I i Are You Weak? .Weakness manifests itself in tl:c los? of fir.ilition and aching bones. The Mood is -atery ; fhe tissues are wnstinjr the door is ' ins opened for disease. A Ixiliieof r.rovrns' iron Hitters taken in time will restore your rireiigdi. Rootlio your nerves, innke your ' IckkI rich O'rl red. Do yn more irod rjan an expensive special course of iuei-;;e. browns' Iron Ditters is sold by ail dealers. rs-TK3r.mjr.var-i"" " ftjt 1 9 CASTOI1IA. pa r, W.ROGERS, -FROl'RIETOR OF THE NEW BLACKSHITH SHOP AT AANTEO, N. C. Having recently entered into e blacksmithing business at antco, N. C, I solicit the pat- ..lage of the public, promising :o give all orders my prompt and personal attention. My shop is ocated at the head of Cr-eef's ;-: gt&ilw'ays. . 'cpair work a specialty. Prices low and work guaranteed. V4 S3 STYT.TSH TOILETTE FOR THE PROMENADE, CONSIST- A b BASQUE. AN'I A CTRCULAR g Cj ' SKIRT WITH IAN BACK. jg F.vr-rv dav at th'n season vherc arc new ana tCT9ptiu' '!ie:-:3 patterns put fortli, the gay taid-i kwx con.sriieuons and handsome in their blo:iii!ijr oi vivm vim kumurv The-ki-t of tl.e toilet ic nhown in tlie sketcn is cf ! so.sre. prcea and red being the doinin.Vt tonc.-i in the fabric ; while a new ehade c f '.rater-cress green is pictured in the basqu". which lun a front of yellow eilk trimmed wirii i-arrov.- velvet ribbon; the revcTS n"Q ovena:d '.v:.i ly:c r.;u lj cu Hav W Schooners. Jo now wc arc prepared to kd your Jug and fill your ttle with some oftho3e choice luors, Wines, Brandies, ctc,( at J5KHR ON DRAUGHT AND FINE CIGARS. SEEPS IT ON HAND Fredonla. N. Y., abl and accomplished Military Commander (father-in-law of the lata tommandcr Wm. B. Cushlng, U. 8. N., who rained world-wide renown for his crowning f-at of Wowing up the Iron clad Albemar) in 1803) writes Dr. Fcnner: "For many years I have kept on hand jour Blood and Liver Remedy and erve Tonic for immediate use whe4 K'er I have f. A bilious attack or nervous prostrap tion or feel run down. It always gives speedy relief so much so that I have come to rely on it with the same certain" cy that I do on the law of gravitation." 155oort and lLlver Drienn8r'sKcslyN8y3rFails. Nerve Tonic It is a Sarsaparilla-Mandrake-Prince' 'J Pine ylicraive, Nerve Tonic and Restorative Compound. CERTAIN AS THE LAW OF GRAVITATION. Physics from blood, liver and tissues All worn-out particles and impurities, without weakening: but strengthening instead, and l?cstores the Uerves. Curs Headaches. Dyspepsia, Constipa V.nrx, Had itreath. Skin Diseases. Old t?oiea l i.iness. Scrofula. General Debility, ete. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sample free. Mother! Keep yo-r child's stomach and bow i U healthy with Dr. Former's Sennatorla The best laxative and corrective known. Dr, Fenner's Soothing Syrup. Alleys lrritaHcn and gives refreshing sleep. Dr. Fenner's Worm Syrup. "Broujrh. . r4 worms from cur child. Mrs.Sherlck.Elida.O.J tlr.Feuuer'sFAMiLVtait Kheum lOintmcnt, Jcstifor s,Uxeruitiuns. Files, Sores. Cuts.ett M i i! ! n:. ; .r-'-i i is I ',7s -lt TK FAT M C fif- v ' - Dr?, C. BEST'S I ': ci:a;';AL, r.i stksps i?::t;.Tsd;.:.-. : positive V"ilin f.'nu-.m c- a -'-; nei.ti or.ly,t: cnrV;'eak Mftj.-r a . akoftiliicM, Fits, ilys-,t r;a. l ; Jwe(, j:vil Dreaws lek c!'t'.!i! v . A-'ivmisiicss. ljHs?itnie, nil Drains. Y-!i'! j ! -irs, -ir Excel sivo U i of Tob:u o... I i l , i-i which load.s to Misery. ('ont..ini(.; i. .1 'iv rnd Death. At store or hy n.ad. S ; inrf5;wi'h v. rit'fll (jnaranifp t;: or "v-,)ij uimiey. S.-iittpie -'. m1. 'njj livo days' treatment. vi: n u.: ;ot .:!, .5 ciiits. One sample only sci.l U . i i.--s(;ii. At e ,ore or by mail. XB"Rsd Label Special '.Jq Extra Strength. t'Tj iiwer, ijwhi man mx hi. : for $5, withS Av tr mi ran t e'WJ'i ' our in SOdaja. i f tK -ir by mail. MlfcP " .a !"wruity nr IJarrPiiiicp's.v f '' 'i ft box; six f NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS rajUS JA'lKEfREfD HEfRE jUtfi THERE BY CHARLES MORGAN. wi I. !:i'-e V'"g. 'I'h" rm-de is i i . 'duced fn i i 'i'ln- Jh'ilntiifur arid will be sryiisn for i In- i. .i -.ado. theatre, church or concert JISH'1! "'I fl'Ci ( ' i-,-!i!l!!I0 1. : f - : i:.- ojicn with becoming cf f'.f;! est-fronts of silk prettily This toilette may h: made up in .! . ! : -ilk i'.nd iijipropriately trimmed, :!!; eoiit ra-st ing with rather than i . he hhirt will be most i ffective. :.'',! ,;," . f(.r v.s by The Iivtkrick : rni ;i?i). . The progressive ladies oi Westfieltl. Intl., issued a "Wo man's Edition" of the Westfield News, bearing date of April 3. 1896. The paper is filled with matter of interest to women, and we notice the iollowing from a correspondent, which the editors printed, realizing that it treats upon a matter of vital import ance to their sex : "The best remedy for croup, colds and bronchitis that I have been able to find is Chamberlain's Cough For familv us it has no eoual. I gladly recommend it." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by W. W. GnRS ec bon. A City Set on a Hill. The town of Ithaca overlooks a great extent of country, as well as the waters of Cayuga lake, -which is about 40 miles long. In approaching the town one of the railroads makes many turns, and this fact has given riso to an amusing story. A stranger, coming to Ithaca by rail, caught sight of the city set on a hill in the distance and asked a fellow passen ger, "What city is that?" "Ithaca," the other responded. In a few moments the city disappeared from view and after awhilo appoared again, but, as it seemed to the stranger, in a different direc tion, tho railroad having made a curve. "What city is that?" ho asked again. "That is Ithaca." Once more the place disappeared and in duo time canto into view again, ap parently somewhere else. "What city is that?" ho asked again. "That is Ithaca." The stranger gave a whistle and look ed imploringly around the horizon. "Where, for goodness' sake," said he, "ain't Ithaca?" Youth's Companion. SOME THINGS HE SEES ASD IF-A US AT POINTS WHERE WE HAVE NO REGULAR REPOKTtCTt. Mr liertran Williams, spent part of last week at Frovidencc. Mr. Abner Harris, of New land, has gone to Norfolk 011 business. There will be preaching at the M. U. Church at Newland, next Sunday. Mr. Geo. W. Overman,' of Ber kley, Va., is visiting relatives in Pasquotank county. Mr. William Buflkin, of E. City, spent last Wednesday at Mr. M. W. HuMkin's. Mr. YV. T. Stafford, of Mum ford, was in K. City last Mons day. purchasing goods. Mr. Nelson Brothers, of Rose dale, spent part of this week in Paincess Anne county, Va. Mr. J. E. J. Warren and wife, spent last Wednesday at Mr. Hewitt's, at Rosedale. Mr, Po.veil, K- City, and Mr. Cecil Trotman, of Camden, were in-Newland this weeh. Rev. T. G. Wood preached an abre sermon at Ramoth Gilead, to a large congregation, Sunday. Miss Lizzie Wood, of Center ville, Va., is visiting Mrs, Elli ott Whitehurst, neir Elizabeth City. Thieves went on the prem ises of Mr. W. S. Jackson, near Berea, this week, and stole a fine hog. Mr. William Foster and wife, spent last Saturday night with the son of J. A, Foster, at South Mills. Miss Debora Whitney and Miss Mary L. Jones, ol Muui' ford, are visiting relatives near the fork. Mr. Charlie Harris and fam ily, of the I'ork, spent pa it ol the week with relatives near Mum ford. Mrs. W. F. Williams and daughter, Miss Bettie, spent last Wednesday with D. E, Williams, of South Mills. Mrs. Elliott, of Pa 11k county, accompanied by Miss Lizzie Wood, of Virginia, spent some time with relatives near South Mills, Can deii county. conditions been other than what thev were. This class had the j 1 conviction that to strike drwn 1 The Tender fauion. 1 had a colored cook -who was on the whole a very good servant. She had been "educated" in the public schools Mr. Hauna was to aim a blow I and cald write by putting a copy book at President McKinlcy and that, JM they could not afford Virginian, i2lh. BURNED AT Two Seminole Indians Killed For the Murder of a Woman. On the Oklahoma border F'ris day night Marcus McGeiscy and Palmer Simpson, two Seminole Indians, were burned at the stake by a mob. They were charged with murder, their vic tim being Mrs. James Simmons, an Oklahoma farmer's wife. The entire populace turned out to hunt down and punish the murderers. The trail led toe posse to the home of Mc Geisey, near Maud, a small town in the Seminole nation, where McGeisy and Simpson were ar rested. After securing its pris oners the mob set fire to Mc Geisev's house and barn, and did not leave until it saw aL of his possessions reduced to ashes. The prisoners were then carried back -across the line into Okla homa territory, and n.ar the scene of their ciime thev were executed. After the Indians hud been burned to death the mob allowed the fires to die down, and then quietly dispers al to their homes. No stcret was made of the fact that the Indians were burned at the stake, and Saturday morn ing their charred bodies were found. Great uneasiness exists alor.p; the Oklahoma border, as the impression prevails that much more bloodshed will fol low the work of the mob. According to tin: latest infor mation the mob's work is not yet finished, and will be com pleted only when four more In dians have been dealt with the same way as the other tvo The citizens' posse was scouring the country foi the four men when the messenger lelt tiie village, and it is probable that at least part of the quartet have by this time paid the penalty decreed by the mob. -Norfolk j a trcod deal of time, but she was sensi- j ble enough to choose her times so the j practice was not as objectionable as J with most or them, whoso passion ior THE STAKE. ! letter writing is so great that it is in- dulged in at all tunes regardless of du ty. One evening every one bad gone out and Letty was left to lock the houso and go home. I came home first and found on the sideboard an immense pa per bag. I knew at once it must have been forgotten by Letty, who lived at a distance, and bo thrust my hand in to see if there wns anything in it to ppoiL Fruit and cakes were in it, but my hand encountered a box such as jewel era sell fine rings in. I opened it, of course, to know if it contained any val uables. A portion of her hair had been soaked in perfumed grease and braided fine and tight to tho length it could be stretched, tied with, blue ribbon and coiled ring shape. It rested on a piece of paper, on which was written, "My dearest, I send you a lark of my har and let not any one else lay the weight of their finger upon it. " I read no fur ther in the love note, shut and put back the box, but that "lark of hair" was an xiteresting proof how much alike hu man naturo is in "all sorts and condi tions of men, " and women too. New Orleans Times-Democrat. The mission of Hood's Sarsapat is to cure disease, and thousands of testimonials prove it fulfills i.s mission well. Persons who are troubled with indigestion will be inteiested in the experience of W'm. il. Penn., chief clerk in the railway mail service at Des Moines, Iowa, who wries: "It gives me pleasure to testify to the merits of Cham berlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For two years 1 have suffered from ins digestion, and am subject to frequent severe attacks of pain ;n the stomach and bowels. One or t ivo dos-s of his remedy nev er fail to give perfect relief. Pri ce 2 ;md 50 cents; for salt- by V. W. Griggs 6c Son. II the care of the Inir were m.ide a part of a lady's education, we should not see so uiaiiv ur.iv heads, ami the I vs. of Hall's Hair Ren-ewer would be unucssary. MR. HANNA ELECTED. Brick! Brick! ;:3 I; I Yltontpsoit BR1GK WORKS. h e leading brick -manu-turers of this section are v ready to supply orders short notice. This plant been in active operation twenty years, and they arantce satisfaction as to ib 1-4. t ahty and price, ghese (Brick have Stood the gest And reflex action will be a guide to yo u further purchase. You could do worse, and we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere. Call Telephone No. 2, or add less . Thompson, Mgr, Elizabeth City, N. C. ATHAPTIC ! CURECOHSTIPA-nOH N4VBwi.w J fc- Tl iBtri ul Brit m m -i t 25 50 ALL DRUGGISTS JilOVLUlDbI UUdiiaiUtrjU tiT-. nPTcr srrip nr tripe. hut r.uKe easy natorslrwiu its. Sam f pie and booklet free. Ail. RTEK1 IXfi KF.1IFUY .. Chiciro. Montreal. Can., nr Rew Tork. tl T the election of Mark A. Han na by the Legislature of Ohio yesterday, to succeed himself in the United States Senate, occa sions but little surprise to those familiar with that gentleman's conducting political campaigns. When it was made known that two or three votes were neces sary for him to win the prize, few doubted that he'd gather them in, and the result has shown the wisdom of that con clusion. But tilt.- contest was a bitter one, and although Mr. II anna has succeeded in being returned to his seat in the Senate, it has left sores which will take years to heal. The fact that Mr. Hanna has won will in no wise help to heal the breach in the Republican party of Ohio. On the contrary it will but widen it. At no time has the party been so deeply stirred since the opening of the Senatorial campaign which closed yesters day, and "all on account of Ha tua." That the fight will be continued even unto the next ujiiual campaign uo one doubts, sik! it remains to be seen to what extent President McKins ley will have to pay for upholds ing Mr. Ilauna. Politically speaking, the two stand together, j It was possibly a knowledge of I tins fact which greatly helped Hama's return to the Senate. There were doubtless some who voted for the Senator yesterday who would not have done so had A C i ! y Lanso J;;ek. g "Mv daughter when., recover ing from au attack of fever, vas a'great sufferer from pain in the back and hips," writes Louden Grower, of Sadis, Ky. "After using quite a number of remed ies without any benefit she tried one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has given entire relief." Chamberlain's Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheumatism. Sold by W. W. Griggs & Son. I.-on'In the System. Walker was one of those who do uot believe in doctors, and he never lost an oppc-rt unity of having a dig at them. When ho was brought homo in a cab with a broken leg and tho medical man had to be sent for, Walker was much humiliated. "Rather serious," said tho man of physic and fees, "but you'll go on if you take care. I'll send you an iron tonic. ' ' "Don't want it!" exclaimed the pa tient shortly. "Iron is no good. " "Excuse me," returned the doctor Etiftiy, "iron is good for the system. " And as Falker doggedly repeated his objection he continued with some warmth: "It is beyond all question, sir. In whatever way iron enters the body it is good, and it is a mistaken notion to say that it makes a man irritable. " "I beg to differ most emphatically, " I retorted Walker desperately, finding himself driven info a corner for an ar gument. "I say it causes irritability and therefore isn't good, and if you want proof ju?t you sit down on the business end of a tack. " And he fell back in bed with a look of triumph. Pearson's Weekly. Xlitckest Coal Soaui. Tho thick' st kuown coal seam in the world is the Wyoming, near Twin creek, in the Green river coal basin, Wyoming. It is 80 feet thick, and up ward of 'JOO feet of solid ccal underlies 4, 000 acres. The Russians are colonizing the wholo of their vast Asian possessions and car rying with them everywhere the "mir" or self governing village, wherein worn en who are heads of households are per mitted to vote. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting, inci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and .-kin Ointment. Many very bad cases i.tve been permanently cured by it. It - equally efficient for itching piles and cavorite remedy for sore nipples, happed hands, chilblains, frost bites ir d chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. fady's Condition Powders, are - what a horse needs when in bad i'iin. Tonic, blood purifer and ""-ttrige. They are not food but :i.-i'ie and the best in use to put a rsj i.i-prime condition. Price 25 ents ner rwekaee. Patents Hand-Bix-t: 75 Mechani cal M'v-rr.ei,ts and Ad vice Frei:. F. O. Dietc rich & Co., Wash., D. C. Foi Tont ! One Dwelling on Main Street and one on IJaruev Street., For terms, apply to Mrs. T. Selby Harney. Talent Cow For Hunters. A Nebraska man has invented a pat ent cow for - hunters. The invention presents the perfect outward semblance of a most peaceable and amiablo cow, but the fore legs and hind legs aro in fact the two pairs of legs of two men. They are armed with guns and have a plenti ful supply of ammunition. The paicat cow moves along like an ordinary harm less animal until it is in tho midst of a lot of birds, when it comes open and the two men inside blaze away. Formed in tho sides of the frame, at suitable points, are windows or openings pro tected by outward swinging flap blinds, and through these windows the sports man in the rear may discharge his fowling piece when the game has been successfully stalked. For the firing of tho hunter in the front of the decoy there is provided a downward swinging portion, which includes the head and neck of the animal, so that by simply releasing a small catch from the inside of the framework this releases the swinging front portion, which immedi ately drops by gravity and thus leaves the sportsman free. Boston Transcript. At Sea In a Coffin. It was the French assassin Lupi who escaped to sea from Cayenne in a coffin. He managed to get some nails, tar and cotton, and one dark night he got into the coffin shed. He selected a fine, stanch and seaworthy coffin, fas tened the lid in order to turn it into a deck, leaving a cockpit sufficient to en able him to crawl in. He calked all tho joints as well as he could, and when this work was finished he made a pair of paddles out of two planks. Then ho brought cut his craft with great precau tion. Without much difficulty he reach ed the water's edge. Silently and slowly he proceeded in the hope of reaching either Venezuela or British Guiana, 150 nautical miles distant. Fortunately or unfortunately for Lupi the steamer Abeille, returning from the Antilles, off Paramaribo, picked him up, half droyg cd and almost in a fainting condi4b and a few hours later he was inTsil in his cell. San Francisco ArgonauW Poker In the X'ostotHce, "Givo me three aces," said a sport ing man at the stamp window of tho postoliice, just before noon, a couple of days ago. Tho stamp clerk passed out three 1 cent stamps. "Now deal me a pair of deuces. " Tho clerk passed out the 2 cent stamps. "I see you understand tho game, " said the man. "Yep," said the clerk. "Ante up." Tho n;;iu placed 7 cents on the shelf. "My pot, " said the clerk as he scoop ed it in. The men smiled as they parted. New York Commercial. Carving tlie Donkey. A schoolboy was recently presented with a pocketknife, with which, boy like, he cut and marked "every thing that came in his way, from the dining room tabic to the cat's tail. A few days after he had become the. happy possessor of the knife his father was startled by see ing two men bringing home the young ho'peful in a very dilapidated condition. The father, of course, was very much alarmed and inquired of the boy who had hit him. "Nobody hit me," the boy answered between his sobs. "A donkey kicked mo in the eye. " "Eli?" echoed the father. "Haven't I told you thousands of times that don keys and powder are not fit things for boys to play with? What were you do ing to the donkey?" "I wasn't playin with him at all," said the boy. "I was only tryin to cut n?y namo on his back." Pearson's Tho Sad Tart. - A lady who has been away from the city for a long while, and who during her absence received the sad news of the death of the husband of one of her inti mate friends, upon her return hastened to call upon the bereaved widow to ex tend her sympathy and condolence. "My dear , I am so sorry to hear of your husband's death, " said the la dy with a suspicious break in her voice, "and you know, dear, how much I sym pathize with you. ' ' "Yes, I know you do. It is awful to have your husband taken away, and ho did not leave me a cent otVinsurance either," said the widow, bursting into tears. Toledo Blade. Ue Forgot the I attraction. A Georgia man who had mado a fly ing machine offered a negro ?10 to make a trial trip in it Tlie negro agreeh got in position, and he and the machine were hoisted by block and tackle about 30 feet from terra firma. When the ropo was loosened, the ma chine took a sudden slanting course to ward tarth and plunged into an ad jacent millpoikL It disappeared with the negro beneath the water, while the terrified inventor stood shrieking for assistance. Presently the negro's head bobbeel up serenely, and ho struck out for dry land. On arriving his first spluttered words were: "In do namo or God, Marse John, why didn't you tell dat fool thing whar ter light?'1 Atlanta Constitution. The Jujcernaat. The ghastly stories told of many of tho Indian fanatics who at the religious festivals throw themselves beneath the wheels of the Juggernaut car are for the most part imaginative, or at any rate grossly exaggerated. These car festi vals, which sometimes attracted as many as 100,000 pilgrims, have certain ly resulted in loss of life, -but it is stated these deaths were purely accidental. If you feel bad in the morning arc! want ., X: K CORES Mk ' a M." H H 25" V There is no word so full of meaning mrl nhnnt which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " Mother she wno waicneu over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. B- so assists nature MfllllQr Q in the change tak IllUlllUl 0 ing place that . "W " i - A- trie" txpeciaiu Mother is ena bled to look for- Sllsti ward without dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Motherhood. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement in short, it "makes Childbirth natural and easy," as so many have said. Don't be persuaded to use anything but riorarl H T5 -. H H H B MOTHER'S FRIEND " My wife suffered more in ten min utes witli either of her other two chil dren than she did altogether with her lasfc, having previously used four bot tles of 'Mother's Friend.' It is a blessing to anyone expecting to be come a MOTHER," says a customer. IlENrsRSON Dale, Carmi, Illinois. Of Druggists at $1.00, or sent by mail on receipt cf price. Write for book containing testimonials and valuable information for all Mothers, f ree. The Brad field Begalator Co., Atlanta, G. FOR RENT, Photograph Galler at Edenton. After December ist the gallery i n King street, 29x60 feet, is for rent. It is specially fitted with lights, &c. Good opening for a Photographer. Apply to R. F. Cheshire, or A. T. Bush, Eden ton, N. C. WANTED. AS position as Salesman in (iiocery Store. Applicant has had six years' experience aud can furnish good reference. Ap ply to. Lock Box No. 70, Edenton, N. C. DR. C. P. BOGERT Surcrcioii and Mechanical BEIT I S 1 EdentOD, N. C Patients visited when requested FOR SALE, House aud lot, south side of Burgess street, east of Martin street. - Size of lot, 40x140 feet Price, $750. Terms easy. Apply to Percy S. Vaughan OC 2Q-8t. Tutf s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an absolute-cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles "The Fly Wheel of Life" Dr. Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice, f feel as if I had a new lease of life. J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col. Tutt's Liver Pills Wood ! r 1 . 1 1 1 norr siao wooa, sawea in stove lengths, will be delivered anywhere in the city at $1.60 per cord. Leave orders with the under signed, or 'Phone 8. J.R. Banks. WANTED. vn active, rename gent or lady. Such a one can find pleas' ant, pro5table and steady em ployment. Call at room 15, AI be marie Hotel. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as Kxecutor of the estate of H. Bright, deceased, late of Pasquotank county, and the State of North Carolina, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them duly au thenticated on or before the 26th day ol November, 1S98, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment to me. JAS. R. BRIGHT, November 26, '97. Executor. H BRUM'S ill FOB EITHER SEX, Thifl remedy being lm. jeeted directly to the seat of those df oeaset of the Genlto-Crlaaury Organs;- re quires nc ehanse of diet. Cur guaranteed fn 1 to Z : days. -Small plain paeb a are. ty mall, 9 iuo Sold only by And gives new life to the nerves. 3 Large (Loses fov iO cfs. -See that e cry Bottle is Slam jetl with f Htt'At ED fcYYEKE CFUlCt. f."ir I. .vl w. MANUFACTURER Oi- BUGGIES, WAGONS, Ca.L'i. , Repairing a specialty. Having enlarged my shop and i.i'a'.h'. u v 1 !. . sleek, 1 am now prepared to uo in iv wuil. li an :. And with over Twenty Years 1 I' K rn n t r., . . .: - I Blacksmith Busines I can do from the lightest Carriage Forging tthr heaviest mill machine or marine forging. I guaranUc atisf'ac ioi. Loth in pi ice and quality. tALL WORK DONE PROnPTLY.F lgPGive me a call before going tlscwhere. Don't for get where I am located on Poitidcxtcr Street, (Established 1887.) OB3 BO o Figy i oJMiggio t MITOSIS Shipments Solicited. . zrra Stencils Furnished. . f Mercantile Agencies, j City National Bank, INFERENCES j Citfzeil.s Bankf ancl Wholesale Shippers. Subscrib for the on MKT fel l I.OO Per Year. THE CITY MARKET, Proprietor. 0EBOAD KrX" EDEN50N, N. C. The Choicest Meats on hand a t "all times i u win De :o your interest ) ( LOWEST CASH PRICES i -to give us your orders. ) 2 TT,.-,"U . TT M 1.1 POLITE ATTENTION ! IN THE CITY. a specialty I'ROM PT DE L I VEK Y ! UK C It in the 1 iw I Mi ni) i :t b-.i lua a ;; ir.- In ; h- I the a in ami ca;: 'file 111- .'r.M it re-lie- 'i.. v : i : at . Mi . til pd n a o! ni.;: ; altc 1;. i tin- '1 ins. ii, I If i . t Hiip. iti Tin' l ) I ! I A !. A f.m c..!l grt- "fe-iSff