:lt. ... f.. 8l G , . ,., .... . , , - Our Big Clearance Sale is now on. We invite your attention to the goods which we are offering at special prices, and on which you can save money. Spring goods will soon be in, and to make . -. -.-- room for them, these goods must go at sacrificed prices. The time for us to go North will soon be at hand, and until that time, we shall dispose of our stock regardless of value. We have marked everything down to the lowest notch. Better come while the sale is on. You will find in our Over 200 dress patterns of the latest style goods with trimmings to match. These patterns are of serge, Henrietta, Covert cloth, broadcloth, cashmere, mohair, novelty goods.? plaid, striped, figur ed and plain at prices ranging from 10c to $1.25 per yard. These goods must be sold at a sacrifice to make room for our Spring stock. Hamburgs The most complete line of hamburgs, laces, dimities, India linen, etc., ever brought to Elizabeth City to be here next week about January 12, 1898. Hamburgs in all widths, all prices and all qualities. Cambrics, jacon ette and swiss, from one-half inch to one-half yard wide, and from 2c. to 50c. per yard. Valenciennes and Oriental laces, in all widths and the latest importations. A full, line of dimities, check muslins and India linens ; also dotted swiss for curtains, &c. Come and make a selec tion before they aie all picked over. Our hat department is full of the latest styles in Derbys, Alpines, straight brim s, and G-eishas. Prices ranging from 25cts. to $3:00- We have 100 dozen men's, boys and children's caps that must be sold; prices from 10c to $1:25- " Hie Keep on Rand at all Cimes a full Line of Staple Dry Goods. We Have We have the largest assortment of Shoes in Elizabeth Cty. 10,000 pairs of Ladies Fine Shoes in all the latest styles, toes, colors, and widths from $2-00 to 4.00. These are from the factory of Ziegler Bros. Every pr. guaranteed Our line of 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Ladies fine Shoes is complete in all the different styles, widths, &c, Misses, Children and Infant Shoes in abundance. Also a complete line of heavy and medium weight shoes for ladies. Rubber Boots and Shoes for all. - We have thousands of pairs of the staple line of shoes. We have 500 pairs of Ladies, Men's, Misses and Children shoes that are worth from 65c to $4.00 per pair that will" be J sold at 33 j per cent, less than factory cost. It would pay everybody to come and buy a pair of these shoes before they are all closed out- These are broken in sizes and odd lots. Fast black cotton haM hose, from 123 to 50c. Black cashmere half hose, from 25 to 50c, Natural wool half hose, from 12 to 25c. Men's wool gloves, from 25 to 50c. Mens' buckskin gloves, from 50c. to 75c. Mens' dressed kid gloves, from 75c. to $1.50. Men's fur top kid gloves, from 75c. to 1.25. Hoys' woolen mits and gloves, from 10 to 40c. Mens' fancy nightshirts, from 50c. to $1 00. Full, complete line of lauuderied and nnlaunderied dress shirts. The mens' underwear department is full. Neckwear of all kinds. Latest novelties. We carry the United Shirt & Collar Co's collars, and cuffs in all styles. You will find big bargains in this line. 82 7e have 125 overcoats that were bought under the factory price, and we offer them to you from $1.25 to $13.00. All kinds of mackintoshes, from' $2. 25 to $8.00. 500 separ ate pants, from 50c. to $3.50 per pair, that must be sold in order to make room for our Spring line- We have 1200 mens', boys' and childrens' suits in the latest styles. Mens' suits, from 3.00 to $i6.on. Boys' suits, from$2,qo to $8.00. Youths' suits, from $1.00 to I $5 00. Childrens' suits, from 75c. to $3.00. Our boys' knee pants number 300 pair sizes 1 from 4 to 6 years. Prices from 25c to 1.00. These are extra values for the money. Tf ) in need of any of the above, don't miss these bargains. Agents For Lewis A. Crossett's Celebrated Shoes for Men, Boys and Youths, all colors, toes and widths. TVo Have in Tliis Depsxi-tmeiit, 1 50 dozen handkerchiefs, prices from 5c to 50c, in hemstiched, scolloped edge, plain and embroidered. 50 dozen scolloped, embroidered handkerchiefs, worth 25c. ; are to be sold at i2c. Mens' all linen hemsticked handkerchiefs, at 5c. to 50c. each. Metis' white silk handkerchiefs both with itiitial and without, from 25c. to $i.co. Mens' silk mufflers, in black, white, plaid, from 75c. to $1.50. Mens' Japonette handkerchiefs, with silk initials, at 2 for 25c. We have 40 bolts of: high novelties in ribbons, in all colors, 4 inches wide, that will be closed out at $1.00 per bolt. ' R & G Cossets, in all the latest styles, at from 75c. to $1.25. Our glove department is full in all shades ; 2 hook and 4 button, from 75 to $1.25. We have just received an immense lot of ladies and gents' umbrellas that are big bargains. You will find in our hosiery department a full line of ladies' misses', childrens', and infants' hose and . ; socks, in all colors. . We have left over about 200 Rugs, that will be sold at a sacrifice, in order to close them out. Carpets, mattings, oilcloth and linoleum, in patterns and prices to suit all. Horse and buggy blankets, at prices to make them go before the season is over, $1.00 to $5.00. A full, complete line of ladies' underwear, that must be sold. Toilet Soap, - We have just purchased a new line of Spanish Soap, made irom the roots of the Yecca Plant, to sell . from 5c to 25c, per cake. Table Xinon ixntl TowoIh. 100 dozen napkins, from 35c. to S2.50 per dozen, in white and colored borders. A complete line of table clothes, both bleached and unbleached ; also Turkey red. A large stock of towels, from 5 to 50c. Chenille -table covers in 4 sizes and costing from 35c. to $ 1. 50 that must go. 150 pair of Blankets, to be closed out at less than theii real value, from 4oc to $5.oo per pair. ' . - - - t A complete line of Oiled Suits, Goats and Rubber boots F 0 f You can enter on either 23 Main street or 57 Water street into this Large Store 1 o - J - f JV. I o V M El Ji