fverybdy wh oieads the fistyxxa&XL & Farmer Fisijevmau & Fanner I T t V K INTWCTDAn -v 1r lljp lip;t MTicr in pro noui..- . : r-t--- Elizabeth City, and the lias the largest circulation or . paper in the District. i dibits B-StLrSstL QE DOLLAR per Year, iu Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N G, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 26 1897 Established 1886 " of "tin First District ASK the recovered dyspeptics, bilious suf ferers, victims of fever and ague, the mercurial 'diseased patient, how they recovered health. C?TT cheerful spirits and eood Ml appetite; they will tell iy,-i by taking Simmons LIVER KEGUi.ATG. I The Cli"!Mot, I'ureht and Rent Family Medicine in the World! r,r iiV-PKI'SIA, CONSTIPATION', Jaundice, ,, ks, SICK H KA I) ACHE, Colic, Depres- 1 f,7 ; ,r;h. SOI R STOMACH, Heartburn, etc. ' -j :, n.,'cil r-inedy is warranted not to contain asin ' .ui..-f Mf.r:ury, or any mineral ubstanoa, lu i PURELY VEGETABLE, c;;t1? those Southern Roots and Herbs which a, i e Providence has placed in countries where f,r I'iseas'-s most prevaiL It will cure aU raued by Ueraugement of thm liver Hnd Itowelil. c I he SYMPTOMS of Liver Complaint are a bitter 0; blj w' in the mouth; Pain in the Back, Sides or ',!nts, "fen mistaken for Rheumatism ; hour jlofii'a-" ! I5 f Appetite; Bowels alternately -.t .ii-i la: Headache; Loss of Memory, with ti i.f-1 icn'-tion of having failed to do soirtethinj; h"''h annht to have been done; Uehllity; Low Spirits; a thick, yellow appearance ot the Man and -nnie!!ii"' many uioc symptoms attend ut d it.T-e, others very few ; but tbe Livi'k, the largest uixan 111 th'' t"'!y, i Kcnra!Iy the seat of the disease, i.id it n"t Ke'iii;:ted in time, great suffering, wretch ctr.en and IKA1'H will ensue. 1 he foMowinjf highly-esteemed persons attest to the vrt.es of Simmons I.ivkr Regulator: (ien. W. S. HU, lVs. .a. S. W. R. R. Co. ; Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, a.: C'ol. K. K. Sparks, Albany, Oa.; C Master. I ..Sherirf liilb C .'.,( la.; J. A. Butts, Eainbridge, l,a '; l ev. I. VV. I'.u.-ke. Macon, (la.; Virgil Powers, f.i s" V. K. K.; Hon. Alexander II. Stephens. e l ave I Med iti virtue? jiersonally, and know that f' r I ' epejbi;t, ililiousncss and Throbbing iead . j,r i: ts 'he Lest medicine the world ever saw. Wo i.. , - irled ("rtv other remedies before Simmons Liver t-y a dry I o;ij;h, often mistaken for Consumption. ! Kcia!'-. nnd none of them gave us more than tem- j.rary reii-1 : the l emulator not only relieved, but cured U1."-' I I.. 1 KI.KOKAI-M AND MESSENGER, MaCON, G MANI'FA'.TVKEO ONLY BV J. II. ZK1LIN & CO., Phil, jelphia, P. Get on to This P. DeLON, Matthew Street, ELIZABETH CITY. N- C. With proper tools and much experience I can guarantee work done in the best work manship manner and to be sat isfactory to all. I can also sup ply bicyclists with al equip ments belonging to wheels. Price To w. n ! My shop is thoroughly equip- j pedxvhich enables me to do work neatly and promptly. (rive mo TViMl. iuiio the XJsiial THiiigT.- Ther'U be cool winds from the north one of these ,lavs, with a Klondike feeling about them Just as well be' ready. There are added reasons for early buying Um s, a,on, for almost everything is advancing and you had jus as well have the benefit of early purchases. Stock is yet complete prices are at the lowest notch. To keep the stock moving rapidly -to hold your inter est -the lowest prices are being made in every; -part o our stock. Not a detail overlooked. If you get in early you secure the best possible selections. U.idoruear.-Knitted to fit-made for service, with prices unHer their real worth. Ladies' heavy underwear nor garment 25c. Special values in union suits, Irom 5oc M,ti.5o. Child's heavy ribbed underwear-natural .oloring-at ioc. for a No ,6. with a rise according to the sizes Child's wool-heavy comfortable per gar- r. nient 25c. - lilankois.-Solt, comfortable blankets-every pair .,f interest. When you note our prices, and see the n,os you'll feel that we are exactly right on blankets. To 4 cotton fleeced -giay or tan-neat borders-pair 45c. Heavy fleeced blankets, pair 9'c. Heavy wool mixed blankets, pair $1.50. Heavy ull-wool blankets, pair S2.50 to $6.00. loinlaiv Dross Goods., The reception given our dress goods stock by our pat rons the present season, has been very gratifying. Many dainty costumes can yet be secured, in the newest color mcrs 'and weaves. Prices 0:1 oar dress goods are very reasonable. Verv .choice line of novelties-ln fancy checks-diagonals and mixtures -the correct shadings in value 2 All Wool serges -in popular colorings yaid ;;c. "The choicest ideas in popular trimmings, at the same careful prices. Clotiiiii-. l- No', many suggestions of men's goods in this column. You wouldn't know from this that we sold Men s Cloth ing, unless you happened in our store and took note of the many new ideas we are showing. Boy s Clothing made bv competent tailors built on the same clean cut lines as our men's goods-the same care in their selec tion perfectly fitting economically priced. I TO 14. i m n 1 K Department Store, Ns. 64, 66 & 68 Water St., Elizabeth City, N. C. in The Atlanta Constitution says: "The movement to prepare for he crrcatCSt reunion Ot tilC United Confederate vaciaus Atlanta next year is rapidly taking shape. Veterans and business men alike are becoming aroused to tlienecessityofprou.pt and earlyction iu the matter. General Clement A. Evans, Com mander of the Georgia Division of the Association, has been un tiring in his efforts to get all things ready for such a reunion as has never been witnessed before within the ranks of the men who wore the gray. To stil further forward the movement, General Evans has called a meeting of the citizens of Atlanta for the purpose of considering such plans as may be suggested to make the reunion of 1898 a , , r . , .... grand success. The veterans are taking action in the matter, and as the reunion will redound to the pride and glory oi Atlanta, as well as to the perpetuation of the glorious memories of the trial days of a third of a century ago, it is earnestly hope that the meeting will be a representative one, so that all may understand and be able to bear a part in the preparations for that grand t 1 The three-year -old boy of J.A.Johnson, of Lynn Center, iil,, is subject to attacks of croup. Ml Johnson says he is satisfied that the timely use ot Chamber laiu's Cough Remedy, during a severe attack, saved his little boy's life. He is in the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros, of that place and they handle a great many patent medicines for throat and Inner diseases. He had all these to choose from, and skilled physicians ready to respond to his call, but selected this remedy for use in his own family at a time when his child's life was in danger, because he knew it to be superior to and other, and famous the country over for its r Mr Tnlmsoil says cures ui Liuuj.'. this is the best selling cougn handlCf and that e lie satisfactioil in afcases Sold by W. W. Griggs & Sou. ... i. The Veteran's Reunion 1898. IS THE END OF THE WORLD AT HAND ? J. V. Huff Says the Hible Tells Us it i Very tlcse Upon Us. I am well aware that a man who arises in this, the latter pan of the nineteenth century and proclaims the end of the world is at. hand, is generally regarded as a fool, and ridicule and con tumely are his portion. We live in an age of facts. No statement not susceptible of proof merits serious attention. Perhaps we are too cruelly analy tical. But it is better so, for truth then reigns supreme. When I proclaim the fast ap proaching end of the world, I do so on the authority of the very foundation of our religious bt lief, the Bible. There are two theories of the millennium promised us by scripture. The post-millennium theory is that advanced by those who believe the preaching ot the gospel by the various chur dies will ultimately evangelize the world and bring about the conditions that will enable the Saviour to conduct his millem nium reign of a thousand years on earth. The pre-millennium theory is that which I desire to present as being the one taught in the Scripture of eternal truth, But as things are now and all admit that both in Europe and America the future is, from a material point of view, darker than ever before they will get worse and worse until the end comes. One of the most important signs just preceding the end of the world is the one spoken of as the prophesy of Daniel re garding the abomination of dess olation. This sign (or. signs) began when the daily sacrifice was (or shall be) taken away (Pan., 1211). This daily sacri fice was taken away during the World's Fair, when the Sabbath law was abrogated by our courts and ratified by all nations rep resented at that institution. Thus the daily sacrifice was taken awav and the abominas tion of desolation set in, which was to last 1,200 days (Dan., 12 11). Those days will end the coming winter. We cannot know the day or hour (Mat., -4-36) but we may approximate the week or month, perhaps The abomination of desolation is upon us, ana may oe seen or JS. known.by the suffering and star ving nations of the earth, the result of the hoarding of the millions oi money or riches for the last days, spoken oT in the fifth chapter of James and Reve lation 18. This desolation is a:i abomi nation to God, as it is the resultH of man's oppression in his rul ings on finance, so that the poor cannot get a sufficiency . of the abundance provided by the Lord; granaries breaking down and 110 money to buy with. The ante diluvian world was destroyed by water. Noah and his family did not belong to the world, or they would have been destroyed. In the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew, at the twenty-first verse, we read : "For then shall be sreat tribulation, such as was not sin-e the oeginning 01 tne world to this time, iro, nor ever shall be." And it is also clear that the world will be its own destroyer. The prophecies con cerning the second coming of our Lord began with the seventh from Adam, Euoch, who de clared Christ would come with ten thousand saints to execute judgment on the wicked. The prophecy was uttered four thou sand years before His first ad vent. In the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew may be found many prophetical signs of His second coming, nearly all of which are fulfilled. The propagation of the Christian religion through the medium of church mission aries is the direct fulfillment of one of the propheoies contained in Matthew, twenty-fourth chap ter and fourteenth verse : "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations. And then shall the end come." And further in Revelations: "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of Heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to every nation, kindred and tongue and people." And still further to cite RevelatioLs: "And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and eaith swore by him that liveth that these should be true no longer." Ninevah was overthrown and no lives lost. The authorities were Ninevah, and confessed their overthiow at the preach ing of Jonah. Jerusalem was the authorities of that city. They kept Christ on the out side ol the walls. He would gladly have taken her children (or subjects) under his wing, but the authorities (Jerusalem) would not allow it. He did not ask to take "Jerusalem under his wings (Mat., 23 37.) This world is to be destroyed by fire. What is this world is the stupendous question. Allow my pen to answer, backed by the sacred sciiptures of eter nal truth. The money power that controls the nations of the earth is that that is to be des troyed by fire (Rev., 18-18,) but no lives lost necessarily in the conflict (Rev., 18-19). The authorities of the world will stand and see her destruction and shall weep and wail and de clare she is fallen (Rev., 18-19). The world has taken the sword for her defence. The world and the sword shall per ish (Mat., 26-52). But fire in the hand of the enemy of the world will lay her institutions and money policies low Matt., 41 And at the ashes of her destruction will be trampled be neath the feet of the starving millions of the down trodden poor Mat., 4 2 to 3 Who can claim this well grounded hope in the promises of God's word Which is yea and amen ; and cannot be overruled ; as the day is set and will be consumated in the space of one hour Rev., 18-18. And upon the ruins ot this world, as defined above, Christ will come and establish the millennium reign, or Sab bath of rest. N. Y. Journal. "The worst cold I ever had in my life was cured by Chambers lillll a cuugu icmcuj( , winv-o W. H. Norton, of Sutter Creek, Cal. "This cold left me with a cough and I was expectorating all' the time. The Remedy cured me, aud I want all of my friends when troubled with a cough or cold to use it, for it will do them good." Sold by W. W. Griggs & Son. Most men appreciate a joke much better when some one be sides themselves is made a vie tim of it. Weal as nasi li vou have ccusfhed and & coughed until the lining: mem- fs ferane of your throat and lungs is inflamed, 1 Scott's Emulsion 1 J5 $ of Cod-liver Oil will soothe, lis strengthen and profcatly cure. The coi-live oil feeds and $ $ strengthens the weakened tis- S $ sues. The glycerine soothes $ and heals them. The hypo- a phosphites of lime and soda $ impart tone and vigor. Don't 3 neglect these coughs. One w m hottle of the Emulsion may do S v mn for vou now than ten W " I H can do later on. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. All druggists ; sac. and J. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. CCCCCCCCC Lit INCREASE OF THE NAVY. Secretary Long Will Favor The Building of Tvo B.Uieships and Six Torpedo Boa's The subiect of the increase of the navy will not be cvei looked by Secretary Long in his annu al report. He will recommend a liberal increase of the estab lishment, not so large, perhaps, as was urged by Secretary Her bert three years ago, but which if approved by Congress, will lead to the building of two more battleships aud six torpedo boats. He w 11 not ask for the building of further cruisers. The new battle ships, .if authorized, will be of the Iowa type, now regard ed as the most formidable war ship of her displacement afloat. Other important recommenda tions in Mr. Long's report will be those relating to ordnance aud power. He believes that the navy would be badly ham pered now in advent of trouble for want of propel kinds of am munition. Mr. Long will ap piove the recommendation of the Ordnance Chief for an ap propriation of half a million for reserve guns, to be manufactured at the Washington Gun Factory, and will further ask that a libs eral appropriation be made tor the purchase of smokeless pow der. He will also recommend that provision be made for con- constructing a Government powder factory. The Secretary will direct at teution to the growing strength of the navy and the necessity of enlarging the enlisted force. He will ask, it is asserted, for at least 1,500 men 111 addition to the 11,000 now allowed by law. The Secretary will also approve the recommendation of the Judge-Advocate-General of the Navy, asking that a retiring list be provided for seamen, such as the armv has. He will have some strong proof to present showing the necessity of in creasing the drydocking sys tern, and will urge the building of at least two and probably more docks. The subject of personnel may be treated of in a special commu nication to Congress after the Board submits its final conclu sions and the Secretary kas'con cluded what is best for the re lief of the service. The statements of tnose who have been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla prove the great merit of this medicine. Get only Hood's. The Joke Cost flim Dearly. A well known lawyer, who resides near Fortieth and Wal nut streets, has the reputation of being an irrepressible joker, and is moreover reputed to be of a decidedly saving disposition, says the Philadelphia Record. His wife's careless ways have always caused him much worri ment. One day last week, on going into the bathroom, he found a cup standing on the edge of the stationary wash stand that contained all his wife's jewels, together wTith some "jeweler's sawdust." Now, he had continually warn ed his wife of the danger ot such carelessness and decided to teach her a lesson. The jewels were transferred into his pocket and the sawdust was emptied into the sink. Then he left hurrie Jy for a trip to New York. Later on his wife went to the bathroom to finish cleaning her jewels and was horrified to find them gone. Seeing traces of sawdust in the sink she conclud ed they had beeu thrown there through mistake. She sent at once for a plumber. The eutire day was spent in tearing out the pipe and digging up the street, but of course nothing could be found. Next morning the joker returned and was hors rifled to find what had taken place, and since paying a bill for $85 he has sworn off joking TRIED TO MURDER HER. A Maxton Negro Shoots His Wife then Himself. Sam. Farrell, colored, a shoe maker in Maxton, N. C, at ttmpted to murder his wif- and then himself Tuesday night. farrell wanted his wile to gc with him to Durham, which she refused to do; he at once went and purchased a pistol, aud, going back home at 7 p. 111., asked her if she still refused to go with him. She replied, "Yes," whereupon Sam. pulled his piss tol, aud, telling her that her time was short, immediately fired at her. She, seeing the pistol, threw up her hands to her head, the ball passing through her hand and entering the back of her head, inflicting a serious wound. Sam., think ing he had completed his bloody purpose, then turned on his own head, fired twice, but fortunately for Sam., his head was too hard for the balls to affect it. He is now restiug easily in Lumber ton jail. All Have Disappeared. "I suffered with rheumatism in my back aud shoulders. My head ached and I was very weak. I concluded to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Iu a short time I felt better. I uosv have taken seven bottles, aud the headache, rheu matism, aud that tired feeling, have all disappeared." Mrs. Ida C. Grim, Wadesville, Ya. Hood's Pills act easily aud promptly on the liver and bowels, headache. Cure sicl Thomas L. Henry, of Pine Station, Pa., died the other day so it was supposed and his friends made preparations to give him a fine funeral. But the sad event has been indefi nitely postponed, owing to the fact that when they were about to put the old gentleman on ice he raised himself up, winked at the prettiest girl in the room, and asked what time it was. Same Couple Marry Times. Three A correspondent in the States ville Landmark reports a most unusual case of matrimonial interest near Huntville, Yadkin county. One Alex Joiner has just been married and he and his better half or "wusser" lived together for some time. They finally could not agree and sep arated. A divorce was obtained by both. After a time Mr. Joiner began to pay his respects to his former wife and after a second series of courtship they were married again. Ere long a sec ond divorce was applied lor and granted. . A few months ago a third courtship was begun and ended in a third marriage about three week ago. They are now living in perfect harmony. Fifty Years Ago. This is the stamp that the letter bora Which carried the story far and wide, Oi certain cure for the loathsome ore That bubbled up from the tainted tide Of the blood below. And 'twas Ayer's name And bia sarsaparilla, that all now, know, That was just beginning- its fight of fam With iu cures of 50 year ago. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the original sarsaparilla. It has behind it a record for cures unequalled by any blood puri fying' compound. It is the only sarsaparilla honored by a medal at the "World's Fair of 1893. Others imitate the remedy ; they can't imitate the record: SO Years of Cures. I Keep the Boy Ambitious. Many of us have seen the (lis contented boy making a pretense of picking np stones or potatoes, or perhaps sulkily working his way across an onion or turnip field, aud we kno'v something of his value in the economy of 1 ti,e ,arm AnJf on the other hand, we are all more or less acquainted with the resolute, en ergetic boy, whose limbs never seem tor tire, and whose great ambition is to do the work of a man. One such boy, who is striving to do all he can, is worth a dozen of those who are striving to do as little as possi ble. And yet the two boys are primarily the same. We coax the restive or refrac tory horse, and do not think time wasted in training him to usefulness ; and yet, some of us are unwilling to do as much for the bovs who arc beintr fitted for the higher and more intelli gent work of the farm. We all like good stock, and good land, and eood seed especially the - - last, for that is the secret of suc cess. J Jut ol all seeds which yield satisfaction and prosperity, there are none so sure as the ju dicious sowing of reading mats ler and games for the long win ter evenings, an occasional half holiday (hiring the summer, when the boy's nerves are strained and over-wrought by continual hard work, and social, familiar conversation at all times. Make him feel that he has a personal interest in the farm, and is not a mere depend ent, and he will come out all right. Remember that work is well done when the laborer's heart is iu it, but when the heart strays the work flags. Ex. "I escayed being a confirmed dys peptic by taking Ayer's Pills iu time." This is the experience of many. Ayer's Fills, whether as an after-dinner pill or as a remedy for liver-complaint, in digestion, llatulenoy, water brash and nausea, are invaluable. Rev. Sam Jones and Schools. Free Rev. Sam Jones is opposed to free schools and in a recent in terview said: "lam in favor of free schools to one class only, and that is the children of par ents who will come to the court house ot the county and take the pauper's oath and swear that they are not able to pay their children's tuition. Then let the public pay teachers who will teach those children the three R's reading, riting and ariths metic and nothing more," Mr. Jones is being severely roasted by some of the Georgia editors for his alleged utterances in the interview. MRS. CAPT. N. L. DEAD. SHAW Warrenton, N. C, Nov. 23. (Special) Our town is sad this morning because of the death of that most excellent christian lady, Mrs. Capt. N. L. Shaw, who passed away at her hand some residence here at 4 o'clock this morning. Her remains will b- interred here to-morrow at 1 1 o'clock a. m. Jack Frost is now king in the South, and rellow Jack has taken a back seat. How to CureBilious Colic. I suffered for weeks with colic and pains in my stomach caused by biliousness and had to take medicine all the while until I used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured me. I have since recommended it to a good many people. Mrs. F. Butler, Fair haven. Conn. Persons who are subiect to bilious colic can ward off the attack by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by W. W. Griggs & Son. . No. KXQ Tbtaquar- oak wrlttnr mhfa in I4.no. It w ' nu a tloch Nvrlod fVu L.,. intop.nd a o,parwr Iwlow. Ar- " Trtneta leg-- SS3.9S mr iro mI prior for thin 1 10 Jc. (Mall cnlor flilcl promptly -Wo wnl mail anyoui frcyi of all CnryT-, our Ihi, iu ao SwrUlUU (wun, containing Furulturrv, UntperkHi, .mpt, tStrt-.T-s Crockery. Mirror, TicturvM. IkHMiuv. It frtirrratnr. IUli I arrliu.'V. etc. Tir t th itt c ' CJk Plt Uwk cvit puUtrun. mad va fi B n pMiirM. Our lithograph- Carpel H IVakvuc. ahowing osriots in colon, la a a lio yours tar th ukmv. If nnnt B Bumpli nr watiuvl. mail ua ho. In tampa. TUor? li no rrMn whr tou bould par your Ik1 cloalar CO tvor tent, profit when you can buy from ttx ralil. Drop a lluo ngw to th tnoDeyHutroiv, JULIUS HINES & SON, Baltimore, Md. Pleaaa mrutlou this papoc . The Old Ui liable Sail Maker, ELIZAHETH CITY, X. C, can be found at his old stand at tln Short bridge, over James Spites stoie, Zimmerman Hall. I Canvas Furnished i at Factory Prices. Awnings, Tents and Flags a Specialty. All orders by mail promptly :.tu-n!- ed to. Old Canvass bought aud sold. P. O. fiox v. Elizabeth City, X. C. 1 Monuments arjd Tombstones In writing give sonic limit as to price and state age of de ceased. -LARGEST STOCK- in the South to select from. dCouper Marbl fflorks, (Kstablishcd 184S.) 159 to 163 Hank St., Norfolk, Va. Miles Jennings, o o 0 0 o o o o o 6 o o "c 6 BLACKSMITH Sanders Iluildiiig, Poiudexicr St. MillandMarineForgings A Specialty. l'Full line of Wheels and Wagons kept in stock. All work done promptly and in tli most workmanlike manner. GIVe Mc a Trial 1 JlILX SJL? Ultl FOR EDKNTON.- - The now famous Optician, Watchmaker and Jeweler lias added to his workshop a GOLD and SILVER Plateing Department. Work guaranteed or money refunded. . . Respectfully, B. E- BYRD & CO. ome to see us. Qu r sock is In, nd f the best. Look to your interest. Call us over the 'phone. Or, write us by the post. Also at Flora & Coja store, you can Leave your orders forus. Remember that we give 2240 pounds to the ton. Also, that we will put it down td yon as cheap, as clean, and as quick as anybody. We respectfully solicit your patronage jCrystal Ice & Coal Co.