1 . Advertise in the fisherman & Fattnet J It Has The hardest Circulation. Fop TUc NEWS! Subscribe to the Fisherman & Farmer li O Contains latest and best news featuies up to date of issue. ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N C, FRIDAY, JUNE4i897 Established 1886 Tlie of District v Sail Maker Avmti?sTentsadF kg Old Sails Bought and Sold. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. r()r Water and Matthew Sts. (Over W. J. Woodley's- Store.) '. 0. BQX132. KUZABET B CITY, N. C. Correspondence Solicited. S .H. MIS ft KEL The Old Reliable Sail Maker, ElJ.Ani Til CITY, N. C, C.MI he found at his old stand at the Short bridge, over James Spires store, Zimmerman Hall. I Canvas Furnished I at Factory Prices. Awnings, Tents and Flags a Specialty. All orders by mail promptly attend ed to. Old Canvass bought and sold. O. II ox 132, Elizabeth City, N. C. Monuments arid Tombstones ,-tfi4MliSlUN.S SENT FKEB.tfaaor- Jji writing give some limit as to price a nO Slate iige uc- ceased -LARGEST STOCK- in the South to Select irom. Couper (Marble fflorks, (Established 1S4S.) 1 5y to 163 Hank St., Norfolk, Va. That's ESssaetly It. It isn't economy to buy a poor class of goods. Its real economy to buy good goods you get the worth of your money you get pleasure and satisfaction its a wise investment. That's why economy isn't unpleasant, and yet that is genuine economy. We sell only good goods, if we find an article is not of the best, then it isn't good enough for our trade. We sell good goods at prices you are asked to pay lor ordinary goods that's the very rea son why lis Good Economy to buy from us A $5.00 JUNE SUIT. No matter where you may look, you'll find no better for the money. It isn't possible. For dress or busi nessthe best West ot England fancy worsteds and Scotch plaid cheviots the correct and newest 1897 ideas equal in fit, finish and tailoring to the finest cus tom made. You get everything in thi suit that goes with the best and most fashionably made suits. It's a wonderful value at the price further heralding our store as the economical clothing store of interest to every good dresser. If you like to wear a good suit, look at this one. A $6.75 JUNE SUIT. Pure all wool suits, in stylish plaids mid plain cassi meres, handsomely made and handsomelv lined cut in the eorrect styles having that perfect fitting quality that accompanies our suits making our store so well and so favorably known for its correctly fitting goods a strictly upto-date suit, and our June price is a winner. It's done to interest you to keep you in touch with what is right and stylish to dress you well at easy, careful prices. June Pantaloons,3 In all wool, neat, light striped cassimere also plain cloths an extra good value for 81.50. Very dressy trousers, tasty stripes and plaid patterns have t.hot mags nificently tailored appearance that goes with the best custom made goods a very special June value, SS.ftO pair. They will interest every gentleman that vishts4to appear fashionablydressed. Klegant styles in STRAW HATS those that are modest in the swellest shapes at easy, careful pneest. Your hat, your suit, your tie, vvill be just exactly in line with fashion's demands, if bought of us. Water Street, Elizabeth City, N. C. ASK the recovered SJIVIVIV-3l uysPPic, bilious uf- victims of fever 'and ague, the mercurial diseased patient, how they recovered health. i cheerful spirits and goo. ..: appetite; they will tea irou by taking Simmons . tiK Regulator. The Cheapest, Purest And Bent Family Medicine in the World! For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Bilious attacks, SICK 1 1 KADACHE, Colic, Depres sion of Spirits, SOL'k S IOMACH, Heartburn, etc. 'J his unrivaled remedy i . warranted not to contain a sinijlv. particle of .V cm i. is v, or any mineral substanca, PURELY VEGETABLE, containiiiR those Soutlium Roots and Herbs which a all-wise Providence Las pUced in countries whers Li vcr Diseases most prcva.l. It will euro ffcI2 Diseases caused l.y Derangement of the Liver and Bowels. The SYMPTOMS of Uver Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the mouth ; Pain in the Back, Sides ot Joints, often mistaken for Rheumatism ; Soar Stomach; Loss of Ajijtite; Bowels alternately costive and lay ; Heada, ),.. ; Jxss of Memory, with a painful sensation of li.ivu.g lailcl to do something which aught to have been done; Debility; Low Spirit; a thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and Lyes; a dry Cough, otten mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes many of these symptoms ittend the disease, at others very few ; but the Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat of the disease. and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretch. cuness ana Jjf.is.iii will ensue. The following high!y-esteemed persons attest to the virtues of Simmons J.ivi.k Recixator: Gen.W. S. Holt, Pres. Ga. S. W. K. k. C. : Rev. T. R. Felder. Perry, Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.; C. Master- son, f.sq.,snenn Uibbl.i J. A. Uutts. Cambridge Ga.; Rev. J. VV. Pmrke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers, Supt. Ga. S. W. R. R. - Hon. Alexander H.Stenhens We have lasted it- virtues personally, and know ache, it is the best nicijunie the world ever saw. We have tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver mat lor uyspepsia, H.uousiiess and throbbing Head. Kegulator, and none of them nave us more than tern. porary relief; the Regulator not only relieved, but cured US- CI. 1ELKGKAFH AN U .VI liSSKNGER, M ACON, GA. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY J. li. ZEIUN & CO., PhiUaelphia, Pa. S.LSTORER&CO Wholesale Dealer stud Shippers of al kin. Is of IPmasgsM Whsssb Hi FULTON FISH MARKET IV IS W YORK. We work harder for the inter est of the Southern fishermen than any house in the business. TT S . ii your otcucn ts not in y-oou o ur let us know, ingfWe Employ n. Agents and Pay no Commissions. S.B. MILL till kC(L WHOLESALE COMMISSION NO. 7 FULTON MARKK'I, New York. Samuel H. Miller, 1 Clarence G, Miller J Soeoial Attention (liven to I HE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA Si IAD. 'Stencils and Stationery Furnished on 1 Application. WE EMPLOY NO AGENT. L Enterprise That Will Have a Marked Effect on Trans portation North and South. PLANS OF BALTIMORE CAPITALISTS. Canal to Bk Enlarged and Restored to Its Former Importance as an Inland Waterway Romantic Re gion that Excites Fascis nation and horror cele BRATED in Song and Story (Modern Machinery.) Capitalists of Baltimore are engaged in an enterprise destined to have a marked effect upon transportation between North and South. The scheme cons templates the general enlarge ment of the Dismal Swamp Canal and the restoration of that ancient waterway to something like its former importance as a means of bringing freight from the Carolina rivers into Chesas peake bay. This statement arouses far differnt images in the mind than would the announcement of the invasion of commerce into any other as small region in the United States. It is like reading of electric lights in Keuilworth castle or a railway past Auld Kirk Alloway; it disturbs one of the lew haunted spots in our new country, opening it up to the light ot day that is so un kind to ghosts. The many tradi tions of the Dismal Swamp make it a legendary land; the impeues trability, the desolation, the half savage fugitive slaves who once lniiaDiteci it, living Dy woodcraft, the very name of it breathing desolation, at.d the gruesome interest attached to it by Moore's exquisite ballad "The Lake of the Dismal Swamp," have invested it with a fascina tion whose counterpart is to be found only in the weird tales of Edgar Allen Poe. His "Ullalume partakes of the same hopeless ness and horror; only the half mad could go there, and once there the spell of the lost is upon hem and they never come back. The images of the Dismal swamp are indefinite. If the boundaries of the "Night's plu- onic shore" were given, it would occasion no more necessity for mental readjustment than to be old that the Dismal Swamp lies ust south of Norfolk, Va., be- -! 1 V J t.veen nesapeaKe Day ana Albemarle sound, and directly west of Cape Hatteras, off which so many good ships have found ered in thgjlast 250 years and so many souls 'have, hastened to heir account. This is the reason or the canal. It is but twenty- wo miles long, fijpm Deep Creek o Pasquotank river, to connect two inland seas less then fifty miles apart, but it will cut off, or shipping purposes, the most dangerous part of the Atlantic coast from Charleston to New York. There has never been a time when this region of the Dismal Swamp did not excite fascina tion and horror. The earliest account of a passage through it is by Colonel Byrd, of Westover Mansion, Va., who surveyed the boundary between the colonies of Virginia and North Carolina in 1728. He said briefly in his sedate report to the Governor: "Until this time the dreadful swamp was ever judged impass able," but what images those few words conjure up. We can pict tire him, white handed, urbane, in velvet and lace ruffles-, with his silk incased legs under his own mahogany and his hand on a decanter, relating to his fair daughter, Evelyn Byrd, who was to win the homage of London gallants,,to suffer blighted affect ions and early death, how he went. Through tangled juniper, beds or reeds, And many a fen where the serpent feeds And man never trod before. And the black boy who stood behmel his cfcair may well have OISMA SWAMP CANAL been the first slave who ever heard described the desolate re gion where so many of his race were to find refuge from the consequences of crime or the unendurable burdens of servi tude. Before the French and Indian war it was believed that fugitive slaves were living in the swamps, but the horrors to be encountered and the jungles of, noisome vegetation to be penes trated prevented white men from following them, so the despera tion of outlaws was added to the other terrors and the region was avoided. The depths of the sea would not hide a man more securely. Nearly thirty years after Colonel Byrd's surveying expedition, a Scotchman by the name of Diummond penetrated to the very centre of the swamp, discovered a lake, and named it after himself a name that was never very generally accepted for very early in the present century Thomas Moore, who escaped the irksome duties of a consulate in the Bermuda islands by traveling iu the United States, wrote the mourning ballad, "The Lake of the Dismal Swamp," and by this name only has the melancholy sheet of water been identified in literature "or nearly a hundred years. In 1763 George Washington, then only 31, explored the swamp and, as he quaintly says, "encom passed the whole of it." With some knowledge of the sciences and civil enofineeriuer he made the first discoveries of import ance about the region. He camped one night on the past shore and discovered that the mysterious lake was some twenty miles in circumference and that it was situated "neither on a hollow nor a plain, but on a hillside," a phenomenon to be seen in the mountain bogs of Ireland. The lake was found to be in the mid dle of a swamp or bog thirty-five by over twenty miles in extent, and to comprise an area of over 1,000 square miles. The whole region was literally a hillside, a slope that connected the two parallel coast plans of Southeast Virginia by a gradutl rise of ten to twenty-five feet above the sea level. This is how the swamp appear ed to George Washington, and all undeterred by the many diffi culties in the way he planned an artificial waterway through it, believing that not only would it furnish transportation, but that it would serve to drain a region of great fertility. The Revolu tionary war interferred with the carrying out of this scheme, but in 1787, the Dismal Swamp Canal company was chartered by Virginia and North Carolina. The charter powers of the origin al company are such as no Legis lature would now grant, the franchise and privileges going therewith being perpetual and irrevocable, It was opened for traffic in 1824' and almost im mediately became a paying ins stitutiou. Porte Crayon, who Veak Lungs Hot weather wonft cure weak lungs. You may feel better be cause out' of doors more, but the trouble is still there. Don't stop taking your Scott's Emulsion because the weather happens to be warm. If you have a weak throat, a slight hacking cough, or some trouble with the bronchial tubes, summer is the best time to get rid of it. If you are losing flesh there is all the more need of attention. Weakness about the chest and thinness should never go to gether. One greatly increases the danger of the other. Heal the throat, cure the cough, and strengthen the whole system now. Keep taking Scott's Emulsion all summer. For by all dnfgists at foe aaft tuo journeyed through thecmalto the Lake of the Dismal Swamp iu 1856, for Harper's Magazine, had to take with him a basket of provisions and bedding, since there was no one living there except the enp'.oes of the Diss inal Swamp Canal and Lumber company. On the bank he found a covered barge, something like an emigrant's caravan without wheels, and two stout negroes. The boatmen each took hold of a long pole, and by the help of a peg and wit he rigged it hoi- izon tally, one to the bow and the other to tin- stern of the boat. These poles bore across their breasts as they walked the tow path of cypress logs, and the barge went rippling through the water. The artist tells how he saw one of the sable outlaws of the swamp. He had rambled away from one of the corduroy roads and followed up the sound of chopping and sawing until he came upon a shingle mill about which there was a small clearing, but thirty paces away the wood closed in again with an inexs tricable jungle of vine and under brush. When he made a crack ling noise iu passing over some twigs, a gigantic negro with a tattered blanket and a gun part ed the vines just ahead ot him. His head bare, ragged breeches and boots, his grizzly gray beard and hair, his great strength and energy, fear and ferocity made him a terrible persyn to have encountered alone. He reached forth a powerful hand to hold back the briers. The negro did not see the intruder, who obtain ed this sketch which he partly drew from memory and which he showed to his black servants on returning to the camp. They said that he was Osman, and his name was spoken with fear, so terrible were the crimes he had committed in resisting capture. 1 , Health and vigor are essential for success Therefore make yourself strong and healthy by taking Hood's Sarsapar illa. Safe at Franklin Opened, Professional cracksmen have struck Franklin Va. Wednesday morning the door of the Atlantic and Danville ticket office was forced, and the safe on the inside, owned by Agent A. L. Gardner was cracked. About $150 in cash, a gold watch, and others articles of value were stolen. The key to the ticket shelves was also missing, and for awhile some trouble was experienced before the pasteboards could be gotten at. The Wilmington Messenger figures up that along the Wil mington and Weldon Railroad, in the vicinity of Wilii.ington, five million, one hundred and twenty thousand quarts of straws berries have been shipped this season, which brought six hun dred and forty thousand dollars in the market. When it is re membered that this is one of the spring crops, let alone the sum mer and autumn crops, a person will have no difficulty iu figuring out that Eastern North Carolina is the wrorld's choicest garden spot, and a mine of wealth to the industrious and persevering. A man in Weldon recently proved that it is not always best to sleep while being shaved. The gentleman in question fell asleep, and became involved in a difficulty with an imaginary foe. Striking out right and left at his dreamland eneni y, he drove the keen edge ofthe razor through the end of his nose,, cutting off ajsmall piece. Upon awaking, he carried his bit nose to a sergeon and had it sewed back. Von't Tobacco Spit and Smoke You Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and foreyer be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bac. the wonder-worker that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. DEATH POISON Miss Woodliff Killed by Chew ing an Unknown Weed. BROTHER AND SISTER SICK. An Anticipated Birth Day Fest ival Was Transformed into a Funeral Procession. A fearful accident occurred about three and a hall miles from Daluiey, N. C, Saturday evening. The three oldest child ren of Mr. Junius Woodliff, con sisting of a daughter, iy years old, a daughter and son younger, accompanied by a young Mr. Robeson were fishing on a stream near their home, preparatory to celebrating Mr. Woodliffs birth day Sunday, when they found what they thought to be some angelica growing near by the water. Thinking it was angelica, and being very fond of its flavor, they began pulling it up and chewing it. It was but a short while, how ever, before the oldest girl, who had chewed and swallowed more, perhaps, than the others, began to Qomplain of a sickness at the stomach, and in a few minuites was taken with violent convul sions. The other girl and boy were taken m the same way. Young Robeson was very much frightened and summoned Mr. Evans, a near neighbor, with i-i i nis norses anci wagon to carry them home. Mr. Woodliff, having finished his work, walked down to the stream, thinking he would have some sport, too, catching fish, and arrived upon the scene only in time to see his oldest daughter breathing her last, and the girl and boy in convulsions. They were immediate!" carried home and a messenger sent for Dr. C. D. Wyche, who, by a great effort succeeded in relieving the boy and girl, who, it is now thought, will recaver. The fatal herb is supposed to be yellow jessamine. Thus the anticipated birthday festival was transformed into a funeral procession. Hall's Hair Renewer is pronounced the best preparation made for thicken ing the growth of the hair and restor ing that which is gra.y to its original color. Anniversary of Johnstown Flood. The eighth anniversary of the Johnstown flood was appro priately observed in that city Monday when thousands of peos pie, many of them having lost relatives and near friends in the most appalling disaster of re cent times, visited the beautiful cemetery of Grand View, at the top-of the hill, both morning and afternoon. The 'unknown" plot that contains the unidenti fied bodies of over 800 victims of the disaster, was literally covered with flowers, contributed mostly by persons who lost dear ones in the flood aud whose bod ies were never recovered. The Best Remedy for Rheu matism. From the Fairhaven (N. Y.) Register. James Rowland of this village, states that for twentyfive years his wife has ben a sufferer from rheumatism. A few uights ago she was in such pain that she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he had read ot Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of going for the physician he went to the store and secured a bottle of it. His wife did not approve ot Mr. Rowland's purchase at first, but nevertheless applied the Balm thoroughly and in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it always gives relief. He says that no medicine which she had used ever did her as much good. The 25 and 50 cents sizes for sale by W. W. Griggs & Son. Educate Toar Bowel With Caaeareta. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C C- C. fail, druggists refund money. CALLED MGKTO LIFE. A Child Supposed To Have Died j Was Turned Over to An Undertaker for Burial. ' i BODY COLD A5 MARBLE-! Instead of Burying the Baby The Undertaker Saves it. 1 lie fiveweekssold baby of Contractor Palmer, of Brooklyn, which was supposed to have died and was turned over to an un dertaker for burial, is alive and may survive. Dr. Hicks had been attending the child, and when the 'ather notified him of its supposed deatli lie issued a ceitificate. Undertaker Doran was arranging the body for burial when he observed a slight twitching ofthe eyelids. He said: "Taking out a small mirror that undertakers use for the purpose, I placed it to the child's lips, and wheu I removed it found moisture on the surface. "The body was cold as marble; there was no pulse or heart beat: and there had been no life ap parent since S o clock the pre vious night. The face was be ginning to turn black, as though decomposition was setting in. "I began to rub the body toj try and restore the circulation, and after working for fifteen minutes, the child began to breathe. Soon after it sighed, and then began to cry. The eyes rolK ed as though it was suffering from convulsions. Then the undertaker took the baby back to its parents, Mrs. Palmer was dressed for the funeral, and she entered the room just as the child uttered a feeble cry, aud at once ran in tears from the house. She soon returned however, and sat won dering, but overjoyed, beside the baby's crib. Health and happiness are relative conditions; at any rate, there can be little happiness without health. To give the body its lull measure of strength and energy, the blood should be kept pure and vigorous, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. No-To-llc for rifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak rni ii strong, blood pure. 50c, 11. All druggists. THE TYPEWRITER DID IT. A little mistake of Miss Mars gret Williams, who, in copying a bill recently passed by the New Jersey Legislature, lias saved that State the snug little sum of 45,850 annually. It appears that Miss Williams, who was employed as a copyist by the Legislature, inadvertently sub stituted the word "providing" for the word "prohibiting" in a bill providing for a special election, and the mistake nec essitated the reassembling of the Legislature. The expense ofthe extra session cost the State a few hundred dollars. But the bill was so a mended as to save the State 545,850 annually, Miss Williams did the people of New Jersey an inadvertent service. The 'State owes the young lady a vote of thanks, and there are some other places in need of just such a typewriter as Miss Williams. Ex Everybody Says So. Cacim-ts Candy Cutliartie, the moat won derful tin dicul discovery of tlie ae, pleas ant and t ef ivsliiDt? t the t.asie, net pciitly and positively on kiiincvH, liver and bowels, cleansing tlie entire, system, dispel eolds, cur" Iieudiiclie, lever, linbitiuil constipation nncl biliousness. Pleaao buy and try i box of C C to-day ; 10, 5ir, M) cents. Hold and guaranteed to cure by nil druggists. Na 117. White Enaneled Steel Bed. solid brass trimminga. We have them M In. wide, 44 in. wide. 12 in. wide and 36 In. wide. All sizes are ?o la. loug. gpoclal Pr (any size) Everywhere local dealers are saying fnrriera Lmmntlr filled.) unkind things about us. Their cus tomers are tired of pay ins; them double prices; our immense (free) money saving catalogue is enlightening the masses. Drop a postal now for com plete catalogue of furniture. Mattings, Carpets. Oil Cloths. 11a by Carriages, Refrigerators, Stoves, Fancy Lamps, Bedding, Springs, etc The catalogue costs you nothing and we par all post age. Get double value for your dollar by dealing with the manufac turers. JULIUS HINES S SON, BALTIMORE, MO. Do YouJJse It? It's the best thing for the hair under all circumstances. Just as no man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature, so no pifcparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done by Ayer's Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and, just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, when the roots are nour ished. But the roots must lx' there. If you wish your hair to retain its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer's Hair Vigor. tmVENPORT, MORRIS $ CO., Wholesale Grocers and Com mission Merchants And Dealers iu pXSH Consignments of North Caro lina Herring solicited, and pro cecds remitted in cash. On account of our intimate acquaintance.and frequent trans action with the grocery trade of the West and South we are able to handle N. C. I-isIi to the best possible advantage, and we aic known everywhere as the largest distributor- in this market. E. W. ALBAUGH & SONS " Wholesale OommiHsion Merrhnntn wim&u mm, TERRIPIN AND GAME. .'No.'J2i LlKlit Street Wharf. BALTIMORE Prompt Returns, Quick Salcs- ItKFEIlKNCK CitizeriH National Bunk. W. J lloooer & Co. Stencils Furnished Free. EHtablished 1861. SAML. M. LAWDER & SDK. Wuoleaiile CommlsHlon Dealers In Fresh Pish Soft Craba Terrapin', Kfc. 125 LifihtSt. Baltimore, Md. Quick .Sales ! TrornM Krlt.rr,. REFERENT. Kf Traderk , Nat. Hank, Iuna .Mercantile A,, CUzens ft'I. Batik. The J. M Jc.h.., ESTABLISHED 1880. The Most Reliable House in Norfolk. FEUERSTEIX&Go., WIIOLKH A LEJ FISH COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOOT OF ROANOKE DOCK. TTorfollr, TTa,. Quick Sales, Prompt Returns. References by Permission: City National bank; R, j. Dim,, Mercantile Agency; Southern and Adams I'.xpress Co. We respectfully solicit a share ot your patronage. Stencils furnished on application. DR. C. P. BOGEfiT, Surgeon and 3fclianlt.aj DENTIS1 Edenton, N. C- Patients visited when requested. PATENTS Send for ffs-Page Ooldt with 7 S Mm c ban leal 20O Inventions WanUnl. Kent FKEE. r. DIETKKICM CO 602 F Street, . WaUgWr U Movements and lint tf