- ; ; i ; S ; MACjNET for snakes. The first snake story of the season comes from Donegal Township, Butler county, Penn sylvania. James Wymer has the utmost faith in the oil of poisonous snakes as a cure for rheumatism, and he started out, as is his custom every Spring, on a snake hunt. In the township is an old cranberry patch, and to this he proceeded, dressed in his heavy woolen suit of pants, shirt and coat. On his feet were a pair of high woolen boots When he returned home in the evening he had hanging to his clothing no less than seventeen black snakes, three rattlers, four garter snakes and one snake that had a horn on its tail. The mode of capture is very peculiar. Wymer has some pe culiar kind of oil that makes a strange odor that is evidently pleasant to the serpents, for they follow Mr. Wymer around iu j Treat numbers. He has a small switch, which he strikes at the snakes, and they in turn strike at him, and their fangs stick in the heavy woolen goods which compose h i s clothing. The sight that met the people of Jacksonville, Butler county, near where he lives, when Wymer arrived was, indeed, a strange one. The snakes looked like so many tails, and they greatly frightened the people. Wymer will skin the reptiles, try out the fat and reduce the same to oil, which he uses in case of rheu matism, as he is a local doctor. Hall's Hair Renewer enjoys the con fidencc and patronage of people all over the civilized world, who use it to restore and keep the hair a natural color. CJoorcria's Cotton Kintr. The Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle says: "Tames M. Smith of Oglet- horpe, Georgia's greatest farmer, has just bioken all record of cot ton sales from a single plantation by selling to Macon cotton buy ers in one lot of over 2,000 bales of cotton of his own raising. The cotton was sold on a basis of 7 cents for middling, and when it is all weighed and shipped Mr. Smith will receive a check for about $70,000. This would be a tremendous crop, even if Mr. Smith raised nothing but cotton but when it is remembered that he grows similarly large crops cf grain and hay, and that cotton is his surplus money crop after producing all the provision crops he needs, then one can grasp some idea of the scale on which Colonel Smith farms and see the justice of calling him Georgia's cotton king." Everybody Says So. Cascnrets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of tlic age, p'cas .11. t and refreshing to the taste, act. gently a:ai positively on Kidneys, liver and bowels, 'causing the entire systin. dispel colds, 1 tiro headache, ;v-r, hahir.aal constipation -;:! biliousness. Please bnv and trv a hex !' C. C C. to-day; JO, yr, f.0 cents. Moid arm 'laranteud to cure by all druggists. Professor W W. Flowers of Durham has been chosen Su perintendent of the Public Schools of Durham, succeeding Professor Toms, now of the Uni versity of North Carolina. Mr. Flowers is a graduate of Trinity College, and has been a teacher in the schools of which he is now Superintendent. Place your advertisement in the Fisherman & Farmer, a paper that is read by more peo ple than any other paper pub lished in Eastern Carolina. Don't be deceived. We have the largest circulation, then why not give us your ad ? Oar rates are low. NOTI CE ! To my patrons and friends : Owine to mv continued ill health am forced to abandon my dental practice in Elizabeth City. Dr. S. W. Gregory, of Goldsboro, will succeed me 1 hanking vou ior your past kindness, and hoping that you will extend the same to him I remain Yours truly, R. B. Swindell. May 1 2th. 1897. . Tetter, Salr-ltheum and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 eta. per box. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. -They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 cents per package. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. ITEMS GATHE'RECb HERE BY CHARLES MORGAN. SOME TIJINGS HE SEES AND HEARS AT POINTS WHERE "VfE HAVE NO REGCXAR REPORTER. Mrs. Merrett, of Win fall, has been ill for several days. Mrs. Win. G. Ward, has been ill for the past two weeks. Mr. Earl Corey, of Elizabeth City, was in Winfall Saturday. Miss Lizzie Speight is the guest of Miss E. Mae Morgan this week. Mr. William Madrey, of Bags ley Swamp, is quite sick with Pneumonia. Mr. Thomas White, residing near Belvidere, continues quite ill. Miss Nettie Cartwrieht, of E. city has been vjsiting her old home in Nixonton. Mr. Z. W. Hollo well, one of jur best fanners, has a fine lot of cabbages and strawberries. Rev. J. T. Riddick, of Win ton, and Miss Dorothy Chase, of Virginia, will be married June 2nd. Miss Sal lie Pegram. a very at tractive young lady, of Garys bunr. is visitiny friends in Wit-. Cj ' o fall. The people of Hertford en joyed a very interesting concert at the Courthouse Thursday night. We are sorry to say that Miss Mary Hollowell is sick, and had to stop school. We hope she will soon recover. Miss Denie Thomas, residing near Winfall, returned Saturday, after spending some time with her sister at Centerville, Va. Miss Sarah Speight, of Wins fall is visiting friends near Sandy Cross. She will also attend the Union Meeting at that place. Mr. Charles Overman, who has been sick at his daughter's Mrs. Ida Morris, at Nixonton, we are glad to say is improving. Mr. Willie J. Brothers and wife, of Manteo, are the guests of Mr. E. P. Walsh, father of IJrs. Brothers, near Elizabeth City. Mr. M. L. Davis, living near Elizabeth City, is a champion strawberry raiser. His berries are always the best and command good prices. Mr. C. C. Thompson, having recently purchased the Dr. Mul lan timber lands near South Mills, is now actively engaged in cutting same. Rev. Mr. Hatcher, Grand Lecturer for Masons, for North Carolina, preached an able ser mon at Hall's Creek church Sunday morning. Misses Sallie and Lena Rids dick, of Nicanor, attended the commencement at Belvidere Friday, they were the guests of Mrs. Bragg Perry. Rev. N. P. Stallings preached a very impressive sermon at Mt. Sinai church on Sunday. He had a very attentive congre gation, also had a short talk on missionary work. The three trotting horses, "Bay Line," "Sylvan" and "Len- uon J.," owned by C. C. Thomp son, are at the Albemarle Park Grounds. Mr. T. T. Snvder is training them for the Fall. A young white boy, Willie Harrell, was drowned a few davs ago in Perquimans river, be tween Hertford and Belvidere He fell from a raft of logs. His body has been recovered. Mrs. Effie L. Morgan, the wife of D. W. Morgan, living near Elizabeth City, died very suddenly Tuesday morning while sitting 111 a chair at her home. The iuneral services were con ducted bv Rev. Tos. Ferebee. Mrs. Alethia Hollowell, re siding near Norfolk, died Suns day, after an illness of several weeks. She leaves a husband, lour children and many friends and relatives to mourn her death. Her remains were brought to Elizabeth City and deposited in the cemetery near town. East Saturday a shooting af fair occurred at South Mills be tween two white men named Sawyer and Miller. The former shot at the latter four times, neither ball taking effect. The father of Sawyer in trying to get the pistol from his son was shot twice, wounding his hand and side. Neither wound is serious. The People are Convinced. When they read the testimonials of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla. They are written by honest men women, and are plain, streighforward statements of fact. The people have confidence in Hood's Sarsaparilla because the- know it actually and permanently cures, eveu when other medicines fail. hood's pills are the onlv pill to take h Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy and yet euicient STICK TO THE FARM. History proves that properity has always followed times ot great depression, and history re peats itself. No matter what comes, let us stick to the farm. We may work a few years for nothing, but what matters it so long as we retain in our posses sions the old farm house? We shall not always remain at the bottom of the wheel. In time matters will adjust themselves. Then let us have a firmer de termination than ever to know the details of our business, and make the coming year conspicu ous for having made progress in reducing the cost of production, the curtailment of unnecessary expenses, and, above all. let us never forget that ours is one of the noblest callings given to men, and the little spot of ground we occupy is part of God's green earth, and let us manfully and hopefully till and care for it, that those who shall succeed us may point with pride to the work of our lands. Pulmonary consumption, in its early stages, may be checked by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It stops the distressing cough, soothes irritation of the throat aud lungs, and induces much- ueeded repose. Hundreds have testified to the remarkable virtues of this pre paration for the hair How to Make Whitewash. Dissolve one hall bushel new uuslacked lime iu a covered barrel, let stand for three clays, stirring thoroughly once a day. On third day, dissolve fifteen pounds of salt in water add one gallon thick molasses, home made sorghum is the best. Mix ten pounds Spanish whiting in water, add to the lime eighteen gallons of water and mix the in gredients thoroughly with lime mixture. To make a cream color add a pound aud half of yellow Ochre. Brown color, two pounds of burnt umber, one half pound lamp black, and one half pound Indian Red. Giay or Stone color, add two pounds raw umber aud one pound lamp black. Other colors can be made by adding different colors of the dry- paints water. that will dissolve in No-To-1;m fi;r Fifty Cesirs. Guaranteed tobucc-o habit fire, inakos men hirouiT, b;ooU pure. Me, St. All tirur; Jf You Are in Earnest. Are you looking for some op portunity of doing good? If you are, take to heart these words of William Btirleign's: "There never was a day that did not bring its own opportunity for doing: good that never could have been done before, and never can be again." These are true words. You can prove them if you will. It is olten true that those who talk most about wanting to do good "if they could" have no perception of the opportunities given them every day of their lives. The real worker in Christ's earthly kingdom does not wait for opportunities; he creates them. If you are in earnest, you will never be idle for lack of opportunity. The Standard. The Iiest Ilemody for Ilheu- innt isjii. From tlie Fairhaven (N. Y.) Register. James Rowland of this village, states that for twenty five years his wife has ben a sufferer from rheumatism. A fe-.v nights ago she was iu such pain that she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he had read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of going for the physician he went to the store and secured a Lottie of it. His wife did not approve of Mr. Rowland's purchase at first, but nevertheless applied the Balm thoroughly and in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an ache or a pain aud finds that it always gives relief. He says that no medicine which she had used ever did her as much good. The 25 and 50 cents sizes for sale by W . W. Griggs & Son. To i:ro Constipation I'cr.'vrr. ! - j-iets Csuuly Cuthartlu lUc cr5c. . '. C C Ja;i 10 cure, urug.sts rvfuud money. A furnished cottage on the beach at Nag's Head, also a va cant lot on the beach for sale. Apply to Mrs. F. L. Grandy, Myi4 4t Eliz. City. N. C. y Mrte Every mother feels an i n d e -scribable dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. TKER'S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity: this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all rlie danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent cr gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing: con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. It is a blessing io monan. $1.00 PER BOTTIE at all Drug- Stores, or sent by mail oa receipt cf price. BflOKS Containing invaluable inforrration of -"or interest to a'l women, will be sent rnllfc to any nilUress, upon application, by Tins BEADFIELD EEGCLAT03 CO., Atlanta. 6a. red. Jjavis Wholesale and Retail DEALER. All Grades of Coal constantly on Hand. Noih:s.s C2t the (Best ' w handled. All screaned before iug the yard. Coal leav- Orders filled promptly and Ship ments made to any point. Yards, Northeast corner MATTHEW AND WATER STREETS, Near City Market. Elizabeth City, N. C. 2-2TThone 13. mm wimm lias opened a SCaiTrery Stable .AT., J m And solicits the patronage of his friends and the public generally. Horses cared for at the most reasonable terms, Stylish turn outs for hire at all times. Give Mm & Cf all ! Drummers wishing a good team should call on him. Low rates will be given them. Fredonia. N. Y.f ut arjie ana accomplished Military Commander (father-in-law of the lat vummanaer v. m. it. Cushlng, U. S. N., who gained world-wide renown for his crowning teat 01 Diowing up the iron clad AJbemarl in lbuj; writes Or. Fenner: "For many years I have kept oa hand Jour Blood and Liver Remedy and ever I have A bilious attack or nervous nrnctro. tion or feel run down. It alwavs speedy relief so much so that I have come 10 reiy o;i it witn the same certain ty that I do pifc the law of gravitation.' Blood and liver Dr.Fefiner'sBeaTddyflev8rFais, Nerve Tonic is a Sarsaparilla-Mandrake-Prince'l Pine Alterative, Nerve Tonic end Restorative Compound. CERTAIN AS THE LAW CF GRAVITATION, Physics from blood, liver and tissues all worn-out particles and impurities, without weakening but strengthening instead, and Restores the Nerves. urS "eanaeiies. Dyspepsia, Constira tkn Bad Breath. Skin biSeaT O Sorea Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sample free. ?i ri!?eep. ???? child's stomach and bow ThhwV wiJh Dr' Fe-ner's Sennatoria The best Ia-atlve and corrective known. Dr, Fanner's Soothinr Svmn. Allays Irritation and gives refreshing sleep. Dr. Fenner s Worm Syrup. "Brought 156 worms from our rhiid. Air ihub vi&"A itv.jiiua.. Pr.FennersFAMiLv(SaltKheum)Ointment. -s tor skin eruptions. Piles, Sor CutsTetc F KEEPS IT ON HMD ffiSS; (lift 500 Men Unload Schooners A Gccd Job One that will last ail Sum mer. To secure the job a nickle is required as a deposit of good faith. Apply at . nee to J. K. BERGERON, At the Palais, on Main Street. &e end it gtRgg xo-- mm. Young or Old. Rejoice with us in the Discovery. When a man lias suffered for years with a weakness that blights his' life and obs him of all that really snakes life worth living, if he can avail hi in self of a complete cu 1 e, why not possess the moral courage to stop his down ward course. We will send you by mail, Ai:so LL'TELY Free, in plain package, the all powerful Dr. Hoffman's Vital Tablets, with a legal guarantee to permanently cure lost manhood, SELF-ABUSE, SEXUAL WEAKNESS, VARI COCELE, stops forever night Kmisions, and all unatural drains: Returncs to former appearances emaciated organs: .No O. O t: fraud nor receipt decep tion. If we could not cure, we would, not send our medicine FREE to try, and pay when satisfied; Write to-day as this may not appear again. Address Western 14) 1 m 9 Co.. Incorporated; Kalamazoo, Mich. Why throw Your old and broken Furnitur e away ? When you can have it made 'f 4? as jrood and handsome ns $ S when new, at very little ex- II 0 pense. Bring or send it to H 1 my shop over J. B. Flora's J store, and it will be put in nice order for you. . fe I X-cuioiiilos f gj I can clean, varnish, repair j' 0 and upholster Furniture, re Jj pair Unidrellas. Sharpen H Knives, Scissors and Saws, j and put them in good order. J I also repair Harness, &c. 1 Hoping to have your pat- rouage, I am most respectfully 5i T.H KEMrAM, Elizabeth City, N. C. to I &'i?t?T all We manufacture all kinds of Coffins, Caskets, and other burial cases. Prices quoted on application. Goods shipped promptly. Write for further information and you will save money thereby. W. H. WAIT, Propr. Scroll W ork, Mouldings of IF SO, correspond with LARGE CAPACITY. plendid Nothing4 but It will be to your Kii.rvitJi.y No Orders JiBSOLUST.Y fiHSRSXTEED K """':iXi;U;. f pie ud txw&t fit. Ad. STKi:l.l0 KKVV.nV MANUFACTURER OF UGGIE&y WAGONS, Repairing Having enlarged my shop and added more tools and stocK, i am now prepaid to do And with over Twentv Years Blacksmith I can do from the lightest Carriage Forging tothe heaviest mill, machine or marine forjiuo-. I "uarautce satisfac tion both in price and quality fT J. .ALL WORK DONE PROAPTLY.l- rGive ine a call befcie ko'm-r dsi where. Don't for get where I am locatccl-on Poiudexter Street. ( Y"V We do Good P And ifiiiiVedof- Society Printing, Church Printing, Lodge Printing, Two Color Printing, Or Printing of Any Ki Call or Send Your Fisherman Corner Water and KarG doillgthe lar&est sliart V the Job Printing used in this section; we are doiig mQre of it this year than last, and we did more last year than the year be fore. Occasionally one of our customers is induced to try another firm, but they always come back to i:s. And we are constantly getting new friends and customers, too. 7'eople patronize us now who heretofore had their work done in the ' North, because we have demonstrated the fact that our work is equal to that to be had anywhere. HERTFORD, IV. fTl a : "B urn Shipping the best work sent out. interest to let ns quote you prices., t u t csi iaJtiiHi; UN REQUEST. Too Large None Too DRUGGISTS I .. rWaeo. J!ontral. fan., nr Vw Tnrlc. Jit.j ll m CaRTS, a specialty. more work than ever, of Experience in the Business rder to aj armer, Mattlitw Streets O. HS'N Material, or any kind ? Inting i d SI . 8 B r BEST WORK. Facilities. Small. Er: Norfolk & Southern hli . . . ; Schedule in effect April . Norfolk & Southern li. R. , Express trains, Southbound. '.;'. cept Sundays,) leave IClizal ctli 11:40 a. in., North-bound, daily, bundays) leave liluabeth c p. mi. Trams No. 3 and 4 U-.u betli Lity southbound b p. ni , bound 9:40 a. in. The trains : and depart from Norfolk .V vt, pot, Norfolk; connect at Nmi..k all Rail aud Steamer line, a Edenton with Steamer f(r Oashie, Chowan and Seuj.; . rivers; transfer steamers to !a . Ferry, thence by Norfolk ,.; li. R. to 1'auteVroaud bclhavi u, nectiuK ith steamer Virginia i Jlakeleyville. Aurora, U.i!:-. and all intermediate landings. Eastern Carolina AN1 Old Domlulou ijilu. Tlu-steamer Neuse leaves i City Tuesday, Thursday and a:. at.6; p. in.,, for New hem o.n:, with the A. & N.C. U.K. for (.,:;, Kinstou, and Morehcad Citv a; .; the V. N. vS: N. II. R. fur Jaek.N.. Wilmington. N. C, etc. ictn: leave Neubiru londav, -d:: . and Friday. The Steamer Ncwberne leai-s 1 ; bcth City, Monday noon and . : day 6 p. m . or k.unoke Island, i raeoke, Oriental aud NewUnu. Tickets on sale at IClizabctli ( Station to all landings, Ncnn1H ! Kinstou, C.oldsboro, '.Moiehead l aud Wilmington, N. C. Daily all rail service hetwev n r: bcth City and New York, i" sla,!. , Baltimore arul Norfolk. Through tars and as . .,, quicker time than by a .. r Direct all goods to ;,; , ,; , Eastern Carolina Dispa; From Norfolk bv Nuit ,; . Railroad; Baltimore bv W. - R., President Street Stat ' r. I'ii: phia, riiiladeli)h'.a R. R., fetation; ew ork, bv J R. R., 1'ier 27 North Rivei, ail. n 11- Dominion Line For further information ai!lv TTs 4 ..... ti M 11. nuowucu, Agent, UluaU tli 'it' to theC.eneral (,tlice of the N. Southern R. R. Company, Noi ,C, M. K. KING, General Manager. II. C. HUDGINS, G. 1 ,V A PETTIT'S North Carolina Lines C. L. PETTIT, Manager. Steamer NEWTON will lease N : folk for Elizabeth City, Creswei; ..-.. way landings on Wediiesdavs and urdays at 4 p. in., Elizabe'th Cit : Creswei 1 on Thursdays and M'nda-. at 9:30 a. 111. Returning, will lu.i Creswei 1 for Norfolk on Twc.-!a .11 : Fridays at 4 a. mi., aud Elizabeth . same day at 2:30 p. m., an . . ;n . Norfolk next day. Steamer Harbinger will lea.e N : folk for Elizabeth City, Jlertluid a: ! way landings, on Tuesdays and 1:. days at 4 p. m., Elizabeth Citv !: Hertford Wednesdays and Satuidavs at 9:30a.m. Returning, will lcac lieu lord for Norf(lk Muudavs, and Tlni!--days at 7 a. 111. and Elizabeth City sain, day at 2:30 j). mi., arriving in Noihin. next day. W. V. MOk RISETT, AnKNT. r-:iizabeth City, N. C S. WATKliS&SONS Sole Ajeii l'or Cosumers jreweiy. Brewers of the eebrateu This beverage became pojuilar at once from the time it was in trodnced, and connoisseurs jno nounce it the finest beer on tin market. Call for aud get the purest and best. Also Manufacturers of Soda, Ginger, Strawberry, Sarsapai d'.i Cream and Seltzer Waters. Hotels, Saloons, Restaurants and In; ilies supplied at short notice. 1 m ders by mail promptly attended to Address, S. WATERS & SONS, Elizabeth City, N. C. Telephone No. 39. LUMBER Truck ..-AND. Now is the time to place yo::r order ior the latter for the Spri:. Shipping. Address (Kramer (Bros., & Co , Elizabeth City N. C. Miles Jennings, o o o o 6 oco o6 o c c . BLACKSMITH Sanders Building, Poindexier St. MillandMarineForgings A Specialty. ET'Full line of Wheels and Wagons kept in stock. All work done promptly aud iu the most workmanlike manner. Elk: Boxes GiVc Me a Trial v . 1 i r - -