If "v. Everybody who reads the ' f mm Fisherman & Fanner prouounccs it to be the best paper in lilizabelh City, aud the rffl Fisherman & Farmer IS IN THE LEAD, a: OHas the largest circulation of paper in the District. ONE DOLL.AR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N G, FRIDAY, JULY 30. .897 Established 188 ; 'i - - r , : " - Lee Q( c:z --2- The ILiesLcLIin. District of The Old Reliable Sail Maker, ZTZ. IZADETII CITY, N: C, r , , t,;, old stand at the SrSc.ovI" Ja,S Spires S.ore. Zimmerman Hall. I Canvas Furnished . I at Factory Prices. Awnings, Tents aud Flags a Specialty. All orders by mail promptly attend. e,l to Obi Canvass bought and sold. O. liox 132, Elizabeth City, A'. C. Monuments aijd Tombstones .-DKSION.S HBNT Fit KB. Iu writing give some limit as to price and state age o. de ceased. -LARGEST STOCK- fin the South to select from. Couper $arble fflorks, (Established 184S.) 159 to 163 Bank St., Norfolk, Va. Brick! Brick! 3i BRIGK WORKS. The leading brick manu facturers of this section are now ready to supply orders 1 1. i : 'pi,;,. .1,1., on snort nouut:. ii.u. has been in active operation 1 . t for twenty years, and tuey guarantee satisfaction as to quality and price, hese (Brick have tood the est And reflex action will be a guide to your further purchase. You could do worse, and we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere. Call Telephone No. or add 1 ess Elizabeth City, N. C. AN ATTRACTIVE STOCK. There's an air of freshness about our store we keep the stock moving we keep in touch with what is new est and best, and the reasonable prices we insist upon iu every instance, keeps up the constant change in color ings and styles. Dependable goods those that give you the fullest value products of leading manufacturers at prices that are right. There's hardly a want in the dry goods line if it's a value if the style is right but what it can be found at our store. JULY LIBTEN SPECIALS. Our linen stock always an attractive one offers through July extra inducements in. prices and styles. Turkey-red damask firm "and heavy excellent patterns" fast colors yard 20c. Bleached all linen damask extra width Irish grass bleached artistic patterns yard .3 5c. Bleached linen napkins damask dozen 35c. Very handsome damask dinner napkins, doze:: 75c. Kv ery item in our linen stock a pronounced value. SUMMER WOOL DRESS GOODS. The "between season's" prices prevailing in remain ing stocks of wool dress goods, enables you to secure a fashionable costume at a very low price. There's a "clearance" feeling in our dress goods stock it affects the prices wonderfully it makes them very reasonable. The handsome novelties of the season in the newest colorings and weaves in plains in checked effect in blacks in value from 16c. up. DRESSMAKER'S NOTIONS. At such reasonable prices for items used in the lining, trimming and finishing of garments, that it makes that part of our stock of unusual merit. ICvery item at the lowest possible price, making a series of savings to you throughout the year. We keep the items most in use what is newest and most desirable. Clearance prices in all remaining lines of parasols fans ladies summer suits cool wash goods knit underwear. It's, a good shopping time in these goods, and you can replenish at slight cost. MIDSUMMER You keep right in line with fashion's demands, and your garments possess that ultra-fashionable appearance, if you use the New Idea patterns. Once used, always used. There isn't a requirement but what is met by the New Idea pattern. Always 10 cents each. Fashion plate for the asking. ASK the recovered dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of fever and ague, the mercurial diseased patient, how they recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite; they will tell you by taking Simxoks Livek Regclatob. The Cheapest, Purekt and Iist Family Mcdicii.u in the World! For DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Uitious attacks, SICK H KAUACHK, Colic, Depres sion of Spirits, S( )L i S- I JMACH. Heartburn, etc. This uirivaled remcciy i warranted not to contain a single particle of ! i:m i :.y, or any mineral substanca, tut is PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Rwts and Herbs which aa all--.visa I'rovidenre l.;;s placed in countries whera I-iver Diseases most prcva I. It will cure all DUfaKcs canned y Derangement of the I.lv;r and Itowfl. The SYMPTOMS f Liver Complaint are a bitter or had taste ip the nvtvh ; Pain in the Back, Sides or J .ims, often mistUcu f.r Rheumatism ; Sour Mimarh; Loss iA Apo, t'te; Bowels alternately ostive and lax; Heai!.:..iie ; Loss of Memory, with a pa nful sensation of ! ..ii.jf failed to do something which aught to have l,.cu c:onc ; Debility; Low Spirit).; a thick, yellow appearance of the Skin and Kyes; a dry Cotih, ,..:. i mistaken for Consumption. Sometimes many I th.se symptoms attend th disc-use, at others very !cv ; but the Livfr, the largest organ in the body, is oicraMy the seat of the disease, and if not Rejitilatea in time, ,;reat suffering, wretch edness .ind DKATJI ensue. 'Ihe fo!!owir-2 highly e-trerued persons attest to the virtues of Simmons I.ivs k P.ei.ilaiok: Gen. W. S. Holt, Pres. Ga. S. V K. K. Co. ; Kev. J. H. Felder, Perry, Ga.; Col. K. k. h ;.-rU. Albany, Oa.; C. Master soil, F.sq. .Sheriff liibb Co ,(ia.; J. A. liutts, Hainbridge, (ia. ; kev. J. V. Uuil.e, Macon, (ia.; Virgil Powers, Snpt. (Ju. S. W. R. k. ; JI.,n. Alexander H. Stephens. W'c have t--sted its virtue.- personally, and know that for Dyspepsia, ll iioiisnes-. and Throbbing Head, ache, it is. the best inei:iciuc the world ever saw. We have tried forty othei remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, and none ot tiiein .tve us more than tem pitrary relief; the Regulator not only relieved, but cured U." LlJ. 1 I'll. Ml ; K Ari I ANJJ MliSSfcNt.I.lt, MACON, OA., MANUJ-.ltTI.Klil) ONLY BY J. U. ZEILIN Si CO., PhiU aelphia. Pa. Get on to This P. DeLON, S2 Matthew Street, ELIZABETH CITY. N- C. With projier tocls and much experience I can guarantee work done in the best work mansliip niaiinei and to he sat isfactory to. all. I can also sup ply bicyclists with aU equip ments belonging to wheels. Prices Iow. My shop is thoroughly equip ped which enables me to do work neatly aud promptly. :-: FANCIES. 231 T5 ATTTfiP Elizabeth City, Ni C. WIUFTIE. A Negro Said to be Slowly Con sumed by Sulphurous Flames FOR BLASPHEMY. The People are Wrought up to the Highest Pitch of religious excite ment over it. A special from Adrian, Ga to the Atlanta Tournal of the 15th, says: This community is thoroughly aroused over the weird rumor of a divine visitation whiclj comes from Troop's Ferry, just beyond the Oconee river and about twenty-five miles from here. The story while it surpasses belief, is repeated in eveiy quarter and the people of the surrounding country are wrought up to the highest pitch of religious excite rnent over it.- The strange story follows: One night last week several negro turpentine workers were playing cards near the ferry. One negro had seven dollars at the beginning ot the game, but lost steadily until at last he had left onlv one dollar. Holding this high above his head, he swore that if he lost it, he would curse God. In the next deal he lost it, and in consequence he executed his oath. No sooner had he done so than he was heard to scream, and his companions on looking at him, saw that sulphuroas flames pour edfroin his mouth, ears, eyes and nose. Terribly frightened, they at fiist ran away, but soon returned and endeavored to relieve his sufferings. Water poimd upon him was without avail. A blank et was brought forward and they attempted to wrap him with it, in order to extinguish the flames hut the would-be rescuers were kept away by some mysterious power. About four feet vas as near as an approach could be made to the unfortunate victim. Then, thinking that the log on which he sat was in some way responsible for his predica ment they began to saw it off near the point on which he sat. The first incesion of the saw caused blopd to drip from it, and to fall with the sawdust to the ground. An ax was next sent for, but its use revealed the fact that in every part the log was filled with veins of blood. Then they threw a noose of r. rope over the negro's body and tried to pud him away from his position. According to reports they might as well have attempted to draw a star from the sky. The rope in consequence of its con tact with the body of the victim, rendered as naugh the great strength of those who would save him. There he sits, rumor says con suming, yet with no proabability of ever being utterly consumed dying always, yet not dead liv ing in and breathing the fires of hell, crying for water, which poured upon him causes him to scream as mortal was never heard to shriek before. It is said that people flock to see him, but, appalled by the sight, turn and flee, some with a terror that is piteous to witness. The children of Adrian are terrorized by the rumor and speak of it in whispers of hor ror. Night is no more welcomed aud sleep with them has only the meaning of a Plutonian dream. (Signed) T. M. Chetiiam The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catanh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now lruovvu to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upo'n the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars lor any cuse that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testi monials. Address. F. J. Cheney & Co., - Toledo, O." Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. MANTEO NEWS. Some Interesting Notes Gath ered en Historic Roanoke Island. Mr. John Kvans returned Sat urday from Norfolk. The new residence of Mrs. Lester is nearly completed. Mrs. Harrel, of East Lake is the guest of Mrs. Julia Peterson. Mrs. V. J. Griffin returned Friday morning from Chowun. A musicale was held at the Tranquil House Monday night Master Luther Mann left Sat urday morning for his home in E. City. Mr. Umfleet and Miss Maggie Matthews are visiting Mrs. Knight. Miss Myrtle Taylor, of Kin- ston, is visiting her cousin, Dr. F. P. Gates. Mr. George Rodgers, of E. City, has been visiting relatives in Manteo the past week. Messrs. Lee, Armstrong, Co- hoon and Spruill, who were stop ping at the Tranquil House last week, left Friday night. Mr. C. E. Kramer and family are stopping at the Tranquil House. We are glad to have them, especially Miss Gussie. Miss Ophelia Langston and Prof. C. G. Evans left Tuesday morning for Fairfield, Hyda Co. Miss Langston will visit Miss Lida Carter. Dr. Owen, of Portsmouth, made an address at Fort Raleigh Friday morning, also preached on excellent sermon in the Meth- adist church Friday night. L. SEEKS OUR FLAG'S SHELTER. Hannah K. Lund, of Plain field, was naturalized Tuesday in the United States Court at Trenton, by Judge Kirkpatrick. She Intends to go in the foreign mission service, and will be sta tioned in China. She explained that she becomes an American citizen because she wants the protection of the American flag. She was asked why she did not depend on the protection of King Oscar's flag, and replied that she believed the American nation was more respected in barbarous countries. Miss Lund since her arrival to this country has educated herself out of her own earnings tor ner mission work. Lock the Dood Before the horse is stolen. Purify, enrich aud vitalize your blood aud build up your physical system before disease attacks you and series sickness comes. Hood's Sarsaparilla will make you strong and vigorous aud will ex pel from your blood all impurities aud germs of disease. Take Hood's Sarsa parilla now. Hood's Pills are the favorite lamily calhartc. Easy to take, gentle, mild. 25c. B. Y. P. U. CONVENTION. The Baptist Young People's Union State Convention of Vir ginia will meet in Norfolk a- bout October 10th. Fifty Years Ago. This Is the way it was bound to look When grandfather had his "picter took. These were the shadows cast before The coming of Conjurer Daguerre And his art ; like a girl in a pinafore Some day to bloom to a goddess fair Men certainly were not as black, we k&OW As they pictured them, 50 years ago. Ayer's Sarsaparilla began to make new men, just as the new pictures of men began to be made. Thousands of people fronted the camera with skins made clean from blotch and blemish, because they had purified the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It is as powerful now as then. Its record proves it. Others imitate the remedy ; they can't imitate the record: SO Years of Cures. To Core Conctipatioa Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c orc IIC.C.C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. NIGHBORHOOD NEWS. ITEMS GA'l HE'RED HE'RE AjrD THEfRE BY CHARLES MOKGAN. SOMR THINGS HE SEES ANI IIKARS AT POINTS WHERE WE HAVE NO REGULAR REPORTER. Mr. E. Leary is erecting a very .nice store in Hertford. Mr. Wm. Nixon, living near Winfall, continues quite ill. Mr. Jud Nixon of Gates visited friends at Coleraine last week. Mr. William Nixon residing j uear the Hickory, died Saturday. Mr. John Delaney of IJagley Swamp is seriously ill this week. Miss Evie C. Webb, of Cho wan, is visiting iriends in Nor folk. Mr. R. C. Holloman, of Hert ford, spent last week in Hertford comity. Miss Mary Davis of Winfall is visiting friends and relatives in Gates. Mis Mary Midget of Plymouth is visiting Natives at and near E. City. Miss Bessie Etheridge, of Nor- folk, Va., is visiting her sister at Hertford. Mr. Watson White of Norfolk is the guest of Mr. W. H. Barber of Winfall. Mr. Wm. S. Stanton near Win fall was in Elizabeth City shop ping Monday. Miss Annie Parish, of Hert ford, is at Windsor visiting rela tives . Mrs. Grizzie Howell of Vir ginia is visiting relatives and friends in Winfall. Mrs. Ella Nixon of Hertford, was the guest of Mrs. J. C. Morgan Sunday. Mr. J. Elmer White, of Hert ford, left a few days ago for Cal ifornia prospecting. Two nice buildings are being erected on Grubb street in Hert foae by Blanchard Bros. Miss Neppie Perry, of Gates is the guest of her brother Mr. Allen Perry of Hertford. Mr. William N. Burgess of Winfall made a business trip to Weldon N. C. this week. Miss Maggie J. Williams, of Mumford, has returned from a visit to friends in Norfolk. Miss Maud Leigh, spent a part of last week with her sister Mrs. Dr. Winslow in Winfall. Mrs. Robert F. White of Win fall is sick with Typhoid Fever. We hope she will soon recover. Mr. and Mrs. James M. White hurst, near Berea, spent lastweek with relatives near Mt. Herman. Mr., Joshua Lane of Bagley Swamp was married to Miss Annie Chappel last Wednesday. Mr. B. C. Jackson, of Rosedale, purchased last week fifty-one head of cattle from Wm. Bright. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ives, of Norfolk, spent last week with friends and relatives near Okisko. Messrs. Davis and Meads, liv ing near Salem, were in Hertford-last week purchasing a buggy. Rev. Josiah Elliott is assist ing Rev. Jno. A. Shaw in a pro tracted meeting this week at Creswell. Mr. Charlie Riddick of Gates accompan'ed by sister, visited relatives near Winfall Saturday and Sunday. Miss Vetie Harris residing near Elizabeth City, was the guest of Miss Hix Perry near Okisko last week. Mr. J. S. Nothcott accompani ed by s;ster of Edenton was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mathias Sunday. Miss Lizzie Thompson, of Okisko, has returned to delight her many friends after an absence of several mouths at Baltimore.' Misses Rosa L. White and Beatrice Wilson of Woodville Were the guest of the Missef Barber ot Winfall, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Hinton of E. City, also Mrs. Spence, accompanied by children are the guest of Mrs. Everybody Says So. Ciio:irfts Candy CaUiartic, the most wou derful medical discovery of the ape, p eas al and lefrcsliinpr to the tasle, act gently and osiUvely on kidneys, liver aud lxnvcHs, cleansing the entire system, dlSel colds,' curj headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Hold and guaranteed to cure by all drnggista. John Trotman at Trotmans Station". Miss Mami" Trafton returned Wednesday to her home at Bel" cros after a very delightful visit to Miss Ella Jennings in Pasquos tank county. Mr. William Bright, living near Rosedale, has purchased a farm in Pasquotank county, owned by Miss Sallie Williams ot Virginia. W A. Foster, J. A. Evans, Geo. W .'"Morgan . James Temple and W. J. Williams, constitute the school committee for New- land township. A protracted meeting began at Oak Grove on Monday; services rendered by Rev. Mr. Merrett of Winfall. We hope he will have a successful meeting. Mr. D. E. Williams, ot Mum ford, having purchased the Wiley Gregory property at South Mills, will begin mercantile business in the fall at that place Mr. David Rogers and family. of Virginia, were the guests of Mr. Rogers' sister, Mrs. W. H. Hunter, at Hertford. They are spending this week with rela tives in Pasquotank. At the request of Rev. Mr. Merrett, the pulpit, was filled at Cedar Grove Church Sunday afternoon by Rev. N. P. Stallings. He delivered a very impressive sermon that was enjoyed by all. The members of Ramoth Gil ead church have erected a large shed 20x60 feet near the church or the purpose of serving public dinners without being disturbed by the weather. This is an ex cellent idea and an example for other churches to follow. ,Mr. B. F. Morgan and family returned to Berkley Wednesday, after a pleasant visit to relatives and friends in Pasquotank Co. Mr. Morgan is a native of Pasquo- ank and it is very gratifying to lis many friends here to know that he is conducting a very prosperous mercantile business n Norfolk. People buy Hood's Sarsaparilla year after year because it does them good. It will do you good to take it now. Excitement Over a Serious Charge. At Atlanta, Sunday, in the midst ot Dr. Dimon's sermon, the congregation began to shout. The excitement reached such a pitch that the doctor had to re- ire from the pulpit. After this subsided, the board of stewards held a meeting and passed resolutions of sympathy for the minister, who is pastor of St. Paul's church, and is one of the most highly connected preachers in the city. The shouting was prompted by the congregation's sympathy for him on account of the sensational charges of a Mrs. Jester against Miss Dimon, his daughter. The young lady had been accused of stealing $700 worth of diamonds, and while the sermon was in progress the congregation seemed to be think ing of the matter so much that they could not restrain them selves It was a regular old-fashioned shouting, and lasted for sometime. The outburst was spontaneous and unexpected. It created a sensation which spread through the city. Mrs. Jester now admits that the charge resulted from "sitting" with a female clairvoyant. Weak Lungs Hot weather won't cure weak lungs. You may feel better be cause out of doors more, but the trouble is still there. Don't stop taking your Scott's MSSBBBHSaBaBBSBMi Emulsion because the weather happens to be warm. If you have a weak throat, a slight hacking cough, or some trouble with the bronchial tubes, summer is the best time to get rid of it. If you are losing flesh there is all the more need of attention. Weakness about the chest and thinness should never go to gether. One greatly increases the danger of the other. Heal the throat, cure the cough, and strengthen the whole system now. Keep taking Scott's Emulsion all summer. For sal by U drus;ists at ic aa4 FROM CURRITUCK COUNTY. Items Picked Up In And Around Moyock. Rev. N. P. Stallings has a verv sick child. Mr. T. B. Grav, of Northwest spent Sunday in Moyock. Miss Mamie Wilson went to Norfolk shopping Saturday. Rev. N. P. Stallings went to E. City Friday on business. Mr. William Perkins spent several davs in Norfolk lnct week. Messrs. Sam and Henry WiU son, of Norfolk, spent last Sun day iu Moyock. Protracted meeting will begin first Sunday in August at North west Baptist church. Mrs. J. H. Proctor, of Hicks ory, Va., was the guest of Mrs. R. O. Bagley Friday. Mrs. Dr. D. IS. Murry.of Bram bleton, is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Several Moyock people are at tending the M. K. Conference at Hickory, Va., this week. Messrs. T. B. Wilson aud D. T. Gallop, of E. City, were in the village last Thursday. Mr. Johu Dunton, of Narrow Shore, is very ill. Fears are en tertained for his recovery. After a very pleasant visit at Ceuterville Miss Spence Sander son returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Jennie Gregory, of Nors folk, is visiting her mother Mrs. Lizzie Poyner here this week. Miss Bettie Wilson was the guest of her cousin Miss Mamie Wilson Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. M. C. Poyner left Tuess day for Crittcndon, Va., to visit her sister, Mrs. Geo. W. Green. Mr. Albert Nichols and sister Miss Rena, of Northwest, were the guests of the Misses Barnard Sunday. There was no preaching at Moyock M. E. church last Sun day, owing to the absence of the pastor. Rev. J. B. Leman, of Norfolk, was in the village Wednesday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Bagley. Several of our Moyock peo ple attended Childrens Day at Baxter's Grove M. E. church Saturday. The new and very oppropris ate heading to the Moyock news last week was highly appreci ated. Thanks. Mr. W. P. Creekmore sold his steam mill here to Mr. Scott, of Jarvisburg, who removed it to that place last week. Mr. John Steward, of Norfolk, came out Saturday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Moses Lee and returned home Monday. Miss Mamie Wilson returned home Wednesday last after a very pleasant visit to friends and relatives in E. City. Mr. Thomas Taylor, the brick mason near Currituck C. H., fin ished his work on the new chap el and returned home last Thurs day. Rev. Josiah Klliott will assist Rev. N. P. Stallings in the pros tracted meeting at Shady Grove The meeting will begin on Mon day. Mr. Caleb Forbes, of Norfolk and Miss Julia Overton, of Coin jock, were married by Rev. N. P. Stallings at Coinjock Baptist church July 21st. Miss Emeldor Gregory re turned home Thursday after a very pleasant visit to relatives and friends for the past few months in Norfolk and Berkley. The corpenters have finished their work on the new chapel, and it will now pass into the hands of the painters. We can recommend Mr. Goodwin, the contractor, as a first-class works man. Mrs. James Holt, of Tulls, who has been with her siek daughter Mrs. Linwood Fleetwood of In dian Creek for the past two months, returned home last week. Mrs, Fleetwood is much improved. C. Horace Greeley onee said: "The way to resume is to resume," speaking of again putting gold into circulation after the war. But you may say "re sume" any number of times to that torpid liver of yours aud it won't budge until you take Simmons Liver Regulator. Many people seem to for get that Constipation, Biliousness and Sick Headache are ali caused by a sluggish liver. Keep the liver active. Kdaeat Yoar Bowels WHh Casestreta. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. 25c. ir C. C. C. rail, druggists ret ua4 saoaey. A Man Who Sheds His Skin. A Chicago dispatch to the Herald says : Johu II. Price, a miner of Phillipsburg, Mont., sheds his entire skin every year. He has twice come to Chicago to be attended by physicians, but this year he will go to Butt, Mont., where he will undergo the process, which occurs regu larly on July 24th. Among the specimens in St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Chicago, is Mr. Price's skin of last year which, removed in sections, was put together and stuffed. Price underwent in the same institution the ex perience iu 1890, and in the last thirty-two years he has annually exchanged his old skin for a brand new one. Totter, Salf-llhcum ami Kozrnta. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to then dim.i.Hrt, in instantly nll.t) ! by applying Chamberlain 'h Ky ami Hkiu Ointment. Many very bad ciuwt have boen permanently ruml by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for aore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cady'a Condition rowdera, aro just what a honw need when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. IMco 25 cent per package. No.ll.-ToUhod Foll.1 Osk6-lraw rr Chiffonier, 63 inches Midi, 9V 1 n c It e l"tjf. 19 InelieM deep. It IS wi ll ciiimtrut'tcd and Iuiak'xmI Im ka oil tat'h drawer. H p c I u I ti lco, (Onlers promptly filled). Our neccKii is not srrl.lcntal. It Is tha rwnrd r 4s yciitu r ImiiornMn business. Our ii n rlcii In I lie fur niture ami CurM'l ttuslncMl U yours for the nsLlng. Our Imnieutte llliiHtro td citiil"tfiiu nf Kuriiltuie, Oil Hunt, IWIiy Currliiires, KeirlKerutnrft, Ueit.liny, Hpriuir. Hc.'kI IWhIs, do.. 1ft fri i l nil who wrlU) for it. Hint e ny all t aif. If you ftftk your ! ml ili-ulim' H Ice you will not n. inl rr our enta loifue, ux Iim Mill !.. 11 eiiHlomer. If you cumuli your M-k l-lMk nnl want doul x filui? for your ilollarM, you will di with ttiu itHiiiudtctururii. fecud your l.uic ou a punUU now. Juliusfiines&Son BALTIMORE, MD. ESTABLISHED 1880. The Most Reliable House in Norfolk. FEUEHSTEIN&Co.. . WHOLKHA LK FISH COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOOT OF IiOANOKK DOCK. TSrorfolfe, "Va.- Quick Sales, Prompt Returns. References by Permission : City National bank; K. tJ. Dunn Mercantile Agency; Southern and Adams Kxprcss Co. We respectfully solicit a share o! your patronage. Stencils furnished on application. ( carriage Factory. A carriage factory and repair shop has been opened at the park, or fair grounds, near Elizabeth City. I have been engaged for more than 20 years, in building Carriages, Buggies & Vehicles, of every description, and am now ready to give special atten tion to the manufacture, repair ing, and painting of carriages, wagons, carts, and all kinds of heavy and light wagons. All work promptly attended to and at reasonable prices. K. R Kucif. tSyOld furniture repaired varnished, &c. jV. NEW I JEPAIiTUK E FOR EDENTON. The now famous Optician, Watchmaker and Jeweler has added to his workshop a GOLD and SILVER Plateing Department. Work guaranteed or money refunded. . . Respectfully, B. E. BYRD & CO. Water Sreet, -1