her way into-the hearts of our theatre going people for her admirable acting. The audiences have increased nightly and at times the applause that greeted the performers was deafening. To-morrow night the company will close its en :aq:ement in this city, and should they ever return here the mere announcement of their coming will pack the house. - iOT ()pci FY0117 Jiiije lStlj To Sep- 15tl, '97. The hotel has been iciiovated and improved, and will be con ducted under new management G W & F- M GRIGE. PHOPKIKTOliS. 'It is the llest on Earth." That is what Edwards & Par ker, merchants of Plains, Ga., say of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, for rheumatism, lame back, deep seated and-muscular pains. Sold by W. W. Griggs & Son. The favorite Summer Resort on the North Carolina Coast. tor novelty ot scenery ana eii- tirely new experience in sea shore life, this old-time re sort surpasses them all. SURFBA5H1NG is the delight of the strong and vigorous, while invalids and children can bathe in the salt water of the Sound with safety aud pleasure. Driving, Sailing and Fishing. The Fishing, is unsurpassed. Dr. A. L. Pendleton will be the Physician at the Hotel dur ing the season. Commencing July jst. Steamer Newberne wall make daily trips, leaving Elizabeth City at 1 p. iri. Res turning, leaves Nag's Head at 6 a. m. Saturdays steamer will be held at Eliz. City until 3 p. in. Sundays the steamer will leave E. City at 8 a. 111. 50 cents for the round trip. Wharfage. $ 10 for private Families, $25 for, Boarding Houses, and $2.50 per head for stock. Due in advance. Steamer can be chartered for Excursions Tuesdays. Charter price $100.00. Apply to M. H Snowden, Agt., E. City. C. W. & F. M. GRICE. Get on to This Educate Your Kowels With Gascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C C. C. fail, druggists refund money. FOR RENT ! A comfortable, well iurnished, six room cottage on the beach at Nag's Head. Stables attached. Will be rented on reasonable terms. Apply to F. M. Grick. FOR LXi2 Any one wishing a good sec ond hand piano in excellent condition can secure one cheap by applying ai misomce. He 1 mmmh If l?m aire BressedL IRiigfM rj Grace ft Sea u ty 'til air-Vi" r ;. .ve-s mm Migm Dashiii: Our stock of Trimmed Hats is something to be proud of. The styles are as dainty and dashing as any woman could ask for. The prices are great ly lower than in any past sea son. It will certainly pay you to see our collection before you choose vour Summer Hat. Ribbons, Hat shapes And Flowers at less than you have been paying. yon can enjoy Summer weather no matter how hot. If you buy right your Summer 'enjoyment worth so much by and by will cost little now. We submit the following list of Summer consol ers, confident of their unapproach able merits. The prices are as consoling now as the articles will be comforting when Summer swelters. Figured Organdies 10c, 12c worth 15 and 2octs. Solid color Organdies 10 cents worth 15 cts. Shepard Checks 10c, 12ic, 25c and 50 cts. When clothed in perfect fitting K 4 4' i r ' IN ALL SIZES -AT- 50c, 75c and SI -00, M0SE5 WEISEL, 'SSffi. ELIZABETH CITY. WSOSM ! P. DeLON, Repair liop,lf- Matthew Street, ELIZABETH CITY. N- C. With proper tools and much experience I can guarantee work done in the best work manship manner and' to be sat isfactory to all. I can also sup ply bicyclists with ail equip ments belonging to wheels. Prices Low, My shop is thoroughly equip ned which enables me to do work neatly and promptly. Oive me a Trial. Mm MANUFACTURED BY THE I have purchased for CASH FIFTY brand-new ''RUG-BY" BICYCLES, the same to be delivered to me in quantities to meet my requirements, and in view of the low price at which I made this pur chase, I shall dispose of this stock at a price within the reach of everybody. These wheels were CRAWFORD MANUFACTURING COMPANY AND LISTED IN 1896 AT 575.00. They are now offered to you at the redicilously low prices of 19.75 for Gentlemen. 66 Ladies. HAGERSTO WN, MIX, These Wheels are advertised daily by the largest dealers in New York City at $35.00 and $40.00 respectively for Gentlemen and Ladies m odels. Below you will find a List of Other Bargains: "Elmorcs,'' Gentlemen, 28 in Wheels, $ 37.50- "Elmores," Ladies 28 inch Wheels, 38-50. "Elmores," Youths 26 inch Wheels, 35-00. "Elmores," Misses, 26 inch Wheels, 35-00. 1897 SEARCHLIGHT LAMPS, $3.50 EACH una ffli mm The Highest ofhigii-grado;Bicyclcs from $50 to $80. P NONE BETTER MADE III THE LEADING JEWELER. OOX SOIL . OOOI CULTIVATlurN and then you may reasonably expect good crops. Some times by extra cultivation, you may get along pretty well on really poor soils, and sometimes, on extra soils, passable crops are made without proper cultivation, but there is one thincr to be remembered no matter what the soil or the cultivation, you will never succeed unless the seeds are all right. "Figs do not grow from thistles," nor good crops from poor seeds. We sell no seeds which are not good. Will you let us help you to grow good crops ? No matter how small operations may be.we want to furnish the seeds, and you will be surprised to find how ersy it is to buy our seeds by mail. Write for a catalogue it is the best ever written for the Southern gardner. Oeo. Tait Ac Son. Seed Growers, 78 Commercial Place, Norfolk, Va. If yon feel bad in the morning and want a bracer, use And gives new life to the nerves. 2 arge (Doses for IO cts. See that every Bottle is Stamped with 3 Sprigs of Celery.- PREPARED BY YAEKEL DRUG CO, BALTIMORE, MO.