rrfuu I . Everybody wh oreads the f sijetman X Farms Pronounces it to be the best paper in Elizabeth City, and the rJO fisljcirman Farat I r sv f( ra - - i Mi: Lb AD. A,' n ,?as 1,16 largest circulation ot p: W r" : paper in the District ONE DOIiLAR per Year, in Advance. ELIZABETH CITY N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER io 1897. Established 1886 66 Ad" to toe'infras Mtamlbar of tftue FiglheinmiaM arniRieir wffi tetog good resuafe0 ft f7 & F ASK the wcofrA dyspeptic, bilioas' Mif. a, victims mf Ctvr 'and Ague, the mercurial diseased patient, bow they recovered health, tbeiful spirit and good I appetite; tbey will tea fyou try taktag Sikmoim i.iwifiim.i LVB RlSVLATOB. The Cheapest, rarest and BeitTamlly Medicine la the World! For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION TanwHce. HiUus attack, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Deare! :ca ui pms, ouvr siuAtn, neartaiirD, etc 1 mi u"'icu rcuicuy is warranted aot le ntl aartUteeMBKcx-KYerajv mineral an! but PURELY VEGETABLE, contalnln I! wise 1 ir tnose :umenj Koots and Herbs which am Providence h nWrf . v j wimf- llaeae caused b lrmnrment of thi V5pTOMijwr-,.:.r..v,.- I.iver Diseases most firevail. It will' bum all r ad taste in the mouth; Paia in the Back, Sidee or Stomach ; Loss ef Appetite; Bowel, alternately (usiivcaaa tax; neaaacne; ixss ot Memory, with a paisful sensation of having failed'to.do something npirii a mica, yeuow appearance ot tnc skia and iys ; a dry Cough, often mistaken for Consumption Sometimes many of these symptom attend the disease, kt others very few ; hut the Livbr, the largest , m Diners very iew ; Bin toe uvu, the larf eat 9 the body, is generally the seat of the disease, ot Regulated in time, great lufferisr, wretch and DEATH will ensue. yrgeUa in me wu nd M mot 1 Am0 anil JAhft5rid",,"!?.1? Holt, Pres. Ga, S. W. R. R. Co.; Rev. J. R. Felder. rerry,oa.; oi. r.. iv. sparics, Albany. la.: C Master. od, l-ja.,nenB J1., Sheriff Bibb Co.,Ga.; J. A. Butts, Bainbridze. fcupt. O.. b. W. K. R. ; Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. We have tested its virtue personally, and know that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Throbbing Head. jja.; act. 1 . i. xjurne. itiacon. wa virei ' D 1 I. I ;u:b, it tie best medicine the world ever saw. We tart tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver KcKnUtor, ana none of them nvc us mnre than porary relief; the Regulator not only relieved, but cured u." to- TsuMArH and Mkssknckr, Macom.Ga, MANUFACTURED ONLY IY J. U. ZK1L.1S A CO.. Phila-.lphia, Pa, Get Oil tO This P. DeLON, Repair Kliop,'? Matthew Street, ELIZABETH CITY. N- C. With proper tools and much experience I can guarantee work done in the best work manship manner and to be sat isfactory to all. I can also sup ply bicyclists with all equip ments belonging to wheels. Prices Low. My shop is thoroughly equip ped which enables me to do work neatly and promptly. Grive iixe a Trial. w a m j- n iiite tlie XJsxial Tiling. Ther'll be cool winds from the north one of these dax s, with a Klondike feeling about them. Just as well be- ready. There are added reasons for early buying this season, for almost everything is advancing and you had just :s well lu.xt the benefitof early purchases, complete prices are at the lowest notch. iiicli:-lroviii&- Values,: To keep the stock moving rapidly to hold your inter est the lowest prices are being made in every part of our stock. Not a detail overlooked. If you get in early you secure the best possible selections. Underwear. -Knitted to fit- made for service, with prices under their real worth. .Ladies' heavy underwear per garment 25c. Special values in union suits, trom 50c up to $1.50. Child's heavy ribbed underwear natural coloring at 10c. for a No 16, with a rise according to the sizes Child's wool heavy comfortable per gar ment 25c. Blankets. Soft, comfortable blankets every pair of interest. When you note our prices, and see the goods, you'll feel that we are exactly right on blankets. io 4 cotton fleeced giay or tan neat borders pair 45c Heavy fleeced blankets, pair 90c. Heavy wool mixed blankets, pair $1.50. Heavy all-wool . blaake's, pair S2.50 to $6.00. Poptilii'. Dross Uoods TIih rprention jriven our dress goods stock by our pat- ions the present season, has been very gratifying. Many dainty costumes can yet be secured, in the newest color n-g and weaves. Prices . . it u : on line r. . 1 11111.10 ITU I 1 1 1 J 1 1 Z eh cks -diagonals and mixtures the correct snauings ia value 25c. All wool serges in popular colorings yard 35c. The choicest ideas in popular trimmings, at the same careful prices. 0 1 o tl 1 i 1 1 -s Not many suggestions of men's goods in this column. You wouldn't know from this that we sold Men's Cloth ing, unless you happened in our store, and took note ot the many new ideas we are showing. Boy's Clothing made by competent tailors built on the same clean cut lines as our men's goods the same care in their selec tion perfectly fitting economically; priced. 1 v hi yi.-.t.. . - j va Department Store, Ns. 64, 66 & 68 Water St., ALL FOR LOVE OF A GIRL T,r ortrrrl Duel Het AeL n X lllVV"VVlVa Rival Suitors tor a Young Woman's Hand. A three-cornered duel took 1 . i . MMintv cnurcn iiui ! Hnntsville. Madison county Ark.. on the 2d ii'St. Setli kowe, Wilt; Phillips and John t,oWi Vre farmers, were m WW a.1 a v -v I . ' , 1 Vfice ll.. tllf S3tne Plfl. MISS I ... . t i :. .. 1 tuvw vtrfc - Irene tTUltt. AHS5 nu.u to nraver meeting with Phillips L,rVio - A thev met the Other Ifwn vfllinP' men 1" w J , . . I TVlf trirl Went intO tlie DU1IU- 1 ing, wniie ine mcu ;ctonrr awav to Q1SCUSS tht situation. Howard and Lowe jumped on Phillips, who nulled a revolver and shot How ot-rl livrmcrll tVlt bodV. Before I PVi T. COUld COCK tUe DlilU I . . . . the second time Lowe parahzed him with a bullet through the sis.all of the back. Phillips shot Lowe from the ground, however wounding him dangerously in the left shoulder. The fight created a nanic in church It is said all three men are ia . ... i- tally injured Extreme VcaknesH. "Was so weak I could hardly walk .4 .3 -vo4 ifA I across iny room, lnaonua " began taking Hooa s arsapi" before I had taken it many days my annetite was improving and I felt I ctrnnaAr I COIltlUUeU ll UC until I was able to work. Hood's Sarsaparilla has also relieved me of asthma, b. A. Morris, Mesic. N. C. Hood's Pill are the best family Gentle cathartic and liver medicine. reliable, sure. Hon. Tom Watson rUes to inquire what Marion Butler "has done with the Populist Party? VaefM- 11 n rf France is said to be prepairing to place a prohibitory tarifi on American products. After hearing some friends continually praising Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim, California, purchased a bottle of it for his own use and is now as enthusiastic over its I wonderful work as anyone can he The 2? and 50 cent sizes for saie by W. W Griggs & sou Stock is yet our aress gouns uic vci) 1 1 . of novelties in lancy Elizabeth City, N. C. 11 GHASTLY CRIME- A Second Bill Sykes Murder in Greensboro. SONLY RYAN'S DEED. Crept Upou his Wife and Shot Her. Not in the history of Greenss boro, N. C , has there ever oo curred a more brutal or uncalled for murder than the one that happened Saturday afternoon in the southeastern part of the city, at 7 o'clock. The murder of Nancy Sykes by Bill Sykes pales into insig nificance by the side of this one The facts are these : Sonly Ryan, a fugitive from justice, with thiee warrents out for his arrest, one for cruely beating his wife, stole back to the city Saturday, waited until his hardworking, faithful partner for life, had collected twelve hard earned dollars from her boarders, then, when she came out of the house with the money to go to pay off her weekly ac count at a grocery store, this fiend in human guise, stepped up to her, and, with his hands . -a on ner throat, demanded tlie money. On being refused, he shot her three times, once in the head and in the breast, the third shot probably going wide:- The poor woman fell and died al most instantly. A negro woman who is in the employ of the Ryans, saw Sonly when he step ped up to his wife and asked for the money, and, when, she saw him draw the pistol, she ran screaming into the house, and told the Ryan children, two daughters and some boarders, that the man was trying to shoot the mother. They got to the door just la tiue to see the shoot-1 ing. One of the daughters got; here 111 time to try to prevent the horrible tragedy, tut Sonly, after accomplishing the horrid deed, turned on his daughter and started to shoot her. On seeing the men he changed his purpose and ran down an alley way and escaped. As the news was carried up own to the police headqnarters officers were - sent in pursuit, and orders were given to shoot him on sight if necessary.. Sonly Ryan's whole life has been a career of crime. He has been in jail probably a dozen times for stealing and beating his wife. A few years ago he was in jail for theft, and while there became sick, or pre tended to be sick, and professed conversion at a meeting held in ail by some religious organiza ion, and a petition was handed around which effected his re lease. It was only a short while un til he was again at his old tricks and he was supposed to be some where in Randolph county, where the murder was commit ted. Ryan has eight children, two of whom were at the house at the time of the murder, ... Mrs." Ryan - is spoken of 7 as a hard working,-1 respectable 1 wo man by the neighbors, and was supporting herself and children by keeping boarders. This affair has stirred the town from top to bottom, and knots of men s and around the street corners discussing it in tones of anger. Yellow Jack Killed. Cascarets. Candy Cathartic kills Yel low Jack wherever they find him. No one who takes Cascarets regularly and systematically is in danger from the dreadful disease. Cascarets kill Yel low fever germs in the bowels a-jii prevent new ones from breeding. io 25c. 50c. ail druggists. Rabbit Farming. The Wilmington Star, com menting on Colonel Lamb's Georgia rabbit farm, says: "It doesn't take much to start the rabbit industry a few rabbits and a turnip patch or some other pasture but it takes 'a. . mighty hustling to check it-'after it gets a good start. We kill about 14, 000,000 of them iar- North Caro lina every winteri 'but there are more hereijpwtiere were when Mr-Raleig?ryfeTought b is immigrants "over Aytr's Puis, being F composed of the essential 'Virtues of the best vegetable apesieat without :any of the Woody or fibrous material whate.yeris, the reason why they aiulsff much faoreeffectivand valuable than any other cathartics. The test family physic. CROKER ONPARKIIURST. Says He Has a Vicious Tongue and Sets Dangerous Example. At Lakewood Richmond Crok er paid his respects to the re turned Ur. Parkhurst, in a con versation half in the nature of a public interview. He said: "There is not a man in New York whose tongue is more vicious, whose example is more dangerous, who has scattered more that is bad all over the greater city. He vilifies his fe1 low men, he who poses as a preacher of the gospel. He sets up the-example of falsehood . . t . e to tlie corrnntion ot the voiincr and innocent. Is this the lesson he' wishes the people to Le brought up under? Are these the instructions he wants to give to fellow men, to children? His attacks are not worth serious attention, except to call attention to tlie damage he is doing by the example he is setting. "His dabbling in politics re suited in more corruption of peo ple previously innocent than any other thing that has happened in this country. Pretending to be a force wording for good, he developed into a force that work ed out in overflowing measure evil and injury to mortality be yond compiehension. The peo ple of common sense, of good lite,' the men who love decency, who hold truth in full respect, and who abhor hypocrisy, are done with men of the Parkhurst type" INTELLIGENT FISH. Sailor Claims That Those of India Know Their Names. Third mate Charles Hender son, of thefoursmasted bark Australia, now at Eric basin, tells a story, on the truth of which he is willing to stake his honor as a British gentleman's son, says the New York World. "Before sailing for India, my family gave ine a letter to the Rajah Bun Barahari, of Burd wan, forty-five miles northwest of Calcutta," says Mr. Hender son. ' "The Rajah, as you know, belong to the highest caste, and in religious knowledge and prac tices are co-equal with the priests although they are not called up on tQ exercise priestly functions. The have the same powers of divination and producing myste ries as the fakirs and fanatics. Well, the Rajah received me kindly, and showed me around his 'splendid estate. In the course of our strolling we came to a large pool, containing gold, fish, trout, salmon, tench and many other fine specimens, some-more than afoot in length. "The Rajah called to a ser vant to bring a loaf of bread, which he crumbed and cast in to the water, while the fish flocked to devour the'food. "Then the Rajah called to the different fishes by name. As obediently as a dog or child, each finny pet, when summoned, darted. to the steps, flopped out of water and caught on the fly its reward from the generous Rajah:, while those fish that were hot called stayed in the background. Trains now run between New York 'and Chicago in twenty hours; ren that irejnot very robust need a warming, building and fat-forming focdmething to be used for two or thtee months in the fall that they may not suffer from cold. EMULSION of Cok-Iiver Oil with Hypophos phhei of Lime and Soda supplies exactlV what they w-a-nt. They will thrive, grow strong and be well all winter on this splendid feed tonic Nearly all of them become very fond of it For adults who are not very strong, a course of treatment with the Emulsioci for a couple of months in the fall will put them through the winter in first-class con dition. Ask your doctor about this. Be ton you get SCOTT'S Saiuhioa. See that the Baa and fisa are oa the wnpyer. . AQ druggists ; 50c and fi-oo. SCOTT.& BOWXE,ChBta, New Yerfc. Well Child PRISONER IN A RAT CAGE Rodents Feasted on an Uncon scious Man's Body. Xobert Croak, a farmer, at 1 Sharon Center, Pa., was found unconscious in the loft of his granery a few days ago, with a drove xf rats literally eating him up. His terrior dead beside him. Croak's nose was chewed off, and his face, hands and neck were a mass of bloody wounds. The men who found him were attracted to the granary loft by the terrible squealing of the rats. When the granary door was opened they escaped. Croak was soon revived sufficiently to tell his story. He had arranged a large cage in the loft ot the granary in which to catch rats, but after fixing the trap he had forgotten it for nearly a week. On going to inspect it, he found the cage litterally covered with rats. He put the terrior inside to battle mem, out ine dog was soon overpowered by the half starved A 1 . . W rodents and was killed. Armed with two clubs, Croak entered the cage himself, for getting to set the spring lock on the outside of the door. The door closed and he was a pris oner among the rodents. The rats swarmed over; him and bit him wherever his body was ex posed. He closed his eyes and fought right and left, but the awful odor in the cage overcame him and he fell unconscious. A doctor who examined Croak says that unless blood-poisoning follows he will recover. His head is so swollen that the phy sician is unable to say whether his eyesight has been destroyed or not. There were twenty dead rats in the cage. The men who res cued Croak declare there muit have been 200 in the pack. Inter-State Association. Superintendent Mebane is very hopeful of accomplishing suc cessfully his scheme for an inter State educational meeting in Asheville next summer. He is already in receipt of letters from prominent educators and school officers in neighboring states en dorsing the idea. Among them are G. R. Glenn, Slate School Commissioner of Georgia ; J. F. Brown, President of the South Carolina Teachers' Association, and J. W. Thompson, Superin tendent of the Rock Hill (S. C.) graded schools. John W. Simms Suicides. Murdered His wife in North Carolina and Escaped to California. San Francisco, Dec. 7. --John W. Simms committed suicide yesterday evening by shooting himself. He left a note saying that he had killed his wife at Caldwell, N. C, on June 20, 1895, and that he had been sent to the Morganton insane asylum shortly afterward, bu': subse quently made his escape. r "Medical men say rheumatism is the forerunner of heart dsiease, Iloau's Sarsaparilla cures rheumatism by its action on the blood. Right You Are. Comment on the utterance of the villian Butler is unnecessary The reading of his outrageous slander against the best people of the State will aiouse the deep est indignation. If ever a man needed lynching the villian who is capable of such a black, un called-for and unjustifiable lie, needs it. Lincolnton Journal. Dragging Pains. Women often have these pains. It is caused by female troubles of a private nature, Dr. Ballamy s Gossypium will cure you insure regularity, increase the appetite, and insure regular, foil and joyous health. It never disap. points. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by druggists, or send to the Bellamy Mlg. Co.; Box 199, Atlanta, Ga. THORN IS SENTENCED. To be Electiocuted in Week Beginning January 10th. Martin Thorn, or Torces wiskey, convicted last week of the murder of Win. Gulden suppe, at New York, was sen tenced to be electrocuted in the week beginning Janiary xoth, 1898. When Thorn was brought into court in Long Island City he stepped as briskly, walking between two officers, as he had done on the days when he was on trial. He preserved the same calm. imDerturbable ex- pression of countenance that he had worn at every crisis in the working out of his fate during the trial, and when, as a prelim inary to the passing of the sen tence of death, Judge Maddox put the customary questions to him, he responded promptly, col lectedly and without outward evidence of emotion. Thorn listened to the sen tence without moving a muscle, and when the judge had finished he reclined his head slightly for ward as it bowing to the court. The prisoners lawyers then handed up an affidavit applying for an appeal. Justice Maddox took the affidavit and will pass on it later. Thorn has been re moved to Sing Sing. People with hair that is continually falling out, or those that are bald, can stop tne falling, and get a good growth of hair by using Hall's Hair Renewer Conference Appointments. The North Carolina M. E. Conference, in session at Raleigh, adjourned on the 6th. The fol lowing appointments were made for this, the Elizabeth City Dis trict : R. A. Willis, Presiding Elder. Elizabeth City Station J. H. Hall. Pasquotank Circuit W. E. Ilocutt. Camden Circuit A. J. Par ker. South Camden Circuit J. Y. Old. Currituck Circuit J. H. M. Giles. North Gates Circuit C. W. Robinson. Gates Circuit F. B. McCall, 2 ; C. R. Taylor, sup. Perquimans Circuit W. C. xMerritt. Hertford Station J. A. Hor naday. Edenton Station L. T. Mann. Plymouth Station J. L. Cun ninggim, 2. Roper Station E. H. Davis. Pantego Circuit Samuel Lef fers. Columbia Circuit W. D. Sasser. Dare Circuit W. Y. Everton. Roanoke Island J. J. Barker. Kitty Hawk Circuit Sup plied by J. W. Gurganous, j. Kennekeet Circuit D. A. Watkins, 1. Hatteras Circuit L. H. Joy ner. Fifty Yean Ago. President Polk la tbe White House chair. While ia Xnrell was Doctor Aver ; Both were busy for hnmaJi wal - One to gorera ud one to heal. And, as a president's power of will Sometime depend on a llrer-plll, M r. Polk took A yera Pills X trow For his liver, SO years ag. Ayer's Cathartic Pill ' were designed to supply a model purgative to people who had so long injured themselves with griping medicines. Seing carefully prepared and their in gredients adjusted to the exact necessities of the bowels and liver, their popularity was in stantaneous. That this popu larity has been maintained is well marked in the medal awarded these pills . at the World's Pair 189& 50 Years of Cures. THE OVSTER INDUSTRY. Annual Catch in North Carolina Now is Only About 6,000 Bushels. In a letter to the Labor Com missioner, Mr. iheophilus White, Chief oyster inspector for the State, estimate that there are three thousand persons or et more in tue Mate engaged in the oyster industry. Between e 5,000 and 6.000 bushels are caught annually and sold at from 1 5 to 80 cents a bushel. "The supply of oysters in the sounds and rivers ot North Caro lina," says Mr. White "is almost inexhaustable, and all the in dustry uecds to make a gr&nd success is a market sufficient to Induce buyers to come to the State. And to do that, dredg- ing must take the place, in part, of tongs, which is a slow method of taking oysters. Dredging will increase the catch and nec essarily build up a market, and our prices would be better and he revenue would pour in to educate the poor children of the State. How to Prevent Piiemno- 11 i a. At this time of the year a cold is very easily contracted, and if et to run its course without the aid of some reliable cough inedi- a a . . cme is liable tc result in mat dread disease, pneumonia. We know of no better remedy to cure a coigh or cold than Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. We lave used it quite extensively and it has always given entire satisfaction. Oolagah, Ind. Ter. Chief. This is the only remedy that is known to be a certain pre ventive of pneumonia. Among i 4Utiy tuoucaavda who liaue used it tor colds and la grippe we have never yet learned of a single case having resulted in peumonia Persons who have weak lungs or have reason to ear an aftack of pneumonia, should keep the remedy at hand. The 25 and 50 ceut sizes for sale by W. W. Griggs & Son. a aw The Farmer and His Friend. The dispatches have told that as the outcome of a meeting of South Carolina cotton growers at Columbia during the recent State Fair, an invitation has been issued to the farmers of he South to hold a convention in Atlanta on the 14th of De cember to consider the interests of the cotton-raisers. It is stated now, that the politicians have taken right hold of the move ment, and doubtless by the time the meeting convenes they will have all their plans laid for ta king, it in hand. You can(f. lose the modern politician. Just say "farmer," or "tanners' conven tion" and see him jump. It is said every time you see a diite horse you see a red-headed woman, and it has almost got to the point where you see a farm er you see a politician with his hand on his sleeve. The farmers never had as many friends in their.lives.and when they organ ize a movement ot any kind theyifind all the help they need in pushing it along. These po litical helpers rode the Grange to death in short order. When the Alliance was organized it shut jits door in the faces of the lawyers ; but though it kept the lawyers out it shut the politi cians' in, and they proceed to farm the farmers in great shape. They all get offices and the far mers.get the bag and have it No. sir. vou can t lose Mr. Politician. As Max O'Rell says he is always up and dressed. Charlotte Observer. It is often a mystery how a cold has been "caught." The fact is, however, that when the blood is poor and the system depressed, one becomes pecu liarly j liable to diseases. When the appetite or the strength fails, Ayer's Sarsaparilla should be taken without delay. Will faave Long Hair by 1900. Robert L. Abernethy, of Mountain Island, Gaston county, has'nt cut his hair since Bryan was defeated, and says he is not going to cut it until Bryan is elected President. Yellow Jack Preyeutative. Guard ajfainst YelloVjack by keep ing tha systf m'"thoro2hlyA clean free from germ breeding matterr " Cascarets Candy Cathartic will cleanse the system and kill all contagious disease germs. No. jca 1hksjtiftr tr-eawtt MB writing drk. labod liko ft Nauo. It Was a Inch br tevi flato taa otopaod a twiu rawer twkvw. Ar tistic FToch Wi aiontia4 tn matM-a y. $3.95 t tnir spec ial price for that 0 (leek. (aeaTa flllad piawaaty ) .' (uaJl aavona, trr-o f all Wgea, our mow 113 paw 0 portal Cat kW eootalnlnf ruraituta. Uraawrkw, lAiapa. Htoras Crockery. Mirrors. ietura. Uhlior. Kfrtarator. Uabjr Carrier, etc This ia th mm anm. pjft bouk evrr putalafead. and w par an postajra- Our Utboaraabed Carpet Cataioeue. showing carpet la color. M also your for the asking. It carpet ample are wanted, mall ua So. n puuan. liters la no reason wb? you par your local dakr oi per ceut. mill. Drop a llao now to the pi you buy taoney-aavers. JULIUS HINES & SON, j Baltimore, Md. Pleasa a a olio a this paper. LUMBER .4 .A J) Truck Boxes .AND cmt: Now is the time to place your order lor the latter for the Spring Shipping. Address (Kramer ros., & ,., Elizabeth City N. C. Monuments agd Tombstones r-vnEMClN.S HKNT PKKKVfa-- . In writing give some limit as to price and state age of de ceased. --LARGEST STOCK- in the South to select from. tCouper (Marbl VJorks, (Established 184S.) J59 to 163 Bank 8t., Norfolk, Va. Miles Jennings, o o o o o o o o o o o o o c SEacksmith banders Building, Foindexicr St. MillandMarineForgings A Specialty. t2TFull line of Wheels and Wagons kept in stock. All work done promptly and in the most workmanlike manner. GiVc Me a Trial NEW i x iv rx u x 1 0 FOR EDENTON. The now famous Optician, Watchmaker and Jeweler has added to his workshop a GOLD and SILVER Plateing Department. Work guaranteed or money refunded. . . Respectfully, B. E. BYRD & CO. Come to see us. 0 ur sock is in, And of the best. 1 6ok to your interest. all us over the 'phone Or, write us by the post. Also at Flora & Co.'s store, you can Leave your orders for us Remember that we give 2240 pounds to the ton. Also, that we will put it down to you as cheap, as clean, and as quick as anybody. We respectfulty solicit your patronage. ' Crystal Ice & Coal Co

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