Everybody who reads the i fisherman &. Farmer j riH risbvman & Farmer I I IS IN THE LEAD, A, I I HaS lhc larKest circulation of J-L KJ paper in the District. P uiiiices it to be the best paper in Elizabeth City, aud the ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N C, FRIDAY, JULY 16, .897 Established 1886 ing Til. tlbe First IDistrlct 1 1. U, M lT7ril Sail Maker Aw.imrentsadFla g Old Sails Bought and Sold. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Cor Water and Matthew Sts. (Over W. J. Woodley's Store.) . o. no X J 32. ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Correspondence Solicited. The Old Reliable Sail Maker, ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, Slioit bridge, over James Spires store. Ziiinu'-'riiKin Hall. Canvas Furnished I at Factory Prices. Awnings, Tents and Flags a Specialty. All orders by mail promptly attend-J cd to. Old Canvass uougiit ana soia. '. 0. Tox rj2, Elizabeth City, N. C. Monuments arid Tombstones r-w DESIGNS SKNT VllEE.f--' In writing :ive some limit as to price and 'state a;;e of de ceased. LARGEST STOCK- 5 in the South to .select from. n er Marble Works, (lvstablished 184S.) 159 to 163 hank St., Norfolk, Va GOOD JUDGMENT. Money is expended every week of every month in the year for actual needs for home adornment for personal comfort. It's good judg ment to turn that current of expenditure where it enables you to secure the best results- to the store where your money possesses the greatest purchas ing power. There's a midsummer swing to our July prices that's irresistable that will convince you that our store is the satisfactory clothing store lor you. MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE SALE. In every part of our stock we arc making ready for the autumn selling. We're clearing out the surplus. You'll find it a profitable time to replenish it will be good economy to keep in close touch with our midsummer prices. Men's Negligee Shirts soft bodies cuffs attached Jnly clearance price 35 cts. Men's Madras Outing Shirts the kinds and colorings that the properly dressed men wear Jnly clearance price, 30 cts. Men's Balbriggan Underwear worth near ly twice the money we ask for them special value at 20 cts. Men's Neck Ties tecks, bows aud strings all of the summer shades and weights July clearance value at 10 cts. aud up. . Men's and Boy's Straw Hats yacht style broken lots of hats worth up to $1.00 split braids Cantons the fashiynable ideas--July clearance price, from 15 cts. and up to 75 cts. Men's Summer Coats and Vests the com fortable, fashionable kind worth up to $5.00, July clearauce prices, $2.50 Extraordinary inducement! ts are offered in every part of our stock. Prices are made on all suits in our store for men for boys for chil dren that will make our July clearance sale memorable. t: ml 3 Water St., Ah K the recovered L (lyspepiics, bilioui uf- r-r-i, victims of fever - .'anj aue, the mercurial "wbcj paiicnt, now wiry recovered heakh. -vtf! ?S: npiiite : they will tell l?jiWk?J J'uu by taking Simmons Sjf- - ' i.i'.ek Regulator. Tl;c CIr.piit, 1'ui-ebt m:;l Host Tamily Medicine- i-.i thj World I FV.r DYSI'ErSIA l ilii.lis .tlt;u ks. Sl( 1 -I-.'nr-ATIOX, Jaundice, !ii AllACHI.'. I 'tiWr- 1 i.. ".u.v ii, Heartburn, etc. I Ins i:n:r. alcil ren;.-. . : w.irranied not to contai a tin-1 j.unii.lu i-f Ah y ( ,-( 4r .uiy mineral substaau but is rUnHLV VEGETABLE, roritnim:,-; ihosc S u:!. Km ts and Herbs which a an 'ib.: n.videjire I ,n ,,i; i countries whera I.iver J.,i;n..s nft jr.- ..!. It will cure al! IMs:t-rt i iiiik. iv Jtcrangemcnt of the l.ivM- tntl l:r Ilia bYMI'iO.MS l iver Complaint are a bitter vi 1 u mmc in me i, h I'i.m m the hack, Sides 01 J -, nren mistaken ! .r Rheumatism ; Sour .-.FiiiMi; i.obS ... . : : . t te ; liowels alternated chMivc and lay; Head.. Ijiss of Memory with a pa nful sensation ..f ! !.; tailed to ! w.methinfj wni. n auKut to hav. i. oonc-; Debility; Low a till, k, y. .I. v. ::;:pearaiK e of the Skin and i.yes, .i ory v.oii-n, ..:?! i;,,5t.iken fr Consumption. lOiuc-Hnies many t iuac symptoms attend tht uisease, at oiners veiy !.- ; Uiri the L.ivnk, '.he largest organ in the body, is ;n';raily the seat of the disease and if not ReSuIater! in time, -reat sufTering, wretch edness and DEATK ent,ue. '1 he follow ing- liij'i,!y esteemed persons attest to the virtues of Sim.v(s i ivi !:i...t i.aior: (Jcn.W.S. Holt, Pres. Ca. S. W. I' Co. ; Kcv. J. K. Felder I'erry.C.a.; Col. K. K parks. Albany.Gu.; C. Master! son, Ks.,Sheritr Uibl. C ..( ia.; J. A. Lutts. l!ainl-idge, Ja.; Kev. J. W . I'.url.c, vlacon, ;:i.; VirKil Powers bupt. (,a. S. V. R. K. ; H Alexamier H. Stephens! We have l-stel us vinuf personally, and know that for Dyspepsia, ii !i .u-:..ts and Throbbing Head. :u he, it is the best me.iU ine t!:e world ever saw. We have tried forty thcr reia'.-iies la-fore Simmons Liver Regulator, and none ot tl.ci.i -ave us more than tem porary relief; the Regulator not only relieved, but cured us." Iij. 1 1 i.hc i:ai 11 a so Mi,s:si:n(.i:k, Macon, Ga., MANUI-ACllTKkO ONLY BY J. II. ZEJLIX & CO., Pl.i! aelphia. Pa. S.L.STOREM &GO Wholesale DoaleiB aid Shippers til all Kinds of n Hi FULTON FLSU MARKET We work harder for the inter est of the Southern fishermer than any house in the business. If your hteucil is not in ijood o dei let ns know, I?Ve Employ no Agents and Pay no Commissions. S. B.MIbblill &C0., WHOLES AL i: COM M ISSIO M NO. 7 FULTON MARK K'l . New York. Samuel B. Miller, ) Clareuce G, Miller J Sroecial Attention Given to THE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA SHAD. Stencils and Stationery Furnished on' Application W K EMPLO Y N O A G E N T I Tjdlc Elizabeth City, N. C. Do Ycu Vatch Yourself. If you watch yourself as thor oughly as you ought, you will find that your time is so nearly all employed that you have but little left in which to look after the faults of others. You "will also be so surprised at what you learn about yourself that you will have no inclination to crit icise your friends, even if time is found in which to do so. It may he humiliating to your pride to discover the very self same weakness in yourself that has been noticed in others, and that you are just as mean and tricky and dishonest as you know ethers to be. Then as you find out that you are your own enemy, and filled with the spirit of pride and envy, which, if fol lowed out, would work absolute ruin to yourself, you begin to learn something of the master you serve, as it is heralded only in the light of strict self exami nation and watchfulness. When you discover that you are just as weak and human as those of your fellow men whom you con- eimi in severe terms, you then realize fully enough to be care- ul about your manner of life. )ften times little temptations need closer watching than larger ones. Knowing tne results to ielding ttf great temptations, you should na.urally guard more closely against those that are smaller. If you exercise your will power, it would soon be come as easy to say "no" to a .-mail temptation as to a large one to those apparently insig nificant temptations which so silently and slyly knock for, and too often gain admission to your soul. Keep a close watch on the common events of your daily life, for while engaged with your duties you hardly stop to consider whether your deeds are right or wrong, and it is then that those little enemies of self get in their work, hardening your heart as they creep in al most unawares. How much better things would be iu this world if every one would do personal watching. There would not be so many un kind things said about each other and suspicious looks and words would not meet one at every turn in life. The idle tongue would stop in its wickedness, and the quick eyes would not see so many strange things in other people's homes. The thoughtless words would not even be heard or spoken, and the sweet charity that "hopeth all things, beareth all things" would everywhere be exhibited. Am erican Giniicr. Years ago large quantities ot shoes used to be made in the penitentiary for the convicts. ! This is to be resumed. Wagons of good quality are now being made there for the farms. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarth Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, aud giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any cuse that it fails to cure. Send for list of TestK monials.-Address. E. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. r"rervlody Says So. iViiii-.l-s i 'ami r Cathartic, the most won t: J' i 1:1 (iijil l'-:-overv of tlie agre, pleas ;u:t. j.ikI iflV. shiitr: to the' taste, art gently and i.osMiv'-ly on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing Iho entire system, discl colds, cum Iteadttelic, ferer, liahituul constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try n box of U. C. C. to-day ; 1 0, 25, SO cents. old and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. 11 BOY KILLED. Slashed To Pieces By A Saw At His Father's Mill NEAR EDENTON, N. C. Killed In The Presence Of Histhe corners are all taken .1.1.1 the Father, Mr. R. E. Coffield. Coffield's saw mill, a few miles from Edenton,tN. C. wasinjr lllatch nnfl abuse ;herovern. tiie scene ol a terrible accident W1 The seven-year-old son of Mr R. E. Coffield, the owner of the mill, was standing by the side of his lather near a circular saw, when the machinery was started without giving notice. The saw caught the sleeve of the lit tle fellow's jacket and drew him to it, ciitting him completely through, death being instan taneous. REGISTRARS AND JUDGES. Pursuant to Section seven, chapter one hundred and eighty seven, laws of 1S97, the county board of election met on the 6th at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, to appoint registrars and judges for the school election which 'is to be held Aug. 10. The board is composed of the Superior Court Clerk, Register of Deeds, and Chairman of the board of county commissioners. In all, there were seventy two appointments made, thirty six judges aiid thirty six registrars. The registrars for Elizabeth City township were as follows: 1st Ward: Geo. W. Brothers: Samuel Modlin; W. C. Simons. 2nd Ward: C. A. Banks; J. W. Swain; R. B. White. 2rd Ward: W. H. Lyon;G. W. Jennings; and Geo. Overman. 4th Ward J. W. Harrington; (Col.) B. E. vSpence; Robt. E. Simpson. 5th Ward: Prof. P. WT Moore; (Col.), H. Covert; M. G. Wright. Upon a whole we believe this is a good selection, and those selected have been selected be cause of merit and ability, and not because of their political faith. Tn "nr;i C'.ii-;1 .).;it io-i I' oritv.'r. T ilo, t ' :st ;n-ls ( uiiiiy C:ith:iri ii.t. loo or J."..:. U 1'. I.!. C. I.nl to euro, drutfjrii.i.-: rvftt.i.l hi..ph v Must Advertise. A man may bet, And a man may puff and blow; But he can't get trade By setting in the shade, Waiting for business to grow. Printer's Ink. Klncttc Voar Itowels Wit h Casoareta. Candy Cathartic, euro t-onstiput .ion forever ipe, 25c. 1 f C. C C. fail, drujmista refund money COLORED FAIR AT EDENTON. A colored Fair will be held at Edenton in September next by the Edenton Industrial Fair As sociation. It is under the man agement of Philip McDonald, one of the most prominent coK ored citizens of that town, which is an assurance of success. AfterT... Taking a course of Ayer's Pills the system is set in good working order and a man begins to feel that life is worth living. He who has become the gradual prey of constipation, dees not realize the friction under which he labors, until the burden is lifted from him. Then his mountains sink into mole hills, his moroseness gives place to jollity, he is a happy man again. If life does not seem worth living to you, you may take a very different view of it after taking Ayer's Cathartic Pills. GOOD ADVICE. Exchange. My son, follow not in the footsteps of the loafer and make no example of him who was born tired, for verily I say unto you, their business is overstocked, and the seats on whittling pieces all occupied. It is better to saw wood at two bits a cord than to whittle in a loaf- ment. My son, while thou hast lelt 111 thv skull the sense of a jay bird, break awav from the cigarette habit, for lo, thy breath stinketh like a glue factory and thy who'e appearance is like a stone mumy. Yea, thou art a cipher with the run knocked off. A SOLAR ECLIPSE. On the 29th of July one of those phenomcnas will take place that from time immemorial have never failed to engage the attention and elicit the wonder ol mankind a solar eclipse. nveii tnosc that are quite fam iliar with the causes that pro duce it; and may even be cap able of understanding the intri -cil- uaieu.ation necessary lor its prediction, cannot suppress feeling of awe on beholding the most iteresting of all the phe nomena o f nature.--Weldon iVczos. Flourishing Condition of Colum bia Academy. Prof. J. J. Cohoon, of Colum bia, N. C, enjoys the reputation of being one of the best equipped teachers of Eastern Carolina. He is a graduate of Trinity Col lege; and that being a first class institution, there is no reason wlry-he should not be an up-to-date; each er. iltwas the privilege of the writer to be present at the com mencement of the Columbia Academy. He has no scruples in saying that the occasion was a grand one and highly cnioved. The most serious drawback of that vicinity lack of eductional facilities Professor Cohoon is rapidly overcoming. The time is not far when the education al influences of that section will be felt far out by its borders. The people aie pleased with their Professor, and appreciate his qualifications and his untirs ing and industrial efforts to pro mote education. Knowing a good thing when they see it, they will not allow Prof. Cohoon to go hence; otherwise than through their inability to raise an adequate salary for his ser vices. M. THORN CONFESSED. The mysterious New York murder and the full story of how aud when William Guldensuppe, the "rubber" in the Murry Hill baths, was murdered is now dis closed in all its horrible details. According to Chief of Detec tives O'Brien, Margin Thorn, who was arrested last week, has confessed that he and Mrs. Nack murdered Guldensuppe. Thorn told how Guldensuppe was lured into the lonely house, No. 346, Second street, Woodside, and how he (Thorn) was concealed in the house aud shot Guldens suppe in the head as he entered the room. Then when Gulden suppe was not quite dead, h,e was dragged to the bath tub, where Thorn finished the foul job by cutting Guldensuppe 's throat. He sawed the head off and dis membered the body with a razor and a saw. Then the head was packed in two pounds of plaster of paris and cast into the river. Later he found the watch and chain Guldensuppe wore. The murder is more incredi- jbly inhuman than was ever sup posed Nothing so utterly atrocious has ever figured in the police annals of New York. The whole affair, with the most un heard of fiendish detail, was all planned before hand by Mrs. Nack and her accomplice, and was carried out to the letter. ATTEMPT AT LYNCHiNS. Nc3ro23 Try To Lynch White Boy IN CHARLOTTE, N- C. The Police Ran .the Gang Half a Mite and Cap tured one of them. Wednesday at Charlotte, N. C, a band of negroes went to the Gingham Mill with the in tention of taking Andrew Broom the white boy who killed a nes gro a lew nays ao ami was re leased by the mayor. They uuiucu w ivncu ,.im. 1 uc Po I" . 1. . 1 .1 1 .11 nee cnargea mem ami ran uie gang nan a nine, one was cap 11,1....! .1:, -,.,1 imtu' 1 Mt- wa"11 1 .1 1 - 1 me oiners escaped, rickets nave been stationed around the to prevent trouble. mill KILLED TN SHAM BATTLE. At a sham battle of the Gov ernor's Guard at Pullen Park, at Raleigh, Tuesday night, Geo. N. Banks, a mciubei of the Guard, wdio was taking part in the battle was shot and killed al most instantly. The bullet struck him almost in the middle of the forehead and ranged down ward and lodged in the brain. It cannot be ascertained who is responsible for the loaded cart' ridge. It seems that the cart . j ...wj : t .1 i iuge wcic txiiiu very ciose- ly. To lend additional mystery to the case, it is said that no loaded cartrido-es have been given out for over two years. Senator Harris Dead. The country, without regard to party, sustains a loss in the death r J of Senator Isham G. Hafris. which occurred in Washington on Thursday last, which it can ... , ' , ill afford. Senator Harris had . . been a prominent figure 111 the upper house of Congress for near ly twenty years and stood high in the esteem of the members of that bodv, as indeed, he did the whole country. His native State three times in succession elected him its Governor, a;d in his death Tennessee loses a staunch friend. The Senate re peatedly bestowed upon him the lest honors within its gift and because of his manly bear ing and honesty, and generous qualities of heart, all admired and liked him. He was a friend I of the South. We have none too many men like Senator Harris and when such a man dies, it is a positive loss to the country. Ex. Refused To Grant License. The commissioners of Bertie county have refused to grant li cense to sell liquor. Hon. Jas. E. Moore, who appeared for sa loon men, will bring mandamus to compel the board to issue li cense. Two thousand people were present in Windsor when the board acted. Keep Up Your Scott's Emulsion in Summer-time $36What arc your resources for ihe summer? Have you an abundance of health stowed away for the long, hot, deplet ing days, or does summer find you low in vitality, run down, iosing flesh, and weak? Scott's Emulsion of Cod-!iver Oil will give you the proper reserve force, because it builds up the system on a solid foundation. A tonic may stimulate; Scott's Emulsion not only ''boosts' it sustains. It b a wise precaution always to have at 'east a snuH bottle of Jxotfi Emulsion in the bouse. Unopened, it wiH keep indefio itety. Tightly corked, after using,, kept la a cool place, it will remain tweet tor weeks. For sale by all druggists at 50 Cents and )MX) THE POWER OFSONC Song can Cheer the Hopeless Nothing on Earth Can. Music is the gift of God. He created the angels at some rc mote period iu the past and then gave them the power of song. O! who of us would not be jrlad to slip aside the curtains of glory and hear the angels sing, as they step upon the rostrum of the skies by the throne of God and irom their music-making lips roll the sweet strains of that sub lime chorus. "Worthv is the lamb that was slain." Bnfc hear the auirels t Stin God has bcstowcd up. " - on men the samc m of Jc ll Nearly every one has cither the mwer of makinrr it or nnnrnrint 4 r -- - "if- ' ing it. So we must be content on car tli with making and re ceiving the power of song, the music made by the melodious chords of the human voice. There is power in song. A song when sweetly and richly sung by a cultivated voice can gener ally move men from the lowest to the highest emotions that swell in the human heart Song can save the lost by lead ing them to Jesus. A little girl was singing sweetly: "Pass me not, (), gentle Savior. Hear my humble cry, While on others thou art smiling, uo not pass me by. A wicked old man was passing by an(1 on his cars djd fall the mellow musicof the singintrgirl His heart was touched, his soul was stirred to penitence and he cried from his quivering lips, 'Pass me not O, gentle Savior, Hear my humble cry.' And thus many a soul has heard the'voice of Tesns wliisnprinrr in liiiti iti Li c . the sweet nnfp; nF;niiif orrct1 song. 0 .i. .1 TT SotH' can sootnp t ip wwrv ITrw , . . often when we are out upon the , . . . ., , desert ot consuming toil, do we 1 ti r song of consolation which floods our soul with blissful waves of rest and peace! Such songs as "There is rest for the Weary," "Jesus, I love thy charming Name," "From Every Stormy Wind that Blows," have been the wings of God to carry many a toiling, trembling soul into the placid haven of rest and trust. Song can cheer the hopeless. Nothing else 011 earth has so much of the divine power in driving away the clouds of des pondence and bringing cut the shining stars of hope, as a hope ful, cheerful, gospel song. Such songs as "O Think of the Home Over There," "There's a Land that is fairer than Day," have been the stars of hope to many thousands of sad and lonely hearts. Not until the secrets of time and we ourselves shall join the angels in their thrilling songs of glory, shall we know the lost that were saved, the sad that were gladdened, the weary that were soothed, the hopeless who were cheered and the wanderers reclaimed by the power of song. Sing 011, happy Christian, and never cease to sing men to Jesus; then when our songs shall fade away upon the breezes of time, they will leave their gentle echo in the hearts of men, and when touched bythe tuning fork of eternity shall float upon the tranquil air of Heaven, till they wrap the cycles of the ages in the mellow waves of song and praise. Gold Leaf. No Colored Postmasters. The Postmaster General has given out his word, which has gone the rounds of the press, that he will not appoint a col ored postmaster for any com munity where there has not been a colored postmaster before. He regards it, he says, a social as well as a political matter. Scotland Neck Democrat. No-To-Bm for Fifty Cent. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, make weak i menstronir, Mood pure. 60c. ml. All drunrlaLa. as N.vll.-Po:ubcd oUJOakMrw r Chiffonier, U inrbm LItth, 30 Inches lonff. IS iiK-iuiirierp. It l. veil ronMructrtl And tin nl)i kn on ali drnwor. H p o a J i ico, (tn!tis-.nRiiUy filled). not accidental. It I yei, of honors ! MhtIoiico In the Fur- I lHiir.cM U your 'tr Imtnciife illuntni- l urtutiiic, Oi t'l xha. irlrtmtn. Hed.llnir, 'f!. t-tc. Is frr tu oil . itn.l we Hir all rnwt- i"t aciifl inr our cuta I .' u cuatotner. If V.'lir l'ai dcalcra -r Ki. tw)k and ' fi.r your dtdlara. M itiMiiuiaciurcrm. on a ikmuU uow. UuliusHines&Son BALTIMORE, MD. tmVENPORT, MORRIS CO., Wholesale Gioccrs and Com mission Merchants FISH Consignments of North Caro lina Herring solicited, and pro. cceds remitted in cash. On account of ,,r --- ... , mumble acquaintance,and frequent trans action with the grocery trade of the West and South we arc able to handle N. C. Fish to the best possible advantage, and we aie known everywhere as the largest distributors in this market E. W. ALBAUGH & SONS Wholeua I e Com mission Merch hantH TERRIPIN AND GAME. ."No.22l i ht Ntn-i'i Wliurf, HALTLMORE Prompt Returns, Quick Sales REFEltENCg Citizen National Hank. W. J Hooner & Co. Stencils Furnished Free. KHtabliHhed 1S01. SAML. M. LAWDER & SON. Wnoh-HuU- CoininlHHliin IH-Alera In Fresh Fish. Soft Crabs Terrapin, Etc. 125 Light St. Baltimore, Md. 5uU k 8a lea ! ProniDt Re REFERENCES Tnt.l. rfc Nitt'l.llunk, Duna Mercantile AKenc yVifl..!.HfOM-rACo. J. Dukt-liart A Co Uizen, Nat'l. Ba,,k. The J. H. JohntonCo ESTABLISHED i88(j. The Most Reliable House in . Norfolk. FEU K PiST K I N & G a WllOl.K.HALK FISH COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOOT OF ROANOKE DOCK. TSTorfollr, "7"cl- Quick Sales, Prompt Returns. References by Permission: City National Dank; K. tl. Dunn Mercantile Agency; Southern and Adams Express Co. JJJ'We respectfully solicit a share ot your patronage. Stencils furnished on application. ANEW ngaRRiaGE Factory. A carriage factory and repair shop has been opened at the park, or fair grounds, near Elizabeth City. I have been engaged for more than 20 years, in building Carriages, Buggies & Vehicles, of every description, and am now ready to give special atteu- tion to the manufacture, repair ing, and paintiug of carriages, wagons, carts, and all kinds of heavy and light wagons. All work promptly attended to and at reasonable prices. 4 E. F. Rucir. fcgPOld furniture repaired . - i o varnisuea. OCC. Ij uur micro u Q li isiiHS. hir r iinuiv niKi i-srj B f.r thr aiklng. I n v uv ri m ior II IB a h ) i.u hi!: H lofuc. a ( mi want '.uli h I. ;if win ut?m wi 9 fcviidyouriuuae I