FISHERMAN & FARMER BY A. H. MITCHELL- -ofo-PuBiiSHED Every Friday.-- SUBSCRIPTION PRICK ti.oo When Paid In Advance: 1 1.50 If Not Paid In Advauce. Entered at the Post Office at Elizabeth City as second class matter. Delivered at doors of city subsoji bets by earners, as soon as from uress, without extra charge. The Editor disclaims all responsibil ity for the views or statements ol cor respondents, and reserves the tight at all times to revise or reject any arucic he mav think proper. 'Always sign your name to a news paper communication simply as a pledge of good faith. It will not be puDlisnea unless you aesire 11. Best advertisin? medium in the Dis Irict. Rates very moderate. Special rates on long contracts. All announcements and recommen dations of candidates for office, whether In the shape of communications or otherwise, will be charged as adver lisements. ELIZABETH CITY, March 18, 1898. The time may soon arrive for some of the boys who have been nnahle to ourchase first-class war records to go to the front and get them first hand. The heart of the country goes out in sympathy for Senator Thurston and his children who are so solely afflicted by the sud den death of Mrs. Thurston in Cuba, f The Supreme Court has de cided, and very correctly so, that there is no such thing as a "trusty" convict. This class of convicts are usually pets or privileged characters and figure quite largely in escapes. Senator Butler, in a leading editorial in his new paper, says it is the practically unanimous opinion of Populists that there cau never be another cooperas tion with the Republicans such as that of two years ago. He desires the Democrats to divide the National ticket with the Pop ulists. It is the talk of the Republic cans and Populists in Raleigh that the fight over Ewart is really a political duel to the death between Pritchard and Butler. Really it seems that there is not room on earth for both of them at the same time. The Republican State organ says Butler is "heaping up wrath against ihe day of wrath." The fuss, the dickering, the spoils-snachting, the thought, less, insensible, inhuman row of directors of the North Carolina Asylum for the insane, at Ral eigh, created last week, is enough to shame and disgust anyone who has a heart. The institutions for the unfortunate are sacred. At present North Carolina is unfit to have them in charge at least in so far as the Commonwealth is represented by the aggregation of politicians that made the in stitution an object of political spoils last week. We are glad they failed. It was worthy of them to fall out over the divis ion. We regret that Dr. Kirby, the Superintendent, showed the slightest disposition to yield to them. It is hard to believe that men may so far forget them selves. Biblical Recorder. THE CAMPAIGN EARLY. OPENS The call by the State Execu tive committee for holding of the Democratic State convention will make it necessary for county conventions to be held early in May to select delegates to the State convention and also to the Judicial conventions which must nominate Superior court judges in the first, second, fifth, sixth, seventh and eleventh districts. The term of every Democratic judge cn the Superior court bench expires next January as does also the term of Judge Spen cer B. Adams, of the Fifth dis. trict. As the Superior court now stands there are five Demo era ts -Judges Brown, Bryan, Alien, Mclver, and Hpke ; six Republicans Judges Robinson, Adams, Coble, Starbuck, Green and Norwood ; and one Pritch ard. Populist Judge Timbers Jake. The term of all the Dem ocrats will expire in January. All the others have four years yet to serve except Judge Adams, whose term expires in January. If the people of the State believe in preserving something like a balance in the party affiliations of Judges, in order to have a "non-partisan judiciary," the present Democratic Judges will Tin f 19 limil ti 9Wf vrsppea- be re-elected. We shall see whether this practical evidence of faith in a "non-partisan judi ciary" will materialize. The State convention will have no business except to rati fy the nominations of the judges, as made by the several Judicial districts ; selecting a State ex ecutive committee to conduct the campaign to a successful is sue; and the adoption of a plat form upon which the campaign will be waged. These are im portant duties, and the absence of contests for positions will give opportunity for the consid eration of questions, of party policy which, in the rivalry in cident to nominations upon the State ticket, is sometimes not given the necessary considera tion. It will be necessary to hold the judicial conventions before the State convention meets. The times for candidates for Con gress and Solicitor and the coun ty offices will be determined for each district and county for its self. The Asheville Democracy seems to favor an early congress sional convention. As a rule, the counties have not found it wise to name county tickets be fore September. News and Ob server. OASTOHIA. Thififr limlls SlfMtUTS COINJOCK. Diummers Drummers, no end to them. Mrs. S. J. Old, of Norfolk Va has moved here. Mrs. Arthur Baum, of Narrow Shore, is quite ill at her home Mrs. Jim Roberts who has been on the sick list is imorov ing. Mr. Burfoot Garrenton of the tug M. J. Jory is home for a few days. Mrs. Wilson Walker, of CurrN tuck C. H. is quite ill with Erysipelas. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Overton and sou, of Brarableton, are visit ing relatives here. Rev. J. E. M. Davenport and Mrs. J- F. Garrenton went to Elizabeth City Monday. Mrs. Oakley, of E. City, who was in our village last week, is very ill at Popular Branch. Miss Lillie White, of London Bridge is visiting her sister Miss Marie White, of Water-lily N. C. Mrs. Elbert Simmons and Miss Neva Walker of Campostella, Va. are the guest of Mrs. B. S. Wal ker. Mr. J. B. Garrenton of Cairo, 111. is home on a visit to his parents Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Gar renton. Miss Bessie Simmons of Corolla N. C, who has been visiting E. City, returned home Saturday. Miss Netta Ballance of Curri tuck, who has been visiting Miss Alice Garrenton, returned home last week. Mr. J. T. Guard went to Nor folk on business last week and returned home Saturday with a lovely horse and buggy. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Whitehead who have been residing here, moved to their old home Ply, mouth N. C, last week. Misses Pearl Hall, Mary New berne and Mittie Overton spent a very pleasant evening with Miss Bernie Hampton of Water lily last Sunday. M isses. Susie and Minnie Hall are entertaining at their home this week Miss Annie Upton one of Elizabeth City's most charm ing young ladies. Mrs. B. F. Duncan and little daughter Stella, of Norfolk Va., who have been visiting Mrs. T, P. Hall of this place, left for Pungo Va., Sunday. Messrs. Wallace Bray of Phil adelphia, Marvin HArris of Jarvisburg, Thos. McClaren and Caleb Munden of Currituck were among the visitors of our town Sunday. The young Ladies Missionary Society will meet Sunday after noon at 2.15 p. m. at; the Baptist Church, the meeting will be con ducted by the President, Miss Lula E. Owens. Misses. Susie Hall, Annie Up ton and B, Garrenton arrived at 6:15 Saturday p. m. from their delightful trip at Jarvisburg where they had been visiting Mrs. A. J. Forbes, also gave an .account of a pleasant sail over to hCurrituck Club House. Thev were the guest of Mrs T. J. Poy ner. They report a grand time at both places and say there is no comparison with Poyner's Sand Hill's and the Jarvisburg boys. They will visit there again. Kid. E Terr body Sajs So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the moat won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, lirer and bowels, cieansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Bold and guaranteed to cure by all drajsists. Moyock News. Prepared Especially for Fisher erman & Farmer Readers. Dr. S. M. Mann, has treated himself to a new Bicycle. Mr. J. B. Cox, made a busi ness trip to Norfolk Thursday. ' Miss Jennie Barnard, is visU ting relatives in E. City, this week. Mr. J. L DeCormis, Sr. of Shawboro, was in the village Saturday. Our merchants have in their new Spring goods and every thing looks blooming like the flowers. Misses Bessie Morgan and Lil lie Sanderson, of Shawboro, spent last Saturday and Sunday in Moyock. Mr. W. Walker and daughter, Miss Ella, of Currituck C. H., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cox Saturday. Mr. John P Cox, who has been on the sick list for several days, we are glad to report is able to be out again. Misses Louise and Annie Fer ebee, of Shawboro, came Satur day to visit relatives here and returned home Monday. Mrs. W. H. West, spent sev eral days In Norfolk last week with her sister Mrs. Wm. Greg ory, who has been very ill. Mrs. J. E. Barnard and Mrs. W. P. Creekmore, left Saturday for Shawboro to visit Mrs. J. J. Ferebee ; they returned home Sunday evening. Rev. P. S. C. Davis, preached at Northwest last Sunday to quite a large audience. There were several present from Mo yock. The new Church at this place is a credit to the Baptist denomination. It was with profound sorrow that we read in last weeks issue of the death of our loved friend Mrs. J. B. Ferebee. She was loved by all who knew her. So mild and gentle, and how her two young daughters will miss mama ! We extend our sympa thy to the bereaved ones. C. Iftnehairis falling out, or turning gray, requiring a stimulant with nour ishing and coloring food, Hall's Vege table Sicilian Hair Renewer is just spe cific. MANTEO. Mr. S. N. Brickhouse was in town last week. The schooner Isabella is on Creef's railways for repairs. From all reports, Manteo is to have quite a number of visit ors during the summer. Rev. J. J. Barker and his fam ily have been quite sick for the past week, but are now improv ing. Mr. B. H. Woodell, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F. of North Carolina, was in town last week. Miss Davis, of Winfall, sister of Mi. Carson Davis, came last week to take a position as sales lady with Griffin & Smith. Messrs. Martin and Jordan Creet, of East Lake, came last week to see their brother, Mr. Washington Crecf, who has been very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Wright left Sats urday morning for their home in New Jersey. They have made the Tranquil House their home for several winters. Some of the young men of , Manteo seem to be delightfully entertained at Skyco every Sun day. (Hope the young ladies in Manteo do not feel bad.) Quite an amusing incident happened at the Tranquil House bunday morning. The proprie tor s younjrest son Henry, Caee about four years) seemed to be in a great hurry to get ready for Sunday School, for which his mother could not account, as it was unusual ; and boy like, he would not tell why. Finally, when he was ready, he went over to the parsonage to take Miss Estelle Barker, a little Miss about the same aee, to Sunday School. Such a youths tul couple ! But when the young man called for his girl, she had already gone. It was such a remarkable incident in one so young that we couldn't refrain from mentioning it. E Tutfs Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Save Your Money. One box of Tutt's Pills will save many dollars in doctors' bills They willsurely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick hepdache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTT'S Liver PILLS NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. ITEMS GA1HERE6 HERE AJNQ THERE BY CHARLES MORGAN. SOME THINGS HIT SEES AND HEARS AT POINTS WHERE WE HAVE NO REGULAR REPORTER. Mr. R. T. Bell closed his school in Newland this week. Mr. Cecil Trotman, of Cam den, was in Newland last week. Messrs. J. F. and R. L. Hin. ton are attending court at Cam den. Mrs. Win. A. Halstead, of Berkley, Va.,' is visiting relatives in Pasquotank county. Master C. V. Morgan, of Mum ford, spent last Saturday. night with R. Nixon Morgan, near E. City. Mrs. Will Murden and chil dren, of South Creek, N. C, are visiting relatives in Pasquotank county. Mr. J. C. Davis, of Great Bridge, Va., has gone to Cum' berland, Md., to accept a position in a store. Mr. Mack Hammond, of New- post News, Va., is the guest of the tamiiy ol Mr. M. w. tfunmn at Mumford. Capt. Pugh, of E. City, is at Dailey landing this week de livering fertilizers for the farm ers in Newland. Mr. Thomas Davis, of Great Bridge, Va., will move to Cen terville, Va., this week and make it his future home. Mrs. W. A. Furcrou, of Jersey City Heights, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stokely, near Great-Bridge, Va. Mr. W. M. Hinton, wife and son, of E. City, spent last Sun day with Mrs. Kinton's father, Mr. Win. Williams, at Newland. Miss Gertie V. Whitney, of Mumford, returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. P. G. PriS chard and Mrs. Charles Harris, near the Fork Miss Missouri M. Jackson re turned to her home near Berea church Monday, after an ex tended visit to relatives and friends in Virginia. Mrs. Mary Morgan returned to her home near E. City, on the 9U1 inst., from Berkley, Va., where she had spent about three months with her daughters. Mrs. P..G. Pritchard, of the Fork, with her two sons, Clif fore and Preston, spent last Sat urday night with her father, Mr. J. Mc. B. Whitney, at Mumford. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, 1 Lucas County. jss. Frank J. Cheney makes path that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of Ca tanh that cannoi be cured by the use of Hah's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. I seai. I A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is internally and and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggist, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. As Spring approaches, the rush of gold seekers to the Klon dike continues, a recent dispatch from that section saying that thirteen thousand persons were on their way from Skaguay to the mining regions. If gold con tinues to be found on the Alaska side of the line in paving quau titles, but a few years will elapse before another territory will be endeavoring to be admitted to the Union as a State Safety for Women. Tansy, Pennyroyal and Cotton Root Pills removed all suppressions and ir regularities. $1 per box. For particu lars address Dr. rranfc ,dmondsou, Atlanta, Ga. Notice I rVotioe J By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Pasquotank. County in the ease ot W. M. Baxter et al vs. ti. C. Fiunix, the undersigned commissioners will offer for sale ?t the courthouse door in Elizabeth City, N, C; at 12 o'clock M., on Monday, the 4th day of April, 1898, the following described pieces or par eels of land, to-wit : 1. That certain tract situated in Sa lem township, adjoining the lauds of Anderson White, main road and others, containing 62 acres, mo.e or less, and fully described in a deed of W. J. Grif fin and wife to Dr. O. F Baxter, re corded in the office Tf the Register of Deeds of Pasquotank county in Book 9, page 502. 2. That certain tract in Salem town ship adjoining the lands of Kdniond Markham, Wilson Forbes, Flatty Creek and others, and known as the "Stephen Williams tract." For full description see the deed of Stephen Willjams and wife to Dr. O. F. Baxter, which is re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds in said county, Book 10, page 504, containing 88 acres, more or less. 3. 1 tract of land situated in Provi dence townphip, lying on the Pasquo tank river, adjoining the road known as the Lamb's Ferry Road, Pasquotank River, the lands of M. L- Davis and others, all being woodland, containing 5oo acres more or less. Terms of sale cash, ahe balance in six, twelve and eighteen months, with interest on the deterred payments from the day. of sale, with the ruiht to anticipate and pay cash for the same. The said lands are sold for division among the tenants in common. March 1, '98. G. W. ard, J. Heywood Sawyer, K. F. Aydlett, . Commissioners. mch4-4w Hand-Book 75 Mechanl--4-s.-m-4-cal Movements and Ad K aXClllb FeKe. F. O. Diete- ---" rich Co Wasi,.f p. c. NEWBERX'S LANDING. Mr. Samuel '" Parker, went to Norfolk last week, to purchase his Spring goods. Mr 'Jim. Mathias and wife, of Currituck Inlet Beach, are visi ting Mrs. A. Cherry. Mr. R. Etheridge and family, have moved in their new resi dence on Road street. Misses Surlie and Mary New bern, spent part of last week in E. Cit visiting frieuds. Miss Mary Y. Griggs, of Har binger, was the guest of Miss Clara Newbern Tuesday. Mr. J. I. Gard ana little son Elbert, of Coinjock, spent Sun day at Mr. Worth Newberns. Miss Mary Newbern, of New bern's Lauding is visiting her sister Mrs. J. T. Gard, at Coin jock. Miss Clara Newbern, returned home last week after a long visit to her sister, Mrs. E. R. Giiggs, at Harbinger. Master Edward Griggs, of Harbinger, spent Tuesday very pleasantly with Messrs Copland and Willie Newbern. We are glad to announce that Mr. Nathan Etheridge, Jr., who has been very ill with pneumo, nia is improving rapidly. Mrs. Maggie Toxey, of Shiloh returned to her home last week after a very pleasant visit to her parents at this place Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Newbern. Miss Annie Sickler, of Rich mond, Va., who has been teach ing at Mr. Joshua Harrisons, closed her school Friday and has gone to visit Mrs. Maggie Lrallop at Lnrrituck Inlett Beach. Mr. Nathan Owens, who has been confined to his room for nearly three months with a broken foot is improving very much and will sooti be able to walk again. C. N. It is, or should be, the highest aim of every merchant to please hiscustome rs; and that the wide awake drug firm of Meyers & Eshleman, Sterling:, III., is doing so, is proven by the following, from Mr. Eshleman: Inmysix teen years' experience in the drug business I have never seen or sold or tried a medicine that gave as good satisfaction as Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Sold by W. W. Griggs & Son. Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. TWO DAILY SCHEDULES: Lv. Norfolk 8 00 a. m. '3 30 p. m. Ar, Richmond 11 15 a. m. ' 650 p.m. Lv. Richmond 2 15 p. m. 1030 p. m. Ar. Ciucin'ti. 7 55 a, m. 5 15 p. m. " Louisv'lle 11 00 a. m. S 00 p. m. ' Detr't, Mch 6 20 p. m. 6 15 a. m. " Chicago 5 30 p. m. 7 15 a. m. " St. Louis 6 56 p. m. 7 30 a. m. Connecting at these cities with lines diverging to all prin cipal points in Michigan and the Great West. Do You Think of Going to Any Point in The West. Do You Wish Information of Rates, Schedule of Trains, How to Reach the West by The Shoitest, Quickest and Cheapest Route, by Fast Vestibuled Traius,.With Up-To-Date Equipment System And Service ? Hours in Advance of Any Other Line. Call on or write to F. W. CURD, T, P, A. C. &O. Ry. Office, Atlantic Hotel, Granby Street, Norfolk, Va. JNO. D. POTTS, A. G. P. A. Richmond Va Notice ! I advertise this foi the benefit of those that got my Ciiculars at Elizabeth City Fair and all people having any long standing or Disability inat tney cau t get rid ot, there is one more chance and that is the best one ot ail, try VITAE'ORE, Natures Own Remedy MINERAL WAlliK. price one Package ji.oo, 3 faekages, S3 00 or o Packages f sloo Each one maks 5qo doses or 8oo gal. ions 01 Mineral Water, the most Heal ing, Strengthening and Salutiferous Medicine that man ever olfered man for 6uch Diseases as these. Brights Dis ease, Diceabetes and all Kidney Com plaint, Bladder and Urinary Com plaints, Rheumatism, Liver Complaint. Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Female Weak ness and Periodical Inegularities, Gen eral Debilities, in tact ;iuy disease that originates in a diseased condition of the Liver, Kidneys or Hlood. It will cure Diphtheria, Sore Throat. Bronchi tis, Catarrh, Piles, Passes off Madder Stones; Cures Old Sores of 25 and 30 years standing,' For Hemorrhoids or Hemorrhagic Fever nothing better, and laying Sick Stomach and Dysenterry you ever saw, and nothing excells Vo. for Phlegm and Choking in the throat when caused by worms or.. any thing else. Sample package free to diseased people. Address P. H. WILLIAMS, OLD TRAP. CAMDEN COUNTY, N. C. The Fisherman & Farmer invites you to call 'Phone 52 whenever you have an item of news or want printing cf any kind. " THE 0 ANGER to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread; with which she looks for ward to the hour, of woman's severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these "rugged places in life's pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe. MOTHER'S FRIEND allays Nervousness, and so assists Nature that the change goes for ward iii an easy manner, without such violent protest in the way of Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy forebodings yield to cheerful and hopeful anticipations she passes through the ordeal quickly and without pain is left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously perform the high and holy duties now devolved upon her. Safety to life of both is assured by the use of "Mother's Friend," and the time of recovery shortened. "I know one lady, the mother of three children, who suffered greatly in the birth of each, who obtained a bottle of 'Mother's Friend of me before her fourth confinement, and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor was shorter and less painful." John G. Polhill, Macon, Ga. $1.00 PER BOTTU3 at all Dru Store, or sent by mail on receipt of price. RflflK Containing inyaluable information of OUUna ,,.,. .,? oil ,nn..i will hn nt to rncc. any address upon application, vj The BRADFiELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ga. llilllED. I" -' - NICHOLS' FARMERS' FRIEND FER JLIZER. 15, E. Camden St., iv 1 1 i 111 o i o , 3Xcl. analysis: Ammonia Potash Phos-Acid 4 per ceDt 4 ' 5 " The FARMERS' FRIEND is now one of the most popular standard hEK TlMKd on tne market. It has been on th market for S years and has stead ilv grown in favor with Truck ers and Farmers, prefei ring it to any fertilizer sold. Our interest as a Commission House is to secure to our ship pers the best fertilizer that can be had. Having; tested the Farmers Friend by many of the largest Truckers ot Anne Arundell county with universal satisfac. tion. we offer it to all who wish to buy a first-class standard fer tilizer. We also offer a brand of ara- moniated fertilizer, which is ex cellent where the land is not de ficient in Potash, it contains 5 to 6 per cent, of Ammonia and 6 per cent, of Phos-Acid. Any iniormation in regards to terms and prices, will be gladly given on application. Yours most truly, J. 13. NICHOLS & SON. DR. C. P. BOGERT Surgeon and Mechanical DENTI SI Edenton, N. O- Patients visited when requested Get Your Old Furniture Repaired It can be made New, Ornamental and Durable T. H. KELLAM who has recently inoyed h;s shop back to his old stand, ov.ej J. B. Flora's Store, where he can be found at all hours. Parties hav ing furniture in need of repairs too heavy to be sent to the shop I will call and repair same at their homes. Prices reasonable. Repairing harness, umbrellas and scissors a specialty. Fred Davis, Wholesale and Retail DEALER. All Grades of Coal constantly on Hand. Nothing but the est handled. All Coal screaned before leav ing the yard. Orders filled promptly and Ship ments made to any point. Yards, Northeast corner MATTUEW AND WATER STREETS, Near City Market. -Elizabeth City, N. C. 53TPhone n. For Sale ! Vacant lot on .Road Street, South of Burgess Street, 53x222 feet. Back entrance. Apply to r RANK VAUGHAN. febi i-im M4 . fc 1 ' IDCYT I'Trf V T - to title I ADjULU idul 'K Ori i '" -'!".-. a4 wo!J iff. r. -tv If 3rou feel bad in the 'morning sr.d want a bracer, ii.ce Aiid gives new life to the nerves. 3 arge Doses for IO cts. See that every Bottle is Stamped with 3 Spiigs of Celery PREFAf ED BYYEKE CRUGCO, BALT I VO fit ,MD. 0 0 6 To visit the store of MAIN STREET, You'll find a full stock of G"EOCEEIES which I am offering at rock bottom prices. Call and you will find anything usually kept in a first-class Grocery store. p4. trl a 0 ftp wry; 0 ft ii''- 3 0 Is the way you we have it. WEI I E ,. 'MHiM:,! ;S: : la iillll 1 mm ft IT I Pi 1 1 ill; III II H i " 'If 1 li H K IK., If IW.T tt ill All from our own slaughter house aud fresh everyday. Buy your meats of Caleb Walker, steal nsro. 4. CITY MARKET. 'Phone 91 AND GET THE BEST. Finest Poultry at The Lowest Prices. 9 Let us have vour orders, thev shall have our mn;t mrpfn and prompt attention. Remember Stall No. i, City Marke LSI mm Beautiful Hair Dr. Hurray's Universal Hair Promoter Cures dandruff, itop the htlr from till ing oat, lDTiroratei the growth, it a uperb drcMins, and while not a dye, by nourishing iu roots, will positively re store gray hair to its origins! color. It is the par-excellence of all hair restorers. Pmoc. ei.oo per Larqe bottul For sale by dmgnrists if not, send to as and it will be sent, prepaid, upon receipt of price. MAJturACTUniD OMIT BY TMI Murray Medicine Company, atlanta, oa. X. JE. Williams, UNDERTAKER. SOUTH MILLS, N. C; Having accepted the Agency at this place for the Hertford Coffin Company, I am prepared to furnish Coffins, Caskets All Burial Material at Short Notice. Hearse will be fur nished when desired. Prices low and orders filled promptly. - Vila ikrisy i ij COMSTIPATiOH ALL DRUGGISTS anj rf rnp'tipjiSJon. Os.-caivN Br lb M?a Lai a. t n . r.r srrijK . V-.r -b rttj nutrral rmiaHs. bam- ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. o u a u to U 3 a t-4 m ry;;" O 3 ra a a cT - v Ui a O a m o o a, a. o u -cs a, tn O O O 'i ! I ll; "A m I ' a!!Si:?!&!!,,i ! !W , H Hi ill mm u a o A CIS in V4,: i : i ,l"" i,. fc'tilpl''! o r-t o -4 T Oh a. a o - o cr" V (J u r-i u Pi o cl a o B u .0 S3 o D like your MEATS, fresh is way OUR Beef, Veal, MuttOIl and Mothers Read This. For Flatulent Colic.Dlarrhcea, DyienterT. Nausea.Cousha. Cholera Infantum.Teeth- lnr ChUdren; Cholera Morbus, Unnatural Dralca from the Bowels' Fai&.' Griping. Loss of Avvet'JM. indicrpatinn and all Diseases pf tho Stomach and Bowels, Pitt's Carminative is the nUndard. It ronies children over tbecritHial peiol of lectbintr, snU i- rec ommended fcy Thvifinr n? the irlend of Mothers, Aduitu and Children. It in pleasant to the taste, and never fnils to givegatiHfiiCTion. A few dosec will demon strate iu superlative virtue, l'rice. liitUs. kj per bot! per oouie. for sale ty dmKKi.HU. . For Sale by W. W. Criggs Son. TJood ! Short slab wood, sawed in stove lengths, will be delivered anywhere in the city at $1.60 per cord. Leave orders with the under signed, or 'Phone 8. J.R. Banks. n 1 sf 1 1 t " " ii ."KIWI

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