Don't Pay Too Much Fori Your Whistle." Our old friend Ben havded down that remark to posterity. lie iniglit liave added Don't Pay Too Little. Don't let a matter of a few cents lose you that which is bet ter and costs a little more. There's lots of satisfaction in having the best. It's especially so in printing. We do no cheap work. Our prices are right. Our stock is right. Our printing is the best. We want to do your priut- ing for the profit there is in it, and at the same time make you a contented customer. We can do it ; we are making sat isfied customers every day. We can do your printing and make you one of them. Eiiiott Printing Co. Printing to Please. Cor. Broad and Kins Sts. Edenton, N. C. THE WEEK AT EDENTON. Items of a Personal and Newsy Character. Lent is nearly half over. Mr. Gibson C. Haste, left Wednesday for Baltimore. Mr. J. K, Bonner, of Elizabeth City, was in town Wednesday. Kdeuton merchants are mak ing handsome displays of spring goods. Mr. j. M. Deans, has opened a neat grocery store near the N. & S. Depot. Rev. Mr. Bunch, preached at the Protestant Methodist Church on Monday night. Miss Ada Melick, of Elizabeth City, is the guest of the Misses Bond, on Granville Street. The catch of fish has greatly increased this week. Large quantities being shipped daily. Mrs. I. A. White, of Norfolk, and Miss Sallie C. White are the guests of Mr. and Mrs T. D. Byrun), on Magnolia Street. Mrs. Trim Taylor, after a de lightful visit with the family of Mr. J. H. Bell, on Queen Street, left for her home, Scranton, N. C, 011 Wednesday. The contract lor enlarging, and otherwise improving the Baptist Church building has been given to Mr. Theo. Ralph, SMOKE The World's Favorite 5c. Cigar. Manufactured by AV. S TEVllNS .S& Co., i::ii:ilM' li City. O. o who will soon begin work on same. Grand Secretary of the order of Odd Fellows of North Carolina, was in the city this week and delivered an excellent address before the local lodge Monday night. Rev. J. J. Wicker, is billed to deliver a lecture at Rea' Opera House on the 29th, under the auspices of the Willing Workers Society of the subject "Furs, Fun, iMts and Misfits in .bus . WW 1 "111. rope. We nope ne win ue greeted with a full house. Skin Diseases Cured. For the cure of tetter, itch, eczema erysipelas and all irritations of th skin Dr. Hdmoudson's Eczema Cure i the standard. Price 25 cents per bot tie. Address Dr. Fraud Edmonson, Atlanta. Ga. m - Jlylaml. Mr. E. D. Twine is erecting a, new dwelling at this place. The Sunday school will h organized at Wardwell next1 Sunday. Mr. W. H. Spivey made a business trip to E. City last Tuesday. Mrs. Daniel Hobbs of Hobbs ville was the guest of her daugh ter Mrs. O. E. Ward Tuesday. Mr. J. G. Ward of Sunbury Nj C, was the guest of his mother Mrs. Martha h. Ward Tuesday. Mrs. H. G. Hoffler of Hobbs-j ville N. C, was the guest of her sister Mrs. O. E. Ward Tuesday. O. E. W. Word comes from all quarters that the neatest and most satisfactory dye for coloring the beard a brown or black is Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskei s. A Kiss Defined. Sometime ago a L,ondon pa per offered a prize of 10 guineas for the best definition of a kiss. Among the many clever an swers received, the following were the best : "The best known smack that will calm a storm. "Nothing divided between." "The thunder clap of the lips that follows the lightening glance of the eyes." "A report at headquarters." "When the lips of lovers meet in bliss this pleasing term is called a kiss." "A kiss, to a timid bachelor, is like having hot treacle pour ed down his back by angel hands." innKfi Politics. Comuion wealth. This bein a campaign year, there is danger of our people j losing too much time in politics it is lncuinoent upon every; man to know as much as he can conveniently about passing events, the condition ol the country, etc. But every man ought to remember that the world is made up of individuals, and that a careful attention to Every day strengthens the belief of emi nent physicians that impure blood is the cause of the majority of our diseases. Twenty-five years auo tliis theory was used as a basis for the formula of Browns' Iron Bitters. The many remarkable cures effected by this famous old household remedy are sufficient to prove that the theory is correct. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. Terrible Death. From Enfield, N. C, the fol lowing is sent to the Scotland Neck Commonwealth : When Mr. Charlie Mills took his horse out of the plow Satur day at 12 o'clock, he put his lit tie bo-, about six years old, on him to ride to the house. The horse ran away, the little fellow fell off and got taugled in the gear and reins and was dragged to death. He was buried Sun day evening, W. C. Whitaker officiating. ' Ko-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco hab.'t cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1. A1.1 druggists. And Their selection is pleasing to IMP Spain Making Desperate Efforts To Secure War Ships. Spain is making desperate efforts to secure a navy able to cope with that of the United States. This is shown by the offer iust made to the Italian Government for the purchase of four cruisers. Three ot these are modern first cUss cruisers, now a part of the Italian Navy, and the fourth, the Carlo AN berto, is now building. The Italian Council has. been sum moned to consider the matter. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. siana tt ' is 01 ertrj iVhy One Colorado School Wes Closed. Rifle, (Col.,) kevele.J Mary Matthews, a nice little irl, lived so far from the school ouse, that she rode a little blue- yed confiding mule to the hall -f learniujr. The teacher thouhht unwise to allow the animal to ;raze about unharmed, so he attempted to club ft away. The rest of the story is told in these bxpressive lines : Mary had a little mule, It followed her to school, That was against the rule, The teacher, like a fool, Got belli ud that inule, Aud hit him with a rule, Alter that there was 110 school. Is essential to health. Every nook and corner of the ood system is reached by the blood, and on its qualit j- the condition of every organ de pends. Good blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest way to have good blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine purines, vi talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cure3 that tired feeling. Remember, Sarsapariila Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. , . . , r-t'fi cure I-iver Ills; easy to Mood S PlilS take, easy Moderate. Z'c ini n ill 1 C Sommer WOMEN'S FOIBLES. A Terr dainty trimming, which some mo distes will use for fronts and others for the front and back covering of eilk blouses, is cf white or black movssdine de soie set with five narrow, finely knife-plaited frills of the mate rial, each plaiting being headed w ith tracery vines embroidered in white on black, in black on white and in shaded heJHrope or pink with green foliage either on v?Lite or black. The fancy fur bayadere or barre effects will induce many modistes to apply the frdLj horizontally. Movssdine de Boif, and chiffon, though stul much in request, have a rival in chLffonette, which is almost a, transparent yet more dur able, besides having an aiiuriiig'shimmer and gleam. It is obtainable in plain and dotted varieties and is likewise crimped and accordion-plaited. Chiffonettt gavfrc is adaptable alike to skirts and waists and the e2ect in an entire costume is admirable A black ch'ffonctte gown may be made up in a style planned for evening wear with any thing but a sombre effect Already shaped for application upon a rust ling foundation are skirts of chiffonette, accordion-plaited and crimped with applied Vandykes at the bottom in colored chifionctte. A a-nit of chiffonette. either white or corre sponding in color with the Vandykes, may accompany the skirt Similar" skirts of black net rich with jet, bead and spangle embroideries are the envy of shoppers whose purse3 are not equal to the cost of such confections. Coquettish and youthful is a soft hat not unlike a Tam-0"-hanter, formed of a tan felt plateau. A bow of blacki moire ribbon is fastened at the right side and a larger one rests against the left side, where the plateau is draped to produce a high cHect, two black tips towering above the bow. At the back two tips are fastened with a steel pin to a. band and fall on the hair with graceful effect Revers may be used or omitted on a jacket blouse with a short skirt, as the wearer elects, and the blouse may be closed to the throat or worn open to the belt, as preferred. Black velvet and satin ribbons and black eatin folds are used in a variety of ways. From The Ddineator. Truly Astonishing Miss Annette N. Moen, Fountain, " Miuu., says: "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has had a wonderful effect in curing r.iv brother's children of a severe aud dangerous cold: It was truly astonishing how speedily they four.d relief after taking this preparation. Brick! Brick! Thompson 1 BRICK WORKS. Thejeading brick manu facturers of this section are Ci: now ready to supply orders at short notice. 1 his plant has been in active operation for twenty years, and they guarantee satisfaction as to quality and price, hese (Brick have Stood the gest And reflex action will be a guide to youi further purchase. You could do worse, and we venture to say, you can do no better elsewhere. Call Telephone No. , or addiess . Thompson, Jffgr, Elizabeth City, N. C. 2.TL mem 'll 1 t AYcgetable Prcparatlonfor As similating fteFoodandRcgu&i ung the Stomachs and Dowels cf rromotosDicsUcn,ChccrfuI-' ncss and Rest.Contains neiincr Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Nakcotic. Alx.Stnna Arvsi Set ppemint - Urm Seed -flenfud Sivprr ItMuyr" Henri A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions Jcverish ness andLoss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of "NEW VORK. 77" 3ri37- do you wait 'till you get down before taking medicine. When you feel dull, aching and strjtclrng, just remember that the next thing will be Mj laria chills and Fevei To avoid this, use ! EXACT C0PVOF WRAPPER, the great IXULlt T T7 if taken in time it will save you a long spell of sickness, and much mouey. It is for the Kidneys, Liver and Stomach, aud will cure OOrXStlpOtlOri.. A Safe Remedy for Young and Old- Regular Size 25 and 50 ents. TiSe IO Cesats. MADE BY YEAKEL DRUG CO., BALTIMORE MARYLAND. the eye. TOW SEE THAT THE FAC-SIM1LE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTLE OF Castoria 3s pnt up la ono-siso tottloa only. It Is not sold la balk. Don't allow anyone to sell yea anything else oa the plea or promise that it is just a3 good" and will ansver eTwy pTiv poEe." A3- See that you get C-A-S-l'-O-R-I-A. Is ea mm m 1 - mM Mly ooc mm LUMBER A XI) Truck . AND fA ETTB 9 IL Now is the time to place you order tor the latter for the Sprino Shipping. Address (ramer rcst, & pc., Elizabeth City N. C. 01 HAND Fre.lonla. N. V, fh able and accompUshed Military Oommander (father-in-law of the lat Commander Wm. . dishing, U. 8. N.. who falned world-wide renowa for his crowning feat of blowing up the Iron clad Albemarl In 1803) writes Or. Fen nor: "For many years I have kept on hand Jour Blood and Liver Remedy and erve Tonic for immediate use whe4 iver I have f A bilious attack or nervous prostra tion or feel run .Iovn. It always pivcj epeedy relief ?u much so that I havg come to rely on it with the same certain ty that I do on the law of gravitation." mif.jxi and ljtvcr !0r.Fenner'31I,,5Nev8rFails. 3 ervo Tonic tt is a Sarsc taria-J)randrate-fVirrct'i Pine j4ltci live. Nerve Tonic and Rest rative Compound. CERTAIN AS! HE LAW OF 6RAYITATI0N, Physics from blood, liver and tissues all worn-out particles and impurities, without weaenin but strengthening instead, and Kostorcs the Nerves.- Cures Heat'' rln. Dyspepsia, tVinsilpa Hon. Bad Ure. , WUIn DlM?;uiiH. Old Hores Ilzzlness. Hero'afa. Oei:eral Debility, etc. Satisfaction Juaranteed. Sample free. Mother! Keep yo-r rhlld's utomach and bow Ma healthy wh Dr. Feuner's Sennatorla. The best faxi' ive aud corrective known. Dr, Fanner's Soothing Syrup. Allays Irritation ar.d (rives refreshing sleep. Dr. Fenner'8 Worm Syrup. "Brounhv r4 worms from cur child. Mrs.hherlok.Ellda.O. r.Fenner'sFA i I i.v( SaltKheum lOlntment. tfor jruieiuutlans. files, sores, uuw.eic Boxes 7J KEEPS i i