Hverybndy'wh oieads the fisraau & Farmer Pronounces it to be the best paper iii I;iizabelh City, and the tr: -i - vizn vummau & farmer a: is in the lead, a; Has the largest circulation of paper in the District. ONE DOLLAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 19 1897 Established 1886 spaper 01 tixe .First District ASK the recovered dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of fever and ague, the mercurial pllp diseased patient, how they recovered health, cheerful spirits and good appetite; they will tell you by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. Tlic Clieapi'st, Tnreht and Rest Family .Medicine in JUe World I tr UYSPKI'SIA. CONSTIPATION, Jaundice. I :s :. ! SiCK UKAI'ACHi;. Colic, Depres v;' . : .,:ts. SOUK STOMACI I. Heartburn, etc. I ; - unrivaled remedy is warranted not to contain a .:t t j article of .1ek t'RV, or any mineral substanoa, lM PURELY VEGETABLE, ((.r.t.iinii'h those Southern Roots and Herbs which a ;l w:-c i'rovidence has placed in countries wherfl l iver Diseases most prevail. It Will cure mJJI Dls.ascs caused by Derangement of tha Liver and liowelg. lhe SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a bitter or Had tasic in the mouth ; J'ain in the Hack, Sides or (tints, often mistaken for Rheumatism; Sour Hdimacli; Loss of Apietite; Bowels alternately o.Mive ami lax; Headache; Ioss of Memory, with a pikti r-n'afon of having failed to do something w. 'i 1 " have 'ecu done; DefcU'ty; Lov Spirits: a thick, yellow pperan . of e hkin an a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption. .onit'imes runy of these symptoms attend the cS t others vcrr lew ; but the Liver, the largest oran in thr: body, is generally the seat of the disease, ai,d it not Regulated in time, great sutfering, wretch edr.i-ti ind DEATH will ensue. lhc I'jliowinj; highly-esteemed persons attest to the virtues of Simmons Liver Kp.oti.ATOR: Gen.W. S II it, 1'res. .a. S. W. R. K. Co. ; Rev. J. R. Felder, I vrry,(-a .; Col. K. K. Sparks, Albany, Ga.; C. Master, s ., I v). , Sheriff JfihuCu.Ja.; J. A. Butts, Bainbridge, da.; Rev. J. W. Jiurke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers Se; t. (.a. S. W. R. R. ; Hon. Alexander if. Stephens. V. t have v-sitil its virtues pursonally, and know tin; for f lyst.rpsi.i, ildiousiiess alKJ Throbbing Head, it is the best medicine the world ever saw. We hai- :r;rd f rt y other remedies before Simmons Liver ::tr, ami none of them gave us more than tem- vrr-iiH; the Ke-ulator not only relieved, but cured I.. 1 lil.EOKAI'H AND .M KsSHNf.EIt, MACON, GA. i i J UUKU tJISLY BY I. H. ZKIL.IN & CO., Phils Jelphia, Pn. Get on to This P. DeLON, Matthew Street, ELIZABETH CITY. N- C. With proper tools and much experience I can guarantee work done in the best work manship manner and to be sat isfactory to all. I can also sup ply bicyclists with aU equip ments belonging to wheels. 1 ric( !S LOAV. J i? mwiuusiiijr . ped which enables me to work neatly and promptly. ;ivo mo si rr iffil. ui.o tlie Uwusil Tluiiff.. Tlur'll be cool winds from the north one of these days, with a Klondike feeling about them. Just as well be ready. There are added reasons for early buying this season, for almost everything is advancing and you had just as well have the benefit of early purchases. Stock is yet complete prices are at the lowest notch. jiil:-TVtoA'iiir V,liio. . fr-r To keep the stock moving rapidly to hold your inter est -the lowest prices are being made in every part of our stock. Not a detail overlooked. If you get in early yon secure the best possible selections. Uiulorwcar. Knitted to fit - made for service, with prices u:Her their ical worth. Ladies' heavy underwear per varment 25c. Special values in union suits, from 50c up to i 50. Child's heavy ribbed underwear natural coloring at 10c. for a No 16, with a rise according to the sizes Child's wool - heavy comfortable -per gar ment 25c. c lll:iii!ats. Suit, comfortable blankets -every pair of interest 'When you note our prices, and see the ruo" you'll feel that we are exactly right on blankets. To a cotton fleeced -giay or tan neat borders pair 45c. lie-ivy fleeced blankets, pair 90c, Heavy wool mixed blankets, pair $1.50. Heavy ail-wool blauke's, pair 52.50 to $6.00. I'opiilsi- DrcHS Goods The reception given our dress goods stock by our pat rons the present season, has been very gratifying. Many daintv costumes can yet be secured, in the newest color ipcrs and weaves. Prices on our dress goods are very reasonable. Very choice line of novelties-Infancy checks-diagonals and mixtures -the correct shadings in vrlue 2:c. All wool serges-iu popular colorings yard 35c. "The choicest ideas in popular trimmings, at the same careful prices. OioLliiu&r. No: many suggestions of men's: goods in this column. You wouldn't know from this that we sold Men s Cloth ing, unless you happened in our store, and took note ot the manv new ideas we are showing. Boy s Clothing made by' competent tailors built 011 the same clean cut lines as our men's goods the same care in their selec tion perfectly fitting economically priced. Department Store, Ns. 6 4. 66 & 6S Water St, Elizabeth City, N. C. Well as Weather Indicator. On the shores of Clear Lake, Minn., there is a strange phc nomenon known as the "rain well," on account of its ability to fortell an approaching storm It was originally tern feet ici p, witn irom nree to stven Hit or water in it, a .cording as the San son was wet or dry. Upon the approach of a storm the water rises from one to two feet, hut has been known to go up three feet or more, and even overflow the sufrace. In the Summer, during the k.pcr iod . of thunder storms, the greatest and most rapid changes take place, the water frequently rising three feet in an hour. During the hay making season the well is in constant demand to forecast the weather lor the haymakers, and for over a quarter or a century r 'if line fb i til fn 11 ' -nor formed tlllS U aS IaU,1IUU periOrilH-U '.US flXHCtiOll If the United btates gave as much attention to some other matters as it does to the seal catching interests, prosperity would be a condition in this country rather than a theory. Those who go seal hunting seem to have a big "pull" at Washington. Ex. The three-year oUt boy of J. A. Johnson, of Lynn Center, 111., is subject to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson says he is satisfied that the timely use of Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy, during a severe attack, saved his little boy's life. He is in the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros, of that place and they handle a great many patent medicines for throat and luiiP- diseases. He had all these to choose from, and skilled physicians ready to respond to his call, butselected this remedy for use in his own family at a time when his child's life was in danger, because he knew it to be superior to and other, and famous the country over for its cures of croup. Mr. Johnson says this is the best selling cough . - i,uP nnrl that fjo 1 meuiiiiuc tnv- iiu.ii". v., -----,it gives splendid satisfaction in ! alfcases. Sold by W. W. Griggs & Sou. VOM NOT A WIDOW AS- SHE THOUGHT. Mrs. C. C. Baily was Trying to Collect Insurance When She Found That Her Husband Was Alive. Mrs. C. C. JJailev. of liruns- wick, Ga.. has discovered tha she is not a widow, as she sup posed. A few weeks ago she was ir mourning for her husband aiu began proceedings to collec 8,000 insurance 011 his life Til proofs of deqjb were made out and forwarded to the agents of the Equitable and -. the New York Life Companies. Mr. Bai ley had a policy for $5,000 in the Equitable and one for $3,000 in the New York Life. The proofs did not satisfy the com panies. Two affidavits were at tached from citizens of Bruns wick, stating that they were out iu a boat with Bailey ; that the boat capsized ; they saw him sink and rise once. After he sunk the second time they did not see him again. One weak point in the case is that the body never came to the surface as far as could be dis covered. Watermen said that if a man had been drowued where the boat capsized the body would certainly be thrown upon the shore. Mrs. Bailey believed her husband dead, and despaired of ever hearing from him again. But the insurance companies did not lose hope. A few days ago they received letters stating that Mr. Bailey was -alive in Chatta nooga, and that the claim for the payment of the policies would be withdrawn. Today the widow writes that she has positive information that tier husband is alive. A Slxteen-to one Cabbage. Louis Wilinot, at Cairo, 111., has raised a curiosity in his gar den this summer, in the shape of a cabbage with sixteen well developed heads. He is an ar dent admirer of Bryan, and thought the leader of the free silver forces might be glad to have the sixteen to-one vege table. He wrote Mr. Bryan tell ing him of it, and offering to send it to him if he would accept it. Mr. Bryan being absent from home, his reply was de fayed, but a day or two since Mr. Wilmot received a letter from Mr. Bryan accepting the gift. Ten Thousand Kisses. A dispatch from Berlin tells of a young German who has just attempted to take ten thou sand kisses in ten hours from his sweetheart's lips, his ambi tion, ot course, being to estab lish a kissing record. In spite of the somewhat hampering con ditions witnesses and scorers, a record of two thousand "smacks" for the first hour and one thou sand for the second hour was es tablished, when suddenly the youth collapsed, his lips became paralized and he fell in a faint. It is deplorable that the cable makes no comment upon the condition of the young woman alter such violent labial exer cis.. How to Cure Bilious Colic. I suflered for weeks with colic and pains in my stomach caused by biliousness and had to take medicine all the while until I used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured me. I have since recommended it to a good many people. Mrs. F. Butler, Fair haven, Conn. Persons who are subject to bilious colic can ward off the attack by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by W. vy. Griggs & Son. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia has decided that football in that Common wealth must go. A WIFE FOR TOMLINSON: The Fisherman & Farmer, in its issue of Nov. 5, published an article clipped from one of A. our exchanges, headed "Texas Man Wants a Wife in which "Uncle Jacob Toniliusoii,". the '" v-ncy,uuw tises Jor a vounr woman to cheer his declining days and in herit his fortune. The article referied to seems to have inter ested some of our Elizabeth City young ladies one of them at least as the following will show, which was picked up by us this week. We publish it that its owner might learn of its whereabouts, and to whom this letter and the photograph of the writer will be delivered if she will call for it at this of fice : the letter. Dear Mr. Tomlinson : When I read your advertise ment in our city paper, the Fisherman & Farmer," I felt that it was intended for me, and that the hand of Providence was guiding it to its destination. Though I am young, I think I can appreciate a person like you; for how can one who has spent so many years with only beauti ful nature for a companion, be aught but pure aud good. You ove your home so much, too, you dear old man. I know there is not another in the world like you. My heart goes out to you in your loneliness, and I am ims patient that it will be so long before I can be with you and help you to make such a home as you desire. Won t we have a ittle Eden, though ! Money aud taste and love, nothing aeking, I have one misgiving. The paper says you want a good- ooking girl, and my photo graph may disappoint you. But no, you are too sensible to thus ostle the hand of fate as it holds out the cup of pleasure, bubbling before us. Nothing will mter- ere. I feel it I know it !. And 1 only await your answer to begin preparations for a jour ney which will be more blissful to the end. Write very soon .0 yours, Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County, N. C. The demand for Ayer's Hair Viorin sucli widely separated regioni as South America, Spain, Australia aud Iudia has kept pace with the home consumption, which goes to show that these people know a good thing when they try it. The W. C. T. U. The W. C. T. U. of the world held its meeting this year in Toronto. It was a notable gathering of women from many lands engaged in a righteous cause. Miss Francis E. Willard and Lady Henry Somerset were the two most conspicuous figures iu the Convention. Prohibition, suffrage and purity were the watch-words of the meeting. Progress in the work was report ed from all countries. The mem bership is growing everywhere, Japan winn ng the banner this year for the largest increase by doubling her numbers. Thin Blood f rrn it- t-f t . f. intense red grows thfa-aod watery, as in anemia, thercJsi j $ a constant feeling of eichaus- m tiont a lack of energy vitality and the spirits depressed I Scott9s Emulsion J 1 of Ccd-liver Oil with Hypo phosphites of Lime and Sod is peculiarly adapted to correct g this condition. The ccd-Iiver oil, emulsified to an esq dsitq $ as fineness, enters the blood 4 ?ec j and feeds its every corpuscle 3s restoring: the natural color and. giving vitality to the whole system The hypophosphites reach the brain and nerve centres and add their strec gth-' ening and beneficial effect j If the roses have left your, cheeks, if you are erowing thin and exhausted from over g $ wort- or if ace is becrhxainer 3 I to.telV.ioe SCOTTS EmuPg 4S m sion . . IS Be sure you jet SCOTT'S Emulsio.t. $ All dnunrists: toe and Si.oo. S T SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, -New Yo.fr. I DOWN ON FOOTBALL. The Governor of Aikansas De nounces the Sport. The Governor of Arkansas is the first chief magistrate to dis approve of the game of football. In a letter to J. L. Buchanan, of the State University at Fayette ville, Governor Jones takes the recent game between the Fort Smith and State University teams as his text, and strongly condemns the sort as brutal and recommends that there be a stop- put altogether to the playing of the game by the stu dents of the State University The Governor is ex -officio Pres ident of the State University board of trustees. In his letter to Mr. Buchanan, Gov. Jones says : "I think the game of football, as now played, is a brutal sport. fraught with much danger to those playing it, and altogether out of harmony -with a proper educational system. In tact, it has been so notoriously so that bills have been introduced in the Legislature of several states and passed by at least one of them, to make it unlawful. "In my opinion, the higher civilization which we profess, is entirely inconsistent with the toleration of such a game, aud. therefore, it being expedient to call a meeting of the board of trustees, I deem It my duty to call your attention to this mat ter, aud respectfully suggest that you put a stop altogether to the playing of this game by the students of the State Uni versity. The best interests of the University. I think, clearly demand this, and I hope you will take this matter at once in to serious consideration." NOTED MURDER RECALLED. A Man in Georgia Says He Can Locate the Murder of Hon. Juo. M. Clayton. The memory of the most famous crime committed in Arkansas the assassination of the Hon. John M. Clayton, has been revived by the receipt of a letter by Governor Jones, wi it ten lroin Pitts, Ga., by a person signing the name of Luther Atkins The writer of the letter recalls the circumstances, in quires about rewards and states that he can locate the murderer and produce proof of guilt. The murder ot John M. Clayton will be remembered by politicians and public men all over the United States. Clayton, was a brother of the lion. Powell Clay ton, the present United States Minister to Mexico. He was the Republican canidate for Con gress in 1889, his opponent be ing the Hon. Clifton R. Brechin ridge, late ambassador to Russia. The canvass was a spirited one. Breckinridge was declared elect ed and Clayton filed a contest. While this contest was iu pro gress Clayton went toPIuniniers ville to look after his interests there. While in his room one night, an assassin fired a load of buckshot through the window, inflicting wounds from which lie died. The Legislature at once offered a reward of $5,000 fcr the conviction of the murderer and the reward is probably yet in force. Cotton Growers Convention. A special to the Times from Columbia, S. C, says that prep arations are being made for the holding of the convention of the cotton growers of the Southern States in Atlanta on Decern bei 13th. The convention has been called by those iu charge of the recent convention held in ChaU tanooga, in consequence of the action taken-at that time. A permanent organization will be effected for the purpose of con trolling the production and sale of cotton in the South and to fight trusts that seek to lower the price of this stock. . "The worst cold I ever had in my life was cured by Chambers Iain's Cough Remedy," writes W. H. Nortou, of Sutter Creek, Cal. "This cold left ine with a coughand I was expectorating air the time. The Remedy cured me, and I want all of my friends when troubled with a cough or cold to use it, for it will do them good." Sold by W. W. Griggs & Son. CREMA- Locked up in a Hause While Their Parents Went to Church. Three half grown children lest their lives in the burning of an old frame house a mile irom White Oak, A!a., Sunday night. Their parents, Louis Brown aud wife, went to church, leaving their children, aged 12, S and six years, locked in the house, supposedly for their own safety, but the old building caught fire soon after the parents left and when they returned they found it a heap of ashes In the center of the mass of embers the boues of the chiK dreu were found in a heap, show ing that they had huddled to gether in their fear and agony. Pullman Boys Have Gone To Work. George M. Pullman, Jr., and his brother Sanger are deter mined to win their spurs, aud show to the world that there is good stuff in them. Their faths er's will cut them off with an allowance of $3,000 a year each, but it was given out that if they showed to the satisfaction of the other members of the family that they had business ability aud were willing to attend to business, drop their bad habits and make the kind of men their ather wished them to be, that thev would come in for a shaie of the large estate. This will has changed the lives of the young men. They had a long conference with Rob ert T. Lincoln, who plainly told them what was expected of them. The result is that the young men have gone to work for the Pullman company in positions but little removed from that of the laborers. They are doing yard work at present, and the pay is small, George receiving about 50 per month and Sanger $45. They have to take things as they come, do not have any precedence over any other cm ployee, must obey the rules as well as the otheis, and will re ceive promotions 111 their turn. They told Mr. Lincoln that they proposed to begin at the bottom of the ladder and work up, the same as other employees of the company. Indianapolis News. Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers is a popular preparation in one bottle, and colors evenly a brown or black. Any person caa easily apply it at home Train robbers assumed the garb of women on Friday night last, and were thus enabled to halt the St Louis Fast mail in the vicinity of the famous Blue Cut, a favorite haunt of the road agents. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral would includo the core of every form c2 disease which affects the throat and lungra. Asthma, Group, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough and other flimilar complaints have (when other medicines failed) yielded to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. THREE CHILEREN TED. m op tub I j MERITS ell JLF TT Purity of Speech. Nothing so strongly indicates the man of pure and wholesome 1 thoughts as habitual nuritv of speech. '.y his conversation, among his own kind, you may always accurately fonn an opin ion as to the moral worth of a man. It is there, where on res traint is supposed to be placed upon his words, that you disK) er his true nature. If he be given to looseness of discourse, or his mind wanders to the discussion i . subjects prescribed in mixed company or respectable society, you may justly mark him as one with whom association is un desirable. The individual whose mouth is ever full of indelicate allusions or whose tongue is ever ready tripping to give a good round oath, is by no means a person to value as a friend. If a man reflect, after vomiting forth an-obscene expression or disgusting blasphemy, he must feel his self-respect shocked, if habitual profauity or obscenity have not already destroyed it entirely. An observing person cannot fail to note with feelings akin to horror the prevalence of the vice that we condemn among not only grown persons, but the youth in oar thoroughfares and 011 our street corners, often with in the hearing of the most sen sitive aud refined females, some times even levelled at the ears of young ladies and young girls on their way to and from school and other places. Another of the causes, and a most potent cause, of the growth and extent of this evil, is the introduction in magazine articles or newspaper reports, of profanity and the careless habits of authors and actors in stage plays, where they aim to give strength or emphasis to their intrinsically weak creations or conditions by coarse or profane epithets, inter jections or allusions. These violat:ons of decency and sense, added to the polluting pictorials that are shamelessly displayed and sold from every newsvender's shop or stall, are exerting an influence on the thoughts and passions of our people, young and old, whose consequences are iu the highest degree deleterious to the growth of those qualities which make good men and women in society, as well as good citizens in civil life. After the Collectorship. Mr. E. C. Duncan, of Beau fort, who wants to succeed Mr. Simmons as Collector of Inter nal Revenue in this district, lelt yesterday jpr Washington, to make another effort to get the place. At one time it seemed almost certain that he would get it. Now his chances are not so bright. Cobb, of Eliza beth City, is giving him a lively tussle, and there are not a few here who think in the end the Beaufort man will come out at the little end of the horn. Raleigh News & Observer. A New Game Law. Book agents may be killed from October 1 to September 1 ; Spring poets from March 1 to Juue 1 ; scandal mongers April 1 to Febiuary 1 ; umbrella bor rowers August 1 to November 1; and from February 1 to May 1, while every man. who accepts a paper two years and when the bill is presented says : "I never ordered it," may be killed on sight without reserve or relief from valuation or appraisement laws, and buried face downward, without benefits or cleigy. Ifcm't Tub afro Spit and Smoke Toor LUe Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever be mas netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Dac, the wonJcr-worker that makes weak men strong. All drnggiata, Mo or SI. Curoeuarao teed. Booklet and sample free. Addrea teriing Remedy Co, Cnlcag-o or New York Consul General Fitzhugh Lee arrived in Havana on Su n day. IffiWM Mh wrttlor tofc to pot jAfexl IU10 rt&no. It fUta 1M iatoptcKt a WtpUrtirr Krrtich tooflntalMil 95 to our ti .1 IkltlWdnk. ( Mall order fillr,! promptly ) W will (nan anjrooo. trvj of all rhanrc. our n IU ai Hiwtall'aia loru. oouuuuias rum it arc IXurwrwa. iJimi Mow., Crock.rjr. .Mlrn.ru, pHTtuw. Hedging. UtrtvTUT, ul y I arriar. to. Tun in Hi ln.t cm ple book dyw u Mi be, 1, and we Mr all poauco. Our llthotrraphe.1 0,,H-t Ca'uiuffue. ahowlmr carjw-u Id colorm. la alao your tor tb mklntr. If rnrtx-t ampl ar wanted, ;ait ua Nx tn tamaa.f Taare to aa mmoi wlT yi kIhmjUI r your I.kmU lalr CO j.cr at-nt. rf wfcen jtu eanliuy from too mn Drop a liqo now to lav BKDeyit3Tra , JULIUS HINES & SON, uaiumoro, ffld. Ploaaa meutioa thi papr. The OM Reliable Sail Maker, ELIZAKinil CITY, A'. C. can be fouud at his old stand at the Short bridge, over James Spires atore. Aimmcruian nan. i Canvas Furnished at Factory Prices. Awnings, Tents and Flags n specialty. All orders by mail promptly attend ed to. Old Canvass bought and sold. '. c. Vox ffj, Elizabeth Ciy. N. ( tyonumenls and Tombstones r-vlESlUN. SKXT KIlEKV'-w-. In writing xivc so,llc limit as to price and state age of de ceased. -LARGEST STOCK- in the fiouth to select from. ouper Marbl orks, (Kstablished 1848.) 159 to 163 Hank St., Norfolk, Va. Miles Jennings, o ppb ooooo"o 0 6 c o BLACKSMITH Sanders Building, Poiudcxier St. MillandMarineForgings A Specialty. t3TFtill line of Wheels and Wagons kept in stock. All work done promptly ami iu the most workmanlike manner. GVe Me a T"! 1 IS PARTUI E FOR KDENTON. The now famous Optician, Watchmaker and Jeweler has added to his workshop a GOLD and SILVER Plateing Department. Work guaranteed or money refunded. . . Respectfully, B. E. BYRD&CO. (ome to see us. Our sock is in, jnd of the best. Look to yourf interest. all us over the 'phone. Or, write us by ihe post. Also at Flora & Cos store, you can Leave your orders for us. Remember that we give 2240 pounds to the ton. Also. that wc will put it down to you as cheap, as clean, and as quick as anybody. We respectfully solicit you patronage. Crystal Ice & Coal Co. 1 1 .ti-wr( vmm I Til - 11 n VI