DR. SWINDELL DEAD. After a long and wasting ill ness, Dr. R. B. Swindell, a for mer well known dentist of this city, died last Sunday evening, in the city of Richmond, Va., at the residence of his father-in law, Mr. Thos. P, Campbell. Dr. Swindell was married to Miss Claude Campbell, of Rich mond, and they removed to this city, where the husband had built up a good practice. His health began to fail, however, and he went to Richmond, hop ing that the change would be beneficial, but on the contrary he continued to grow worse. Dr. Swindell was a man jn the prime cf life, and possessed a most lovable character. The announcement of his death will cause sorrow among his many friends in this city. Female; Weakness Is prevalent all over America. Ladies ueed a touic which they do not obtain Tor all women, young girls included, Dr. Bellamy's Goiisypiutn is the best remedy. It banishes pains and weak nesses, and insures good health Try one bottle and you will never after wards be without it. Druggists sell it at i- per bottle, or scud to the Bellamy Mfg. Co., Box 199, Atlanta, Ga Supper Near Weeksville. There will be a supper for the benefit of St. Johns Episcos pal Church, at the Jackson farm, near Weeksville, (the property of Mrs. M. 1$. Weeks) to night, the 14th inst. Admission 50 cents. Supper free. A large attendance is desired. i.i 1 . . . y t.r;..vi 1 : . ; . ; tion a. v-niiits fool t ivn.: -ii the st- .:aeh. Then follow O.'v.:.', insomina, nervousness, and, Jf not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Hood's Tills stimulate tVe stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. The only Tills to take with liood's Sarsaparilla. For Sale Cheap. One house and lot situated on r.road street, this city. Large arJ, good garden, fiue water A rare bargain. Apply to Roscoe W. Turner. Found Adrift A boat known as a "skiff" fouu-1 adrift on Pasquotank river Dec. 23rd. The owner will please call for same and pay costs. Ap ply to W., care of this office. . - v. 1 1 fey iplfe 1 mj?M& iilS lii The Fisherman & T News Adrift. PICKED UP BY OUR REPORT ERS WHO ARE ALWAYS IN "THE SWIM." s BR IF FLY RELATED. The Pith of the News Especially Prepared for the Busy Readers. The erection of the - Bradford building -will begin soon. A cargo of very fine oysters was at the dock tiis week. Sharber & White have enlarg ed their hardware establishment. The weather during the past few days has been very spring like. Mr. Alonzo Hell has erected a neat residence on North Road street. Miss Kate Wood, of Edentpn, is visiting relatives in Elizabeth City. Mr. Geo. Williams has moved to the Smithson place 011 Road street. - Mr. J. C. Mathias, of Winlall, has located with his family in in this city. Died Jan. 10, 1898, at East Lake N. C, Peter Paul.sou of Mr. C. W. Creef. Win. B. Gregory left Tuesday for Columbus, Ohio, to ' attend the A. & M. College. Rev. Dr. Hill will preach for the Olivet Baptist church next Sunday at 2:30 p. m. We are indebted to Mr. J. F. T. Steger for a verv handsome Calendar for 1 898. Mr. Harney Jennings moved last Saturday into his new home on North Road street. Mr. Cyrus Gray, of the firm of J. A. Hooper & Co., 'has gone to Dare county to visit relatives. L. C. Guirkin & Co.. have moved to the store on Water street vacated by Stevens & Co. Mr. L. L- Hay man has moved his stock of groceries in the Robinson building, on Poindex ter street. Miss Sadie Wilcox and Miss Mary Weeks lcit Monday to at tend Keemar College ct Hagers- town Mr. F. T. Horton has returned to Flizabeth City much improvs. ed. We welcome In in home again. Sa tTv) We are now close to 1 n It is the Best Paper in the District, and TTs t . .. . rf Rev. J. Paul Speuce, an ElizI City boy now located in Hert ford, N. C, is in town oa a visit to his relatives. Mr. W. S. Underwood, who spent the holidays in this city, (his old home) has returned to Philadelphia. The Improvement Company has just completed six dwellings near the cotton mills, costing about 500 each. After a pleasant visit to his son in this city Mr. M. L. Sheep returned this week to his home in Jerseytown Pa. t Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Hath away returned Tuesday from their bridal trip, and are at the Arlington Hotel. The ATbemarle Fire Company baud is improving rapidly. The boys were out Wednesday night playing some nice music. Deputy Sheriff J. S. Wilcox went to Raleigh this week to carry several recruits from this county to the penitentiary. An exciting run away occurred Monday on Burgess street the result being that a cart was smashed and a horse slightly disfigured. C. W. Stevens & Co., Tobac conists, moved their establish ment and cigar "factory this week in the Lowry building on Maiu street. Te were pleased to shake the hand ot Mr. R. L. Temple, of Edenton, who was in the city yesterday enroute for Rosedaie to visit his mother. Mr. R. T Gleaves, of the Virginia Paving Brick Co., was in the city this week to examine Poindexter street in regards to the improvement of same. Rev. Mr. Willis, Presiding Elder of this district, preached a vciy iorcible sermon to a large congregation at the Methodist church last Sunday night. W7e notice quite a large nunis ber of strangers in town during the past few days. The hotel registers show there is consider able amount of travel going on at present. The Richardson Place Land Co. recently incorporated, has elected the following officers. W. E. Dnnstau, President; C. W. Hollo well, Vice President; M. B. Culpepper, Secretary; W.T. Old Treasurer. E. F. ! Lamb was made attorney for the company. Th fae limila signature of is n 7 bscrnlbers Farmer wants and must have by 9 sjizzz 3Z in Elizabeth City, the Leading Paper read by everybody with -satisf action. 1. and 1 I Mr. A. Huckabee, tonsorial 1 artist, has mov d to the Over iman building on Poindexter street, and his shop is among the neatest in the city. The butchers in our market are all," the right men iii the right place." We venture, the assertion that there's no town in 1 the state where better meats can. be found. The gasoline boat, Ray. con structed by Hay man Brcs , left on its first trip to Manteo Wed nesday. It is a neat . craft and reflects much credit on its build ers. Lieut. J. C. Cantwell, ot the Life Saving Service, wholias been oft on a tour cf inspection of the stations in this district, returned Tuesday, after an ub $ence of about two weeks. The following officers of AchMaiu gt. After sometime spent oree Lodge No. 14, 1. O. O. F-, playing various play and other have been elected : W. H. Bal ' amusements cake and cream hrd, N. G. ; W. A.Jones, V. G. ; wtre served, and when all was H. O. Hill, Secretary ; G. W. over they expressed themselves Twiddy, Treasurer ; W. W. Mor- as having. enjoyed themselves risett, Chairman W. & O. Fund. :very much. Mrs. W. W. Dewey, who has' To show the value of the been the guest of her brother,' Fisherman & Farmer as an W. G. Pool, and Mrs. Jno. P. advertising medium, Mr. Roscoe Overman, left yesterday for her . w. Turner advertised a house home in Connecticut. She was jan(j lot for sale in our Christ -accompanied as far as Phila- mas number. In less than one del phi a by Mr. Pool. It was our treasure to meet and shake the hand of Mr. T.G.fvantageously. This speaks for Gordon, of Norfolk, Va., whoj itself in reference to our circula was in the city Tuesday Mr. Gordon is an exresident ofi manv friends in this city. Mr. T. S. Wilcox is making a hustle tor the appointment of post master at this place. The reports indicate that his chances are good and no doubt he will be the lucky man. Mr. Clifton Barnard has re signed his position with the Tel ephone Co. to accept a place at. the E. City Cotton Mills. Miss Octavia Whitson will fill the ; position he resigned with the ; Telephone Co. j The following officers of Ta- lula Encampment, I. O. O. F., i No. 8, were installed by D.D. G. (P. H. O. Hill: M. Wescott, C. : P. ; W. A. Jones, H. P. ; F. L. i Garrett, S. W. ; D. M. Simons, J. W. ; H. O; Hill, Scribe; G. W- Twiddy, Treasurer. L. L. Lavenstein has rented the store at the corner of Water and Main Streets, and will soon , opeu a large stock of merchan dise. Lavenstgin is a hustler. ; This, when opened, will be the third store in this city under his management. mm. that number. XL become a reader of the IfMli&iyiiMi!, The Elizabeth City Cotton i Mills are shipping' from 9000 to J io.ood pounds of its product aj week and constantly receiving, orders. The milf is paying: in every respect, and from in forma-' tion gained the capacity of the mills will no doubt have to be increased to meet thedemaud. Subscriptions are being taken 1 for a stock company to operate a large Oyster Packing House here. This is a move in the right direction. That i will pay is a well assured fact, and we have but to remember a tew years back when the oyster in dustry in this town was such a great factor to busi nesS generally It will be so again. On last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs Jas. G.Gregory enter tained a party of 23 of theit vouner friends at their home on week he received five inquiries i 111 iciciciiuc lu n tuu sum n. uu tion. The Crystal Ice & Coal Co.. are ranidlv fillincr iir tlieir i j j- storage rooms for the coming fish season. They expect to have a thousand ions on hand by the time the first nets are put in the water, and will continue to turn out twenty tons daily while the demand lasts. This looks like they will be able to supply the fishermen from far around. A good, fat North Carolina ! oyster cannot be excelled the Lvnnhavens not excepted. A few nights ago it was our pleas ure to try some of the New River oysters on the half-shell at S. E Speight's restaurant. They were of exceptionally fine flavor, of im mense size and very fat. We never ate better and, it is with pleasure, we commend them to admirers of delicious bivalves. Mr. Speight will handle them during the season. An Old Idea. ..iy strengthens the belief of cmi . ..vsicians that impure blood is tin of the majority of our diseases. !y-five years ago this theory was hsoi basis for the formula of P.rowns' Iror itt-rs. l he many remarkable cures effecto 'y this famous old household remedv nr siiiucient to prove that the theory is correct. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. Hit T i There is -v certain disreputa ble character in our town, pas rading the sreets in female garb, that should be escorted to the city limits by the police force and ordered to leave the place, or be locked up from the sight of decent people. We can't call it white, or b'ack, but it his red hair, irequen 1 it's only half clad, always drunk, and, at times, is quite abusive, vulgar and pro fane. Such a character is a disgrace to Elizabeth City, and we are snre Mayor Banks will receive the praise of our people if he will rid us of this filthy being. Mr. Gilbert Walden, who is to lecture and give humorous read ings at the Court House on Jan 17 and iS, is heralded by the most flattering testimonials. vThe Norfolk Landmark, usually so conservative, gives Mr. Walden the highest praise; while such men as Dr. Hawthorn, Senator Vest, Senator John W. Daniel, and Joel Chandler Harris are equally enthusiastic. Mr. Walden boasts a long and illuss trious ancestry, but on the stage he is perfectly free and easy in his impersonation of the negro in story and in song. "Mars Chan" and "Men Lady" never fail to bring tears; "How Sal Came Through" is side splitting; while his rendering of Poe's "Bells" makes it as a new poem to us. The popular prices will be charged when Mr. Walden lectures on Monday and Tues day evenings. Titfis tiaila alputurt it ll BB MILLINERY- NOTICE. We wish -to announce to our friends, patrons and the public, that we have moved from out old stand on Main street, and will be found upstairs on Water street. Our entrance is between Messrs. Sawer & Jones and L. Selig. We will be fitted up with handsome milliner, par lors, and will continue to carr the largest and most complete selected stock of millinery in the city, with the lhost excla sive Parisian designs in trimmed hats and bonnets. We not only go to the metropolis every set son, but we receive ideas and designs direct from Paris, where all tyle originates. Thanking you one and all for your liberal patronage, and ask ing a continuence of same, we remain the leading milliners of the city, tf. M. HILL & CO. TJo Llalio Our Bote ! The year 1897 is few mouths of last year we spent with the people it: and around Elizabeth City, dispensing red-hot bargains, which has gotten for us a name in the whole surrounding countrv, and we challenge Elizabeth City for a record of like improve ment. Thus establishing the pi iuciple on which we began, that ood bou-v-t fr the Almighty Dollar and sold at a close, quick, cash, wiil command success despite all opposi. tion. We reptat we make our bow to the good people of Elizabeth City and surroundi".,:; country, f.r tlK-ir :!n I p t ronage in the past, and with review. I off .ts, please cv ; y customers ho enters our store ij. quality a. iJ price, wo bid .1 1 a happy and prosperous 98. T. S. WELLS, - - RACKET STORE. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' bhocs, Hats, Taits' Extra Early Nonpareil Pea. The earliest truck pea. The purest. The handsomest. The best shipper. You cannot ailord to use any other, when the Nonpareil ca:i be bought for $3.25 pi r buhel ; ask our Kxpeii meiit Station what the Nonpartil always does in nun, petitive trials. We are glad to have small orders and give them our best attention. Seed ( luivv v. 6 0 To visit the st re 0 1IF W MAIN Sl RIClC r, KLIZA1JUT1I CITY.N. C. You'll find a full stock ofG'BOOEEIES which 1 am oiLri.jg u i-k bottom prices. Call and ;n will find anything usually kept in a first class Grocery store. E. W. ALBWGH SONS Vb vil-' 1 1 ; ; 1 ( ' 1 TERRIPIN AND GAME. ;'o. '221 Light Street Wharf. UALTIMORE Prompt Returns, Quick Sales- REFERENCE Citizens National Bank. V. J. Hoover & Co. $:ii:ils FaraUhid Free 'Bstubliriried 1861. vVilolfHHlt COIUIIllBlti -.tl.-k II .S 1 Crabs Terrapin, F.u-. Baltimore. Md. 'U-.U ShI" ' ' t'ronipt 't't "n 1 KEl'KEJCi2 i T vU-.r Nat l. Hank. Dam Mercantile umi vVio.i.Hft icrACn 1. l)nkehrl . ifti- Vaft. Bank. The J. . jonnon c S.L.STORERcfcCO k i 1 Is of US V n I I VRKET XKW YOUK7 We work harder for the inter est of the Southern fishermer than any house in the business. If your Stencil is notlm good o rtcr let us know, -Ve Employ no Agenls and Pay no Commissions. S. B MILLER & CO. WHOLESALE COMMISSION NO. 7 FULTON MARK KT, New York. Samuel B. Miller, Clarence G, Miller J Soecial Attention Given lo fllE SALE OF NORTH CARO LINA3HAD, 8tencils and Stationery Farnishedou Application. WE EMPLOY NO AGENT. thing of the past. The last Furnishing Goods, Noli 'i'. bvcry thing. c 7S Commercial PI uNv lol K. Y;i. of U.J Mothers Read This, For Flatulent CoUc,Dlaxrccsn . Dyaenter. Naaiea.Congns, Cboltra Infantum. Teeth Ins CbUdren, C h 0 1 e r a Morbui, Unnatural Drains from the Bowels, Palm, j Griping, Losi of Appetite, Indcetlon. Boweli, Pitt's Carminative N lie l iti l:rl. it rnrrlfn clilMrru iwt tlif crincil i-kii1 i.f ii'-i!-.iick, null In rrf oinnii' H1. ''! t.v k:i lcln i h I li fr'-i't n( M iHi. i t. lii;y mill rliililrcn. H In Hplc'lhtlllt IU III.' Uf'f. Hf'l lll-MT f.li.' I' Kiv- c;lf ( ..!. f ' IKM'N Will 'll ! !! Htr:'t I ,1 : ,1 I I iti- V .1 i. .1, ntfKiM. "For Sale ,y W. W iWvs & Son. PORTER'S 1NTISEPTIC HEALING 01 For Barb Wire Cut, Scratches, ..U!c and Collar Galla, Cracked Heel :rns, Old Sores, Cut, BoiU, BruUee. :1cj and all kinds of inflammation on un or beast. Cures Itch and Mange. T'j Cn. Crt n San vfil fttrtr mttttr i!lr oil lie preptred for accldentt by keeping It In your louse or (tabic. All OmflgUU Mil It ON gutranlio. 43 Cure, No Pay. Price $ ct. and fi.oo. II your Druggist docs not kcf it ssod sj cts. in poi. a;e namps and re will scad It to you by mail. P.rl.Tna..Ja. ti. 1MU Dear Bint ks uwd rlir'i .U.(l MralLt t nr HirHMtad ttsddlaUall.leratesMaa4 Bsrb Wlr. Ci viti pcrfrMtirtTCUB. aad 1 heartily tceoUJCod it -.1 Liv.ry aad k tuck men. , C. B. IRVINE. Llvsry aad Fa4 etiL BABY BURNED. OvDltatncn . I m plwwd to f iwak a word for Fwtur'i indthaftdtapulicatian f nllcf . aad in a w n) . wire u wrli. I alo nwd tka oil on ml Mock and ni.'l II ..' k U tba bed rcmtJr furiliif purpo Ibat I r-t-r ... Vuur, C. X. 1XV1-J. rfi. Tn., Jat.nar r ?s. 1WI iJCFACirttO BY PARIS MEDICINE CO.. T. LOCI 8. M" . ... n.l ftar Irvlfir !! oth nmdi I aiDtld OUr "I lMtt H.sIIm Oil. M btr bonwd a lw nici.r , I OTD. GET THE BEST When yon are about to bur a Se wlntf Machine do not be deceived by alluring advertisements and be led to think you can get tba bett mada, finest finished and Most Popular (or a tner song; See to It that Ton buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and sq uar dealing, yon will then get a Sewing Machine) that Is noted the world over (or its dura bility. Yon want the one that Is easiest to manage and is Light Running There Is none In the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability ot working parts, fineaena f finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many Improvements as the , New Home It fcas Awteenatle Tension. Doable Peed, altko on both aides ot needle patented no other ha, it; NewSUnd(o),drivjag wheel hinged on ad instable centers, thus reducing friction to the minim I'm. WRITE FOR CinCULARO: TM KKYF HOUR SEWIIG I1CHIIE CO. IMS' mi m m m g'rrr mm j Osajms, lUas. Boarow, Mas. rVio aorAaa. lt.T sUX iwuamnca. Cai. Anuria., tt. w won blc mr