Everybody w-lio reads the fisherman & Fantm r :)I1!;,m:es il L be the best paper iu i'liiU-th City, and the Fisherman & farmer X IS IN THE LEAD. X Has the largest circulation of J paper in the District. ELIZABETH CITY N C, FRIDAY, JULY 23. 1897 Established 1886 ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance. 11 Tlie ILjeaud.Izi.g isTewspaper of IF'Irst District Th,- Old Reliable 1 A. A', ' A. 1 '. ; ,;:' ''WT - .. 1 -u old st:md at the :;S;iter . ;,-rinnn Ila.ll (anvas Furnished at Factory Prices. nius, Tents and Flags a 'Specialty. . by mail promptly ; "oM Canvass bought and sold. i: r '-, Elizabeth City, A', c". 1 -1 1 1 Monuments agd Tombstones 3 I writing Kive some limit as P ,., price and state age f dc- 4 -LARGEST STOCK- H W ..... c,,n, to .select from. ASK the recovered Iguliiall 'Ulw,. victims of fever md ar.ue, the mercurial " is:ts;rl oatient. how !h;y (.covered health, ' -iiwrfi:! s;.iri;s and good tuf''-'1; I l-ctite; they will tell -. i 1. Th Cheapest, !! t;s ami li 9 1 Family 31-tli;ii;o ui tlic W orld I Kur DYSPF.PSIA. O fVVr.'PATION, Jaundice, Bilious at-aclcs, SlCil 1 '. : A DAC'HK, Colic, Depres im s f Spirits. SOL' I- '. 1 MACH, IU-;inLurn, etc. This uu'i . aU. il rein- .. ', w.irrrsiitci not to contain, a binl-. .urti.!e of Mi ; :;, or aiiy mineral substaDca, Lut .a PURELY VEGETABLE, confaui'.ns those Sour :.: P.w.ts ai.d Herbs which &S) h!i--vi-.f I'rt.vidciK.e i... : r.l.imj in countries wherfl I.ivcr lijs.;-is inns: ;.rev.i 1. It will cure all 1 M ra-rt vauted ! y Dtmigcuieut of tna, I i . ,-r uixl liin'cls. .The SVM 1'TOiMS i.l" Liver Complaint are a bitter or i.-.l ta:-tc in the m r.-i: , in the I'.ack, Sides or J i:is, often mista' eu f r Kheurnatiim ; Soiuf '.iiiiit'li ; J.oss ot A..i.vtio, Jioneis alternately 1 - ; Loss of Memory, with a r.:,; l.iii.-d to do something ...un noiie; lielility ; Low . ( ..iiice of the Skin and cu !i.is:l-en for Consumption. i'j'.m; symptoms attend the ut tlio 1.1VKR, the largest Cower Marble fflorks, (ltablislied 1S4S.) t ... Hank St., Norfolk, Va. cit.tive anu l.iy ; iie.:o paiuiul seiuution r.f : which auht to . Spirils ; ;s tliu.k, y I1 l-.yes ; a diy Couli, mic Sometimes m.uiy ' ( disease, at (jthers vei v tc orean in the body, is i;erai!v the scat of the disease. and if not Heyulare-.! 1.1 i.nrc, Kret suffering, wretch edntss and UK. VI II v. ail ci.sue. '1 he following hil.'y e .."t-nied per(inr, attest to the virtues of Himmons 1.!Vi-h Khi.i i.aiu : Gen. W. S. Holt, Pres. Ga. S. V. K. K. C... ; kcv. J. R. Feldcr, Perry, (ia.; Col. E. K. ''I'aiUs, Albany , Ga.; C. Master sen, Esq. .Sheriff i'.ibb t .,;.; J. A. liutts, IJainbridge, (ja. ; Rev. J. W. Ilini.e. M.icon, (i.i.; Virgil Powers, Supt. Ga. S. Vv R. l:. ; f I - .11 . Alexander H.Stephens. Ve have I'jsced it-, viriue-.i personally, and know that for 1 )ysp.psia, i) li ;ii and Throbbing Head, ache, it is the hi-t lueiiicir.e the u orld ever saw. Wo have tried forty other rtme-lies before Simmons Liver Regulator, and none oi ihem ;ave us more than tem porary relief ; the Ke;u!..tor 1:: t only relieved, but cured US." t il. Tl'l.l-.OKAi 11 AM) AlKSSK.Nt.ER, MACON, G M AM I'A' I'I Klill (J.NI.V BY J. II. ZlilLIX i CO., Phili jelphia. Pa. Brick! Brick! bkk;k works. The leading brick ir.anu- facturers of this section arc I ., now ready to supply orders ,'.:.( on short notice. This plant lias been in active operation for twenty years, and they guarantee satisfaction as to quality and price, These (Brick have Stood the est And reflex action will be a guide to your further purchase. You could do worse, and we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere. Call Telephone No. J, or adih ess F, . G. Thompson, Mgr, Klizabeth City, N. C. Get on to This Matthew Street, ELIZABETH CITY. N- C. With proper tods and much experience I can guarantee work done in the best work manship manner and to be sat isfactory to all. I can also sup ply bicyclists with aU equip ments belonging to wheels. Prices low. My shoo is thoroughly equip- 'ped which enables me to do work neatly and promptly. MANTEO NEWS. s s ff TT.T IVICMT Money is expended every week of every month iu the year-for actual needs-for home adornment-for personal comfort. It s good pig ment to turn that ct.rreut of expenditure where it enables you to secure the best results-to the store where your money possesses the greatest puhas-in- power. There's a midsummer swing to our July Ibices that's irresistable-that vill convince you that our store is the satisfactory clothing store lor you. Some interesting Notes Gath ered on Historic Roanoke Island. Miss Sail ic Grant is visiting friends in Hyde Co. Miss Nannie Midgette is visits ing relatives in Oriental. Mr. J. YV. Evans has moved to his new store on Main street. Mrs. S. Payne and children are visiting on Stumpy Point. Master Luther Mann has been visiting for some time in Manteo. Mrs. R. C. Evans and children qrc visiting relatives in Chowan Co. Mrs. J. V. Rvans and daughter Miss Ruth are in Chowan Co. attending Conference. Mrs. V. J. Griffin and children are visiting her father Mr. Ben nie Iivans in Chowan. Mrs. Lennon, who has been visiting on Roanoke Island left last week to attend Conference. Rev. Woodly, of the Disciple church, held a protracted meet ing in the Court House last week. We are glad to learn that Miss onny Bell Evans is improving. She has been very ill for some time. Mr. L. D. Tarkington is visit ing his home in Creswell, Mr. A. S. Maun taking his place dur ing his absence. Prof. C. G. Evans returned from R. M Academy, Ya. Tues day last. We are glad to have him home again. Mr. Geo. Baker and family moved this week to the new residence on Main St. erected by Mr. N. Midgette. Miss Pat Stephens, who spent the winter with her aunt, Mrs. Petterson, left Thursday for her home inIdalia, Beaufort Co. Mrs. Beuthal, who has been I visiting her brother Capt. Mitch ell of the Tranquil House, lelt or her home m Bait more lues- day last. Mrs. Farnell who has been visiting for several weeks at the home of Dr. F. P. Gates, left Thursday last for her home in Bayboro. At the home of the bride's sister Mrs. Twine, were married Miss Dora Midgette to Mr. Sam Midgette, Rev. N. P. Stallens officiating. Miss May Bell Anderson, of Blackstone is visiting her sister Mrs. Fearincr. She is a delight ful young lady and it is splendid to have her with us. Two excellent sermons were n-rarhed in the Methodist church Sunday last by Re.. J M. Rhodes of Littleton Female College. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes have been stopping lor a tew flnvs nt the home of Rev. G. D. S FRIGHTFUL HGGiDENT In the Loading Room of the Win chester Repeating Arms Co. SEVEN PERSONS KILLED Harrowing Scenes as the Bodies were recovered. Cause ot Accident a Mystery. frop currituck couhtyj j NfGHBORHOOD NEWS. Items Picked Up In Aud Aroaud j jTEjjs GA'l HE'REfi HE'RE MoyocK. I ANfh THE'RE BY CHARLES MORUAN. MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE SALE. In every part of our stock we are making ready for the autumn selling. We're clearing out the surplus. You'll mid it a profitable tune to replenish it will be good economy to keep 1.1 close touch with our midsummer prices. Men's Negligee Shirts soft bodies-cuffs attached July clearance price 35 cts. Men's Madras Outing Shirts-the kinds and colorings that the properly dressed men wear July clearance price, 30 cts. Men's Balbriggan Underwear-worth near ly twiee the money we ask for thein-spcci-.il value at 20 cts. Men's Neck Ties tecks, bows and strings -all of the summer shades and weights-July clearance value at 10 cts. and up. Men's and Boy's Straw Hats-yacht style -broken lots of hats worth up to $i oo-s& braids Cantons the fashiynable ideas-July clearance price, from 15 cts. and up to 75 cts. Men's Summer Coats and Vests -the com fortable, fashionable kind-worth up to 5.ou, July clearance prices, $2.50 Langston. L. EXCURSION. Extraordinary inducements are offered 111 every part of our stock. Prices are made on a 1 suits in our store-for meu-for boys-for chil drenthat will make our July clearance sale memorable. ill TED Water St., Elizabeth City, N. C. rrn u The Salem Baptist Sunday School has chartered the steamer Thomas Newton to make an ex cursion trir from the mouth o Newbeeuu Creek to North River Light on the evening of August nth. This is one of the most flourishing Sunday schools in P:i;niintank countv. haviner a . -jl " j ' membership of about one hun dred and twenty-five. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages aud that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh he ing a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the hi nod and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength hv building: up tne constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor any cuse .that it fails to cure. Send for list ot lesti mouials. Address. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. wir T?amilv Pills are the A. A - J best. An appalling accident occurs j red Wednesday morning in the shell-loading department of the Winchester Repeating Fire Arms Co. shops, near New Ha ven, Conn. Without an instant's warning six human beings lost their lives by an explosion, and another victim died soon after ward at the hospital. A score oi others were seriously wounded. More than 1 50 men and wo men are employed in the load ing department, and that more fatalities aid not result from the concussion is miraculous. The hundreds of people who gathered about the gates imme diately after the explosion, wit-1 nessed a gruesome sight. Six dead bodies, blackened with j powder aud frightfully mangled, almost beyond recognition, were lying on the floor. Near by two injured men were writhing in agony, and all about were men running with their faces and arms bleeding from shot wounds, unmindful of their injuries, but trying to assist others and quell the confusion. Owing to the number of girls who were carried out iu a fainting condition, it was believed that many of them were seriously injured, and there was a great leeling of relief when it was found that in most cases they were unharmed. The explosion occurred in the loading room. Employed in this room where 150 hands, twos thirds of them girls or women. The full complement of hands was at work in the room when the explosion took place. Forty feet of the side of the building was blown out and hurled in nieces many feet, and fragments of human bodies were scattered iu a sickening manner. Harrowing scenes were wit- npcQpH as the vast throntr con- gregated about the place. As rapidly as possible the injured were cared for. In two instances the suffering of the wounded was rightful. One was partially disemboweled. As rapidly as a victim was seen to be alive, the sufferer was tenderly cared for, made as com fortable as possible and conveyed with all possible speed to his home. Two of the bodies had been decapitated. Others had been partially torn asunder and still others had beenj dismember ed. The cause of the explosion has not been determined and per haps its cause may never be known. Some ot those at work. in the room at the time say that it was due to the iact that a ear- trids-e in process of loading had been improperly placed 111 the machine. Oi the injured those who are able to talk remember nothing except a blinding flash Some did not even hear the ex plosion. The farmers are complaining of to; much rain. Mr. R. B. Flora went to E. City last Thursday. Dr. R. R. Overby of Bekross was with us again Tuesday. Mr. Joseph Benton made a business trip to E City Satur day. Protracted meeting at Shady Grove will begin first Sunday in August. SOMK THINGS IXU SEES AND HEARS POINTS WHERE WE HAVE NO R EG IT.. 14 REPORTER. AT Miss Alice Poyner is visiting friends and relatives in Norfolk this week. it Vnnr Rowela With Caacarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. Beautiful eyes grow dull and dim As the swift years steal away. Beautiful, willowy forms so slim Lose fairness with every day. But she still is queen and hath charms ic spare Who wears youth's coronal beautiful hair. We are glad to report Mrs. Lin wood Fulton of Indian Creek improving. Mrs. R. O. Bagley aud Mrs. J. B. Cox went to Norfolk shop ping Saturday. Mrs. T. L. Jarvis spent last week with her sister Mrs. Bettie Jones in E. City. Mr. R. B. Flora spent Satur day with his Daughter Mrs. L. C. Ives at Hickory, Va. G. J. Lufsey and E. W. Turn er, of Norfolk, were in the vil lage on business Tuesday. Miss Lena Sanderlin is visit ing her sister Mrs. Luton Wood, at Ceutersville, this week. Mr. Joe Dozier. of Princes Ann, is visiting his brother, Mr. Claud Dozier, at this place. Died suddenly at his home near Tulls, July 12th, Mr. Win. Newberne; aged about 5 5 years. Miss Bettie Wilson, of New begun, opened School at Second Moyock school house on the 1 2th. Two Mr. Goodwin's, two Mr. Prices, and Mr. Joe Lamb, all of E. CHy are here working on the new Chapel. Emma Poole, near Raleigh , v1k has been visiting her sister Mr ;..'N. P. Stallings. left for her home last Wednesday. Mr. Zack Goodwin is a work.. , . i ing man. Me nas 9 men at woik on the new Baptist Chapel here and it is rapidly going up. Moyock was well represented at the Children's day exercises on the 14th at Good Hope M. E. Church, Norfolk county Va. Mr. Stephen Wilson, of News beguu, came Tuesday to visit his nephew Mr. W. L. Wiison and returned home Thursday. Mrs. Margaret Baxter and daughter Mrs. R. E. Flora of Shawboro, were the guests of Mrs. W. L. Wilson Monday ana Tuesday. Children's day at Moyock M. E. Church August 19th. All day service and every' body ex- pects to have a good time. All are invited. Mr. aud Mrs. W. L. Wilson attended Jprotracted meeting at Carolina-Virginia M. v nurcu last Thursday. The church is built 011 the State line and nam s ed for both States. Four of our Moyock Boys, Messrs. Seth Poyner, Tobias Morse, Hilary Creekmore and Mark Hathaway, all went to Richmond Wednesday, 13th, on the excursion from Norfolk. They were delighted with the trip and speak iu glowing terms of the city of Richmond. Mr. W. H. West went to Nor folk last Saturday and brought his uncle, Mr. Edgar West, who has been very sick there in the Hospital for some time, home with him. He is much improved in health but left paralyzed on his Right side. A sad affliction for one who has always lived an active life. C. Mrs. Josiah Jones, at Rosedale, is quite ill. Protracted meeting will begin at Salem next week. Mrs. Nancy Morgan is delight ing relatives at Mumford with a visit. The tug Julian " will carry another excursion to Nag's Head Sunday. Miss Ella Brown, of Baltimore, Md., is the guest of Mrs. Savage of Ambov. Miss Maggie Askew, of Mum ford, is visiting friends in Nor folk, Va. Mrs. Bragg Perry, of Belvi dere, is seriously ill. We hope for her recovery. Mr. John Hobbs, residing in Bagley 's Swamp, left Friday for Washington, N. C. Mr. W. H. Fowler, of Per quimans, made a business trip to Norfolk last week. Miss Rena Speight, of Avoca, spent a part of last week with relatives in Chowan. Mr. Robert Morgan will re turn home Monday from a visit to relatives at Roper. Mr. William Carver, of Nors folk, is the guest of his mother, living near Rosedale. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Privott of Amboy, spent Sunday with relatives near Wmiall. Miss Fattie Perry, of South Mills has gone to Beauford, N. C, to visit her brother. The Friends, of Bel videre, he Id a temperance meeting at Myrtle Glen Sunday afternoon. Mr. Philip Pritchard and fam ily spent last Sunday at Mr. Joe Win tn ey s , n car M u 111 i orcl . A protracted meeting began at; Bethany M. E. church 011 Sunday. All day services. Mrs. Thomas Miller, who has been seriously ill for three weeks, is thought to be improving. Mr. Miles G. Smithson, of Berkley, Va., was in Pasquotank county Tuesday on business. Misk Pearl Tarkenton. of Windsor, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. S. Morgan at Mumlord. A protracted meeting will begin at Center Hill M. E. church the first week in August. A protracted meeting will be gin at Ramotli Gilead church on the second Sunday in August. Mrs. Abram Bonner, of Eden- ton, is visiting her daughter Mrs. John Morgan, ot horlolk, Va. Miss Nancy Morgan, of Provi dence, is the guest of her son Mr. G. M. Morgan, near Mum- "ord. Miss Addie White, of Belvi- dere, accompanied by little Sy bal Nicholson, are visiting rela tives in Canada. Mr. Cormey, of Norfolk, acs companied by wife and son, are the guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Win. Thomas near Winfall. Mr. Robert L. Lay den, resid ing near the Hickoiy, spent sev eral days iu Norfolk last week attending to business affairs. Miss Matriric A. Askew, of. Mumford, left Tuesday for Nor folk, where she will spend some time with relatives aud friends. Mr. Joseph Jennings, of Flor ida, is in Pasquotank countv on a visit to his parents, Mr. B. F. Jennings and wite, living near Elizabeth City. Miss Missouri Jackson will return to her home in Pasquo tank county Saturday. She lias been attending the summer lec tures at Wake Forest. The seven-year old child of Mr. Trotman Thornton, living two miles from E. City, died with whooping cough last Satur dav and was buried Sunday after noon. Rev. J. B. Ferebee con. ducted the funeral. Shepard Davis, colored, while at work on a road in Camden county, known as the Norfolk and Camden railway, was killed one day last week, lie was pass ing from one car to another when he slipped and fell be neath the train, killing him in stantly. His neck, collar bone and leg were broken. The incnic at Sharron church in Camden countv eiveu last Thursday was a very delightful occasion and largely attended. All present enjoyed themselves, especially the splendid dinner and delicious lemonade. The superintendants and teachers of the Sunday school are deserving of much praise for the admirable manner iu which everything was managed. ! OUT frtcor-M U not -rMfntaf. let the reward of 4 youm ir Itonorrtldn I buxtm-s. thir . -rt.'tie In tlio Eur- 1 filturt. and Car)- t honturiut your I for tbn tftilnif. I'nr tmnif u llluntm- 1 td citaioinifl f Etirtiitur Oil Cl tb. J Iltaliy nrrmtrr. HMi who write for It, m If you nl vi ia.h lco fn j will n-( li'icur, i 1,0 til io you rniilt your want l"tiii . iii'i VOU Will ib'ill Willi Bond your uauio on a BS No.U.-rollbcd Folid Oak 6- Draw er Chiffonier, U inches hlh. 80 inches loot. 18 Indus deep. It to well constructed and h-i good locks on rach drawer. Hpectal prKf . (Order promptly Cllod). lrrmlor. lii1iiiir, 'le.. m f rte u all i.l we uir all wit ir l'--l tloaleni k. ml f r our cnta- ! M euolomer. If iuk t-lm and fi.r your dollar, Iu. ii.Mtiii ftu-lurors. ntl now. JuliusHines&Son BALTIMORE, MD. E. W. ALBAUGH & SONS Wholesale CominiKHion Merchant TERRI PIN AND GAME. ;No,'l I.lKht Street What r. BALTIMORE Prompt Returns, Quick Sulcs- REFKUKNCK Isaac Burnhain, living near .South Mills, died last Friday night and was buried Sunday afternoon. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. B. Ferebee aud the Masonic order, of which he was a member. Mr. Burnhain was one of the most hitdilv respected citizens of r a. Camden and one of the leading farmers in the county. He was familiarly known as the "Old Granger," and in his death Cam den loses a good citizen. He was 70 years of age and leaves io grown children. Citizen Nittion.il Hank. VV. J I loon?!-& Co. Stencils Furnished Ere c. KBtaUibheri 1861. SAML. M. LAWDER & SON. WiioU-Hiile Coimnlhaiiiu l-alera In Fresh Fisii IT RAINED WHITE TO ADLETS, Preserve Your Hair and you preserve your youth. "A woman, is as old as she looks," says the world. No woman looks as old as she is if her hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep hair from falling out. restoring its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair, by the use of . Ayer'S Hair Vigor. Dispatch from Catskill, N. Y., savs: During a heavy rainfall Tulv 1 s; tli in the neighboring pillage of Leeds there was a shower oi taods. The toads fell in a limited aerea j perhaps a hundred feet square, i but with'u that space the earth j i was literally covered with pers j fectly formed though diminutive I toads. j The creatures were uniformly ! of the size of common white beans, and oi a transulcent white color. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. That Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blooi and relieves a vast amount of suffering is not a theory but a wel known fact. "The Foot of a Fly" says an eminent English doctor, "will carry enough poison to infect a house hold." In summer-time, more espec ially, disease germs fill the air, multi tudes are infected, fall ill, die ; multi tudes escape. These messengers of mischief do not exist for millions. Why not? Because they are healthy and strong protected as a crocodile is against gun shot. It is the weak, the wasted, the thin-blooded who fall; those who have no resistive power so that a sudden cough or cold develops into graver disease. We hear of catching disease! Why not catch health ? We can do it by always maintaining our healthy weight. of Cod-liver Oil, is condensed nourish ment; food for the building up of the system to resist the attacks of disease. It should be taken in reasonable doses all summer long by all those whose weight is below the standard of health. If you are losing ground, try bottlt DOW. For sal by aU dnugists at 30c aad umm A Wonderful Fish Story. A wonderful fish story comes from Port Tamoa. Fla. It is about a twelve-foot shark, which was caught in the shallow water near the beach, a short distance from Port Tampa. His shaik- ship appeared to be sick, aud was an easy victim. The par- ties who captured the prize nos ticed that his stomach was con siderablv distended, while the lower portion of his body am tail were unite thin. These facts excited the curiosity of the fishermen, and they decided to dissect it. Upon opening the stomach a small pork barrel with one head knocked out was found. The mouth of the bar rel was pointing upward toward the fishe s throat, and was liter ally filled with dead fish, but thev could not be digested, hence the shark was literally starving to death, yet lie had a barrel of fish in his stomach. "Have tried others, bnt like Ayer's best" is the statement make over and over again by those who testisy to the benefit derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Diease never had a great er enemy thay this powerful bloodpuri fier. It makes the week strong. m Another North Carolina Giant. The Salisbury (N. C.) World says : Win. Austin, the tall man of Stanly county, is now work ing at the old blacksmith shop on Lee Street He was 21 years old on the 13th of April, meas ures 6 feet )Yx inches in his stocking feet and is still growing. He weiehs 22 pounds and is apparently a skeleton now, but with large bones and muscles. He lifted when only 10 years old a bale of cotton weighing over 500 pounds, and carried it some twenty-five yards. Only recently three Northern gentle men offered him $5,000 to go in training five years to fight the rliamnion of the world. He has never smoked, chewed nor drank any intoxicants, and looks the picture of health. No people sufTei so much from physi cal disabilities as those whose business reauires little or no muscular exertion The lack, of exercise causes the liver to become sluggish and the result is constaut Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness and Sick Headache. To prevent this take Simmons Liver Reg- nla.tor: it keeps the ltver active anc makes one's condition as comfortable as those who have muohexercice. Soft Crabs Terrapin, Etc. 125 Light St. Ball 'more, Md. uic.k Salon ! I'rompt Hcturnn rtFKT.'UI.'Ki "K Trader Nat'l. Hunk. IIiiiiH Min nii! lie Ak ii Win..l. I loTper A o. .1. luk.-)mi t A Co. Ctir.rns Niil'l. Hank. The J. H. Johiikou Co ESTABLISHED 188(5. The Most Reliable House in Norfolk. FEUKRSTEIN&G"-. WIIOl.KMAI.ES FISH COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOOT OF HOANOKK DOCK. TSTorfollr, Va- Quick Sales, Prompt Returns. Keforcnccs by Permission: City National Hank; U. !. Dunn Mercantile Airencv; Southern and Adams I; x press Co. We respectfully solicit a share ot your patronage. Stencils furnished on application. TV I W (gaRRiaGS Factory. A carriage factory and repair shop has been opened at the park, or lair grounds, near F.lizabeth City. I have been engaged for more than 20 years, iu building Carriages, Buggies & Vehicles, of every description, and am now ready to give special attcn tion to the manufacture, repair. ing, and painting 01 carriages, wagons, carts, and all kinds ot heavy and light wagons. All work promptly attended to and at reasonable prices. K. F. Rucii. t5i01d furniture repaired varnished, &c. -A. NEW- X ElART U IS FOR EDENTON. The now famous Optician, Watchmaker and Jeweler has added to his workshop a GOLD and SILVER Plateing Department. Work guaranteed or money refunded. . . Respectfully, B. E. BYRD & CO. 10c, 2oC. II U. J. j. u, u((uh iciuuu iuwkji