"Vol. 1. 99 31 V -I :sAvO i i i n h n. islow and dull kk t " .-4 k u 4- 1 3 I tL4 AW month. Therefore to enliven our stores and keep our sales-people busy, we nave n n o-iivn tor? n. J atctt a ry Rt . a tt(th tfr 8atr. Values out no fierure with us this month. ULtaA nu 1 -- m J- - - - , j We lose money because we want to. We made money last month; now its your chance. Prices in manv instances cut half in two; especially on Ladies Dress Oroods, Millinery. &c. We oKnni i k ruiA voivitt H , Til Kn i-(v TTH cti ii cys to n f 1 f 1 to tli is unusual blausrht- -P Mjiveiiii you uu nut iieeu yuuus uuw, it 10 a- opiui e vF1vx v.v,; Ml HI 11 0f v 1 E P. Reed's Shoes for Ladies that were $4-00, now $1.98, E. P. Reed's Shoes that were $3.50, now $1.98, E. P. Reed's Shoes that were $3.00, now $1.98, E- P. Reed's Shoes that were $2 50, now $1.98. In fact every pair of E. P. Reed's Shoes in the House Will feel the butcher's long keen knife in this Slaughter Sale. 4.-44, Mens Ready Made Clothing shall also feel the edge of the butcher's knife. Long, sharp and keen as the blade-so the cut in the pnoes shall be. This is the best opportunity men have ever had in really first-class Custom Made Clothing. All must be sold-to make room the large stock being manufactured for the spring and summer business. , I! f . wmM 1 .'fe-V J M fr-fl T" ss, O a Tliis uracil needed gar ment, specially adapted for our severe weather, usually is an ungainly affair ill-fit- nr, '-villi no pretensions as to style. Ours are otherwise. We hive given the Ulsters we mike that careful thought of design, skillful workman skin, which you furl in our ss garments. To introduce them to the public we make a special of fering this week of an All-V. OOl Irish Frieze Ulster OA (ir.ipii: -UM I'rie.e), cut c-xtra lontr. v iol kire storm collar, li-.u-'.l with our all wool Cassi mere. Iro-.i Frame sleeve kniiiy:, Satin sole back, muff pockets, :-d extra strong in;' !, sewe at t3 9 A happ combination of Warmth. Comfort and .-Style. To see them is to buy them. A Peculiar Custom prevails to this day in ceitain parts of Eng lamb where the young men ; seize the shoes of the young women, collecting as many as they can, and on the following day, the girls retaliate by get-j ting the me i's hats, which are to be redeemed on a subsequent! evening when both parties as semble at one of the inns. We are selling a special line of ladies shoes. It is best to seize upon them as soon as pos sible such values will not stay here long. flOHJC Are you think (Joil) f'oi'tS ing of a suitable for tC present for fath CI). er, brother, son, husband, or your best young man? We have the most com plete line of men's Slippers it has ever been our pleasure to ee in this city. I A CL 9 I the h h o ii NG Surpri s e Ml Heart of WIN beginning to-morrow morning we will inaugurate a CLOTHING S.LE, of such "extraordinary offerings" that will eclipse auy sale in the history of this community. It Will be a Harvest of Exceptional Value Giving. It's a bold stroke for great business, figuring on a small margin of profit, relying on a tremendous response. Here is an opportunity to buy Thoroughly Reliable and Stylish Clothing For Men and Boys in THE HEART OF -A' INTER, when they are needed m 1st, and at uend-of-the-season prices." We have includ ed every garment of the "VITALS" Brand make in this sale. Every item we print will bear the closest investi gation. Those that come first naturally get the cream of selection. ER. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE GIVING IN BOYS' CLOTHING 458 Boys' Knee-Pants Suits The kind that give mothers little cause to worry. Good, services ble, mixed Cheviots. Double .Breasted styles, greatest values ever offered FROM 75 cts. TO $.. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE GIVING IN MEN'S CLOTHING. 265 Men's Suits Every garment in the lot strictly All-Wool , bright, catchy FROM fabrics; style, fit and finish cq perfect; a long-to be remember- p&-v ed value AND UP. FUIlIr wUn style, wear TO THE and economy. BRIM- A We dou,t keep anything else, we think no one else has quite so good - Dress Goods, Trimmings, etc., etc., as ve have. We have some HOT STYLES at 250 , 35c, and 6oc. Exceptional Value Givin ; u b urmsnnitrs Swell Neck ware, 25c Hoys' Butterfly Bows, 15c Men's Eir.e White Shirts, 45c Men's Fine Maco Socks, 12c. Men's Nat Wool Underwear, 50c. Vine White Hankerchiefs, 5c. f f f f f I- f f f f , - , 1 t-v- r- , -;r. AGENTS rOR STANDARD -.PATTF1WS a M a.m THE fkiaiA DESIGN ERJ MAGAllN lOCTSACOPYai prepare for Oiu Millinery The NeT is daintier, Ycar, neater, more stylish and prettier than ever. We're constantly improving our millinery department. We're giving you better values at mod erate prices than ever before, There's more style in our milli nery than any other we know. - PO RICH, BIG, SMALL, SHIRT, mi You're not too poor, not too rich, not too big, not too small, not too short not too tall, to find; just the clothes' you re looKing lor in our stores. If they don't fit, we'll make them fit, and there'll be no charge to the fittee. Business suits, extra value, $$, to Sio, Dress Suits from 5. to $18. Extra value too. RlankCt Blankets as wool y 1t -1 as they are com Weati)er. fortable. are a feature with us this season. The price is 110 indication of the quality, as we want to move them for our Summer goods. -It wouid pay to buy a pair 01 these splendid blankets. You will need them very soon. T'S? up. These Gloves and Ob My HoW Badly. such a bargain." That is where, dear lady, you make a mistake. Eveiy pair of gloves you buy marked below 75c has some reason for being market so. Invariably one or two fingers are too short or the gloves ure not mates in sizes. We know this because every manufacturer tries to offer as these goods at great reductions. We doxtfH care to handle them. We want you to be able to wear our gloves, and we can sell you one of the best fitting, best finished gloves for 1.00 fully guaranteed. Ham burgs. To the right as you en ter our Dry Goods store, you will s.e displayed in several stacks Hamburg edging at pri ces below the cost of manufac turing. We were indeed lucky to secure this beautiful lot for our January Slaughter Sale. Hamburgs worth 20c. to 25c,, beautiful designs, at 12c. the yd. Hamburgs worth 15c. to 18c., at 9c. the yard. Hamburgs worth 10c. to 12 3X6 the yard. This is a better investment than placing your money in bank, for if you do not - need them now you will by and bye, and where could you get one hundred per cent, on -your money except from Weiscls ? Covert Cloth and Some Others. This season's goods, beautiful designs of the weaver's art, handsome as a picture Sev'r eral shades of Brown, New Bhie, &c., Rough Goods ; also sonjieJ suitable for early Spring, t&Qf worth our fall prices, $ocfc$., but to add to our January Slaughter SaLs the prices have been cut half into Slaughter price 25c. the yard. This stock is limited and an early call will be to your advantage. The Joy of Fair Women is a becoming and stylish dress and hat. At our store their wants can be sat factorily filled. WE ARE AGENTS m 1 av ( J AW; PRICES ffTl BEST YO U LO O K B ETTE R in a hat that be. comes you .tfjaji in one that does not. It makes a greater differ euce in ' your; appearance than any other article of apparel can. That is why it is important that you should buy your - headgear from us. We see that-, you are hatte properly. Exceptional Value Giving in 4 :.-: Men' FiniDerby v. and Alpine Hats? pt wett' Winter styles; all shades," great value at Men' j Fashionable Derby and Alpthei-the correct "swell" blosfiri&Fur stock, extraor- toarx-Vahiea at i$1.98. HOW Have spoiled their MANY,, general appearance MEN ' by weaxhig an un becoming Hat. Boy your Hats here, and you will be sure of a Hat that will suit you. If a hat does not look well on you, we will tell you so. Where verthis is paper goes please receive it as a personal invitation to you to attend the popular price sale which is now in progress at our stores. "Notliing adver- .... ii-r- j4.i 'Knife rrv jUnci-vA 1 on rlpra !" "Bnt. frnncl rftliahlft ffoods at honest "nrices!" "T$n A-rfrorAratAri nhwiofla rtrkrrui icri whioh we have not gotr iNautjucpuuu, nu w.x, Too wv.wW:!y4..wuai- flowery adjectives, no mental fire worHs just plain, straigm, om-iasmonea common sense iuik auaat goous ana .pncesai a axore wnere yoii ,pay less ana 'Smore than at any other place m xown. Nos. 54 ,and56!ateKijStreet,